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Good evening, dear Friends!

 Over the summer period, I was asked on a discussion forum to write in today's editorial what new kits we have in store for the last quarter of this year. After careful consideration, I decided not to do it, and that's because E-day is coming up, as well as the Czech Republic Plastic Modeling Championship. At both events, I will present news not only for the rest of this year, but also for the first half of the next. The problem is that revealing these plans here and now would rob me of what I have already planned for E-day and the way I want to present them, including any surprises we might have up our sleeves!

 So today I will limit myself to September releases, and also to October’s, as they will be available at E-day at the end of this month.



 New releases for September are no secret, since they have already been available for a week now. The centrepiece of the list is the Royal Class Bf 109 G-10 in 1:72. If you want to know my opinion about this kit, you can find it in a column I wrote about it for today's newsletter. It's written in a bit of an American style, inspired by my being in the States for three weeks on holiday and I always soak up the attitude to life there. In the Czech Republic, for about two centuries now, American attitudes have been considered to smack of a certain level of self admiration. According to the widely held cultural belief by the Czechs (and not just), a good creator should sit nicely in a corner somewhere and wait for praise. Typically, that takes a decade or two after the person’s death. This is the tale that Antonín Dvořák could tell. But we Czechs, the proud nation of F.X. Šalda, know our stuff. It’s an attitude with a stifling quality to it alien to Americans, and it's one of the reasons why I always feel freer in America. Much more free. I enjoy it there, because there, I can say that I did something well, even extremely well, and no one will accuse me of being an arrogant bragger if the results are there to see. In fact, I would urge Czech modellers to adopt a bit of the American perspective. What if we included a national self-confidence and a healthy pride in one's own work among those American innovations we have already managed to adopt. If we could adopt things like a food processor, air conditioning, big cars, hot dogs, McDonalds, hockey (Canadian, I know, but hey!), good rock and even F-35s, why not add that sense of self worth and make it our own? God bless America!

 In addition to the aforementioned Royal Class kit, we are also releasing an FM-2 Wildcat in 1:48th scale as a Profipack boxing. It comes out of the older Limited Edition releases we dubbed ‘Wilder Cat’, and we have two other older pieces in the form of a reissued Bf 109 G-2 in 1:48th, also in the Profipack line, and a P-39Q Airacobra, also in 1:48th, but as a Weekend kit. It may surprise you that we are re-releasing the Airacobra that is over twenty years old at a time when a new kit from Poland is coming to the market. Well, releasing it we are. Ours is not a bad kit, has its own qualities and has survived Japanese competition, so I think it can and will do the same here. Otherwise, however, we wish our colleagues from Poland good luck and will be watching with interest how they fare with their effort. This is in no way an act of us going after someone else’s product. In fact, we are wishing them success, because their success is our success. After all, we make accessories for their kits, and we don't make them to not sell!



 October's new releases will be here lickity split, and I don’t much believe you don’t now about them by now. One of these are raising some eyebrows. Yes, I mean the old 1:72nd scale Turbolet, originally released by Gavia and in October in the new-ish Eduard Heavy Retro line. The kit is very original and an unadulterated retro, and the era from which it hails is clearly visible on it. It has its flaws, and they are not few in number. But even with them it's good old-fashioned, honest work. That model didn't come about because some geek bought a kit, cut it up to look different, bathed it in epoxy and released it as a super 3D new tool kit of the year. Its creators honestly worked on the creation of this model with determination, from the drawing to the wooden masters, through the design of decals, instructions and the box, all the way to releasing it. That kit contains a large portion of the work and a piece of life of its designers, Michal Vláčilík and Petr Podvala, and the same portion of honest work, artistic finesse and care of the creator of the molds, Pavel Vandělík, who kept them in good functioning condition throughout their existence. Now, after almost a quarter of a century since the creation of the original kit, we are offering it once again with the addition of a few modern details, mainly a printed landing gear, new transparencies, some photoetched, quality decals and contemporary box art. Among other things, we did this to make everyone who bought a copy of the Gavia kit from the people at AZ/KP Models realize that buying rip-offs is not cool nor necessarily the only way to get a specific kit. We actually own those molds and have for some twenty years now. Patience is a virtue and it is always good to support good, honest work. Ultimately, when you purchase pirated kits from the people who shamelessly and blissfully rip off other peoples’ efforts, you support and reward that behavior. It’s a lot better to lay in the tall green grass than drown in scum….

 This L-410 is specifically the UVP version. If these do well in terms of sales, we’ll do others as well. At the moment, we are ready for the L-410 UVP-E.

 You may have noticed the distinctly Czech flavor of the new releases coming up. That can’t be a surprise to anyone, with E-day just around the corner. In addition to the Turbolet, we also have an L-39ZA Albatros in 1:72, and a 48th scale Spitfire Mk.Vb in a Limited Edition format dedicated to the legacy built by members of the Czechoslovak Air Force who served in the RAF during World War II. The kit, named THEY FOUGHT TO REBUILD, conceptually belongs to The Spitfire Story series, even if it is not strictly portrayed as such. We are releasing it in a Dual Combo format and I believe that it will interest not only Czechs and Slovaks.

 So that the lineup of October new releases is not exclusively Czech or Czechoslovak, we have another classic, the P-51B/C Mustang in a 48th scale Profipack rendition. It differs from the previous P-51B, released in August, by the fin fillet. This is not such a small change, and precipitated a new sprue frame with a fuselage on it. It's a classic Profipack with six marking options, and you can see what these are below.


E-DAY 2024

 E-day is taking place again this year and for the third time at the Milovice Tankodrom museum. The main exhibition day is on September 28th, 2024. As usual, the hall will be open on Friday, September 27th for competing modelers and for everyone who wants to chat and watch the presentation of Eduard’s new releases for the next year in peace. But you won't miss them even if you don't arrive until Saturday, since on that day, this part of the program will be repeated. Otherwise, the program schedule is standard; there are discussions with interesting guests planned, two ‘the Pot’ Q & A sessions, one with me about Eduard and the other with Fredy Riedel about Special Hobby. The space allocated for these discussions and announcements will again be different this year than last, and will be on the ground floor. We have been looking for a suitable location and hope that it will finally work out this year. A better sound system has been ordered; I think that is also important information. Catering will be largely in the gallery, where the Pot Q & As were last year. The cafe, which was under construction last year, is finished and functional, and the elevator from the ground floor to the gallery is also working. There will also be a flight demonstration, with the L-410 Turbolet in the works, but I will admit frankly that at the moment we do not have any of the expected aircraft 100% confirmed, with everyone having something to sort out one way or another.

 There is a significant change in the structure of the competition categories. We implemented a reform, the essence of which is the reduction of the number of the competition categories. This means that we have incorporated some categories into other, related ones. Incorporated categories are those in which there were few entries last year, in the order of single digit or very low double digit competitors. This typically happened with ships where there were, for example, six sailboats that had their own separate category. Similar is the case with helicopters, where last year there was only one competitor in 32nd scale. But you don't have to worry about contestants in these canceled categories losing their awards. We have introduced several award levels. One level will be the classic first, second and third. The next level will number around forty this year, intended for models that deserve an award for their quality, even if they do not reach the podium by gaining the necessary points due to one handicap or another. Another important part of the award structure will be the special theme awards, for twelve models with precisely defined characteristics, such as the Best Bust or the Best Submarine. The next level of award will be those of companies, clubs and individuals. For example, the Aero Vodochody award for the best aircraft model of a Czechoslovak produced aircraft or the Iron Bunny award. In addition to the championship cup, the overall winner will also receive an interesting and valuable award. It will be an ultrasonic knife, donated by Annetra.

 The awards presentation system will also change. Only first place category awards, theme awards, some corporate and club awards, and the overall winner award will be presented on stage during the medal ceremony. The rest of the hardware will be handed over at the counter where the models will be accepted at the beginning of the exhibition. You don't have to worry that this method of delivery being somehow impersonal, informal or undignified. Trust me, it will have its own quality and level! We will describe the awards presentation system in more detail on our Facebook page, our E-day page and other places as well. I will be explaining all the changes and new elements in both the judging system and presentation at the National Championship in Prague this Saturday, September 14th. And lest I forget, each contestant will receive a model for the exhibiting modelers this year. Not a standard ticket item, but a model specially prepared for exhibiting modelers only.

 You can also find a list of the competition categories and special prizes in today's newsletter issue. The author is Luboš Kuna. This is the man without whom and his ingenious management and evaluation system there would be no model competition in the Czech Republic today.

 A small flame has already broken out on Model Forum around the upcoming changes. I understand that the modeling community is quite conservative and doesn't like change. We, on the other hand, like changes and often implement them. While it is important to recognize how and when to evolve for the better, this also creates friction, tension and unrest. I would therefore like to ask you for patience and foresight, and above all for the decency to not jump the gun and start criticizing what has yet to be, until it becomes a past event that can be discussed rationally backed up by actual real information.



 As usual, and it must be stated again that, unfortunately, we have the next installment of the Air War over Ukraine series by Mira Baric. Something tells me that a twist is coming, but we won't see it in Mira's articles until at least a month after the fact.

 From me, we have ‘Unordnung’ an article on the development of the late versions of the Bf 109 G with DB 605AS and DB 605D engines...the Bf 109 G-6/AS, G-14/AS and G-10, as well as a feature on the qualities of the Bf 109 G-10 Royal Class kit. Next, we have the second part of the article about Bernie Lay by Jan Zdiarsky. I also recommend the report from this year's aviation day in Oshkosh by Jakub Nademlejnsky. You won't be bored here, I've been there and I know what it’s about!

 We have two Boxart stories, both by Jan Bobek. The first, dedicated to the Bf 109 G-2, is about the opening battles of I./JG77 in Africa in the autumn of 1942. The second deals with the escort aircraft carrier USS Petrof Bay and the combat deployment of its onboard fighters against the Japanese Kamikaze pilots on April 6, 1945.

 While I was writing this editorial, Most and its surroundings, specifically the chemical factory located between Most and Litvínov, once again made it to the front pages of the news. That doesn't happen often here, and in our circumstances, such media interest signals some kind of trouble. We are a bit of a strange, somewhat wild region here. Although in July, during the Paris Olympics, we were also on TV every day, and it was entirely positive thanks to the Olympic Park at the Most lake. This is a lake that was formed by the flooding of a former mine that displaced the beautiful historic town at its original spot. That was a big mess and a crime, really. That's common here. And now, compared to the destruction of the old Most, we currently have a rather small but interesting problem. A bomb has been discovered unexploded, a 100 kilogram British aerial bomb from the Second World War. It's not just any bomb. It's unique because it's timed. This type has not been found in Bohemia since the war, and only explosives experts in Germany have experience with this type. The timer should have detonated the bomb after 144 hours at the latest, but it didn’t, and it is eighty years late. The bomb had been in the ground a short distance from the wall of the old power station since February, 1944, when the largest raid took place on the synthetic gasoline plant in Záluží near Most, then known as STW Brüx. The raid was carried out by the RAF, about 600 Lancasters destroyed not only the factory, but also several villages in the vicinity of the factory and seriously damaged the towns of Most and Litvínov. It was the air raid with the greatest loss of civilian life out of all eighteen air raids against Most, the chemical facility in Záluží. Of these, sixteen were American and two were British. The first British attempt failed due to bad weather, the second succeeded by stopping the production of fuel at STW Brüx until the end of the war. It was only restored in 1947, when the factory was already named after Stalin, popularly known as Stalinák. That was another chapter in the dramatic history of our region. We will write more about that sometime in the future.


Happy Modelling

Vladimir Sulc.


PS. The bomb was successfully detonated without loss of life on August 30th 2024, at 1213h.

God save the King!


Info EDUARD 09/2024

INFO Eduard is a monthly scale model-historical magazine published in Czech and English by Eduard Model Accessories since 2010. The magazine is available for free on the Triobo platform and can be downloaded in PDF format. Eduard is a manufacturer of plastic models and accessories with over 30 years of tradition. Throughout its history in the plastic modeling industry, Eduard has become one of the world's leaders. Further details about the company and its product range can be found at You can subscribe to the INFO magazine and receive product information for free at:



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Flying Knights in Australia

Flying Knights in Australia


Aerial War in Ukraine

Aerial War in Ukraine


TEC - Don't whimper and print!

TEC - Don't whimper and print!




Dear Friends, I just returned from Nuremberg. I left there in a rather gloomy mood, knowing that it was most likely my last time. I have always defended the Nuremberg Fair as a useful and beneficial event. But alas, its significance to our industry has steadily declined over the years, while the costs associated with participation in it have continuously done the opposite. Still, it has always brought us some benefit, despite of the expense involved.


P-40E Warhawk

P-40E Warhawk

The Curtiss P-40 line of fighter aircraft stood out among American fighter types for having remained in front-line operations from the summer of 1941, before the U.S. entered World War II, through the end of the conflict four years later. Only Grumman’s versatile F4F Wildcat naval fighter could match that record.


The MW 50 System as an Alternative to the GM-1

The MW 50 System as an Alternative to the GM-1

This technical discussion supplements the article describing the GM-1 system in the Messerschmitt Bf 109 in the November, 2024 newsletter. Even before World War II, Dr. Otto Lutz (1906-1974) came up with the idea of injecting nitrous oxide into an engine to increase performance. He later published (as late as 1942) a scientific paper on the subject "Über Leistungssteigerung von Flugmotoren durch Zugabe von Sauerstoffträgern", or roughly translated, ‘On increasing the performance of aircraft engines through the addition of oxygen compounds’.


Aerial War in Ukraine - A Russian missile shot down a civilian aircraft. Again...

Aerial War in Ukraine - A Russian missile shot down a civilian aircraft. Again...

The battles over Ukraine often involve friendly fire incidents. Russian air defense has already destroyed numerous Russian aircraft and helicopters. Similar incidents have occurred on the Ukrainian side. Several civilian aircraft have also been hit in Russia, though without fatal consequences—until now.


Check out other issues

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