{"cz":"Info EDUARD"}
{"cz":"Měsíčník o historii a plastikovém modelářství.","en":"Monthly magazine about history and scale plastic modeling."}
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Info Eduard - August 2010Today’s editorial is fairly unusual, becau-se I am not writing it in my home office,or the kitchen and bedroom, where I’vetended to write these in recent months, buton board KLM Flight 669 some 38 000 feetover the Atlantic. I’m flying with our team toPhoenix, Arizona to celebrate my birthday.Well, of course, the reason for our trip arethe US IPMS Nationals, my Thursday birthday is justa bonus. However, at my age, it is nothing to celebrate,so I will be fully focused on discussions with modelers,as every year.I hope we will be finally able to issue this August’sinfo more quickly than the July issue. I’m very sorryfor the July delay. As it is very often with new projects,we underestimated how difficult the new formof the newsletter could be, especially with the Englishtranslation. I trust we will be able to eliminate all, and forus, new, troubles, and report our activities in real time.Our new Youtube advertisement for the 1/48th scaleOEFFAG was introduced also in late July, and it seemsit quickly became very popular, much more than weexpected. However, some people doubt the real kit willbe really so easy to build. I can promise that, yes, it will.The OEFFAG is maybe our first kit release, where allof the theoretical premises regarding fit were fulfilled at100%, and the kit fits exceptionally well. There is nodoubt in my mind that there will be some very importantshape problem, such as wrong proportions of seat, orthe size of the wheels, but I must confess that the fit andsharpness of the parts are my personal quality criterion.That’s not to say the exact shape is not important, surelyit is, but there will be always too many individual pointsof view and individual interpretations of various historicaland technical aspects, that there must be that discussionforever. Which is not a bad thing, such discussion pushesthe evolution ahead, although it seems the more we learnon a specific subject, more questions arise. Which isnice, it gives our bunnies a good chance for a long life.You can see the beautiful OEFFAG built by Slava Vanousin this newsletter, and we all here at Eduard think it isa magnificent job by Slava. I personally hope he will be sokind and he will prepare an article about his approach tomodel building, it could be highly interesting, I think.The first August working day was extremely importantfor Eduard. That day, we received our new CNC millingmachine, which will take the center position in our futurekit and Brassin development. This machine is exceptionalnot only for its weight, which comes in at 9 tons, but italso represents the biggest investment in an individualmachine in company history. We expect it will help usvery much with timing of our new projects, as well withthe quality of the final items. However, we expect that wewill need some time, at least a couple of months, to fullyintegrate the new machine into our process, and to allowus to fully employ all advantages of the new machine.To understand this well, it needs to be realized that thisnew machine is two generations ahead of our topicallyused CNC milling machines, and the new machine hasmany processes that are automated, and it works fasterand much more precisely. The accuracy of the milling isabout one decimal place higher than the old machine,and this fact alone gives us a big chance to make muchbetter kits than in the past with respect to the fit andquality of the details and surface.Except for the new machine installation, the summerperiod is usually not super exciting, unless you book yourGreek vacation through a tourism office on the vergeof collapse! I was with my wife in Norway. It was fine,maybe a little bit cooler, which I can now balance outin Arizona. Weather its hot or cold where you are, I hopeyou enjoy the Eduard August newsletter!Vladimir SulcInstruction sheet,pictures and moreinformationwww.eduard.comVol. 10 Sunday 15 August 2010 Issue 8New CNC milling machineBf 109E-1: Wanderzirkus JankeOeffag once again...Medallion of pilot Franta TomanBe ready for E-DayNew CNC machine already in its place, under the care of engineers.Page 1EDITORIALPage 4
Info Eduard - August 2010Info Eduard - August 2010August kits offer an excursion through pretty muchthe whole of the twentieth century. From the end of theFirst World War, we have the Nieuport 17 in a ProfiPACKboxing, to the other big one with a Weekend Kit offeringof the Bf 109E-1, on through the war in Afghanistan.The latter is covered by a 1/48th scale Su-25K, whichextends the line of Sukhois from KP with the additionof the extras defining it as a Limited Edition kit.The previous Su-7BKL/BMK and Su-22/Su-17M3 kits aregone, so be forewarned…September 2010 offers up some interesting pieces.Besides the Weekend boxing of the Avia B-534 Serie IVand the repopping of the Japanese Navy Aircraft CarrierDeck, we have the La-7 as a ProfiPACK kit and a LimitedEdition P-39 Airacobra over New Guinea as a DualCombo kit, which includes not only seven very interestingcamouflage schemes, but also a sixteen page booklet onthe subject. All kits are in 1/48th.September releases are covered in the section‘On Approach’ at the end of this magazine. Octoberwill see the Albatros D.III Oeffag Series 153 (1/48th),the next in the line of Limited Edition Sukhois, this timewith the Su-22M4 (1/48th), satisfying our own lovers ofCzech aviation that month, and a Weekend edition Il-2(1/72nd).(JZ)Nieuport Ni-17 1/48 PROFIPACK Cat.No. 8051AUGUST KITSBUY Nieuport Ni-17 1/48 ProfiPACK (8051)Page 2Ni-17, N1887, Stg. Edward Hinkle,Esc. N124 Lafayette, Western Front,Spring 1917Ni-23, B‘3474, Capt. William C. Campbell,No. 1 Sqn RFC, Western Front,July 1917Ni-17, N3139,ten. Fulco Ruffo di Calabria,91a Squadriglia, Italian Front,Spring 1917Ni-17, Lt. Marius Ambrogi, Esc. N90,Western Front, 1917 - 1918Ni-23, B‘3578,Lt. Laurence Kert,No. 29 Sqn RFC, WesternFront, November 1917The kit of the famous French fighterin the colors of the French Air Force,the Royal Flying Corps, and theItalian Air Force. Color photoetched,Express Mask, and all-colorinstructions are the standardmakeup of a ProfiPACK kit.Page 5
Info Eduard - August 2010Info Eduard - August 2010AUGUST KITSPage 3Su-25K 1/48LIMITED EDITIONCat.No. 1150Model kit of a Soviet close support aircraft, covered by the Su-25 and Su-25K, offers sixattractive marking options and a large decal sheet from Cartograph. 103 original parts from KPare complemented by detail components from the Eduard Brassin line, such as the seat, front fender,and chaff/flare dispensers. The kit naturally does not lack color photoetched brass componentsor an Express Mask.BUY Su-25K 1/48 Limited Edition (1150)Su-25, 160th UAP, Russian Naval Aviation. Russian Naval Aviation is a recent Frog-foot operator. This Su-25 was used by this service of the Russian Armed Forces, as canbe deduced from the Naval Aviation flag situated on the engine nacelles. In recent times,the Russian Naval Aviation uses 8 Su-25UBP and 6 Su-25UTG twoseaters for Su-33pilot training. The singleseat Su-25 depicted was also used for training by the 160th UAP(Uchobnyi Aviatsyonnyi Polk – Training Air Regiment).Su-25, 368th OShAP Soviet Air Force. The combat career of the 368th OShAP is quiteinteresting. It was the third Su-25 regiment to serve in Afghanistan between October1986 and November 1987. Its Frogfoots flew from Baghram and Kandahar air bases.The regiment was transferred to Demmin-Tütow air base in East Germany, and then,along with 357th OshAP, was the only Su-25 equipped unit to serve in East Germanyas a part of 16th Air Army. After the reunification of Germany, the unit flew back to theSoviet Union in 1993.Su-25K, No. 1002, 32nd zTL, Czech Air Force. This Su-25K served wearing thestandard camouflage scheme from 1987, when it was delivered to the Czechoslovak AirForce. The new attractive „shark“ colours appeared on the Frogfoot in May 1996 at Par-dubice air base. The aircraft belonged o the 32nd zTL (32nd Tactical Air Force Airbase)and was to be used for exhibitions. The 32nd zTL was formed from the 30th bilp in 1993.Su-25K, No. 6019 „Anca“, 30th bilp.This export version of the Frogfoot was delivered to former Czechoslovakia in October1984. During military exercises at Slovak air base Malacky on August 25, 1988, theartwork of the pin-up girl and female name „Anca“ (Czech version of „Ann“) was appliedto the starboard side of the nose. The artwork was erased just after the static exhibitionand was never flown. The badge of City of Ostrava on the port engine nacelle refers tothe titular name of the 30th bilp (Attack Air Regiment) „Ostravsky“ (Ostravian). ThisFrogfoot ended its military career in 2000 and was sold to an American client in 2004.Su-25, Red 29, 378th OShAP Soviet Air Force. The 378th OShAP (OtdyelnyiShturmovoy Aviatsyonnyi Polk – Independent Attack Air Regiment), the operator ofthis Frogfoot A, fought in Afghanistan from 1984, flying numerous counter-insurgencymissions against the Mujahideen. Afghan Mujahideen employed the Stinger personalportable infrared homing surface-to-air missile to shoot down enemy aircraft. The Stingerwas developed in the United States, entered service in 1981, and was supplied to theMujahidden by the CIA. As can be seen in photos, the Frogfoot was able to stay in theair after absorbing heavy damage by such weapons as the Stinger.Su-25K, No. 3009, Iraqi Air Force. Iraq was one of the foreign operators of the Frogfoot.These aircraft took part in the air war against Iran from 1987 and performed approxi-mately 900 combat sorties throughout the course of the war, carrying out the bulk of Iraqiair attack missions. During Operation Desert Storm in the early 90´s, seven Su-25Ks flewto Iran to avoid damage or capture. All the Iraqi Frogfoots remain in Iranian hands to thisday. Only one aerial clash between US aircraft and Iraqi Frogfoots is recorded.Two Su-25Ks along with two MiG-21s were shot down by USAF F-15C Eagleson February 6, 1991Brassin details covering the Su-25kit – seat, front fenderand chaff/flare dispensers.Page 6
Info Eduard - August 2010Info Eduard - August 2010Bf 109E-1 1/32 WEEKEND EDITION Cat.No. 3401AUGUST KITSPage 4Bf 109E-1 W.Nr. 4072 Red “1”,Hptm. Hannes Trautloft, 2./JG 77,Juliusburg, Germany, September 1939„Red ‘1’ was flown by veteran of the Spanish Civil War, later the ace andKnight’s Cross recipient Hptm. Trautloft, and was an example of the old-est camouflage scheme used on the E-1. The upper surfaces are in thestandard irregular patterns of two dark greens, RLM 70/71. The sharpdemarcation between these and the lower RLM65 was very low on thefuselage, Upper surface colors also curled under the leading edges ofthe wings to extend to the bottom surfaces. Inconsistent upper andlower color demarcation appears on the engine cowling. The striking redmarkings reveal service with 2. Staffel and the shoe emblem identifiesthe planes connection to I./JG 77, which descended from IV./JG 132.It was with this aircraft that Hptm. Trautloft commanded his Staffel duringthe Polish campaign.For further information on the theme of this kitof Bf 109E-1, W.Nr. 4072, and of Hptm. HannesTrautloft, don’t miss the article in the HistorySection on Page 9.BUY Weekend edition Bf 109E-1 1/32 (3401)OTHER KITS OF THE 1/32nd Bf 109E from the PROFIPACK BOXING3001 Bf 109E-13002 Bf 109E-33003 Bf 109E-43004 Bf 109E-7 TropPage 7
Info Eduard - August 2010Info Eduard - August 2010632001 F-4C/D/E/F/G seat 1/32 (for Tamiya kit)648018 F-22A seat 1/48 (for Hasegawa kit)August Brassin offerings include two more seatsfor jets. The first is in 1/48th for the F-22A from Hasegawa(the wheels for which were released in May, 2010,Cat. No. 648017). The second Brassin set is a seat for theF-4 version C, D, E, F and G from Tamiya. We releaseda seat set for these birds back in May, 2010, but thosewere for the Hasegawa 1/48th scale kits, which is notthe main difference. First and foremost, this set, 632001,is our first 1/32nd scale Brassin. The details of the Brassintechnology are even more noticeable here. (JZ)AUGUST BRASSINPage 5BUY 632001 F-4C/D/E/F/G seat 1/32 (TAM)BUY 648018 F-22A seat 1/48 (HAS)632001 F-4C/D/E/F/G seat 1/32 (for Tamiya kit)648018 F-22A seat 1/48 (for Hasegawa kit)Check out our first Youtube video! - 3D animation of Albatros D.III Oeffag 253 1/48 construction:BUY Albatros D.III Oeffag 253 1/48 ProfiPACKPage 8
Info Eduard - August 2010Info Eduard - August 201048660 F-100D exterior 1/48 (Trumpeter)48662 F-100D undercarriage 1/48 (Trumpeter)36133 M-1127 blast panels 1/35 (Trumpeter)48655 Bf 110D exterior1/48 (Dragon)49500 F-111 late seatbelts 1/48 (Hobby Boss)49494 Bf 110D interior S.A. 1/48 (Dragon)36132 M-1131 FSV 1/35 (Trumpeter)36116 T-34/85 1/35 (AFV Club)36117Sherman Firefly Mk.Ic Hybrid1/35 (Dragon)36134Sherman Firefly Mk.Ic Hybrid fenders1/35 (Dragon)36130M-1131 blast panels1/35 (Trumpeter)49499F-111A interior S.A.1/48 (Hobby Boss)AUGUST PHOTOETCHEDPage 6Photoetched for this month is represented by 18 setsand five Zooms. The offerings will be most welcomedby owners and builders of the Trumpeter F-100, sincesets for this kit have been rather impatiently anticipated.This month offers up three sets for this kit and one interiorZoom. Turning to AFVs, close attention has been paidto Trumpeter’s M-1127 in 1/35th scale. If you’re buildingthe M-1131, don’t despair, that there is only one setoffered for it this month. September will add anotherthree. (JZ)Left Photo: One of our PE designers, Vladislav Kratochvil, workingon a set for the A5M2b Claude in 1/32nd scale from MPM.The set will come out in October, 2010 under the Catalog Number32676 (more in our Facebook gallery here).BUY NOW (e-shop www.eduard.com)PHOTOETCHED - SEPTEMBER 2010 SELECTION48660 F-100D exterior 1/48 (Trumpeter)48662 F-100D undercarriage 1/48 (Trumpeter)36133 M-1127 blast panels 1/35 (Trumpeter)48655 Bf 110D exterior1/48 (Dragon)49500 F-111 late seatbelts 1/48 (Hobby Boss)49494 Bf 110D interior S.A. 1/48 (Dragon)36132 M-1131 FSV 1/35 (Trumpeter)36116 T-34/85 1/35 (AFV Club)36117Sherman Firefly Mk.Ic Hybrid1/35 (Dragon)36134Sherman Firefly Mk.Ic Hybrid fenders1/35 (Dragon)36130M-1131 blast panels1/35 (Trumpeter)49499F-111A interior S.A.1/48 (Hobby Boss)Page 9
Info Eduard - August 2010Info Eduard - August 2010AUGUST BIG-ED SETSPage 7BUY BIG3287 P-51D 1/32 (TRU)BUY BIG4931 B-57B 1/48 (AIR)BUY BIG3288 F-8E French Navy 1/32 (TRU)BUY BIG4932 B-24D 1/48 (REV/MON)32216 P-51D exterior (TRU)32237 F-8E exterior (TRU)32237 F-8E interior S.A. (TRU)32233 F-8E/J weapon (TRU)BIG3287 P-51D 1/32 (TRUMPETER)BIG4931 B-57B 1/48 (AIRFIX)32216 P-51D exterior 32226 P-51D wheel wells32627 P-51D interior S.A.32218 P-51D gun bayJX083 P-51D48630 B-57B/G landing flaps 49495 B-57B seatbelts 49465 B-57B S.A.EX279 B-57B285,1 mm130 mmBIG4932 B-24D 1/48 (REVELL/MONOGRAM)BIG3288 F-8E FRENCH NAVY 1/32 (TRUMPETER)32233 F-8E/J weapon 32237 F-8E exterior32241 F-8E/Jwing central section32501 RemoveBefore FlightJX088 F-8E32648 F-8E/J M.B.Mk.7AFrance seatbelts32637 F-8E interior48634 B-24 bomb bay 48635 B-24D exterior48647 B-24 surface panels49473 B-24D front interior48636 B-24D rear interior489474 B-24D cockpit interior489474B-24D seatbelts EX293 B-24D223 mmPage 10
Info Eduard - August 2010Info Eduard - August 2010NEW ITEMS FOR AUGUST 2010COMMENTS AND INPUT FROM J&Tpage 8BUY NOW (e-shop www.eduard.com)MODELY / KITS8051 Nieuport Ni-17 1/48 ProfiPACK1150 Su-25K 1/48 Limited3401 Bf 109E-1 1/32 WeekendBRASSIN648018 F-22A seat 1/48 Hasegawa632001 F-4C/D/E/F/G seat 1/32 TamiyaLEPTY / PE-SETS32663 Su-27UB/Su-30 Flanker seatbelts 1/32 Trumpeter36116 T-34/85 1/35 AFV Club36123 T19 105mm HMC 1/35 Dragon36128 M-1127 additional armour 1/35 Trumpeter36131 M-1127 slat armour 1/35 Trumpeter36132 M-1131 FSV 1/35 Trumpeter36133 M-1127 blast panels 1/35 Trumpeter48655 Bf 110D exterior 1/48 Dragon48660 F-100D exterior 1/48 Trumpeter48662 F-100D undercarriage 1/48 Trumpeter49494 Bf 110D interior S.A. 1/48 Dragon49500 F-111 late seatbelts 1/48 Hobby Boss49503 F-100D interior S.A. 1/48 Trumpeter72503 Su-27 Flanker A exterior 1/72 ICM72510 Su-27 ladder 1/72 ICM73018 Remove Before Flight yellow/black 1/7273350 Su-27 Flanker A S.A. 1/72 ICM73355 F/A-18A S.A. 1/72 AcademyZOOMY / ZOOMS33068 Su-27UB Flanker C interior S.A. 1/32 TrumpeterFE494 Bf 110D interior S.A. 1/48 DragonFE503 F-100D interior S.A. 1/48 TrumpeterSS350 Su-27 Flanker A S.A. 1/72 ICMSS355 F/A-18A interior S.A. 1/72 AcademyMASKY / MASKSEX308 Sea King AEW Mk.2 1/48 HasegawaEX309 A-7D 1/48 Hobby BossEX310 Bf 109F-2 1/48 ZvezdaXT162 Sherman Firefly wheel masks 1/35 DragonBIGY / BIG-ED setsBIG3287 P-51D 1/32 TrumpeterBIG3288 F-8E FRENCH NAVY 1/32 TrumpeterBIG4931 B-57B 1/48 Airfix/REVBIG4932 B-24D 1/48 REV/MONPage 11
Info Eduard - August 2010Info Eduard - August 2010Most people con-nect Hannes Trautloftwith his associationwith Jagdgeschwader54 ‘Grünherz’ (‘GreenHeart’), which is under-standable, since thiswas the most importantera of his military career. What is lesser known is thathe had already a distinguished military past behind himby the time the Second World War began. In the firstyear of the war, he performed command duties withtwo units that had no connection to JG 54, while JG 54(with 3 Gruppen) was formed by Hannes Trautloft. A closerlook at this period of his military career is warranted,as is a more detailed look at the Messerschmitt Bf 109E-1,which this month appears as a Weekend Edition kit.SECRET TRAINING IN RUSSIAAND A LEGIONNAIRE IN SPAINHannes Trautloft was born on March 3 rd, 1912in Grossobringen at Weimar / Thüringen. This areais known as the ‘Green Heart of Germany’. As a child,he felt very much at home in the forest, helped by hisfather who performed the function of a gameskeeperin Thüringen. So, it becomes apparent why HannesTrautloft felt comfortable in the hunt, and why his aircraftwere adorned with a green heart. His family was evidentlywell situated, as Hannes was accepted for study atGermany’s school for transport pilots in Schleissheimafter finishing high school in 1931. These were actuallysecretive studies for future military fliers.Secret training in the case of Trautloft led all the wayto Russia. The German leadership at the time signeda deal with its Soviet counterpart on the training ofGerman soldiers at Lipetsk. The secret program lastedfrom 1925 to 1933, when it was cancelled by the Nazigovernment. It included the development of fighter pilots,as well as other fliers. Trautloft gained four months worthof experience here from May, 1932. It is interesting toponder the possibility that he would fight against Sovietfliers in two wars.After his return to Germany, he was attached to InfantryRegiment No.15 in October, and over the two subsequentyears he underwent officer training at the relevant facilityin Dresden. In October, 1934, he was given the positionHannes Trautloftand Wanderzirkus JankeJan Bobekof instructor with the rank of lieutenant at Schleissheim’sschool for fighter pilots.In April, 1936, he joined III.(schwere)/JG 134in Cologne (Köln am Rhein) equipped with Heinkel He 51biplanes. This unit later gave way to heavy fighter GruppeI.(Zestörer)/LG 1 with Meserschmitt Bf 110s. Of course,the peace time service of Trautloft would dramaticallychange. In July, 1936, the Spanish Civil War erupted,and Hitler decided to support Franco’s Nationalists withmaterials and combat units. It wasn’t only the Germansand the Italians that stood with the Nationalists asforeign volunteers. It is not a well known fact that combatagainst the Republicans was also participated in by thePortuguese, Romanians, French and Irish, with othernationalities being represented in smaller numbers.For example, American firms contributed significantquantities of oil and transport equipment (with Americanvolunteers fighting on the side of the Republicans).Among the Legionnaires fighting for Franco was alsoHannes Trautloft. He came to Spain in August, 1937 asa civilian, although in actual fact he was a member of theLegion Condor. Along with other pilots and mechanics,he had to assemble the first six Heinkel He 51s of hisunit. Summers in Spain run hot, and combat missionswere started off by pilots in the cockpits of their aircraftwearing sporting clothes. Trautloft would start outwearing his tennis shorts and shirt. Together with StaffelCO Oblt. Kraft Eberhardt, Trautloft would gain the veryfirst German fighter kills since the First World War.On August 25, 1936 they claimed one Bregeut XIX each.But, on August 30, Trautloft was himself shot downand had to bail out of his aircraft. He was fortunate toendure this fate over friendly territory, and even so, thehigh flying non-Spanish speaking tennis player was metwith suspicion from Nationalist troops. He was the firstGerman downed during this conflict!HISTORYPage 9(Hannes Trautloft portrait by Petr Štěpánek; profiles of Bf 109E-1 - Miroslav Horčička)Bf 109E-1 W.Nr. 4072Hptm. Hannes Trautloft,2./JG 77, Juliusburg,Německo, září 1939Page 12
Info Eduard - August 2010Info Eduard - August 2010Hannes Trautloft gained a total of five aerialvictories in Spain up to December, 1936. It was alreadybecoming evident what his strong and weak points were.He was a capable leader with good organizational skills,commanded excellent understanding of the technicalaspects of aircraft, and was a superb pilot. However,he suffered from a lack of something that was generallycommon to pilots that achieved a greater number of killsin the Second World War; good eyesight. In his memoirsfrom Spain, Trautloft wrote of his tendency to spot enemyaircraft later than his colleagues, his tendency to confuseenemy aircraft with Italian ones, and so on.His last kill was a Polikarpov I-16 Rata, which,for an He 51 would have been an annoying enemy.At this time, the Germans had decided to combat testtheir new fighter, the Messerschmitt Bf 109, and one ofthe pilots to conduct the testing was to be Trautloft. Threeprototypes were sent to Spain: V3, V4 and V5 (possiblyV6). The situation was somewhat an improvisation,as there was no factory pilot available for any schoolingor advice. Additionally, there were still teethingtroubles with the type, to say nothing of specific Bf 109characteristics. So, it comes as no surprise that one ofthe prototypes crashed immediately during a failed take-off. Hannes Trautloft concentrated on fine tuning the useof the other prototypes, which took about a month (frommid December, 1936 to the middle of January). By thattime, even Trautloft had several forced landings behindhim, and each flight with the new Messerschmitts broughtnew challenges. During the first combat flight on January20th, 1937 out of Villa del Prado, with Hannes Trautloftat the controls, another problem was encounteredwhen the tail wheel failed to lower, and the rudder wasdamaged on landing.Hannes Trautloft, however, did a great serviceto Messerschmitt and the Luftwaffe. He helped touncover provisional problems and other shortcomings ofthe type under combat conditions. The prototype with thecall numbers ‘6-1’ carried Trautloft’s personal emblem,the green heart as a reminder of his ancestral Thuringia.Trautloft returned to Germany in March, 1937, and in thesame month, the Legion Condor received its first seriesMesserschmitt Bf 109s.AIR RACES IN ZURICHAfter his return from Spain, Trautloft began to share hiscombat experiences. First, he served as CO of 1. Staffelu.l./JG 135 (later I./JG 51) in the Bavarian town of BadAibling, until the Luftwaffe decided to utilize him for morerepresentative purposes.The first task was to participate in the openingceremonies for an airfield at Budapest. An aerobaticgroup of Messerschmitt Bf 109s went through theirpaces at this event in June, 1937. A more significantevent for Trautloft came at the end of July, 1937, with hisparticipation in the 4th International Air Meet in Zurich,Switzerland (IV. Internationales Flugmeeting Zürich).This included large air races that were organized everyfive years. Civil as well as military aircraft took part.The German team was composed of people like ErnstUdet, Major Seidemann(NOTE 1), and even General derFlieger Erhard Milch.Much attention was garnered by the five MesserschmittBf 109s, four prototypes and one series production Bf 109 B.Three of the aircraft were powered by the Jumo 210 G(730 hp), and two with the significantly uprated Daimler-Benz DB 601 (1565 and 1658 hp).The main opposition to the Germans at these raceswere the Czechoslovaks with four Avia B-534s and eightaerobatic Avia Ba-122. Unfortunately, the British did notattend with their Hurricanes and Spitfires.Ernst Udet had remarkably bad luck, crashing twicewith Bf 109 V-14 (with a DB 601). The Germans, exceptfor one occasion, were pressured to continue racing withonly the Messerschmitts powered by the lower ratedJumo 210G, and as such, during one event, the aircraftwere outpaced by a Dornier 17M V-1.Probably the most intense races were the Alp circuitswith three member formations on July 27 (AlpenrundflugKategorie C: Ein-oder Mehrsitzer in Dreierkette),which came to do a battle between the Germansand the Czechoslovaks. The course was in threesections: Dübendorf – Thun, Thun – Bellinzona, andBellinzona – Dübendorf. The German effort was flownby Hptm. Restemeier, Oblt. Trautloft and Oblt. Schleif.The Czech B-534s were flown by Jaroslav Hlaďo,Frantisek Peřina and Jaroslav Šnobl(NOTE 2). Both sidesendured technical problems, and the Germans prevailedwith a time of 58:52.7 with an average speed of 374.8km/h. The Czechoslovaks came in about 2 minutes laterwith an average speed of 361.2 km/h. In third place werethe French, with Dewoitine 510s with an average speedof 336.0 km/h.The same course was flown by individuals, wherethe best time was submitted by Major Seidemann(56:47.1), while Jaroslav Hlaďo was second at 63:32.8.Page 10HISTORYNOTE 1. Hans Seidemann also underwent aerial training inLipetsk, Russia. After serving some time with Legion Condor,he gained the function of Staff Chief. At air races ChallengeInternational de Tourisme 1934, he finished third of all witha Fieseler Fi-97 (D-IPUS). Over the Second World War,he led III./LG 1, led aerial operations in Africa, and laterbecame head of VIII. Fliegerkorps. He was awardedthe Knight’s Cross with Oak Leave.NOTE 2. Jaroslav Hlaďo, during the war in Great Britain andafter service with several British squadrons, took commandof No.312 Squadron (Czechoslovak) RAF and later the Czecho-slovak Fighter Wing. Frantisek Peřina gained eleven confirmedvictories with the French Air Force. He later also served withNo.312 (Czechoslovak) Squadron RAF, where gained one morevictory. After the war, he emigrated out of Czechoslovakiato avoid imprisonment by the communists. He moved to theUnited States where he worked for Weber Aircraft Co. in SanFernando Valley where he was involved with the manufactureof components for the Gemini Program and the Boeing 747.After 1989, he and his wife Ann returned to the Czech Republic,where he was actively involved with the Veteran’s Organizationof Czechoslovak Airmen RAF. He died in 2006.Page 13
Info Eduard - August 2010Info Eduard - August 2010FIGHTER WING RICHTHOFEN,WANDERZIRKUS JANKE or WHERE DIDTHAT DISCARDED SHOE COME FROM?In the fall of 1937,Hannes Trautloft wasnamed commandingofficer and head oftraining at Werneuchen’s fighterschool. In July, 1938, finally came thelonged for attachment to a fighter squadron,and that to the elite Richthofen unit. Trautloftwas named CO of 12. Staffel within the framework ofJagdgeschwader 132 in Werneuchen. The Gruppe wasequipped with the Messerschmitt Bf 109 D-1, and theGruppenkommandeur was Hptm. Johannes Janke.He became a friend of Trautloft’s, and more will bewarranted about him later.Hannes Trautloft almost met his Czechoslovakopponents from Zurich in combat in September, 1938.Germany and Czechoslovakia were on the brink ofwar. History and fate dictated that war would be avertedat that time, and Germany was granted large sectionsof Czechoslovakia, with some going to Hungary, and,to a lesser extent, Poland. Germany annexed the westernCzechoslovak frontier which was populated mainly bySudeten Germans, and for this action deemed air covernecessary.One unit that was allocated to this action was Janke’sIV./JG 132 ‘Richthofen’. Trauthoft, as a result, spent mostof October in Karlovy Vary (Karlsbad), and at the end ofthe month he and his unit moved to Moravská Třebová(Mährisch – Trübau), where he remained until February,1939. At the beginning of November, 1938, Janke’sunit was extracted from ‘Richthofen’, and was giventhe designation I./JG 331, and from May, 1939, wasre-designated its likely best known designation, I./JG 77.During this evolution, Hannes Trautloft’s Staffel changedits position within the Gruppe, and at the time was2. Staffel carrying red tactical markings.In February, Janke’s unit moved to today’s Wroclaw,to the Breslau-Schöngarten airfield in German UpperSilesia. The unit did not remain there for very long, as inMarch, 1939, Hitler managed to annex the remainder ofBohemia and Moravia (in former Czechoslovakia) thanksto the infamous policy of appeasement on the part of theworld. Janke’s unit again found itself covering groundunits, and for a change, found itself in the Moravian townof Olomouc (Olmütz).It is easy to lose track of all the places that Janke’sunit was stationed. For the time, the movement wasuncommon, and covered relatively large distances.For fighter and transport pilots, that belonged to theJagdgruppe, this was not a big issue. Naturally, theysimply flew to where they were ordered to be. But, theremaining Gruppe personnel, which numbered about600, would generally be moved via ground transport.It’s no wonder, then, that members of I./JG 77 ironicallydubbed themselves ‘Wanderzirkus Janke’ (Janke’sTravelling Circus), and expressed their feelings resultingfrom constant relocation through their unit symbol,a discarded shoe.THE WAR AGAINST POLAND AND FURTHERFATE OF TRAUTLOFT’S ‘RED 1’In April. 1939, Janke’s Wanderzirkus moved againfrom Olomouc to Breslau-Schöngarten airfield, and inMay began to re-equip from the Messerschmitt Bf 109 D-1to ‘light’ Bf 109 E-1s and ‘heavy’ Bf 109 E-3s. At the endof August, I./JG 77 moved to the field at Juliusburg (todayPage 11HISTORYHptm. Hannes Trautloft with his men from 2. Staffel Jagdgeschwader 77at Juliusburg airfield several days prior to the invasion of Poland.In the background is his personal Emil Red ‘1’ (W.Nr. 4072).On the front of it is the discarded shoe marking, the emblem of I./JG 77,which was nicknamed ‘Wanderzirkus Janke’. Trautloft’s aircraft has thefuselage stripes identifying it as the unit CO’s.(Trautloft via J. Prien)Bf 109E-1 W.Nr. 40722./JG 77Hannes Trautloft resting in front of his aircraft. After leaving 2./JG 77,his Red ‘1’ was taken over by Oblt. Eckehard Priebe.(Lächler via J. Prien)Page 14
Info Eduard - August 2010Info Eduard - August 2010Page 12Dobroszyce not far from Wroclaw) to be in a locationbetter suited to support the attack on Poland. There aretwo color films from this period, available on the internet,that capture not only Trautloft, but also aircraft from his2. Staffel. Janke’s personal aircraft, and that of Trautloft’sRed ‘1’, carried fuselage stripes behind the crosses thatclearly signified aircraft of the unit CO.When the war began on September 1st, 1939, Janke’sI./JG 77 was tasked with covering the advance onKrakow. The very first aerial victory in the war was gainedon September 3rd by Lt. Karl-Gottfried Nordmann withthe downing of a PZL-23(NOTE 3).The second victory over the Poles was gainedby Hannes Trautloft. It involved the flaming of a PZL-23at 0820h over Warta, about 15km northwest of Sieradz.An eye witness to the event was Oblt. Eckehard Priebeof 2./JG 77: ‘In Poland, we had few encounters with theenemy. Hannes Trautloft, with who’s Staffel I flew, shotdown a Polish observer. It crashed into a marsh, and onecrewmember bailed out, but his chute snagged the tail ofthe aircraft, and it dragged him down behind it. Lt. ‘Hubs’Mütherich shot at the dark squiggle in the swamp, thelater holder of the Knight’s Cross figuring that if it’s shotdown, it should burn.’(NOTE 4)The crew that died in this tragic manner apparentlybelonged to reconnaissance unit 32. EskadraRozpoznawcza. Trautloft’s victory corresponds to theevents under which a PZL-23B coded 44.55 was lost.Its crew were composed of ppor. pil. Adam Kandzior,plut. pil. Czesław Kruszewski and kpr. strz. KazimierTyrakowski.Janke’s unit gained one more aerial victory, but furthersuccesses were elusive. Polish resistance ended withoutfurther loss of aerial personnel, but the end of Septembersaw the unit go through an important change. HannesTrautloft was transferred to take command of an entirelydifferent fighter Gruppe, and 2. Staffel JG 77 commandwas picked up by Oblt. Priebe. He also took overTrautloft’s Red ‘1’ (W.Nr. 4072), previous to which Priebeflew Bf 109E-1 Red ‘13’ (W.Nr. 3378)NOTE 3. Nordmann later became Kommodor JG 51, gaineda total of 78 kills, and was awarded the Knight’s Cross with OakLeave. He spent the latter part of his life in Connecticut, USA.NOTE 4. Citation Prien J.: Geschichte des Jagdgeschwaders 77Teil, page 80. Hubert Mütherich gained a total of 43 killsand later became CO of 5./JG 54. He died on September 9,1941 not far from Leningrad. He was shot down by an enemyfighter and hit a tree on attempting to land. From the wreckagephotos, it is evident that the aircraft didn’t burn either.Wanderzirkus Janke at Odendorf base, in the summer of 1940.On the cowling of the aircraft in the foreground, the ‘Lumpenstiefel’emblem of I./JG 77 can be seen.Bundesarchiv Bild 101I-058-1784A-14 via Wikimedia CommonsGruppenkommandeur Hptm. Johannes ‘Jänki’ Janke (left) with officersof his Stab. In the fall of 1940, his Gruppe was made subordinateto Hannes Trautloft’s JG 54, which was paradoxical since Jankewas formerly Trautloft’s superior. Janke was transferred to Stab1. Jagddivision in February 1941.Bundesarchiv 58-1784-17 via J. PrienMesserschmitt Bf 109 E-1 of 2. Staffel from I. Gruppe Jagdgeschwader20 at Brandenburg-Briest base. Trautloft led this unit from September 23,1939 to August 24, 1940. In July, 1940, it was redesignated III./JG 51.Bundesarchiv Bild 146-1997-026-32A via Wikimedia CommonsHISTORYPage 15
Info Eduard - August 2010Info Eduard - August 2010 page 13At the end of September, 1939, I./JG 77 was movedto western Germany, and Priebe managed a kill on thevery first combat flight in the area. It occurred on the11th of October over Lauterburg, and the victim wasa French high-wing Mureaux 115 (No. 12) reconnaissanceplane from GAO 553. The French crew’s missionwas to photograph bridges over the Rhein aroundWorth. S/Lt Laluée was injured and taken prisoner,while Lt. B. Hautiere was killed.At the beginning of 1940, fuselage of Red ‘1’ receiveda coat of light blue paint, but the fuselage stripes behindthe cross remained. I./JG 77 participated in Blitzkriegoperations in May and June, and Oblt. Priebe gainedhis second and third victories. First, he downed a FrenchMorane MS.406 on May 15th at 1455h over Dinant.His third and last came on the evening of May 19th overCambrai. Priebe’s 2. Staffel tangled with eight Hurricanes.Priebe and Mütherich managed one Hurricane each,but Priebe was wounded and his Red ‘1’ was damaged.This ends the known history of Bf 109 E-1 with WerkNummer 4072. It was built in the summer of 1939 byFocke-Wulf as part of a ninety aircraft production run,and after its use by Trautloft and Priebe, furtherinformation on this aircraft is lacking, aside from appearingin kit form by Eduard in the beginning of the 21st cen-tury, first as an option among four in Profipack form(Cat.No. 3001) and in August, 2010, in a Weekend Editionkit (Cat.No. 3401).Janke’s ‘Traveling Circus’ was transferred to northernGermany after combat in France. Getting back intointensive combat occurred in August 1940, in themiddle of the Battle of Britain. The first combat againstthe defenders of Albion occurred on August 31, 1940.The first action resulted in the capture of EckehardPriebe. During late morning fighting, his Messerschmitt(W.Nr. 4076) suffered a gun problem. In combat over theThames, he tried to disengage, but had Spitfires bearingdown on him from behind. Eventually, he bailed out of hisheavily damaged plane over Elham. It was a black day forJanke’s unit. Over the course of several combat flights,it lost seven machines and six pilots.In the fall of 1940, I./JG 77 was redesignated IV./JG 51.GOOD MORNING,HERR GESCHWADERKOMMODORE!At the end of September, 1939, Trautloft took controlof the fighter Gruppe designated I./JG 20 in Brandenburg– Briest. At the time, the unit was provisionally placedunder JG 2 ‘Richthofen’ and in the future was to havebeen transformed into III./JG 2. The plans changed,however, and progressively, Trautloft’s unit was attachedto JG 3 and finally JG 51. During ‘Sitzkrieg’ (or ThePhoney War), I./JG 20 was able to down only two enemyaircraft, but during the fighting in the west in May, 1940,thirty-five were claimed. Hannes Trautloft accounted fortwo Spitfires during this period, and his Adjutant wasLt. Werner Kalau vom Hofe, who would serve as such forthe next several years.From the end of June, 1940, Trautloft and his Gruppewere again engaged in heavy combat. Through July andAugust, I./JG 20 (through which time it was redesignatedIII./JG 51), was constantly engaged against the RAF.By August 24th, the unit accounted for over seventyaerial victories, with relatively low losses – six pilotslost, two injured, and 13 aircraft lost or heavily damaged.The unit’s CO gained only two kills, while his Adjutantclaimed three, and the CO of 7. Staffel and futurelegendary fighter pilot Walter Oesau got fourteen.Why is the 24th August so important? That was theday that Hannes Trautloft was called back, and madeKommodore Jagdgeschwader 54. It was for him difficultto fathom. He was only 28, and was put in command ofa fighter wing of over 2,000 men!He heard of the promotion unofficially a day in advance,and bearer of the good news was none other thanWerner Mölders. Trautloft was awakened in the morningby the phone call, with the greeting ‘Good Morning,Herr Geschwaderkommodore!’. He basically warnedthe caller that it was too early in the morning for suchgags, but he was assured that the information had ‘comefrom a reliable source’.Messerschmitt Bf 109 F of Jagdgeschwader 54 ‘Grünherz’ at a Russianairfield at the beginning of 1942. At this time the whole of JG 54 adoptedthe personal emblem of Hannes Trautloft – the green heart – as its own.Bundesarchiv Bild 101I-395-1533-06A via Wikimedia CommonsMesserschmitt Bf 109 G-2 of III./JG 54 at a Russian airfield in the fallof 1942. A non-standard camouflage scheme consisting of no less thanthree dark colors are visible on the top surfaces. Jagdgeschwader 54used its own camouflage customized for the conditions on the easternFront practically from the beginning of the war against the USSR.Bundesarchiv Bild 101I-398-1794-18 via Wikimedia CommonsHISTORYPage 16
Info Eduard - August 2010Info Eduard - August 2010Page 14In his memoirs, Trautloft looks back at the nominationwith respect and humility. He described as such:Staffelkapitän fights, Kommandeur leads, but theKommodore – its up to him to shape the Geschwader,define its character, and give it its very spirit’.The new Kommodore meets up with his formerbrothers in arms from I./JG 77 and his friend, Janke,at the end of August. And that sets up a paradoxalsituation, because I./JGFurthermore, so that things weren’t too simple,Trautloft’s unit wasn’t a single entity. Its only originalcomponent was I./JG 54. But, II./JG 54 was up to thebeginning of July, 1940, an individual, standalone unitwith the designation I./JG 76 (earlier falling under JG 2),and III./JG 54 was also standalone – originally carryingthe designation I./JG 21, and operationally falling underJG 27. Trautloft then was faced with a formidable task:take these individual components, and meld them intoone unit, and successfully deploy it in combat.Another conflict into which Trautloft led his fighters wasthe Balkan campaign. Participants included II. and III./JG54, and, of course, the Kommodore and his Stab. TheGerman pilots met the Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-3s thatwere flown by the Yugoslavs in combat. After the end ofthe conflict, Trautloft flew a captured glider over Belgrade,which ended in a crash, but without injuries.In June, 1941, the entire Jagdgeschwader 54 tookpart in the invasion of the Soviet Union. By that time, theunit emblem had become Trautloft’s Green Heart, andthe pilot’s accepted as their own. It began to appear onaircraft, ground equipment, and even on the collar of theKommodor’s dachshund. Even to this day, some JG 54veterans have the Green Heart on their mail box.The different type of combat and the environmentalconditions found in the Soviet Union compared to westernEurope quickly led JG 54 to modify the camouflage ofits aircraft. An example can be found again with theKommodor’s aircraft, which, at the beginning of theSoviet campaign, had little in common with standardcamouflage schemes. There are several theories asto where these colors came from. Anders Hjortsberg,in a commentary with one of his illustrations in this article,summarizes most of these. Personally, I feel that over thecourse of three years of war, during which JG 54 modifiedthe camouflage of its aircraft, led to all of the followingtheories, and even the possibility of the use of paints fromother sources.Bf 109 G-2 flown by Hannes Trautloft in the summer of 1942. Colorphotos of this aircraft show that the upper camouflage colors probablyconsisted of RLM 70, RLM 02 and a rather bright medium green notcorresponding to any contemporary Luftwaffe color. The aircraft wasalso photographed without the broad yellow fuselage band. Thismachine had pressure-sealing vertical head armor equal to G-1 or G-3version.There have been many theories about the non-standard colors used byJG 54 on the Eastern front. One has been the use of captured Sovietpaints. Suggestions have also been made that Finnish paint had beenused and the Finns indeed used a bright medium green that comesclose to what some JG 54 machines wore. Two theories involve the useof RLM colors. One, as put forward by Ken Merrick, is that JG 54 usedthe old colors RLM 61 and RLM 62 in a field test before their re-intro-duction as RLM 81 and RLM 82 respectively. The final theory is thatJG 54 mixed regular camouflage colors like RLM 70 and RLM 71with parking colors like RLM 04 and RLM 23 to obtain the brownsand greens found in some photos. Indeed, a mix of RLM 04 and RLM71 could be used to create the medium color seen on Trautloft’s G-2.Text and Illustrations by Anders HjortsbergW. Nr. 19456 was originally a Bf 109 G-4 which was damaged ina bombing raid of Trapani on May 10, 1943 whilst on strength with6./JG 27. When it was repaired, it was also upgraded to G-6 standard,although it retained the earlier wheel configuration with spoked mainwheels and open tailwheel well. Trautloft used it in June, 1943.It is finished in a standard RLM 74/75/76 camouflage schemewhich has been additionally mottled with what appears to be RLM 70.During autumn 1943 this machine was flown by members of Stabof the General der Jagdflieger, among others by Hannes Trautloftand Günther Lützow. Text and Illustrations by Anders HjortsbergHISTORYPage 17
Info Eduard - August 2010Info Eduard - August 2010 Page 15During the vast majority of combat on the EasternFront under Trautloft’s command, JG 54 operated overthe northern and central sectors within the frameworkof Luftflotte 1. Despite the size of the area of operations,Trautloft managed to maintain contact with all elementsof the fighter wing and personally knew all the pilots,including non commissioned officers. Under hiscommand, there was a line of successful fighter pilotsand commanders, such as Nowotny, Kittel, Phillip,Beisswenger, Hrabak, Ostermann, etc.Trautloft was awarded the Knight’s Cross on July 27th,1941, not for his number of kills, but more for the overallsuccess of JG 54. It is interesting to note that he receivedthe German Cross in Gold, which typically preceded theawarding of the Knight’s Cross, on August 17th, 1942.The number of aerial victories attained by the Germanson the Eastern Front, compared to those reached on theWestern Front, were nothing short of unbelievable. JG 54reached its 1000th on August 1st, 1941 (Lt. Ostermann),the 2000th was bagged by Ofw. Klemm on April 4th,1942, and no. 3000 came on September 14th, 1942by Lt. Heyer.Trautloft scored his fiftieth kill in WW II on February15th, 1943 south of Leningrad. He identified his victimas a Mustang. Trautloft wanted to personally capture hisvictim and meet him, but the unfortunate Soviet pilot hita tree while trying to set down. Shortly after that event,JG 54 achieved its 4000th kill.At the time, part of the unit was re-equipping on theMesserschmitt Bf 109 G transferred to Western Europe,where the pilots had to re-orientate themselves toa different opponent, at different altitudes, and groundsupport that was unthinkable on the Eastern Front.The remainder of JG 54 went from the MesserschmittBf 109G to the Focke-Wulf Fw 190 A.In July, 1943, Trautloft left JG 54, and becameInspector of Fighter Units on the Eastern Front under theStab of General of Fighter Forces Adolf Galland. At theend of 1943, he was named inspector of the entire fighterforce, and after difficulties with Luftwaffe leadership,he gained the dubious function as CO of the 4th Air ForceTraining Division.In all, he flew 560 combat missions from 1936 to thesummer of 1943, and scored 58 victories.After the end of the war, he made a living by variousmeans, including in graphics, and as a merchant.In 1957, he returned to the air force, and gained therank of Generalmajor, retiring in 1970. He was also thefirst chairman of the German Fighter Pilots Association.In 1979, he became the senior European tennis championin mixed doubles!Hannes Trautloft is the author, or co-author, of aroundten books, some of which he himself illustrated.In the preparation of this article, valuable assistancewas given by Franek Grabowski, Ota Jírovec, Dr. JochenPrien and Anders Hjortsberg. I extend my gratitudeto all. For an overview of Trautloft’s victories, I recom-mend visiting the web page of Petr Kacha athttp://www.luftwaffe.cz/trautloft.htmlMain Sources:- Bob E.: Kriegs-Tagebuch von Hannes Trautloft, VDM, Zweibrücken, 2006- Bob E., Trautloft H., Held W.: Die Grünherzjäger, Freiburg, 1999- Cornwell P.: Battle of France, Then and Now- van Ishoven A.: Messerschmitt Bf 109 at War, Ian Allan, Shepperton, 1977- Mombeek E.: Jagdwaffe Volume One, Section 2, The Spanish Civil War, ClassicPublications, Crowborrow, 1999- Obermaier E.: Die Ritterkreuzträger der Luftwaffe, Band I, Jagdflieger, VerlagDieter Hoffmann, Mainz, 1989- Prien J.: Geschichte des Jagdgeschwaders 77 Teil 1, Eutin- Prien J. a spol: Die Jagdfliegerverbande der Deutschen Luftwaffe 1934 bis 1945,various volumes- Skawran P. R.: Ikaros, Verlag 27, Memmingen 2000HISTORY(Emblems illustration by Jan Zdiarský, text by Jan Bobek)BUY Weekend edition Bf 109E-1 (3401)Bf 109E-1 W.Nr. 4072,Hptm. Hannes Trautloft,2./JG 77, Juliusburg,Germany, September1939Illustration by Petr Štěpánekused as boxart for theWeekend edition of EduardBf 109E-1 kit.The original personal emblemof Hannes Trautloft,later adopted by Staband all JG 54 Gruppen.The personal emblemof Hannes Trautloftin the function of KommodoreJG 54. He used it onthe Bf 109 F, G and onthe Fw 190 A. The orderof the three Gruppeemblems inside thegreen heart progressivelychanged.I./JG 54 emblemformed out of theNürnberg Coat ofArms.II./JG 54 emblem- The Lion of Aspern(Lowe von Aspern)indicating the Gruppe’sformation at Vi-enna – Aspern (Wien– Aspern). The Lionof Aspern is a memorialdedicated to the victoryover Napoleonat Aspern – Esslingin May, 1809.III./JG 54 emblem– Jesau Coatof Arms, wherethe Gruppe wasformed, detailedwith fighter silhou-ettes. Jesau isnowadays Russiancity Yushny in for-mer East Prussia.Page 18
Info Eduard - August 2010Info Eduard - August 2010IntroductionThis article is intended as a reference for modellerswho will be building the 200HP Austro-Daimler enginein 1/48 as part of their WWI aircraft builds. I will describethe engine, discuss the kit parts and walk the modellerthough the build steps, adding suggestions for simpleadditions to the supplied parts for extra authenticity/detail. References are given below.WORKSHOPHistoryThe A-D 200HP engine was designed by the legendaryDr. Ferdinand Porsche and produced by Austro-Daimlerin Wiener-Neustadt and also under Licence by MAG.It was a very efficient engine, with a high compressionratio, comparable to the Maybach Zeppelin enginesof the time, which A-D were building under licence,and far in excess of the contemporary fighter engines ofthe Central Powers. It gave over 200BHP at 1400RPMwith extremely little fluid leakage. In fact a capturedengine tested in 1918 by the RAE showed no oil or waterleakage at all. It also was not prone to the overheatingproblems of the Mercedes engines, which, combined withsummer weather had caused accidental “cooking off” ofphosphorous ammunition. Even the high compression200HP Mercedes D.IIIa engine and the high altitudeversion of that engine built by BMW to power the FokkerD.VII fighter didn’t match the performance of the A-Dengine, and Fokker was determined to marry his D.VIIairframe with the A-D engine. He got his wish rightat the end of the war when MAG, in which Anthony Fokkerwas a shareholder, was given a contract to produceFokker D.VIIs for the Empire. However this came toolate and the 30 or so single and two seater versions thatwere produced only saw service for the various air forcesinvolved in the strife brought upon by the collapse of theEmpire. Marek Mincberger has produced a splendidhistory of these aircraft which comes with the EduardLimited Edition Fokker D.VII (MAG) dual combo kit.(Cat.No. 1147)Eduard Austro-Daimler1/48 engineby Rob StewartAustro-Daimler, Mercedes D.IIIa and BMW III.Left side view(photo: Flight, 1918) Right side view (photo: Flight, 1918)Page 16Page 19
Info Eduard - August 2010Info Eduard - August 2010Page 17It was a 6-cylinder vertical water cooled engine withseparate steel cylinders. These were encased ina pressed steel water jackets. Each cylinder had twin inletand exhaust valves and 2 spark plugs on the inlet sideonly. The crankcase and pistons were made of (mostly)aluminum. The two magnetos are set at 52 degrees ofthe vertical cam shaft at the front of the engine and arecontrolled automatically by the throttle. An air pump ispositioned on top of the rocker case, and the water pumpis at the rear of the crankcase.Kit partsThe engine comes on a single sprue. In “ProfiPACK”versions of the kit there will be additional parts ona PE fret. In all there are 12 plastic parts to the engineand an additional 6 PE parts. The parts are moulded ingreat detail and are crisp. There are no sink or pin marksanywhere that I could see.ColoursEither follow the Eduard colour guide for the engine partsor paint parts according to the references. A couple ofpoints to note from the RAE report are that the HT cablecarrier was “red sheet fabric”, and that the inlet pipeswere “galvanised steel lagged with asbestos”.Build Steps1. Assemble the engine block and add the rocker cover,parts X 1, 8 and 9. Paint according to the painting guideor references. Add the name plate PE part if necessary.At this stage you can either add parts X11 to the rockercover and cylinder heads or scratch build some valvesprings. I chose the latter option and made some valvesprings by winding a length of wire round a #80 drill bitas shown.2. Add the PE labels and gaskets, if applicable.3. Add the magneto assembly, parts X2 and X10(2).Not that the magnetos are supposed to be at an angleof 104o to each other, and not 90o. A right angle willcause you some problems with later fittings.4. Additional scratch building step - Add HT cabledto the spark plugs and join them to the cable carrier.Wire the magnetos to the cable carrier. I used shortlengths of copper wire to do this CA glued into position.5. Add the air pump, X6 and the carburettor, X12,and the PE plate 13 if applicable.6. Add the cooling system to the engine block and thecylinder cooling jackets. X7, 3, 13. NB the explodedview in the instructions may showX5 and X3 incorrectlypositioned. Part X3 should be above part X5, as in thediagram shown here.(Flight, 1918)WORKSHOPPage 20
Info Eduard - August 2010Info Eduard - August 2010BUY Fokker D.VII (MÁG) 1/48 Limited editionDetailingI was able to add some copper wire as HT leads to thespark plugs, ans to the magnetos. I also experimentedwith adding valve springs, which should be manageablein scale, as the original springs were made from 4mmsteel, but my attempts weren’t as precise as I wanted.See for yourself in the image above. I also addeda lenght of sbet styrene rod from the water pump forwardto the radiator. This works for a MAG Fokker D.VII,but on an Albatros this piping would go vertically upwardto the upper wing radiator.ConclusionA lot can be done with this very detailed little engine.It isn’t such a great challenge to scratch build the partsI did, and will look great inside any OEFFAG aircraft.ThanksThanks to Eduard for the kit. Thanks to Karen Rychlewskifor permission to use her images of the engine at theKrakow Museum.Author is member of the Internetmodeler teamhttp://www.internetmodeler.com/ReferencesJane’s Fighting Aircraft of WWIFlight Magazine October 31 1918 p 1217-1222Flight Magazine November 7, 1918, p 1255-1259Flight Magazine; November 14 1918, 1 1288-1293Karen Rychlewski’s photos of the engine the Kraków museum.Andi Szekeres’ photos of the engine at the Budapest Aviation Museum/Vienna Technical Museum.Photo credits:Title Image: Karen RychlewskiAll other embedded photos: Rob Stewart, EduardValve springsEduard kits containing the above described engine:BUY Albatros D.III Oeffag 253 1/48 ProfiPACKPage 18Mounted on a MAG Fokker D.VII (Eduard).WORKSHOPPage 21
Info Eduard - August 2010Info Eduard - August 2010WORKSHOPQUICKLY FROM THE OEFFAG 253 BUILDA few tempting morsels from the build of the AlbatrosD.III Oeffag 253 by Prague modeler Miloslav Vanous. Twophotographs below act as an invitation to workshops fromsome of the future issues, to which the model’s author ispreparing a tutorial on the creation of the very realisticopaque fabric covering (in process on the left photo)and the wooden covering of the aircraft. This themewill be covered later with two very different approachesrendering very nice results by Jiri Bruna and MiloslavVanous.Photograph of the completed work in progress can befound on Pages 22-23. (JZ)Page 19Page 22
Info Eduard - August 2010Info Eduard - August 2010Page 21BUILT!XXXKOUPIT Bf 109E-7 Trop Profipack (3004)Brassin wheels for the F-22A in 1/48th from Hasegawa (648017), as with theF-16CJ Block 50 exhaust for the Tamiya kit (648020) built by court modeler LubošZach. This well built and exquisitely painted accessory shows the effectiveness ofthe resin and photoetched components. (JZ)BUY 648017 F-22A wheels 1/48 (HAS)BUY 648020 F-16CJ Block 50 engine 1/48 (TAM)Page 24
Info Eduard - August 2010Info Eduard - August 2010Excellent model of the Oeffag 253 in 1/48th scalefrom modeling champion Miloslav (Slava) Vanousfrom Prague built in the markings of the CO of Flik 51/JOblt.i.d.Res. Benno Fiala. Note the rendering of theopaque fabric on the wing and wooden panel surfaces onthe fuselage. The markings come from the kit. Also worthnoting are the treatment of the stitching and other details.Some of Slava Vanous’s techniques will be descri-bed in future issues in the Workshop section of theEduard Newsletter. (JZ)BUY Albatros D.III Oeffag 253 ProfiPACK 1/48 (8242)Page 22BUILT!Page 25
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Info Eduard - August 2010Info Eduard - August 2010BUILT!A beautifully built model of the Fw 190D-11 from theEduard kit, Cat. No. 8185 by Jiri Bruna. The model carriesthe markings depicted in the boxart, an aircraft fromSachsenberg Schwarm JV 44 flying out of Munchen-Riemin May, 1945, where this unit covered Me 262 expertsunder the command of Adolf Galland. The well renderedkit and subtle weathering bring out the beautiful linesof the ‘Longnose Dora’. (JZ)BUY Fw 190D-11/D-13 1/48 Dual Combo! ProfiPACKPage 24Page 27
Info Eduard - August 2010Info Eduard - August 2010BUILT!The monotone scheme of this night fighting F6F-5Nin 1/48th flown by Maj. Bruce Porter, CO of VMF(N)-542and modeled by Karel Cvancara doesn’t detract fromthe model’s appearance. This is built out of the box,Cat.No.8226 (released in January, 2010). Worth notingare the accented panel lines and the treatment of thesheen on individual parts of the model, and also the subtlesigns of use. The kit of this aircraft includes resin detailsto make it into a nightfighting Hellcat. (JZ)BUY F6F-5N Hellcat ProfiPACK (8226)Page 25Page 28
Info Eduard - August 2010Info Eduard - August 2010EVENTSPage 26One of the bigger events for us this year has beenthe acquisition and installation of a new CNC five-axlehighspeed milling machine. The nine tonne Digma 600reaches 42,000 rpm, and besides orientating tools alongfive axis , it has the added feature of individual componenttemperature regulation which adds to its precision. Alsoadding to precision is a special polymer bed that, with otherfeatures, dampens vibration. The new milling machinewill allow us to increase the speed and precision of ourmetal mold production. The timing of the delivery of thiscolossus coincided with construction work in and aroundthe square in Obrnice, and this, as is evident from the shots,had a bearing on delivery. Now, the machine is in place,and is undergoing connection and calibration.The first news of the moving in of the milling machine,placed in our Facebook page, evoked a wave of interestingcomments (which can be seen and participated in here).Further developments of bringing this piece of equipmenton-line will be reported on regularly, including the first moldsthat pass through it. We are all excited about this event...!(JZ)Page 29
Info Eduard - August 2010Info Eduard - August 2010CONNECT WITH US ON FACEBOOKAND HELP US GROW THE COMMUNITYwww.facebook.com/EduardCompanyEVENTSPage 27Stay tuned regarding Eduard news and eventson Facebook! Page 30
Info Eduard - August 2010Info Eduard - August 2010Page 28MEDALLION EDUARDFRANTIŠEK TOMANTwo saved castaways after a non-voluntary landing in a field…. In fact three – in the background, an L-13 Blanik.‘One of my built models’.Frantisek has worked at Eduard for twelve years,but his association goes back further. For example, hehails from the same model club as Vladimir Sulc. He is48 years old, and his current function is that of ToolingHead. It is through Frantisek and his people that moldproduction, fine tuning and prepping for molding passesthrough. His life-long passion is aviation in many forms.He is a modeler, and flies an ultralight and gliders at theaeroclub in Slany. Besides his smaller aircraft types, hehas also tried his hand at historically significant glidersand even a P-51 Mustang, and a Ju 52. He also likesmotorcycles and traveling.(JZ)“This is what it’s like whenwe all pull on the samerope!”Frantisek Toman calibrating forms.Page 31
Info Eduard - August 2010Info Eduard - August 2010Page 29MEDALLION EDUARDAn awesome experience was to be able to fly historically significant gliders, which Frantisek was able to do in the spring of 2010. At left, Hol’s derTeufel, and at right, the SG 38.A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to fly in a modified two-seat P-51D Mustang at Lakeland, Florida. ‘It was like at home, over Bohemia…..we escorted a B-24 Liberator….’Frantisek thinking to himself: ‘now, THAT”S a production line for Eduard…’With the EV97 Eurostar in Charvatka.Page 32
Info Eduard - August 2010Info Eduard - August 2010Have you missed any of the previous issues of INFO EDUARD?Don’t worry – the Ebunny knows what to do!All older issues from years 2001-2010 of Info Eduard can be found here:NEWSLETTER 2001-2010Page 30Page 33
Info Eduard - August 2010Info Eduard - August 2010THE FINAL DOTAnd that’s all for today. September is slowly coming,and that month is dedicated to E-DAY. So, if you cometo Prague in the third week of September, we are lookingforward to seeing you! Keep on modeling!Vladimír ŠulcON APPROACHSeptember 2010 offers up some interesting pieces.Besides the Weekend boxing of the Avia B-534 Serie IVand the repopping of the Japanese Navy AircraftCarrier Deck, we have the La-7 as a Profipack kit anda Limited Edition P-39 Airacobra over New Guineaas a Dual Combo kit, which includes not only seven veryinteresting camouflage schemes, but also a sixteen pagebooklet on the subject. All kits are in 1/48th.La-7 1/48 ProPACK Cat.No. 8098P-39 Airacobraover New Guinea1/48 Dual Combo!Limited editionCat.No. 1152Avia B-534 serie IV1/48 Weekend editionCat.No. 8475SEPTEMBER 2010Page 31Page 34
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.y24{bottom:364.302133pt;} .y2ab{bottom:366.011867pt;} .y375{bottom:366.436667pt;} .y3e5{bottom:366.763600pt;} .y3f6{bottom:367.571467pt;} .yf0{bottom:367.711200pt;} .y1a7{bottom:368.045733pt;} .y3c{bottom:368.953333pt;} .y32b{bottom:370.754133pt;} .y3d0{bottom:372.902267pt;} .y2f1{bottom:373.149733pt;} .y34a{bottom:374.546267pt;} .y256{bottom:375.777867pt;} .y1e8{bottom:376.866533pt;} .y374{bottom:377.636667pt;} .y17e{bottom:378.249200pt;} .y23{bottom:380.295733pt;} .y32a{bottom:381.420800pt;} .y3e4{bottom:381.424400pt;} .y3f5{bottom:381.565867pt;} .y2aa{bottom:382.005467pt;} .y8b{bottom:382.222667pt;} .y1a6{bottom:383.372933pt;} .y2cd{bottom:384.849733pt;} .y3b{bottom:384.946933pt;} .y3cf{bottom:387.563067pt;} .y373{bottom:388.836667pt;} .y429{bottom:389.004533pt;} .y2f0{bottom:389.143333pt;} .y12e{bottom:389.460000pt;} .y255{bottom:390.438667pt;} .y329{bottom:392.087467pt;} .y12c{bottom:392.181600pt;} .y1e7{bottom:392.860133pt;} .y80{bottom:393.384800pt;} .y17d{bottom:393.576400pt;} .yc4{bottom:394.004400pt;} .y3f4{bottom:395.560267pt;} .y41e{bottom:395.880933pt;} .y3e3{bottom:396.085200pt;} .y22{bottom:396.289333pt;} .y12d{bottom:397.603200pt;} .y2a9{bottom:397.999067pt;} .y349{bottom:398.550267pt;} .y1a5{bottom:398.700133pt;} .y428{bottom:399.671200pt;} .y372{bottom:400.036667pt;} .y3a{bottom:400.940533pt;} .y7d{bottom:401.918133pt;} .y3ce{bottom:402.223867pt;} .y328{bottom:402.754133pt;} .y7f{bottom:404.051467pt;} .y254{bottom:405.099467pt;} .y2ef{bottom:405.136933pt;} .y4b5{bottom:406.018267pt;} .y8a{bottom:406.226667pt;} .y1e6{bottom:408.853733pt;} .y17c{bottom:408.903600pt;} .y4c1{bottom:409.486480pt;} .y3f3{bottom:409.554667pt;} .y427{bottom:410.337867pt;} .y41d{bottom:410.541733pt;} .y371{bottom:411.236667pt;} .y21{bottom:412.282933pt;} .y327{bottom:413.420800pt;} .y2a8{bottom:413.992667pt;} .y1a4{bottom:414.027333pt;} .y348{bottom:414.543867pt;} .y7c{bottom:414.718133pt;} .y7e{bottom:416.851467pt;} .y3cd{bottom:416.884667pt;} .y39{bottom:416.934133pt;} .y3b2{bottom:417.827067pt;} .y253{bottom:419.760267pt;} .y89{bottom:420.221067pt;} .y2ee{bottom:421.130533pt;} .y467{bottom:422.122133pt;} .y370{bottom:422.436667pt;} .y3e2{bottom:422.751867pt;} .y3f2{bottom:423.549067pt;} .y326{bottom:424.087467pt;} .y17b{bottom:424.230800pt;} .y1e5{bottom:424.847333pt;} .y108{bottom:425.580861pt;} .y10a{bottom:426.216138pt;} .y7b{bottom:427.518133pt;} .y20{bottom:428.276533pt;} .y4c0{bottom:428.686800pt;} .y1a3{bottom:429.354533pt;} .y2a7{bottom:429.986267pt;} .y4b4{bottom:430.022267pt;} .y347{bottom:430.537467pt;} .y3cc{bottom:431.545467pt;} .y3b1{bottom:432.487867pt;} .y11b{bottom:432.706267pt;} .y38{bottom:432.927733pt;} .y88{bottom:434.215467pt;} .y252{bottom:434.421067pt;} .y325{bottom:434.754133pt;} .y12f{bottom:436.699200pt;} .y466{bottom:436.782933pt;} .y2ed{bottom:437.124133pt;} .y3f1{bottom:437.543467pt;} .yc3{bottom:438.363600pt;} .y17a{bottom:439.558000pt;} .y41c{bottom:439.876933pt;} .y1e4{bottom:440.840933pt;} .y426{bottom:441.537867pt;} .y1f{bottom:444.270133pt;} .y1a2{bottom:444.681733pt;} .y4b3{bottom:446.015867pt;} .y3cb{bottom:446.206267pt;} .y346{bottom:446.531067pt;} .y36f{bottom:446.707867pt;} .y3b0{bottom:447.148667pt;} .y87{bottom:448.209867pt;} .y37{bottom:448.921333pt;} .y251{bottom:449.081867pt;} .y12b{bottom:450.048000pt;} .y465{bottom:451.443733pt;} .y3f0{bottom:451.537867pt;} .y425{bottom:452.204533pt;} .y2a6{bottom:453.990267pt;} .y41b{bottom:454.537733pt;} .y179{bottom:454.885200pt;} .y1e3{bottom:456.834533pt;} .y12a{bottom:458.191200pt;} .y1a1{bottom:460.008933pt;} .y1e{bottom:460.263733pt;} .y3ca{bottom:460.867067pt;} .y2ec{bottom:461.128133pt;} .y3af{bottom:461.809467pt;} .y4b2{bottom:462.009467pt;} .y86{bottom:462.204267pt;} .y345{bottom:462.524667pt;} .y424{bottom:462.871200pt;} .y250{bottom:463.742667pt;} .yaa{bottom:463.785867pt;} .y21d{bottom:464.665733pt;} .y36{bottom:464.914933pt;} .y464{bottom:466.104533pt;} .y41a{bottom:469.198533pt;} .y2a5{bottom:469.983867pt;} .y36e{bottom:470.711867pt;} .y3e1{bottom:471.338000pt;} .ya9{bottom:472.452533pt;} .y1e2{bottom:472.828133pt;} .y423{bottom:473.537867pt;} .y1a0{bottom:475.336133pt;} .y3c9{bottom:475.527867pt;} .y85{bottom:476.198667pt;} .y1d{bottom:476.257333pt;} .y3ae{bottom:476.470267pt;} .y2eb{bottom:477.121733pt;} .y3ef{bottom:477.537867pt;} .y4b1{bottom:478.003067pt;} .y344{bottom:478.518267pt;} .y4d9{bottom:480.309733pt;} .y21c{bottom:480.659333pt;} .y35{bottom:480.908533pt;} .y9c{bottom:481.119200pt;} .y178{bottom:482.218533pt;} .y422{bottom:484.204533pt;} .yed{bottom:484.844533pt;} .y4a6{bottom:484.899867pt;} .yc2{bottom:485.971067pt;} .y2a4{bottom:485.977467pt;} .y3e0{bottom:485.998800pt;} .y24f{bottom:486.413867pt;} .y36d{bottom:486.705467pt;} .y1e1{bottom:488.821733pt;} .y9b{bottom:489.785867pt;} .y3c8{bottom:490.188667pt;} .y84{bottom:490.193067pt;} .y19f{bottom:490.663333pt;} .y3ad{bottom:491.131067pt;} .y1c{bottom:492.250933pt;} .y2ea{bottom:493.115333pt;} .y4b0{bottom:493.996667pt;} .y343{bottom:494.511867pt;} .y421{bottom:494.871200pt;} .y419{bottom:495.865200pt;} .y21b{bottom:496.652933pt;} .y4a5{bottom:496.899867pt;} .y34{bottom:496.902133pt;} .y9a{bottom:498.452533pt;} .y4d8{bottom:498.976533pt;} .y468{bottom:499.948133pt;} .y3df{bottom:500.659600pt;} .y24e{bottom:501.074667pt;} .y177{bottom:501.418533pt;} .yc1{bottom:501.964667pt;} .y2a3{bottom:501.971067pt;} .y36c{bottom:502.699067pt;} .y1e0{bottom:504.815333pt;} .y3c7{bottom:504.849467pt;} .y420{bottom:505.537867pt;} .y3ac{bottom:505.791867pt;} .y19e{bottom:505.990533pt;} .y99{bottom:507.119200pt;} .y1b{bottom:508.244533pt;} .y4a4{bottom:508.899867pt;} .y2e9{bottom:509.108933pt;} .y4af{bottom:509.990267pt;} .y33{bottom:512.895733pt;} .y3de{bottom:515.320400pt;} .y24d{bottom:515.735467pt;} .y98{bottom:515.785867pt;} .y41f{bottom:516.204533pt;} .y4d7{bottom:517.643333pt;} .yc0{bottom:517.958267pt;} .y2a2{bottom:517.964667pt;} .y342{bottom:518.515867pt;} .y36b{bottom:518.692667pt;} .y3c6{bottom:519.510267pt;} .y3ee{bottom:519.560267pt;} .y21a{bottom:520.656933pt;} .y2cc{bottom:520.808933pt;} .y4a3{bottom:520.899867pt;} .y19d{bottom:521.317733pt;} .y1a{bottom:524.238133pt;} .y97{bottom:524.452533pt;} .y2e8{bottom:525.102533pt;} .y4ae{bottom:525.983867pt;} .y1df{bottom:528.819333pt;} .y32{bottom:528.889333pt;} .y418{bottom:529.743600pt;} .y3dd{bottom:529.981200pt;} .y24c{bottom:530.396267pt;} .y3ab{bottom:532.458533pt;} .y4bd{bottom:532.807467pt;} .y4a2{bottom:532.899867pt;} .y3ed{bottom:533.554667pt;} .ybf{bottom:533.951867pt;} .y2a1{bottom:533.958267pt;} .y3c5{bottom:534.171067pt;} .y341{bottom:534.509467pt;} .y129{bottom:534.626400pt;} .y36a{bottom:534.686267pt;} .y449{bottom:534.783280pt;} .y481{bottom:536.183333pt;} .y19c{bottom:536.644933pt;} .y219{bottom:536.650533pt;} .y2cb{bottom:536.802533pt;} .y47b{bottom:537.600267pt;} .y19{bottom:540.231733pt;} .y47e{bottom:540.894400pt;} .y4ad{bottom:541.977467pt;} .y107{bottom:543.219779pt;} .y10b{bottom:543.414461pt;} .y417{bottom:544.404400pt;} .y3dc{bottom:544.642000pt;} .y1de{bottom:544.812933pt;} .y31{bottom:544.882933pt;} .y4a1{bottom:544.899867pt;} .y24b{bottom:545.057067pt;} .y4bc{bottom:545.607467pt;} .y3ec{bottom:547.549067pt;} .y42c{bottom:548.087467pt;} .y3c4{bottom:548.831867pt;} .y2e7{bottom:549.106533pt;} .y128{bottom:549.577473pt;} .y2a0{bottom:549.951867pt;} .y340{bottom:550.503067pt;} .y45b{bottom:550.512000pt;} .y369{bottom:550.679867pt;} .y4da{bottom:550.924800pt;} .y19b{bottom:551.972133pt;} .y47a{bottom:552.261067pt;} .y218{bottom:552.644133pt;} .y176{bottom:552.720933pt;} .y2ca{bottom:552.796133pt;} .y434{bottom:555.346133pt;} .y18{bottom:556.225333pt;} .y4a0{bottom:556.899867pt;} .y4ac{bottom:557.971067pt;} .y416{bottom:559.065200pt;} .y3db{bottom:559.302800pt;} .y24a{bottom:559.717867pt;} .ye3{bottom:559.816267pt;} .y459{bottom:560.357333pt;} .y448{bottom:560.365840pt;} .y1dd{bottom:560.806533pt;} .y30{bottom:560.876533pt;} .y474{bottom:561.450000pt;} 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.y247{bottom:603.700267pt;} .y15{bottom:604.206133pt;} .y46c{bottom:604.629733pt;} .y472{bottom:604.656933pt;} .y4a9{bottom:605.951867pt;} .y430{bottom:605.992533pt;} .y29c{bottom:606.004400pt;} .y33d{bottom:606.494267pt;} .y3c0{bottom:607.475067pt;} .y27f{bottom:608.113200pt;} .y1da{bottom:608.787333pt;} .y2d{bottom:608.857333pt;} .y476{bottom:610.904267pt;} .y47c{bottom:610.931467pt;} .y2e3{bottom:613.080933pt;} .y366{bottom:614.681467pt;} .y28e{bottom:615.326000pt;} .y214{bottom:616.618533pt;} .y172{bottom:616.695333pt;} .y213{bottom:616.743333pt;} .y49d{bottom:618.073067pt;} .y246{bottom:618.361067pt;} .y46b{bottom:618.624133pt;} .y471{bottom:618.651333pt;} .y42f{bottom:618.654133pt;} .y27e{bottom:620.113200pt;} .y14{bottom:620.199733pt;} .y197{bottom:621.291333pt;} .y29b{bottom:621.998000pt;} .y3bf{bottom:622.135867pt;} .y33c{bottom:622.487867pt;} .y408{bottom:624.573733pt;} .y1d9{bottom:624.780933pt;} .y45e{bottom:624.925200pt;} .y442{bottom:626.881733pt;} .y414{bottom:627.656133pt;} .y2e2{bottom:629.074533pt;} .y365{bottom:630.675067pt;} .y42e{bottom:631.315733pt;} .y28d{bottom:631.319600pt;} .y27d{bottom:632.113200pt;} .y126{bottom:632.124400pt;} .y46a{bottom:632.618533pt;} .y470{bottom:632.645733pt;} .y171{bottom:632.688933pt;} .y212{bottom:632.736933pt;} .y2c{bottom:632.861333pt;} .y196{bottom:636.618533pt;} .y3be{bottom:636.796667pt;} .y455{bottom:636.872000pt;} .y446{bottom:636.885840pt;} .y29a{bottom:637.991600pt;} .y33b{bottom:638.481467pt;} .y1d8{bottom:640.774533pt;} .yb2{bottom:640.880533pt;} .y245{bottom:641.032267pt;} .y413{bottom:643.649733pt;} .y27c{bottom:644.113200pt;} .ye5{bottom:644.177067pt;} .y13{bottom:644.203733pt;} .y2e1{bottom:645.068133pt;} .y155{bottom:645.069200pt;} .y13b{bottom:646.024933pt;} .y441{bottom:646.560667pt;} .y364{bottom:646.668667pt;} .y4d1{bottom:647.240800pt;} .y170{bottom:648.682533pt;} .y211{bottom:648.730533pt;} .y2b{bottom:648.854933pt;} .yb1{bottom:649.547200pt;} 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.y411{bottom:675.636933pt;} .y11{bottom:676.190933pt;} .y2df{bottom:677.055333pt;} .y362{bottom:678.655867pt;} .y16e{bottom:680.669733pt;} .y20f{bottom:680.717733pt;} .y3bb{bottom:680.779067pt;} .y29{bottom:680.842133pt;} .y451{bottom:680.894667pt;} .y152{bottom:683.469200pt;} .yad{bottom:684.213867pt;} .y242{bottom:685.014667pt;} .y297{bottom:685.972400pt;} .y338{bottom:686.462267pt;} .y28a{bottom:687.310800pt;} .y30c{bottom:688.728133pt;} .y1d5{bottom:688.755333pt;} .y4b6{bottom:688.929867pt;} .y410{bottom:691.630533pt;} .y10{bottom:692.184533pt;} .yac{bottom:692.880533pt;} .y2de{bottom:693.048933pt;} .y361{bottom:694.649467pt;} .y3ba{bottom:695.439867pt;} .ybe{bottom:696.087467pt;} .y151{bottom:696.269200pt;} .y16d{bottom:696.663333pt;} .y20e{bottom:696.711333pt;} .y324{bottom:696.860933pt;} .y241{bottom:699.675467pt;} .yab{bottom:701.547200pt;} .y296{bottom:701.966000pt;} .y337{bottom:702.455867pt;} .y289{bottom:703.304400pt;} .y30b{bottom:704.721733pt;} .y1d4{bottom:704.748933pt;} 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Rok 2021
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Pracovní manuály
Work manual
Flying Knights in Australia
Aerial War in Ukraine
TEC - Don't whimper and print!
Flying Knights v Austrálii
Válka na Ukrajině
TEC - Nefňukat a tisknout!
Dear Friends, I just returned from Nuremberg. I left there in a rather gloomy mood, knowing that it was most likely my last time. I have always defended the Nuremberg Fair as a useful and beneficial event. But alas, its significance to our industry has steadily declined over the years, while the costs associated with participation in it have continuously done the opposite. Still, it has always brought us some benefit, despite of the expense involved.
P-40E Warhawk
The Curtiss P-40 line of fighter aircraft stood out among American fighter types for having remained in front-line operations from the summer of 1941, before the U.S. entered World War II, through the end of the conflict four years later. Only Grumman’s versatile F4F Wildcat naval fighter could match that record.
The MW 50 System as an Alternative to the GM-1
This technical discussion supplements the article describing the GM-1 system in the Messerschmitt Bf 109 in the November, 2024 newsletter. Even before World War II, Dr. Otto Lutz (1906-1974) came up with the idea of injecting nitrous oxide into an engine to increase performance. He later published (as late as 1942) a scientific paper on the subject "Über Leistungssteigerung von Flugmotoren durch Zugabe von Sauerstoffträgern", or roughly translated, ‘On increasing the performance of aircraft engines through the addition of oxygen compounds’.
Aerial War in Ukraine - A Russian missile shot down a civilian aircraft. Again...
The battles over Ukraine often involve friendly fire incidents. Russian air defense has already destroyed numerous Russian aircraft and helicopters. Similar incidents have occurred on the Ukrainian side. Several civilian aircraft have also been hit in Russia, though without fatal consequences—until now.
Here we go! The new P-40 is ON and in the past weeks it has already filled the kit shelves of many modelers. If you didn't manage to buy it in our pre-order promotion and therefore don't own it yet, I recommend you to browse the following pages, where I show different features the kit offers. And if you later decide to own the kit, it will be available for purchase from our worldwide distributors. And for those of you who already own this new kit, please read this article as well. You will discover things in your kit that you may not have noticed before.
Esem během jediného souboje
S legendárními stíhacími letouny Spitfire v průběhu 2. světové války bojovali a vítězili letci mnoha národností. Řada z nich se během válečných let stala leteckými esy, někteří z nich tohoto statusu docílilo během jednoho dne. Avšak na letounech Spitfire jen jeden pilot dokázal sestřelit pět letadel během jednoho souboje. Byl jím kanadský pilot F/Lt Richard Joseph „Dick“ Audet.
Ace in a Single Dogfight
During World War II, legendary Spitfire fighter planes were flown by pilots of many nationalities. Many of them fought and achieved victories, some became flying aces during the war, a few even earned this status in a single day. However, only one pilot flying a Spitfire managed to shoot down five aircraft in a single dogfight. That pilot was Canadian F/Lt Richard Joseph "Dick" Audet.
INFO Eduard is a monthly scale model-historical magazine published in Czech and English by Eduard Model Accessories since 2010. The magazine is available for free on the Triobo platform and can be downloaded in PDF format. Eduard is a manufacturer of plastic models and accessories with over 30 years of tradition. Throughout its history in the plastic modeling industry, Eduard has become one of the world's leaders. Further details about the company and its product range can be found at www.eduard.com. You can subscribe to the INFO magazine and receive product information for free at: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard je modelářsko-historický měsíčník, který od roku 2010 v českém a anglickém jazyce publikuje společnost Eduard Model Accessories. Magazín je dostupný zdarma na platformě Triobo a je možné jej stáhnout také v PDF verzi. Společnost Eduard je výrobcem plastikových modelů a doplňků s více než 30letou tradicí. Během svého působení v oboru plastikového modelářství se společnost Eduard zařadila mezi jeho světové lídry. Další podrobnosti o společnosti a jejím sortimentu najdete na www.eduard.com. Zde se můžete mimo jiné zdarma přihlásit k odebírání magazínu INFO a produktových informací: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard je modelářsko-historický měsíčník, který od roku 2010 v českém a anglickém jazyce publikuje společnost Eduard Model Accessories. Magazín je dostupný zdarma na platformě Triobo a je možné jej stáhnout také v PDF verzi. Společnost Eduard je výrobcem plastikových modelů a doplňků s více než 30letou tradicí. Během svého působení v oboru plastikového modelářství se společnost Eduard zařadila mezi jeho světové lídry. Další podrobnosti o společnosti a jejím sortimentu najdete na www.eduard.com. Zde se můžete mimo jiné zdarma přihlásit k odebírání magazínu INFO a produktových informací: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard is a monthly scale model-historical magazine published in Czech and English by Eduard Model Accessories since 2010. The magazine is available for free on the Triobo platform and can be downloaded in PDF format. Eduard is a manufacturer of plastic models and accessories with over 30 years of tradition. Throughout its history in the plastic modeling industry, Eduard has become one of the world's leaders. Further details about the company and its product range can be found at www.eduard.com. You can subscribe to the INFO magazine and receive product information for free at: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard je modelářsko-historický měsíčník, který od roku 2010 v českém a anglickém jazyce publikuje společnost Eduard Model Accessories. Magazín je dostupný zdarma na platformě Triobo a je možné jej stáhnout také v PDF verzi. Společnost Eduard je výrobcem plastikových modelů a doplňků s více než 30letou tradicí. Během svého působení v oboru plastikového modelářství se společnost Eduard zařadila mezi jeho světové lídry. Další podrobnosti o společnosti a jejím sortimentu najdete na www.eduard.com. Zde se můžete mimo jiné zdarma přihlásit k odebírání magazínu INFO a produktových informací: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard is a monthly scale model-historical magazine published in Czech and English by Eduard Model Accessories since 2010. The magazine is available for free on the Triobo platform and can be downloaded in PDF format. Eduard is a manufacturer of plastic models and accessories with over 30 years of tradition. Throughout its history in the plastic modeling industry, Eduard has become one of the world's leaders. Further details about the company and its product range can be found at www.eduard.com. You can subscribe to the INFO magazine and receive product information for free at: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard je modelářsko-historický měsíčník, který od roku 2010 v českém a anglickém jazyce publikuje společnost Eduard Model Accessories. Magazín je dostupný zdarma na platformě Triobo a je možné jej stáhnout také v PDF verzi. Společnost Eduard je výrobcem plastikových modelů a doplňků s více než 30letou tradicí. Během svého působení v oboru plastikového modelářství se společnost Eduard zařadila mezi jeho světové lídry. Další podrobnosti o společnosti a jejím sortimentu najdete na www.eduard.com. Zde se můžete mimo jiné zdarma přihlásit k odebírání magazínu INFO a produktových informací: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard is a monthly scale model-historical magazine published in Czech and English by Eduard Model Accessories since 2010. The magazine is available for free on the Triobo platform and can be downloaded in PDF format. Eduard is a manufacturer of plastic models and accessories with over 30 years of tradition. Throughout its history in the plastic modeling industry, Eduard has become one of the world's leaders. Further details about the company and its product range can be found at www.eduard.com. You can subscribe to the INFO magazine and receive product information for free at: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard je modelářsko-historický měsíčník, který od roku 2010 v českém a anglickém jazyce publikuje společnost Eduard Model Accessories. Magazín je dostupný zdarma na platformě Triobo a je možné jej stáhnout také v PDF verzi. Společnost Eduard je výrobcem plastikových modelů a doplňků s více než 30letou tradicí. Během svého působení v oboru plastikového modelářství se společnost Eduard zařadila mezi jeho světové lídry. Další podrobnosti o společnosti a jejím sortimentu najdete na www.eduard.com. Zde se můžete mimo jiné zdarma přihlásit k odebírání magazínu INFO a produktových informací: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard is a monthly scale model-historical magazine published in Czech and English by Eduard Model Accessories since 2010. The magazine is available for free on the Triobo platform and can be downloaded in PDF format. Eduard is a manufacturer of plastic models and accessories with over 30 years of tradition. Throughout its history in the plastic modeling industry, Eduard has become one of the world's leaders. Further details about the company and its product range can be found at www.eduard.com. You can subscribe to the INFO magazine and receive product information for free at: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard je modelářsko-historický měsíčník, který od roku 2010 v českém a anglickém jazyce publikuje společnost Eduard Model Accessories. Magazín je dostupný zdarma na platformě Triobo a je možné jej stáhnout také v PDF verzi. Společnost Eduard je výrobcem plastikových modelů a doplňků s více než 30letou tradicí. Během svého působení v oboru plastikového modelářství se společnost Eduard zařadila mezi jeho světové lídry. Další podrobnosti o společnosti a jejím sortimentu najdete na www.eduard.com. Zde se můžete mimo jiné zdarma přihlásit k odebírání magazínu INFO a produktových informací: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard is a monthly scale model-historical magazine published in Czech and English by Eduard Model Accessories since 2010. The magazine is available for free on the Triobo platform and can be downloaded in PDF format. Eduard is a manufacturer of plastic models and accessories with over 30 years of tradition. Throughout its history in the plastic modeling industry, Eduard has become one of the world's leaders. Further details about the company and its product range can be found at www.eduard.com. You can subscribe to the INFO magazine and receive product information for free at: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
09_Special E-Day/2024
Vážení přátelé, modeláři, hosté a návštěvníci E-daye, V dnešním krátkém mimořádném vydání Infa vás seznámíme s plánovaným programem letošního E-daye, který se koná v sobotu 28. září 2024 v hale muzea na Tankodromu Milovice. Výstava je jednodenní, ale jako obvykle bude výstavní hala otevřena, nejen pro vystavující modeláře, již v pátek od 17:00. Na pátek máme připravený malý program pro všechny časné příchozí. Tento podvečerní program má dva body. Prvním bude představení novinek Eduardu na rok 2025, které se bude opakovat i v sobotu. Druhým bodem bude beseda s Jiřím Šilhánkem, zakladatelem a majitelem firmy Special Hobby. Jiří je velká osobnost našeho oboru, který své podnikání rozjížděl dávno před všemi ostatními českými firmami, hluboko v osmdesátých letech. Jeho historky z dějin plastikového modelářství jsou neuvěřitelné a všem doporučuji si je poslechnout. Věřte mi, že to stojí za páteční cestu do Milovic!
INFO Eduard je modelářsko-historický měsíčník, který od roku 2010 v českém a anglickém jazyce publikuje společnost Eduard Model Accessories. Magazín je dostupný zdarma na platformě Triobo a je možné jej stáhnout také v PDF verzi. Společnost Eduard je výrobcem plastikových modelů a doplňků s více než 30letou tradicí. Během svého působení v oboru plastikového modelářství se společnost Eduard zařadila mezi jeho světové lídry. Další podrobnosti o společnosti a jejím sortimentu najdete na www.eduard.com. Zde se můžete mimo jiné zdarma přihlásit k odebírání magazínu INFO a produktových informací: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard is a monthly scale model-historical magazine published in Czech and English by Eduard Model Accessories since 2010. The magazine is available for free on the Triobo platform and can be downloaded in PDF format. Eduard is a manufacturer of plastic models and accessories with over 30 years of tradition. Throughout its history in the plastic modeling industry, Eduard has become one of the world's leaders. Further details about the company and its product range can be found at www.eduard.com. You can subscribe to the INFO magazine and receive product information for free at: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard je modelářsko-historický měsíčník, který od roku 2010 v českém a anglickém jazyce publikuje společnost Eduard Model Accessories. Magazín je dostupný zdarma na platformě Triobo a je možné jej stáhnout také v PDF verzi. Společnost Eduard je výrobcem plastikových modelů a doplňků s více než 30letou tradicí. Během svého působení v oboru plastikového modelářství se společnost Eduard zařadila mezi jeho světové lídry. Další podrobnosti o společnosti a jejím sortimentu najdete na www.eduard.com. Zde se můžete mimo jiné zdarma přihlásit k odebírání magazínu INFO a produktových informací: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard is a monthly scale model-historical magazine published in Czech and English by Eduard Model Accessories since 2010. The magazine is available for free on the Triobo platform and can be downloaded in PDF format. Eduard is a manufacturer of plastic models and accessories with over 30 years of tradition. Throughout its history in the plastic modeling industry, Eduard has become one of the world's leaders. Further details about the company and its product range can be found at www.eduard.com. You can subscribe to the INFO magazine and receive product information for free at: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard je modelářsko-historický měsíčník, který od roku 2010 v českém a anglickém jazyce publikuje společnost Eduard Model Accessories. Magazín je dostupný zdarma na platformě Triobo a je možné jej stáhnout také v PDF verzi. Společnost Eduard je výrobcem plastikových modelů a doplňků s více než 30letou tradicí. Během svého působení v oboru plastikového modelářství se společnost Eduard zařadila mezi jeho světové lídry. Další podrobnosti o společnosti a jejím sortimentu najdete na www.eduard.com. Zde se můžete mimo jiné zdarma přihlásit k odebírání magazínu INFO a produktových informací: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard is a monthly scale model-historical magazine published in Czech and English by Eduard Model Accessories since 2010. The magazine is available for free on the Triobo platform and can be downloaded in PDF format. Eduard is a manufacturer of plastic models and accessories with over 30 years of tradition. Throughout its history in the plastic modeling industry, Eduard has become one of the world's leaders. Further details about the company and its product range can be found at www.eduard.com. You can subscribe to the INFO magazine and receive product information for free at: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
06/2024 - Special
Vážení přátelé, dnešní mimořádné číslo Infa je věnováno mimořádné stavebnici, The Bloody Hundredth 1943/ B-17F 1:48. Tato stavebnice vydávaná v řadě LIMITED patří mezi položky, jejichž základem jsou výlisky nakoupené u spolupracujících firem. V tomto případě jde o výlisky firmy Hong Kong Models, HKM. Tentokrát jde ovšem spolupráce mezi našimi firmami dál, než je v podobných případech dodávek výlisků zvykem. Speciálně k této stavebnici jsme zkonstruovali konverzní rámeček s čirými díly, obsahující další verze přídí B-17F, než které obsahuje původní sestava dílů stavebnice HKM. Tento rámeček jsme zkonstruovali v Eduardu, pochopitelně s využitím konstrukce HKM, na kterou nové díly navazují. Forma na něj byla vyrobena firmou HKM v jejich čínské nástrojárně, výlisky byly vyrobeny tamtéž.
06/2024 Special EN
Dear Friends, Today's special issue of the newsletter is dedicated to an extraordinary kit, ‘The Bloody Hundredth 1943 / B-17F’ in 1:48th scale. This kit, released in the LIMITED edition line, falls under the group of items based on moldings purchased from partner companies. In this case, the plastic is supplied by Hong Kong Models, HKM. This time, however, the cooperation between our companies goes further than is customary in similar endeavors. Specifically for this kit, we have designed an additional set of clear parts that cover variations used on the B-17F nose that were not a part of the original HKM release. We designed the new parts to fit the HKM kit specifically. The mold for it was cut at HKM in their Chinese tool shop, and the parts are produced by them.
INFO Eduard je modelářsko-historický měsíčník, který od roku 2010 v českém a anglickém jazyce publikuje společnost Eduard Model Accessories. Magazín je dostupný zdarma na platformě Triobo a je možné jej stáhnout také v PDF verzi. Společnost Eduard je výrobcem plastikových modelů a doplňků s více než 30letou tradicí. Během svého působení v oboru plastikového modelářství se společnost Eduard zařadila mezi jeho světové lídry. Další podrobnosti o společnosti a jejím sortimentu najdete na www.eduard.com. Zde se můžete mimo jiné zdarma přihlásit k odebírání magazínu INFO a produktových informací: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard is a monthly scale model-historical magazine published in Czech and English by Eduard Model Accessories since 2010. The magazine is available for free on the Triobo platform and can be downloaded in PDF format. Eduard is a manufacturer of plastic models and accessories with over 30 years of tradition. Throughout its history in the plastic modeling industry, Eduard has become one of the world's leaders. Further details about the company and its product range can be found at www.eduard.com. You can subscribe to the INFO magazine and receive product information for free at: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard je modelářsko-historický měsíčník, který od roku 2010 v českém a anglickém jazyce publikuje společnost Eduard Model Accessories. Magazín je dostupný zdarma na platformě Triobo a je možné jej stáhnout také v PDF verzi. Společnost Eduard je výrobcem plastikových modelů a doplňků s více než 30letou tradicí. Během svého působení v oboru plastikového modelářství se společnost Eduard zařadila mezi jeho světové lídry. Další podrobnosti o společnosti a jejím sortimentu najdete na www.eduard.com. Zde se můžete mimo jiné zdarma přihlásit k odebírání magazínu INFO a produktových informací: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard is a monthly scale model-historical magazine published in Czech and English by Eduard Model Accessories since 2010. The magazine is available for free on the Triobo platform and can be downloaded in PDF format. Eduard is a manufacturer of plastic models and accessories with over 30 years of tradition. Throughout its history in the plastic modeling industry, Eduard has become one of the world's leaders. Further details about the company and its product range can be found at www.eduard.com. You can subscribe to the INFO magazine and receive product information for free at: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
Dobrý večer, vážení přátelé! Máme za sebou hektický březen. Chápu, že vám to asi tak nepřijde, ale ona každá hospoda vypadá jinak z jídelny a jinak z kuchyně. Aby byl pohled z jídelny, tedy od vás zákazníků, pozitivní, nezbývá personálu v kuchyni, tedy nám, aby se pořádně oháněl.
Good evening, dear Friends, We've had a hectic March. I understand that it might not seem that way to you, but every bar looks different from the dining room than it does from the kitchen. In order for the view from the dining room, in other words, from you, the customers, to be positive, the staff in the kitchen (us), has little choice but to be very busy. So, hectic is good.
Určitě nejsem sám, komu se pravidelně stává, že se jeho předpoklady a představy o průběhu nějaké události nenaplní a výsledek je zcela opačný, než jaká byla očekávání s onou událostí spojená. Mě se to naposledy stalo před měsícem v Norimberku. Co jsem od veletrhu čekal, si jistě pamatujete z minulého úvodníku. Z mé skeptické předpovědi nevyšlo prakticky nic. Ne že by se už veletrh vrátil tam, kde byl za starých časů před covidovými lockdowny, ale byl výrazně živější, zajímavější a ve svém výsledku zábavnější a užitečnější, než bych si troufl očekávat. Troufnu si dokonce tipnout, že podobný názor má víc vystavovatelů. Mimo jiné se opakovala situace z loňska, že rozhovory a setkání byla daleko vřelejší, přátelštější a otevřenější, než kdykoli v minulosti. Možná je to jen můj pocit, ale přijde mi, že jsme se navzájem zase rádi viděli, v mnoha případech i po několika letech. V takových případech si uvědomíte, jak vám ti lidé, které jste vídal tak nějak samozřejmě a nepřišlo vám na tom nic zvláštního, přirostli k srdci a jak vám chyběli. Pak se tak hovory víc otevřou, a to je fajn.
I know I’m not alone, when a concept and its associated assumptions turn out exactly opposite to what the expected outcome was. The last time it happened to me was a month ago in Nuremberg.
Jak na plasty II
Mnoho méně zkušených modelářů má velkou fobii z řezání do plastů nebo z většího ztenčování plastových dílů pro zástavbu doplňkových sad. V tomto díle bych chtěl čtenářům představit, že tyto pokročilejší modelářské činnosti nejsou nic těžkého a s využitím vhodných nástrojů a pomůcek se dá snadno dobrat k potřebným úpravám. Prakticky všechny větší brassinové sady po modeláři vyžadují, aby podobné úpravy při jejich zástavbách provedl. Pokud se někteří modeláři obávají doplňkové sady kupovat právě kvůli zmíněným úpravám, chtěl bych jim ukázat, že to s trochou praxe zvládnou i oni. V článku demonstruji přípravu křídla P-51B/C 1/48 pro zástavbu brassinové sady zbraňových šachet. Představím dvě metody – za pomocí pouze základních modelářských nástrojů a poté s pomocí jemné vrtačky a frézky od firmy Proxxon.
How work with Plastic II
Many less experienced modelers often feel apprehensive about cutting into plastic or thinning parts to accommodate additional detailing or conversion sets. In this section, I want to reassure readers that these more advanced modeling techniques are not difficult and that, with the right tools, achieving the necessary modifications is quite manageable. Most larger Brassin sets require modelers to make similar adjustments to their builds. For those hesitant to purchase aftermarket sets due to this process, I aim to show that, with a bit of practice, anyone can master it. In this article, I will demonstrate how to prepare a 1/48 P-51B/C wing for the Brassin gun bay set. I will present two methods: one using only basic modeling tools, and the other employing a motorized Proxxon tool.
Jak na plasty
V tomto článku o pracovních postupech bych se chtěl věnovat těm nejzákladnějším modelářským postupům a technikám a demonstrovat nářadí, které mi pomáhá při rutinních činnostech, které by měl každý modelář zvládat. K této demonstraci jsem si vybral nový model P-51B/C 1/48, který má spoustu vychytávek pro jednoduché lepení modelu, například spodní vtoky u dílů, což především začátečníkům velmi usnadní práci. Pro zkušené modeláře se bude na první pohled nejspíš jednat o zbytečnou spotřebu digitálního papíru, ovšem přečtení doporučuji i jim. Opakování je totiž matka moudrosti!
How to Work with Plastic?
In this workflow article, I will cover the most basic modeling procedures and techniques, presenting the tools that help with usual activities every modeler should master. For this demonstration, I've chosen the new P-51B/C 1/48 scale kit, which includes several features for easy assembly, such as the parts being connected to the sprues from the bottom, making it especially beginner-friendly.
Step by Step P-51B 1/48
Stavební postup k P-51B 1/48.
Step by Step P-51B 1/48
Step by Step for P-51B 1/48.
Jak na 3D tisky
Poslední roky se v modelářství stále více rozmáhá využití 3D tisku, a to převážně pro výrobu doplňků. I v Eduardu jsme se před několika lety rozhodli pustit do této technologie, která z velké části vytlačila klasickou výrobu Brassinů, tedy metodu odlévání. Dnes přímým tiskem vyrábíme již okolo 80 % produkce Brassinů.
How to Work with 3D Prints in Modeling
In recent years, 3D printing has gained widespread popularity in the modeling industry, particularly for accessory production. A few years ago Eduard, too, embraced this technology, gradually replacing traditional casting methods with direct printing, constituting approximately 80% of our Brassin production.
Jak na obtisky Eduard
How to apply Eduard decals
Jak na Space ?
Exploring Space
Nové masky od Eduard
New masks by Eduard
Práce s Eddie the Riveter
Work with Eddie the Riveter
Práce s fotolepty část I
How to Work with PE-Set part I
Práce s fotolepty část II
How to Work with PE-Set part II
Jak sestavit tištěné klapy
How to build printed landing flaps
Step by Step Kurfürst
Step by Step Kurfürst
Step by Step motor F4F-4
Step by Step engine F4F-4
Dobrý den, vážení přátelé! Dnešní úvodník píši zase po roce v Norimberku. Letošní Spielenwarenmesse začal v úterý, dnes jsme přesně v polovině, veletrh končí v sobotu. Pořadatelé se s německou houževnatostí drží pěti dnů trvání akce, čímž jdou většině účastníků pěkně na nervy. Je to sice lepší než šest dnů, které na nás zkoušeli dříve, ale stále je to nejméně o den víc, než tu chceme a potřebujeme být. Z hlediska účasti firem je veletrh letos určitě lepší než loni, ale pokud jde o návštěvníky, obchodníky a žurnalisty, tak je situace víceméně stále bídná. Panuje tu klid. Klid je někdy fajn, ale na veletrhu je klid asi tak to poslední, co na něm chce vystavovatel zažít. Možná se to zítra a pozítří změní a veletrh ožije, ale žádné indicie k tomu nemáme. Tak začínáme uvažovat o odboji. Jak to dopadlo vám napíšu v příštím úvodníku.
Good day, Dear Friends After a year, I am writing today's editorial once again from Nuremberg. This year's Spielenwarenmesse started on Tuesday, and today, we are exactly at the halfway point, as the fair ends on Saturday. With German tenacity, the organizers are sticking with the five-day duration of the event, which gets on the nerves of most participants.
Vítejte v novém roce, vážení přátelé, vítejte u tříkrálového Infa! Lednové novinky jsou již bezmála tři týdny v prodeji, předpokládám tedy, že jste s nimi již zevrubně seznámeni a mnozí je již máte doma. Přesto musím zmínit, že z mého pohledu začínáme letošní rok pěkně zostra. Při prvním pohledu na čtvrtkového Albatrosa D.III to tak možná nevypadá, ale i on byl svého času vrcholovým predátorem válečného nebe a stavebnice přináší vrcholný mix příběhů a osudů jeho pilotů i jejich soupeřů tak, jak je u nás dobrým zvykem. Měli jsme také více než dobrý důvod si toto téma oživit, jak se za chvíli dočtete.
Welcome to the New Year! January’s new releases have been on sale for almost three weeks now, so I assume that you are already thoroughly familiar with them and many of you already have them in your posession. Nevertheless, I have to mention that, from my point of view, we are starting this year off with a bit of a bang. A first glance at the 48th scale Albatros D.III may not indicate this, but it too was once the top predator in a sky dominated by war clouds, and this kit offers a superb mix of stories and fates of its pilots and their opponents, as is our custom to uncover over the course of a kit’s development. We also had more than good reason to revive this topic, as you are about to find out.
Dobrý den, vážení přátelé! Po tříleté přestávce jsme se letos opět vypravili do Telfordu, a je dobře, že jsme se odhodlali tam jet. Přeci jen je Británie kolébkou našeho byznysu, výstava v Telfordu je největší výstavou v našem oboru a chybět na ní by byla chyba. V příštím roce budeme na výstavy vyrážet dál. Na přelomu ledna a února začneme tradičně v Norimberku. Pevně doufám, že tam letos potkáme víc kolegů z jiných firem i víc obchodníků a novinářů než loni. Přiznám se, že jsem trochu napjatý. Podle účasti firem v Norimberku můžeme posuzovat nakolik se svět vrací do normálu a všichni bychom byli určitě rádi za zjištění, že tomu tak je a svět se do normálu opravdu vrací.
Good day, Dear Friends, After a three-year break, we made a return to Telford, and it was a triumphant return at that! After all, Britain is the cradle of our business, and the Telford event is the biggest exhibition in our field and it would be a mistake to miss it. Our plan is to continue attending such events, beginning with Nuremberg in January/February.
Dobrý den, vážení přátelé! S listopadovými novinkami jsme na tom stejně jako s říjnovými, také už jsou druhý týden v prodeji, a tak už je přinejmenším velká část čtenářů Infa zná, pokud už je rovnou nemá doma. Někteří už je dokonce lepí, a ano, jsou i tací, kteří už je mají dokonce postavené. To ovšem není v případě Bf 109 G-2 nebo G-4, obsahu té nej nej nej dvaasedmdesátinové novinky, nic složitého.
Good Day, Dear Friends We find ourselves in the same situation with November’s new releases as we did with the October ones, in that they also have been available for purchase a couple of weeks ahead of the newsletter announcement, meaning that they will already be known to a large percentage of readers and perhaps even in their possession.
Dobrý den, vážení přátelé, vítám vás u zvláštního vydání Infa, věnovaného 21. ročníku E-Daye, konanému 23. září letošního roku na Tankodromu Milovice. Po necelém měsíci ji vy, kdo jste v Milovicích byli, máte ještě v živé paměti, ale věříme, že si ji díky dnešnímu Speciálu Infa znovu rádi připomenete. A ti, kdo tam s námi nebyli, se mohou inspirovat k návštěvě E-Daye příští rok. Bude se konat opět v Milovicích 28. září 2024.
Good day, Dear Friends Welcome to our special edition of the newsletter dedicated to the 21st installment of E-Day, held on September 23rd of this year at the Milovice Tankodrom museum. After less than a month, those of you who were in Milovice still remember it vividly, but I believe that thanks to today's newsletter special, you won’t mind being reminded. And those who were not there with us can be inspired to visit E-day next year. It will be held again in Milovice on September 28, 2024.
Jak se vám líbilo na E-dayi? Nebojte se, nehodlám dnes důkladně popisovat tamní dění, tomu se bude věnovat Speciál Infa, připravovaný na druhý týden v říjnu. V dnešním čísle ovšem najdete alespoň základní fotogalerii. Letošní druhý ročník E-Daye v Milovicích potvrdil potenciál areálu Tankodromu pro akci tohoto typu. Můžeme tedy ladit a vymýšlet další body programu, hodící se do našeho konceptu modelářské výstavy.
How did you like E-Day? Don’t worry, I’m not going to take up precious real estate thoroughly describing the event today, since that will be covered in a Special Edition of our newsletter, slated to come out the second week of October. However, in today’s issue you will find a basic photo gallery of what was there. This year, the second to be held in Milovice, confirmed the potential of the Tankodrom for an event of this type. With that, we can continue to evolve and develop the program to satisfy the concept that goes hand in hand with the venue.
Informace o výstavě E-Day 2023 a soutěži Czech Model Masters – program, instrukce pro dopravu, seznam prodejců a mnoho dalšího
Vážení přátelé, Jsme zpět z Texasu, v pilné práci na dalších projektech. Jak jsem zmiňoval v minulém úvodníku, jedním z účelů naší cesty, kromě obvyklé reprezentace na dnes již opět pravidelné IPMS USA National Convention, byl i průzkum a dokumentace zachovalých exemplářů P-40 Warhawk.
Dear Friends, We’re back from Texas, hard at work on upcoming projects. As I mentioned in the last editorial, one of the purposes of our trip, in addition to our usual participation at the IPMS USA National convention, was to have a good, close up look at several P-40 examples.
Vážení přátelé, vítám vás u srpnového Infa a zdravím z texaského Corpus Christi, kudy s kolegy projíždíme na cestě do San Marcos na tradiční letní IPMS USA Nats. Budeme v Texasu dva týdny, po Nats se přesuneme na sever do Dallasu, kde je naším hlavním plánem studium tří exemplářů P-40 Warhawk. Chceme si ověřit nějaké detaily a průběhy křivek a případně si nějaké pasáže naskenovat.
Dear Friends Welcome to the August edition of our newsletter and greetings from Corpus Christi, Texas, where my colleagues and I are passing through on our way to San Marcos for the traditional summer IPMS USA Nats. We will be in Texas for two weeks, after the Nats we will move north to Dallas where our main goal is to study three P-40 Warhawks.
Dobrý den, vážení přátelé! Ještě před koncem první poloviny letošního roku jsme stihli přestěhovat do nového areálu v Sedleci balení modelů. To nám významně zjednodušilo logistiku, protože dosud jsme výlisky vozili z Obrnic do Mostu, kde jsme stavebnice zabalili a odvezli je do skladu obchodního oddělení v Sedleci. Ta místa od sebe nejsou daleko, je to v řádu jednotek kilometrů, ale i tak jsme se dost najezdili. Teď dělí balení modelů a sklad obchodního oddělení jedna stěna a dvoje dveře, sklad výlisků je přes dvůr.
Hello, dear friends! Even before the end of the first half of this year, we managed to move our model packaging operation to our new facility in Sedlec. This significantly simplifies our logistics, because until now, we would typically move the plastic pressings from Obrnice to Most, where they would be packed into kits, and then transported them to our warehouse and sales department in Sedlec.
Dobrý den, vážení přátelé, mezi 84 novinkami připravenými pro červen vyčnívá dvaasedmdesátinová limitka s názvem Wunderschöne neue Maschinen. Těmi báječnými novými stroji jsou Messerschmitty Bf 109 F, které při svém zavedení do výzbroje německé Luftwaffe na začátku roku 1941 přinesly nárůst výkonů a kvality německého stíhacího letectva.
Good day, Dear Friends Among the 84 new items being released for June, the 72nd Limited Edition kit dubbed “Wunderschöne neue Maschinen” stands out. This “Wonderful New Machines” kit centres around the Messerschmitt Bf 109F, which, when introduced into the arsenal of the Luftwaffe at the beginning of 1941, brought an increase in the performance and quality of German fighters committed to aerial combat.
Dobrý den, vážení přátelé! Na začátku května se soutěžní sezóna pěkně rozjíždí. Máme za sebou tradiční Mošoň, v sobotu se koná Kit show v Kopřivnici, a tak je čas říci si také něco o letošním E-dayi. E-day 2023 se koná v sobotu 23. září na Tankodromu v Milovicích. Pojedeme podle stejného schématu jako vloni, tedy se začátkem pro vystavující modeláře v pátek odpoledne, a to včetně podvečerního programu.
Good Day, Dear Friends We are at the beginning of May, and so the competition season is revving up nicely. We have just had the traditional Moson event and the Kit Show takes place in Kopřivnice on Saturday, so it´s a good time to talk about this year´s E-day. E-day 2023 takes place on Saturday, September 23 at the Tankodrom in Milovice and we will be following the same scheme as last year, meaning that exhibiting modelers begin on Friday afternoon and will include the early evening program.
Dobrý večer, vážení přátelé! Máme přestěhované obchodní oddělení. K včerejšímu dni jsme tak definitivně ukončili naši činnost v areálu Rico, kde obchodní oddělení a také oddělení kompletace stavebnic sídlilo od června roku 2019. A kde také v prosinci 2020 vyhořel sklad výlisků pro stavebnice. Přiznám se, že jsem po požáru doufal v rychlejší přestěhování do nějakých nových prostor. Hned na jaře a v létě 2020 jsme začali připravovat stavbu nové haly, ale turbulentní situace na stavebním trhu v roce 2021 nám tento záměr zhatila. Na podzim 2021 jsme začali jednat o koupi staršího areálu v Sedleci, sousední vesnici vzdálené asi pět kilometrů od Obrnic.
Good evening, Dear Friends We have completed our retail department move. As of yesterday, we have vacated the facility in Most that since June, 2019, has served as our main retail headquarters as well as the facility that served as final kit packaging. It’s also the facility in which we lost a lot of the plastic for our kits when a fire broke out in December 2020. I admit to having hoped for an earlier move to a new facility after that fire. Immediately in the spring and summer of 2020, we prepared for a new-build facility, but that was ultimately quelled by the turbulent supply issues in the construction industry.
Dobrý den, dámy a pánové! Máme zavřeno. Dnes představované březnové novinky si sice můžete prohlédnout a prostudovat jak na následujících stránkách, tak na našem e-shopu, ale nekoupíte je tam. Chápu, zní to šíleně. Nejde ale o žádný rafinovaný marketingový tah, prostě se stěhujeme. Přesně řečeno, stěhujeme obchodní oddělení. To je také důvod, proč v následujících sedmi dnech nebude možné objednávat na e-shopu. Jak jste ale jistě zaznamenali, bylo na druhou stranu možné tyto novinky nakoupit již od minulého pátku, rovněž tak jsou již k dispozici u našich obchodních partnerů.
Good day, Ladies and Gentlemen, We’re closed. Although you are certainly able to view and study our March release listing within these pages or at our e-shop, any purchases will have to be postponed. I understand that this sounds a little nuts, but it is not the result of some underhanded marketing ploy. It is a function of the fact that we are moving our entire retail department. It is also the reason why no sales will be going through our e-shop for the next seven days. As you will have probably already noted, the new items were available for early purchase from last Friday, and they will be available from our retail partners as well.
Vážení přátelé, vítejte u únorového Infa! Dnes začíná Norimberský veletrh hraček (Nuremberg Toy Fair). Po dvouleté přestávce se vracíme do Norimberku a, nebudete tomu věřit, vůbec netušíme, co nás tam čeká.
Dear Friends, Welcome to the February Newsletter! The Nuremberg Toy Fair started yesterday. After a two year hiatus, we are coming back to Nuremberg, and as hard as it may be to believe, we have no idea of what to expect
Vážení přátelé, milí modeláři, vítejte u prvního Infa roku 2023. V lednovém čísle vás tradičně seznamuji s projekty připravenými na aktuální rok. Ani letos tomu nebude jinak, takže se do toho seznamování pustíme rovnou bez zbytečných řečí kolem. Začneme lednem, jehož novinky jsou v prodeji na našem e-shopu již od minulého týdne.
Dear Friends and Fellow Modellers, Welcome to the first newsletter of 2023. The January issue traditionally introduces our planned projects for the year. This year will be no different, so we’ll waste no time and get right down to the nitty gritty. We’ll start off with January, new releases for which are already available from our e-shop and have been since last week.
Easy reading
Easy reading