{"cz":"Info EDUARD"}
{"cz":"Měsíčník o historii a plastikovém modelářství.","en":"Monthly magazine about history and scale plastic modeling."}
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INFOVOL. 12 ISSUE 11 NOVEMBER 2012EDUARD2012involved.Ltd.Page 3
eduardIssued by Eduard-Model Accessories, spol. s.r.o.Mírová 170, Obrnice 435 21info@eduard.czwww.eduard.comCONTENTS481214181119232832EDITORIALKITS8 Bf 109E-1 1/489 Early Lightning 1/4810 Bf 110 Instrument panel 1/4RELEASESNovember 2012PHOTO-ETCHED SETSBRASSINBIG EDBUILT28 P-38J 1/4830 MiG-29A 1/48HISTORYForgotten Czech airman Eduard KleinkönnigREX T. BARBEREVENTSWellington KX-B MemorialON APPROACHDecember 2012Page 4
eduard4Info Eduard - November 2012EDITORIALSo, who’s still wondering what’s new with theMiG-15? It is an active project, after all. Sincewe ended up taking a giant leap for mankindbackwards, we decided why not re-measurethe real deal one more time, as long as we’restarting from square one. We found no fatalaws, and we found one error. The nose shouldbe of a slightly larger diameter, by about0.8mm. Not much, but a little thin it is. On theother hand, we were able to conrm that thetail is virtually bang on, in shape as well as inangles relative to the centreline. Likewise, spanand shape of the horizontal tail are correct. Thetail area has always been a point of debate,and our suspicions of the problems with mostpublished and well known drawings have beenconrmed as well. But this was not news to us; wedid this before. It’s the one thing that suspendedthe project the rst time, and we have now beenable to check and double check this part of theproject to conrm beyond any doubt. When itcomes to the shape, our research is intense. Wehave a new fuselage, and a revamped andnarrower nose. We also took this opportunityto revamp the parts make-up. We decided ona different concept of the front end assembly.We are certain that the end result will beconsiderably more realistic. The only thing thatwill carry over to the new wings will be theirshape. There will be new wheel wells, moredetailed and accurate, and the gears will acceptnew Brassin wheels. There will also be a newexhaust pipe. Pipes, actually, as it appears thatwe will cover the MiG-15 and -15bis separately.Updating will also nd its way into the front wheelwell and cockpit, which will include a new Brassinseat. There will be the Brassin seat, but it shouldbe noted that the plastic one will be the plasticequivalent of the resin one. And to show off thecockpit, we will redo the clear parts, allowing foran open cockpit. But this will all understandablytake a bit of time. This will not be availablethis November, rather obviously, but should beready by late next summer. Call me an optimist!If it works out that way, this would be a gooditem for the next E-day. Originally, I wanted thecentrepiece of the event to be the Avia B.534,but that can wait. But, who knows...maybe bothwill be possible. Setbacks tell us to be cautious,but we have become quite good at new modeldevelopment in recent times. Maybe the need toredo the MiG is a benecial thing to the overallprocess. As you know, something good can beextracted from such setbacks. And in case you’rewondering, the two seat UTI MiG-15 will follow.So, what do we have for November, if no MiG-15? Another Limited Edition 48th scale Lightning.Ofcially, this offering is dubbed ‘Early Lightnings- P-38F/G/H’, and is the second of three repopsof the original Academy kit. There was nothingleft of the rst issue, ‘P-38J Over Europe’ but acloud dust, and this one is likely to follow suit. Theconcept is the same, although the resin parts are,of course, different, and are version specic. Thet should be marginally better with this release.There was a minor issue with the -J, in that theinstrument panel t was a little grumpy which hasbeen addressed in this issue. The decals are onceagain printed by Cartograf, designed by us. Theusual research and choosing procedure for agood marking selection were used here. The kitis available now, and is ying off the shelves atblinding speed.There are two Limited Edition kits on offerthis month. This is unprecedented, but that cameabout with the unprecedented collapse of theMiG-15 project. The other Limited issue kit is the1/4 scale kit of the Bf 110 instrument panel. Theoriginal issue of this kit did the dust thing, too.There are a few small changes with this edition,though. The instrument faces are not printed onfoil, but are now offered as a decal. We alsocorrected some small grammatical mistakes. I’lltell ‘ya....German is not an easy language!In the photoetched brass offered this month,we have a set called ‘P-38 Upgrade’, which isdesigned to t all three Limited Issue kits of theP-38. It contains useful items that did not ndtheir way into the kits, and truth be told, I don’texpect these to be held in storage much longerafter the kits have sold out. There are otherpoints of interest among the brass sets, such asone for the 1/144th scale Spitre MK.IX. I mustadmit that I had serious reservations about doingan etched set for such a small kit, but I have beenpleasantly surprised. My personal favorites arethe sets designed for the 1/72nd scale B-17F,but for someone else, it could easily be the 48thscale Lynx. We were on the fence for some timeabout doing sets for the Lynx, but here they are.Page 5
eduard5Info Eduard - November 2012So, for November, we are offering the rst offour brass and one mask set for the Lynx HMA 8,and this will be followed by the Lynx AH.7, forwhich we already have a mask set ready.The originally planned etched sets for thenow infamous MiG-15 have been taken out ofthe catalog. We have part of the productionrun done completed for it, and we are tryingto gure out how to offer it to the 120 or sopeople who have purchased the MiG-15 kit in itsoriginal guise, and would like them for their kit.The Brassin sets, conceptualized for the Eduardkit, also t the Airx kit, so we will continue tomake those available. And since we are with theBrassin sets, I should mention that there are sixavailable, including 1/72nd scale sets coveringthe cockpit of the Bf 110E, and the cockpitand nose armament of the C/D in the samescale. Good news for fans of Russian aviation,as we are continuing with our Soviet/Russianarmaments sets with the R-60 missile. We alsohave 1/32nd scale wheels for the B-25.November is the month for the carrot Fighter.This is the blue MiG with the rabbit on the tail.Some of you will remember this from this pastE-day. And this brings with it the Bunny FighterClub. Those that were able to attend E-day knowwhat this is about, but for the rest of you, anexplanation is in order. At the end of November,tentatively slated for November 20th, we willkick off our internet Bunny Fighter Club. It willbear the short form BFC, so when you comeacross the letters ‘BFC’, it is a reference to thisclub. It is intended for our customers who buyfrom the e-shop, although the club benets willbe extended to the shows and events that weparticipate in. The club will offer its members,besides discounts, club items including kits,photoetched sets, Brassins, and likely otheritems as well which will be exclusively offeredto BFC members. There will be items specicallydesigned as Limited Series offers for members.The rst in preparation is a re-edition of theStrip Down, in the form of the Fokker Dr.I in1/72nd scale. This will not be a straight re-pop,and will include resin parts, and in this case, itmeans a resin wing leading edge into which therib structures are to be inserted. We suspectthat this relatively easy construction methodwill make the assembly of the model morepleasant. By extension, subsequent Strip Downswill necessarily show improvements that we haveinstigated over the past few years. We striveto have all of our kits pleasant and relativelyeasy to build. These kits will not be limited tore-editions. The next planned club item will be aStrip Down DH-2 in 1/48th scale. 1/48th scaleStrip Down kits, with a decent assortment of resinparts, is one group of kits which we want to offerto BFC members. Of course, that won’t be it. Therewill be a sortiment of offerings made for the clubfor which there are often requests, but for whichwe, for whatever reason, will not develop as astandard series release or that don’t t into anyone of our usual editions. A good example wouldbe local versions of the Bf 109E, such as Spanish,Romanian or Swiss. Slovak would be good,too, but please don’t consider that a promise.Some of you are well aware of what I think ofSlovak Bf 109Es. It could be very similar withthe Hellcat. These could include drones, or FrenchHellcats in Indochina. The MiG-21 is anotheroption. There could be the Romanian MiG-21Lancer, or the MiG-21R, although the MiG-21Rright now is planned for a full series kit. Somewill remember our plan to issue a lit up MiG-21.Its back as a concept for the BFC. One of the rstBFC items will be a 1/48th scale Bf 110C-6. Thiswas a one-ten with a big cannon housing underthe fuselage. This is something that we oftenget asked about, but the general misconceptionis that this is a simple conversion. It’s not, but itwill be done for the BFC. It will rst be donein 1/48th scale, and later in 1/72nd. The 72ndscale will be put on the back burner for a while,as we are doing a lot of those types of itemsnow anyway. And we haven’t nished. At themoment, I’d say we are riding the crest. Besideskits, there will also be exclusive photoetched andBrassin sets offered for BFC members. Amongthe rst will be a colour and PE US Navy carrierdeck incorporating the elevator.The only thing left to explain is how all thisties in with the carrot Fighter. This is kind of acornerstone for the whole project. In order tojoin the club, the purchase of the kit is required.And, the cat’s out of the bag!! It will cost US$74.95. The price point has its own reason. Itspurpose is not to rip anyone off, and will alsoinclude two other marking options for the MiG-21MF of the Czechoslovak Air Force that ewwith the Eduard logo on the tail. Also, it willinclude a good selection of brass and resin, anda club shirt. That will have its own charm, besidesbeing attractive, it will feature a bar code. Thatwill be important, and will represent the valueof the BFC shirt. If you show up wearing yourshirt at any event in which we participate, itwill get you a further discount. Of course, yourshirt bar code will have to be accessible, and itwill only apply to our stall. I understand that tosome extent requiring the purchase of a kit asa condition of membership to the club can bemisconstrued as a form of discrimination, but allfun times cost something! We are sure that thosewho join the club, will have signicant benetsassociated with it, and will reap those benets.That’ll be it about the BFC for now. As the launchdate approaches, more information will berevealed here, and on our Facebook page, andon our advertising banners. And should you ndyourself with questions, don’t hesitate to ask!I hope you enjoy this newsletter. You willnd more serious items within it, such as theunveiling of a memorial to members of No. 311Czechoslovak Squadron RAF in the Netherlands,and those that are more intended to entertainthan to inform, notably the article on theCarrot War MiG-21BFC. Hopefully, no one willcomplain to what they deem to be the properauthorities, and that no one takes it as life anddeath serious!Happy Modeling!Vladimir SulcPage 6
eduard6Info Eduard - November 2012BUNNY FIGHTER CLUBeduard6Info Eduard - November 2012With E-bunny the world will never be the same. After all,many of you already noticed this - it started when heappeared amongst us. The wind has turned! Don’t staybehind. Prepare your glues, paints, raspers, tweezers,toothpicks and participate on the change of the world!It’s here! Exclusive Bunny Fighter Club is not just com-mon customer club, like any other around. Its concep-tion is totally unique, for unique modelers. Amongstmany unexpected, Club will bring you loads of fun,advantages and pleasure.Staring in November 2012 Bunny Fighter Club willbring many advantages and special products to allmodelers worldwide. Become a member of this exclu-sive modeling club and enjoy the advantages andbonuses fully.WE’RE STARTING ON 20TH OF NOVEMEBER, AT 8:13PM (GMT+1)!www.eduard.com/cs/bfcMEMBERSHIP BENEFITS1. 15% Permanent Club discount at Eduard Sto-re – you will receive permanent 15% discount onall Eduard products and also discount on variousother non-Eduard products. Fixed, permanent,forever!2. Unique valuable Club kits and accessories– you will gain access to unique and nowhereelse to be sold products, specially made for BFCmembers.3. Even better prices at Eduard events stand– do you know that Eduard usually has hugediscounts on their products at fairs and eventsall over the world? BFC members will have evenbigger discount at these events.4. Loyalty price bonuses – for each purchase ofproducts at Eduard Store, you will be able to co-llect additional loyalty discount on each of yourorder. Accumulate even more discounts!5. Club T-shirt – you will receive fancy BFC T--shirt with unique design and special barcode(used for event discounts). This exclusive T-shirtwill be only available for the founding membersof BFC.6. Free entry fee on E-day – you will not have topay a penny to visit Eduard’s E-day. That meanslot of fun at E-day for two days and entry kit,absolutely free! (We’ll notice you about furthermembership advantages)HOW TO BECOME A MEMBERCurrently you can become a member by buyingthe special edition of Eduard’s MiG-21: MiG--21MF 1/48 The Bunny Fighter, which will beavailable directly at Eduard Store during No-vember 2012.January 2013: Photo-etched colorUSN carrier deck in 1/72 (approx.size 22 x 26 cm )February 2013: F6F-5K Hellcat1/72March 2013: Bf 110C-6 1/48April 2013: Fokker Dr.ISTRIPDOWN 1/72BFC PRODUCTSFOR EARLY 2013:Page 7
eduard7Info Eduard - November 2012BUNNY FIGHTER CLUBeduard7Info Eduard - November 2012CONTENTS: MIG-21MF/BFC(CAT. NO. BFC001)MiG-21BFC, Lt. C. Bunnyeld, 1st Squadron,Carrot Flight, Central Africa, July, 2011MiG-21MF, No. 5303, Zatec, 1991MiG-21MF, No. 4127, 82. sslt, Ostrava--Mosnov, June, 1990Decal sheet with 3 famousEduard tailartsColor photo-etched detailsBunny Fighter Club Founder Edition T-shirtPainting maskBrassin cockpit interior,wheels and rocketlaunchers UB-16Page 8
eduard8Info Eduard - November 2012KITSWeekend 1/48Cat.No. 84164Bf 109E-1The Weekend edition brings you the cheap variant of Eduard kitBf 109E-1 in the 1/48 scale. User friendly decals in high quality aredesigned and printed by Eduard. This kit, in very fair price, does notcontains photo-etched accessories, nor the painting mask.BUY Bf 109E-1 1/48RECOMMENDED:Photo-etched setBf 109E-1 1/48 (48720)Brassin accessoriesBf 109E wheels(648058)Bf 109E MG 17 mount1/48 (648060)DB 601 A/ N engine1/48 (648059)Bf 109E cockpit and radiocompartment 1/48 (648074)Page 9
eduard9Info Eduard - November 2012KITSeduard9Info Eduard - November 2012LIMITED EDITION 1/48Cat.No. 1174Limited edition of the P-38F/G/H Lightning (early ver-sions) in the 1/48 scale is based on Academy plasticparts. The increasing value of that kit is made by theEduard additional detailing sets (exclusively includedin this kit only). The Eduard Brassin accessories coversthe cockpit (pilot’s compartment bay, pilot’s seat, armorplate behind the seat, radio equipment), the superchar-gers (the entire supercharger, plus the superchargerintakes located on the engine sides) and landing gearwheels (including the front wheel, with superb detailson their discs, also as the ne tire pattern). The pho-toetched accessories (colored) contains the instrumentpanel and seatbelts, air intake strainers and structureof the coolers intakes, landing gear interior and variousexterior details. The decal sheet designed by Eduardand printed by Cartograf features six colorful and at-tractive markings for early Lightnings serving with va-rious USAAF units. Only 1500 boxes available.P-38F-5-LO, s/n 42-12623, own by Capt. Robert L. Fau-rot, 35th FG, 39th FS, Port Moresby, New Guinea, January,1943P-38F-15-LO, s/n 43-2166 , 1st FG, 27th FS, Tunisia, 1943P-38G-15-LO, own by Lt. James Hagenback, 1st FG,94th FS, Monserrato, Sardinia, 1943P-38G-13-LO, s/n 43-2264, own by Lt. Rex Barber,347th FG, 339th FS, Guadalcanal, April 18, 1943BUY Early Lightnings 1/48P-38H-5-LO, own by Lt. Kenneth G. Ladd, 8th FG, 80th FS,Dobodura AB, New Guinea, February, 1944P-38H-5-LO, s/n 42-67008, own by Lt. A. F. Thompson,80th FG, 459th FS, Burma, 1944Page 10
eduard10Info Eduard - November 2012KITSBUY Bf 110 instrument panel 1/4eduard10Info Eduard - November 2012Re-edition of very popular Eduard Limi-ted edition kit of ¼ scale Bf 110 instru-ment panel. Kit contains all instrumentsincluding ne internal dial details, pla-cards (made from PE), labels, switchesand buttons.LIMITED EDITION 1/4 Cat.No. 14001Bf 110 instrument panelPage 11
eduard11Info Eduard - November 2012BIG ED32748 B-25J bomber cockpit interior S.A. (BIG3320)32321 B-25 bomb bay (BIG3320)36221 M-ATV MRAP exterior (BIG3575)49607 Il-2m3 S.A. (BIG4976)BIG3320 B-25J bomber 1/32 HKMBIG4976 Il-2m3 1/48 TAMIYABIG3575 M-ATV 1/35 KINETICeduard11Info Eduard - November 2012All sets included in this BIG ED are available separately,but with every BIG ED set you save up to 30%.BIG3320 B-25J bomber 1/32 HKM32319 B-25J exterior32321 B-25 bomb bay32747 B-25J bomber front interior S.A.32748 B-25J bomber cockpit interior S.A.32756 B-25 fuselage interior 32746 B-25J seatbelts32750 B-25J correct pilot seatsJX143 B-25J bomber32320 B-25 ammunition beltsBIG4976 Il-2m3 1/48 TAMIYABIG3575 M-ATV 1/35 KINETIC48739 Il-2m3 landing aps49607 Il-2m3 S.A. EX360 Il-2m336213 M-ATV MRAP interior36222 M-ATV MRAP seatbeltsXT181 M-ATV windows 36221 M-ATV MRAP exteriorPage 12
eduard12Info Eduard - November 2012eduard12Info Eduard - November 2012BUY MK 108 gun 1/48648083MK 108 gun1/48BUY B-25H/J wheels 1/32BUY R-60 / AA-8 Aphid 1/48632014B-25H/J wheels1/32 HK Models648082R-60 / AA-8 Aphid1/48Set focused to HK Models B-25H/J 1/32 containsthe main landing gear and nose wheels with nedetailed tire, discs and other wheel accessories. Awheel disc from PE included, also as the paintingmask.Set contains 4 pcs of the infrared guided air-to-airSoviet missile R-60 Molnyia (NATO coding AA-8Aphid) ) in the 1/48 scale. Set contains detailedrocket body, racks, wings and warhead protection.Photo-etched details. This is a missile widely ex-ported by Soviets, so with a wide use worldwide.Used on planes such as MiG-21, MiG-23, MiG-25,MiG-27, MiG-29, MiG-31, Su-15, Su-17, Su-20,Su-22, Su-24, Su-25, Yak-28, Yak-38, Yak-141,Mi-24, BAe Hawk and othersSet contains two pieces of the German famousRheinmetall-Borsig MK 108 30 mm cannon in the1/48 scale, each composed of two parts (the mainbody and barrel, plus the ammo bolt deck (Gurtzu-führung)). This highly detailed accessory can beused together with the Eduard 1/48 Fw 190A-8/R2 or any manufacturer kit of Luftwaffe planesusing this gun, such as Me 262, Me 163, Ho 229, Fw190D-11, particular variants of Bf 109, Bf 110, Ta152, He 162, etc.Page 13
eduard13Info Eduard - November 2012eduard13Info Eduard - November 2012BRASSINBUY Bf 110E cockpit 1/72BUY S-21 Soviet unguided rocket 1/72BUY Bf 110C/D nose guns 1/72672009S-21 Soviet unguided rocket1/72 Eduard/Airx672004Bf 110E cockpit1/72 Eduard672010Bf 110C/D nose guns1/72 EduardLarge set contains highly detailed cockpit inte-rior for Eduard Bf 110E in 1/72. It is composedof the entire cockpit parts such as oor, seats,side-walls, pilot’s compartment, radio equip-ment, rear gunner’s equipment including ammomagazines, movable MG FF mount incl. its coverpanel etc. PE details included.Set contains 2 pcs of the Soviet S-21 210 mm ca-liber unguided air-to-ground rockets in the 1/72scale. Set contains as well detailed rocket body,underwing pylons and racks. Photo-etched details.Designed for Eduard 1/72 MiG-15/MiG-15biskits. Can be used also on other models of typessuch as MiG-17, MiG-19 and MiG-21(F-13).This set is focused on Bf 110C and D versions byEduard in 1/72 scale. The MG 17 machine gunswere used in early versions of the Bf 110s as afuselage weapon. Set consists from four machineguns, their supports and all accessories includingammo boxes. Separate gun-mount housing is madeextremely thin. A new bottom nose section is inclu-ded.Page 14
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eduard18Info Eduard - November 2012eduardRELEASES NovemberBUY on Eduard storeComments and input from J&TKITS1174 Early Lightnings 1/48 Limited Edition84164 Bf 109E-1 1/48 Weekend14001 Bf 110 instrument panel 1/4 Limited EditionPE-SETS144006 Spitre Mk.IX 1/144 Eduard32322 Bf 109E-7 exterior 1/32 Trumpeter32323 Ju 87B-2 exterior 1/32 Trumpeter32752 Bf 109E-7 interior 1/32 Trumpeter36227 Nettle - kopřiva 1/3536231 BRDM-2 early 1/35 Trumpeter36235 IDF Merkava Mk.IIID 1/35 Hobby Boss36237 IDF Merkava Mk.IIID basket 1/35 Hobby Boss36238 IDF Merkava Mk.IIID armour shields 1/35 Hobby Boss36239 Schürzen StuG.III Ausf.G 1943 1/35 Dragon 658148748 P-38 upgrade set 1/48 Eduard49603 P-51D S.A. 1/48 Hobby Boss49613 Lynx HMA.8 interior S.A. 1/48 AIrx53072 Yamato 1/350 new tool 1/350 Tamiya 7802553073 Yamato railings new tool 1/350 Tamiya 7802572544 B-17F exterior 1/72 Revell72545 B-17F landing aps 1/72 Revell73436 Spitre F Mk.22 S.A. 1/72 Airx73448 D3A Val 1/72 Cyber Hobby73451 P-51D/F-51D 1/72 Airx73452 SB2C-4 S.A. 1/72 Cyber HobbyZOOMS33114 Bf 109E-7 interior S.A. 1/32 1/32 TrumpeterFE613 Lynx HMA.8 interior S.A. 1/48 AirxSS436 Spitre F Mk.22 interior S.A. 1/72 AirxSS451 P-51D/F-51 interior S.A. 1/72 AirxSS452 SB2C-4 interior S.A. 1/72 Cyber HobbySS460 B-17F interior S.A. 1/72 RevellMASKSCX321 D3A Val 1/72 1/72 Cyber HobbyCX331 Bf 109E 1/72 1/72 AirxCX334 Spitre F Mk.22 1/72 1/72 AirxEX366 Lynx HMA.8 1/48 1/48 AirxEX368 Ju 87D 1/48 1/48 ItaleriEX369 Wessex HAS Mk.3 1/48 1/48 RevellEX371 Lynx AH7 1/48 1/48 AirxXT190 LVT-4 1/35 1/35 AFV ClubXT195 BTR-50PK APC 1/35 1/35 TrumpeterXT196 Elefant wheel masks 1/35 1/35 TamiyaXT198 V3000S 1/35 1/35 ICMXT200 L3H163 1/35 1/35 ICMXT201 Kfz.2 Radio car 1/35 1/35 ICMXT202 Merkava Mk.3D 1/35 1/35 MengBIG EDBIG3320 B-25J bomber 1/32 1/32 HK ModelsBIG3575 M-ATV 1/35 1/35 KineticBIG4976 Il-2m3 1/48 1/48 TamiyaBRASSIN632014 B-25H/J wheels 1/32 HK Models648082 R-60 / AA-8 Aphid 1/48648083 MK 108 gun 1/48672004 Bf 110E cockpit 1/72 Eduard672009 S-21 Soviet unguided rocket 1/72 Eduard672010 Bf 110C/D nose guns 1/72 EduardPage 19
eduard19Info Eduard - November 2012HISTORYeduard19Info Eduard - November 2012Since the Garrison House restaurant in Zatec closed down,Kleinkönnig’s public presence has been sporadic. The latestis that the house own by the town should be soon sold to privateowners, so the restaurant may re-open.Three kill marks under the canopy of Kleinkönnig’s MiG is relavant only to the 2011 conict. There is no symbo-logy for the damage of the two F-14As in 1986, or to the previous mid-air collision with a Soviet MiG-21SMTduring Warsaw Pact maneuvers over the Baltic Sea in the summer of 1977.Uganda’s L-29 Deln. The story goes that it was this particularmachine on which Lt. Kleinkönnig demonstrates to shockedUgandan cadets his famous low altitude ight. He keeps thatgure to the late years – note the unusual blue/green schemeon his MiG-21BFC.Year of 1964 – a jam at the gate to the Uganda Air Base Ha-fassa, where L-29 training took place. The white man standingeighth from the left in the sixth row is Eduard Kleinkönnig!SS451 P-51D/F-51 interior S.A. 1/72 AirxSS452 SB2C-4 interior S.A. 1/72 Cyber HobbySS460 B-17F interior S.A. 1/72 RevellMASKSCX321 D3A Val 1/72 1/72 Cyber HobbyCX331 Bf 109E 1/72 1/72 AirxCX334 Spitre F Mk.22 1/72 1/72 AirxEX366 Lynx HMA.8 1/48 1/48 AirxEX368 Ju 87D 1/48 1/48 ItaleriEX369 Wessex HAS Mk.3 1/48 1/48 RevellEX371 Lynx AH7 1/48 1/48 AirxXT190 LVT-4 1/35 1/35 AFV ClubXT195 BTR-50PK APC 1/35 1/35 TrumpeterXT196 Elefant wheel masks 1/35 1/35 TamiyaXT198 V3000S 1/35 1/35 ICMXT200 L3H163 1/35 1/35 ICMXT201 Kfz.2 Radio car 1/35 1/35 ICMXT202 Merkava Mk.3D 1/35 1/35 MengBIG EDBIG3320 B-25J bomber 1/32 1/32 HK ModelsBIG3575 M-ATV 1/35 1/35 KineticBIG4976 Il-2m3 1/48 1/48 TamiyaBRASSIN632014 B-25H/J wheels 1/32 HK Models648082 R-60 / AA-8 Aphid 1/48648083 MK 108 gun 1/48672004 Bf 110E cockpit 1/72 Eduard672009 S-21 Soviet unguided rocket 1/72 Eduard672010 Bf 110C/D nose guns 1/72 EduardForgotten Czech airmanEduard KleinkönnigVladimír ŠULCThis aircraft participated in one of the lesserknown conicts, the so-called ‘Carrot Wars’.It was fought over local carrot plantations, ge-nerally out of the eye of the mainstream media.The MiG-21BFC (Bomber-Fighter-Cannibalized)were surplus aircraft offered for sale by theCzech Air Force, and at the beginning of theirnew careers even carried Czech low-viz natio-nal insignia. The aircraft carries three kill marksunder the cockpit, which were gained by the pi-lot, Lt. Carrol Bunnyeld.The uncommonly sharp markings of the aircraftserved to attract enemy aircraft. After gainingtheir attention, they then would be jumped byother, more traditionally camouaged MiG-21s.The participation of the European pilot in thisconict did not go fully unnoticed by the me-dia. The rst to report the participation ofa European was Al Jazira, and the German pre-ss went to great lengths to speculate on his nati-onality. Inuenced by the Russians and Serbs, theGerman media concentrated its speculations onFrancophone nations, which have had a historyof participation in local conicts in the area. Bildam Sonntag referred to the pilot as, and I quote,‘Der Belgische Riese’, which is an error, becauseour hero is a typical motley Czech lad of the‘Ostrava’ variety, albeit a lesser known one.This pilot, ying under the pseudonym Lt. CarrolBunnyeld, is in fact a well known Czech aviationgure hailing out of the Zatec social scene, spe-cically centred around the pub ‘The GarrisonHouse’ in Zatec on Jaselska Street. His name is Lt.Eduard Kleinkonnig, a noteworthy pioneer of fo-reign missions in the Czechoslovak Peoples’ Armyand a regular at the Garrison House, nicknamed‘Tchombe’. He received this nickname as earlyas the rst half of the sixties on his return fromMobutu Sese SekoKuku Ngbendu waZa Banga). The re-ports were proventrue after the fallof Mobutu sometwenty years afterthe involvement ofCzechoslovak per-sonnel in Uganda.Kleinkonnig wasalso stationed inBiafra, where he was an instructor during the in-tegration locally of the L-29 Deln. He later alsoinstructed on the L-29 in Uganda. By the way,the then 1st Lieutenant Kleinkonnig, on behalf ofCzech intelligence, is known for the initial reportsof atrocities committed by the new Zambiandictator Mobutu Sese Seka (full name reportedlyCongo’s president Moïse AntoninKapenda-Tshombe had no ideathat during the 60s he was aninspiration to the nickname of theyoung Czechoslovak jet ghterpilot, Lt. Kleinkönnig.Zaire’s dictator Mobutu Sese Seko Kuku Ngbendu wa Za Bangaduring his visit of Uganda. Due to lack of fuel his ight landedat Sarese, where at that time were stationed also Czechoslovakinstructors. Before the dictator’s plane was refueled, the basecommander arranged for Mobutu a lavish dinner party.MiG-21BFC own by Lt. Eduard Kleinkönnig (alias Lt. C. Bunnyeld) in a scheme wornduring the height of the pilot‘s fame during the Carrot Wars of 2011. Despite the highlyvisible name painted on the aircraft, it is better known as the ‚Carrot Fighter‘.Page 20
eduard20Info Eduard - November 2012HISTORYeduard20Info Eduard - November 20121978 year: Coloned Khadda at the Czechoslovak aviation factory Aero Vodochody, where he was given a new plane model of the L-39 Albatros.Prague, 1987: Czechoslovak president and the leader of the communistic party Gustav Husák (right) beams with joy right afterMuommar Khadda presented Eduard Kleinkönnig with the Order of the Big Camel at a private function out of sightof the press.The Order of the Big Camel, presented to the only one Cze-choslovak citizen, Eduar Kleinkönnig, by Muammar Khadda.This highest Lybian order is currently on display in the ‚traditionroom‘ of No. 24th Branch of the Czech Airmen Associationon the Zatec-Macerka aireld. Its owner picks up it for veryspecial ocassions.Egypt, where he participated in the evacuationof aircraft to the Sudan during Israeli attacks ofthe 1967 war. From that time, his friendship withfuture president Hosni Mubarak are well docu-mented., then a divisional commander to whichKleinkonnig was attached as an instructor. HisAfrican experience would continue through theeighties in Libya, where, as an employee of PZOOmnipol, he was involved in the integration ofthe L-39ZA Albatros light combat aircraft intothe Libyan Air Force. According to his GarrisonHouse stories, he found himself in Benghazi in1986 during the American attacks in retaliationfor the Berlin disco bombings.His participation in the epic battle against Ame-rican imperialism, culminating with his damagingof two F-14A Tomcats from the 23mm cannon ofhis Albatros, Kleinkonnig was decorated with Li-bya’s highest state award. The Order of the BigCamel, which was awarded by non other thanColonel Khadda himself in his tent, erected inPrague during his visit in the late eighties.His work for Omnipol was the likely reason forhis nal assignment in Africa which led to hisparticipation in the Carrot War. The sale of veformer Czechoslovak (according to some sourcesHungarian) MiG-21MF aircraft were the workPage 21
eduard21Info Eduard - November 2012HISTORYeduard21Info Eduard - November 2012Training plane Fouga Magister, still in Israeli colors.After buying a signicant number of these planesfrom Israel, it became a mainstream type of theBurkina Faso AF. The MiG-21 training of Mossianpilots meant for Eduard Kleinkönnig an unexpectedreturn to the African sky.President of the Burkina Faso Blaise Compaoré (middle)with his ofcers.The President Compaoré is very popular. Although the spare parts and ammunition dumps for MiG-21sin the Bobo-Dioulasso are not very common, there were nosupply problems during the Carrot Wars.One of the brothers in arms for Lt. C. Bunnyeld (EdaKleinkönnig) in the Carrot Wars in the Summer 2011was (at the end) also his old time friend PatricieUmangbata, that was trained by Kleinkönig on theMiG-21 several years ago in Czechoslovakia. Notethe unusual rst name of this pilot and especially hisnon-African face...Management of the Eduard – Model Accessories companydecided to make an expedition to the friendly countryof Hungary with an effort to trace the Bunny Fighter. Therewas interest to join the expedition by the legendary EduardKleinkönnig himself. But it seems, that he has a greater interestfor Hungarian salami than for the plane in which he survivediffy moments in the hot African skies a year ago.South-east corner of the Bobo-Dioulasso Air Base.of this well known Czech company. The trainingof local pilots on these aircraft was right up Kle-inkonnig’s alley. The local pilots transitioned tothe MiG-21s from Fouga Magisters, which origi-nated in Israel and went through an upgrade togive them a secondary combat role. The reasonsbehind such a qualitative improvement in the airforce of president Blaise Compaor are unknown.The two debated reasons, that he went nuts inhis old age and that it was a military transac-tion pushed through by the Czechs, both seemequally likely. Media sources claim that a CzechDr. Bartak served as an advisor to presidentCompaor, but it has not been ascertained wea-ther this is the well known neurologist Dr. MartinBartak, later a successful Czech defense minister,or the infamous pervert MUDr. Jaroslav Bartak.Unfortunately, minority group uprisings, supp-orted by Tuareg nomads in the Sahel regionof the Sahara, came at a time when the Mossipilots had not completed their transition to theMiG-21, and only one, Major Uruumba UmbaUmba, who had own at one time as Kleinkonni-g’s wing, was qualied. Besides reconnaissanceand interdiction ights, the duo also ew escortmissions to cover the Majisters armed with ungui-ded Matra rockets and Czech Plamen underwingcannon pods, which were very successful againstground targets, such as vehicles in use by the Tu-areg. These wee acquired from VW in Germanyand modied to carry Omnipol supplied CzechType 59 30mm twin cannon. They were alsoused against Fulb and Tuareg combat camels.The French media services have described theeffectiveness of the use of the aircraft againstTuareg camels to be comparable to the effecti-veness of the USAF in Afghanistan, where therelative cost of ring off a missile round (costingsome $360,000US) against a Taliban donkey($186.49US taxes in) is something that causesone to scratch their head.The Mossi MiGs ew out of the main base in thecapital city of Burkina Faso, Ouagadougou, du-ring the war, but our duo often operated alsofrom smaller strips at Bobo-Dioulasso. Flights outof Abidjan aireld cannot be ruled out, but this isa grass eld with no real technical support infra-structure. The social environment of this area issuch that everything that isn’t bolted down tendsto go missing, and this should be considered aswell. Of course, at the time, this would not beall too foreign to someone accustomed to Czechstandards of the day! Kleinkonnig often expre-ssed feeling quite at home in Africa.It was long assumed that Kleikonnig’s blue MiG,dubbed the ‘Carrot Fighter’, was lost duringa combat sortie over the Sahel region of the Sa-hara about three months after his return home.According to the most recent information, theMiG survived the war and was sold to Hunga-ry, where it has been reportedly stored at anundisclosed military academy. This accounts forthe comments originating from Hungary castingdoubt on the Czech source of the famous blueMiG, no less its well known, big-eared pilot. It isfurthermore possible that the name Attila Ors-zag is one of many pseudonyms that Kleinkonnigused during his eventful career, but he was de-nitely not Hungarian!Page 22
eduard22Info Eduard - November 2012HISTORYeduard22Info Eduard - November 2012Page 23
eduard23Info Eduard - November 2012HISTORYeduard23Info Eduard - November 2012REX T. BARBERJan BobekAmerican ghter pilot Rex T. Barber will forever be associated with the un-forgettable encounter that took place on April 18 th, 1943 over the islandof Bougainville that took the life of the architect of the Pearl Harbor attacks,Isoroku Yamamoto. The markings of this aircraft are offered as an optionin this month’s Special Edition kit by Eduard in 1/48th scale. But should youthink that my article here will centre exclusively on this mission, you’d be mis-taken. I wrote in some depth on the subject in REVI No.18, and I sent an issueto Rex Barber. The envelope from the distant Czech Republic evidently wasa pleasant surprise for Mr. Barber, because the number of documents andbooks I was to receive from Mr. and Mrs. Barber was almost overwhelming!The wife of Rex Barber never forgot to send me clippings from the localpress in reference to the Czech Republic after that.Rex Theodore Barber was born in Culver, Oregon on May 6 th, 1917. Afterattending Lindeld College in McMinnville, he went to Oregon State Univer-sity. He joined the military in September, 1940, prior to the United States’entry into the war. His military life took him on a virtually straight line intothe cockpit, and he gained his wings in October, 1941.Photo on top: Not very nice landing of legendary P-38G-13LO „Miss Virginia“ marked as „147“with serial number 43-2264. Her „owner“ was Bob Petit who used it on February 27, 1943 for shoo-ting down of two „Rufes“ and on March 29 ew it during attack against submarine chaser.All three successes were marked on the nose of the aircraft as two little ags and ship silhouette.Rex. T. Barber had used the very same ship during famous mission on April 18, 1943. The date ofcrash landing seen on the photo is not known. A rumor says that pilot was not able to lower underca-rriage and his landing ended right next to new latrine.BUY Early Lightnings 1/48P-38G-13-LO, s/n 43-2264, Lt. Rex Barber, 347th FG,339th FS, Guadalcanal, April, 1943Page 24
eduard24Info Eduard - November 2012eduard24Info Eduard - November 2012HISTORYHis rst operational assignment was the 70 thFighter Squadron (35 th FG) in California, equi-pped with the Bell P-39 Airacobra. The unit stillhad to wait about a year to enter combat afterthe attack on Pearl. The unit was moved to Gua-dalcanal after a stay on Fiji, and by this time, Lt.Rex Barber had accumulated over 400 hours ofying time. At this time, his 70 th FS fell underthe command of the 347 th Fighter Group, andbesides the P-39, also took delivery of the twinengined P-38 Lightning. The main role of the 70Munda, on the island of New Georgia togetherwith his wingman 1stLt. William Daggit. Theycruised in over the target at 9,000 feet. Abo-ve them, at 13,000 feet, they spotted patrollingZekes, while below at 1,000 feet, bombers initi-ating landing procedures.There were three twin-engined G3M ‘Nells’ ofthe Kokutai 701 that were coming in from Vuna-kanau aireld in Rabaul to pick up ghter pilotsof the Kokutai 252, and deliver them to the airbase at Kahili. (known as Buin to the Japanese)on the south shore of Bougainville. Their escortincluded nine Zeros and the formation arrivedat Munda at 1045h. While Daggit initiated amanouevre to attract the escort aircraft, Barberbegan his assault on the lead bomber in his Ai-racobra, carrying the name ‘Diablo’. During hisattack, he realized that in the heat of the mo-ment, he had neglected to jettison his drop tank,a situation that was immediately remedied. Hisrst burst lit up one of the engines of the bomber,which ended up in the drink some 30 meters fromshore. Of the crew commanded by Lt. (JG) Kei-zo Kondo, all survived, although three sufferedinjuries. He than attempted to join a formationof aircraft that he deemed to be Marine CorpsCorsairs, but on realizing that they were in factZekes, set a quick course for home. The news ofthe kill reached home before Barber did. Goodnews traveled fast thanks to an Australian spo-tter on Rendova, who reported that an Americanghter dropped a bomb on a Japanese bomberat Munda. What he actually saw was the jettiso-ned drop tank. If any of you happen to have theneeded scuba gear and the required experien-ce, the wreck lies on the bottom of the ocean, butis relatively intact.At the beginning of 1943, Barber was transfe-rred to the 339 th Fighter Squadron, and beganying the P-38G Lightning. He literally made thetransition by himself. Later, he confessed that itwas over the rst ten or fteen ights that hebegan to recognize the ight controls and howto feather the props when needed. It wasn’t untilafter he left Guadalcanal in May, 1943, whenhe received formal training on the P-38! Beco-ming one of the most successful pilots in the 339th FS is a testament to his piloting skills.At the same time as familiarizing themselves withtheir large ghters, the pilots were also honingtheir combat skills to best ght their Japaneseopponents. These difcult times also presentedsome very difcult lessons. Their foes were madeup of combat hardened veterans of the Kokutai204, 252 and 253 ying Zekes, and from theKokutai 802 ying the oat equipped version,the Rufe. Over the 13 th and 14 th of Febru-ary, the 339 th FS wrote off eight aircraft andlost three pilots. Especially the 14 th of Februarywould prove to be tragic for the Americans overKahili. The actual gures were the loss of tenAmerican (including Marine Corps units) and twoJapanese Zeros lost. The event has been remem-bered as the ‘Saint Valentine’s Day Massacre’.Barber almost ended up on the wrong side ofthe statistics sheet himself, when on March 29 th,1943, he attacked oat equipped aircraft atShortland base. On the return ight, the Ame-ricans spotted Type 28 sub chaser. Under theleadership of Capt. Thomas Lanphier, the veLightnings conducted four sweeps just fty feetover the water. It almost cost Rex Barber his life,causing him to fall into what is known as ‘tar-get xation’, a pretty self-explanatory term. Hesnapped out of it, but did damage a wingtip,losing about three feet of it. The Japanese shipwas listing and on re, but Barber was somewhatmore interested in not having to ditch in sharkinfested waters.One of the greatest combats to occur in the areaof Guadalcanal took place during the Japane-se Operation ‘I’ on April 7 th, 1943. Targets onGuadalcanal were to be attacked by 67 bom-bers accompanied by 157 ghters. The Ameri-cans countered with 76 aircraft, including a do-zen Lightnings. Rex Barber was in one of them,and over the course of the battle, was able toshoot down a pair of Zekes, likely belonging tothe Kokutai 253. The Japanese wrote off twelveghters and nine bombers, while the Americanslost seven aircraft and a number of ones that su-ffered damage of one form or another. Barber’s339 th FS came out the other side unscathed.The greatest milestone of Barber’s career cameon the aforementioned April 18 th, 1943. TheAiracobras, probably from 347th FG, standing in a eldat Guadalcanal receive quick repairs to battle damage.There was no shortage of useful vehicles at Guadalcanalmaking life of ground crew bit easier. T. Sgt. Leo A. Hoppoperates the Fighter Group´s pride, a Cletrac airplane mover.Somewhat surprising photo depicting crew of Chinese AmericanComposite Wing´s B-25 Mitchell. On the left is smiling Rex T.Barber, while on the right seat is co-pilot Lt. Y. C. Yi.Airplane own by Rex. T Barber during dramatic mission on March 29, 1943. Standing from the left: Lt. Col. Henry Vicellio,Lt. Col. Tyler, Lt. E.H. Anglin, capt. Thomas G. Lanphier, Lt. E. E. Stratton, Maj. Gen. N. F. Twining, Maj. John W. Mitchell (commanderof 339th FS) and Lt. Rex T. Barber. The photo was taken after April 18, 1943.th FS P-39s was to attack ground and surfacetargets, but the opportunity did present itselffrom time to time to test their aerial combat skillsagainst the Japanese.Rex Barber was presented with such an oppor-tunity on December 28 th, 1942, during a re-connaissance ight over an enemy aireld atPage 25
eduard25Info Eduard - November 2012eduard25Info Eduard - November 2012HISTORYAmericans, with the help of their allies, wereable to intercept and decipher a Japanese co-mmunique, detailing the schedule of an inspecti-on tour of Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto. Lightningpilots stationed on Guadalcanal were entrustedwith the mission to shoot down his bomber. Eigh-teen P-38s were allocated to the mission, andthe attacking foursome was to include Lt. Barberand Capt. Lanphier, a conrmation of their skillsand recognition of their success in the P-38. TheCrew of CACW´s B-25 Mitchell head for their ship. From the left: radio/gunner Lt. K. W. Fang, pilot Capt. W. P.„Kit“ Carson, pilot Capt. C. Y. Lin a navigator/bomber Lt. M. H. Chow.T. Sgt. V. DeVito is painting another mission marking on the side of the P-38G-10. Next to him is posing Capt. Billy M. Beardsley.He had scored one kill during mission on April 29, 1944. In the same engagement was shot down Rex T. Barber. It was alsoBeardsley who escorted Barber´s wingman departing the combat zone and saw him bailing out. By co-incidence Beardsley onceinuenced ghting in whole China. During a sortie on September 9, 1943 near Canton he had engaged and shot down a Ki-21„Sally“ (MC-21 transport). Among the killed passengers was also commander of 3rd Air Division Lt. Gen. Nakazono Moritaka.JAAF´s 25th Hikó Sentai was responsible for shooting downof Rex T. Barber on April 29, 1944 near Yueyang. Photoof 25th´s Ki-43-II shows battle damage of leading edge andmissing aileron. Her pilot Capt. Nakakazu Ozaki scored 19victories.This Ki-44-II Kó (s/n 1134) belonged to 2nd Chútai of 85thHikó Sentai. Her pilot was probably 18 victory ace YukiyoshiWakamatsu. This unit under Wakamatsu´s command wasbadly defeated on February 12, 1944 near Suichuan togetherwith „Oscars“ from 11th Hikó Sentai. Rex T. Barber claimedtwo probables after the battle. At least one „Oscar“ and ve„Tojos“ were shot down with one more damaged and anotherthree belly landed after running out of fuel.1943 mission were to be kept secret. Barber hadown 110 combat sorties, but had no idea thatthe toughest one was still ahead of him. Practica-lly immediately on his return to the States, he vo-lunteered for service with the Chinese AmericanComposite Wing (CACW), engaged in ghtingthe Japanese in southern China. His request wasgranted, and at the end of 1943 he became aLightning pilot yet again, this time assigned tothe 449 th Fighter Squadron of the 51 st Fightersextet of 449 th FS Lightnings were tasked withattacking river vessels. After being bounced bythe 25 th Hiko Sentai, only three returned home.Almost a year after the downing of Yamamo-to’s bomber, Capt. Rex Barber was declared thelead for his last sortie. It was his 28 th mission inChina and was planned for April 29 th, 1944.Eight P-38s (nine according to Japanese sources)were to escort B-25s of the CACW against riverboats on the River Yangtze. The American groupwas gathering in the vicinity of the target at1,500m, when, at about1230h, they were boun-ced by ten 25 th Hiko Sentai Ki-43s and fourobsolete Ki-27s with a 300m height advantage.The Americans claimed three kills (the Japaneseno losses), and lost two of their own. Barber andhis wingman, 2 nd Lt. Robert W. Campbell, weremissing.When the Americans were attacked, Barber no-ticed that his wingman was apparently in shock,calling to him to break, and entered the battle.Campbell later announced a victory, but his air-craft took some hits and on the return ight, hisstarboard engine seized up. He took to his chutenot far from Tienchu.Capt. Barber tangled with an opponent in aclimb, stalled but his enemy did not. As a result,his intended target ended up n Barber’s six, andhis starboard engine suffered hits. He stayed inthe air as long as he could, but when the engineburst into ames at 500 feet, he bailed. In theegress, he was clipped by the tail surfaces of theP-38 and on hitting the ground, he realized thathe had broken his right ankle and right forearm.The seriously wounded Barber noticed two Chi-nese boys and waved to them, despite his fearof the chance of them alerting the Japanese tohis presence or hostile Chinese. However, he wasin luck; twelve-year-old Rong Zhi-Zhou and f-teen-year-old Shao Hong-Shen tried to get himon his feet and get him to the home of their near-by friends. Japanese soldiers appeared, and theboys hid Barber in a thicket. After the threat haddetails of the mission were discussed in greatdetail, and Barber was eventually credited withone bomber shot down, one damaged, and oneZeke destroyed. Both G4M Bettys of the Kokutai705 were written off, and Yamamoto was killedeven before the Betty he was in hit the ground.Of the six escorting Zeros, of the Kokutai 204,none were shot down but one was damaged andcrash landed. The Americans lost one pilot andone P-38 was heavily damaged and also crashlanded. Two days later, the Americans intercep-ted another communique conrming the death ofYamamoto.Shortly after this event, Barber was sent back tothe States, and circumstances of the April 18 th,Group (earlier the 449thFS was subordinate tothe 23 rd FG) in Szechuan.His main adversaries were made up of Ki-43Oscars own by the 11 th and 25 th Hiko Sentaiand Ki-44 Tojos own by the 85 th Hiko Sentai.On February 10 th, Barber damaged a twin en-gined Ki-45 Nick, and two days later, he got twoKi-43s as probables in combat with 11th and85 th Hiko Sentais. The Ki-43, in comparison tothe Zeke, was more lightly armed, and lighter ingeneral, but in the hands of a skilled and expe-rienced pilot, represented a deadly threat, evento the fast, well armed and robust P-38. TheAmericans were able to remind themselves ofthis fact on March 4 th, 1944 at Kuikang, when aPage 26
eduard26Info Eduard - November 2012eduard26Info Eduard - November 2012HISTORYpassed, they placed him on a door and draggedhim to a house, where they waited til nightfall.People however generally had misgivings abouthiding Americans, and so the boys soldiered on.After about 500m, they ran into ve Chinese Na-tionalists, who took over Barber, but later madepossible several meetings with both boys.The Chinese took care of the pilot to the best oftheir ability with what little resources they had attheir disposal. Their care for his injuries includedacupuncture, hot compresses, and herbal reme-dies, and they managed to save his injured footand hand, and avoided the danger of gangre-ne. As soon as it was physically possible, theyset out for the unoccupied section of China. Mi-ssing Aircrew Report about Barber’s P-38H-5LO(42-62007) was unfortunately not archived, butfrom its remains it is evident that he returned tohis base on June 7 th, 1944. It was also evidentthat his arm was not properly set in its correctposition.After his return to the United States, Barberspent eight months in Santa Anna, California. Hisarm ended up somewhat shorter, but his Chinesecaregiver did the impossible, and no amputationwas required, and under a worse case scenario,Barber’s injuries did not result in death. The in-destructible Barber quickly volunteered to jointhe 412 th FG, commanded by legendary FlyingTiger Tex Hill. Later on, Barber became CO ofthe 29 th FS equipped with jet powered P-59sand P-80s. From July, 1946, he commanded the27 th FS within the framework of the 1 st FG,again, in California. A year later, he marriedMargaret, with whom he would have a son, RexJr. Between 1946 and 1950 he served with theTactical Air Command at Langley. From 1952, heserved with the Air Defense Command in Colora-do Springs and then served as an air force advi-sor in Columbia and Equador. His last postingwas with the 354 th Fighter Wing, which he leftin 1961 to retire as a Colonel. For his service, hereceived the Navy Cross, the Silver Star twice,the Purple Heart, Air Medal, Veterans of ForeignWars Gold Medal of Merit, among others.Rex T. Barber passed away on July 26, 2001.The events of his rescue belongs among the mostsignicant historical events of the Hunan Provincein China. At the end of the nineties, articles aboutBarber’s rescue were published several times inChinese periodicals in several countries, and lo-cal authorities were able to contact one of thetwo boys who was already pushing seventy atthe time!I would like to express my extreme gratitude toMr. And Mrs. Barber for their amazing assistancein the research of this article.Photo: via Rex T. Barber, Fold3.com, San DiegoAir & Space Museum, Wikimedia CommonsCources:Barber, R. T., correspondenceBobek, J.: Smrt Admirála, Revi 18, Revi Publica-tions, Ostrava, 1997Ferkl, M.: Nakajima Ki-44 Shóki, Revi Publicati-ons, 2009Hata, I., Izawa, Y.: The Imperial Japanese NavyFighter Group , Dainippon Kaiga Co., 2010Hata, I., Izawa, Y.: The Imperial Japanese NavyFighter Group 2, , Dainippon Kaiga Co., 2011Hess, W.: Ace prole, Col. Rex T. Barber, Mus-tang Int. Publishers, 1993Ichimura, H.: Ki-43 ´Oscar´Aces of World WarRex T. Barber was shot down on April 29, 1944 under similar circumstances. This photo taken in early 1944 over Yangtze rivershows attack of P-40s (bottom left) and three P-38s (upper right).Rex. T. Barber and Kenji Yanagiya, former member of Kókútai 204 and only WWII survivor of Yamamoto escort on April 18,1943. Photographed during April 1988 at Nimitz Museum in Fredericksburg, Texas.The Crooked River High Bridge in Oregon was renamedin 2003 as Rex T. Barber Veterans Memorial Bridge. Thebridge has an arch span of 410 feet (124.97 m) and is situa-ted 300 feet (91.44 m) above the canyon oor.2, Osprey, 2009Millman, N.: Ki-44 ´Tojo´ Aces of World War 2,Osprey, 2011Stanaway, J. P-38 Lightning Aces of the Pacicand VBI, Osprey, 1997Umemoto, H.: IJN Zero Battle Diary, DainipponKaiga Co., 2011Umemoto, H.: Air Combat over China of Ki43Hayabusa in 1943-45m 25th & 48th Sentai,Dainippon Kaiga Co., 2007www.fold3.comwww.pacicwrecks.comPage 27
eduard27Info Eduard - November 2012EVENTSJan Zdiarskyeduard27Info Eduard - November 2012WELLINGTON KX-B MEMORIALIt is several years ago when I have read bookby Alois Siska „KX-B neodpovida“ („No answerfrom KX-B“). On that time I had no idea that oneday the author, Czechoslovak veteran of BritishRAF, Colonel (and later general) Alois Siska willbe my friend. Now, more than nine years afterGen. Siska deceased, the words from the oldbook came again in my mind. On 17th Octo-ber 2012 I had a privilege, invited by the CzechArmy to attend, together with my museum colle-ague Michal Holy and movie director Petr Jan-carek, a special ceremony in Petten, NetherlandsThis was an unveiling ceremony for the Welling-ton KX-B crew. The memorial was created bya team mostly composed by members of the222nd training Squadron“ of the Czech Air For-ce from Namest AB. This unit is honored by thehonorary title „Siska’s Squadron“.The memorial is situated on the Netherlands westcoast, close to place where during beginningof January 1942 the ice sea washed ashorea British type dinghy with three airmen, moredead than alive. It was observed by some lo-cal children, who run for a help... Drama of thecrew begun six days earlier on 28th December1941. During that night, RAF Wellington bom-ber from the No. 311 (Czechoslovak) SquadronRAF, piloted by Sgt. Alois Siska, was seriouslyhit by German ak during air raid to Wilhelm-shaven. An effort to return failed and the crewwas forced to crashland their crippled plane inthe middle of the North Sea. Only ve of sixcrewmembers managed to get the dinghy. Bodyof the rear gunner Sgt. Skalicky sunk with theairplane wreckage. The surviving ve men hadno idea that they will pass six days on the extre-mely cold and stormy sea before they should seethe land again. During the third day on the seathe co-pilot, Sgt. Josef Tomanek passed away.His body was buried by comrades into the sea,due to dinghy poor conditions. Then the naviga-tor, Sgt. Josef Mohr died. His body was still in thedinghy when it was forced on the Dutch coastline.Pilot Sgt. Alois Siska, radiooperator F/O JosefScerba and the front gunner Sgt. Pavel Svobodawere captured and transported to POW hospi-tals. Although their dramatic story did not end,all three survived the war. None of them is alivetoday.On that crew memorial unveiling ceremony wereattending several guests from Czech Republic,Slovakia, Netherlands and Great Britain. A highhonor was i.e. presence of the Czech RepublicAmbassador in the Netherlands, Slovak De-ffence and Air Attaché in the Netherlands, thechief of the Czech Air Force and not as leastalso several local people, including man and awoman, who as little children in 1942 saw thedinghy on the sea and called for the adult help...From my angle of view there were also anotherand most important attendants. These were re-presentatives of families of all six crewmembersof the Wellington KX-B (!). Relatives of the crewmembers were discovered by pilot’s daughter,Dagmar Johnson-Siskova. Their transport to theNetherlands was realized by the Air Force of theCzech Army.During past 20 years I have seen many simi-lar events and having this actual experience IMorning of October 17th, 2012 – The Pargu Kbely AB and theCzech Air Force C-295M Casa that was our transport plane tothe Netherlands. Almost ve-hour ight (back and forth) by thearmy special was an unique experience.Petten/Zipje, Netherlands. One hour before the ceremony.The memorial is covered by a parachute canopy silk..Current view on the coastline where the dinghy was washedashore.Page 28
eduard28Info Eduard - November 2012EVENTSeduard28Info Eduard - November 2012The very rst speech on the ceremony was taken by MrsMarian Dekker, the Mayor of Zijpe.Members of the 222nd „Siska’s“ Training Squadron,commander of the Czech Air Force, Brigadier GeneralJiri Verner and daughter of Alois Siska, Dagmar.The act of the memorial unveiling was made by General Verner, Mayor of Zipje Mrs. Dekker and two young chil-dren of the local school, that will take care of the memorial. Heads that can be seen at the bottom of the picturedo not just screen the view - in the rst row were sitting family members of men who froze together on dinghy fromthe downed Wellington...Three ofcers of the 222nd „Siska’s“ Training Squadronwho lead the realization team. L-R: Maj. JaroslavMorochovic, Lt. Pavel Stanek and Lt. Zdenek Nozicka.The World is sometimes very small and iots roadsunbelievable sinuous – I think you might have no idea,that Zdenek Nozicka on which mind was born the ideato build this memorial is the same man who drawsseveral camo schemes in instructions sheets of Eduardboxes like Su-27, Su-27UB, MiG-15 – Ceskoslovenskepatnáctky, etc.The Commander of the Czech Air Force, BrigadierGeneral Jiri Verner during his speech..Some of the ceremony attendants.must give my deep compliment to organizers! Thewhole event was marked by perfect organizati-on, logistic support and by great ceremony – witha proper tribute, but without fruitless inatedness.The top of that effort is the very nice memorial.Are you wondering about the connection of thatevent to the Eduard? It is not only because my vo-lunteer involvement in the Museum of Air battleover the Ore Mountains on Sept. 11th, 1944, sideof the main employment as the Eduard PR exe-cutive. If you read photo captions carefully, youwill nd also one more, very very interesting co-nnection!(photos: Michal Holý and Jan Zdiarský)Page 29
eduard29Info Eduard - November 2012EVENTSeduard29Info Eduard - November 2012Michal Holy and author of this small article with a wre-ath in design of Czech aircraft insignia which we layedon memorial on behalf of our Museum.A sheet from the ceremony program signed by thememorial creators and the KX-B families. In the centeris the emblem of the No. 311 CZ Squadron RAF.A top part of the memorial is composed by bronzesculpture of sinking Wellington tail and the sea surfacemade from a dark gray stone.RAF pilot Sgt. Alois SiskaAlois ŠiškaMajor General Alois Siska (1917 – 2003) during his visit of the Namest AB (photo by Czech Army)„Our“ Casa waited to the late evening on the De Kooy AB , before we ew back to Prague. Note the unusualpassenger entrance. And this was not all… on the board we sat like paratroops – on simple chairs, in lines backto windows. All of us aboard - Czech AF members invited to attend, families of the KX-B crew, we, as well as theCzech AF high commander... and not least also two Czech WWII veterans, Col. Jaroslav Hofrichter (ight engineerand air gunner of Wellingtons and Liberators of the No. 311 (Czechoslovak) Squadron RAF) and Col. Emil Bocek(Spitre pilot on the No. 310 (Czechoslovak) Squadron RAF). Such a wonderful experience!Page 30
eduard30Info Eduard - November 2012EVENTSThe bronze sculpture was inspired by this picture of Siska’s crew in the dinghy dragged by the sea.eduard30Info Eduard - November 2012Vickers Wellington T-2553 KX-B „Bozena“ (by Zdenek Nozicka)The KX-B memorial initiatorLt. Zdenek Nozicka while hisregular duties.Project of the Wellington KX-B Memorial,222nd training Squadron, CzAF, Namestnad Oslavou AB:http://www.kx-b.com/KX-B neodpovídá (czech) Flying for Freedom (english)Newspress and event ofcial reports:http://fcafa.wordpress.com/http://hague.czechcentres.cz/gallery/foto-gallerie/memorial-crew-kx-b/http://www.army.cz/en/ministry-of-defence/newsroom/news/unveiling-monument-for-czech--aircrew-75154/http://www.army.cz/en/ministry-of-defence/newsroom/news/czech-airmen-in-the-nether-lands-pay-tribute-to-ww-ii-czechoslovak-air-crew-75813/THE FULL KX-B CREW STORY CAN BE FOUND IN BOOKSWRITTEN BY THE PILOT ALOIS SISKAPage 31
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eduard32Info Eduard - November 2012BUILTP-38J1:48over EuropeBuilt by Petr ZatřepálekP-38J-25-LO, s/n 44-23627, own by 1stLt. Sam Plotecia,392nd FS, 367th FG, Juvincourt AB, France, 1944eduard32Info Eduard - November 2012Page 33
eduard33Info Eduard - November 2012BUILTeduard33Info Eduard - November 2012Page 34
eduard34Info Eduard - November 2012BUILTeduard34Info Eduard - November 2012MiG-29A1/48Built by Mathias Becker, Jet & Prop magazineMarking: MiG-29A No. 29+05,Bundesluftwaffe. Decals by AirDoc.Page 35
eduard35Info Eduard - November 2012BUILTeduard35Info Eduard - November 2012Page 36
eduard36Info Eduard - November 2012ON APPROACHeduard36BIG3321 SPITFIRE Mk.Vb/TROP 1/32 Hobby BossBIG4977 TBD-1 1/48 Great Wall HobbyBIG7276 HALIFAX B Mk.II 1/72 Trumpeter632015P-51 wheels1/32 Tamiya648080MiG-21 undercarriage legs BRONZE1/48 Eduard648081US 500lb bombs (2 pcs)1/48648084AIM-120A/B AMRAAM (2pcs)1/48648085MG 15 gun (2 pcs)1/48KITSDECEMBER 2012DECEMBER 2012DECEMBER 20127085Bf 110G-21/72 ProPACK14002Bf 109E instrument panel1/4 LIMITED EDITION84101Fw 190D-91/48 Weekend8432Nieuport 171/48 Weekend648086US 250lb bombs (2 pcs)1/48672011B-17G wheels1/72BIG7277 VALIANT BK.Mk.I 1/72 AirxBIG5312 GERMAN Z-25 1944 1/350632015648080648081648084648085648086672011NEW TECHNOLOGYPage 37
eduard37Info Eduard - November 201253067 Varyag Cruiser 1/350 1/350 Zvezda72547 SB2C landing aps 1/72 Cyber Hobby72548 SB2C bomb bay 1/72 Cyber Hobby72550 SB2C undercarriage 1/72 Cyber Hobby72555 Bf 110C/D 1/72 Eduard72556 Bf 110G-2 1/72 Eduard73459 A-4B S.A. 1/72 Airx73466 Harrier Gr.Mk.7/9 S.A. 1/72 RevellZOOMSFE614 Ju 87D-5 interior S.A. 1/48 ItaleriFE619 F-5A interior S.A. 1/48 KineticSS459 A-4B S.A. 1/72 AirxSS466 Harrier Gr.Mk.7/9 S.A. 1/72 RevellPE-SETS32325 He 219 undercarriage 1/32 Revell32755 He 219 seatbelts 1/32 Revell32757 He 219 interior S.A. 1/32 Revell36226 SU 152 late 1/32 Trumpeter36230 M-109A-2 SPH 1/35 Kinetic36241 Sd.Kfz. 184 Elefant 1/35 Tamiya48741 Lynx HMA.8 exterior 1/48 Airx48747 An-2 surface panels 1/48 Trumpeter48749 Ju 87D-5 exterior 1/48 Italeri48750 F-5A exterior 1/48 Kinetic49614 Ju 87D-5 interior S.A. 1/48 Italeri49619 F-5A interior S.A. 1/48 Kinetic49061 Luftwaffe ghter seatbelts FABRIC 1/4849623 Lynx HMA.8 seatbelts 1/48 AirxPHOTO-ETCHED SETSON APPROACH36241 Sd.Kfz. 184 Elefant1/35 Tamiya72547 SB2C landing aps1/72 Cyber Hobby72548 SB2C bomb bay1/72 Cyber Hobby49061 Luftwaffe ghter seatbelts FABRIC1/4848747 An-2 surface panels1/48 Trumpeter49614 Ju 87D-5 interior S.A.1/48 ItaleriF-5A exterior1/48 Kineticeduard37Info Eduard - NovemberNEW TECHNOLOGYDECEMBER 2012Page 38
eduard38Info Eduard - November 2012Spitre Mk.IXclate version 1/48
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.y4e9{bottom:923.674667pt;} .y209{bottom:925.023067pt;} .y473{bottom:925.093733pt;} .y4da{bottom:926.287867pt;} .y54{bottom:926.736933pt;} .y2b8{bottom:927.019867pt;} .y24f{bottom:927.156533pt;} .y80{bottom:927.681733pt;} .ydc{bottom:927.681867pt;} .y2cb{bottom:927.947467pt;} .y3e0{bottom:927.993600pt;} .y1cf{bottom:928.023600pt;} .y226{bottom:930.330933pt;} .y33e{bottom:930.639333pt;} .yac{bottom:931.461200pt;} .y1a9{bottom:932.369600pt;} .y2b7{bottom:936.353200pt;} .y472{bottom:937.493733pt;} .y3{bottom:938.141067pt;} .y4e8{bottom:938.341333pt;} .y208{bottom:938.356400pt;} .y53{bottom:939.403600pt;} .y7f{bottom:940.348400pt;} .ydb{bottom:940.348533pt;} .y4d9{bottom:940.954533pt;} .y3df{bottom:941.326933pt;} .y2ca{bottom:942.347467pt;} .y1ce{bottom:942.423600pt;} .y225{bottom:943.664267pt;} .y33d{bottom:943.972667pt;} .yab{bottom:944.127867pt;} .y2b6{bottom:945.686533pt;} .y1a8{bottom:946.769467pt;} .y15{bottom:949.510800pt;} .y471{bottom:949.893733pt;} .y52{bottom:952.070267pt;} 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.x50{left:15.272400pt;} .x3{left:18.677200pt;} .x0{left:22.677200pt;} .x1{left:24.010533pt;} .x4{left:29.904800pt;} .xf{left:31.293867pt;} .x5a{left:32.551200pt;} .x52{left:34.015733pt;} .xd{left:35.368533pt;} .x37{left:36.579333pt;} .x1e{left:37.795200pt;} .x6b{left:39.018400pt;} .x1b{left:40.080533pt;} .x4d{left:41.349067pt;} .x39{left:42.427333pt;} .x36{left:45.876533pt;} .x38{left:47.466667pt;} .x1d{left:49.133867pt;} .x34{left:51.023600pt;} .x49{left:52.228667pt;} .x42{left:53.790667pt;} .x1a{left:59.880133pt;} .x80{left:70.551200pt;} .x7{left:92.095067pt;} .x73{left:125.799867pt;} .x6e{left:127.809067pt;} .x5b{left:142.677067pt;} .x67{left:144.881867pt;} .x6f{left:192.755867pt;} .x2d{left:204.094533pt;} .x9{left:213.644400pt;} .x10{left:219.036267pt;} .x77{left:227.802533pt;} .x32{left:259.431600pt;} .x5d{left:265.176667pt;} .x5f{left:266.914000pt;} .x60{left:269.260400pt;} .x54{left:274.645600pt;} .x2{left:280.152800pt;} .x25{left:282.204667pt;} .x1f{left:283.680667pt;} 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.x74{left:504.034133pt;} .x33{left:505.264667pt;} .x46{left:511.496000pt;} .x5c{left:517.031467pt;} .xc{left:520.000000pt;} .xe{left:522.141733pt;} .x21{left:526.614133pt;} .x41{left:528.000000pt;} .x4e{left:536.039733pt;} .x22{left:537.952800pt;} .x53{left:539.188933pt;} .x7f{left:541.631467pt;} .x27{left:558.258267pt;} .x81{left:562.018133pt;} .x2c{left:565.870400pt;} .x6c{left:566.929067pt;} .x48{left:571.158667pt;} .x3e{left:576.072933pt;} .x28{left:578.267733pt;} .x70{left:582.047200pt;} .x44{left:594.804800pt;} .x1c{left:598.798533pt;} .x69{left:601.380800pt;} .x35{left:603.190267pt;} .x4b{left:605.529200pt;} .x45{left:612.078267pt;} .x76{left:613.228267pt;} .x82{left:622.187600pt;} .x6a{left:630.614267pt;} .x7d{left:634.326000pt;} .x5{left:640.629333pt;} .x4c{left:647.314400pt;} .x40{left:649.411733pt;} .x3f{left:651.290533pt;} .x2b{left:652.561600pt;} .x7c{left:657.930933pt;} .x7b{left:663.964133pt;} .x23{left:680.457200pt;} .x47{left:684.726533pt;} .x43{left:686.140800pt;} .x4a{left:692.529200pt;} .x6d{left:694.023333pt;} .x55{left:701.097333pt;} .x4f{left:704.567867pt;} .x71{left:712.734267pt;} .x30{left:721.379467pt;} .x7a{left:727.732800pt;} .x24{left:738.891333pt;} }- 954872.pdf
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Good day, my Friends! So, here we are, in the home stretch. This is our last installment of our newsletter for the year, and it was a year with very little boredom attached to it. On Saturday, we successfully completed our final show of this year, the renewed Plastic Winter in Bratislava, Slovakia. Our gratitude goes out to the organizers for a great event, and we find ourselves back hard at work in that said home stretch with the finalizing of the development of the P-40E Warhawk kit in 1:48th scale, as well as with the development of accessories for it.
Dobrý den, vážení přátelé! Jdeme do finále. Máme před sebou poslední Info tohoto roku, ve kterém jsme se v žádném případě nenudili. V sobotu jsme úspěšně absolvovali poslední výstavu v tomto roce, obnovenou Plastikovou zimu v Bratislavě. Byla to dobrá akce, opravdový vrchol sezony, perfektně zorganizovaný v pěkných prostorech, s nesmírně přátelskou a příjemnou atmosférou. Děkujeme organizátorům za skvělou akci. A abych nezapomněl, děkujeme za koláčky :-) . Nyní jsme zpět v práci a do finále jdeme také s vývojem stavebnice P-40E Warhawk 1/48, stejně jako s vývojem doplňků k ní.
Ace in a Single Dogfight
During World War II, legendary Spitfire fighter planes were flown by pilots of many nationalities. Many of them fought and achieved victories, some became flying aces during the war, a few even earned this status in a single day. However, only one pilot flying a Spitfire managed to shoot down five aircraft in a single dogfight. That pilot was Canadian F/Lt Richard Joseph "Dick" Audet.
Esem během jediného souboje
S legendárními stíhacími letouny Spitfire v průběhu 2. světové války bojovali a vítězili letci mnoha národností. Řada z nich se během válečných let stala leteckými esy, někteří z nich tohoto statusu docílilo během jednoho dne. Avšak na letounech Spitfire jen jeden pilot dokázal sestřelit pět letadel během jednoho souboje. Byl jím kanadský pilot F/Lt Richard Joseph „Dick“ Audet.
Válečné muzeum Atény
Přímo v centru Atén, nedaleko proslaveného náměstí Syntagma, se nachází Válečné muzeum (v angličtině Athens War Museum, v řečtině Πολεμικο Μουσειο), náležící řeckým ozbrojeným silám. Budova je umístěna na rohu ulic Vassilissis Sofias a Rizari a zájemci se do něj dostanou například metrem linky 3 (modrá), když vystoupí na stanici Evangelismós. Také lze použít autobusy č. 203, 211 či 235. Muzeum má rovněž své pobočky v jiných částech země – např. Thessaloniki (Soluň), Chania, Rethymo, Nauplion nebo Chalkida.
War Museum Athens
Smack dab in the center of Athens, near the famous Syntagma Square, is the War Museum Athens (Πολεμικο Μουσειο in Greek), belonging to the Greek Armed Forces. The building is located on the corner of Vassilissis Sofias and Rizari Streets and those interested can get there in several ways, such as using Metro Line 3 (Blue) and getting off at Evangelismós Station. You can also use buses no. 203, 211 or 235. The museum also has branches in other parts of the country, such as Thessaloniki (Thessaloníki), Chania, Rethymno, Nafplion or Chalkida.
Aerial War in Ukraine - Russia Gave Ukraine the Wreckage of Its Latest Combat Drone
“We wanted the best, but it turned out as always.” This famous quote from Russian statesman Viktor Chernomyrdin in 1993 has become widely known and is deeply ingrained in Russian culture. It is also fitting for the biggest event of the observed period (October 1–31), which was the loss of the latest Russian combat drone, the Sukhoi S-70 Okhotnik-B, during one of its first operational deployments.
Page 18Letecká vojna na Ukrajine - Rusi darovali Ukrajincom trosky svojho najnovšieho bojového dronu
Chceli sme to najlepšie a dopadlo to ako vždy. Tento výrok ruského štátnika Viktora Černomyrdina z roku 1993 sa stal svetoznámym a v Rusku doslova zľudovel. Hodí sa aj na najväčšiu udalosť sledovaného obdobia (1. 10. až 31, 10.), ktorou bola strata najnovšieho ruského bojového dronu Suchoj S-70 Ochotnik-B pri jednom z jeho prvých operačných nasadení.
November 16, 1944
November 16, 1944 would prove to be a heavy day of aerial combat. Luftflotte 4’s Fliegerkorps 1 would put up about 420 flights of which 163 were with fighter variants of the Bf 109. By the end of the day 28 enemy aircraft would be claimed destroyed with 6 more damaged. All combat stations, whether operational or otherwise, were busy adjusting to the Hungarian sector they now found themselves in. With the front line approaching the capital city of Budapest, the pressure of consistently performing at the highest level must have been great for every combatant: German, Hungarian or Soviet. Fighter pilot Hptm. Erich Hartmann of II./JG 52 was no exception. With well over 300 claims under his belt much was expected of him and his unit to fight back against the broad Soviet push headed westward. That day the weather would reach a high of 9 degrees Celsius with partially cloudy skies, an ideal environment for surprise attacks by fighter aircraft.
16. listopad 1944
16. listopad 1944 se ukázal být na východní frontě těžkým dnem plným leteckých bojů. Fliegerkorps 1, náležící k Luftflotte 4, uskutečnila asi 420 letů, z toho 163 se stíhacími variantami Bf 109. Do konce dne bylo zničeno 28 nepřátelských letadel a dalších 6 bylo poškozeno. Všechna bojová stanoviště, ať už operační či jiná, měla plné ruce práce s přizpůsobováním se maďarskému sektoru, v němž se nyní nacházela. Skutečnost, že se frontová linie blížila k hlavnímu městu Budapešti, vyvíjela tlak na nejvyšší výkony všech bojujících stran: německé, maďarské i sovětské. Stíhací pilot Hptm. Erich Hartmann z II./JG 52 nebyl výjimkou. S více než 300 nárokovanými vítězstvími na kontě se od něj a jeho jednotky očekávalo, že se ubrání širokému sovětskému náporu směřujícímu na západ. Toho dne mělo počasí dosáhnout až 9 stupňů Celsia s částečně zataženou oblohou, což bylo ideální prostředí pro překvapivé útoky stíhacích letounů.
Tail End Charlie - How to Choose a Gift for a Modeler
The end of the year is approaching, and during its final days, many of our customers will celebrate Christmas, a holiday often associated with gift-giving tradition. Every year, families of modelers face the same challenge: What gift should we choose for the modeler in our lives? For family members, a model kit might seem like just another colorful box filled with boring gray plastic parts. Yet, for reasons that often seem mysterious, the modeler greets its contents—and sometimes even the packaging—with an enthusiasm comparable to a fisherman who has just landed the catch of a lifetime.
Tail End Charlie - Jak vybrat dárek pro modeláře
Blíží se konec roku a v jeho posledních dnech velká část našich zákazníků slaví Vánoce. Tento svátek je spojen s nadělováním dárků. A pro rodiny modelářů každý rok nastává problém. Co modelářům a modelářkám vybrat jako dárek? Pro členy rodin je stavebnice často jen další barevnou krabicí s nudnými šedými plastovými díly a ze záhadného důvodu nad jejím obsahem a často i obalem modelář projevuje nadšení, srovnatelné s rybářem, který chytil svůj životní úlovek.
Return through the Kuban Bridgehead
Fighter pilot Viktor Petermann stands out as a fascinating figure in the history of the Luftwaffe. During his service on the Eastern Front in 1942, he served as a Kaczmarek (wingman) to several JG 52 Kommodores. He displayed his flying and combat skills on numerous occasions, and, despite losing his left arm toward the war's end, he returned to combat, even briefly piloting Me 262 jets with JG 7 before ending the war on the Eastern Front with JG 52. His name appeared frequently in the German press during the war, several times even in detailed articles, one of which recounted his remarkable return across the front lines from enemy territory at the Kuban in June 1943.
Návrat kubáňským předmostím
Stíhací pilot Viktor Petermann je velmi zajímavou postavou historie Luftwaffe. Během služby na východní frontě v roce 1942 byl Kaczmarkem (wingmanem) několika Kommodorů JG 52. Mnohokrát prokázal své letecké a bojové dovednosti, po ztrátě levé ruky se na konci války vrátil k bojovému létání, dokonce krátce létal s proudovými Me 262 u JG 7, válku pak ukončil u své JG 52 na východní frontě. Během války bylo jeho jméno mnohokrát zmíněno v německém tisku formou poměrně podrobných článků. Jeden z nich se týkal jeho neuvěřitelného návratu z nepřátelského týlu přes frontovou linii na Kubáni v červnu 1943.
How to Work with Plastic? Part II
Many less experienced modelers often feel apprehensive about cutting into plastic or thinning parts to accommodate additional detailing or conversion sets. In this section, I want to reassure readers that these more advanced modeling techniques are not difficult and that, with the right tools, achieving the necessary modifications is quite manageable. Most larger Brassin sets require modelers to make similar adjustments to their builds. For those hesitant to purchase aftermarket sets due to this process, I aim to show that, with a bit of practice, anyone can master it. In this article, I will demonstrate how to prepare a 1/48 P-51B/C wing for the Brassin gun bay set. I will present two methods: one using only basic modeling tools, and the other employing a motorized Proxxon tool.
Jak na plasty? Část II. – příprava plastů na zástavbu doplňkových sad
Mnoho méně zkušených modelářů má velkou fobii z řezání do plastů nebo z většího ztenčování plastových dílů pro zástavbu doplňkových sad. V tomto díle bych chtěl čtenářům představit, že tyto pokročilejší modelářské činnosti nejsou nic těžkého a s využitím vhodných nástrojů a pomůcek se dá snadno dobrat k potřebným úpravám. Prakticky všechny větší brassinové sady po modeláři vyžadují, aby podobné úpravy při jejich zástavbách provedl. Pokud se někteří modeláři obávají doplňkové sady kupovat právě kvůli zmíněným úpravám, chtěl bych jim ukázat, že to s trochou praxe zvládnou i oni. V článku demonstruji přípravu křídla P-51B/C 1/48 pro zástavbu brassinové sady zbraňových šachet. Představím dvě metody – za pomocí pouze základních modelářských nástrojů a poté s pomocí jemné vrtačky a frézky od firmy Proxxon.
In 1944 Hungarian oil took on an added importance in the planning of Germany’s oil plant dispersal program. Hungarian crude had always been of particular value in view of its 30 per cent gasoline content as compared with an average gasoline content of German and Austrian crude oils of not more than 10 per cent. In the Geilenberg dispersal program an important part in gasoline production was to be played by the plants designated as Ofen, which were primitive topping plants. Over twenty of these plants were planned and their most efficient feedstock would have been Hungarian crude by the use of which the gasoline offtake of these plants would ‘have been three times as large as the use of German crudes would have allowed. While the capacities of the Hungarian refineries were small compared to other larger refineries in other Axis held European countries, their value to the Axis was greatly out of proportion to their capacities because of their strategic locations and because Hungarian crude oil was being produced in excess of Hungarian refining capacity. Air offensive against Hungarian important strategical war targets started in February 1944, but the first raid on oil refinery was on 14 June 1944, performed by the USAAF during daylight. The first night attack of the RAF bombers was realized on night from 12 to 13. June 1944, when oil refinery was bombed. The raiders were the crews of 205. Group RAF. And more attacks on Hungarian oil refineries followed...
V roku 1944 nadobudla maďarská ropa ďalší význam pri plánovaní pre Tretiu Ríšu. Maďarská ropa mala vždy mimoriadnu hodnotu vzhľadom na jej 30-percentný obsah benzínu v porovnaní s priemerným obsahom benzínu v nemeckej a rakúskej rope nepresahujúcim 10 percent. V Geilenbergovom disperznom programe mali zohrávať dôležitú úlohu pri výrobe benzínu závody označené ako Ofen, ktoré boli primitívnymi závodmi na výrobu základných produktov. Plánovalo sa vyše dvadsať týchto tovární a ich najefektívnejšou surovinou by bola maďarská ropa, pri použití ktorej by odber benzínu z týchto elektrární „bol trikrát taký veľký, ako by dovolilo použitie nemeckej ropy“. Zatiaľ čo kapacity maďarských rafinérií boli v porovnaní s inými väčšími rafinériami v iných európskych krajinách držaných Osy malé, ich hodnota pre Ríšu bola značne neúmerná ich kapacitám z dôvodu ich strategickej polohy a toho, že maďarská ropa sa ťažila nadmieru maďarskej spracovateľskej kapacity. Letecká ofenzíva proti dôležitým maďarským strategickým vojnovým cieľom začala vo februári 1944, ale prvý nálet na ropnú rafinériu bol 14. júna 1944, ktorý vykonalo USAAF za denného svetla. Prvý nočný útok na rafinériu Almásfüzitő sa uskutočnil v noci z 12. na 13. júna 1944. Jeho aktérmi boli posádky 205. skupiny RAF. A ďalšie útoky na maďarské rafinérie na seba nenechali dlho čakať...
INFO Eduard je modelářsko-historický měsíčník, který od roku 2010 v českém a anglickém jazyce publikuje společnost Eduard Model Accessories. Magazín je dostupný zdarma na platformě Triobo a je možné jej stáhnout také v PDF verzi. Společnost Eduard je výrobcem plastikových modelů a doplňků s více než 30letou tradicí. Během svého působení v oboru plastikového modelářství se společnost Eduard zařadila mezi jeho světové lídry. Další podrobnosti o společnosti a jejím sortimentu najdete na www.eduard.com. Zde se můžete mimo jiné zdarma přihlásit k odebírání magazínu INFO a produktových informací: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard is a monthly scale model-historical magazine published in Czech and English by Eduard Model Accessories since 2010. The magazine is available for free on the Triobo platform and can be downloaded in PDF format. Eduard is a manufacturer of plastic models and accessories with over 30 years of tradition. Throughout its history in the plastic modeling industry, Eduard has become one of the world's leaders. Further details about the company and its product range can be found at www.eduard.com. You can subscribe to the INFO magazine and receive product information for free at: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard je modelářsko-historický měsíčník, který od roku 2010 v českém a anglickém jazyce publikuje společnost Eduard Model Accessories. Magazín je dostupný zdarma na platformě Triobo a je možné jej stáhnout také v PDF verzi. Společnost Eduard je výrobcem plastikových modelů a doplňků s více než 30letou tradicí. Během svého působení v oboru plastikového modelářství se společnost Eduard zařadila mezi jeho světové lídry. Další podrobnosti o společnosti a jejím sortimentu najdete na www.eduard.com. Zde se můžete mimo jiné zdarma přihlásit k odebírání magazínu INFO a produktových informací: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard is a monthly scale model-historical magazine published in Czech and English by Eduard Model Accessories since 2010. The magazine is available for free on the Triobo platform and can be downloaded in PDF format. Eduard is a manufacturer of plastic models and accessories with over 30 years of tradition. Throughout its history in the plastic modeling industry, Eduard has become one of the world's leaders. Further details about the company and its product range can be found at www.eduard.com. You can subscribe to the INFO magazine and receive product information for free at: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard je modelářsko-historický měsíčník, který od roku 2010 v českém a anglickém jazyce publikuje společnost Eduard Model Accessories. Magazín je dostupný zdarma na platformě Triobo a je možné jej stáhnout také v PDF verzi. Společnost Eduard je výrobcem plastikových modelů a doplňků s více než 30letou tradicí. Během svého působení v oboru plastikového modelářství se společnost Eduard zařadila mezi jeho světové lídry. Další podrobnosti o společnosti a jejím sortimentu najdete na www.eduard.com. Zde se můžete mimo jiné zdarma přihlásit k odebírání magazínu INFO a produktových informací: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard is a monthly scale model-historical magazine published in Czech and English by Eduard Model Accessories since 2010. The magazine is available for free on the Triobo platform and can be downloaded in PDF format. Eduard is a manufacturer of plastic models and accessories with over 30 years of tradition. Throughout its history in the plastic modeling industry, Eduard has become one of the world's leaders. Further details about the company and its product range can be found at www.eduard.com. You can subscribe to the INFO magazine and receive product information for free at: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
09_Special E-Day/2024
Vážení přátelé, modeláři, hosté a návštěvníci E-daye, V dnešním krátkém mimořádném vydání Infa vás seznámíme s plánovaným programem letošního E-daye, který se koná v sobotu 28. září 2024 v hale muzea na Tankodromu Milovice. Výstava je jednodenní, ale jako obvykle bude výstavní hala otevřena, nejen pro vystavující modeláře, již v pátek od 17:00. Na pátek máme připravený malý program pro všechny časné příchozí. Tento podvečerní program má dva body. Prvním bude představení novinek Eduardu na rok 2025, které se bude opakovat i v sobotu. Druhým bodem bude beseda s Jiřím Šilhánkem, zakladatelem a majitelem firmy Special Hobby. Jiří je velká osobnost našeho oboru, který své podnikání rozjížděl dávno před všemi ostatními českými firmami, hluboko v osmdesátých letech. Jeho historky z dějin plastikového modelářství jsou neuvěřitelné a všem doporučuji si je poslechnout. Věřte mi, že to stojí za páteční cestu do Milovic!
INFO Eduard je modelářsko-historický měsíčník, který od roku 2010 v českém a anglickém jazyce publikuje společnost Eduard Model Accessories. Magazín je dostupný zdarma na platformě Triobo a je možné jej stáhnout také v PDF verzi. Společnost Eduard je výrobcem plastikových modelů a doplňků s více než 30letou tradicí. Během svého působení v oboru plastikového modelářství se společnost Eduard zařadila mezi jeho světové lídry. Další podrobnosti o společnosti a jejím sortimentu najdete na www.eduard.com. Zde se můžete mimo jiné zdarma přihlásit k odebírání magazínu INFO a produktových informací: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard is a monthly scale model-historical magazine published in Czech and English by Eduard Model Accessories since 2010. The magazine is available for free on the Triobo platform and can be downloaded in PDF format. Eduard is a manufacturer of plastic models and accessories with over 30 years of tradition. Throughout its history in the plastic modeling industry, Eduard has become one of the world's leaders. Further details about the company and its product range can be found at www.eduard.com. You can subscribe to the INFO magazine and receive product information for free at: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard je modelářsko-historický měsíčník, který od roku 2010 v českém a anglickém jazyce publikuje společnost Eduard Model Accessories. Magazín je dostupný zdarma na platformě Triobo a je možné jej stáhnout také v PDF verzi. Společnost Eduard je výrobcem plastikových modelů a doplňků s více než 30letou tradicí. Během svého působení v oboru plastikového modelářství se společnost Eduard zařadila mezi jeho světové lídry. Další podrobnosti o společnosti a jejím sortimentu najdete na www.eduard.com. Zde se můžete mimo jiné zdarma přihlásit k odebírání magazínu INFO a produktových informací: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard is a monthly scale model-historical magazine published in Czech and English by Eduard Model Accessories since 2010. The magazine is available for free on the Triobo platform and can be downloaded in PDF format. Eduard is a manufacturer of plastic models and accessories with over 30 years of tradition. Throughout its history in the plastic modeling industry, Eduard has become one of the world's leaders. Further details about the company and its product range can be found at www.eduard.com. You can subscribe to the INFO magazine and receive product information for free at: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard je modelářsko-historický měsíčník, který od roku 2010 v českém a anglickém jazyce publikuje společnost Eduard Model Accessories. Magazín je dostupný zdarma na platformě Triobo a je možné jej stáhnout také v PDF verzi. Společnost Eduard je výrobcem plastikových modelů a doplňků s více než 30letou tradicí. Během svého působení v oboru plastikového modelářství se společnost Eduard zařadila mezi jeho světové lídry. Další podrobnosti o společnosti a jejím sortimentu najdete na www.eduard.com. Zde se můžete mimo jiné zdarma přihlásit k odebírání magazínu INFO a produktových informací: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard is a monthly scale model-historical magazine published in Czech and English by Eduard Model Accessories since 2010. The magazine is available for free on the Triobo platform and can be downloaded in PDF format. Eduard is a manufacturer of plastic models and accessories with over 30 years of tradition. Throughout its history in the plastic modeling industry, Eduard has become one of the world's leaders. Further details about the company and its product range can be found at www.eduard.com. You can subscribe to the INFO magazine and receive product information for free at: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
06/2024 - Special
Vážení přátelé, dnešní mimořádné číslo Infa je věnováno mimořádné stavebnici, The Bloody Hundredth 1943/ B-17F 1:48. Tato stavebnice vydávaná v řadě LIMITED patří mezi položky, jejichž základem jsou výlisky nakoupené u spolupracujících firem. V tomto případě jde o výlisky firmy Hong Kong Models, HKM. Tentokrát jde ovšem spolupráce mezi našimi firmami dál, než je v podobných případech dodávek výlisků zvykem. Speciálně k této stavebnici jsme zkonstruovali konverzní rámeček s čirými díly, obsahující další verze přídí B-17F, než které obsahuje původní sestava dílů stavebnice HKM. Tento rámeček jsme zkonstruovali v Eduardu, pochopitelně s využitím konstrukce HKM, na kterou nové díly navazují. Forma na něj byla vyrobena firmou HKM v jejich čínské nástrojárně, výlisky byly vyrobeny tamtéž.
06/2024 Special EN
Dear Friends, Today's special issue of the newsletter is dedicated to an extraordinary kit, ‘The Bloody Hundredth 1943 / B-17F’ in 1:48th scale. This kit, released in the LIMITED edition line, falls under the group of items based on moldings purchased from partner companies. In this case, the plastic is supplied by Hong Kong Models, HKM. This time, however, the cooperation between our companies goes further than is customary in similar endeavors. Specifically for this kit, we have designed an additional set of clear parts that cover variations used on the B-17F nose that were not a part of the original HKM release. We designed the new parts to fit the HKM kit specifically. The mold for it was cut at HKM in their Chinese tool shop, and the parts are produced by them.
INFO Eduard je modelářsko-historický měsíčník, který od roku 2010 v českém a anglickém jazyce publikuje společnost Eduard Model Accessories. Magazín je dostupný zdarma na platformě Triobo a je možné jej stáhnout také v PDF verzi. Společnost Eduard je výrobcem plastikových modelů a doplňků s více než 30letou tradicí. Během svého působení v oboru plastikového modelářství se společnost Eduard zařadila mezi jeho světové lídry. Další podrobnosti o společnosti a jejím sortimentu najdete na www.eduard.com. Zde se můžete mimo jiné zdarma přihlásit k odebírání magazínu INFO a produktových informací: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard is a monthly scale model-historical magazine published in Czech and English by Eduard Model Accessories since 2010. The magazine is available for free on the Triobo platform and can be downloaded in PDF format. Eduard is a manufacturer of plastic models and accessories with over 30 years of tradition. Throughout its history in the plastic modeling industry, Eduard has become one of the world's leaders. Further details about the company and its product range can be found at www.eduard.com. You can subscribe to the INFO magazine and receive product information for free at: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard je modelářsko-historický měsíčník, který od roku 2010 v českém a anglickém jazyce publikuje společnost Eduard Model Accessories. Magazín je dostupný zdarma na platformě Triobo a je možné jej stáhnout také v PDF verzi. Společnost Eduard je výrobcem plastikových modelů a doplňků s více než 30letou tradicí. Během svého působení v oboru plastikového modelářství se společnost Eduard zařadila mezi jeho světové lídry. Další podrobnosti o společnosti a jejím sortimentu najdete na www.eduard.com. Zde se můžete mimo jiné zdarma přihlásit k odebírání magazínu INFO a produktových informací: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard is a monthly scale model-historical magazine published in Czech and English by Eduard Model Accessories since 2010. The magazine is available for free on the Triobo platform and can be downloaded in PDF format. Eduard is a manufacturer of plastic models and accessories with over 30 years of tradition. Throughout its history in the plastic modeling industry, Eduard has become one of the world's leaders. Further details about the company and its product range can be found at www.eduard.com. You can subscribe to the INFO magazine and receive product information for free at: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
Dobrý večer, vážení přátelé! Máme za sebou hektický březen. Chápu, že vám to asi tak nepřijde, ale ona každá hospoda vypadá jinak z jídelny a jinak z kuchyně. Aby byl pohled z jídelny, tedy od vás zákazníků, pozitivní, nezbývá personálu v kuchyni, tedy nám, aby se pořádně oháněl.
Good evening, dear Friends, We've had a hectic March. I understand that it might not seem that way to you, but every bar looks different from the dining room than it does from the kitchen. In order for the view from the dining room, in other words, from you, the customers, to be positive, the staff in the kitchen (us), has little choice but to be very busy. So, hectic is good.
Určitě nejsem sám, komu se pravidelně stává, že se jeho předpoklady a představy o průběhu nějaké události nenaplní a výsledek je zcela opačný, než jaká byla očekávání s onou událostí spojená. Mě se to naposledy stalo před měsícem v Norimberku. Co jsem od veletrhu čekal, si jistě pamatujete z minulého úvodníku. Z mé skeptické předpovědi nevyšlo prakticky nic. Ne že by se už veletrh vrátil tam, kde byl za starých časů před covidovými lockdowny, ale byl výrazně živější, zajímavější a ve svém výsledku zábavnější a užitečnější, než bych si troufl očekávat. Troufnu si dokonce tipnout, že podobný názor má víc vystavovatelů. Mimo jiné se opakovala situace z loňska, že rozhovory a setkání byla daleko vřelejší, přátelštější a otevřenější, než kdykoli v minulosti. Možná je to jen můj pocit, ale přijde mi, že jsme se navzájem zase rádi viděli, v mnoha případech i po několika letech. V takových případech si uvědomíte, jak vám ti lidé, které jste vídal tak nějak samozřejmě a nepřišlo vám na tom nic zvláštního, přirostli k srdci a jak vám chyběli. Pak se tak hovory víc otevřou, a to je fajn.
I know I’m not alone, when a concept and its associated assumptions turn out exactly opposite to what the expected outcome was. The last time it happened to me was a month ago in Nuremberg.
Jak na plasty II
Mnoho méně zkušených modelářů má velkou fobii z řezání do plastů nebo z většího ztenčování plastových dílů pro zástavbu doplňkových sad. V tomto díle bych chtěl čtenářům představit, že tyto pokročilejší modelářské činnosti nejsou nic těžkého a s využitím vhodných nástrojů a pomůcek se dá snadno dobrat k potřebným úpravám. Prakticky všechny větší brassinové sady po modeláři vyžadují, aby podobné úpravy při jejich zástavbách provedl. Pokud se někteří modeláři obávají doplňkové sady kupovat právě kvůli zmíněným úpravám, chtěl bych jim ukázat, že to s trochou praxe zvládnou i oni. V článku demonstruji přípravu křídla P-51B/C 1/48 pro zástavbu brassinové sady zbraňových šachet. Představím dvě metody – za pomocí pouze základních modelářských nástrojů a poté s pomocí jemné vrtačky a frézky od firmy Proxxon.
How work with Plastic II
Many less experienced modelers often feel apprehensive about cutting into plastic or thinning parts to accommodate additional detailing or conversion sets. In this section, I want to reassure readers that these more advanced modeling techniques are not difficult and that, with the right tools, achieving the necessary modifications is quite manageable. Most larger Brassin sets require modelers to make similar adjustments to their builds. For those hesitant to purchase aftermarket sets due to this process, I aim to show that, with a bit of practice, anyone can master it. In this article, I will demonstrate how to prepare a 1/48 P-51B/C wing for the Brassin gun bay set. I will present two methods: one using only basic modeling tools, and the other employing a motorized Proxxon tool.
Jak na plasty
V tomto článku o pracovních postupech bych se chtěl věnovat těm nejzákladnějším modelářským postupům a technikám a demonstrovat nářadí, které mi pomáhá při rutinních činnostech, které by měl každý modelář zvládat. K této demonstraci jsem si vybral nový model P-51B/C 1/48, který má spoustu vychytávek pro jednoduché lepení modelu, například spodní vtoky u dílů, což především začátečníkům velmi usnadní práci. Pro zkušené modeláře se bude na první pohled nejspíš jednat o zbytečnou spotřebu digitálního papíru, ovšem přečtení doporučuji i jim. Opakování je totiž matka moudrosti!
How to Work with Plastic?
In this workflow article, I will cover the most basic modeling procedures and techniques, presenting the tools that help with usual activities every modeler should master. For this demonstration, I've chosen the new P-51B/C 1/48 scale kit, which includes several features for easy assembly, such as the parts being connected to the sprues from the bottom, making it especially beginner-friendly.
Step by Step P-51B 1/48
Stavební postup k P-51B 1/48.
Step by Step P-51B 1/48
Step by Step for P-51B 1/48.
Jak na 3D tisky
Poslední roky se v modelářství stále více rozmáhá využití 3D tisku, a to převážně pro výrobu doplňků. I v Eduardu jsme se před několika lety rozhodli pustit do této technologie, která z velké části vytlačila klasickou výrobu Brassinů, tedy metodu odlévání. Dnes přímým tiskem vyrábíme již okolo 80 % produkce Brassinů.
How to Work with 3D Prints in Modeling
In recent years, 3D printing has gained widespread popularity in the modeling industry, particularly for accessory production. A few years ago Eduard, too, embraced this technology, gradually replacing traditional casting methods with direct printing, constituting approximately 80% of our Brassin production.
Jak na obtisky Eduard
How to apply Eduard decals
Jak na Space ?
Exploring Space
Nové masky od Eduard
New masks by Eduard
Práce s Eddie the Riveter
Work with Eddie the Riveter
Práce s fotolepty část I
How to Work with PE-Set part I
Práce s fotolepty část II
How to Work with PE-Set part II
Jak sestavit tištěné klapy
How to build printed landing flaps
Step by Step Kurfürst
Step by Step Kurfürst
Step by Step motor F4F-4
Step by Step engine F4F-4
Dobrý den, vážení přátelé! Dnešní úvodník píši zase po roce v Norimberku. Letošní Spielenwarenmesse začal v úterý, dnes jsme přesně v polovině, veletrh končí v sobotu. Pořadatelé se s německou houževnatostí drží pěti dnů trvání akce, čímž jdou většině účastníků pěkně na nervy. Je to sice lepší než šest dnů, které na nás zkoušeli dříve, ale stále je to nejméně o den víc, než tu chceme a potřebujeme být. Z hlediska účasti firem je veletrh letos určitě lepší než loni, ale pokud jde o návštěvníky, obchodníky a žurnalisty, tak je situace víceméně stále bídná. Panuje tu klid. Klid je někdy fajn, ale na veletrhu je klid asi tak to poslední, co na něm chce vystavovatel zažít. Možná se to zítra a pozítří změní a veletrh ožije, ale žádné indicie k tomu nemáme. Tak začínáme uvažovat o odboji. Jak to dopadlo vám napíšu v příštím úvodníku.
Good day, Dear Friends After a year, I am writing today's editorial once again from Nuremberg. This year's Spielenwarenmesse started on Tuesday, and today, we are exactly at the halfway point, as the fair ends on Saturday. With German tenacity, the organizers are sticking with the five-day duration of the event, which gets on the nerves of most participants.
Vítejte v novém roce, vážení přátelé, vítejte u tříkrálového Infa! Lednové novinky jsou již bezmála tři týdny v prodeji, předpokládám tedy, že jste s nimi již zevrubně seznámeni a mnozí je již máte doma. Přesto musím zmínit, že z mého pohledu začínáme letošní rok pěkně zostra. Při prvním pohledu na čtvrtkového Albatrosa D.III to tak možná nevypadá, ale i on byl svého času vrcholovým predátorem válečného nebe a stavebnice přináší vrcholný mix příběhů a osudů jeho pilotů i jejich soupeřů tak, jak je u nás dobrým zvykem. Měli jsme také více než dobrý důvod si toto téma oživit, jak se za chvíli dočtete.
Welcome to the New Year! January’s new releases have been on sale for almost three weeks now, so I assume that you are already thoroughly familiar with them and many of you already have them in your posession. Nevertheless, I have to mention that, from my point of view, we are starting this year off with a bit of a bang. A first glance at the 48th scale Albatros D.III may not indicate this, but it too was once the top predator in a sky dominated by war clouds, and this kit offers a superb mix of stories and fates of its pilots and their opponents, as is our custom to uncover over the course of a kit’s development. We also had more than good reason to revive this topic, as you are about to find out.
Dobrý den, vážení přátelé! Po tříleté přestávce jsme se letos opět vypravili do Telfordu, a je dobře, že jsme se odhodlali tam jet. Přeci jen je Británie kolébkou našeho byznysu, výstava v Telfordu je největší výstavou v našem oboru a chybět na ní by byla chyba. V příštím roce budeme na výstavy vyrážet dál. Na přelomu ledna a února začneme tradičně v Norimberku. Pevně doufám, že tam letos potkáme víc kolegů z jiných firem i víc obchodníků a novinářů než loni. Přiznám se, že jsem trochu napjatý. Podle účasti firem v Norimberku můžeme posuzovat nakolik se svět vrací do normálu a všichni bychom byli určitě rádi za zjištění, že tomu tak je a svět se do normálu opravdu vrací.
Good day, Dear Friends, After a three-year break, we made a return to Telford, and it was a triumphant return at that! After all, Britain is the cradle of our business, and the Telford event is the biggest exhibition in our field and it would be a mistake to miss it. Our plan is to continue attending such events, beginning with Nuremberg in January/February.
Dobrý den, vážení přátelé! S listopadovými novinkami jsme na tom stejně jako s říjnovými, také už jsou druhý týden v prodeji, a tak už je přinejmenším velká část čtenářů Infa zná, pokud už je rovnou nemá doma. Někteří už je dokonce lepí, a ano, jsou i tací, kteří už je mají dokonce postavené. To ovšem není v případě Bf 109 G-2 nebo G-4, obsahu té nej nej nej dvaasedmdesátinové novinky, nic složitého.
Good Day, Dear Friends We find ourselves in the same situation with November’s new releases as we did with the October ones, in that they also have been available for purchase a couple of weeks ahead of the newsletter announcement, meaning that they will already be known to a large percentage of readers and perhaps even in their possession.
Dobrý den, vážení přátelé, vítám vás u zvláštního vydání Infa, věnovaného 21. ročníku E-Daye, konanému 23. září letošního roku na Tankodromu Milovice. Po necelém měsíci ji vy, kdo jste v Milovicích byli, máte ještě v živé paměti, ale věříme, že si ji díky dnešnímu Speciálu Infa znovu rádi připomenete. A ti, kdo tam s námi nebyli, se mohou inspirovat k návštěvě E-Daye příští rok. Bude se konat opět v Milovicích 28. září 2024.
Good day, Dear Friends Welcome to our special edition of the newsletter dedicated to the 21st installment of E-Day, held on September 23rd of this year at the Milovice Tankodrom museum. After less than a month, those of you who were in Milovice still remember it vividly, but I believe that thanks to today's newsletter special, you won’t mind being reminded. And those who were not there with us can be inspired to visit E-day next year. It will be held again in Milovice on September 28, 2024.
Jak se vám líbilo na E-dayi? Nebojte se, nehodlám dnes důkladně popisovat tamní dění, tomu se bude věnovat Speciál Infa, připravovaný na druhý týden v říjnu. V dnešním čísle ovšem najdete alespoň základní fotogalerii. Letošní druhý ročník E-Daye v Milovicích potvrdil potenciál areálu Tankodromu pro akci tohoto typu. Můžeme tedy ladit a vymýšlet další body programu, hodící se do našeho konceptu modelářské výstavy.
How did you like E-Day? Don’t worry, I’m not going to take up precious real estate thoroughly describing the event today, since that will be covered in a Special Edition of our newsletter, slated to come out the second week of October. However, in today’s issue you will find a basic photo gallery of what was there. This year, the second to be held in Milovice, confirmed the potential of the Tankodrom for an event of this type. With that, we can continue to evolve and develop the program to satisfy the concept that goes hand in hand with the venue.
Informace o výstavě E-Day 2023 a soutěži Czech Model Masters – program, instrukce pro dopravu, seznam prodejců a mnoho dalšího
Vážení přátelé, Jsme zpět z Texasu, v pilné práci na dalších projektech. Jak jsem zmiňoval v minulém úvodníku, jedním z účelů naší cesty, kromě obvyklé reprezentace na dnes již opět pravidelné IPMS USA National Convention, byl i průzkum a dokumentace zachovalých exemplářů P-40 Warhawk.
Dear Friends, We’re back from Texas, hard at work on upcoming projects. As I mentioned in the last editorial, one of the purposes of our trip, in addition to our usual participation at the IPMS USA National convention, was to have a good, close up look at several P-40 examples.
Vážení přátelé, vítám vás u srpnového Infa a zdravím z texaského Corpus Christi, kudy s kolegy projíždíme na cestě do San Marcos na tradiční letní IPMS USA Nats. Budeme v Texasu dva týdny, po Nats se přesuneme na sever do Dallasu, kde je naším hlavním plánem studium tří exemplářů P-40 Warhawk. Chceme si ověřit nějaké detaily a průběhy křivek a případně si nějaké pasáže naskenovat.
Dear Friends Welcome to the August edition of our newsletter and greetings from Corpus Christi, Texas, where my colleagues and I are passing through on our way to San Marcos for the traditional summer IPMS USA Nats. We will be in Texas for two weeks, after the Nats we will move north to Dallas where our main goal is to study three P-40 Warhawks.
Dobrý den, vážení přátelé! Ještě před koncem první poloviny letošního roku jsme stihli přestěhovat do nového areálu v Sedleci balení modelů. To nám významně zjednodušilo logistiku, protože dosud jsme výlisky vozili z Obrnic do Mostu, kde jsme stavebnice zabalili a odvezli je do skladu obchodního oddělení v Sedleci. Ta místa od sebe nejsou daleko, je to v řádu jednotek kilometrů, ale i tak jsme se dost najezdili. Teď dělí balení modelů a sklad obchodního oddělení jedna stěna a dvoje dveře, sklad výlisků je přes dvůr.
Hello, dear friends! Even before the end of the first half of this year, we managed to move our model packaging operation to our new facility in Sedlec. This significantly simplifies our logistics, because until now, we would typically move the plastic pressings from Obrnice to Most, where they would be packed into kits, and then transported them to our warehouse and sales department in Sedlec.
Dobrý den, vážení přátelé, mezi 84 novinkami připravenými pro červen vyčnívá dvaasedmdesátinová limitka s názvem Wunderschöne neue Maschinen. Těmi báječnými novými stroji jsou Messerschmitty Bf 109 F, které při svém zavedení do výzbroje německé Luftwaffe na začátku roku 1941 přinesly nárůst výkonů a kvality německého stíhacího letectva.
Good day, Dear Friends Among the 84 new items being released for June, the 72nd Limited Edition kit dubbed “Wunderschöne neue Maschinen” stands out. This “Wonderful New Machines” kit centres around the Messerschmitt Bf 109F, which, when introduced into the arsenal of the Luftwaffe at the beginning of 1941, brought an increase in the performance and quality of German fighters committed to aerial combat.
Dobrý den, vážení přátelé! Na začátku května se soutěžní sezóna pěkně rozjíždí. Máme za sebou tradiční Mošoň, v sobotu se koná Kit show v Kopřivnici, a tak je čas říci si také něco o letošním E-dayi. E-day 2023 se koná v sobotu 23. září na Tankodromu v Milovicích. Pojedeme podle stejného schématu jako vloni, tedy se začátkem pro vystavující modeláře v pátek odpoledne, a to včetně podvečerního programu.
Good Day, Dear Friends We are at the beginning of May, and so the competition season is revving up nicely. We have just had the traditional Moson event and the Kit Show takes place in Kopřivnice on Saturday, so it´s a good time to talk about this year´s E-day. E-day 2023 takes place on Saturday, September 23 at the Tankodrom in Milovice and we will be following the same scheme as last year, meaning that exhibiting modelers begin on Friday afternoon and will include the early evening program.
Dobrý večer, vážení přátelé! Máme přestěhované obchodní oddělení. K včerejšímu dni jsme tak definitivně ukončili naši činnost v areálu Rico, kde obchodní oddělení a také oddělení kompletace stavebnic sídlilo od června roku 2019. A kde také v prosinci 2020 vyhořel sklad výlisků pro stavebnice. Přiznám se, že jsem po požáru doufal v rychlejší přestěhování do nějakých nových prostor. Hned na jaře a v létě 2020 jsme začali připravovat stavbu nové haly, ale turbulentní situace na stavebním trhu v roce 2021 nám tento záměr zhatila. Na podzim 2021 jsme začali jednat o koupi staršího areálu v Sedleci, sousední vesnici vzdálené asi pět kilometrů od Obrnic.
Good evening, Dear Friends We have completed our retail department move. As of yesterday, we have vacated the facility in Most that since June, 2019, has served as our main retail headquarters as well as the facility that served as final kit packaging. It’s also the facility in which we lost a lot of the plastic for our kits when a fire broke out in December 2020. I admit to having hoped for an earlier move to a new facility after that fire. Immediately in the spring and summer of 2020, we prepared for a new-build facility, but that was ultimately quelled by the turbulent supply issues in the construction industry.
Dobrý den, dámy a pánové! Máme zavřeno. Dnes představované březnové novinky si sice můžete prohlédnout a prostudovat jak na následujících stránkách, tak na našem e-shopu, ale nekoupíte je tam. Chápu, zní to šíleně. Nejde ale o žádný rafinovaný marketingový tah, prostě se stěhujeme. Přesně řečeno, stěhujeme obchodní oddělení. To je také důvod, proč v následujících sedmi dnech nebude možné objednávat na e-shopu. Jak jste ale jistě zaznamenali, bylo na druhou stranu možné tyto novinky nakoupit již od minulého pátku, rovněž tak jsou již k dispozici u našich obchodních partnerů.
Good day, Ladies and Gentlemen, We’re closed. Although you are certainly able to view and study our March release listing within these pages or at our e-shop, any purchases will have to be postponed. I understand that this sounds a little nuts, but it is not the result of some underhanded marketing ploy. It is a function of the fact that we are moving our entire retail department. It is also the reason why no sales will be going through our e-shop for the next seven days. As you will have probably already noted, the new items were available for early purchase from last Friday, and they will be available from our retail partners as well.
Vážení přátelé, vítejte u únorového Infa! Dnes začíná Norimberský veletrh hraček (Nuremberg Toy Fair). Po dvouleté přestávce se vracíme do Norimberku a, nebudete tomu věřit, vůbec netušíme, co nás tam čeká.
Dear Friends, Welcome to the February Newsletter! The Nuremberg Toy Fair started yesterday. After a two year hiatus, we are coming back to Nuremberg, and as hard as it may be to believe, we have no idea of what to expect
Vážení přátelé, milí modeláři, vítejte u prvního Infa roku 2023. V lednovém čísle vás tradičně seznamuji s projekty připravenými na aktuální rok. Ani letos tomu nebude jinak, takže se do toho seznamování pustíme rovnou bez zbytečných řečí kolem. Začneme lednem, jehož novinky jsou v prodeji na našem e-shopu již od minulého týdne.
Dear Friends and Fellow Modellers, Welcome to the first newsletter of 2023. The January issue traditionally introduces our planned projects for the year. This year will be no different, so we’ll waste no time and get right down to the nitty gritty. We’ll start off with January, new releases for which are already available from our e-shop and have been since last week.
Easy reading
Easy reading