{"cz":"Info EDUARD"}
{"cz":"Měsíčník o historii a plastikovém modelářství.","en":"Monthly magazine about history and scale plastic modeling."}
INFO Eduard is a monthly scale model-historical magazine published in Czech and English by Eduard Model Accessories since 2010. The magazine is available for free on the Triobo platform and can be downloaded in PDF format. Eduard is a manufacturer of plastic models and accessories with over 30 years of tradition. Throughout its history in the plastic modeling industry, Eduard has become one of the world's leaders. Further details about the company and its product range can be found at www.eduard.com. You can subscribe to the INFO magazine and receive product information for free at: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
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INFO Eduarde-magazine FREE Vol 24 February 2025# 180P-40EWARHAWKStrana 2
INFO Eduarde-magazine FREE Vol 24 February 2025# 180© Eduard - Model Accessories, 2025FREE FOR DOWNLOAD, FREE FOR DISTRIBUTION!This material may only be used for personal use. No part of the textor graphic presentations can be used in another publication in any other mediaform or otherwise distributed without the prior writtenpermission of Eduard - Model Accessories and authors involved.Editorial and Graphics - Marketing department, Eduard - Model Accessories, Ltd.Strana 3
eduardeduardFEBRUARY 2025CONTENTSPublished by Eduard-Model Accessories, spol. s.r.o.Mírová 170, Obrnice 435 21support@eduard.com www.eduard.comEDITORIALKITSBRASSINPHOTO-ETCHED SETSSPACEBUILTON APPROACH–March 2025TAIL END CHARLIEARTICLESBOXART STORYP-40E Warhawk Royal Class 1/48Bf 109G-10 WNF/Diana ProfiPACK 1/72Fw 190A-3 Weekend 1/48P-40E Warhawk 1/48Grünherz 1/72JABO 1/48Spitfire F Mk.IX 1/48P-40E WarhawkThe MW 50 System as an Alternative to the GM-1Aerial War in Ukraine-A Russian missile shot downa civilian aircraft. Again...HIGHLIGHTS P-40E 1/48EsauOld Habits Die Hard482426505864728499Editorial
Dear Friends, I just returned from Nuremberg. I left there in a rather gloomy mood, knowing that it was most likely my last time. I have always defended the Nuremberg Fair as a useful and beneficial event. But alas, its significance to our industry has steadily declined over the years, while the costs associated with participation in it have continuously done the opposite. Still, it has always brought us some benefit, despite of the expense involved.
Dear Friends,I just returned from Nuremberg. I left there ina rather gloomy mood, knowing that it was mostlikely my last time. I have always defendedthe Nuremberg Fair as a useful and beneficialevent. But alas, its significance to our industryhas steadily declined over the years, whilethe costs associated with participation in ithave continuously done the opposite. Still,it has always brought us some benefit, despiteof the expense involved. There wasn't a lot ofnew business to be made there, but we metwith our distributors, reviewers and colleaguesfrom other companies. And yes, it often broughtopportunity for some new business and, forexample, we negotiated a lot of the purchasesof plastic for our Limited Edition releases atNuremberg. It went on like this year after year,for twenty-five years until 2019. Then, alongcame covid and everything changed, and the fairwas forced to skip a couple of years. The fact thatthe first post-covid event was extremely dilutedwas quite understandable, the second being verysimilar was frustrating, and that the third sawno improvement either was much more alarming.Not that the organizers did not put fortha major effort, but it seems that the participantsdeveloped some reservations about the benefitsof participating in the fair. So they increasinglydidn’t. Neither the Americans nor the Japaneseattend like they used to, and unfortunatelyneither do many Europeans, including Germans.We can speculate as to why. It is very likely thattwo years without the fair have shown quitenicely that business can be done without it. Aftercovid, the costs of everything increased, and theNuremberg Fair has been begging for a longtime to get on the list of costs to cut. On our list,Nuremberg holds a pretty high position now.Nonetheless, our participation at the fairnext year is not high on the list of events toskip in an effort to cut costs. The results canbe surprisingly good in the end and there isa chance that this year's fair will paradoxicallyreflect on our business operations more thanmost fairs have in the past. In fact, this wasalso the case last year and the year before,when agreements concluded at the NurembergToy Fair practically doubled the volume ofsubcontracted work we were able to acquirethrough production for other manufacturingcompanies. Perhaps the paradox lies in the factthat, thanks to the smaller participation of ourbusiness partners, there was more time formeaningful and ultimately fruitful negotiationsto take place. But I suspect that this is actuallya reflection of the changes that are taking placein our industry and that are visibly changingit both in terms of production and businesspractices. While the production of model kitsis dominated by technologies that push whatis achievable to levels never seen before, theinternet and modern distribution routes affecttrade that yield corresponding benefits interms of product diversity and speed of delivery.And the internet and the communication optionsit offers are changing the way we negotiatedeals at the business-to-business level.The covid epidemic has clearly shown that,using current communication options, we cando quite well without expensive trade fairs.Tell me yourself, why would anyone travelhalfway around the world in the winter, paya fortune for flights, overpriced hotels and noless overpriced exhibition stands, then spendfive days at an exhibition where two days wouldbe more than enough to arrange all the meetings,when you can easily achieve pretty much thesame result using your computer at your office oreven at home sitting at your kitchen table? I fearthat this will be the force that will increasinglypush famous trade fairs from the center of tradeto its outskirts. We will ultimately end up goingto Nuremberg again next year, but to be honest,EDITORIALINFO Eduard4February 2025Strana 5
the quality of the new Azerbaijani restaurant,which opened in the area of our Nuremberghotel instead of the original German restaurant,has at least as much to do with the decision toattend as the exhibition itself. This also pointsto changes in which we are direct participants,all of us, from the manufacturers to the retailersand you, the modelers.In order not to just give you abstract wisdomhere, I will give you two examples of currentprogress. Last week, a new 3D printer arrived.We bought it as a test drive; we want to knowexactly what to expect from it, because we wantto expand our printer fleet based on this type.The goal is to increase the capacity and qualityof our 3D printing, especially the eliminationof the layering, which still remains on someparts and is the target of justified criticism fromcustomers. The first tests show that it will bea good machine that will significantly advanceus in solving both of these requirements. This isa new type of printer that arrived in Europe atthe end of January, and we are probably the firstto have it in the Czech Republic. When we tookover the machine during training, the supplierpointed out that the current development ofthese printers is so rapid that a new type,replacing its predecessor, is often launched inthe market to the tune of months and sometimeseven weeks, and that this causes problemswith the availability of spare parts, especiallydisplays. We concluded from this that interestingtimes lie ahead.The second example is from the store. On thevery first day in Nuremberg, one of our valuedbusiness partners came up to me and told methat we were processing their orders too slowly,that customers needed faster service and thatwe had to try harder. I didn't put up much ofa resistance, but in the evening I did somestatistics on our deliveries. I found out that 51%of the 42 orders last year were shipped withintwo days, and a total of 86% of orders wereshipped within four. I would say that before covid,this would have been a great result, but nottoday. Today it's just not enough. I would like torelay one more story from this year's Nurembergfair. It turns out that the mysterious IBG projectthey were working on is a series of Spitfires,from the Mk.I to the VI in 1:72 scale, and wehave unfortunately been working on an almostidentical project over the last year. As it stands,if we finish our molds according to plan, we willhave our 1:72 scale Spitfire Mk.I on the marketmore or less at the same time as IBG. That’s notthe most optimal release schedule you can thinkof, and neither we nor they planned it like that.Neither of us see the need of going to war witheach other with our Spits. We are not competitorswith IBG as much as we are friends; we cooperatewith one another. We are their suppliers and theyare our customers. We don't need to harm eachother. And therefore, since they already have themolds for the Spitfire Mk.I in progress, and weare only at the end of the design stage, with theintention of going to our tool makers this month,we have decided that we will not start our seriesof 72nd scale Spitfires with the Mk.I, but ratherwith the Mk.V. I think this is the best solution tothis precarious situation for everyone involved.For manufacturers, distributors, retailers andcustomers.Now, a little something about February'snew releases and this yields one major point ofattention. That is the P-40E in the Royal Classseries. As you know, we made this kit availablefor November pre-orders, producing the exactquantity for retailers based on those numbers,prompting a production run of 4000 kits, whichwe shipped to both online buyers and retailersover the course of January, and so, eventhough it is a new item for February, we havenothing left in stock. So, friends, if you haven'tbought the Royal Class P-40E yet and your heartis set on one, you have to look for it at yourretailer’s. We are completely out.But that doesn't mean we don't have anyWarhawks in our catalog. Right now we areworking on completing the successor to theRoyal Class, the Limited Edition ‘Pacific Star’kit, dedicated to the Warhawk serving in thePacific Theater. The kit will cover the P-40E andKittyhawk Mk.I from the Aleutians, Australia,New Guinea, China, and so on. Details aboutthis kit can be found among March releases,presented in this issue of our newsletter.You'll like it! I promise….In January, we published the first issue ofthe online magazine Eduard Modeller's Den,abbreviated simply to EMD. As is customaryamong modelers who need to bitch aboutsomething….anything…. someone immediatelycriticized us for the abbreviation on Facebook,but I absolutely do not get why. Abbreviations areused everywhere you look, so why should we bebanned from using them? Anyway, you can findthe magazineHERE. As expected, significantlyfewer readers have paid for and downloaded itthan the inaugural issue, which was free. It didn'tthrow us off, we were expecting this and we arecontinuing to prepare the second issue, whichwill be published...well, I would also like to knowwhen. Probably February 21st, but the editor-in-chief has yet to confirm that.Happy Modelling!!Vladimír ŠulcEDITORIALINFO Eduard5February 2025Strana 6
Offer and subscription HERENEW ONLINE HISTORICAL-MODELLING MAGAZINEemd.eduard.comWith every issue youpurchase! 10% off in theEduard webstoreEvery month, a dose offascinating facts, the latestnews, and rich history.Strana 7
P-40E Warhawk
The Curtiss P-40 line of fighter aircraft stood out among American fighter types for having remained in front-line operations from the summer of 1941, before the U.S. entered World War II, through the end of the conflict four years later. Only Grumman’s versatile F4F Wildcat naval fighter could match that record.
HISTORYProduct of a merger of the companies ofaviation pioneers Glenn Curtiss and the WrightBrothers, The Curtiss-Wright Corp. in 1939was the largest airplane manufacturer in theUnited States. Its products included not onlya wide array of civilian and military airplanesbut also the Wright engines to power them.Design and DevelopmentOf all the aircraft lines manufactured byCurtiss, none was more famous than theCurtiss Hawk fighters. From the initial PW-8of 1924 through the Hawk III, which ceasedproduction in 1938, Curtiss built more than700 Hawk biplanes in 16 different models forthe U.S. Army alone. The steady stream oforders for Hawks from the American Army andNavy plus export customers was a significantfactor in Curtiss’ ability to stay afloat duringthe lean years of the Great Depression whilealso keeping pace with the technical advancesof this period.A more modern monoplane Hawk camealong in 1935. In response to an Air Corpsdesign competition in the fall of 1934 for a newaircraft that would usher in the modern era ofsingle-seat military fighters, Curtiss producedthe Hawk 75, which the Army designated theP-36. Chief designer Donovan R. Berlin created“stretch” in the 75’s airframe that would allowit to accommodate high-horsepower enginesthat were not yet developed. Specifically,he wanted to provide adequate wingspanand area to ensure combat effectiveness at25,000 feet and above.Though the P-36 exhibited excellent flyingcharacteristics, its top speed barely topped300 miles per hour. The Army considered thisspeed acceptable in 1937, but by the followingyear, the P-36 lagged the latest Europeanfighters, particularly the British Spitfire I andGerman Bf 109E, by at least 50 mph. Curtissdecided to mate the 75 to the new AllisonV-1710, a liquid-cooled V-12, to produce theHawk 81, which the U.S. Army designated theP-40. Though the plane offered only modestperformance improvements over the P-36,the Army issued a record-setting contractThe Curtiss P-40 line of fighter aircraft stood out among American fighter types forhaving remained in front-line operations from the summer of 1941, before the U.S.entered World War II, through the end of the conflict four years later. Only Grumman’sversatile F4F Wildcat naval fighter could match that record.P-40E WarhawkThe story of the Curtiss H-87 with USAAF unitsBy Carl Molesworth“ROSE MARIE,” aircraft No. 29 of the 16th FS/51st FG, was flown by 1/Lt. Robert H. Mooney in China during the second half of 1942. Mooney was killed in action flying anotherP-40E near Yunnanyi, Yunnan Province, on Dec. 26, 1942. (photo: NARA)INFO Eduard8February 2025Strana 9
HISTORYto Curtiss on April 26, 1939, for 524 P-40s ata cost of nearly 13 million USD. Again, foreigncustomers came calling at Curtiss. France wasfirst to order the export version of the P-40,tagged the Tomahawk by Curtiss, and GreatBritain soon followed suit.Curtiss built 525 Hawk 81s in three versionsof the P-40 for the U.S. Army. Only a few ofthese saw combat in Hawaii, the Philippinesand Iceland early in the war. More than twiceas many export Hawk 81 Tomahawks werebuilt. These 1,181 aircraft fought extensivelywith the British Commonwealth air forces inNorth Africa, the American Volunteer Groupof Chinese Air Force in Burma and China; andwith the Red Air Force on the Eastern Front.There was no denying that the Hawk81 was a commercial success for Curtiss,but a challenge was looming for the company’sdesign staff. Thus far, Curtiss had been unableto wring sufficient performance from the Hawk81 to match the best European designs, andone of the main problems was that the planewas underpowered. The output of the 1,090 HPAllison V-1710-33 engine, with its single-stagesupercharger, was insufficient to propel theairframe to its maximum capabilities for speedand service ceiling. The U.S. would soon needfighters with more power than the currentC-series V-1710 could deliver, so Allisondesigners went to work on the problem.Unfortunately, the fix wasn’t so simple asmerely souping up the engine. The C-seriesV-1710 delivered power to the propeller via aninternal spur reduction gearbox, but this device was only able to handle 1,100 horsepower,and the engine already was pushing this limit.The new Allison, and all F-series Allisonsto follow, featured an external propellerreduction gearbox drive, which was beefed upsufficiently to absorb the 1,150 horsepower ofthe V-1710-39 (F3R) and more. The reductionratio remained 2:1, but the new engine was10.16 inches shorter than previous versions,and the thrust line was raised several inchesso the gearbox could mount between thecylinder banks at the front of the engine.The redesign of the V-1710 had majorimplications for Curtiss, because the newengine, with its shorter overall length andraised thrust line, did not conform to thenose contours of the Hawk 81. It not beingpractical to craft a new nose for the Hawk81, Curtiss designers took this opportunity todraw up an entirely new fuselage. The changewas considered sufficient to cause Curtiss togive the plane a new designation, the Hawk87. The U.S. Army continued to call it a P-40,designating it the model D, while the Royal AirForce gave it a new name, the Kittyhawk.On the way to better HawksThe Hawk 87 incorporated a number ofimprovements over the Hawk 81. The fuselagewas not only 6 inches shorter but also slightlyshallower, top to bottom. Up front, the noseguns were eliminated, and a deeper cowlingwith a larger opening held the coolant andoil radiators under the engine. Because thepropeller hub sat higher on the nose, landinggear legs could be shorter and still allowclearance for the propeller during takeoffsand landings.To improve visibility for the pilot, the cockpitopening was deeper with a larger slidingcanopy and an enlarged windshield with flat,bulletproof glass in the center panel. The rear-view coves behind the cockpit also were bigger.In addition, the airframe was stressed to carryone 500-pound bomb or a drop tank of 52 or75 gallons under the belly.The wing and tail designs were relativelyunchanged from the Hawk 81. The new plane’sguns were mounted in large bays in the wingsand aimed so their fire would pass outside thearc of propeller, converging about 300 yardsin front of the plane.The Hawk 87 line was a superior warplaneto the Hawk 81, but not by much. While thechanges in armament made it more versatile,the new model’s performance remainedunimpressive. As a result of all the changes,the combat gross weight of the Hawk P-40Drose to 8,809 pounds. At the same time, the newV-1710-39 engine produced just 60 horsepowermore than its predecessor. Despite havinga slightly sleeker profile than the P-40C,the P-40D boasted a top speed just 5 milesThe 57th Pursuit Group, USAAC, flew P-40Es in the U.S. prior to deploying to North Africa in the summer of 1942.Capt. Phil Cochran, commanding officer of the 65th FS “Fighting Cocks,” flew No. 50 from the airbase at WindsorLocks, Connecticut, during that period. (photo: author’s collection)Col. Robert L. Scott was the first Commanding Officer of 23rd FG. He scored 13 aerial victories during the Warmaking him one of five top scoring USAAF P-40 fighter pilots. A member of the ground personnel is pointing onthe five victory marks on Scott’s second P-40E. (photo: NARA)INFO Eduard9February 2025Strana 10
per hour faster than the previous model, at350 mph. Because the new engine retaineda single-stage supercharger, the P-40D’sservice ceiling and peak performance altitudeof 15,000 feet were virtually unchanged fromthe P-40C.The U.S. Army placed an order with Curtissfor 23 P-40Ds in 1940 and took deliveryof the new planes in mid-July 1941. GreatBritain, meanwhile, took over a French orderwith modifications to RAF specifications.Designated Kittyhawk Is, these aircraft beganrolling of the assembly lines in August 1941.The first 20 were four-gun equivalents of theP-40D, but the rest of the Kittyhawk Is in the560-plane order mounted six guns, like the U.S.Army’s 820 P-40Es that were built alongside.Deliveries of both continued through the endof the year, by which time the United Stateshad entered the war. A very similar version,the P-40E-1/Kittyhawk IA, had beefed up wingstructure to allow it to carry more externalstores. Curtiss built 1,500 of these and aboutone-third of them went to the Allies underLend Lease.Operational HistoryCurtiss produced its first Hawk 87s,22 P-40Ds, for the U.S. Army in July 1941.Deliveries of 820 P-40Es, which wasessentially the same airplane as P-40D butwith the armament increased from four wingguns to six, began the following month andcontinued into May 1942.Virtually every model of the Hawk87 followed the P-40D into training dutiesaround the United States. Initially, they wereassigned to first-line combat squadronspreparing for overseas service while providingair defense for areas such as coastal citiesdeemed vulnerable to attack from the seaand industrial centers in the Midwest. As thewar progressed and tour-expired combatveterans became available in mid-1943 toprovide operational training to new pilots justout of flight school, P-40Es did yeoman duty inreplacement training units.The P-40E made its combat debut in theskies over Luzon in the Philippine Islands onDec. 8, 1941 (Pacific Time), the day that theUnited States entered World War II. Throughno fault of the pilots or the P-40Es of the24th Pursuit Group, the performance wasanything but impressive.Word of the Pearl Harbor attack wasradioed to the headquarters of Gen. DouglasMacArthur in Manila shortly after Japanesebombs stopped falling on Battleship Rowin Hawaii. It was 3:55 a.m. December 8 localtime in the Philippine Islands, and withinhours a Japanese triumph even greater thanthe destruction of the American fleet at PearlHarbor would begin to unfold.On paper, the fighter strength deployedby the Far East Air Force’s 5th InterceptorCommand on Luzon in early December1941 looked substantial. Of approximately100 P-40s in four squadrons, 75 percentwere new E-models, while the 20th PursuitSquadron flew P-40Bs and the 34th PursuitSquadron had even more outdated SeverskyP-35As. These squadrons made up the 24thPursuit Group, but the unit was far from readyfor war. The obsolete P-35As had been inservice for nearly two years and were wornout. The P-40Bs at Clark Field, delivered inthe summer of 1941, were in good condition,but their guns had never been fired due toa shortage of ammunition on Luzon for targetpractice. The P-40Es were brand new andsubject to several teething problems, includingengine fires.Just as important, many of the pilots werefresh out of flying school and unfamiliar withtheir P-40s. Meanwhile, 300 miles north ofManila on the island of Formosa, Japan hadamassed a force of nearly 200 A6M Zeronaval fighters, 200 navy bombers and about150 army aircraft. Many of the men who flewthese planes were veterans of combat in China.Tensions had been building in the Far East forseveral weeks prior to word of the Pearl Harborattack. Still, despite ample warning of attack,U.S. Army air units in the Philippines were allbut wiped out on December 8. A handful ofP-40 pilots managed to engage enemy aircraftduring the day, and each of them got a nastyshock when they experienced the climbingand turning performance of the heretoforeunknown A6M Zero fighters firsthand. Ninevictories were credited to five pilots (plusone in a P-35A), but several P-40s were shotdown and nearly all suffered battle damage atthe hands of the Zero pilots. Most Americanaircraft were destroyed on the ground.Capt. Bill Hennon, a veteran of the Java campaign, flew P-40E No. 36 with the 7th FS/49th FG during the defenseof Darwin and northern Australia during 1942. (photo: NARA)After scoring two aerial victories in the defense of the Philippines and three more over Java, Capt. George “King”Kiser destroyed four more Japanese aircraft at Darwin, Australia, with the 8th FS/49th FG. All of his victorieswere scored in P-40Es.(photo: NARA)HISTORYINFO Eduard10February 2025Strana 11
Philippines and JavaP-40Es continued to fight in everdecreasing numbers in the Philippines for fourexcruciating months. The U.S. military’s firstace of World War II, Lt Boyd “Buzz” Wagnerof the 17th Pursuit Squadron, scored hisfifth victory in a P-40E on December 16, 1941.The 37th and last confirmed victory by a P-40pilot in the Philippines occurred on April 12,when Lt. John Brownewell of the 17th PursuitSquadron shot down a Japanese floatplanenear Del Monte on Mindanao. The campaignended on May 6, 1942, when starving Americanforces in the island fortress of Corregidorsurrendered. Meanwhile, P-40Es also hadbeen heavily engaged in the defense of Java,a six-week campaign that again ended badlyfor the United States and its allies. On January25, 1942, 13 P-40Es of a new provisionalpursuit squadron, also named the 17th, arrivedin Soerabaja, Java, to provide air defenseagainst the expected Japanese invasion ofthis oil-rich island. 1/Lt. George E. Kiser, oneof several veterans of the early fighting overLuzon who flew in the 17th throughout the Javacampaign, wrote this account:“Soon after wearrived in Soerabaja, we moved to Blimbing,a newly constructed (and well camouflaged)field. … We flew many missions from BlimbingField. In fact, a lot of us flew about 150 hoursduring the short stay there. At all times wewere outnumbered at the least 10 to 1, but stillwe managed to get official credit for in excessof 65 victories (author’s note: the currentlyaccepted total is 49) with only a loss of ninepilots killed or missing. … On March 1, 1942,the Japanese landed on Java in force, andafter attacking this huge armada of shipswith only ten P-40s, it was decided that thesituation was hopeless, so the entire squadronretreated, along with the 19th BombardmentGroup, to Australia.”DarwinAustralia suffered its own version of thePearl Harbor attack on February 19, 1942,when JNAF land- and carrier-based aircraftstruck the northern port city of Darwin in twodevastating raids. A convoy of ships, loadedwith equipment and troops bound for thedefense of Timor Island, was caught in theharbor and mostly destroyed. Dock facilities,a nearby airfield and even a hospital werebombed as well, with a great loss of lifeincurred.Ten P-40Es of the just-formed 33rd PursuitSquadron (Provisional) were in Darwin at thetime to escort the convoy while enroute toreinforce the 17th squadron in Java. But nine ofthese planes were destroyed in air and on theground during the day. Only one American pilotwas able to make a claim.The first Darwin attack, followed on March3 by a strafing attack on the west coast portof Broome and the fall of Java three days later,stirred a wave of invasion panic throughoutAustralia. Operational training of the greenpilots of the USAAF 49th Pursuit Group, manyof them recent graduates of flying school,was cut short so they could be deployed toprovide air defense. The 49th had arrived byship on January 28, 1942, and immediatelybegan assembling 100 P-40Es while its pilotsput the finishing touches on their training.Fortunately, a cadre of 12 pilots just back fromJava, including George Kiser, was availableto provide experienced flight leaders for thethree squadrons of the 49th.Japanese air attacks on northern Australiacontinued sporadically throughout the springand summer of 1942. The last air raid againstDarwin opposed by the 49th (redesignated asa fighter group in May) came on August 23.In this combat, aces George Kiser and JimMorehead scored their final victories beforecompleting their tours in the Pacific. Thetotal of 15 kills on the day brought the 49th’sfinal tally during the defense of Darwin to78 confirmed victories, eight probables andfour damaged.New Guinea and Aleutian IslandsIn September, with RAAF fighter squadronsnow available to assume air defense dutiesat Darwin, the 49th FG began the nextchapter in its remarkable history. The fightfor Port Moresby was approaching its climax,and the 7th Fighter Squadron was orderedup from Darwin to fight alongside No. 75 andNo. 76 squadrons RAAF in New Guinea.Under the command of Java veteran Capt.Bill Hennon, the 7th Fighter Squadron arrivedat 14-mile Drome outside Port Moresby onSeptember 14 and immediately began flyingfighter-bomber missions in support of theAustralian troops fighting along the KokodaTrail. These missions, which included strafing,dive-bombing and escort duties, were veryeffective at helping the Aussies halt the enemyadvance.At the start of its operations, the 343rd FG was led by Lt. Col. John Stephen Chennault, the son of legendary“Flying Tigers” leader Col. Claire Lee Chennault. The “Aleutian Tigers” adopted the tiger motif and adorned nosesof their aircraft with stylized tiger heads. (photo: NARA)HISTORYINFO Eduard11February 2025Strana 12
The longest service of the P-40E was farnorth in the Aleutian Islands, where P-40sflew in combat from the attack on DutchHarbor in June 1942 through the capture ofKiska in August 1943. After that, the threesquadrons of P-40s, including the 344th withP-40Es, continued to provide air defense forbomber bases in the Aleutians through the endof the war.ChinaOn March 22, 1942, the first P-40Es thatwould see action in the China-Burma-IndiaTheater touched down at Kunming, China, aftera long ferry flight from Africa. Ground crewsof the 1st American Volunteer Group, whichhad been in action against the Japanese inBurma and China since the previous Decemberwith Hawk 81s, set to work on the P-40Es,replacing their USAAF markings with Chinesesun roundels, painting the AVG's distinctivesharkmouth design on their noses, andrepairing various minor problems. Eventually,the AVG would receive 33 P-40Es.The first combat for AVG P-40Es came onApril 8, 1942, when three of them at Loiwing,China, scrambled alongside Tomahawksto intercept a Japanese air raid on thefield. Flight Leader Robert L. Little of the1st Pursuit Squadron, flying one of the P-40Es,was credited with shooting down a Ki-43Oscar among the 12 victories claimed that day,the first claim in a P-40E by the AVG.The AVG P-40Es were heavily engaged duringthe final three months of the unit’s existence.Their most notable actions were a series ofraids against Japanese army forces in theSalween Gorge on the China-Burma border inMay 1942, when AVG pilots used the P-40E’sdive-bombing capability to devastating effectto halt the enemy advance. Sadly, Bob Littlewas killed flying one of those missions.When the AVG disbanded on July 4, 1942,its P-40Es and Tomahawks were turnedover to the 23rd Fighter Group of the USAAF,which was activated in Kunming that day tocarry on the fight in China under legendarycommander Claire Lee Chennault. Meanwhile,a second USAAF P-40 group, the 51st,had arrived in India and was taking up positionsin Assam. These two groups, flying from theirbases at either end of the air route from Indiainto China, would have the responsibility forprotecting transport planes flying “The Hump”from interception by Japanese fighters. By thesummer of 1943, most P-40Es in the 23rd and51st groups had been replaced by later modelP-40s.P-40E No. 127 was one of 33 P-40Es sent to China in the spring of 1942 to replace Tomahawks lost in combatby the American Volunteer Group. The plane displays the blue tail band of the 2nd Pursuit Squadron.(photo: author’s collection)Pilots of the 72nd PS/15th PG pose with “Squirt,” the P-40E that squadron c.o. Jim Beckwith named for his child,in Hawaii during early 1942. In 1945, Beckwith, by then a colonel, commanded the 15th FG flying Very Long-Rangemissions over Tokyo. (photo: NARA)P-40EWARHAWK 1/48Royal ClassAvailable fromretailers anddistributorsworldwide.Cat. No. R0023HISTORYINFO Eduard12February 2025Strana 13
The MW 50 System as an Alternative to the GM-1
This technical discussion supplements the article describing the GM-1 system in the Messerschmitt Bf 109 in the November, 2024 newsletter. Even before World War II, Dr. Otto Lutz (1906-1974) came up with the idea of injecting nitrous oxide into an engine to increase performance. He later published (as late as 1942) a scientific paper on the subject "Über Leistungssteigerung von Flugmotoren durch Zugabe von Sauerstoffträgern", or roughly translated, ‘On increasing the performance of aircraft engines through the addition of oxygen compounds’.
HISTORYThe MW 50 System as anAlternative to the GM-1in the Bf 109G and KPavel RaškaThis technical discussion supplements the article describing the GM-1 systemin the Messerschmitt Bf 109 in the November, 2024 newsletter.Even before World War II, Dr. Otto Lutz (1906-1974) came up with the idea of injectingnitrous oxide into an engine to increase performance. He later published (as late as1942) a scientific paper on the subject "Über Leistungssteigerung von Flugmotorendurch Zugabe von Sauerstoffträgern", or roughly translated, ‘On increasing theperformance of aircraft engines through the addition of oxygen compounds’.Just before World War II, BMW engineersDietrich Singelmann (1903-1989) and Helmutvon Zborowski (1905-1969, a native of Terezin)began to independently experiment with theinjection of a mixture of water and methanol.They discovered that by mixing water withmethanol and adding a drop of an anti-corrosionadditive, they obtained a problem-free liquidthat, unlike nitrous oxide, could be stored inordinary canisters at an airfield. Although itwas not recommended as a drink, it does notnormally burn or explode and generally exhibitsbenevolent properties. The 1:1 ratio of water tomethanol proved to be the most advantageousnot only in terms of engine performance,but also against the risk of the mixture freezing.The injection of water and methanol was firsttested in 1939 on the Bramo 323-A engine.Later, both gentlemen devoted themselves tothe development of rocket engines.The GM-1 system described in our previousarticle was not very popular among fighterpilots, it could not be used at lower altitudesand it was deemed just ‘dead weight’ whichworsened flight performance. The situation wasbetter for high-altitude reconnaissance units.Readers of Clostermann's ‘The Big Show’ willcertainly remember the duel between Spitfiresand the Bf 109 at high altitude. The Bf 109 wasequipped with the GM-1 system, but its pilotmade the mistake of trying to save himself bydiving. However, just above sea level, the GM-1could not be used and the reconnaissanceBf 109 ended up being shot down over the ocean.The new system, which was supposed toeliminate the shortcomings of the GM-1, wasdesignated MW 50. The original thermallyinsulated tanks for the GM-1 were initiallyproduced by the Büssing-NAG company inrelatively small numbers at about fifty permonth. The GM-1 installation used in theBf 109G could be used for injection in theMW 50, but problems arose with valve corrosion.By installing a modified valve, the entire systemcould be used for one or the other mixture(GM-1 or MW 50).The developmental experiments that wereconducted yielded a second, simplified versionof the MW 50 system. It no longer requiredthe use of nitrous oxide, eliminating the needfor thermal insulation of the tank. In addition,the compressed air bottles in the wings wereeliminated and replaced with compressed airfrom the compressor. This resulted in a furtherBf 109 G-10 W.Nr 490 617 ‘Blue 2’, Uffz. Gerhard Reiher, 8./JG 3, Alperstedt, 1944. Behind the circular antenna on the spine, a triangular label is visible adjacentto the MW 50 filling point [Martin Reiher]INFO Eduard14February 2025Strana 15
HISTORYweight saving. The injection nozzle was replacedwith a different type, because the pressure fromthe compressor was lower. This simplified typeof MW 50 was apparently standard equipmenton the Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-14 and G-10.A characteristic modification of the design,visible even to modelers, is the square ‘box’behind the pilot's head, covering the battery.In the later development variant of the Bf 109K, the internal equipment was redesignedand although the MW 50 was standard, theaforementioned box behind the pilot's headdisappeared, because the battery was moved toanother place within the fuselage. The MW 50tank could also be used as an additional fuel tankin the K version. There was a MW 50/Kraftstoffswitch on the instrument panel and dependingon its setting, the relevant valve switched eitherto inject the mixture into the compressor orto pump the contents into the main fuel tank.Of course, it was important to pay attentionto the position of the switch depending on thecontents of the tank.At this point, it is necessary to take a detourand discuss the Messerschmitt fuel system.The aircraft were equipped with an L-shapedfuel tank with a capacity of 400 liters locatedunder and behind the pilot's seat. The Bf 109 Eversion had a sheet metal tank, while a newspecial rubberized self-sealing SB Sackbehältertank was developed for the F version. ThisSB was also developed for C2 fuel used withthe DB 601N engine, but in normal operation,C3 gasoline was used, which caused unexpectedproblems with the DB 601N. Finally, after a longtime, it was discovered that in the rubberizedSB tank, C3 gasoline chemically reacted withthe tank material, which degraded the gasolineused. Therefore, the SB tank had to be modifiedso that this reaction did not occur. SomeMesserschmitt Bf 109s of the F version were stillequipped with the older sheet metal tank on theproduction line. The additional three-hundred-liter droptanks were not equipped with a fuelpump and compressed air from a compressorwas blown into the auxiliary tank to move fuelfrom it into the main tank. When the tank for theMW 50 was filled with fuel, the valve was set topump its contents into the main fuel tank andthe pumping was again done with compressedair. With the droptanks and the MW 50 filled withfuel, the Messerschmitt Bf 109 could doubleits range. In the Czechoslovak Avia S-199, theMW 50 tank was used exclusively as a fuel tank.Notes and clarifications to the November,2024 article:- The code word MONA used for the very firstversion of the GM-1, refers to, according toBaumgartl, da Vinci’s Mona Lisa. It would appearthat the model inhaled some nitrous oxide gas,resulting in her mysterious smile, once and forall solving an age-old riddle at last!- I had some reservations about the circulartank of the GM-1 for the F-4/Z version of theBf 109. Baumgartl states that there really wasa GM-1 tank made of thin sheet metal wrappedwith piano wire, but he doubts that it wouldhave made it into production aircraft. Thosewho remember will certainly recall the glasssiphon bottles with metal mesh popular undersocialism, filled with carbon dioxide cartridges- the principle is the same and the containerwithstands internal pressure well.A little bit of a glossary:Sonderstoff = A special material (usedspecifically with the GM-1 or MW 50 systems)Kraftstoff = FuelSauerstoff = OxygenBehälter = TankLeistung = PerformanceThe wreckage of Bf 109G-10 WNr. 151556 from JG 300 and Bf 109G-14AS WNr. 784998 from IV/JG 53 afteremergency landings in early 1945. Both aircraft show open MW 50 fuel tank filler ports on their spines.The protrusion on the access hatch to the battery and additional storagecompartment allowed for the former’s relocation forward, which freed up spacefor the MW 50 tank in the fuselage behind the cockpit. Bf 109G-14, Oblt. Rolf Schlegel10./Jagdgeschwader 4, March 1945 [JG 4 Archive - Museum of the Air Battle overthe Ore Mountains on September 11th, 1944 in Kovarska]Bf 109K fuel systemdiagram froma period manual withthe MW 50 mixturetank indicated.INFO Eduard15February 2025Aerial War in Ukraine - A Russian missile shot down a civilian aircraft. Again...
The battles over Ukraine often involve friendly fire incidents. Russian air defense has already destroyed numerous Russian aircraft and helicopters. Similar incidents have occurred on the Ukrainian side. Several civilian aircraft have also been hit in Russia, though without fatal consequences—until now.
Miro BaričA Russian missile shot down a civilian aircraft. Again...The battles over Ukraine often involve friendly fire incidents. Russianair defense has already destroyed numerous Russian aircraft andhelicopters. Similar incidents have occurred on the Ukrainian side.Several civilian aircraft have also been hit in Russia, though withoutfatal consequences—until now.Aerial War in UkraineA photo of the ill-fated Embraer 190AR, registration4K-AZ65, taken in 2016 by Mehmet Mustafa Celik.On the morning of Wednesday, December25, Azerbaijan Airlines flight 8243 took offfrom Baku, Azerbaijan. The Embraer 190AR,registered as 4K-AZ65, carried 62 passengersand five crew members. Its destinationwas Grozny, Chechnya, in southern Russia.However, 40 minutes into the flight, theaircraft's GPS and other navigation systemsstopped functioning. It is likely that theaircraft fell victim to electronic GPS signaljamming, an action prohibited by internationaltelecommunications and civil aviationorganizations.The Russians likely activated the jammingdue to the presence of Ukrainian drones overChechnya. The crew of flight 8243 requestedguidance via radio. However, Grozny wascovered in thick fog, and after three holdingpatterns, the pilots decided to return to Baku.As the aircraft departed Grozny, it was struckby a missile from a Russian Pantsir-S1 airdefense system. The missile exploded near therear left section of the aircraft, with shrapneldamaging mainly the tail surfaces.As a result of the damage, the Embraer'shydraulic system failed, making it extremelydifficult to control. Russian air trafficcontrollers denied it permission to land atMineralnye Vody or Makhachkala airportsdue to bad weather. Instead, the crippledaircraft (while still experiencing GPS signalinterference) was directed over the CaspianSea toward Aktau, Kazakhstan. Availabledata show that the aircraft exhibited extremealtitude and course fluctuations. Despitethis, the pilots managed to keep it airbornefor one hour and 14 minutes after the missilestrike.During the attempt to land in Aktau,the aircraft crashed three kilometers fromthe airport. The crash was captured on video,showing the aircraft descending with itslanding gear extended but tilting heavily tothe right. The pilots were unable to correct thedescent or the bank. The Embraer first struckthe ground with its right wing, followed by thefuselage, which broke apart and exploded.The front section burned completely, while therear section remained relatively intact, thoughoverturned. This allowed 29 of the 67 people onboard to survive, albeit with injuries. However,38 people lost their lives, including both pilotsand one flight attendant.Posthumously, the two pilots and thedeceased flight attendant were awarded theThe rear section of the Azerbaijani Embraer was riddled with shrapnel.Photos of the wreckage were published by Kazakh rescue services.UKRAINEINFO Eduard16February 2025Strana 17
title of National Hero of Azerbaijan. StewardZulfikar Asadov and flight attendant AydanRahimli, who survived with injuries, werehonored with the Order of Courage First Class.Heroes of Flight 8243Let’s take a moment to honor the heroes whofought until the very end to save the aircraftand its passengers. The captain was 62-year-old Igor Kshnyakin, an incredibly experiencedpilot. He began his career in 1982 at the ageof 20, flying the An-2 biplane. Over the years,he served as a co-pilot or captain on variousaircraft, including the Yak-40, Tu-134, An-140,and ATR-42/72. In 2013, he became a captainon Embraer 170/190 aircraft for AzerbaijanAirlines. He accumulated 15,000 flight hours,with 11,200 as a captain. He is survived bytwo daughters. Seated beside him as the co-pilot was 32-year-old Aleksandr Kalyaninov.He successfully graduated in 2021 from theNational Aviation University in Kyiv, Ukraine.The third crew member who lost her life was33-year-old flight attendant Hokuma Aliyeva.Alongside her work, she was pursuing a lawdegree and was in the final year of her doctoralstudies. She had planned to switch careers andbecome a lawyer, a dream that, unfortunately,she never got to fulfill. In her final moments,she tried to calm the passengers. All threewere buried together in Baku at the SecondAlley of Honor, a cemetery reserved forAzerbaijan’s most distinguished figures andheroes.Russia has not admitted to shootingdown the aircraft, even a month after theincident. Initially, Moscow outright deniedany involvement, and Russian propagandachannels spread multiple alternative theoriesabout what might have happened. For instance,they claimed that the shrapnel holes visiblein the intact rear section of the aircraft werecaused by gravel upon impact with the ground.Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev, just daysafter the tragedy, stated that preliminaryinvestigation results indicated Russian airdefense was responsible. He acknowledgedthat the shootdown was likely unintentionalbut accused Moscow of attempting a cover-up. Aliyev demanded an admission of guilt,punishment for those responsible, andcompensation for the victims' families.However, none of these demands had been meta month after the tragedy. Azerbaijani officialsalso pointed out that Russia’s refusal to allowthe damaged aircraft to land at any Russianairport, instead directing it toward Aktau,may have been an attempt to erase evidence.Simply put, they may have been hoping theaircraft would crash into the Caspian Sea…Revived Memories of flight MH17The downing of the Azerbaijani civilianaircraft has revived memories of the tragedywhich took place on July 27, 2014. On thatday, Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 crashednear Hrabove in Ukraine’s Donetsk region.The Boeing 777, registered as 9M-MRD, wasen route from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpurbut never reached its destination. At the time,Russia had provoked an uprising in easternUkraine and was supplying the separatistswith heavy weaponry. Among the equipmenttransferred was a Buk surface-to-air missilesystem from the 53rd Anti-Aircraft MissileBrigade, based in Kursk. This system wassecretly moved into Russian-controlledterritory in eastern Ukraine. Mistakingthe target for a Ukrainian military aircraft,the crew launched a missile at the civilianflight MH17. The Boeing 777 was cruising at33,000 feet (10,060 meters) at a speed of915 km/h when the warhead of the radar-guided missile exploded just above its cockpit.Shrapnel instantly killed the flight crew andtore through the fuselage, causing it to breakapart just behind the cockpit. The aircraft wentinto a steep dive, and aerodynamic forcescompletely disintegrated it before impact.The fall lasted a minute and a half, scatteringdebris across 50 square kilometers. All 298people on board perished—15 crew membersand 283 passengers. Two-thirds of the victimswere Dutch citizens, including 80 children underthe age of 18. Once Russian forces realizedwhat they had done, the Buk system was quietlytransported back across the Russian border,and multiple conflicting versions of eventsA 2014 image of Russian fighters posing with the wreckage of the downed MH17 flight.The threedeceased crewmemberswere buried asheroes—fromleft to right,the coffinsof AleksandrKalyaninov, IgorKshnyakin, andHokuma Aliyeva.The photo fromthe farewellceremony waspublished bythe office of thePresident ofAzerbaijan.UKRAINEINFO Eduard17February 2025Strana 18
were spread. This tactic—immediately floodingthe public with contradictory explanations—isa hallmark of Russian propaganda, designedto dilute and obscure the truth. The MH17 casewas no exception, with one absurd theoryfollowing another.One claim suggested that a UkrainianSu-25 attack aircraft had shot down theBoeing. However, anyone with basic aviationknowledge knows that the Su-25 lacks thespeed, altitude capability, and weaponryto accomplish such a feat. Another falsenarrative involved a supposedly "authentic"satellite image showing a UkrainianSu-27 firing a missile at MH17 at close range.The image was, in reality, a crude forgery.The most bizarre theory suggested that theentire event was staged and that the plane hadbeen filled with corpses that had already beendead for some time.Multiple Western investigative teams,however, concluded—based on substantialevidence—that MH17 was hit by a missilefrom a Buk system fired from Russian-controlled territory. They also identified theRussian military unit responsible: the same53rd Anti-Aircraft Missile Brigade. Thesefindings were confirmed by a Dutch court,which, in November 2022, sentenced threemen—Igor Girkin, Sergey Dubinsky, and LeonidKharchenko—to life in prison for their rolesin the downing of MH17. All were sentenced inabsentia, as Russia refused to hand them over.Ironically, only one of them, Igor Girkin,is currently in a Russian prison—not forthe deaths of 298 innocent people, but for"extremism." His crime? Insulting Vladimir Putin,whom he accused of weak and incompetentleadership in the war against Ukraine.Girkin, also known as Strelkov, wasa Russian intelligence operative who playeda key role in igniting the separatist conflictin eastern Ukraine. He once boasted thatwithout him, there would have been no warin Donbas, as the local population had littleinterest in taking up arms. This statementalone undermines the Kremlin's long-standingnarrative that the conflict was a "civil war"rather than Russian aggression.Ukrainian LossesDuring the observed period, fromDecember 1 to December 31, military aircraft,helicopters, and unmanned aerial vehicleswere continuously conducting operations.Consequently, losses were suuffere. However,the shooting down of a civilian aircraft is suchan exceptional event that most of this reportwas dedicated to it. The only confirmed lossof Ukrainian equipment occurred on Saturday,December 14, in the Kherson region. A RussianS-400 air defense system hit a Su-25 fromUKRAINEAn image of a Ka-52 helicopter, published by the Russian Ministry of Defense. Since the beginning of the war,Russia has lost at least 63 helicopters of this type. One was also lost in December 2024, as coveredin this latest update of the series.On December14, theUkrainianmilitaryintelligenceset fire toa Su-27Pat the KrymskbaseUkraine’s 40th Tactical Aviation Brigade released a series of photos of MiG-29 fighter jets.INFO Eduard18February 2025Strana 19
the 299th Tactical Aviation Brigade. Its pilot,Captain Vladyslav Solop, was killed. Anothercasualty was Captain Mykola Karpov, a groundaviation technician from the 40th TacticalAviation Brigade. He was killed on Tuesday,December 31, during a Russian missileattack on Vasylkiv Air Base in the Kyiv region.The extent of the damage to the base is not yetknown. Karpov was posthumously promoted tothe rank of Major.Russian LossesThe first confirmed Russian loss duringthe observed period also occurred onSaturday, December 14, at Krymsk Air Basein the Krasnodar region. Ukrainian militaryintelligence set fire to and damaged a Su-27Pwith a bort number "Red 16" and registrationRF-92406, which belonged to the 3rd MixedAviation Regiment. On Friday, December 20,Ukrainian intelligence reported damage toanother aircraft—a military transport An-72—at an airfield near Moscow. On Wednesday,December 18, a Kamov Ka-52 helicopter washit and shot down by friendly fire. Both Russianpilots were killed. The helicopter commanderwas Lieutenant Daniil Chepurnov. His obituarymentioned only that he died while carryingout a combat mission in the "special militaryoperation" zone.Naval Drones Strike BackThe worst day for Russian aviation cameat the very end of the month. On Tuesday,December 31, Ukrainian Magura V5 naval droneswere operating in the Black Sea. Russia haslong deployed helicopters and aircraft againstthem, so Ukraine has started equipping theseunmanned boats with anti-aircraft weapons.Ukraine claims to have hit several helicoptersin the past, but until now, no confirmed kills hadbeen recorded. Near the Tarkhankut Peninsulain western Crimea, Ukrainian drones hit twoMi-8 helicopters with R-73 missiles. Accordingto Ukraine, one crashed immediately, whilethe other was damaged and attempted toreturn to the shore. Later, Russia confirmedthat the second helicopter also crashed. Eachhelicopter carried eight personnel, and nonesurvived. This indicates that, in addition to thestandard crew of three aviators, each aircraftalso carried five additional soldiers—machinegunners and electronic systems operators.During December, a video emerged showingUkrainian naval drones firing machine gunsat helicopters (and even a Sukhoi fighter jet).At least one helicopter was seriously damagedA few days later, Russia released an image of the same aircraft. The photo was taken froman angle that conceals possible damage to the rear section, where the fire occurred.Images appeared on social media showing a Russian Su-25SM3that collided mid-air with a Zala reconnaissance drone.A Russian Mi-24 helicopter got stuck in the mud,presumably at an advanced base. The photosurfaced during the monitoring period, but detailsremain unknown.Images appeared on social media showing a Russian Su-25SM3 that collided mid-air with a Zala reconnaissance drone.UKRAINEINFO Eduard19February 2025Strana 20
by gunfire, but a confirmed kill was onlyreported later with the use of R-73 missiles.Additionally, footage surfaced of an incident inwhich a Russian Su-25SM3 collided mid-flightwith a Zala reconnaissance drone. The aircraft,with bort number "Red 07" and registrationRF-94678, suffered significant damage tothe front fuselage and shattered side cockpitglass. Despite this, the pilot managed to landthe plane at its base. The collision reportedlyoccurred somewhere in the Donetsk region,though the exact date remains unknown.Attacks During ChristmasRussian airstrikes on Ukrainian citiescontinued almost every night. Here are a fewnotable incidents:On the night of Thursday, December 12,to Friday, December 13, a massive attacktargeted Ukraine’s energy infrastructure.Four regions, including Kyiv, were hit, andtwo experienced power outages—an actwhich, in winter, translates into terrorizingthe civilians. Russia launched a total of192 kamikaze drones and 94 missiles, includingcruise missiles. Ukrainian defenses shot down80 drones, while another 105 were disabledby electronic warfare systems. Additionally,81 cruise missiles were destroyed, 11 of whichwere taken down by Ukrainian fighter jets.One pilot, in particular, distinguished himselfby shooting down six missiles: two with long-range AMRAAM missiles, two with short-rangeSidewinder missiles, and the last two with hisonboard cannon after running out of missiles.This highlights the advantage of the F-16over older Soviet-made jets previously usedby Ukraine. Thanks to its advanced sensorsand electronic systems, an F-16 pilot hasbetter situational awareness and can identifyand engage multiple targets more quicklyand efficiently, even in high-density combatenvironments. Another major attack occurredcynically on Christmas itself, from the nightof Tuesday, December 24, to Wednesday,December 25. Most Ukrainians now celebrateChristmas on the same date as the Westernworld, rather than according to the Orthodoxcalendar. On this holiday, Russia launched106 kamikaze drones and 78 missiles, includingcruise missiles, at Ukraine. Ukrainian defensesintercepted 59 missiles and 54 drones, whileelectronic warfare systems disabled another52 drones. Despite these efforts, nearly20 missiles broke through the defenses.Kharkiv alone reported 11 explosions. In one ofthe targeted power plants, a civilian technicianwas killed, and half a million people wereleft without heating on Christmas. The cityof Kherson, located directly on the front line,A still from a video showing a Ukrainian Sea Baby naval drone firing a machinegun at a Russian Mi-8 helicopter.Footage from another video capturing the shootdown of a Russian Mi-8 helicopter with an R-73 missile launched from a Magura V5 naval drone.A Ukrainian naval drone also dared to fire a machine gun at a fighter jet.UKRAINEINFO Eduard20February 2025Strana 21
faces terrifying attacks daily. Russian droneoperators engage in what they themselvesdescribe as "human safari"—targetingindividual civilians, civilian vehicles, andpublic transport with drones, boasting about itafterward. Amid this brutal routine, one attackstood out even more: just before Christmas,Russian airstrikes hit an oncology clinic—andthen bragged about it.A Ukrainian Connection in Syria?Finally, a brief mention of an event that isonly indirectly related to the war in Ukraine.In Syria, after 13 years, the bloody civil war hascome to an end. As recently as mid-November,there was no indication of an imminentconclusion. However, in just 12 days of offensiveoperations, the rebel coalition known as CMOseized Damascus, the capital, on the night ofSaturday, December 7, to Sunday, December8—virtually without a fight. The Syriangovernment army collapsed along with theregime it was meant to protect. Why mentionthis in connection with Ukraine? Aside fromIran, Bashar al-Assad’s regime was primarilysupported by Russia, which had deployed bothtroops and air forces to Syria. However, afterthe start of the war in Ukraine, Russia had toweaken its Syrian military presence. Rumorssuggest that Ukraine aided the CMO rebels bysupplying them with FPV drones, along witha small number of operators (reportedlyaround 20). At the beginning of the offensive,these drones targeted and eliminated keySyrian government army personnel andobjectives. As for Assad, the fallen Syriandictator has fled to Russia, where he and hisfamily have been granted asylum.The aftermath of a massive Russian attack on Ukrainian cities during Christmas.The disabling of Russian projectiles that missed their targets.Ukrainian bomb disposal specialists recovereda Russian drone that had been trapped in a tree.UKRAINEINFO Eduard21February 2025Strana 22
Ukraine’s 40th Tactical Aviation Brigade released a series of photos of MiG-29 fighter jets.UKRAINEINFO Eduard22February 2025Strana 23
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#70164BOXART STORYHeinz "Esau" Ewald was one of the renownedaces of JG 52, a Luftwaffe fighter unit that operatedon the Eastern Front from June 1941 until the endof the war. Born in Zoppot (Sopot), near present-day Gdańsk, he joined Fliegerausbildungsregiment23 in December 1941 and completed pilot and fightertraining. His training continued with JG 106 atLachen-Speyersdorf, and later with Ergänzungs-Jagdgruppe Ost in La Rochelle, France, where hewas prepared for combat.At 21, Ewald, an NCO, was assigned to II./JG 52 ledby Hptm. Gerhard Barkhorn in autumn 1943 . The unithad recently withdrawn from Anapa, Kuban, andoperated from various airfields in Ukraine beforemoving to Bagerowo in Crimea in November. Ewaldwas transferred to II./JG 52’s 6th Staffel, led byLt. Helmut Lipfert, who already had over 40 victories.As a complete novice, Ewald achieved hisfirst victory during his fourth combat flight. Thismilestone occurred during a "free hunt" missionon November 12, 1943 over the Kerch Strait. Ewaldwas flying as a wingman for Fw. Ellendt of the5th Staffel. After about twenty minutes of flyingbeneath a low-lying, continuous cloud layer,the German duo received a report of Soviet aircraftoperating south of their position. They immediatelyheaded toward the designated area at maximumspeed, maintaining an altitude of about 100 metersabove sea level.Suddenly, four Soviet Yaks emerged from theclouds roughly a thousand meters ahead of them,and Ellendt quickly pointed them out. What followedhappened in mere seconds. The formations flewdirectly at each other, and Ewald instinctivelyopened fire on one of the enemy aircraft. Momentslater, Ellendt radioed in, confirming a successfulshootdown. A confused Ewald asked who hadbrought down the enemy plane, only to be surprisedwhen Ellendt informed him that it had been Ewald’sshot. The Soviet aircraft spiralled down, crashing onthe coast and exploding upon impact.After landing, Heinz Ewald received numerouscongratulations but also found himself on thereceiving end of warnings. Fellow pilots repeatedlyreminded him that shooting at the enemy head-onwas a dangerous tactic that wouldn’t allow himto live long. Over the next few weeks, as Ewalddisplayed remarkable luck and quickly accumulatedseveral victories, these comments became morefrequent.In German, expressions referring to a large doseof luck often include the words Schwein (pig) or Sau(swine). It was fitting, then, that Ewald earned thenickname "Esau," coined by his comrades in the6th Staffel. Ofw. Kuhn, acting as the spokesmanfor the group, formally announced the nickname toEwald. Kuhn reminded him of the unit’s superstition:a rookie who rapidly racks up victories typicallydoesn’t live long. Kuhn playfully advised Ewald togo ahead and write a farewell letter to his parents—just in case.As a supposed candidate for an early death,Ewald received especially generous portions offood from Obergefreiter Prümmer, the chief cook ofII./JG 52. After a few weeks, "Esau" found himselfoften thinking that he would indeed soon fall inbattle. This mindset was a result of his colleagues’remarks, which were likely well-intentioned andmeant to temper his enthusiasm, encouraging himto take fewer risks during combat.The teasing from the pilots of the 6th Staffeleventually subsided when Ewald was selectedby Hptm. Gerhard Barkhorn, the commander ofII./JG 52, to be his wingman. Ewald went on to flyover a hundred combat sorties alongside his newleader.Between late 1943 and spring 1944, Ewaldachieved 17 aerial victories during the battlesin Crimea. Aviation historian Ivan Lavrinenko’ssuggests in his book about JG 52´s top aces inCrimean campaign that Ewald likely destroyedbetween three and nine enemy aircraft. MultipleLuftwaffe pilots often claimed responsibility for thesame Soviet aircraft, a common occurrence duringintense air battles.The box art by Antonis Karydis depicts one ofEwald's two victories over Hungary on February4, 1945, against fighters from the 848th IAP. BothSoviet airmen remain missing. Details of thisengagement, along with other battles involvingEwald, can be found in Daniel and Gabor Horvath'sbook, which provides an in-depth analysis of theLuftwaffe's ace air victories over Hungary in late1944 and early 1945.Lucky Ewald survived a dogfight with Americanfighters on June 24, 1944 over Romania, bailingout after being shot down and sustaining injuries.In early March 1945, he was accidentally shotdown by an SS anti-aircraft unit, and a month later,he rejoined his unit after making an emergencylanding in a front-line area. "Esau" Ewald wasindeed “lucky as a pig.” For a detailed descriptionof these incidents, refer to the article on "Heino"Sachsenberg in INFO magazine 11/2010 and thearticle The end of the war at the Danube.Text: Jan BobekIllustration: Antonis KarydisEsauINFO Eduard24February 2025Strana 25
#84205BOXART STORYMany Luftwaffe pilots were accustomed toflying the Bf 109 E since the Spanish Civil War andhad literally grown attached to these machines.As a result, transitioning to the Bf 109 F-1 andF-2 variants—equipped with weaker armamentcompared to the E-7 version—proved unpopularfor many of them. Old habits die hard. Even moredifficult was the transition to an entirely new typeof fighter aircraft with significantly different flightcharacteristics and a radial engine instead of aninline one: the Focke-Wulf Fw 190.The first unit to operate the new Fw 190 A-1 wasII./JG 26 "Schlageter," equipped with Bf 109 Es.Around the beginning of August 1941,Erprobungsstaffel 190, led by Oblt. Otto Behrens,was transferred from the test center in Rechlinto the Paris-Le Bourget airfield. Behrens' unit hadsuccessfully completed its operational tests andwas now tasked with passing on its findings toII./JG 26, commanded by Hptm. Walter Adolph.Without Behrens' experience and dedication,the entire project would, in all likelihood, havebeen abandoned, as it was plagued with persistentissues—mainly concerning the BMW 801 C-1powerplant—that would have discouraged lessdetermined individuals.Part of II./JG 26 trained on Focke-Wulf aircraftin Paris, the rest of the unit flew combat sortieswith old planes in Belgium at the Moorsele airbase.This practice became standard for other unitstransitioning to the Fw 190 A. The first successfuldeployment of the Fw 190 A took place on August14, 1941.In November 1941 III./JG 26 began rearmingwith the Fw 190 A-1, however, problems withthe power units persisted. Mechanics had tomake modifications to the exhaust manifoldsin field conditions, and the unit independentlysourced some spare parts from across Germany.A testament to the engine's reliability issues is thefact that BMW awarded Oblt. Borris, the commanderof 8./JG 26, a gold watch after the engine of hisFw 190 surpassed 100 hours of operating time.By early 1942, the first Fw 190 A-2s, equippedwith the improved BMW 801 C-2 powerplant, weredocumented in service with III./JG 26. Notably, thefirst aircraft of this version was recorded withII./JG 26 as early as December 1941. In the samemonth, I./JG 26 took delivery of its first Fw 190 A-1s.In 1941, Stab JG 26, under the command of AdolfGalland, continued to operate Messerschmitt Bf 109F-4s. By this time, this version of the Bf 109 hadbecome popular among many pilots. When Maj.Gerhard Schöpfel took over command of JG 26,his Stab began rearming with the Fw 190 A-2 inJanuary 1942, followed by the A-3 version in April.The fighter-bomber unit, 10./JG 26, transitionedfrom the Bf 109 F-4/B to the, then, already provenFw 190 A-2 and A-3 models only in June and July of1942. The A-3 variant was equipped with the BMW801 D-2 powerplant, which by then had becomerelatively trouble-free.Jagdgeschwader 2 "Richthofen" received theirFw 190s significantly later than their JG 26counterparts. The Messerschmitt Bf 109 F-2 andF-4 remained in use by Stab JG 2 until July 1942,with at least one E-7 still in service! Under thecommand of Obstlt. Walter Oesau, the Stab of JG2 took delivery of its first Fw 190 A-3 in May 1942,followed by additional A-2 and A-3 versions in thesubsequent months. The first Gruppe within JG 2to begin rearmament with the Fw 190 was II./JG 2,which received the A-2s in March 1942. One of itspilots recalled that very few aircraft were equippedwith four wing-mounted guns. This shortage wasreportedly due to insufficient gun productioncapacity, and aircraft with the full armamentwere usually reserved for unit commanders.The Messerschmitt Bf 109 F-2, F-4, and even oneE-4 were gradually phased out of II./JG 2 untilMay 1942.Next in line was III./JG 2, commanded by Hptm.Hans "Assi" Hahn. His unit gradually retired theBf 109 F-2 and F-4 variants by July 1942, startingreceiving the Fw 190 A-2 and A-3 models in May.Hahn’s brand-new aircraft is depicted on box art byPiotr Forkasiewicz, with additional details availablein the historical text included in the kit's instructions.I./JG 2 was the last to transition to the Fw 190, doingso between June and July 1942. The same timelineapplied to the fighter-bomber unit 10./JG 2, whichalso began rearming during this period.The Fw 190 was an ideal fighter aircraft formedium- and low-altitude combat, where it heldan advantage of its powerful armament and abilityto escape in steep dives. However, the operationalneeds of Luftwaffe fighter units gradually evolved,especially after the arrival of American forces in theUK. As a result, during 1943, some aforementionedunits were rearmed with Bf 109s, which were bettersuited for high-altitude combat. In the spring,II./JG 2 received the G-3, G-4, and G-6 variants.Later, in the autumn, III./JG 26 transitioned to theG-3, G-5, and G-6 models.Illustration: Piotr ForkasiewiczOld Habits Die HardText: Jan BobekINFO Eduard25February 2025Strana 26
P-40E WARHAWK 1/48 Royal ClassAvailable from retailers and distributorsworldwide. Cat. No. R0023#R0023P-40E Warhawk1/48The Royal Class edition kit of the US fighter aircraft P-40E Warhawk in 1/48scale. The kit offers markings for 12 aircraft. The box contains plastic spruesfor two complete kits, from which it is possible to build aircraft flying in USAAF,RAF, RAAF, RCAF and VVS RKKA (Soviet Air Force).plastic parts: Eduardmarking options: 12decals: EduardPE parts: yes, pre-paintedpainting mask: yesresin parts: yes (exhausts; undercarriage wheels –two types,two seats with harness - two types)bonus: wheel wells plugs (Omask)KITS 02/2025Dual ComboINFO Eduard26February 2025Strana 27
41-5726, Capt. Philip G. Cochran, CO of 65th PS, 57th PG, USA, spring 194241-36402, Lt. Dallas A. Clinger, 16th FS, 23rd FG, Kweilin, January 1943Philip Gerald Cochran was born on January 29,1910, in Erie, Pennsylvania, and died on August 26,1979. He joined the ranks of the USAAC in 1935 andgradually worked his way up to become one ofthe best P-40 pilots. As a Major, he commandedthe 33rd FG in North Africa. Later, at the rankof Lieutenant Colonel, he became commanderof the 1st Air Commando Group in India.The unit carried out a wide range of missionsfrom fighter escort of transport and bomberaircraft to supply flights, including verydaring missions to supply British Long RangePenetration Groups operating in enemy territory.For his aggressiveness and willingness to takerisks on supply missions, Cochran earned therespect of the troops. He scored two aerialvictories during the war and retired afterthe end of hostilities. He returned to Erie,Pennsylvania, and joined his brother’s company,Lyons Transportation Lines, where he becamechairman of the board. He died of a heart attackwhile fox hunting in 1979. His P-40E from springof 1942 carried the standard Olive Drab andNeutral Grey livery, complete with yellow nosedecorations and squadron emblem behind thecanopy (both of which were carried by othersquadron aircraft as well). There was alsoa Shillalah inscription on both sides of the nose.Dallas Adellon Clinger was born on June 2,1916, in Saint Anthony, Idaho. After completingtraining in 1941, he was transferred to the16th FS. He achieved his first victory in aerialcombat on July 31, 1942, when he shot downan A6M. He followed this up by shooting downa same type aircraft on November 12 of that yearand concluded his score with the 16th FS onDecember 26, 1942, shooting down a Zero again.He scored two more confirmed kills during thewar. Clinger remained in the service after thewar and retired in 1953 at the rank of Major.He died on December 16, 1988 (aged 72).This P-40E was originally intended to be partof a supply for the RAF and was thereforepainted in American Du Pont colors similar tothe British shades of Dark Earth (No. 71-035),Dark Green (No. 71-013) and Sky (No. 71-021).The camouflage was retouched on the fuselagesides and tail surfaces with another greenpaint, probably Olive Drab. The pilot’s personalsymbol, the peeing cowboy, was painted onboth sides of the rudder. Another Clinger's P-40bore a similar design. It is not entirely certainwhether this aircraft had the inscription “Holdin’my Own” on both sides of the rudder, it is onlydocumented on the starboard side while thereare photographs of the port side without theinscription. However, it may have been addedlater. The 16th FS P-40s had their wheel discsdecorated with a blue field with white star andprobably with a red circle in the middle.KITS 02/2025INFO Eduard27February 2025Strana 28
Col. Robert L. Scott, CO of 23rd FG, 14th AF, Burma, 194241-5647, 1Lt. John Landers, 9th FS, 49th FG, Darwin, Australia, 1942Robert Lee Scott was born on April 12, 1908,in Waynesboro, Georgia, and graduated fromWest Point in 1932. He flew air mail, thencommanded a fighter squadron in Panama andserved as an instructor in Texas and later inCalifornia. By the time the U.S. entered the war,he was considered too old to be a fighter pilotat the age of 33, so he converted to B-17s tojoin Task Force Aquilla, which was intended tobomb Japanese soil. He flew one B-17 to Indiabut found out there that the plan was cancelled.He became Ops Officer of the ABC FerryCommand group, flying transport aircraft,but also made a few flights with Chennault’sFlying Tigers on P-40. He then managed toconfiscate one P-40E intended for AVG andnamed it Exterminator. This is not the aircraftshown, however, as the one pictured here washis second P-40E, this one officially assignedto him, as Scott had since become commanderof the 23rd FG. Sometimes the serial number11456, i.e., 41-1456, is used in drawings of thisone, but no such P-40 existed, yet it has beenpainted in several profiles because Scottmentioned it himself in his memoirs. He wasprobably mistaken, but in any case he relatedthis number to the confiscated P-40E. Duringthe flight in which he scored his fourth and fifthkills, the Exterminator was badly damaged andnever flew again. The symbols of the five killswere therefore not carried until Scott’s secondP-40E, also of unknown serial number (whichwas probably overpainted anyway according tolocal custom). In total, Scott achieved 13 killsduring the war. He died on February 26, 2006,at the age of 98.John Dave Landers was one of the fighter pilotswho achieved victories in two different theatresof war during WW II. He scored his first sixkills in the Pacific and added the rest to histotal of 14.5 kills in Europe. Born in Oklahomaon August 23, 1920, he moved to Texas at theage of eighteen. He entered the Army Air Cadetprogram in April 1941, was commissioned asa First Lieutenant on December 12 and shippedto Australia as early as January 1942. He joinedthe 9th FS/49th FG after delivering one P-40Eto Darwin on April 3. He scored two kills thevery next day, then added two more victorieson June 14 and July 30 before taking off onDecember 26 for his last combat flight in thePacific. That day he firstly scored two kills,then was shot down over New Guinea and hadto find his way through the jungle. In February1943 he returned to the USA and was sent onhis second operational tour, this time in Europe(where he later completed a third tour as well).The first of Lander’s P-40s is portrayed here.On the left side of the fuselage behind thecockpit, it bore a drawing of a hawk in a yellowfield, as a mark of affiliation with the AndyReynolds Flight, who was the first to use thisdecoration. The decals provide the Hawk inblack and dark brown version, as it is not surewhich color was used. On the nose, Skeeterinscription and the drawing of a mosquitoholding a machine gun were painted. It is notsure the mosquito was painted on the starboardside as well.KITS 02/2025INFO Eduard28February 2025Strana 29
41-5509, 1Lt. Joseph J. Kruzel, 17th PS (Provisional), 4th CG, Java, February 194241-36171, 2Lt. Clyde H. Barnett Jr, 8th FS, 49th FG, Kila Kila, New Guinea, 1942Joseph John Kruzel was born on February 17, 1918,in Pennsylvania. He entered the Air Force in May1940 and was assigned to the 2nd ObservationSquadron in the Philippines in December of thatyear. He was then transferred to the 17th PS inSeptember 1941. After the Japanese attack onPearl Harbor and the invasion of the Philippines,the 17th PS moved to Australia and Kruzelsubsequently took part in the fighting in theDutch East Indies. He achieved his first kill onFebruary 17, 1942, when he shot down a Ki-27over Palembang. This was followed by two A6Mkills on February 19 and 20. In March he joinedthe 9th FS in Australia, where his wingman wasGeorge Preddy. He served with the unit until hisreturn home in December 1942. In November1943, he moved with the 361st FG to England toBottisham Base, where the group received itsP-47Ds. In Europe, Kruzel achieved three morekills plus one shared. This brought his total to6.5 kills and one damaged aircraft. He returnedto the US in January 1945 and held a numberof important positions postwar, achieving therank of Major General. He retired on August 1,1970 and died on July 10, 2002 at the age of 84.His P-40 from when he was still with the 17thPS sported the drawing of a dragon breathingfire on both sides of the nose. A similar drawingthen adorned another P-40E that Kruzel used inAustralia. This one, however, was camouflagedin British colors, and Kruzel’s Flight was named“Dragon Flight” after it.Clyde Haygood Barnett Jr was born on 23 June1916 in West Palm Beach, Florida. He scoreda total of four kills, two of them in the defenseof Darwin. During his time with the 49th FGhe took a number of photographs, many ofwhich are well known today. Like a true patriot,he named his P-40 West Palm Beach Playboy.This is the second aircraft of that name, andof interest is the drawing of the West PalmBeach scenery on the left side of the fuselage,as well as the mischievous drawing of DonaldDuck on the national insignia on the sameside of the fuselage. Although this P-40E wasfinished in British colors, the lower surfaceswere repainted in Neutral Grey. Presumablythis repainting also created the non-standardwhite borders around the US Army lettering andthe emblem. Clyde H. Barnett died on April 24,2002, at the age of 85.KITS 02/2025INFO Eduard29February 2025Strana 30
11th FS, 343rd FG, Atoll Kiska, Aleutian Islands, summer 1943A29-113, S/Ldr. Richard Cresswell, CO of No. 77 Squadron (RAAF), Australia, 1942The Aleutian Tigers represent some of the mostattractively colored P-40s, thanks to the tigerhead that adorned the nose of most aircraftof this type. The 343rd FG was founded onSeptember 3, 1942, at Alaskan base ElmendorfField. Initially, the group consisted of the11th FS and 18th FS, both armed with P-40s,and the 54th FS, which used P-38s and operatedout of Adak. The pilots of the 11th FS wentoperational almost immediately after movingto Umnak Island in the Aleutian Islands. InOctober 1942, the 344th FS joined the group,also with P-40s. The group provided air defenseof the Aleutian Islands and also bombed orstrafed Japanese targets on Kiska Island itself.Its pilots flew their last combat mission inOctober 1943, and subsequently conducted patroland reconnaissance flights until the end of thewar, with the exception of high-altitude flightsin early 1945, during which the pilots engagedJapanese balloons with incendiary charges.All units were already using P-38s for thispurpose, but the P-40s remained in servicealongside them. The Tiger Heads werea reminiscence of the AVG, the Flying Tigersof Claire Chennault, since the 343rd FG wasinitially led by his son Lt Col John S. Chenault.The aircraft depicted here received a name,in this case Flossie, as one of the few AleutianP-40s. The insignias had short-lived red lining.Richard Cresswell was born on July 27, 1920,in Franklin, Australia, and was an electricianapprentice before he joined the RAAF ranksin June 1938. He began his career withNo. 1 Flying Training School as an air cadet inJuly 1938 and spent the next 12 months learningto fly. He was discharged from the school asa Pilot Officer and joined No. 3 Army CooperationSquadron. He then served as an instructorand after the Japanese bombing of Darwinon February 19, 1942, he was assigned to theUS 9th FS as a Liaison Officer. When the RAAFformed three new squadrons (Nos. 75, 76 and77) armed with Kittyhawks, Creswell, as a freshSquadron Leader, was appointed on April 20 asCommander of No. 77 Sqn. At 21 years of age,he was younger than most of his subordinates.In the early hours of November 23 he scoredhis first kill, which was also the first kill byan Australian unit over Australian territoryand the first night kill over Australia as well.No. 77 Sqn. was led by Creswell until August1943, when he was appointed CO of No. 81 Wingin New Guinea from May 1944 to March 1945,concurrently leading No. 77 Sqn. for a secondtime between September and December 1944.In September 1950 he assumed command ofthat unit for a third time, now in Korea, where healso supervised the conversion from P-51Ds toGloster Meteors. His P-40E of the period whenhe first commanded No. 77 Sqn. is interesting forthe distinctive drawings of flags on either sideof the nose. On the left side flew the RAAF, RAF,Union Jack and American flags. On the right sidethere was the Squadron Leader’s flag.KITS 02/2025INFO Eduard30February 2025Strana 31
AL194 (1087), WO2 S. R. J. McLeod, No. 111(F) Squadron (RCAF), Kodiak Island, Alaska, April 1943ET790, Sqn. Ldr. Billy Drake, CO of No. 112 Squadron (RAF), LG91, Egypt, July 1942No. 111 Squadron was formed in 1932 as theCoastal Artillery Cooperation Squadron. Withthe outbreak of World War II in September 1939,it was redesignated from No. 111 (CAC) Sqn. toNo. 111 (F) Sqn. which signified the change toa fighter squadron. In January 1941 the unitwas disbanded, and a new squadron of thesame designation was subsequently formed.On November 3, 1941, the unit received itsfirst P-40Es. These were then dismantled andtransported to Vancouver Island. In March 1942,the unit was presented with a thunder totemfrom the Chief of the Saanich First Nation,which became its emblem. The unit also used,unofficially, the name Thunderbird Squadron.Due to the assumption of a Japanese attackon the U.S. base at Dutch Harbor on UnalaskaIsland (which indeed occurred on June 3),an airfield was built at Umnak. From there,No. 111(F) Sqn. moved in June 1942 to ElmendorfBase, Anchorage, where it remained untilOctober 30 of that year. At the same time inJune an X Wing was formed from this unit andNo. 8 (BR) Sqn. flying with the BristolBolingbrokes. In October 1942, No. 111 (F) Sqnwas moved to Kodiak Island, where it remaineduntil August of that year. The aircraft shownhere was damaged on belly landing due toa landing gear malfunction. The nose bore theunit’s emblem, the thunder totem, which is oftendrawn in white only. However, it is likely thatit was colored to match the unit’s emblem.The cockade on the fuselage had overpaintedyellow part, while the cockades on the upperwing had an unusually small red center anda thicker blue border.Billy Drake was born on December 20, 1917,and ranked among Britain’s most successfulfighters with 20 confirmed and six probablekills. In addition, he damaged nine more enemyaircraft. He fought successively in France,England, Africa and Malta and became themost successful British pilot with the P-40(13 kills) and second in the Commonwealth afterClive Caldwell (20 kills). He was sent to Africain December 1941 with the task of formingNo. 128 Squadron, armed with Hurricanes. At theend of May 1942, he took over the command ofNo. 112 Sqn. From Clive Caldwell. In November1943 he returned to the UK and flew Typhoons.After the war he became deputy commander ofBiggin Hill base. Billy Drake died in August 2011at the age of 94. His P-40E bore the distinctiveNo. 112 Sqn. emblem, a shark’s mouth on thenose. Drake chose a question mark instead ofa code letter as his personal marking, and hismachine bore the name Christine on the leftside under the cockpit.KITS 02/2025INFO Eduard31February 2025Strana 32
ET953, Sqn. Ldr. Robert H. M. Gibbes, No. 3 Squadron (RAAF),LG91, Egypt, August-September 1942Maj. Pyotr A. Pokryshev, CO of 154 IAP, Plekhanovo, the Soviet Union, September 1942Robert Henry Maxwell Gibbes was born onMay 6, 1916 and joined the ranks of the RAAFin February 1940. After completing his training,he was commissioned on June 28, 1940 andassigned to No. 23 Sqn. flying CAC Wirrawaysand Lockheed Hudsons. In April 1941 he wastransferred to No. 450 Sqn. in the Middle East,but just a month later he moved to No. 3 Sqn.Another month later this unit rearmed fromHurricanes to Tomahawks and began operationsin Syria and Lebanon. Gibbes was credited withone probable kill of a Ju 88 near Beirut on June13 and achieved his first confirmed kill on July11. His victim was a Vichy D.520. In SeptemberNo. 3 Sqn. was moved to Africa. Gibbes shotdown two Fiat G.50s and damaged three othersplus one Bf 109 on November 25. He thenserved at Darwin (Australia) at No. 80 Wing asCaldwell’s deputy. In all, he scored 12 confirmedkills, five probable ones and 16 damaged aircraftduring the war. After the war he built a networkof hotels and coffee plantations and kept flyinguntil the age of 85, dying in April 2007 (aged 90)of a heart attack. His P-40E carried a drawingof a dachshund, symbolizing a German, beingkicked in the butt by a kangaroo. The drawing isphotographically documented on this aircraft inboth unpainted and painted versions, but thesedrawings differ in detail. It is possible that itwas done repeatedly after the engine coverswere replaced.Pyotr Afanasevich Pokryshev was born onAugust 24, 1914, in Hola Pristani, Ukraine. Beforethe war, he worked in shipyards and aftergraduating from trade school in 1932 he workedas a mechanic. In 1934 he completed pilottraining at the aeroclub and joined the army.A year later he graduated from the OdessaMilitary Aviation School and was subsequentlyassigned to the 13 Independent Fighter Squadron.In 1938 he was transferred to the 38 FighterAviation Regiment (IAP) as a Flight commander.During the Winter War he flew with the 7 IAPon the I-16 and was credited with two kills.He was himself shot down on December 20, 1939.In January 1941, he transferred to the 158 IAP assquadron commander. In October 1942 he wastransferred to 154 IAP as deputy commander.His first victim after retraining on the P-40 wasa Bf 109. On August 24, 1943, he was awardedthe title Hero of the Soviet Union for the secondtime and also crashed heavily during a trainingflight. In total, he scored 18 (some sources say22) confirmed and six shared kills. After the war,he served at the Monin Military Academyand rose through several command and staffpositions to become Chief of Staff of the AirForce. He flew the MiG-15s and MiG-17s. He diedon August 22, 1967, when he drowned while onvacation.KITS 02/2025INFO Eduard32February 2025Strana 33
481155 P-40E landing flaps (PE-Set)FE1498 P-40E seatbelts STEEL (PE-Set)644295 P-40E LööK (Brassin)648086 US 250lb bombs (2 pcs) (Brassin)6481058 P-40E wheels cross tread (Brassin)6481060 P-40 exhaust stacks rounded PRINT (Brassin)6481061 P-40 exhaust stacks fishtail PRINT (Brassin)6481069 P-40E engine PRINT (Brassin)3DL48208 P-40E SPACE (3D Decal Set)EX1088 P-40E (Mask)EX1089 P-40E TFace (Mask)Recommended forP-40E Warhawk 1/48OVERTREES#82241XP-40E Warhawk1/48OVERLEPT#R0023-LEPT1P-40E Warhawk1/48Product page Product page#6481069#644295#6481058KITS 02/2025INFO Eduard33February 2025HIGHLIGHTS P-40E 1/48
Here we go! The new P-40 is ON and in the past weeks it has already filled the kit shelves of many modelers. If you didn't manage to buy it in our pre-order promotion and therefore don't own it yet, I recommend you to browse the following pages, where I show different features the kit offers. And if you later decide to own the kit, it will be available for purchase from our worldwide distributors. And for those of you who already own this new kit, please read this article as well. You will discover things in your kit that you may not have noticed before.
STAVEBNICE 02/2025HIGHLIGHTS P-40E 1/48#R0023Jakub NademlejnskýHere we go! The new P-40 is ON and in the past weeks it has already filled the kitshelves of many modelers. If you didn't manage to buy it in our pre-order promotionand therefore don't own it yet, I recommend you to browse the following pages, whereI show different features the kit offers. And if you later decide to own the kit, it willbe available for purchase from our worldwide distributors. And for those of you whoalready own this new kit, please read this article as well. You will discover things inyour kit that you may not have noticed before.The year 2025 will be a P-40-year for Eduard, the model will be released in otherlimited editions, in ProfiPACK and Weekend editions. And, of course, in versions otherthan the current E, so there will certainly be plenty to look forward to.INFO Eduard34February 2025Strana 35
STAVEBNICE 02/2025The whole kit has a sophisticated system of sprue-part joints. Bottomjoints are used where appropriate. The solution allows them to be easilyremoved as they are located at the contact surface of the parts and do notinterfere with the surfaces.The joints are extra thin to make them as easy to removeas possible, with the least interference with the parts.Bottom joints are designed on both fuselage and wing parts.A so-called slider is used for the rudder part. This allows the rudderto be made in one piece, thus thin and hollow, without the riskof depression on the part’s surface....and also the radio access hatch.When designing the fuselage and wing parts, the designers also thoughtabout the future installation of Brassin accessories, so they prepared theseplastic parts to be thinner in the areas where the modeler will make thecuts when installing Brassin sets. This is for example the area where theengine assembly will be glued...INFO Eduard35February 2025Strana 36
STAVEBNICE 02/2025There are positive and negative rivets of various sizes all over the surface of the model, even on parts where this is not quite common.On the wing tips we can find a combination of positive and negative rivets, just like on a real plane.For instance, the embossed plastic variantwith decal was used by Jan Baranec in theconstruction of his P-40, the result is excellent.The parts of the instrument panels are always designed in flat and embossed variants. Flat isfor modelers who prefer a simpler solution of its representation using colored photo-etchedparts. While the embossed plastic variant is to be used with applied decal.INFO Eduard36February 2025Strana 37
STAVEBNICE 02/2025The cockpit interior sidewalls are very detailed, the right sidewall is designed in 2 types.INFO Eduard37February 2025Strana 38
STAVEBNICE 02/2025The entire cockpit is designedwith the highest attention to detailand simplicity of assembly at thesame time. Its assembly is simple,consisting of several sub-assemblies.The entire seat can be removed fromthe supports and painted.The Royal Class kit also includes two types of 3D printed seats.The seats include integrated seatbelts.INFO Eduard38February 2025Strana 39
STAVEBNICE 02/2025...and a covered one, which was typical of war time planes.There are 2 types of undercarriage bays in the kit. Uncovered bay...The covering of the tail wheel shaft is also very realistic.INFO Eduard39February 2025Strana 40
STAVEBNICE 02/2025The grilles in the radiators are already very finely rendered in plasticMost of the frame E consist of the armament, of which there are several types in the kit.It also contains a large number of different thin armament racks.Part of the Royal Class kit are alsomasking plugs from Omask......these fit exactly into the undercarriage shafts of the kit and make painting the kit much easier. They also have the advantage that theycan be removed and reapplied to the painted model in process or used for multiple P-40 models.INFO Eduard40February 2025Strana 41
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#70164Bf 109G-10 WNF/Diana1/72ProfiPACK edition kit of German WWII fighter aircraft Bf 109G-10in 1/72 scale. The kit is focused on 109s produced by WienerNeustädter Flugzeugwerke/Diana.plastic parts: Eduardmarking options: 6decals: EduardPE parts: yes, pre-paintedpainting mask: yesresin parts: noProduct pageKITS 02/2025INFO Eduard42February 2025Strana 43
WNr. 610487, Lt. Heinz Ewald, II./JG 52, Veszprém, Hungary, February 1945WNr. 612769, 101. vadászezred, Neubiberg, Germany, May 1945Heinz Ewald was born on September 1, 1922,in Zoppot (Sopot), Free City of Danzig (Gdańsk).On December 1, 1941, he volunteered for militaryservice and, after basic training with Fl.Ausb.Rgt. 23, underwent pilot training. In the fall of1943, he was assigned to 6./JG 52 on the EasternFront, where he often flew as a wingmanto Gerhard Barkhorn. On November 12, 1943,he achieved his first aerial victory. On June 24,1944, he suffered serious injuries, after downinga B-24 bomber near Ploiești, he was himselfshot down by escorting fighters. Followinghis recovery, he returned in October 1944 toII./JG 52, which was then stationed in Hungary.He recorded his 50th aerial victory on January2, 1945, and achieved five more victories thefollowing day. In the final months of the war,he was involved in the defence of Vienna.His 84th and last victory was achieved on April16, 1945. Four days later, Ewald was awardedthe Knight’s Cross. Throughout his career,he was shot down several times and earneda reputation as a lucky pilot.In the end of March 1945, the remainingHungarian units were concentrated at Tullnairport in Austria from where they flew sortiesto the areas of Vienna and Brno. After thefront approached Tulln on April 5, 1945, theyrelocated to Raffelding airport, from wherethey continued in the air support of the landforces in the vicinity of Vienna. At the end ofthe war, the Hungarian airmen, same as theirGerman comrades-in-arms, better surrenderedto the American Army than to Soviet one,therefore the 101. vadászezred pilots flew overto the Bavarian Neubiberg with their remainingaircraft. Airframes manufactured in Dianaplant were camouflaged in the same colorsas the airframes from Wiener Neustadt plant.From the photographs of Red 12 it is obvious thatthe Hungarian national markings were spray-painted directly on the factory camouflage.The German markings were not applied at all.Part of the wing undersurfaces remained inthe natural metal color.KITS 02/2025INFO Eduard43February 2025Strana 44
WNr. 611975, Stab II./JG 52, Neubiberg, Germany, May 1945WNr. 611xx2, Jasta 5 der ROA, Deutsch Brod, Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren,May 1945The markings on this aircraft identify it asthe wingman of the commander of II./JG 52,Maj. Wilhelm Batz. Batz was assigned to thestaff of II./JG 52 on the Eastern Front in February1943. He achieved his first victory on March 11,1943, and was appointed commander of 5./JG 52in May. By March 1944, he had achieved his 100thvictory and was made commander of III./JG 52in April. In early February 1945, he assumedcommand of II./JG 52, which at the time wasfighting in Hungary. His final 237th victory wasrecorded on April 16, 1945. Five days later, he wasawarded the Swords to the Knight’s Cross withOak Leaves. On May 8, 1945, Batz and his unitflew into captivity, transferring from Zeltweg inAustria to Bad Aibling in Bavaria, accompaniedby a formation of Thunderbolts during the finalleg of the journey. This particular aircraft wasphotographed at Neubiberg airfield near Munich.The pilot who flew this plane into captivity wasUffz. Anton Kellmayer (3 victories) of 7./JG 52.Jasta 5 of the Russian Liberation Army (ROA)was stationed at the base in Deutsch Brod (nowHavlíčkův Brod) in occupied Bohemia at thebeginning of March 1945. Along with Ju 87D-5dive bombers of Nachtschlachtstaffel 8 der ROA,the Jasta 5 der ROA participated in the retreatbattles of German forces during the Battle ofBrno in April 1945. The unit was commanded byMajor Semyon Trofimovich Bychkov, a formerSoviet pilot. Flying Hurricane, Yak-7, and La-5planes, he achieved 15 victories, completed230 combat missions, and was awarded theprestigious title of Hero of the Soviet Union.While serving with the 482nd IAP, he was shotdown by flak and captured on December 10, 1943.Initially cooperating with the Luftwaffe as ferrypilot, he later took part in anti-partisan aerialoperations in the Baltic region and ultimatelybecame the commander of the Jasta 5 fighterunit, nicknamed Oberst Kazakov. At the end ofthe war, he surrendered to Americans but waslater handed over to the Soviets and executedon November 4, 1946. This Bf 109, in the typicalcamouflage pattern of machines produced atthe WNF factory, bore the ROA markings on thetail in the form of a St. Andrew’s cross.KITS 02/2025INFO Eduard44February 2025Strana 45
II./JG 52, Ainring, Germany, May 1945Avia S-99.21, Police Air Patrol Unit, Czechoslovak Police Air Force,Prague-Ruzyně, 1947-1950This Bf 109 was delivered to I./JG 53 at theend of December 1944. There it received theunit’s insignia on the nose, a spade ace, alongwith a yellow band. The fuselage was markedwith Stab designations, and the rudder waspainted yellow, with the first digit 6 of theserial number visible on the left side of thefin and the last digit 8 on the right side. Likelyin April 1945, after the dissolution of I./JG 53,the aircraft was transferred to II./JG 52. Here,the markings of the previous unit were paintedover with camouflage paint. The primary focusof operations conducted by II./JG 52 in 1945 wascombat against Red Army forces in Hungary andAustria. In April 1945, II./JG 52 briefly operatedfrom the territory of the Protectorate of Bohemiaand Moravia, conducting missions in supportof German forces against the Soviet offensiveduring the battles for Brno. A photographcaptured the aircraft marked as Yellow 6 onMay 8, 1945, at Ainring airfield in Bavaria.This aircraft was the last unit assembled in thespring of 1947 at the Avia factory in Čakovice.After test flights and inspections, it was locatedat Ruzyně Airport in mid-July 1947, where itserved with the Czechoslovak Police (SNB) AirForce until the summer of 1950 (with a one-and-a-half-year break for repairs following a crash).From mid-December 1947, the CzechoslovakPolice Air Force was renamed to the AviationSecurity Corps of the Ministry of the Interior(BL, Bezpečnostní letectvo ministerstva vnitra).The aircraft was painted steel gray on theupper and side surfaces, with the undersidescoated in a darker gray color. The aircraftoperated by the SNB/BL patrols had enginecowlings, wing leading edges, and horizontalstabilizers, including elevators, painted scarletred. Registration markings on the sides of thefuselage and on the upper and lower wingsurfaces were applied in the same red colorwith a white outline. The national insignia tookthe shape of a rounded triangle, which wasstandard for Police Air Patrol Unit. On thisparticular Avia, the insignia lacked the whiteoutline.KITS 02/2025INFO Eduard45February 2025Strana 46
OVERTREES#70164XBf 109G-10 Mtt. Regensburg/Bf 109G-14AS1/72OVERLEPT#70164-LEPT1Bf 109G-10 WNF/Diana1/72Product page Product page674018 Bf 109G-10 LööK (Brassin)674020 Bf 109G-10 LööKplus (Brassin)672338 Bf 109G undercarriage legs BRONZE (Brassin)672344 Bf 109G radio compartment PRINT (Brassin)672383 Bf 109G-10/K-4 propeller (Brassin)672385 Bf 109G-10 wheels (Brassin)672388 Bf 109G-10 cockpit PRINT (Brassin)672399 Bf 109G-10 WNF engine PRINT (Brassin)D72048 Bf 109G stencils (Decal Set)D72049 Bf 109G Balkenkreuze (Decal Set)Recommended forBf 109G-10 WNF/Diana 1/72#672399#672344#674020KITS 02/2025INFO Eduard46February 2025Strana 47
#84205Fw 190A-3The Weekend edition kit of the German WWII fighterplane Fw 190A-3 in 1/48 scale. The kit offers the aircraftwith four-cannon wings.plastic parts: Eduardmarking options: 4decals: EduardPE parts: nopainting mask: noresin parts: noProduct page1/48KITS 02/2025INFO Eduard47February 2025Strana 48
WNr. 223, Hptm. Hans Hahn, CO of III./JG 2, Beaumont le Roger, France, June 1942WNr. 216, Oblt. Karl Borris, CO of 8./JG 26, Wevelghem, Belgium, July 1942Hans “Assi” Hahn, a fighter ace and recipientof the Knight’s Cross with Oak Leaves, ledthe 4./JG 2 from December 1939 and theIII./JG 2 from October 29, 1940. “Assi's“ rudderwas adorned with 61 victory marks reflectinghis activities on the Western Front. Duringa British raid on the power plant in Caen onMay 6, 1942, as part of Operation Circus 159,Hahn achieved his 60th and 61st victoriesby shooting down two Spitfires. During May,his unit was re-equipped from Bf 109Fs toFw 190As. It is likely that with the aircraftdepicted, Hahn achieved three more victoriesover Spitfires on June 6, 1942. Beginningon November 1, 1942, he took command ofII./JG 54 and led this Gruppe until February 21,1943, when he was shot down and capturedby Soviet forces. Hahn was not released fromcaptivity until 1950, during which he wrotea book about his experiences in prison titled Ichspreche die Wahrheit! (I speak the truth!). Beforehis capture, he had achieved 108 victories, 66 ofwhich were on the Western Front. The rooster’shead painted on his aircraft symbolized theIII. Gruppe JG 2’s HQ planes and was derivedfrom Hahn’s surname, as “Hahn” means roosterin German. Hans Hahn passed away in 1982,and his wife later remarried the night fighterpilot Wolfgang Falck.Karl Borris was the only pre-war pilot whoflew with JG 26 until the end of the war. He wasborn on March 3, 1916, in Heinsdorf. He joinedthe Luftwaffe in November 1935 and underwentcommand training at LKS 1 Dresden. Beforethe war, he served with I./JG 130 in Jesau andfrom September 1939 until the end of the yearhe was assigned to JFS 1 in Schleissheim.In December 1939, he was transferred to II./JG 26.As part of this unit, he participated in the Frenchcampaign but was shot down in combat with theRAF on May 13, 1940. However he managed toreturn to his unit four days later. He achievedhis first victory on June 1, 1940, and by the endof the war, he had achieved 42 more victories.In September 1940, he assumed the position ofTechnical Officer for II./JG 26 and participated inoperational testing of the Fw 190A. In November1941, he was appointed Staffelkapitän of8./JG 26 and from June 1943 until the end of thewar he commanded I./JG 26. He was awardedthe Knight’s Cross on November 25, 1944, afterachieving his 41st victory. He passed away onAugust 18, 1981, in Bornum. Borris’s aircraft,featuring RLM 74, 75, and 76 camouflage withyellow quick-identification elements for theWestern Front, had 20 victories marked on itsrudder.KITS 02/2025INFO Eduard48February 2025Strana 49
Oblt. Wolfgang Kosse, 1./JG 5, Herdla, Norway, October 1942WNr. 2259, Oblt. Günther Josten, 1./JG 51, Lyuban, the Soviet Union, autumn 1942Wolfgang Kosse was born on September 27,1918, in Berlin. In May 1940, he was assigned to6./JG 26 and was appointed as the CO of5./JG 26 in August of the same year. Within theranks of JG 26, he achieved a total of 11 victories,including a Spitfire from the Tangmere Wing,which might have been piloted by DouglasBader. From May 1942, Kosse served as the CO of1./JG 5 in Norway. At the end of 1943, he wasstripped of his command due to an aerialindiscipline and aircraft damage and wasdemoted from the rank of Hauptmann to Flieger.In early 1944, he volunteered for Sturmstaffel 1flying Fw 190As. In June 1944, holding the rank ofOberleutnant, he became the CO of 5./JG 5 flyingBf 109s in France. In August, he was transferredto IV.(Sturm)/JG 3, equipped with heavilyarmored Fw 190As. He was assigned to its 14Staffel, which was formed from Sturmstaffel 1.In October, he was appointed CO of 13.(Sturm)/JG 3 and regained the rank of Hauptmann.Kosse was killed in action on December 24,1944, during a dogfight with RAF fighters nearLiège, Belgium. Some sources state he scored28 victories. His personal aircraft, featuringcamouflage in RLM 74, 75, and 76 with yellowquick-identification elements for the WesternFront, bore an emblem on its nose depictinga monkey sitting on a circular saw, holdinga top hat with a British flag.Eighteen-year-old Günther Josten joined theranks of the Luftwaffe in January 1940 andbegan fighter pilot training with JGr. Drontheimin Norway in November 1941. At the end ofAugust 1942, he was transferred to 3./JG 51 onthe Eastern Front, achieving his first victory onFebruary 23, 1943. A year later, after achieving84 victories, he was awarded the Knight’s Cross.He became the commander of 3./JG 51 on July18, 1944, and two days later scored his 100thvictory. After achieving 161 aerial victories, outof a total of 178, he was awarded the Oak Leavesto the Knight’s Cross on March 28, 1945. Duringthe last two weeks of the war, he led IV./JG 51.He joined the Bundesluftwaffe on April 4, 1956,and in 1962 was appointed commander ofJG 71. Josten retired on March 31, 1981, with therank of Oberst as deputy commander of the4 Luftwaffe Division. He passed away on July7, 2004. His brother, Reinhard, serving withI./JG 51, was killed in action on April 21, 1942.Günther Josten’s aircraft was painted withnon-standard camouflage consisting of twoshades of dark green, complemented by yellowmarkings, i.e., yellow tips on the lower half ofthe wing and a yellow fuselage band, bothquick-identification elements for the EasternFront. The engine cowling displayed the emblemof JG 51, while the windshield frame bore theemblem of I./JG 51.KITS 02/2025INFO Eduard49February 2025Strana 50
BRASSINLööK set - Brassin pre-painted dashboardand STEEL seatbelts for P-40E in 1/48 scale.Easy to assemble, replaces plastic parts.Recommended kit: EduardSet contains:- resin: 2 parts- decals: no- photo-etched details: yes, pre-painted- painting mask: noLööK set - Brassin pre-painted dashboardand STEEL seatbelts for Bf 109G-6 in 1/72 scale.Easy to assemble, replaces plastic parts.Recommended kit: TamiyaSet contains:- resin: 1 part- decals: no- photo-etched details: yes, pre-painted- painting mask: no644295P-40E LööK1/48 Eduard674024Bf 109G-6 LööK1/72 TamiyaProduct pageProduct pageINFO Eduard50February 2025Strana 51
644296Bf 109E-4 LööKplus1/48 EduardCollection of 3 sets for Bf 109E-4 in 1/48 scale.Recommended kit: Eduard- LööK set (pre-painted Brassin dashboard & Steelbelts)- undercarriage wheels- painting maskBRASSINCollection of 3 sets for Bf 109F in 1/48 scale.Recommended kit: Eduard- LööK set (pre-painted Brassin dashboard & Steelbelts)- undercarriage wheels- painting mask644297Bf 109F LööKplus1/48 EduardProduct pageProduct pageINFO Eduard51February 2025Strana 52
BRASSIN6481060P-40 exhaust stacks rounded PRINT1/48 EduardBrassin set - exhaust stacks for P-40Ein 1/48 scale. Made by direct 3D printing.Easy to assemble, replaces plastic parts.Recommended kit: EduardSet contains:- 3D print: 14 parts- decals: no- photo-etched details: no- painting mask: noProduct pageBrassin set - the undercarriage wheels for P-40Ein 1/48 scale. The set consists of the main wheels anda tail wheel. Easy to assemble, replaces plastic parts.Recommended kit: EduardSet contains:- resin: 4 parts- 3D print: 2 parts- decals: no- photo-etched details: yes- painting mask: yesProduct page6481058P-40E wheels cross tread1/48 EduardINFO Eduard52February 2025Strana 53
BRASSIN6481061P-40 exhaust stacks fishtail PRINT1/48 EduardBrassin set - exhaust stacks for P-40Ein 1/48 scale. Made by direct 3D printing.Easy to assemble, replaces plastic parts.Recommended kit: EduardSet contains:- 3D print: 14 parts- decals: no- photo-etched details: no- painting mask: noProduct pageBrassin set - main wheel bays for P-40Ein 1/48 scale. Made by direct 3D printing.Recommended kit: EduardSet contains:- 3D print: 2 parts- decals: no- photo-etched details: no- painting mask: no6481068P-40 wheel bays with canvas PRINT1/48 EduardProduct pageINFO Eduard53February 2025Strana 54
Strana 55
672401MG 15 magazines & case catchers PRINT1/72Brassin set - MG 15 machine gun magazines and casechatchers in 1/72 scale. Set consists of 10 magazinesand 10 case catchers (2 types, 5+5 pcs). Made by direct3D printing. Easy to assemble, replaces plastic parts.Set contains:- 3D print: 20 parts- decals: no- photo-etched details: no- painting mask: noProduct pageBRASSINBrassin set - engine for Bf 109 G-10 producedby Erla factory in Leipzig in 1/72 scale.Cowlings are included. Made by direct3D printing. Recommended kit: EduardSet contains:- 3D print: 26 parts- decals: no- photo-etched details: yes- painting mask: no672402Bf 109G-10 Erla engine PRINT1/72 EduardProduct pageINFO Eduard55February 2025Strana 56
Strana 57
Product pageCollection of 4 sets for P-51D in 1/72 scale.Recommended kit: Eduard- engine- wheel bay- undercarriage wheels- undercarriage legsAll sets included in this BIG SIN are available separately,but with every BIG SIN set you save up to 30 %.SIN67229P-51D ADVANCED1/72 EduardBRASSININFO Eduard57February 2025Strana 58
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BIG EDBIG49436 P-39N 1/48 Arma HobbyBIG49437F-4C 1/48 Hobby 2000 / AcademyBIG49438Mi-24P 1/48 Trumpeter481152 P-39N landing flaps491484 P-39NFE1485 P-39N seatbelts STEELEX1073 P-39N49103 Remove Before Flight STEEL481153 F-4C exterior481154 F-4C air brakes491486 F-4CFE1487 F-4C seatbelts STEELEX414 F-4C481151 Mi-24P cargo interior491482 Mi-24PFE1483 Mi-24P seatbelts STEELEX1071 Mi-24Product pageProduct pageProduct pageAll sets included in this BIG ED are available separately,but with every BIG ED set you save up to 30 %.INFO Eduard67February 2025Strana 68
MASKSIT FITS!JX329 Bf 109E TFace1/32 EduardJX330 Bf 109F-21/32 Hobby 2000 / HasegawaJX331 Bf 109F-2 TFace1/32 Hobby 2000 / HasegawaJX332 Bf 109F-41/32 Hobby 2000 / HasegawaJX333 Bf 109F-4 TFace1/32 Hobby 2000 / HasegawaEX1088 P-40E1/48 EduardEX1089 P-40E TFace1/48 EduardEX1090 F-86F-25/301/48 AirfixEX1091 F-86F-25/30 TFace1/48 AirfixEX1092 Bf 109E-31/48 Hobby BossEX1093 Bf 109E-3 TFace1/48 Hobby BossJX333 Bf 109F-4 TFaceJX333 Bf 109F-4 TFaceEX1089 P-40E TFaceEX1089 P-40E TFaceEX1089 P-40E TFaceEX1089 P-40E TFaceJX333 Bf 109F-4 TFaceJX333 Bf 109F-4 TFaceJX332 Bf 109F-4JX332 Bf 109F-4EX1088 P-40EEX1088 P-40EINFO Eduard68February 2025Strana 69
Strana 70
FEBRUARY 2025KITSPE-SETSZOOMSMASKSR0023 P-40E Warhawk DUAL COMBO 1/48 Royal Class70164 Bf 109G-10WNF/Diana 1/72 ProfiPACK84205 Fw 190A-3 1/48 Weekend53320 USS Wasp LHD-1 part 3 1/350 Trumpeter32493 Bf 109F-2/4 exterior 1/32Hobby 2000 / Hasegawa321022 Bf 109F-2 1/32 Hobby 2000 / Hasegawa321023 Bf 109F-4 1/32 Hobby 2000 / Hasegawa36531 2 cm Flak 38 1/35 ICM36532 Panzerkampfwagen I Ausf.B 1/35 Tamiya481155 P-40E landing flaps 1/48 Eduard491499 F-86F-25/30 1/48 Airfix491501 Bf 109E-3 1/48 Hobby Boss33375 Bf 109F-2 1/32Hobby 2000 / Hasegawa33376 Bf 109F-4 1/32 Hobby 2000 / Hasegawa33377 Bf 109F-2/4 seatbelts STEEL 1/32 Hobby 2000 / HasegawaFE1498 P-40E seatbelts STEEL 1/48 EduardFE1499 F-86F-25/30 1/48 AirfixFE1500 F-86F-25/30 seatbelts STEEL 1/48 AirfixFE1501 Bf 109E-3 1/48 Hobby BossFE1502 Bf 109E-3 seatbelts STEEL 1/48 Hobby BossJX329 Bf 109E TFace 1/32 EduardJX330 Bf 109F-2 1/32Hobby 2000 / HasegawaJX331 Bf 109F-2 TFace 1/32 Hobby 2000 / HasegawaJX332 Bf 109F-4 1/32 Hobby 2000 / HasegawaJX333 Bf 109F-4 TFace 1/32 Hobby 2000 / HasegawaEX1088 P-40E 1/48 EduardEX1089 P-40E TFace 1/48 EduardEX1090 F-86F-25/30 1/48 AirfixEX1091 F-86F-25/30 TFace 1/48 AirfixEX1092 Bf 109E-3 1/48 Hobby BossEX1093 Bf 109E-3 TFace 1/48 Hobby BossBIG-EDBIG-EDBIG EDBIG49436 P-39N 1/48 Arma HobbyBIG49437 F-4C 1/48Hobby 2000 / AcademyBIG49438 Mi-24P 1/48 TrumpeterRELEASESINFO Eduard70February 2025Strana 71
RELEASESBRASSINLöökPLUSBIG SINSPACEDECALS644295 P-40E LööK 1/48 Eduard674024 Bf 109G-6 LööK 1/72 Tamiya6481058 P-40E wheels cross tread 1/48 Eduard6481060 P-40 exhaust stacks rounded PRINT 1/48 Eduard6481061 P-40 exhaust stacks fishtail PRINT 1/48 Eduard6481068 P-40 wheel bays with canvas PRINT 1/48 Eduard6481069 P-40E engine PRINT 1/48 Eduard672401 MG 15 magazines & case catchers PRINT 1/72672402 Bf 109G-10 Erla engine PRINT 1/72 Eduard644296 Bf 109E-4 LööKplus 1/48 Eduard644297 Bf 109F LööKplus 1/48 EduardSIN67228 P-51D-15+ ESSENTIAL 1/72 EduardSIN67229 P-51D ADVANCED 1/72 Eduard3DL32029 Bf 109F-2 SPACE 1/32Hobby 2000 / Hasegawa3DL32030 Bf 109F-4 SPACE 1/32 Hobby 2000 / Hasegawa3DL48208 P-40E SPACE 1/48 Eduard3DL48209 F-86F-25/30 SPACE 1/48 Airfix3DL48210 Bf 109E-3 1/48 Hobby BossD48118 P-51B stencils 1/48 EduardFEBRUARY 2025INFO Eduard71February 2025Strana 72
BUILT1/48P-40E Warhawkbuilt by Josef Choreň#R0023MARKING GINFO Eduard72February 2025Strana 73
BUILT11th FS, 343rd FG, Atoll Kiska, Aleutian Islands, summer 1943The Aleutian Tigers represent some of the mostattractively colored P-40s, thanks to the tigerhead that adorned the nose of most aircraft of thistype. The 343rd FG was founded on September 3,1942, at Alaskan base Elmendorf Field. Initially,the group consisted of the 11th FS and 18th FS,both armed with P-40s, and the 54th FS, whichused P-38s and operated out of Adak. The pilots ofthe 11th FS went operational almost immediatelyafter moving to Umnak Island in the AleutianIslands. In October 1942, the 344th FS joined thegroup, also with P-40s. The group provided airdefense of the Aleutian Islands and also bombedor strafed Japanese targets on Kiska Islanditself. Its pilots flew their last combat mission inOctober 1943, and subsequently conducted patroland reconnaissance flights until the end of thewar, with the exception of high-altitude flightsin early 1945, during which the pilots engagedJapanese balloons with incendiary charges.All units were already using P-38s for this purpose,but the P-40s remained in service alongsidethem. The Tiger Heads were a reminiscence ofthe AVG, the Flying Tigers of Claire Chennault,since the 343rd FG was initially led by his sonLt Col John S. Chenault. The aircraft depictedhere received a name, in this case Flossie,as one of the few Aleutian P-40s. The insigniashad short-lived red lining.INFO Eduard73February 2025Strana 74
BUILT1/48P-40E Warhawkbuilt by Jan Baranec#R0023MARKING CINFO Eduard74February 2025Strana 75
BUILTCol. Robert L. Scott, CO of 23rd FG, 14th AF, Burma, 1942Robert Lee Scott was born on April 12, 1908,in Waynesboro, Georgia, and graduated fromWest Point in 1932. He flew air mail, thencommanded a fighter squadron in Panama andserved as an instructor in Texas and later inCalifornia. By the time the U.S. entered the war,he was considered too old to be a fighter pilotat the age of 33, so he converted to B-17s tojoin Task Force Aquilla, which was intended tobomb Japanese soil. He flew one B-17 to Indiabut found out there that the plan was cancelled.He became Ops Officer of the ABC Ferry Commandgroup, flying transport aircraft, but also madea few flights with Chennault’s Flying Tigers on P-40.He then managed to confiscate one P-40Eintended for AVG and named it Exterminator.This is not the aircraft shown, however, as theone pictured here was his second P-40E, thisone officially assigned to him, as Scott had sincebecome commander of the 23rd FG. Sometimesthe serial number 11456, i.e., 41-1456, is used indrawings of this one, but no such P-40 existed,yet it has been painted in several profiles becauseScott mentioned it himself in his memoirs.He was probably mistaken, but in any case herelated this number to the confiscated P-40E.During the flight in which he scored his fourth andfifth kills, the Exterminator was badly damagedand never flew again. The symbols of the five killswere therefore not carried until Scott’s secondP-40E, also of unknown serial number (whichwas probably overpainted anyway according tolocal custom). In total, Scott achieved 13 killsduring the war. He died on February 26, 2006,at the age of 98.INFO Eduard75February 2025Strana 76
1/48P-40E Warhawkbuilt by Robert Szwarc#R0023MARKING BBUILTINFO Eduard76February 2025Strana 77
41-36402, Lt. Dallas A. Clinger, 16th FS, 23rd FG, Kweilin, January 1943Dallas Adellon Clinger was born on June 2,1916, in Saint Anthony, Idaho. After completingtraining in 1941, he was transferred to the 16th FS.He achieved his first victory in aerial combaton July 31, 1942, when he shot down an A6M.He followed this up by shooting down a same typeaircraft on November 12 of that year and concludedhis score with the 16th FS on December 26, 1942,shooting down a Zero again. He scored two moreconfirmed kills during the war. Clinger remainedin the service after the war and retired in 1953 atthe rank of Major. He died on December 16, 1988(aged 72). This P-40E was originally intended tobe part of a supply for the RAF and was thereforepainted in American Du Pont colors similar tothe British shades of Dark Earth (No. 71-035),Dark Green (No. 71-013) and Sky (No. 71-021).The camouflage was retouched on the fuselagesides and tail surfaces with another green paint,probably Olive Drab. The pilot’s personal symbol,the peeing cowboy, was painted on both sides ofthe rudder. Another Clinger's P-40 bore a similardesign. It is not entirely certain whether thisaircraft had the inscription “Holdin’ my Own” onboth sides of the rudder, it is only documented onthe starboard side while there are photographsof the port side without the inscription. However,it may have been added later. The 16th FS P-40shad their wheel discs decorated with a blue fieldwith white star and probably with a red circle inthe middle.BUILTINFO Eduard77February 2025Strana 78
built by Steven Baker#2122MARKING DFw 190A-5/A-81/72BUILTINFO Eduard78February 2025Strana 79
Fw 190A-8, 14./JG 54, Mörtitz, Germany, November 194414. Staffel JG 54 was established in August 1944on the basis of 11. Staffel of the same squadron.During the military operation Market Garden,the whole of the IV. Gruppe, the 14. Staffel waspart of this squadron, was sent to combat andthere it was decimated. Its residuals were thensent to the German base in Mörtitz where thefleet was restored. On November 21st, 1944 thefleet was transferred to the Vörden base whereit further served as the German Empire defenceunit. This Gruppe later supported the Germancounter-offensive in Ardennes and that not onlyin a role of fighter plane squadron, but also ina role of fighter-bombers supporting the groundtank storm troops. The Fw 190A-8, painted ina standard camouflage, bears the symbol of theIV. Gruppe underneath the cockpit – green heartand coat of arms of the City of Königsberg (thename of the city stayed till July 4th, 1946, later thecity was renamed to Kaliningrad). The marking ofthe aircraft is complemented by blue stripe onthe tail of the aircraft; this marking of the aircraft,belonging to JG 54, symbolized the planes, whichwere part of Defence of the Reich. The aircraftalso bears the sign of black wave line lined withwhite colour. The wave line marked the aircraftbelonging to IV. Gruppe of the Geschwader.BUILTINFO Eduard79February 2025Strana 80
built by Robert Szwarc#11131MARKING ABUILTINFO Eduard80February 2025Strana 81
Fw 190A-5/U8, W. Nr. 152596, flown by Uffz. Werner Öhne, 1./SKG 10, Poix, France, June 1943During the night of July 19th -20th, 1943,1./SKG 10 engaged in the bombing raid againstthe city of Ramsgate. During the flight Uffz.Öhne lost the radio contact, moreover he soongot lost in the thick clouds. Through the gap inthe cloud cover he spotted he was flying overthe sea and he noticed the coast in the South.He believed it was the French coast, he headedin that direction and released the bomb on theway. In the reality he was over the wide mouth ofthe river Thames and further flight brought himto Manston airport when he landed without anydamage. Consequently, RAF utilized this aircraftto develop the combat tactics against FockeWulfs. The aircraft of this unit, used mostlyfor the night bombing raids, had the lowerand partially the side surfaces overpainted inthe black color including the crosses on thewing lower surfaces, swastika and the rudder,originally painted yellow. To extend their rangethe drop tank attachments were installed underthe wing, initially developed for the use onJu 87 aircraft.Accessories used:648150 Fw 190 wheels late (Brassin)648381 Fw 190A exhaust stacks (Brassin)BUILTINFO Eduard81February 2025Strana 82
Spitfire F Mk.IX1/48built by Paolo Portuesi#84175MARKING BAccessories used:648098 Spitfire wheels - 5 spoke (Brassin)648380 Spitfire Mk.VIII / IX cockpit door (Brassin)BUILTINFO Eduard82February 2025Strana 83
EN286, F/Lt Eric Robinson, No. 1 SAAF Squadron, Pachino, Sicily, July 1943The pilot with the full name McClellan EricSutton Robinson, usually called „Robbie“,was born in Johannesburg on February 26,1919. He achieved ace status by shooting downfive enemy aircraft plus one probable and onedamaged. His first operational unit was No. 1SAAF Sqn with Hurricanes, which he joinedin August 1942 and stayed there for one year.He achieved his first combat success onNovember 2, 1942, when he shared one Ju 87and after switching to Spitfire Mk.V he added fivevictories between January and April 1943. Afterthat, Robinson was unlucky for first time, as hewas shot down by friendly USAAF P-38 and hadto bail out over the Mediterranean Sea on July14, 1943. He was lucky to be rescued by Greekdestroyer. Robinson was awarded DFC at the endof his combat tour in September 1943 and sent tothe UK to become instructor at No. 11 OTU. Therehe was unlucky for second time on November14, 1944, as he collided with one of the traineeswhen flying Kittyhawk and crashed to his death.His Spitfire EN286 was one of the aircraft whichwere taken over from Polish Fighting Team.The original codes were overpainted by DarkEarth color and then new ones of No. 1 Sqnpainted. The inscription Cirecooks is thecombination of his given name being speltbackwards and the surname of his fiancée.The number III indicates it was hist third aircraftof this name. Robinson did not achieve any aerialvictory flying it.BUILTINFO Eduard83February 2025Strana 84
ON APPROACHMARCH 2025644299F-35C LööK1/48 Tamiya674025P-47D Bubbletop LööK1/72 TamiyaBIG5375 USS Midway CV-41 1/350 TrumpeterBIG2406 Spitfire Mk.VIII 1/24 AirfixBIG49439 F-86A 1/48 Clear PropBIG49440 F4U-2 1/48 Hobby BossBIG49441 MiG-35 1/48 Hobby Boss644299 F-35C LööK 1/48 Tamiya674025 P-47D Bubbletop LööK 1/72 Tamiya674026 P-51D LööK 1/72 Tamiya674027 Spitfire Mk.V LööK 1/72 Tamiya6481057 P-40E wheels diamond tread 1/48 Eduard6481059 P-40E wheels block tread 1/48 Eduard6481064 P-40 seat w/ integral belts Type 1 PRINT 1/48 Eduard6481065 P-40 seat w/ integral belts Type 2 PRINT 1/48 Eduard6481066 P-40E radio compartment PRINT 1/48 Eduard6481067 P-40 wheel bays PRINT 1/48 Eduard6481072 A-10C rotary cannon bay PRINT 1/48 Academy6481076 P-40 1000lb US bomb 1/48 Eduard6481084 P-40 75gal drop tank PRINT 1/48 Eduard6481086 F-35C seat PRINT 1/48 Tamiya672403 Mosquito wheels 1/72 Tamiya672404 Mosquito exhaust stacks PRINT 1/72 Tamiya672405 Bf 109G-6 wheels 1/72 Tamiya672406 Bf 109G-6 exhaust stacks PRINT 1/72 Tamiya634050 Spitfire Mk.VIII LööKplus 1/24 Airfix644298 P-40E w/ rounded exhaust stacks LööKplus 1/48 EduardSIN648136 P-38F ENGINES 1/48 TamiyaSIN648137 F-35C armament 1/48 TamiyaBIG ED (March)BRASSIN (March)LöökPlus (March)BIGSIN (March)LööK set - Brassin pre-painted dashboard and STEELseat belts for P-47D Bubbletop in 1/72 scale.Easy to assemble, replaces plastic parts.Recommended kit: TamiyaSet contains:- resin: 1 part- decals: no- photo-etched details:yes, pre-painted- painting mask: noLööK set - Brassin pre-painted dashboardand STEEL seat belts for F-35C in 1/48 scale.Easy to assemble, replaces plastic parts.Recommended kit: TamiyaSet contains:- resin: 1 part- decals: no- photo-etched details:yes, pre-painted- painting mask: no674026P-51D LööK1/72 TamiyaLööK set - Brassin pre-painted dashboardand STEEL seat belts for P-51D in 1/72 scale.Easy to assemble, replaces plastic parts.Recommended kit: TamiyaSet contains:- resin: 2 parts- decals: no- photo-etched details: yes, pre-painted- painting mask: noPRELIMINARY IMAGESPRELIMINARY IMAGESINFO Eduard84February 2025Strana 85
674027Spitfire Mk.V LööK1/72 Tamiya6481057P-40E wheels diamond tread1/48 Eduard6481059P-40E wheels block tread1/48 EduardLööK set - Brassin pre-painted dashboardand STEEL seat belts for Spitfire Mk.V in 1/72 scale.Easy to assemble, replaces plastic parts.Recommended kit: TamiyaSet contains:- resin: 2 parts- 3D tisk: 1 part- decals: no- photo-etched details: yes, pre-painted- painting mask: noBrassin set - the undercarriage wheels for P-40Ein 1/48 scale. The set consists of the main wheels anda tail wheel. Easy to assemble, replaces plastic parts.Recommended kit: EduardSet contains:- resin: 4 parts- 3D print: 2 parts- decals: no- photo-etched details: yes- painting mask: yesBrassin set - the undercarriage wheels for P-40Ein 1/48 scale. The set consists of the main wheelsand a tail wheel. Easy to assemble, replacesplastic parts. Recommended kit: EduardSet contains:- resin: 4 parts- 3D print: 2 parts- decals: no- photo-etched details: yes- painting mask: yesON APPROACHMARCH 2025PRELIMINARY IMAGESINFO Eduard85February 2025Strana 86
ON APPROACHMARCH 20256481064P-40 seat w/ integral belts Type 1 PRINT1/48 Eduard6481065P-40 seat w/ integral belts Type 2 PRINT1/48 Eduard6481066P-40E radio compartment PRINT1/48 EduardBrassin set - pilot seat with seat belts designedas a integral part of the seat for P-40Ein 1/48 scale. Made by direct 3D printing.Recommended kit: EduardSet contains:- 3D print: 1 part- decals: no- photo-etched details: no- painting mask: noBrassin set - pilot seat with seat belts designedas a integral part of the seat for P-40E in 1/48 scale.Made by direct 3D printing.Recommended kit: EduardSet contains:- 3D print: 1 part- decals: no- photo-etched details: no- painting mask: noBrassin set - radio compartment for P-40Ein 1/48 scale. Made by direct 3D printing.Recommended kit: EduardSet contains:- 3D print: 9 parts- decals: no- photo-etched details: yes- painting mask: noINFO Eduard86February 2025Strana 87
6481067P-40 wheel bays PRINT1/48 Eduard6481072A-10C rotary cannon bay PRINT1/48 Academy6481076P-40 1000lb US bomb1/48 EduardBrassin set - main wheel bays for P-40Ein 1/48 scale. Made by direct 3D printing.Recommended kit: EduardSet contains:- 3D print: 4 parts- decals: no- photo-etched details: no- painting mask: noBrassin set - gun bay for rotary cannon for A-10Cin 1/48 scale. Set consists of the gun with ammo drum,gun bay and bay covers. Made by direct 3D printing.Recommended kit: Great Wall HobbySet contains:- 3D print: 23 parts- decals: no- photo-etched details: yes- painting mask: noBrassin set - 1000lb US bomb for P-40Ein 1/48 scale. Set consists of 1 bomb.Easy to assemble, replaces plastic parts.Recommended kit: EduardSet contains:- resin: 2 parts- decals: yes- photo-etched details: yes- painting mask: noON APPROACHMARCH 2025INFO Eduard87February 2025Strana 88
ON APPROACH6481084P-40 75gal drop tank PRINT1/48 Eduard6481086F-35C seat PRINT1/48 Tamiya672403Mosquito wheels1/72 TamiyaBrassin set - 75gal fuel drop tank for P-40Ein 1/48 scale. Set consists of 1 tank.Easy to assemble, replaces plastic parts.Made by direct 3D printing.Recommended kit: EduardSet contains:- 3D print: 2 parts- decals: no- photo-etched details: no- painting mask: noBrassin set - ejection seat for F-35Cin 1/48 scale. Easy to assemble, replacesplastic parts. Recommended kit: TamiyaSet contains:- resin: 9 parts- decals: yes- photo-etched details: yes, pre-painted- painting mask: noBrassin set - the undercarriage wheels for Mosquitoin 1/72 scale. The set consists of the main wheels anda tail wheel. Easy to assemble, replaces plastic parts.Recommended kit: TamiyaSet contains:- resin: 3 parts- 3D print: 2 parts- decals: no- photo-etched details: no- painting mask: yesMARCH 2025INFO Eduard88February 2025Strana 89
672404Mosquito exhaust stacks PRINT1/72 Tamiya672405Bf 109G-6 wheels1/72 Tamiya672406Bf 109G-6 exhaust stacks PRINT1/72 TamiyaBrassin set - exhaust stacks for Mosquito in 1/72 scale.Made by direct 3D printing. Easy to assemble, replacesplastic parts. Recommended kit: TamiyaSet contains:- 3D print: 4 parts- decals: no- photo-etched details: no- painting mask: noBrassin set - the undercarriage wheels for Bf 109G-6in 1/72 scale. The set consists of the main wheelsand a tail wheel. Easy to assemble, replacesplastic parts. Recommended kit: TamiyaSet contains:- resin: 3 parts- decals: no- photo-etched details: no- painting mask: yesBrassin set - exhaust stacks for Bf 109G-6in 1/72 scale. Made by direct 3D printing.Easy to assemble, replaces plastic parts.Recommended kit: TamiyaSet contains:- 3D print: 2 parts- decals: no- photo-etched details: no- painting mask: noON APPROACHMARCH 2025INFO Eduard89February 2025Strana 90
ON APPROACH634050Spitfire Mk.VIII LööKplus1/32 AirfixCollection of 4 sets for Spitfire Mk.VIII in 1/24 scale.Recommended kit: Airfix- LööK set (pre-painted Brassin dashboard & Steelbelts)- undercarriage wheels- exhaust stacks- painting maskMARCH 2025INFO Eduard90February 2025Strana 91
ON APPROACH644298P-40E w/ rounded exhaust stacks LööKplus1/48 EduardCollection of 4 sets for P-40E in 1/48 scale.Recommended kit: Eduard- LööK set (pre-painted Brassin dashboard & Steelbelts)- undercarriage wheels- exhaust stacks- painting maskMARCH 2025INFO Eduard91February 2025Strana 92
ON APPROACHSIN648136P-38F ENGINES1/48 EduardCollection of 3 sets for P-38F in 1/48 scale.Recommended kit: Tamiya- starboard engine- port engine- turbochargersAll sets included in this BIG SIN are available separately,but with every BIG SIN set you save up to 30 %.MARCH 2025INFO Eduard92February 2025Strana 93
SIN648137F-35C armament1/48 TamiyaCollection of 6 sets for F-35C in 1/48 scale.Recommended kit: Tamiya- AIM-120C AMRAAM (2 sets)- AIM-9X- AIM-132 ASRAAM- GBU-12 bomb- GBU-31(V)1/B JDAMAll sets included in this BIG SIN are available separately,but with every BIG SIN set you save up to 30 %.BRASSIN 02/2022BRASSIN 02/2022ON APPROACHMARCH 2025INFO Eduard93February 2025Strana 94
PE-SETS53321 USS Wasp LHD-1 part 4 1/350 Trumpeter36533 M113A1 1/35 Italeri481156 B-24D undercarriage 1/48 Hobby Boss481157 F4F-4 landing flaps 1/48 Academy491503 F-35C 1/48 Tamiya491505 A-10A 1/48 Great Wall Hobby491507 F4F-4 1/48 Academy491509 B-24D cockpit & engines 1/48 Hobby Boss72742 P-51D tail antennas STEEL 1/7273843 BV 222 1/72 Revell73844 Ki-43-II 1/72 Arma HobbyZOOMSFE1503 F-35C 1/48 TamiyaFE1504 F-35C seatbelts STEEL 1/48 TamiyaFE1505 A-10A 1/48 Great Wall HobbyFE1506 A-10A seatbelts STEEL 1/48 Great Wall HobbyFE1507 F4F-4 1/48 AcademyFE1508 F4F-4 seatbelts STEEL 1/48 AcademyFE1509 B-24D 1/48 Hobby BossFE1510 B-24D seatbelts STEEL 1/48 Hobby BossSS843 BV 222 1/72 RevellMASKSEX1094 F4F-4 1/48 AcademyEX1095 F4F-4 TFace 1/48 AcademyEX1096 F-35C 1/48 TamiyaEX1097 F-35C TFace 1/48 TamiyaEX1098 F-35C RAM panels 1/48 TamiyaEX1099 A-10A 1/48 Great Wall HobbyEX1100 A-10A TFace 1/48 Great Wall HobbyEX1101 B-24D 1/48 Hobby BossEX1102 B-24D TFace 1/48 Hobby BossCX684 BV 222 1/72 RevellCX685 Ki-43-II 1/72 Arma HobbyCX686 Vengeance Mk.II 1/72 Dora WingsCX687 Bf 109G-6 classic canopy 1/72 EduardSPACE3DL48211 F4F-4 SPACE 1/48 Academy3DL48212 F-35C SPACE 1/48 Tamiya3DL48213 A-10A SPACE 1/48 Great Wall Hobby3DL48214 B-24D SPACE 1/48 Hobby Boss3DL72057 BV 222 SPACE 1/72 Revell3DL72058 Ki-43-II SPACE 1/72 Arma HobbyON APPROACHMARCH 2025INFO Eduard94February 2025Strana 95
PE-SETS53321 USS Wasp LHD-1 part 4 1/350 Trumpeter36533 M113A1 1/35 Italeri481156 B-24D undercarriage 1/48 Hobby Boss481157 F4F-4 landing flaps 1/48 Academy491503 F-35C 1/48 Tamiya491505 A-10A 1/48 Great Wall Hobby491507 F4F-4 1/48 Academy491509 B-24D cockpit & engines 1/48 Hobby Boss72742 P-51D tail antennas STEEL 1/7273843 BV 222 1/72 Revell73844 Ki-43-II 1/72 Arma HobbyZOOMSFE1503 F-35C 1/48 TamiyaFE1504 F-35C seatbelts STEEL 1/48 TamiyaFE1505 A-10A 1/48 Great Wall HobbyFE1506 A-10A seatbelts STEEL 1/48 Great Wall HobbyFE1507 F4F-4 1/48 AcademyFE1508 F4F-4 seatbelts STEEL 1/48 AcademyFE1509 B-24D 1/48 Hobby BossFE1510 B-24D seatbelts STEEL 1/48 Hobby BossSS843 BV 222 1/72 RevellMASKSEX1094 F4F-4 1/48 AcademyEX1095 F4F-4 TFace 1/48 AcademyEX1096 F-35C 1/48 TamiyaEX1097 F-35C TFace 1/48 TamiyaEX1098 F-35C RAM panels 1/48 TamiyaEX1099 A-10A 1/48 Great Wall HobbyEX1100 A-10A TFace 1/48 Great Wall HobbyEX1101 B-24D 1/48 Hobby BossEX1102 B-24D TFace 1/48 Hobby BossCX684 BV 222 1/72 RevellCX685 Ki-43-II 1/72 Arma HobbyCX686 Vengeance Mk.II 1/72 Dora WingsCX687 Bf 109G-6 classic canopy 1/72 EduardSPACE3DL48211 F4F-4 SPACE 1/48 Academy3DL48212 F-35C SPACE 1/48 Tamiya3DL48213 A-10A SPACE 1/48 Great Wall Hobby3DL48214 B-24D SPACE 1/48 Hobby Boss3DL72057 BV 222 SPACE 1/72 Revell3DL72058 Ki-43-II SPACE 1/72 Arma HobbyON APPROACHPACIFIC STAR P-40E Warhawk 1/48#11185P-40E-1, 41-25164, Capt. Ben S. Irvin, 9th FS, 49th FG, Australia,Darwin, 1942P-40E, Lt. Robert Harry Vaught, 9th FS, 49th FG,Darwin, Australia, 1942P-40E, Col. Bruce K. Holloway, CO of 23rd FG,Kweilin, China, 1942MARCH 2025INFO Eduard95February 2025Strana 96
ON APPROACHP-40E, Lt. Col. John S. Chennault,11th FS, 343rd FG, Umnak Atoll,Aleutian Islands, autumn 1942P-40E, Capt. George E. Kiser, 8th FS,49th FG, Philippine Islands, 1942P-40E, A29-78, No. 76 Squadron RAAF,Gurney Airfield, New Guinea,August 1942P-40E-1, NZ 3095, No. 15 Sqn RNZAF, New Zealand, 1944P-40E-1, Lt. Robert E. Smith, 16th FS,23rd FG, China, autumn 1942P-40E, Capt. William J. Hennon,7th FS, 49th FG, Java, 1942P-40E, A29-63, No. 82 Squadron RAAF,Bankstown, Australia, 1943MARCH 2025INFO Eduard96February 2025Strana 97
P-51B-10-NA, s/n 42-106451, Maj. George E. Preddy, 487th FS,352nd FG, 8th AF, Bodney, Great Britain, June 1944P51B-10-NA, s/n 42-106462, Capt. John B. England, 362nd FS,357th FG, 8th AF, Leiston, Great Britain, June 1944P-51B-7-NA, s/n 43-6964, 1st. Lt. James H. Clark, 382nd FS,363rd FG, 9th AF, Maupertus, France, July 1944P-51B-15-NA, s/n 42-106924, 2nd Lt. Ralph K. Hofer,334th FS, 4th FG, 8th AF, Debden, Great Britain, June 1944P51B-15-NA, s/n 43-24823, Lt. William B. Overstreet, 363rd FS,357th FG, 8th AF, Leiston, Great Britain, July 1944P-51B-1-NA, s/n 43-12434, Capt. Richard Turner, CO 356th FS,354th FG, 9th AF, Lashenden, Great Britain, May 1944ON APPROACHP-51B Mustang Malcolm Hood canopy 1/48#82176MARCH 2025INFO Eduard97February 2025Strana 98
ON APPROACHBf 109G-61/72#7475Bf 109G-6/R6, Hptm. Werner Schroer,CO of II./JG 27, Eschborn, Germany,September 1943Bf 109G-6/R6/Trop, W.Nr. 1607xx,Obfw. Herbert Rollwage, 5./JG 53,Wien-Seyring, Austria, December 1943Bf 109G-6, Hptm. Heinrich Ehrler,CO of 6./JG 5, Alakurtti, Finland,June 1943Bf 109G-6/U4/R6/Trop, W.Nr. 440180,Fw. Friedrich Ungar, 9./JG 54, Lüneburg,Germany, March 1944MARCH 2025INFO Eduard98February 2025Tail End Charlie
Nuremberg Toy Fair 2025 Knowing that it would fall to me to prepare the Tail End Charlie for this issue, I suggested to my colleagues that I write it at the very last minute, on Sunday morning, immediately after returning from Nuremberg at midnight on Saturday, as it would surely be of interest to readers. So I am writing my feelings in the heat of the moment. While we were in a very positive mood on the way home, I've decided to split this Tail End Charlie into two parts, positive and negative, with the positive part being the one I'd like to start with, as it's definitely the one that's prevailing in me.
Knowing that it would fall to me to preparethe Tail End Charlie for this issue, I suggestedto my colleagues that I write it at the verylast minute, on Sunday morning, immediatelyafter returning from Nuremberg at midnight onSaturday, as it would surely be of interest toreaders. So I am writing my feelings in the heatof the moment. While we were in a very positivemood on the way home, I've decided to splitthis Tail End Charlie into two parts, positiveand negative, with the positive part being theone I'd like to start with, as it's definitely theone that's prevailing in me.Our participation in Nuremberg certainlyserved its purpose. Although there were notas many meetings at our stand as in the yearsbefore COVID, since representatives fromcompanies in the plastic modelling industrydid not come in the same numbers as in theseyears. However, the meetings were intense,we could afford to have them long andsubstantive, to deepen relationships, to stayfocused during them, not having to rush becauseof other meetings or because a participant wasalready waiting for another meeting in front ofthe stand. So the whole thing took place ina very relaxed atmosphere, visitors came tous with smiles on their faces. For example,we brewed over 50 cups of coffee for guestsduring the show. Our coffee was said to bethe best in the whole world, made by our CEOMr Šulc himself, and he was probably veryproud of it. The number of company stands fromour branch remained practically unchanged,apart from us there were Special Hobby,Tamiya, Airfix at the Hornby stand, Academy,Miniart, Trumpeter/HobbyBoss, Clearproptogether with the accessories producer Reskit,Italeri, Heller together with the distributorGlow2B, the trading company Modellbau König,the company Hobby-Pro, which distributesZvezda and Dragon in Europe, the distributorand profile producer Albion Alloys and Revellin Hall 12. 2. It has to be said that it is quitea walk from Hall 7 to Hall 12.2, but the Revellstand is well worth a visit. Revell and Tamiyahave the largest stands in our industry, bothoffering the opportunity to drive RC cars,for example. Revell has expanded its rangeNUREMBERG TOY FAIR 2025Jakub NademlejnskýINFO Eduard99February 2025Strana 100
TECconsiderably and, as well as plastic models,now offers a relatively new range of plywoodand paper models.In the past, the Nuremberg fair wasused extensively by companies for pressconferences, which Eduard also held until lastyear. Last year it was just a modest conferenceheld on our small stand. Due to a lack of interestfrom the media and the public, no conferencewas held this year. And hardly anyone askedfor one. We simply presented our future plansindividually to those who were interested.It was more work for us, but we didn't mind,it was interesting to see the individual reactions.Everyone could ask individual questions,we pleased or surprised almost everyoneand I had a nice feeling about it. In the past,the fair was also used by companies toannounce long-awaited absolute novelties.I think the trade fair is losing this function aswell, with companies preferring to use socialnetworks or other online channels for thispurpose. In short, we live in the internet ageand going to a trade fair is probably not sofashionable for journalists or even modellers.However, there have been a few exceptions.Tamiya announced the new Hotchkiss H-39tank in 1/35th scale, IBG finished theircampaign of revealing new model lines andbrought the first 1/72nd scale mouldings ofthe Mk.I-V Spitfire range, they also showedrenderings of the Mc.200,202 and 205 and theHs 129 in 1/72nd scale.Now for the negatives. As the number ofother companies in related fields continues todwindle, we moved again. This time from Hall7A to Hall 7, which was not completely full. Thispoint contributes to the fact that fewer andfewer people and companies are coming to theshow overall, which weakens the whole showin terms of making new contacts. Perhapsthis is why most of our distributors from theUSA have not come to the show since COVID,nor have our distributor from Japan or most ofthe manufacturers from Asia. There are alsofewer and fewer media representatives. Thisyear, the public were able to visit the show forthe entire duration, but this did not increasethe number of visitors, at least in our hall.The aisles were rather half-empty, there wereno crowds. Another blemish is the catering, thequality of which is getting worse every year.Regrettably, the fair also served us a bitterend in the form of the impossibility to drive ourcar into the area to get things from our standwhile we were packing, so we had to driveon the pavement around the whole area ona small mobile trolley. Unfortunately, most ofthe companies had the same idea, so we had tododge various adventurers with pallet trucksor hastily constructed improvised trolleys.But as I said at the beginning, I am convincedthat the show is still relevant to our business.It may be declining in importance, but it is stillworth attending. We see meeting our businesspartners live as an important and strengtheningpart of our business relationships. Finally,I would like to thank everyone who visited ourstand. See you next year!INFO Eduard100February 2025Strana 101
TECINFO Eduard101February 2025Strana 102
www.eduard.com/bfcBUNNY BUNNY FIGHTERFIGHTERCLUBEduard's special membership club for all modeling enthusiasts!15% Permanent Club discount at Eduard Store – you will receive permanent 15% discount on all Eduardproducts and also discount on various other non-Eduard products. Fixed, permanent, forever!Unique valuable Club kits and accessories – you will gain access to unique and nowhere else to be soldproducts, specially made for BFC members.Even better prices at Eduard events stand – do you know that Eduard usually has huge discounts ontheir products at fairs and events all over the world? BFC members will have even higher discount atthese events.Club T-shirt – you will receive fancy BFC T-shirt with unique design and special barcode(used for event discounts). This exclusive T-shirt will be only availableto the members of BFC.Free entry fee on E-day – you will not have to pay a penny to visit Eduard's E-day.That means lot of fun at E-day for two days and entry kit, absolutely free!* E-day - INTERNATIONAL SCALE KIT EXHIBITION - IPMS Czech Republic ChampionshipBOX CONTENT:Plastic parts, Marking options 6, Decal Set, PE parts, Maska, Brassinparts (two different types of wheels, landing flaps, dust filter witheyelid, intake ring and RP-3 60lb rockets), 3D decals for main and si-dewalk instrument and control panels with photo-etched details andseat belts.BOX CONTENT:Plastic parts, Marking options 4, Decal Set, PE parts, Maska, Brassinparts (undercarriage wheels, cockpit, exhaust nozzle, FOD).How to become a member of BFC?How to become a member of BFC?Simply by purchasing the Activation product. You will be given 15% discount on (almost) every Eduardproduct in your shopping cart. To apply this discount, the Activation product has to be in your shoppingcart. Activation product is excluded from this calculation.Activation products:Activation products:Tempest Mk. V + T-shirt 1/48MiG-21MF + T-shirt 1/72Strana 103
Dear Friends,
I just returned from Nuremberg. I left there in a rather gloomy mood, knowing that it was most likely my last time. I have always defended the Nuremberg Fair as a useful and beneficial event. But alas, its significance to our industry has steadily declined over the years, while the costs associated with participation in it have continuously done the opposite. Still, it has always brought us some benefit, despite of the expense involved. There wasn't a lot of new business to be made there, but we met with our distributors, reviewers and colleagues from other companies. And yes, it often brought opportunity for some new business and, for example, we negotiated a lot of the purchases of plastic for our Limited Edition releases at Nuremberg. It went on like this year after year, for twenty-five years until 2019. Then, along came covid and everything changed, and the fair was forced to skip a couple of years. The fact that the first post-covid event was extremely diluted was quite understandable, the second being very similar was frustrating, and that the third saw no improvement either was much more alarming. Not that the organizers did not put forth a major effort, but it seems that the participants developed some reservations about the benefits of participating in the fair. So they increasingly didn’t. Neither the Americans nor the Japanese attend like they used to, and unfortunately neither do many Europeans, including Germans. We can speculate as to why. It is very likely that two years without the fair have shown quite nicely that business can be done without it. After covid, the costs of everything increased, and the Nuremberg Fair has been begging for a long time to get on the list of costs to cut. On our list, Nuremberg holds a pretty high position now.
Nonetheless, our participation at the fair next year is not high on the list of events to skip in an effort to cut costs. The results can be surprisingly good in the end and there is a chance that this year's fair will paradoxically reflect on our business operations more than most fairs have in the past. In fact, this was also the case last year and the year before, when agreements concluded at the Nuremberg Toy Fair practically doubled the volume of subcontracted work we were able to acquire through production for other manufacturing companies. Perhaps the paradox lies in the fact that, thanks to the smaller participation of our business partners, there was more time for meaningful and ultimately fruitful negotiations to take place. But I suspect that this is actually a reflection of the changes that are taking place in our industry and that are visibly changing it both in terms of production and business practices. While the production of model kits is dominated by technologies that push what is achievable to levels never seen before, the internet and modern distribution routes affect trade that yield corresponding benefits in terms of product diversity and speed of delivery. And the internet and the communication options it offers are changing the way we negotiate deals at the business-to-business level. The covid epidemic has clearly shown that, using current communication options, we can do quite well without expensive trade fairs. Tell me yourself, why would anyone travel halfway around the world in the winter, pay a fortune for flights, overpriced hotels and no less overpriced exhibition stands, then spend five days at an exhibition where two days would be more than enough to arrange all the meetings, when you can easily achieve pretty much the same result using your computer at your office or even at home sitting at your kitchen table? I fear that this will be the force that will increasingly push famous trade fairs from the center of trade to its outskirts. We will ultimately end up going to Nuremberg again next year, but to be honest, the quality of the new Azerbaijani restaurant, which opened in the area of our Nuremberg hotel instead of the original German restaurant, has at least as much to do with the decision to attend as the exhibition itself. This also points to changes in which we are direct participants, all of us, from the manufacturers to the retailers and you, the modelers.
In order not to just give you abstract wisdom here, I will give you two examples of current progress. Last week, a new 3D printer arrived. We bought it as a test drive; we want to know exactly what to expect from it, because we want to expand our printer fleet based on this type. The goal is to increase the capacity and quality of our 3D printing, especially the elimination of the layering, which still remains on some parts and is the target of justified criticism from customers. The first tests show that it will be a good machine that will significantly advance us in solving both of these requirements. This is a new type of printer that arrived in Europe at the end of January, and we are probably the first to have it in the Czech Republic. When we took over the machine during training, the supplier pointed out that the current development of these printers is so rapid that a new type, replacing its predecessor, is often launched in the market to the tune of months and sometimes even weeks, and that this causes problems with the availability of spare parts, especially displays. We concluded from this that interesting times lie ahead.
The second example is from the store. On the very first day in Nuremberg, one of our valued business partners came up to me and told me that we were processing their orders too slowly, that customers needed faster service and that we had to try harder. I didn't put up much of a resistance, but in the evening I did some statistics on our deliveries. I found out that 51% of the 42 orders last year were shipped within two days, and a total of 86% of orders were shipped within four. I would say that before covid, this would have been a great result, but not today. Today it's just not enough.
I would like to relay one more story from this year's Nuremberg fair. It turns out that the mysterious IBG project they were working on is a series of Spitfires, from the Mk.I to the VI in 1:72 scale, and we have unfortunately been working on an almost identical project over the last year. As it stands, if we finish our molds according to plan, we will have our 1:72 scale Spitfire Mk.I on the market more or less at the same time as IBG. That’s not the most optimal release schedule you can think of, and neither we nor they planned it like that. Neither of us see the need of going to war with each other with our Spits. We are not competitors with IBG as much as we are friends; we cooperate with one another. We are their suppliers and they are our customers. We don't need to harm each other. And therefore, since they already have the molds for the Spitfire Mk.I in progress, and we are only at the end of the design stage, with the intention of going to our tool makers this month, we have decided that we will not start our series of 72nd scale Spitfires with the Mk.I, but rather with the Mk.V. I think this is the best solution to this precarious situation for everyone involved. For manufacturers, distributors, retailers and customers.
Now, a little something about February's new releases and this yields one major point of attention. That is the P-40E in the Royal Class series. As you know, we made this kit available for November pre-orders, producing the exact quantity for retailers based on those numbers, prompting a production run of 4000 kits, which we shipped to both online buyers and retailers over the course of January, and so, even though it is a new item for February, we have nothing left in stock. So, friends, if you haven't bought the Royal Class P-40E yet and your heart is set on one, you have to look for it at your retailer’s. We are completely out.
But that doesn't mean we don't have any Warhawks in our catalog. Right now we are working on completing the successor to the Royal Class, the Limited Edition ‘Pacific Star’ kit, dedicated to the Warhawk serving in the Pacific Theater. The kit will cover the P-40E and Kittyhawk Mk.I from the Aleutians, Australia, New Guinea, China, and so on. Details about this kit can be found among March releases, presented in this issue of our newsletter. You'll like it! I promise….
In January, we published the first issue of the online magazine Eduard Modeller's Den, abbreviated simply to EMD. As is customary among modelers who need to bitch about something….anything…. someone immediately criticized us for the abbreviation on Facebook, but I absolutely do not get why. Abbreviations are used everywhere you look, so why should we be banned from using them? Anyway, you can find the magazine HERE. As expected, significantly fewer readers have paid for and downloaded it than the inaugural issue, which was free. It didn't throw us off, we were expecting this and we are continuing to prepare the second issue, which will be published...well, I would also like to know when. Probably February 21st, but the editor-in-chief has yet to confirm that.
Happy Modelling!!
Vladimír Šulc
P-40E Warhawk
“ROSE MARIE,” aircraft No. 29 of the 16th FS/51st FG, was flown by 1/Lt. Robert H. Mooney in China during the second half of 1942. Mooney was killed in action flying another P-40E near Yunnanyi, Yunnan Province, on Dec. 26, 1942. (photo: NARA)
The story of the Curtiss H-87 with USAAF units
Text: Carl Molesworth
The Curtiss P-40 line of fighter aircraft stood out among American fighter types for having remained in front-line operations from the summer of 1941, before the U.S. entered World War II, through the end of the conflict four years later. Only Grumman’s versatile F4F Wildcat naval fighter could match that record.
Product of a merger of the companies of aviation pioneers Glenn Curtiss and the Wright Brothers, The Curtiss-Wright Corp. in 1939 was the largest airplane manufacturer in the United States. Its products included not only a wide array of civilian and military airplanes but also the Wright engines to power them.
Design and Development
Of all the aircraft lines manufactured by Curtiss, none was more famous than the Curtiss Hawk fighters. From the initial PW-8 of 1924 through the Hawk III, which ceased production in 1938, Curtiss built more than 700 Hawk biplanes in 16 different models for the U.S. Army alone. The steady stream of orders for Hawks from the American Army and Navy plus export customers was a significant factor in Curtiss’ ability to stay afloat during the lean years of the Great Depression while also keeping pace with the technical advances of this period.
A more modern monoplane Hawk came along in 1935. In response to an Air Corps design competition in the fall of 1934 for a new aircraft that would usher in the modern era of single-seat military fighters, Curtiss produced the Hawk 75, which the Army designated the P-36. Chief designer Donovan R. Berlin created “stretch” in the 75’s airframe that would allow it to accommodate high-horsepower engines that were not yet developed. Specifically, he wanted to provide adequate wingspan and area to ensure combat effectiveness at 25,000 feet and above.
Though the P-36 exhibited excellent flying characteristics, its top speed barely topped 300 miles per hour. The Army considered this speed acceptable in 1937, but by the following year, the P-36 lagged the latest European fighters, particularly the British Spitfire I and German Bf 109E, by at least 50 mph. Curtiss decided to mate the 75 to the new Allison V-1710, a liquid-cooled V-12, to produce the Hawk 81, which the U.S. Army designated the P-40. Though the plane offered only modest performance improvements over the P-36, the Army issued a record-setting contract to Curtiss on April 26, 1939, for 524 P-40s at a cost of nearly 13 million USD. Again, foreign customers came calling at Curtiss. France was first to order the export version of the P-40, tagged the Tomahawk by Curtiss, and Great Britain soon followed suit.
The 57th Pursuit Group, USAAC, flew P-40Es in the U.S. prior to deploying to North Africa in the summer of 1942. Capt. Phil Cochran, commanding officer of the 65th FS “Fighting Cocks,” flew No. 50 from the airbase at Windsor Locks, Connecticut, during that period.
(photo: author’s collection)
Curtiss built 525 Hawk 81s in three versions of the P-40 for the U.S. Army. Only a few of these saw combat in Hawaii, the Philippines and Iceland early in the war. More than twice as many export Hawk 81 Tomahawks were built. These 1,181 aircraft fought extensively with the British Commonwealth air forces in North Africa, the American Volunteer Group of Chinese Air Force in Burma and China; and with the Red Air Force on the Eastern Front.
There was no denying that the Hawk 81 was a commercial success for Curtiss, but a challenge was looming for the company’s design staff. Thus far, Curtiss had been unable to wring sufficient performance from the Hawk 81 to match the best European designs, and one of the main problems was that the plane was underpowered. The output of the 1,090 HP Allison V-1710-33 engine, with its single-stage supercharger, was insufficient to propel the airframe to its maximum capabilities for speed and service ceiling. The U.S. would soon need fighters with more power than the current C-series V-1710 could deliver, so Allison designers went to work on the problem.
Unfortunately, the fix wasn’t so simple as merely souping up the engine. The C-series V-1710 delivered power to the propeller via an internal spur reduction gearbox, but this device was only able to handle 1,100 horsepower, and the engine already was pushing this limit.
The new Allison, and all F-series Allisons to follow, featured an external propeller reduction gearbox drive, which was beefed up sufficiently to absorb the 1,150 horsepower of the V-1710-39 (F3R) and more. The reduction ratio remained 2:1, but the new engine was 10.16 inches shorter than previous versions, and the thrust line was raised several inches so the gearbox could mount between the cylinder banks at the front of the engine.
The redesign of the V-1710 had major implications for Curtiss, because the new engine, with its shorter overall length and raised thrust line, did not conform to the nose contours of the Hawk 81. It not being practical to craft a new nose for the Hawk 81, Curtiss designers took this opportunity to draw up an entirely new fuselage. The change was considered sufficient to cause Curtiss to give the plane a new designation, the Hawk 87. The U.S. Army continued to call it a P-40, designating it the model D, while the Royal Air Force gave it a new name, the Kittyhawk.
Col. Robert L. Scott was the first Commanding Officer of 23rd FG. He scored 13 aerial victories during the War making him one of five top scoring USAAF P-40 fighter pilots. A member of the ground personnel is pointing on the five victory marks on Scott’s second P-40E. (photo: NARA)
On the way to better Hawks
The Hawk 87 incorporated a number of improvements over the Hawk 81. The fuselage was not only 6 inches shorter but also slightly shallower, top to bottom. Up front, the nose guns were eliminated, and a deeper cowling with a larger opening held the coolant and oil radiators under the engine. Because the propeller hub sat higher on the nose, landing gear legs could be shorter and still allow clearance for the propeller during takeoffs and landings.
To improve visibility for the pilot, the cockpit opening was deeper with a larger sliding canopy and an enlarged windshield with flat, bulletproof glass in the center panel. The rear-view coves behind the cockpit also were bigger. In addition, the airframe was stressed to carry one 500-pound bomb or a drop tank of 52 or 75 gallons under the belly.
The wing and tail designs were relatively unchanged from the Hawk 81. The new plane’s guns were mounted in large bays in the wings and aimed so their fire would pass outside the arc of propeller, converging about 300 yards in front of the plane.
The Hawk 87 line was a superior warplane to the Hawk 81, but not by much. While the changes in armament made it more versatile, the new model’s performance remained unimpressive. As a result of all the changes, the combat gross weight of the Hawk P-40D rose to 8,809 pounds. At the same time, the new V-1710-39 engine produced just 60 horsepower more than its predecessor. Despite having a slightly sleeker profile than the P-40C, the P-40D boasted a top speed just 5 miles per hour faster than the previous model, at 350 mph. Because the new engine retained a single-stage supercharger, the P-40D’s service ceiling and peak performance altitude of 15,000 feet were virtually unchanged from the P-40C.
The U.S. Army placed an order with Curtiss for 23 P-40Ds in 1940 and took delivery of the new planes in mid-July 1941. Great Britain, meanwhile, took over a French order with modifications to RAF specifications. Designated Kittyhawk Is, these aircraft began rolling of the assembly lines in August 1941. The first 20 were four-gun equivalents of the P-40D, but the rest of the Kittyhawk Is in the 560-plane order mounted six guns, like the U.S. Army’s 820 P-40Es that were built alongside. Deliveries of both continued through the end of the year, by which time the United States had entered the war. A very similar version, the P-40E-1/Kittyhawk IA, had beefed up wing structure to allow it to carry more external stores. Curtiss built 1,500 of these and about one-third of them went to the Allies under Lend Lease.
Capt. Bill Hennon, a veteran of the Java campaign, flew P-40E No. 36 with the 7th FS/49th FG during the defense of Darwin and northern Australia during 1942. (photo: NARA)
Operational History
Curtiss produced its first Hawk 87s, 22 P-40Ds, for the U.S. Army in July 1941. Deliveries of 820 P-40Es, which was essentially the same airplane as P-40D but with the armament increased from four wing guns to six, began the following month and continued into May 1942.
Virtually every model of the Hawk 87 followed the P-40D into training duties around the United States. Initially, they were assigned to first-line combat squadrons preparing for overseas service while providing air defense for areas such as coastal cities deemed vulnerable to attack from the sea and industrial centers in the Midwest. As the war progressed and tour-expired combat veterans became available in mid-1943 to provide operational training to new pilots just out of flight school, P-40Es did yeoman duty in replacement training units.
The P-40E made its combat debut in the skies over Luzon in the Philippine Islands on Dec. 8, 1941 (Pacific Time), the day that the United States entered World War II. Through no fault of the pilots or the P-40Es of the 24th Pursuit Group, the performance was anything but impressive.
Word of the Pearl Harbor attack was radioed to the headquarters of Gen. Douglas MacArthur in Manila shortly after Japanese bombs stopped falling on Battleship Row in Hawaii. It was 3:55 a.m. December 8 local time in the Philippine Islands, and within hours a Japanese triumph even greater than the destruction of the American fleet at Pearl Harbor would begin to unfold.
On paper, the fighter strength deployed by the Far East Air Force’s 5th Interceptor Command on Luzon in early December 1941 looked substantial. Of approximately 100 P-40s in four squadrons, 75 percent were new E-models, while the 20th Pursuit Squadron flew P-40Bs and the 34th Pursuit Squadron had even more outdated Seversky P-35As. These squadrons made up the 24th Pursuit Group, but the unit was far from ready for war. The obsolete P-35As had been in service for nearly two years and were worn out. The P-40Bs at Clark Field, delivered in the summer of 1941, were in good condition, but their guns had never been fired due to a shortage of ammunition on Luzon for target practice. The P-40Es were brand new and subject to several teething problems, including engine fires.
Just as important, many of the pilots were fresh out of flying school and unfamiliar with their P-40s. Meanwhile, 300 miles north of Manila on the island of Formosa, Japan had amassed a force of nearly 200 A6M Zero naval fighters, 200 navy bombers and about 150 army aircraft. Many of the men who flew these planes were veterans of combat in China.
Tensions had been building in the Far East for several weeks prior to word of the Pearl Harbor attack. Still, despite ample warning of attack, U.S. Army air units in the Philippines were all but wiped out on December 8. A handful of P-40 pilots managed to engage enemy aircraft during the day, and each of them got a nasty shock when they experienced the climbing and turning performance of the heretofore unknown A6M Zero fighters firsthand. Nine victories were credited to five pilots (plus one in a P-35A), but several P-40s were shot down and nearly all suffered battle damage at the hands of the Zero pilots. Most American aircraft were destroyed on the ground.
After scoring two aerial victories in the defense of the Philippines and three more over Java, Capt. George “King” Kiser destroyed four more Japanese aircraft at Darwin, Australia, with the 8th FS/49th FG. All of his victories were scored in P-40Es. (photo: NARA)
Philippines and Java
P-40Es continued to fight in ever decreasing numbers in the Philippines for four excruciating months. The U.S. military’s first ace of World War II, Lt Boyd “Buzz” Wagner of the 17th Pursuit Squadron, scored his fifth victory in a P-40E on December 16, 1941. The 37th and last confirmed victory by a P-40 pilot in the Philippines occurred on April 12, when Lt. John Brownewell of the 17th Pursuit Squadron shot down a Japanese floatplane near Del Monte on Mindanao. The campaign ended on May 6, 1942, when starving American forces in the island fortress of Corregidor surrendered. Meanwhile, P-40Es also had been heavily engaged in the defense of Java, a six-week campaign that again ended badly for the United States and its allies. On January 25, 1942, 13 P-40Es of a new provisional pursuit squadron, also named the 17th, arrived in Soerabaja, Java, to provide air defense against the expected Japanese invasion of this oil-rich island. 1/Lt. George E. Kiser, one of several veterans of the early fighting over Luzon who flew in the 17th throughout the Java campaign, wrote this account: “Soon after we arrived in Soerabaja, we moved to Blimbing, a newly constructed (and well camouflaged) field. … We flew many missions from Blimbing Field. In fact, a lot of us flew about 150 hours during the short stay there. At all times we were outnumbered at the least 10 to 1, but still we managed to get official credit for in excess of 65 victories (author’s note: the currently accepted total is 49) with only a loss of nine pilots killed or missing. … On March 1, 1942, the Japanese landed on Java in force, and after attacking this huge armada of ships with only ten P-40s, it was decided that the situation was hopeless, so the entire squadron retreated, along with the 19th Bombardment Group, to Australia.”
At the start of its operations, the 343rd FG was led by Lt. Col. John Stephen Chennault, the son of legendary “Flying Tigers” leader Col. Claire Lee Chennault. The “Aleutian Tigers” adopted the tiger motif and adorned noses of their aircraft with stylized tiger heads. (photo: NARA)
Australia suffered its own version of the Pearl Harbor attack on February 19, 1942, when JNAF land- and carrier-based aircraft struck the northern port city of Darwin in two devastating raids. A convoy of ships, loaded with equipment and troops bound for the defense of Timor Island, was caught in the harbor and mostly destroyed. Dock facilities, a nearby airfield and even a hospital were bombed as well, with a great loss of life incurred.
Ten P-40Es of the just-formed 33rd Pursuit Squadron (Provisional) were in Darwin at the time to escort the convoy while enroute to reinforce the 17th squadron in Java. But nine of these planes were destroyed in air and on the ground during the day. Only one American pilot was able to make a claim.
The first Darwin attack, followed on March 3 by a strafing attack on the west coast port of Broome and the fall of Java three days later, stirred a wave of invasion panic throughout Australia. Operational training of the green pilots of the USAAF 49th Pursuit Group, many of them recent graduates of flying school, was cut short so they could be deployed to provide air defense. The 49th had arrived by ship on January 28, 1942, and immediately began assembling 100 P-40Es while its pilots put the finishing touches on their training. Fortunately, a cadre of 12 pilots just back from Java, including George Kiser, was available to provide experienced flight leaders for the three squadrons of the 49th.
Japanese air attacks on northern Australia continued sporadically throughout the spring and summer of 1942. The last air raid against Darwin opposed by the 49th (redesignated as a fighter group in May) came on August 23. In this combat, aces George Kiser and Jim Morehead scored their final victories before completing their tours in the Pacific. The total of 15 kills on the day brought the 49th’s final tally during the defense of Darwin to 78 confirmed victories, eight probables and four damaged.
New Guinea and Aleutian Islands
In September, with RAAF fighter squadrons now available to assume air defense duties at Darwin, the 49th FG began the next chapter in its remarkable history. The fight for Port Moresby was approaching its climax, and the 7th Fighter Squadron was ordered up from Darwin to fight alongside No. 75 and No. 76 squadrons RAAF in New Guinea.
Under the command of Java veteran Capt. Bill Hennon, the 7th Fighter Squadron arrived at 14-mile Drome outside Port Moresby on September 14 and immediately began flying fighter-bomber missions in support of the Australian troops fighting along the Kokoda Trail. These missions, which included strafing, dive-bombing and escort duties, were very effective at helping the Aussies halt the enemy advance.
The longest service of the P-40E was far north in the Aleutian Islands, where P-40s flew in combat from the attack on Dutch Harbor in June 1942 through the capture of Kiska in August 1943. After that, the three squadrons of P-40s, including the 344th with P-40Es, continued to provide air defense for bomber bases in the Aleutians through the end of the war.
P-40E No. 127 was one of 33 P-40Es sent to China in the spring of 1942 to replace Tomahawks lost in combat by the American Volunteer Group. The plane displays the blue tail band of the 2nd Pursuit Squadron. (photo: author’s collection)
On March 22, 1942, the first P-40Es that would see action in the China-Burma-India Theater touched down at Kunming, China, after a long ferry flight from Africa. Ground crews of the 1st American Volunteer Group, which had been in action against the Japanese in Burma and China since the previous December with Hawk 81s, set to work on the P-40Es, replacing their USAAF markings with Chinese sun roundels, painting the AVG's distinctive sharkmouth design on their noses, and repairing various minor problems. Eventually, the AVG would receive 33 P-40Es.
The first combat for AVG P-40Es came on April 8, 1942, when three of them at Loiwing, China, scrambled alongside Tomahawks to intercept a Japanese air raid on the field. Flight Leader Robert L. Little of the 1st Pursuit Squadron, flying one of the P-40Es, was credited with shooting down a Ki-43 Oscar among the 12 victories claimed that day, the first claim in a P-40E by the AVG.
The AVG P-40Es were heavily engaged during the final three months of the unit’s existence. Their most notable actions were a series of raids against Japanese army forces in the Salween Gorge on the China-Burma border in May 1942, when AVG pilots used the P-40E’s dive-bombing capability to devastating effect to halt the enemy advance. Sadly, Bob Little was killed flying one of those missions.
When the AVG disbanded on July 4, 1942, its P-40Es and Tomahawks were turned over to the 23rd Fighter Group of the USAAF, which was activated in Kunming that day to carry on the fight in China under legendary commander Claire Lee Chennault. Meanwhile, a second USAAF P-40 group, the 51st, had arrived in India and was taking up positions in Assam. These two groups, flying from their bases at either end of the air route from India into China, would have the responsibility for protecting transport planes flying “The Hump” from interception by Japanese fighters. By the summer of 1943, most P-40Es in the 23rd and 51st groups had been replaced by later model P-40s.
Pilots of the 72nd PS/15th PG pose with “Squirt,” the P-40E that squadron c.o. Jim Beckwith named for his child, in Hawaii during early 1942. In 1945, Beckwith, by then a colonel, commanded the 15th FG flying Very Long-Range missions over Tokyo. (photo: NARA)
The MW 50 System as an Alternative to the GM-1
Bf 109 G-10 W.Nr 490 617 ‘Blue 2’, Uffz. Gerhard Reiher, 8./JG 3, Alperstedt, 1944. Behind the circular antenna on the spine, a triangular label is visible adjacent to the MW 50 filling point [Martin Reiher]
in the Bf 109G and K
Text: Pavel Raška
This technical discussion supplements the article describing the GM-1 system in the Messerschmitt Bf 109 in the November, 2024 newsletter.
Even before World War II, Dr. Otto Lutz (1906-1974) came up with the idea of injecting nitrous oxide into an engine to increase performance. He later published (as late as 1942) a scientific paper on the subject "Über Leistungssteigerung von Flugmotoren durch Zugabe von Sauerstoffträgern", or roughly translated, ‘On increasing the performance of aircraft engines through the addition of oxygen compounds’.
Just before World War II, BMW engineers Dietrich Singelmann (1903-1989) and Helmut von Zborowski (1905-1969, a native of Terezin) began to independently experiment with the injection of a mixture of water and methanol. They discovered that by mixing water with methanol and adding a drop of an anti-corrosion additive, they obtained a problem-free liquid that, unlike nitrous oxide, could be stored in ordinary canisters at an airfield. Although it was not recommended as a drink, it does not normally burn or explode and generally exhibits benevolent properties. The 1:1 ratio of water to methanol proved to be the most advantageous not only in terms of engine performance, but also against the risk of the mixture freezing. The injection of water and methanol was first tested in 1939 on the Bramo 323-A engine. Later, both gentlemen devoted themselves to the development of rocket engines.
The GM-1 system described in our previous article was not very popular among fighter pilots, it could not be used at lower altitudes and it was deemed just ‘dead weight’ which worsened flight performance. The situation was better for high-altitude reconnaissance units. Readers of Clostermann's ‘The Big Show’ will certainly remember the duel between Spitfires and the Bf 109 at high altitude. The Bf 109 was equipped with the GM-1 system, but its pilot made the mistake of trying to save himself by diving. However, just above sea level, the GM-1 could not be used and the reconnaissance Bf 109 ended up being shot down over the ocean.
The wreckage of Bf 109G-10 WNr. 151556 from JG 300 and Bf 109G-14AS WNr. 784998 from IV/JG 53 after emergency landings in early 1945. Both aircraft show open MW 50 fuel tank filler ports on their spines.
The new system, which was supposed to eliminate the shortcomings of the GM-1, was designated MW 50. The original thermally insulated tanks for the GM-1 were initially produced by the Büssing-NAG company in relatively small numbers at about fifty per month. The GM-1 installation used in the Bf 109G could be used for injection in the MW 50, but problems arose with valve corrosion. By installing a modified valve, the entire system could be used for one or the other mixture (GM-1 or MW 50).
The developmental experiments that were conducted yielded a second, simplified version of the MW 50 system. It no longer required the use of nitrous oxide, eliminating the need for thermal insulation of the tank. In addition, the compressed air bottles in the wings were eliminated and replaced with compressed air from the compressor. This resulted in a further weight saving. The injection nozzle was replaced with a different type, because the pressure from the compressor was lower. This simplified type of MW 50 was apparently standard equipment on the Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-14 and G-10. A characteristic modification of the design, visible even to modelers, is the square ‘box’ behind the pilot's head, covering the battery. In the later development variant of the Bf 109 K, the internal equipment was redesigned and although the MW 50 was standard, the aforementioned box behind the pilot's head disappeared, because the battery was moved to another place within the fuselage. The MW 50 tank could also be used as an additional fuel tank in the K version. There was a MW 50/Kraftstoff switch on the instrument panel and depending on its setting, the relevant valve switched either to inject the mixture into the compressor or to pump the contents into the main fuel tank. Of course, it was important to pay attention to the position of the switch depending on the contents of the tank.
At this point, it is necessary to take a detour and discuss the Messerschmitt fuel system. The aircraft were equipped with an L-shaped fuel tank with a capacity of 400 liters located under and behind the pilot's seat. The Bf 109 E version had a sheet metal tank, while a new special rubberized self-sealing SB Sackbehälter tank was developed for the F version. This SB was also developed for C2 fuel used with the DB 601N engine, but in normal operation, C3 gasoline was used, which caused unexpected problems with the DB 601N. Finally, after a long time, it was discovered that in the rubberized SB tank, C3 gasoline chemically reacted with the tank material, which degraded the gasoline used. Therefore, the SB tank had to be modified so that this reaction did not occur. Some Messerschmitt Bf 109s of the F version were still equipped with the older sheet metal tank on the production line. The additional three-hundred-liter droptanks were not equipped with a fuel pump and compressed air from a compressor was blown into the auxiliary tank to move fuel from it into the main tank. When the tank for the MW 50 was filled with fuel, the valve was set to pump its contents into the main fuel tank and the pumping was again done with compressed air. With the droptanks and the MW 50 filled with fuel, the Messerschmitt Bf 109 could double its range. In the Czechoslovak Avia S-199, the MW 50 tank was used exclusively as a fuel tank.
Bf 109K fuel system diagram from a period manual with the MW 50 mixture tank indicated.
The protrusion on the access hatch to the battery and additional storage compartment allowed for the former’s relocation forward, which freed up space for the MW 50 tank in the fuselage behind the cockpit. Bf 109G-14, Oblt. Rolf Schlegel 10./Jagdgeschwader 4, March 1945 [JG 4 Archive - Museum of the Air Battle over the Ore Mountains on September 11th, 1944 in Kovarska]
Notes and clarifications to the November, 2024 article:
- The code word MONA used for the very first version of the GM-1, refers to, according to Baumgartl, da Vinci’s Mona Lisa. It would appear that the model inhaled some nitrous oxide gas, resulting in her mysterious smile, once and for all solving an age-old riddle at last!
- I had some reservations about the circular tank of the GM-1 for the F-4/Z version of the Bf 109. Baumgartl states that there really was a GM-1 tank made of thin sheet metal wrapped with piano wire, but he doubts that it would have made it into production aircraft. Those who remember will certainly recall the glass siphon bottles with metal mesh popular under socialism, filled with carbon dioxide cartridges - the principle is the same and the container withstands internal pressure well.
A little bit of a glossary:
Sonderstoff = A special material (used specifically with the GM-1 or MW 50 systems)
Kraftstoff = Fuel
Sauerstoff = Oxygen
Behälter = Tank
Leistung = Performance
Aerial War in Ukraine
A photo of the ill-fated Embraer 190AR, registration 4K-AZ65, taken in 2016 by Mehmet Mustafa Celik.
A Russian missile shot down a civilian aircraft. Again...
Text: Miro Barič
The battles over Ukraine often involve friendly fire incidents. Russian air defense has already destroyed numerous Russian aircraft and helicopters. Similar incidents have occurred on the Ukrainian side. Several civilian aircraft have also been hit in Russia, though without fatal consequences—until now.
On the morning of Wednesday, December 25, Azerbaijan Airlines flight 8243 took off from Baku, Azerbaijan. The Embraer 190AR, registered as 4K-AZ65, carried 62 passengers and five crew members. Its destination was Grozny, Chechnya, in southern Russia. However, 40 minutes into the flight, the aircraft's GPS and other navigation systems stopped functioning. It is likely that the aircraft fell victim to electronic GPS signal jamming, an action prohibited by international telecommunications and civil aviation organizations.
The Russians likely activated the jamming due to the presence of Ukrainian drones over Chechnya. The crew of flight 8243 requested guidance via radio. However, Grozny was covered in thick fog, and after three holding patterns, the pilots decided to return to Baku. As the aircraft departed Grozny, it was struck by a missile from a Russian Pantsir-S1 air defense system. The missile exploded near the rear left section of the aircraft, with shrapnel damaging mainly the tail surfaces.
As a result of the damage, the Embraer's hydraulic system failed, making it extremely difficult to control. Russian air traffic controllers denied it permission to land at Mineralnye Vody or Makhachkala airports due to bad weather. Instead, the crippled aircraft (while still experiencing GPS signal interference) was directed over the Caspian Sea toward Aktau, Kazakhstan. Available data show that the aircraft exhibited extreme altitude and course fluctuations. Despite this, the pilots managed to keep it airborne for one hour and 14 minutes after the missile strike.
During the attempt to land in Aktau, the aircraft crashed three kilometers from the airport. The crash was captured on video, showing the aircraft descending with its landing gear extended but tilting heavily to the right. The pilots were unable to correct the descent or the bank. The Embraer first struck the ground with its right wing, followed by the fuselage, which broke apart and exploded. The front section burned completely, while the rear section remained relatively intact, though overturned. This allowed 29 of the 67 people on board to survive, albeit with injuries. However, 38 people lost their lives, including both pilots and one flight attendant.
Posthumously, the two pilots and the deceased flight attendant were awarded the title of National Hero of Azerbaijan. Steward Zulfikar Asadov and flight attendant Aydan Rahimli, who survived with injuries, were honored with the Order of Courage First Class.
The rear section of the Azerbaijani Embraer was riddled with shrapnel.
Photos of the wreckage were published by Kazakh rescue services
Heroes of Flight 8243
Let’s take a moment to honor the heroes who fought until the very end to save the aircraft and its passengers. The captain was 62-year-old Igor Kshnyakin, an incredibly experienced pilot. He began his career in 1982 at the age of 20, flying the An-2 biplane. Over the years, he served as a co-pilot or captain on various aircraft, including the Yak-40, Tu-134, An-140, and ATR-42/72. In 2013, he became a captain on Embraer 170/190 aircraft for Azerbaijan Airlines. He accumulated 15,000 flight hours, with 11,200 as a captain. He is survived by two daughters. Seated beside him as the co-pilot was 32-year-old Aleksandr Kalyaninov. He successfully graduated in 2021 from the National Aviation University in Kyiv, Ukraine. The third crew member who lost her life was 33-year-old flight attendant Hokuma Aliyeva. Alongside her work, she was pursuing a law degree and was in the final year of her doctoral studies. She had planned to switch careers and become a lawyer, a dream that, unfortunately, she never got to fulfill. In her final moments, she tried to calm the passengers. All three were buried together in Baku at the Second Alley of Honor, a cemetery reserved for Azerbaijan’s most distinguished figures and heroes.
Russia has not admitted to shooting down the aircraft, even a month after the incident. Initially, Moscow outright denied any involvement, and Russian propaganda channels spread multiple alternative theories about what might have happened. For instance, they claimed that the shrapnel holes visible in the intact rear section of the aircraft were caused by gravel upon impact with the ground. Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev, just days after the tragedy, stated that preliminary investigation results indicated Russian air defense was responsible. He acknowledged that the shootdown was likely unintentional but accused Moscow of attempting a cover-up. Aliyev demanded an admission of guilt, punishment for those responsible, and compensation for the victims' families. However, none of these demands had been met a month after the tragedy. Azerbaijani officials also pointed out that Russia’s refusal to allow the damaged aircraft to land at any Russian airport, instead directing it toward Aktau, may have been an attempt to erase evidence. Simply put, they may have been hoping the aircraft would crash into the Caspian Sea…
The three deceased crew members were buried as heroes—from left to right, the coffins of Aleksandr Kalyaninov, Igor Kshnyakin, and Hokuma Aliyeva. The photo from the farewell ceremony was published by the office of the President of Azerbaijan.
Revived Memories of flight MH17
The downing of the Azerbaijani civilian aircraft has revived memories of the tragedy which took place on July 27, 2014. On that day, Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 crashed near Hrabove in Ukraine’s Donetsk region. The Boeing 777, registered as 9M-MRD, was en route from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur but never reached its destination. At the time, Russia had provoked an uprising in eastern Ukraine and was supplying the separatists with heavy weaponry. Among the equipment transferred was a Buk surface-to-air missile system from the 53rd Anti-Aircraft Missile Brigade, based in Kursk. This system was secretly moved into Russian-controlled territory in eastern Ukraine. Mistaking the target for a Ukrainian military aircraft, the crew launched a missile at the civilian flight MH17. The Boeing 777 was cruising at 33,000 feet (10,060 meters) at a speed of 915 km/h when the warhead of the radar-guided missile exploded just above its cockpit. Shrapnel instantly killed the flight crew and tore through the fuselage, causing it to break apart just behind the cockpit. The aircraft went into a steep dive, and aerodynamic forces completely disintegrated it before impact. The fall lasted a minute and a half, scattering debris across 50 square kilometers. All 298 people on board perished—15 crew members and 283 passengers. Two-thirds of the victims were Dutch citizens, including 80 children under the age of 18. Once Russian forces realized what they had done, the Buk system was quietly transported back across the Russian border, and multiple conflicting versions of events were spread. This tactic—immediately flooding the public with contradictory explanations—is a hallmark of Russian propaganda, designed to dilute and obscure the truth. The MH17 case was no exception, with one absurd theory following another.
One claim suggested that a Ukrainian Su-25 attack aircraft had shot down the Boeing. However, anyone with basic aviation knowledge knows that the Su-25 lacks the speed, altitude capability, and weaponry to accomplish such a feat. Another false narrative involved a supposedly "authentic" satellite image showing a Ukrainian Su-27 firing a missile at MH17 at close range. The image was, in reality, a crude forgery. The most bizarre theory suggested that the entire event was staged and that the plane had been filled with corpses that had already been dead for some time.
Multiple Western investigative teams, however, concluded—based on substantial evidence—that MH17 was hit by a missile from a Buk system fired from Russian-controlled territory. They also identified the Russian military unit responsible: the same 53rd Anti-Aircraft Missile Brigade. These findings were confirmed by a Dutch court, which, in November 2022, sentenced three men—Igor Girkin, Sergey Dubinsky, and Leonid Kharchenko—to life in prison for their roles in the downing of MH17. All were sentenced in absentia, as Russia refused to hand them over.
Ironically, only one of them, Igor Girkin, is currently in a Russian prison—not for the deaths of 298 innocent people, but for "extremism." His crime? Insulting Vladimir Putin, whom he accused of weak and incompetent leadership in the war against Ukraine.
Girkin, also known as Strelkov, was a Russian intelligence operative who played a key role in igniting the separatist conflict in eastern Ukraine. He once boasted that without him, there would have been no war in Donbas, as the local population had little interest in taking up arms. This statement alone undermines the Kremlin's long-standing narrative that the conflict was a "civil war" rather than Russian aggression.
A 2014 image of Russian fighters posing with the wreckage of the downed MH17 flight.
Ukrainian Losses
During the observed period, from December 1 to December 31, military aircraft, helicopters, and unmanned aerial vehicles were continuously conducting operations. Consequently, losses were suuffere. However, the shooting down of a civilian aircraft is such an exceptional event that most of this report was dedicated to it. The only confirmed loss of Ukrainian equipment occurred on Saturday, December 14, in the Kherson region. A Russian S-400 air defense system hit a Su-25 from the 299th Tactical Aviation Brigade. Its pilot, Captain Vladyslav Solop, was killed. Another casualty was Captain Mykola Karpov, a ground aviation technician from the 40th Tactical Aviation Brigade. He was killed on Tuesday, December 31, during a Russian missile attack on Vasylkiv Air Base in the Kyiv region. The extent of the damage to the base is not yet known. Karpov was posthumously promoted to the rank of Major.
Russian Losses
The first confirmed Russian loss during the observed period also occurred on Saturday, December 14, at Krymsk Air Base in the Krasnodar region. Ukrainian military intelligence set fire to and damaged a Su-27P with a bort number "Red 16" and registration RF-92406, which belonged to the 3rd Mixed Aviation Regiment. On Friday, December 20, Ukrainian intelligence reported damage to another aircraft—a military transport An-72—at an airfield near Moscow. On Wednesday, December 18, a Kamov Ka-52 helicopter was hit and shot down by friendly fire. Both Russian pilots were killed. The helicopter commander was Lieutenant Daniil Chepurnov. His obituary mentioned only that he died while carrying out a combat mission in the "special military operation" zone.
An image of a Ka-52 helicopter, published by the Russian Ministry of Defense. Since the beginning of the war, Russia has lost at least 63 helicopters of this type. One was also lost in December 2024, as covered in this latest update of the series.
On December 14, the Ukrainian military intelligence set fire to a Su-27P at the Krymsk base
A few days later, Russia released an image of the same aircraft. The photo was taken from an angle that conceals possible damage to the rear section, where the fire occurred.
Images appeared on social media showing a Russian Su-25SM3 that collided mid-air with a Zala reconnaissance drone.
A Russian Mi-24 helicopter got stuck in the mud, presumably at an advanced base. The photo surfaced during the monitoring period, but details remain unknown.
Naval Drones Strike Back
The worst day for Russian aviation came at the very end of the month. On Tuesday, December 31, Ukrainian Magura V5 naval drones were operating in the Black Sea. Russia has long deployed helicopters and aircraft against them, so Ukraine has started equipping these unmanned boats with anti-aircraft weapons. Ukraine claims to have hit several helicopters in the past, but until now, no confirmed kills had been recorded. Near the Tarkhankut Peninsula in western Crimea, Ukrainian drones hit two Mi-8 helicopters with R-73 missiles. According to Ukraine, one crashed immediately, while the other was damaged and attempted to return to the shore. Later, Russia confirmed that the second helicopter also crashed. Each helicopter carried eight personnel, and none survived. This indicates that, in addition to the standard crew of three aviators, each aircraft also carried five additional soldiers—machine gunners and electronic systems operators. During December, a video emerged showing Ukrainian naval drones firing machine guns at helicopters (and even a Sukhoi fighter jet). At least one helicopter was seriously damaged by gunfire, but a confirmed kill was only reported later with the use of R-73 missiles. Additionally, footage surfaced of an incident in which a Russian Su-25SM3 collided mid-flight with a Zala reconnaissance drone. The aircraft, with bort number "Red 07" and registration RF-94678, suffered significant damage to the front fuselage and shattered side cockpit glass. Despite this, the pilot managed to land the plane at its base. The collision reportedly occurred somewhere in the Donetsk region, though the exact date remains unknown.
A still from a video showing a Ukrainian Sea Baby naval drone firing a machine gun at a Russian Mi-8 helicopter.
A Ukrainian naval drone also dared to fire a machine gun at a fighter jet.
Footage from another video capturing the shootdown of a Russian Mi-8 helicopter with an R-73 missile launched from a Magura V5 naval drone.
Attacks During Christmas
Russian airstrikes on Ukrainian cities continued almost every night. Here are a few notable incidents: On the night of Thursday, December 12, to Friday, December 13, a massive attack targeted Ukraine’s energy infrastructure. Four regions, including Kyiv, were hit, and two experienced power outages—an act which, in winter, translates into terrorizing the civilians. Russia launched a total of 192 kamikaze drones and 94 missiles, including cruise missiles. Ukrainian defenses shot down 80 drones, while another 105 were disabled by electronic warfare systems. Additionally, 81 cruise missiles were destroyed, 11 of which were taken down by Ukrainian fighter jets. One pilot, in particular, distinguished himself by shooting down six missiles: two with long-range AMRAAM missiles, two with short-range Sidewinder missiles, and the last two with his onboard cannon after running out of missiles. This highlights the advantage of the F-16 over older Soviet-made jets previously used by Ukraine. Thanks to its advanced sensors and electronic systems, an F-16 pilot has better situational awareness and can identify and engage multiple targets more quickly and efficiently, even in high-density combat environments. Another major attack occurred cynically on Christmas itself, from the night of Tuesday, December 24, to Wednesday, December 25. Most Ukrainians now celebrate Christmas on the same date as the Western world, rather than according to the Orthodox calendar. On this holiday, Russia launched 106 kamikaze drones and 78 missiles, including cruise missiles, at Ukraine. Ukrainian defenses intercepted 59 missiles and 54 drones, while electronic warfare systems disabled another 52 drones. Despite these efforts, nearly 20 missiles broke through the defenses. Kharkiv alone reported 11 explosions. In one of the targeted power plants, a civilian technician was killed, and half a million people were left without heating on Christmas. The city of Kherson, located directly on the front line, faces terrifying attacks daily. Russian drone operators engage in what they themselves describe as "human safari"—targeting individual civilians, civilian vehicles, and public transport with drones, boasting about it afterward. Amid this brutal routine, one attack stood out even more: just before Christmas, Russian airstrikes hit an oncology clinic—and then bragged about it.
The aftermath of a massive Russian attack on Ukrainian cities during Christmas.
The disabling of Russian projectiles that missed their targets.
A Ukrainian Connection in Syria?
Finally, a brief mention of an event that is only indirectly related to the war in Ukraine. In Syria, after 13 years, the bloody civil war has come to an end. As recently as mid-November, there was no indication of an imminent conclusion. However, in just 12 days of offensive operations, the rebel coalition known as CMO seized Damascus, the capital, on the night of Saturday, December 7, to Sunday, December 8—virtually without a fight. The Syrian government army collapsed along with the regime it was meant to protect. Why mention this in connection with Ukraine? Aside from Iran, Bashar al-Assad’s regime was primarily supported by Russia, which had deployed both troops and air forces to Syria. However, after the start of the war in Ukraine, Russia had to weaken its Syrian military presence. Rumors suggest that Ukraine aided the CMO rebels by supplying them with FPV drones, along with a small number of operators (reportedly around 20). At the beginning of the offensive, these drones targeted and eliminated key Syrian government army personnel and objectives. As for Assad, the fallen Syrian dictator has fled to Russia, where he and his family have been granted asylum.
Ukrainian bomb disposal specialists recovered a Russian drone that had been trapped in a tree.
Ukraine’s 40th Tactical Aviation Brigade released a series of photos of MiG-29 fighter jets.
Text: Jan Bobek
Illustration: Antonis Karydis
Cat. No. 70164
Heinz "Esau" Ewald was one of the renowned aces of JG 52, a Luftwaffe fighter unit that operated on the Eastern Front from June 1941 until the end of the war. Born in Zoppot (Sopot), near present-day Gdańsk, he joined Fliegerausbildungsregiment 23 in December 1941 and completed pilot and fighter training. His training continued with JG 106 at Lachen-Speyersdorf, and later with Ergänzungs-Jagdgruppe Ost in La Rochelle, France, where he was prepared for combat.
At 21, Ewald, an NCO, was assigned to II./JG 52 led by Hptm. Gerhard Barkhorn in autumn 1943 . The unit had recently withdrawn from Anapa, Kuban, and operated from various airfields in Ukraine before moving to Bagerowo in Crimea in November. Ewald was transferred to II./JG 52’s 6th Staffel, led by Lt. Helmut Lipfert, who already had over 40 victories.
As a complete novice, Ewald achieved his first victory during his fourth combat flight. This milestone occurred during a "free hunt" mission on November 12, 1943 over the Kerch Strait. Ewald was flying as a wingman for Fw. Ellendt of the 5th Staffel. After about twenty minutes of flying beneath a low-lying, continuous cloud layer, the German duo received a report of Soviet aircraft operating south of their position. They immediately headed toward the designated area at maximum speed, maintaining an altitude of about 100 meters above sea level.
Suddenly, four Soviet Yaks emerged from the clouds roughly a thousand meters ahead of them, and Ellendt quickly pointed them out. What followed happened in mere seconds. The formations flew directly at each other, and Ewald instinctively opened fire on one of the enemy aircraft. Moments later, Ellendt radioed in, confirming a successful shootdown. A confused Ewald asked who had brought down the enemy plane, only to be surprised when Ellendt informed him that it had been Ewald’s shot. The Soviet aircraft spiralled down, crashing on the coast and exploding upon impact.
After landing, Heinz Ewald received numerous congratulations but also found himself on the receiving end of warnings. Fellow pilots repeatedly reminded him that shooting at the enemy head-on was a dangerous tactic that wouldn’t allow him to live long. Over the next few weeks, as Ewald displayed remarkable luck and quickly accumulated several victories, these comments became more frequent.
In German, expressions referring to a large dose of luck often include the words Schwein (pig) or Sau (swine). It was fitting, then, that Ewald earned the nickname "Esau," coined by his comrades in the 6th Staffel. Ofw. Kuhn, acting as the spokesman for the group, formally announced the nickname to Ewald. Kuhn reminded him of the unit’s superstition: a rookie who rapidly racks up victories typically doesn’t live long. Kuhn playfully advised Ewald to go ahead and write a farewell letter to his parents—just in case.
As a supposed candidate for an early death, Ewald received especially generous portions of food from Obergefreiter Prümmer, the chief cook of II./JG 52. After a few weeks, "Esau" found himself often thinking that he would indeed soon fall in battle. This mindset was a result of his colleagues’ remarks, which were likely well-intentioned and meant to temper his enthusiasm, encouraging him to take fewer risks during combat.
The teasing from the pilots of the 6th Staffel eventually subsided when Ewald was selected by Hptm. Gerhard Barkhorn, the commander of II./JG 52, to be his wingman. Ewald went on to fly over a hundred combat sorties alongside his new leader.
Between late 1943 and spring 1944, Ewald achieved 17 aerial victories during the battles in Crimea. Aviation historian Ivan Lavrinenko’s suggests in his book about JG 52´s top aces in Crimean campaign that Ewald likely destroyed between three and nine enemy aircraft. Multiple Luftwaffe pilots often claimed responsibility for the same Soviet aircraft, a common occurrence during intense air battles.
The box art by Antonis Karydis depicts one of Ewald's two victories over Hungary on February 4, 1945, against fighters from the 848th IAP. Both Soviet airmen remain missing. Details of this engagement, along with other battles involving Ewald, can be found in Daniel and Gabor Horvath's book, which provides an in-depth analysis of the Luftwaffe's ace air victories over Hungary in late 1944 and early 1945.
Lucky Ewald survived a dogfight with American fighters on June 24, 1944 over Romania, bailing out after being shot down and sustaining injuries. In early March 1945, he was accidentally shot down by an SS anti-aircraft unit, and a month later, he rejoined his unit after making an emergency landing in a front-line area. "Esau" Ewald was indeed “lucky as a pig.” For a detailed description of these incidents, refer to the article on "Heino" Sachsenberg in INFO magazine 11/2010 and the article The end of the war at the Danube.
Old Habits Die Hard
Text: Jan Bobek
Illustration: Piotr Forkasiewicz
Cat. No. 84205
Many Luftwaffe pilots were accustomed to flying the Bf 109 E since the Spanish Civil War and had literally grown attached to these machines. As a result, transitioning to the Bf 109 F-1 and F-2 variants—equipped with weaker armament compared to the E-7 version—proved unpopular for many of them. Old habits die hard. Even more difficult was the transition to an entirely new type of fighter aircraft with significantly different flight characteristics and a radial engine instead of an inline one: the Focke-Wulf Fw 190.
The first unit to operate the new Fw 190 A-1 was II./JG 26 "Schlageter," equipped with Bf 109 Es. Around the beginning of August 1941, Erprobungsstaffel 190, led by Oblt. Otto Behrens, was transferred from the test center in Rechlin to the Paris-Le Bourget airfield. Behrens' unit had successfully completed its operational tests and was now tasked with passing on its findings to II./JG 26, commanded by Hptm. Walter Adolph.
Without Behrens' experience and dedication, the entire project would, in all likelihood, have been abandoned, as it was plagued with persistent issues—mainly concerning the BMW 801 C-1 powerplant—that would have discouraged less determined individuals.
Part of II./JG 26 trained on Focke-Wulf aircraft in Paris, the rest of the unit flew combat sorties with old planes in Belgium at the Moorsele airbase. This practice became standard for other units transitioning to the Fw 190 A. The first successful deployment of the Fw 190 A took place on August 14, 1941.
In November 1941 III./JG 26 began rearming with the Fw 190 A-1, however, problems with the power units persisted. Mechanics had to make modifications to the exhaust manifolds in field conditions, and the unit independently sourced some spare parts from across Germany. A testament to the engine's reliability issues is the fact that BMW awarded Oblt. Borris, the commander of 8./JG 26, a gold watch after the engine of his Fw 190 surpassed 100 hours of operating time.
By early 1942, the first Fw 190 A-2s, equipped with the improved BMW 801 C-2 powerplant, were documented in service with III./JG 26. Notably, the first aircraft of this version was recorded with II./JG 26 as early as December 1941. In the same month, I./JG 26 took delivery of its first Fw 190 A-1s.
In 1941, Stab JG 26, under the command of Adolf Galland, continued to operate Messerschmitt Bf 109 F-4s. By this time, this version of the Bf 109 had become popular among many pilots. When Maj. Gerhard Schöpfel took over command of JG 26, his Stab began rearming with the Fw 190 A-2 in January 1942, followed by the A-3 version in April.
The fighter-bomber unit, 10./JG 26, transitioned from the Bf 109 F-4/B to the, then, already proven Fw 190 A-2 and A-3 models only in June and July of 1942. The A-3 variant was equipped with the BMW 801 D-2 powerplant, which by then had become relatively trouble-free.
Jagdgeschwader 2 "Richthofen" received their Fw 190s significantly later than their JG 26 counterparts. The Messerschmitt Bf 109 F-2 and F-4 remained in use by Stab JG 2 until July 1942, with at least one E-7 still in service! Under the command of Obstlt. Walter Oesau, the Stab of JG 2 took delivery of its first Fw 190 A-3 in May 1942, followed by additional A-2 and A-3 versions in the subsequent months.
The first Gruppe within JG 2 to begin rearmament with the Fw 190 was II./JG 2, which received the A-2s in March 1942. One of its pilots recalled that very few aircraft were equipped with four wing-mounted guns. This shortage was reportedly due to insufficient gun production capacity, and aircraft with the full armament were usually reserved for unit commanders. The Messerschmitt Bf 109 F-2, F-4, and even one E-4 were gradually phased out of II./JG 2 until May 1942.
Next in line was III./JG 2, commanded by Hptm. Hans "Assi" Hahn. His unit gradually retired the Bf 109 F-2 and F-4 variants by July 1942, starting receiving the Fw 190 A-2 and A-3 models in May. Hahn’s brand-new aircraft is depicted on box art by Piotr Forkasiewicz, with additional details available in the historical text included in the kit's instructions. I./JG 2 was the last to transition to the Fw 190, doing so between June and July 1942. The same timeline applied to the fighter-bomber unit 10./JG 2, which also began rearming during this period.
The Fw 190 was an ideal fighter aircraft for medium- and low-altitude combat, where it held an advantage of its powerful armament and ability to escape in steep dives. However, the operational needs of Luftwaffe fighter units gradually evolved, especially after the arrival of American forces in the UK. As a result, during 1943, some aforementioned units were rearmed with Bf 109s, which were better suited for high-altitude combat. In the spring, II./JG 2 received the G-3, G-4, and G-6 variants. Later, in the autumn, III./JG 26 transitioned to the G-3, G-5, and G-6 models.
Markingy for P-40E Warhawk 1/48
41-5726, Capt. Philip G. Cochran, CO of 65th PS, 57th PG, USA, spring 1942
Philip Gerald Cochran was born on January 29, 1910, in Erie, Pennsylvania, and died on August 26, 1979. He joined the ranks of the USAAC in 1935 and gradually worked his way up to become one of the best P-40 pilots. As a Major, he commanded the 33rd FG in North Africa. Later, at the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, he became commander of the 1st Air Commando Group in India. The unit carried out a wide range of missions from fighter escort of transport and bomber aircraft to supply flights, including very daring missions to supply British Long Range Penetration Groups operating in enemy territory. For his aggressiveness and willingness to take risks on supply missions, Cochran earned the respect of the troops. He scored two aerial victories during the war and retired after the end of hostilities. He returned to Erie, Pennsylvania, and joined his brother’s company, Lyons Transportation Lines, where he became chairman of the board. He died of a heart attack while fox hunting in 1979. His P-40E from spring of 1942 carried the standard Olive Drab and Neutral Grey livery, complete with yellow nose decorations and squadron emblem behind the canopy (both of which were carried by other squadron aircraft as well). There was also a Shillalah inscription on both sides of the nose.
41-36402, Lt. Dallas A. Clinger, 16th FS, 23rd FG, Kweilin, January 1943
Dallas Adellon Clinger was born on June 2, 1916, in Saint Anthony, Idaho. After completing training in 1941, he was transferred to the 16th FS. He achieved his first victory in aerial combat on July 31, 1942, when he shot down an A6M. He followed this up by shooting down a same type aircraft on November 12 of that year and concluded his score with the 16th FS on December 26, 1942, shooting down a Zero again. He scored two more confirmed kills during the war. Clinger remained in the service after the war and retired in 1953 at the rank of Major. He died on December 16, 1988 (aged 72). This P-40E was originally intended to be part of a supply for the RAF and was therefore painted in American Du Pont colors similar to the British shades of Dark Earth (No. 71-035), Dark Green (No. 71-013) and Sky (No. 71-021). The camouflage was retouched on the fuselage sides and tail surfaces with another green paint, probably Olive Drab. The pilot’s personal symbol, the peeing cowboy, was painted on both sides of the rudder. Another Clinger's P-40 bore a similar design. It is not entirely certain whether this aircraft had the inscription “Holdin’ my Own” on both sides of the rudder, it is only documented on the starboard side while there are photographs of the port side without the inscription. However, it may have been added later. The 16th FS P-40s had their wheel discs decorated with a blue field with white star and probably with a red circle in the middle.
Col. Robert L. Scott, CO of 23rd FG, 14th AF, Burma, 1942
Robert Lee Scott was born on April 12, 1908, in Waynesboro, Georgia, and graduated from West Point in 1932. He flew air mail, then commanded a fighter squadron in Panama and served as an instructor in Texas and later in California. By the time the U.S. entered the war, he was considered too old to be a fighter pilot at the age of 33, so he converted to B-17s to join Task Force Aquilla, which was intended to bomb Japanese soil. He flew one B-17 to India but found out there that the plan was cancelled. He became Ops Officer of the ABC Ferry Command group, flying transport aircraft, but also made a few flights with Chennault’s Flying Tigers on P-40. He then managed to confiscate one P-40E intended for AVG and named it Exterminator. This is not the aircraft shown, however, as the one pictured here was his second P-40E, this one officially assigned to him, as Scott had since become commander of the 23rd FG. Sometimes the serial number 11456, i.e., 41-1456, is used in drawings of this one, but no such P-40 existed, yet it has been painted in several profiles because Scott mentioned it himself in his memoirs. He was probably mistaken, but in any case he related this number to the confiscated P-40E. During the flight in which he scored his fourth and fifth kills, the Exterminator was badly damaged and never flew again. The symbols of the five kills were therefore not carried until Scott’s second P-40E, also of unknown serial number (which was probably overpainted anyway according to local custom). In total, Scott achieved 13 kills during the war. He died on February 26, 2006, at the age of 98.
41-5647, 1Lt. John Landers, 9th FS, 49th FG, Darwin, Australia, 1942
John Dave Landers was one of the fighter pilots who achieved victories in two different theatres of war during WW II. He scored his first six kills in the Pacific and added the rest to his total of 14.5 kills in Europe. Born in Oklahoma on August 23, 1920, he moved to Texas at the age of eighteen. He entered the Army Air Cadet program in April 1941, was commissioned as a First Lieutenant on December 12 and shipped to Australia as early as January 1942. He joined the 9th FS/49th FG after delivering one P-40E to Darwin on April 3. He scored two kills the very next day, then added two more victories on June 14 and July 30 before taking off on December 26 for his last combat flight in the Pacific. That day he firstly scored two kills, then was shot down over New Guinea and had to find his way through the jungle. In February 1943 he returned to the USA and was sent on his second operational tour, this time in Europe (where he later completed a third tour as well). The first of Lander’s P-40s is portrayed here. On the left side of the fuselage behind the cockpit, it bore a drawing of a hawk in a yellow field, as a mark of affiliation with the Andy Reynolds Flight, who was the first to use this decoration. The decals provide the Hawk in black and dark brown version, as it is not sure which color was used. On the nose, Skeeter inscription and the drawing of a mosquito holding a machine gun were painted. It is not sure the mosquito was painted on the starboard side as well.
41-5509, 1Lt. Joseph J. Kruzel, 17th PS (Provisional), 4th CG, Java, February 1942
Joseph John Kruzel was born on February 17, 1918, in Pennsylvania. He entered the Air Force in May 1940 and was assigned to the 2nd Observation Squadron in the Philippines in December of that year. He was then transferred to the 17th PS in September 1941. After the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and the invasion of the Philippines, the 17th PS moved to Australia and Kruzel subsequently took part in the fighting in the Dutch East Indies. He achieved his first kill on February 17, 1942, when he shot down a Ki-27 over Palembang. This was followed by two A6M kills on February 19 and 20. In March he joined the 9th FS in Australia, where his wingman was George Preddy. He served with the unit until his return home in December 1942. In November 1943, he moved with the 361st FG to England to Bottisham Base, where the group received its P-47Ds. In Europe, Kruzel achieved three more kills plus one shared. This brought his total to 6.5 kills and one damaged aircraft. He returned to the US in January 1945 and held a number of important positions postwar, achieving the rank of Major General. He retired on August 1, 1970 and died on July 10, 2002 at the age of 84. His P-40 from when he was still with the 17th PS sported the drawing of a dragon breathing fire on both sides of the nose. A similar drawing then adorned another P-40E that Kruzel used in Australia. This one, however, was camouflaged in British colors, and Kruzel’s Flight was named “Dragon Flight” after it.
41-36171, 2Lt. Clyde H. Barnett Jr, 8th FS, 49th FG, Kila Kila, New Guinea, 1942
Clyde Haygood Barnett Jr was born on 23 June 1916 in West Palm Beach, Florida. He scored a total of four kills, two of them in the defense of Darwin. During his time with the 49th FG he took a number of photographs, many of which are well known today. Like a true patriot, he named his P-40 West Palm Beach Playboy. This is the second aircraft of that name, and of interest is the drawing of the West Palm Beach scenery on the left side of the fuselage, as well as the mischievous drawing of Donald Duck on the national insignia on the same side of the fuselage. Although this P-40E was finished in British colors, the lower surfaces were repainted in Neutral Grey. Presumably this repainting also created the non-standard white borders around the US Army lettering and the emblem. Clyde H. Barnett died on April 24, 2002, at the age of 85.
11th FS, 343rd FG, Atoll Kiska, Aleutian Islands, summer 1943
The Aleutian Tigers represent some of the most attractively colored P-40s, thanks to the tiger head that adorned the nose of most aircraft of this type. The 343rd FG was founded on September 3, 1942, at Alaskan base Elmendorf Field. Initially, the group consisted of the 11th FS and 18th FS, both armed with P-40s, and the 54th FS, which used P-38s and operated out of Adak. The pilots of the 11th FS went operational almost immediately after moving to Umnak Island in the Aleutian Islands. In October 1942, the 344th FS joined the group, also with P-40s. The group provided air defense of the Aleutian Islands and also bombed or strafed Japanese targets on Kiska Island itself. Its pilots flew their last combat mission in October 1943, and subsequently conducted patrol and reconnaissance flights until the end of the war, with the exception of high-altitude flights in early 1945, during which the pilots engaged Japanese balloons with incendiary charges. All units were already using P-38s for this purpose, but the P-40s remained in service alongside them. The Tiger Heads were a reminiscence of the AVG, the Flying Tigers of Claire Chennault, since the 343rd FG was initially led by his son Lt Col John S. Chenault. The aircraft depicted here received a name, in this case Flossie, as one of the few Aleutian P-40s. The insignias had short-lived red lining.
A29-113, S/Ldr. Richard Cresswell, CO of No. 77 Squadron (RAAF), Australia, 1942
Richard Cresswell was born on July 27, 1920, in Franklin, Australia, and was an electrician apprentice before he joined the RAAF ranks in June 1938. He began his career with No. 1 Flying Training School as an air cadet in July 1938 and spent the next 12 months learning to fly. He was discharged from the school as a Pilot Officer and joined No. 3 Army Cooperation Squadron. He then served as an instructor and after the Japanese bombing of Darwin on February 19, 1942, he was assigned to the US 9th FS as a Liaison Officer. When the RAAF formed three new squadrons (Nos. 75, 76 and 77) armed with Kittyhawks, Creswell, as a fresh Squadron Leader, was appointed on April 20 as Commander of No. 77 Sqn. At 21 years of age, he was younger than most of his subordinates. In the early hours of November 23 he scored his first kill, which was also the first kill by an Australian unit over Australian territory and the first night kill over Australia as well. No. 77 Sqn. was led by Creswell until August 1943, when he was appointed CO of No. 81 Wing in New Guinea from May 1944 to March 1945, concurrently leading No. 77 Sqn. for a second time between September and December 1944. In September 1950 he assumed command of that unit for a third time, now in Korea, where he also supervised the conversion from P-51Ds to Gloster Meteors. His P-40E of the period when he first commanded No. 77 Sqn. is interesting for the distinctive drawings of flags on either side of the nose. On the left side flew the RAAF, RAF, Union Jack and American flags. On the right side there was the Squadron Leader’s flag.
AL194 (1087), WO2 S. R. J. McLeod, No. 111(F) Squadron (RCAF), Kodiak Island, Alaska, April 1943
No. 111 Squadron was formed in 1932 as the Coastal Artillery Cooperation Squadron. With the outbreak of World War II in September 1939, it was redesignated from No. 111 (CAC) Sqn. to No. 111 (F) Sqn. which signified the change to a fighter squadron. In January 1941 the unit was disbanded, and a new squadron of the same designation was subsequently formed. On November 3, 1941, the unit received its first P-40Es. These were then dismantled and transported to Vancouver Island. In March 1942, the unit was presented with a thunder totem from the Chief of the Saanich First Nation, which became its emblem. The unit also used, unofficially, the name Thunderbird Squadron. Due to the assumption of a Japanese attack on the U.S. base at Dutch Harbor on Unalaska Island (which indeed occurred on June 3), an airfield was built at Umnak. From there, No. 111(F) Sqn. moved in June 1942 to Elmendorf Base, Anchorage, where it remained until October 30 of that year. At the same time in June an X Wing was formed from this unit and No. 8 (BR) Sqn. flying with the Bristol Bolingbrokes. In October 1942, No. 111 (F) Sqn was moved to Kodiak Island, where it remained until August of that year. The aircraft shown here was damaged on belly landing due to a landing gear malfunction. The nose bore the unit’s emblem, the thunder totem, which is often drawn in white only. However, it is likely that it was colored to match the unit’s emblem. The cockade on the fuselage had overpainted yellow part, while the cockades on the upper wing had an unusually small red center and a thicker blue border.
ET790, Sqn. Ldr. Billy Drake, CO of No. 112 Squadron (RAF), LG91, Egypt, July 1942
Billy Drake was born on December 20, 1917, and ranked among Britain’s most successful fighters with 20 confirmed and six probable kills. In addition, he damaged nine more enemy aircraft. He fought successively in France, England, Africa and Malta and became the most successful British pilot with the P-40 (13 kills) and second in the Commonwealth after Clive Caldwell (20 kills). He was sent to Africa in December 1941 with the task of forming No. 128 Squadron, armed with Hurricanes. At the end of May 1942, he took over the command of No. 112 Sqn. From Clive Caldwell. In November 1943 he returned to the UK and flew Typhoons. After the war he became deputy commander of Biggin Hill base. Billy Drake died in August 2011 at the age of 94. His P-40E bore the distinctive No. 112 Sqn. emblem, a shark’s mouth on the nose. Drake chose a question mark instead of a code letter as his personal marking, and his machine bore the name Christine on the left side under the cockpit.
ET953, Sqn. Ldr. Robert H. M. Gibbes, No. 3 Squadron (RAAF), LG91, Egypt, August-September 1942
Robert Henry Maxwell Gibbes was born on May 6, 1916 and joined the ranks of the RAAF in February 1940. After completing his training, he was commissioned on June 28, 1940 and assigned to No. 23 Sqn. flying CAC Wirraways and Lockheed Hudsons. In April 1941 he was transferred to No. 450 Sqn. in the Middle East, but just a month later he moved to No. 3 Sqn. Another month later this unit rearmed from Hurricanes to Tomahawks and began operations in Syria and Lebanon. Gibbes was credited with one probable kill of a Ju 88 near Beirut on June 13 and achieved his first confirmed kill on July 11. His victim was a Vichy D.520. In September No. 3 Sqn. was moved to Africa. Gibbes shot down two Fiat G.50s and damaged three others plus one Bf 109 on November 25. He then served at Darwin (Australia) at No. 80 Wing as Caldwell’s deputy. In all, he scored 12 confirmed kills, five probable ones and 16 damaged aircraft during the war. After the war he built a network of hotels and coffee plantations and kept flying until the age of 85, dying in April 2007 (aged 90) of a heart attack. His P-40E carried a drawing of a dachshund, symbolizing a German, being kicked in the butt by a kangaroo. The drawing is photographically documented on this aircraft in both unpainted and painted versions, but these drawings differ in detail. It is possible that it was done repeatedly after the engine covers were replaced.
Maj. Pyotr A. Pokryshev, CO of 154 IAP, Plekhanovo, the Soviet Union, September 1942
Pyotr Afanasevich Pokryshev was born on August 24, 1914, in Hola Pristani, Ukraine. Before the war, he worked in shipyards and after graduating from trade school in 1932 he worked as a mechanic. In 1934 he completed pilot training at the aeroclub and joined the army. A year later he graduated from the Odessa Military Aviation School and was subsequently assigned to the 13 Independent Fighter Squadron. In 1938 he was transferred to the 38 Fighter Aviation Regiment (IAP) as a Flight commander. During the Winter War he flew with the 7 IAP on the I-16 and was credited with two kills. He was himself shot down on December 20, 1939. In January 1941, he transferred to the 158 IAP as squadron commander. In October 1942 he was transferred to 154 IAP as deputy commander. His first victim after retraining on the P-40 was a Bf 109. On August 24, 1943, he was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union for the second time and also crashed heavily during a training flight. In total, he scored 18 (some sources say 22) confirmed and six shared kills. After the war, he served at the Monin Military Academy and rose through several command and staff positions to become Chief of Staff of the Air Force. He flew the MiG-15s and MiG-17s. He died on August 22, 1967, when he drowned while on vacation.
Markingy for Bf 109G-10 WNF/Diana 1/72
WNr. 610487, Lt. Heinz Ewald, II./JG 52, Veszprém, Hungary, February 1945
Heinz Ewald was born on September 1, 1922, in Zoppot (Sopot), Free City of Danzig (Gdańsk). On December 1, 1941, he volunteered for military service and, after basic training with Fl.Ausb.Rgt. 23, underwent pilot training. In the fall of 1943, he was assigned to 6./JG 52 on the Eastern Front, where he often flew as a wingman to Gerhard Barkhorn. On November 12, 1943, he achieved his first aerial victory. On June 24, 1944, he suffered serious injuries, after downing a B-24 bomber near Ploiești, he was himself shot down by escorting fighters. Following his recovery, he returned in October 1944 to II./JG 52, which was then stationed in Hungary. He recorded his 50th aerial victory on January 2, 1945, and achieved five more victories the following day. In the final months of the war, he was involved in the defence of Vienna. His 84th and last victory was achieved on April 16, 1945. Four days later, Ewald was awarded the Knight’s Cross. Throughout his career, he was shot down several times and earned a reputation as a lucky pilot.
WNr. 612769, 101. vadászezred, Neubiberg, Germany, May 1945
In the end of March 1945, the remaining Hungarian units were concentrated at Tulln airport in Austria from where they flew sorties to the areas of Vienna and Brno. After the front approached Tulln on April 5, 1945, they relocated to Raffelding airport, from where they continued in the air support of the land forces in the vicinity of Vienna. At the end of the war, the Hungarian airmen, same as their German comrades-in-arms, better surrendered to the American Army than to Soviet one, therefore the 101. vadászezred pilots flew over to the Bavarian Neubiberg with their remaining aircraft. Airframes manufactured in Diana plant were camouflaged in the same colors as the airframes from Wiener Neustadt plant. From the photographs of Red 12 it is obvious that the Hungarian national markings were spray-painted directly on the factory camouflage. The German markings were not applied at all. Part of the wing undersurfaces remained in the natural metal color.
WNr. 611975, Stab II./JG 52, Neubiberg, Germany, May 1945
The markings on this aircraft identify it as the wingman of the commander of II./JG 52, Maj. Wilhelm Batz. Batz was assigned to the staff of II./JG 52 on the Eastern Front in February 1943. He achieved his first victory on March 11, 1943, and was appointed commander of 5./JG 52 in May. By March 1944, he had achieved his 100th victory and was made commander of III./JG 52 in April. In early February 1945, he assumed command of II./JG 52, which at the time was fighting in Hungary. His final 237th victory was recorded on April 16, 1945. Five days later, he was awarded the Swords to the Knight’s Cross with Oak Leaves. On May 8, 1945, Batz and his unit flew into captivity, transferring from Zeltweg in Austria to Bad Aibling in Bavaria, accompanied by a formation of Thunderbolts during the final leg of the journey. This particular aircraft was photographed at Neubiberg airfield near Munich. The pilot who flew this plane into captivity was Uffz. Anton Kellmayer (3 victories) of 7./JG 52.
WNr. 611xx2, Jasta 5 der ROA, Deutsch Brod, Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren, May 1945
Jasta 5 of the Russian Liberation Army (ROA) was stationed at the base in Deutsch Brod (now Havlíčkův Brod) in occupied Bohemia at the beginning of March 1945. Along with Ju 87D-5 dive bombers of Nachtschlachtstaffel 8 der ROA, the Jasta 5 der ROA participated in the retreat battles of German forces during the Battle of Brno in April 1945. The unit was commanded by Major Semyon Trofimovich Bychkov, a former Soviet pilot. Flying Hurricane, Yak-7, and La-5 planes, he achieved 15 victories, completed 230 combat missions, and was awarded the prestigious title of Hero of the Soviet Union. While serving with the 482nd IAP, he was shot down by flak and captured on December 10, 1943. Initially cooperating with the Luftwaffe as ferry pilot, he later took part in anti-partisan aerial operations in the Baltic region and ultimately became the commander of the Jasta 5 fighter unit, nicknamed Oberst Kazakov. At the end of the war, he surrendered to Americans but was later handed over to the Soviets and executed on November 4, 1946. This Bf 109, in the typical camouflage pattern of machines produced at the WNF factory, bore the ROA markings on the tail in the form of a St. Andrew’s cross.
II./JG 52, Ainring, Germany, May 1945
This Bf 109 was delivered to I./JG 53 at the end of December 1944. There it received the unit’s insignia on the nose, a spade ace, along with a yellow band. The fuselage was marked with Stab designations, and the rudder was painted yellow, with the first digit 6 of the serial number visible on the left side of the fin and the last digit 8 on the right side. Likely in April 1945, after the dissolution of I./JG 53, the aircraft was transferred to II./JG 52. Here, the markings of the previous unit were painted over with camouflage paint. The primary focus of operations conducted by II./JG 52 in 1945 was combat against Red Army forces in Hungary and Austria. In April 1945, II./JG 52 briefly operated from the territory of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, conducting missions in support of German forces against the Soviet offensive during the battles for Brno. A photograph captured the aircraft marked as Yellow 6 on May 8, 1945, at Ainring airfield in Bavaria.
Avia S-99.21, Police Air Patrol Unit, Czechoslovak Police Air Force, Prague-Ruzyně, 1947-1950
This aircraft was the last unit assembled in the spring of 1947 at the Avia factory in Čakovice. After test flights and inspections, it was located at Ruzyně Airport in mid-July 1947, where it served with the Czechoslovak Police (SNB) Air Force until the summer of 1950 (with a one-and-a-half-year break for repairs following a crash). From mid-December 1947, the Czechoslovak Police Air Force was renamed to the Aviation Security Corps of the Ministry of the Interior (BL, Bezpečnostní letectvo ministerstva vnitra). The aircraft was painted steel gray on the upper and side surfaces, with the undersides coated in a darker gray color. The aircraft operated by the SNB/BL patrols had engine cowlings, wing leading edges, and horizontal stabilizers, including elevators, painted scarlet red. Registration markings on the sides of the fuselage and on the upper and lower wing surfaces were applied in the same red color with a white outline. The national insignia took the shape of a rounded triangle, which was standard for Police Air Patrol Unit. On this particular Avia, the insignia lacked the white outline.
Markings for Fw 190A-3 1/48
WNr. 223, Hptm. Hans Hahn, CO of III./JG 2, Beaumont le Roger, France, June 1942
Hans “Assi” Hahn, a fighter ace and recipient of the Knight’s Cross with Oak Leaves, led the 4./JG 2 from December 1939 and the III./JG 2 from October 29, 1940. “Assi's“ rudder was adorned with 61 victory marks reflecting his activities on the Western Front. During a British raid on the power plant in Caen on May 6, 1942, as part of Operation Circus 159, Hahn achieved his 60th and 61st victories by shooting down two Spitfires. During May, his unit was re-equipped from Bf 109Fs to Fw 190As. It is likely that with the aircraft depicted, Hahn achieved three more victories over Spitfires on June 6, 1942. Beginning on November 1, 1942, he took command of II./JG 54 and led this Gruppe until February 21, 1943, when he was shot down and captured by Soviet forces. Hahn was not released from captivity until 1950, during which he wrote a book about his experiences in prison titled Ich spreche die Wahrheit! (I speak the truth!). Before his capture, he had achieved 108 victories, 66 of which were on the Western Front. The rooster’s head painted on his aircraft symbolized the III. Gruppe JG 2’s HQ planes and was derived from Hahn’s surname, as “Hahn” means rooster in German. Hans Hahn passed away in 1982, and his wife later remarried the night fighter pilot Wolfgang Falck.
WNr. 216, Oblt. Karl Borris, CO of 8./JG 26, Wevelghem, Belgium, July 1942
Karl Borris was the only pre-war pilot who flew with JG 26 until the end of the war. He was born on March 3, 1916, in Heinsdorf. He joined the Luftwaffe in November 1935 and underwent command training at LKS 1 Dresden. Before the war, he served with I./JG 130 in Jesau and from September 1939 until the end of the year he was assigned to JFS 1 in Schleissheim. In December 1939, he was transferred to II./JG 26. As part of this unit, he participated in the French campaign but was shot down in combat with the RAF on May 13, 1940. However he managed to return to his unit four days later. He achieved his first victory on June 1, 1940, and by the end of the war, he had achieved 42 more victories. In September 1940, he assumed the position of Technical Officer for II./JG 26 and participated in operational testing of the Fw 190A. In November 1941, he was appointed Staffelkapitän of 8./JG 26 and from June 1943 until the end of the war he commanded I./JG 26. He was awarded the Knight’s Cross on November 25, 1944, after achieving his 41st victory. He passed away on August 18, 1981, in Bornum. Borris’s aircraft, featuring RLM 74, 75, and 76 camouflage with yellow quick-identification elements for the Western Front, had 20 victories marked on its rudder.
Oblt. Wolfgang Kosse, 1./JG 5, Herdla, Norway, October 1942
Wolfgang Kosse was born on September 27, 1918, in Berlin. In May 1940, he was assigned to 6./JG 26 and was appointed as the CO of 5./JG 26 in August of the same year. Within the ranks of JG 26, he achieved a total of 11 victories, including a Spitfire from the Tangmere Wing, which might have been piloted by Douglas Bader. From May 1942, Kosse served as the CO of 1./JG 5 in Norway. At the end of 1943, he was stripped of his command due to an aerial indiscipline and aircraft damage and was demoted from the rank of Hauptmann to Flieger. In early 1944, he volunteered for Sturmstaffel 1 flying Fw 190As. In June 1944, holding the rank of Oberleutnant, he became the CO of 5./JG 5 flying Bf 109s in France. In August, he was transferred to IV.(Sturm)/JG 3, equipped with heavily armored Fw 190As. He was assigned to its 14 Staffel, which was formed from Sturmstaffel 1. In October, he was appointed CO of 13.(Sturm)/JG 3 and regained the rank of Hauptmann. Kosse was killed in action on December 24, 1944, during a dogfight with RAF fighters near Liège, Belgium. Some sources state he scored 28 victories. His personal aircraft, featuring camouflage in RLM 74, 75, and 76 with yellow quick-identification elements for the Western Front, bore an emblem on its nose depicting a monkey sitting on a circular saw, holding a top hat with a British flag.
WNr. 2259, Oblt. Günther Josten, 1./JG 51, Lyuban, the Soviet Union, autumn 1942
Eighteen-year-old Günther Josten joined the ranks of the Luftwaffe in January 1940 and began fighter pilot training with JGr. Drontheim in Norway in November 1941. At the end of August 1942, he was transferred to 3./JG 51 on the Eastern Front, achieving his first victory on February 23, 1943. A year later, after achieving 84 victories, he was awarded the Knight’s Cross. He became the commander of 3./JG 51 on July 18, 1944, and two days later scored his 100th victory. After achieving 161 aerial victories, out of a total of 178, he was awarded the Oak Leaves to the Knight’s Cross on March 28, 1945. During the last two weeks of the war, he led IV./JG 51. He joined the Bundesluftwaffe on April 4, 1956, and in 1962 was appointed commander of JG 71. Josten retired on March 31, 1981, with the rank of Oberst as deputy commander of the 4 Luftwaffe Division. He passed away on July 7, 2004. His brother, Reinhard, serving with I./JG 51, was killed in action on April 21, 1942. Günther Josten’s aircraft was painted with non-standard camouflage consisting of two shades of dark green, complemented by yellow markings, i.e., yellow tips on the lower half of the wing and a yellow fuselage band, both quick-identification elements for the Eastern Front. The engine cowling displayed the emblem of JG 51, while the windshield frame bore the emblem of I./JG 51.
Tail End Charlie
Nuremberg Toy Fair 2025
Text: Jakub Nademlejnský
Knowing that it would fall to me to prepare the Tail End Charlie for this issue, I suggested to my colleagues that I write it at the very last minute, on Sunday morning, immediately after returning from Nuremberg at midnight on Saturday, as it would surely be of interest to readers. So I am writing my feelings in the heat of the moment. While we were in a very positive mood on the way home, I've decided to split this Tail End Charlie into two parts, positive and negative, with the positive part being the one I'd like to start with, as it's definitely the one that's prevailing in me.
Our participation in Nuremberg certainly served its purpose. Although there were not as many meetings at our stand as in the years before COVID, since representatives from companies in the plastic modelling industry did not come in the same numbers as in these years. However, the meetings were intense, we could afford to have them long and substantive, to deepen relationships, to stay focused during them, not having to rush because of other meetings or because a participant was already waiting for another meeting in front of the stand. So the whole thing took place in a very relaxed atmosphere, visitors came to us with smiles on their faces. For example, we brewed over 50 cups of coffee for guests during the show. Our coffee was said to be the best in the whole world, made by our CEO Mr Šulc himself, and he was probably very proud of it. The number of company stands from our branch remained practically unchanged, apart from us there were Special Hobby, Tamiya, Airfix at the Hornby stand, Academy, Miniart, Trumpeter/HobbyBoss, Clearprop together with the accessories producer Reskit, Italeri, Heller together with the distributor Glow2B, the trading company Modellbau König, the company Hobby-Pro, which distributes Zvezda and Dragon in Europe, the distributor and profile producer Albion Alloys and Revell in Hall 12. 2. It has to be said that it is quite a walk from Hall 7 to Hall 12.2, but the Revell stand is well worth a visit. Revell and Tamiya have the largest stands in our industry, both offering the opportunity to drive RC cars, for example. Revell has expanded its range considerably and, as well as plastic models, now offers a relatively new range of plywood and paper models.
In the past, the Nuremberg fair was used extensively by companies for press conferences, which Eduard also held until last year. Last year it was just a modest conference held on our small stand. Due to a lack of interest from the media and the public, no conference was held this year. And hardly anyone asked for one. We simply presented our future plans individually to those who were interested. It was more work for us, but we didn't mind, it was interesting to see the individual reactions. Everyone could ask individual questions, we pleased or surprised almost everyone and I had a nice feeling about it. In the past, the fair was also used by companies to announce long-awaited absolute novelties. I think the trade fair is losing this function as well, with companies preferring to use social networks or other online channels for this purpose. In short, we live in the internet age and going to a trade fair is probably not so fashionable for journalists or even modellers. However, there have been a few exceptions. Tamiya announced the new Hotchkiss H-39 tank in 1/35th scale, IBG finished their campaign of revealing new model lines and brought the first 1/72nd scale mouldings of the Mk.I-V Spitfire range, they also showed renderings of the Mc.200,202 and 205 and the Hs 129 in 1/72nd scale.
Now for the negatives. As the number of other companies in related fields continues to dwindle, we moved again. This time from Hall 7A to Hall 7, which was not completely full. This point contributes to the fact that fewer and fewer people and companies are coming to the show overall, which weakens the whole show in terms of making new contacts. Perhaps this is why most of our distributors from the USA have not come to the show since COVID, nor have our distributor from Japan or most of the manufacturers from Asia. There are also fewer and fewer media representatives. This year, the public were able to visit the show for the entire duration, but this did not increase the number of visitors, at least in our hall. The aisles were rather half-empty, there were no crowds. Another blemish is the catering, the quality of which is getting worse every year. Regrettably, the fair also served us a bitter end in the form of the impossibility to drive our car into the area to get things from our stand while we were packing, so we had to drive on the pavement around the whole area on a small mobile trolley. Unfortunately, most of the companies had the same idea, so we had to dodge various adventurers with pallet trucks or hastily constructed improvised trolleys.
But as I said at the beginning, I am convinced that the show is still relevant to our business. It may be declining in importance, but it is still worth attending. We see meeting our business partners live as an important and strengthening part of our business relationships. Finally, I would like to thank everyone who visited our stand. See you next year!
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.y4a6{bottom:182.493600pt;} .y878{bottom:183.114800pt;} .y417{bottom:186.280000pt;} .y43a{bottom:186.325333pt;} .y25c{bottom:186.503733pt;} .y915{bottom:188.104495pt;} .y713{bottom:188.846080pt;} .y5ae{bottom:188.957467pt;} .y8d1{bottom:193.526267pt;} .y8a6{bottom:194.518400pt;} .y350{bottom:194.527733pt;} .y182{bottom:194.551733pt;} .y1f8{bottom:194.555733pt;} .y115{bottom:194.571733pt;} .y396{bottom:194.579600pt;} .y385{bottom:194.583600pt;} .y3f3{bottom:194.611600pt;} .y161{bottom:194.627733pt;} .y125{bottom:194.631733pt;} .y30d{bottom:194.635733pt;} .y24c{bottom:194.687733pt;} .y272{bottom:194.699733pt;} .y1c0{bottom:194.791733pt;} .y8a{bottom:194.803733pt;} .y7be{bottom:194.972133pt;} .y45f{bottom:196.977600pt;} .y482{bottom:197.102267pt;} .y4a5{bottom:197.226933pt;} .y877{bottom:199.114800pt;} .y6f2{bottom:200.871840pt;} .y416{bottom:200.945333pt;} .y439{bottom:200.990667pt;} .y73c{bottom:203.565653pt;} .y663{bottom:204.727867pt;} .y25b{bottom:206.506400pt;} 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.y515{bottom:222.298800pt;} .y520{bottom:222.322800pt;} .y52b{bottom:222.346800pt;} .y3e{bottom:222.755480pt;} .y91d{bottom:223.237333pt;} .y73b{bottom:224.940693pt;} .y8cf{bottom:225.526267pt;} .y45d{bottom:226.444267pt;} .y25a{bottom:226.509067pt;} .y8a4{bottom:226.518400pt;} .y34e{bottom:226.519733pt;} .y104{bottom:226.539733pt;} .y180{bottom:226.543733pt;} .y1f6{bottom:226.547733pt;} .y371{bottom:226.551600pt;} .y113{bottom:226.563733pt;} .y480{bottom:226.568933pt;} .y394{bottom:226.571600pt;} .y383{bottom:226.575600pt;} .y3f1{bottom:226.603600pt;} .y23{bottom:226.613687pt;} .y15f{bottom:226.619733pt;} .y123{bottom:226.623733pt;} .y30b{bottom:226.627733pt;} .y24a{bottom:226.679733pt;} .y270{bottom:226.691733pt;} .y4a3{bottom:226.693600pt;} .y1be{bottom:226.783733pt;} .y88{bottom:226.795733pt;} .y5ac{bottom:227.610800pt;} .y913{bottom:227.966387pt;} .y414{bottom:230.276000pt;} .y437{bottom:230.321333pt;} .y7f0{bottom:230.755333pt;} .y54a{bottom:230.782800pt;} .y54f{bottom:230.806800pt;} .y55b{bottom:230.830800pt;} .y875{bottom:231.114800pt;} .y711{bottom:231.596160pt;} .y92d{bottom:231.724000pt;} .y5a5{bottom:232.586267pt;} .y5a7{bottom:232.642933pt;} .y665{bottom:232.777867pt;} .y91c{bottom:234.437333pt;} .y662{bottom:235.441200pt;} .y514{bottom:236.962800pt;} .y51f{bottom:236.986800pt;} .y52a{bottom:237.010800pt;} .y707{bottom:240.329067pt;} .y45c{bottom:241.177600pt;} .y47f{bottom:241.302267pt;} .y4a2{bottom:241.426933pt;} .y8ce{bottom:241.526267pt;} .y8a3{bottom:242.518400pt;} .y34d{bottom:242.519733pt;} .y103{bottom:242.535733pt;} .y17f{bottom:242.539733pt;} .y1f5{bottom:242.543733pt;} .y370{bottom:242.547600pt;} .y112{bottom:242.559733pt;} .y393{bottom:242.567600pt;} .y382{bottom:242.571600pt;} .y3f0{bottom:242.599600pt;} .y15e{bottom:242.615733pt;} .y122{bottom:242.619733pt;} .y30a{bottom:242.623733pt;} .y249{bottom:242.675733pt;} .y26f{bottom:242.687733pt;} .y1bd{bottom:242.779733pt;} .y87{bottom:242.791733pt;} 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.y794{bottom:267.059067pt;} .y739{bottom:267.690773pt;} .y911{bottom:267.821467pt;} .y5d0{bottom:269.011600pt;} .y5cf{bottom:269.016000pt;} .y21{bottom:270.443083pt;} .y45a{bottom:270.644267pt;} .y47d{bottom:270.768933pt;} .y4a0{bottom:270.893600pt;} .y22{bottom:272.325327pt;} .y4ea{bottom:272.398800pt;} .y4f5{bottom:272.422800pt;} .y500{bottom:272.446800pt;} .y8cc{bottom:273.526267pt;} .y411{bottom:274.272000pt;} .y434{bottom:274.317333pt;} .y70f{bottom:274.346240pt;} .y8a1{bottom:274.518400pt;} .y101{bottom:274.527733pt;} .y17d{bottom:274.531733pt;} .y1f3{bottom:274.535733pt;} .y36e{bottom:274.539600pt;} .y110{bottom:274.551733pt;} .y391{bottom:274.559600pt;} .y380{bottom:274.563600pt;} .y3ee{bottom:274.591600pt;} .y15c{bottom:274.607733pt;} .y120{bottom:274.611733pt;} .y308{bottom:274.615733pt;} .y247{bottom:274.667733pt;} .y26d{bottom:274.679733pt;} .y34c{bottom:274.711733pt;} .y1bb{bottom:274.771733pt;} .y547{bottom:274.774800pt;} .y85{bottom:274.783733pt;} .y54c{bottom:274.798800pt;} .y558{bottom:274.822800pt;} .y57c{bottom:275.722800pt;} .y586{bottom:275.746800pt;} .y590{bottom:275.770800pt;} .y2eb{bottom:276.492000pt;} .y6c9{bottom:277.428000pt;} .y6d3{bottom:277.452000pt;} .y6dd{bottom:277.476000pt;} .y563{bottom:280.006800pt;} .y56b{bottom:280.030800pt;} .y793{bottom:280.392400pt;} .y511{bottom:280.954800pt;} .y51c{bottom:280.978800pt;} .y527{bottom:281.002800pt;} .y6ab{bottom:281.196000pt;} .y6b5{bottom:281.220000pt;} .y702{bottom:283.537333pt;} .y3fc{bottom:283.756133pt;} .y7ec{bottom:284.369067pt;} .y459{bottom:285.377600pt;} .y47c{bottom:285.502267pt;} .y49f{bottom:285.626933pt;} .y62b{bottom:285.764267pt;} .y634{bottom:285.788267pt;} .y6ee{bottom:286.372000pt;} .y257{bottom:286.517067pt;} .y4e9{bottom:287.062800pt;} .y4f4{bottom:287.086800pt;} .y4ff{bottom:287.110800pt;} .y410{bottom:288.937333pt;} .y433{bottom:288.982667pt;} .y738{bottom:289.065813pt;} .y546{bottom:289.438800pt;} .y533{bottom:289.450800pt;} 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.y510{bottom:295.618800pt;} .y51b{bottom:295.642800pt;} .y526{bottom:295.666800pt;} .y70e{bottom:295.721280pt;} .y6aa{bottom:295.860000pt;} .y6b4{bottom:295.884000pt;} .y798{bottom:296.441867pt;} .y5aa{bottom:297.987467pt;} .y64e{bottom:299.602133pt;} .y657{bottom:299.626133pt;} .y458{bottom:300.110933pt;} .y47b{bottom:300.235600pt;} .y49e{bottom:300.360267pt;} .y62a{bottom:300.428267pt;} .y633{bottom:300.452267pt;} .y63c{bottom:300.476267pt;} .y5fb{bottom:301.066133pt;} .y603{bottom:301.090133pt;} .y4e8{bottom:301.726800pt;} .y4f3{bottom:301.750800pt;} .y4fe{bottom:301.774800pt;} .y2ea{bottom:302.457333pt;} .y40f{bottom:303.602667pt;} .y432{bottom:303.648000pt;} .y947{bottom:304.072400pt;} .y545{bottom:304.102800pt;} .y532{bottom:304.114800pt;} .y539{bottom:304.126800pt;} .y556{bottom:304.150800pt;} .y701{bottom:304.912373pt;} .y57a{bottom:305.050800pt;} .y584{bottom:305.074800pt;} .y58e{bottom:305.098800pt;} .y29f{bottom:305.345200pt;} .y2a0{bottom:305.347867pt;} .yff{bottom:306.519733pt;} .y17b{bottom:306.523733pt;} .y1f1{bottom:306.527733pt;} .y36c{bottom:306.531600pt;} .y10e{bottom:306.543733pt;} .y38f{bottom:306.551600pt;} .y37e{bottom:306.555600pt;} .y3ec{bottom:306.583600pt;} .y15a{bottom:306.599733pt;} .y11e{bottom:306.603733pt;} .y306{bottom:306.607733pt;} .y245{bottom:306.659733pt;} .y26b{bottom:306.671733pt;} .y34a{bottom:306.703733pt;} .y6c7{bottom:306.756000pt;} .y1b9{bottom:306.763733pt;} .y83{bottom:306.775733pt;} .y6d1{bottom:306.780000pt;} .y6db{bottom:306.804000pt;} .y6ed{bottom:307.747040pt;} .y910{bottom:307.751802pt;} .y561{bottom:309.334800pt;} .y569{bottom:309.358800pt;} .y571{bottom:309.382800pt;} .y50f{bottom:310.282800pt;} .y51a{bottom:310.306800pt;} .y525{bottom:310.330800pt;} .y737{bottom:310.440853pt;} .y6a9{bottom:310.524000pt;} .y6b3{bottom:310.548000pt;} .y6bd{bottom:310.572000pt;} .y64d{bottom:314.266133pt;} .y656{bottom:314.290133pt;} .y457{bottom:314.844267pt;} .y47a{bottom:314.968933pt;} .y786{bottom:314.988800pt;} .y787{bottom:314.990933pt;} .y629{bottom:315.092267pt;} .y49d{bottom:315.093600pt;} .y632{bottom:315.116267pt;} .y63b{bottom:315.140267pt;} .y946{bottom:315.272400pt;} .y2c{bottom:315.617333pt;} .y5fa{bottom:315.730133pt;} .y602{bottom:315.754133pt;} .y4e7{bottom:316.390800pt;} .y4f2{bottom:316.414800pt;} .y4fd{bottom:316.438800pt;} .y70d{bottom:317.096320pt;} .y29e{bottom:317.347867pt;} .y927{bottom:317.394667pt;} .y40e{bottom:318.268000pt;} .y431{bottom:318.313333pt;} .y889{bottom:318.623333pt;} .y544{bottom:318.766800pt;} .y531{bottom:318.778800pt;} .y538{bottom:318.790800pt;} .y53f{bottom:318.802800pt;} .y555{bottom:318.814800pt;} .y7b7{bottom:319.370133pt;} .y579{bottom:319.714800pt;} .y8b6{bottom:319.738267pt;} .y583{bottom:319.738800pt;} .y58d{bottom:319.762800pt;} .y7b5{bottom:319.828400pt;} .y871{bottom:319.995067pt;} .y6c6{bottom:321.420000pt;} .y6d0{bottom:321.444000pt;} .y6da{bottom:321.468000pt;} .y17a{bottom:322.519733pt;} .y1f0{bottom:322.523733pt;} .y36b{bottom:322.527600pt;} .y175{bottom:322.539733pt;} .y38e{bottom:322.547600pt;} .y37d{bottom:322.551600pt;} .y3eb{bottom:322.579600pt;} .y159{bottom:322.595733pt;} .y305{bottom:322.603733pt;} .y3b9{bottom:322.611733pt;} .y244{bottom:322.655733pt;} .y26a{bottom:322.667733pt;} .y3cd{bottom:322.683733pt;} .y349{bottom:322.699733pt;} .y1b8{bottom:322.759733pt;} .y82{bottom:322.771733pt;} .y367{bottom:323.850800pt;} .y560{bottom:323.998800pt;} .y568{bottom:324.022800pt;} .y570{bottom:324.046800pt;} .y50e{bottom:324.946800pt;} .y519{bottom:324.970800pt;} .y524{bottom:324.994800pt;} .y6a8{bottom:325.188000pt;} .y6b2{bottom:325.212000pt;} .y6bc{bottom:325.236000pt;} .y5a2{bottom:325.714000pt;} .y65f{bottom:325.848933pt;} .y700{bottom:326.287413pt;} .y945{bottom:326.472400pt;} .y90f{bottom:327.669725pt;} .y782{bottom:328.319600pt;} .y926{bottom:328.594667pt;} .y64c{bottom:328.930133pt;} .y655{bottom:328.954133pt;} .y65e{bottom:328.978133pt;} 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.y36a{bottom:338.523600pt;} .y174{bottom:338.535733pt;} .y38d{bottom:338.543600pt;} .y37c{bottom:338.547600pt;} .y31a{bottom:338.551733pt;} .y3ea{bottom:338.575600pt;} .y158{bottom:338.591733pt;} .y304{bottom:338.599733pt;} .y3b8{bottom:338.607733pt;} .y243{bottom:338.651733pt;} .y335{bottom:338.659733pt;} .y55f{bottom:338.662800pt;} .y269{bottom:338.663733pt;} .y3cc{bottom:338.679733pt;} .y567{bottom:338.686800pt;} .y348{bottom:338.695733pt;} .y56f{bottom:338.710800pt;} .y1b7{bottom:338.755733pt;} .y81{bottom:338.767733pt;} .y50d{bottom:339.610800pt;} .y518{bottom:339.634800pt;} .y523{bottom:339.658800pt;} .y925{bottom:339.794667pt;} .y6a7{bottom:339.852000pt;} .y6b1{bottom:339.876000pt;} .y6bb{bottom:339.900000pt;} .y131{bottom:340.970400pt;} .y29c{bottom:341.347867pt;} .y29b{bottom:341.349067pt;} .y5c8{bottom:343.588133pt;} .y64b{bottom:343.594133pt;} .y654{bottom:343.618133pt;} .y65d{bottom:343.642133pt;} .y455{bottom:344.310933pt;} .y627{bottom:344.420267pt;} 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.y607{bottom:359.770133pt;} .y363{bottom:359.845467pt;} .y70b{bottom:359.846400pt;} .y364{bottom:359.853467pt;} .y4e4{bottom:360.382800pt;} .y4ef{bottom:360.406800pt;} .y4fa{bottom:360.430800pt;} .y781{bottom:360.586267pt;} .y130{bottom:360.973067pt;} .y40b{bottom:362.264000pt;} .y42e{bottom:362.309333pt;} .y541{bottom:362.758800pt;} .y52e{bottom:362.770800pt;} .y535{bottom:362.782800pt;} .y53c{bottom:362.794800pt;} .y552{bottom:362.806800pt;} .y576{bottom:363.706800pt;} .y580{bottom:363.730800pt;} .y58a{bottom:363.754800pt;} .y936{bottom:364.397333pt;} .y91b{bottom:365.216000pt;} .y6c3{bottom:365.412000pt;} .y6cd{bottom:365.436000pt;} .y6d7{bottom:365.460000pt;} .yf5{bottom:366.096267pt;} .y90d{bottom:367.505571pt;} .y5c6{bottom:367.588133pt;} .y55d{bottom:367.990800pt;} .y565{bottom:368.014800pt;} .y56d{bottom:368.038800pt;} .y7e8{bottom:368.503531pt;} .y50b{bottom:368.938800pt;} .y516{bottom:368.962800pt;} .y521{bottom:368.986800pt;} .yf6{bottom:368.993925pt;} 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.y606{bottom:374.434133pt;} .y4e3{bottom:375.046800pt;} .y4ee{bottom:375.070800pt;} .y4f9{bottom:375.094800pt;} .y935{bottom:375.597333pt;} .y91a{bottom:376.416000pt;} .y40a{bottom:376.929333pt;} .y42d{bottom:376.974667pt;} .y887{bottom:377.295867pt;} .y540{bottom:377.422800pt;} .y52d{bottom:377.434800pt;} .y534{bottom:377.446800pt;} .y53b{bottom:377.458800pt;} .y551{bottom:377.470800pt;} .y87d{bottom:378.358667pt;} .y575{bottom:378.370800pt;} .y57f{bottom:378.394800pt;} .y8b4{bottom:378.400800pt;} .y589{bottom:378.418800pt;} .y6c2{bottom:380.076000pt;} .y6cc{bottom:380.100000pt;} .y6d6{bottom:380.124000pt;} .y12f{bottom:380.975733pt;} .y93f{bottom:381.464400pt;} .y6a4{bottom:383.844000pt;} .y361{bottom:383.850800pt;} .y6ae{bottom:383.868000pt;} .y6b8{bottom:383.892000pt;} .y7e7{bottom:384.138843pt;} .y171{bottom:386.523733pt;} .y298{bottom:386.539733pt;} .y3e7{bottom:386.563600pt;} .y155{bottom:386.579733pt;} .y1ee{bottom:386.583733pt;} .y301{bottom:386.587733pt;} .y3b5{bottom:386.595733pt;} .y177{bottom:386.607733pt;} .y240{bottom:386.639733pt;} .y332{bottom:386.647733pt;} .y96c{bottom:386.655733pt;} .y3c9{bottom:386.667733pt;} .ybf{bottom:386.683733pt;} .y979{bottom:386.703733pt;} .y1b4{bottom:386.743733pt;} .y7e{bottom:386.755733pt;} .y90c{bottom:387.423494pt;} .y648{bottom:387.586133pt;} .y651{bottom:387.610133pt;} .y317{bottom:387.631733pt;} .y65a{bottom:387.634133pt;} .y624{bottom:388.412267pt;} .y5bd{bottom:388.414933pt;} .y62d{bottom:388.436267pt;} .y636{bottom:388.460267pt;} .y3a4{bottom:388.487867pt;} .y452{bottom:388.510933pt;} .y475{bottom:388.635600pt;} .y256{bottom:388.696267pt;} .y498{bottom:388.760267pt;} .y5f5{bottom:389.050133pt;} .y5fd{bottom:389.074133pt;} .y605{bottom:389.098133pt;} .y4e2{bottom:389.710800pt;} .y4ed{bottom:389.734800pt;} .y4f8{bottom:389.758800pt;} .y6fe{bottom:390.412533pt;} .y733{bottom:390.609600pt;} .y741{bottom:391.522400pt;} .y409{bottom:391.594667pt;} .y42c{bottom:391.640000pt;} .y6e9{bottom:393.247200pt;} .y267{bottom:393.311600pt;} .y3c{bottom:393.851253pt;} .y6c1{bottom:394.740000pt;} .y6cb{bottom:394.764000pt;} .y6d5{bottom:394.788000pt;} .y360{bottom:395.853467pt;} .y20{bottom:397.711735pt;} .y70a{bottom:398.177867pt;} .y6a3{bottom:398.508000pt;} .y6ad{bottom:398.532000pt;} .y6b7{bottom:398.556000pt;} .y780{bottom:399.306267pt;} .y7e6{bottom:399.774155pt;} .y5d5{bottom:399.851867pt;} .y5bb{bottom:400.414933pt;} .y3a3{bottom:400.490533pt;} .y255{bottom:400.698933pt;} .y12e{bottom:400.978400pt;} .y647{bottom:402.250133pt;} .y650{bottom:402.274133pt;} .y659{bottom:402.298133pt;} .y170{bottom:402.519733pt;} .y297{bottom:402.535733pt;} .y3e6{bottom:402.559600pt;} .y154{bottom:402.575733pt;} .y1ed{bottom:402.579733pt;} .y300{bottom:402.583733pt;} .y3b4{bottom:402.591733pt;} .y176{bottom:402.603733pt;} .y23f{bottom:402.635733pt;} .y331{bottom:402.643733pt;} .y96b{bottom:402.651733pt;} .y3c8{bottom:402.663733pt;} .ybe{bottom:402.679733pt;} .y978{bottom:402.699733pt;} .y1b3{bottom:402.739733pt;} .y7d{bottom:402.751733pt;} .y623{bottom:403.076267pt;} .y62c{bottom:403.100267pt;} .y635{bottom:403.124267pt;} .y451{bottom:403.244267pt;} .y474{bottom:403.368933pt;} .y497{bottom:403.493600pt;} .y5f4{bottom:403.714133pt;} .y5fc{bottom:403.738133pt;} .y604{bottom:403.762133pt;} .y408{bottom:406.260000pt;} .y42b{bottom:406.305333pt;} .y90b{bottom:407.341417pt;} .y35f{bottom:407.853467pt;} .y35e{bottom:407.854400pt;} .y6c0{bottom:409.404000pt;} .y6ca{bottom:409.428000pt;} .y6d4{bottom:409.452000pt;} .y930{bottom:412.044000pt;} .y5ba{bottom:412.414933pt;} .y5b9{bottom:412.415733pt;} .y3a2{bottom:412.493200pt;} .y254{bottom:412.701600pt;} .y6a2{bottom:413.172000pt;} .y6ac{bottom:413.196000pt;} .y6b6{bottom:413.220000pt;} .y266{bottom:413.314267pt;} .y80a{bottom:414.325368pt;} .y7e5{bottom:415.409467pt;} .y646{bottom:416.914133pt;} .y64f{bottom:416.938133pt;} .y658{bottom:416.962133pt;} .y450{bottom:417.977600pt;} .y473{bottom:418.102267pt;} .y496{bottom:418.226933pt;} .y3a5{bottom:418.519733pt;} .y296{bottom:418.531733pt;} .y3e5{bottom:418.555600pt;} .y153{bottom:418.571733pt;} .y1ec{bottom:418.575733pt;} .y2ff{bottom:418.579733pt;} .y3b3{bottom:418.587733pt;} .y23e{bottom:418.631733pt;} .y330{bottom:418.639733pt;} .y96a{bottom:418.647733pt;} .y3c7{bottom:418.659733pt;} .ybd{bottom:418.675733pt;} .y977{bottom:418.695733pt;} .y1b2{bottom:418.735733pt;} .y7c{bottom:418.747733pt;} .y9b2{bottom:419.370533pt;} .y35d{bottom:419.857067pt;} .y407{bottom:420.925333pt;} .y42a{bottom:420.970667pt;} .y92f{bottom:423.244000pt;} .y3a1{bottom:424.495867pt;} .y864{bottom:424.535867pt;} .y5c5{bottom:424.697467pt;} .y90a{bottom:427.259339pt;} .y6f8{bottom:427.651600pt;} .y740{bottom:429.022400pt;} .y705{bottom:429.214267pt;} .y7e4{bottom:431.039333pt;} .y1cc{bottom:432.142267pt;} .y44f{bottom:432.710933pt;} .y472{bottom:432.835600pt;} .y495{bottom:432.960267pt;} .y265{bottom:433.316933pt;} 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.y77f{bottom:450.519733pt;} .y294{bottom:450.523733pt;} .y3e3{bottom:450.547600pt;} .y151{bottom:450.563733pt;} .y1ea{bottom:450.567733pt;} .y2fd{bottom:450.571733pt;} .y3b1{bottom:450.579733pt;} .y23c{bottom:450.623733pt;} .y32e{bottom:450.631733pt;} .y968{bottom:450.639733pt;} .y5e{bottom:450.643733pt;} .y3c5{bottom:450.651733pt;} .ybb{bottom:450.667733pt;} .y975{bottom:450.687733pt;} .y6c{bottom:450.691733pt;} .y1b0{bottom:450.727733pt;} .y7a{bottom:450.739733pt;} .y264{bottom:453.319600pt;} .y82c{bottom:453.543280pt;} .y854{bottom:454.760667pt;} .y1ca{bottom:456.147600pt;} .y862{bottom:456.535867pt;} .y5d8{bottom:457.107867pt;} .y35a{bottom:461.217067pt;} .y35b{bottom:461.219733pt;} .y44d{bottom:462.177600pt;} .y7e2{bottom:462.299067pt;} .y470{bottom:462.302267pt;} .y493{bottom:462.426933pt;} .y404{bottom:464.921333pt;} .y427{bottom:464.966667pt;} .y9b1{bottom:465.064267pt;} .y6f7{bottom:465.151600pt;} .y293{bottom:466.519733pt;} .y3e2{bottom:466.543600pt;} .y150{bottom:466.559733pt;} .y1e9{bottom:466.563733pt;} .y2fc{bottom:466.567733pt;} .y3b0{bottom:466.575733pt;} .y23b{bottom:466.619733pt;} .y32d{bottom:466.627733pt;} .y967{bottom:466.635733pt;} .y5d{bottom:466.639733pt;} .y3c4{bottom:466.647733pt;} .yba{bottom:466.663733pt;} .y974{bottom:466.683733pt;} .y6b{bottom:466.687733pt;} .y704{bottom:466.714267pt;} .y1af{bottom:466.723733pt;} .y79{bottom:466.735733pt;} .ye6{bottom:466.831733pt;} .y908{bottom:467.095185pt;} .y82b{bottom:468.486800pt;} .y5d7{bottom:469.107867pt;} .yfc{bottom:470.405867pt;} .y89f{bottom:470.771733pt;} .y5d4{bottom:472.285333pt;} .y861{bottom:472.535867pt;} .y359{bottom:473.219733pt;} .y263{bottom:473.322267pt;} .y772{bottom:473.363467pt;} .y73f{bottom:474.022400pt;} .y859{bottom:476.410267pt;} .y44c{bottom:476.910933pt;} .y46f{bottom:477.035600pt;} .y492{bottom:477.160267pt;} .y7e0{bottom:477.907930pt;} .y7e1{bottom:477.928933pt;} .y403{bottom:479.586667pt;} .y426{bottom:479.632000pt;} .y708{bottom:480.677867pt;} .y3a{bottom:480.836333pt;} .y832{bottom:481.701867pt;} .y316{bottom:482.519733pt;} .y3e1{bottom:482.539600pt;} .yf0{bottom:482.547733pt;} .y14f{bottom:482.555733pt;} .y1e8{bottom:482.559733pt;} .y2fb{bottom:482.563733pt;} .y3af{bottom:482.571733pt;} .y23a{bottom:482.615733pt;} .y32c{bottom:482.623733pt;} .y966{bottom:482.631733pt;} .y5c{bottom:482.635733pt;} .y3c3{bottom:482.643733pt;} .yb9{bottom:482.659733pt;} .y973{bottom:482.679733pt;} .y6a{bottom:482.683733pt;} .y1ae{bottom:482.719733pt;} .y78{bottom:482.731733pt;} .ye5{bottom:482.827733pt;} .y8ca{bottom:482.992933pt;} .y5d3{bottom:484.285333pt;} .y5d2{bottom:484.286267pt;} .y1d{bottom:484.708639pt;} .y1e{bottom:486.590883pt;} .y89e{bottom:486.771733pt;} .y907{bottom:487.013108pt;} .y860{bottom:488.535867pt;} .y77a{bottom:490.776933pt;} .y44b{bottom:491.644267pt;} .y46e{bottom:491.768933pt;} .y491{bottom:491.893600pt;} .y7bd{bottom:492.291067pt;} .y262{bottom:493.324933pt;} .y7df{bottom:493.543242pt;} 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.y906{bottom:506.931031pt;} .y7c1{bottom:507.938267pt;} .y401{bottom:508.917333pt;} .y424{bottom:508.962667pt;} .y135{bottom:509.701467pt;} .y6f6{bottom:510.161866pt;} .y808{bottom:511.250217pt;} .y703{bottom:511.714267pt;} .y3df{bottom:514.531600pt;} .y14d{bottom:514.547733pt;} .y1e6{bottom:514.551733pt;} .y2f9{bottom:514.555733pt;} .y287{bottom:514.559733pt;} .y3ad{bottom:514.563733pt;} .y2c4{bottom:514.583733pt;} .y238{bottom:514.607733pt;} .y32a{bottom:514.615733pt;} .y292{bottom:514.619733pt;} .y964{bottom:514.623733pt;} .y5a{bottom:514.627733pt;} .y3c1{bottom:514.635733pt;} .yb7{bottom:514.651733pt;} .y2d6{bottom:514.655733pt;} .y971{bottom:514.671733pt;} .y68{bottom:514.675733pt;} .y1ac{bottom:514.711733pt;} .y76{bottom:514.723733pt;} .y2e8{bottom:514.727733pt;} .ye3{bottom:514.819733pt;} .y7c8{bottom:514.915024pt;} .y8c8{bottom:514.992933pt;} .y92b{bottom:516.418667pt;} .y89c{bottom:518.771733pt;} .y85e{bottom:520.535867pt;} .y449{bottom:521.110933pt;} 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.y924{bottom:606.289333pt;} .y902{bottom:606.583683pt;} .y147{bottom:610.523733pt;} .ye9{bottom:610.527733pt;} .y2f3{bottom:610.531733pt;} .y281{bottom:610.535733pt;} .y3a7{bottom:610.539733pt;} .y3da{bottom:610.551733pt;} .y2be{bottom:610.559733pt;} .y232{bottom:610.583733pt;} .y324{bottom:610.591733pt;} .y28c{bottom:610.595733pt;} .y95e{bottom:610.599733pt;} .y54{bottom:610.603733pt;} .y3bb{bottom:610.611733pt;} .yb1{bottom:610.627733pt;} .y2d0{bottom:610.631733pt;} .y62{bottom:610.651733pt;} .y1a6{bottom:610.687733pt;} .y70{bottom:610.699733pt;} .y2e2{bottom:610.703733pt;} .ydd{bottom:610.795733pt;} .y8c2{bottom:610.992933pt;} .y83a{bottom:612.639600pt;} .y896{bottom:614.771733pt;} .y26{bottom:615.617333pt;} .y850{bottom:615.944667pt;} .y4c5{bottom:617.215026pt;} .y923{bottom:617.489333pt;} .y60d{bottom:618.971333pt;} .y7db{bottom:620.203355pt;} .y791{bottom:620.699067pt;} .y82e{bottom:623.449200pt;} .y6be{bottom:625.649202pt;} .y80f{bottom:626.436400pt;} .y901{bottom:626.501606pt;} 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.y5eb{bottom:696.082133pt;} .y5f3{bottom:696.106133pt;} .y7af{bottom:701.485333pt;} .y71f{bottom:703.196107pt;} .y84a{bottom:703.424667pt;} .y757{bottom:704.137040pt;} .y68c{bottom:705.024000pt;} .y696{bottom:705.048000pt;} .y6a0{bottom:705.072000pt;} .y7c7{bottom:705.247830pt;} .y8fd{bottom:706.173298pt;} .y29a{bottom:706.217067pt;} .y3d4{bottom:706.527733pt;} .y2ef{bottom:706.531733pt;} .y2b8{bottom:706.535733pt;} .y22c{bottom:706.559733pt;} .y31e{bottom:706.567733pt;} .y958{bottom:706.575733pt;} .y4e{bottom:706.579733pt;} .y1e1{bottom:706.599733pt;} .yab{bottom:706.603733pt;} .y2ca{bottom:706.607733pt;} .y1a0{bottom:706.663733pt;} .y216{bottom:706.667733pt;} .y13b{bottom:706.675733pt;} .y2dc{bottom:706.679733pt;} .y993{bottom:706.687733pt;} .y143{bottom:706.747733pt;} .yd7{bottom:706.771733pt;} .y1c9{bottom:707.970267pt;} .y4cc{bottom:708.274800pt;} .y4d6{bottom:708.298800pt;} .y4e0{bottom:708.322800pt;} .y731{bottom:708.625173pt;} .y785{bottom:708.628800pt;} 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.y142{bottom:722.743733pt;} .yd6{bottom:722.767733pt;} .y4cb{bottom:722.938800pt;} .y4d5{bottom:722.962800pt;} .y4df{bottom:722.986800pt;} .y2b7{bottom:723.623733pt;} .y71e{bottom:724.571147pt;} .y612{bottom:724.748267pt;} .y61a{bottom:724.772267pt;} .y622{bottom:724.796267pt;} .y5e1{bottom:725.386133pt;} .y643{bottom:725.398133pt;} .y5e9{bottom:725.410133pt;} .y5f1{bottom:725.434133pt;} .y756{bottom:725.512080pt;} .y8fc{bottom:726.091221pt;} .y749{bottom:726.500080pt;} .y8ab{bottom:726.509333pt;} .y730{bottom:730.000213pt;} .y37{bottom:732.387027pt;} .y848{bottom:732.584667pt;} .y6e6{bottom:733.670187pt;} .y68a{bottom:734.352000pt;} .y5b7{bottom:734.367733pt;} .y694{bottom:734.376000pt;} .y69e{bottom:734.400000pt;} .y25{bottom:735.150511pt;} .y9a1{bottom:735.857867pt;} .y7ad{bottom:736.157333pt;} .y4ca{bottom:737.602800pt;} .y4d4{bottom:737.626800pt;} .y4de{bottom:737.650800pt;} .y3d2{bottom:738.519733pt;} .y2ed{bottom:738.523733pt;} .y2b5{bottom:738.527733pt;} 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.y4dd{bottom:752.314800pt;} .y9a0{bottom:753.457867pt;} .y7ac{bottom:753.493333pt;} .y610{bottom:754.076267pt;} .y618{bottom:754.100267pt;} .y620{bottom:754.124267pt;} .y2ec{bottom:754.519733pt;} .y2b4{bottom:754.523733pt;} .y229{bottom:754.547733pt;} .y31b{bottom:754.555733pt;} .y955{bottom:754.563733pt;} .y4b{bottom:754.567733pt;} .y1de{bottom:754.587733pt;} .ya8{bottom:754.591733pt;} .y2c7{bottom:754.595733pt;} .y19d{bottom:754.651733pt;} .y213{bottom:754.655733pt;} .y138{bottom:754.663733pt;} .y2d9{bottom:754.667733pt;} .y990{bottom:754.675733pt;} .y5df{bottom:754.714133pt;} .y641{bottom:754.726133pt;} .y140{bottom:754.735733pt;} .y5e7{bottom:754.738133pt;} .yd4{bottom:754.759733pt;} .y5ef{bottom:754.762133pt;} .y6e5{bottom:755.045227pt;} .y4c1{bottom:755.772133pt;} .y800{bottom:756.012180pt;} .y5da{bottom:756.564667pt;} .y39f{bottom:756.715867pt;} .y5c4{bottom:757.422800pt;} .y4{bottom:757.521600pt;} .y5bc{bottom:758.366933pt;} .y5b5{bottom:758.367733pt;} .y7d5{bottom:760.765419pt;} .y846{bottom:761.744667pt;} .y688{bottom:763.680000pt;} .y692{bottom:763.704000pt;} .y69c{bottom:763.728000pt;} .y8fa{bottom:765.927067pt;} .y4c8{bottom:766.930800pt;} .y4d2{bottom:766.954800pt;} .y4dc{bottom:766.978800pt;} .y71c{bottom:767.321227pt;} .y755{bottom:768.262160pt;} .y368{bottom:768.715867pt;} .y3a0{bottom:768.718533pt;} .y60f{bottom:768.740267pt;} .y617{bottom:768.764267pt;} .y61f{bottom:768.788267pt;} .y5de{bottom:769.378133pt;} .y640{bottom:769.390133pt;} .y5e6{bottom:769.402133pt;} .y5ee{bottom:769.426133pt;} .y7bf{bottom:769.655733pt;} .y2b3{bottom:770.519733pt;} .y228{bottom:770.543733pt;} .y954{bottom:770.559733pt;} .y4a{bottom:770.563733pt;} .y1dd{bottom:770.583733pt;} .ya7{bottom:770.587733pt;} .y2c6{bottom:770.591733pt;} .y19c{bottom:770.647733pt;} .y212{bottom:770.651733pt;} .y137{bottom:770.659733pt;} .y2d8{bottom:770.663733pt;} .y98f{bottom:770.671733pt;} .y7bc{bottom:770.712133pt;} .y13f{bottom:770.731733pt;} .yd3{bottom:770.755733pt;} .y7ab{bottom:770.829333pt;} .y3f7{bottom:771.809067pt;} .y4c0{bottom:771.972133pt;} .y72e{bottom:772.750293pt;} .y86f{bottom:775.933733pt;} .y845{bottom:776.324667pt;} .y7d4{bottom:776.400731pt;} .y6e4{bottom:776.420267pt;} .y7f3{bottom:776.807476pt;} .y687{bottom:778.344000pt;} .y691{bottom:778.368000pt;} .y69b{bottom:778.392000pt;} .y32{bottom:779.211600pt;} .y92a{bottom:780.122667pt;} .y253{bottom:781.116267pt;} .y4c7{bottom:781.594800pt;} .y4d1{bottom:781.618800pt;} .y4db{bottom:781.642800pt;} .y60e{bottom:783.404267pt;} .y616{bottom:783.428267pt;} .y61e{bottom:783.452267pt;} .y681{bottom:783.693733pt;} .y5dd{bottom:784.042133pt;} .y63f{bottom:784.054133pt;} .y5e5{bottom:784.066133pt;} .y5ed{bottom:784.090133pt;} .y7c0{bottom:785.302933pt;} .y8f9{bottom:785.851200pt;} .y227{bottom:786.539733pt;} .y953{bottom:786.555733pt;} .y49{bottom:786.559733pt;} .y1dc{bottom:786.579733pt;} .ya6{bottom:786.583733pt;} .y19b{bottom:786.643733pt;} .y211{bottom:786.647733pt;} .y98e{bottom:786.667733pt;} .yd2{bottom:786.751733pt;} .y7aa{bottom:788.165333pt;} .y4bf{bottom:788.172133pt;} .y99f{bottom:788.657867pt;} .y71b{bottom:788.696267pt;} .y754{bottom:789.637200pt;} .y747{bottom:790.625200pt;} .y844{bottom:790.904667pt;} .y929{bottom:791.322667pt;} .y86e{bottom:791.933733pt;} .y8d4{bottom:791.939600pt;} .y7d3{bottom:792.036043pt;} .y686{bottom:793.008000pt;} .y690{bottom:793.032000pt;} .y69a{bottom:793.056000pt;} .y252{bottom:793.116267pt;} .y72d{bottom:794.125333pt;} .y894{bottom:794.558400pt;} .y4c6{bottom:796.258800pt;} .y4d0{bottom:796.282800pt;} .y4da{bottom:796.306800pt;} .y31{bottom:797.211600pt;} .y6e3{bottom:797.795307pt;} .y680{bottom:799.893733pt;} .y16c{bottom:800.080667pt;} .y226{bottom:802.535733pt;} .y952{bottom:802.551733pt;} .y48{bottom:802.555733pt;} .y1db{bottom:802.575733pt;} .ya5{bottom:802.579733pt;} .y19a{bottom:802.639733pt;} .y210{bottom:802.643733pt;} .y98d{bottom:802.663733pt;} .yd1{bottom:802.747733pt;} .y59f{bottom:803.502267pt;} .y4be{bottom:804.372133pt;} .y251{bottom:805.116267pt;} .y843{bottom:805.484667pt;} .y7a9{bottom:805.501333pt;} .y99e{bottom:806.257867pt;} .y2ae{bottom:806.582267pt;} .y7d2{bottom:807.671355pt;} .y685{bottom:807.672000pt;} .y68f{bottom:807.696000pt;} .y699{bottom:807.720000pt;} .y86d{bottom:807.933733pt;} .y8c0{bottom:807.939600pt;} .y671{bottom:808.070667pt;} .y71a{bottom:810.071307pt;} .y893{bottom:810.558400pt;} .y753{bottom:811.012240pt;} .y746{bottom:812.000240pt;} .y16b{bottom:812.083333pt;} .y2f{bottom:815.201333pt;} .y30{bottom:815.211600pt;} .y72c{bottom:815.500373pt;} .y67f{bottom:816.093733pt;} .y7b3{bottom:816.140533pt;} .y59e{bottom:816.835600pt;} .y8ea{bottom:817.136267pt;} .y3{bottom:817.606667pt;} .y674{bottom:818.514933pt;} .y225{bottom:818.531733pt;} .y951{bottom:818.547733pt;} .y47{bottom:818.551733pt;} .y1da{bottom:818.571733pt;} .ya4{bottom:818.575733pt;} .y199{bottom:818.635733pt;} .y20f{bottom:818.639733pt;} .y98c{bottom:818.659733pt;} .yd0{bottom:818.743733pt;} .y6e2{bottom:819.170347pt;} .y842{bottom:820.064667pt;} .y4bd{bottom:820.572133pt;} .y670{bottom:821.404000pt;} .y7a8{bottom:822.837333pt;} .y7d1{bottom:823.306667pt;} .y99d{bottom:823.857867pt;} .y86c{bottom:823.933733pt;} .y8bf{bottom:823.939600pt;} .y16a{bottom:824.086000pt;} .y8f8{bottom:825.768848pt;} .y892{bottom:826.558400pt;} .y2ad{bottom:826.584933pt;} .y59d{bottom:830.168933pt;} .y7b8{bottom:830.619733pt;} .y719{bottom:831.446347pt;} .y7ff{bottom:832.075860pt;} .y67e{bottom:832.293733pt;} .y752{bottom:832.387280pt;} .y8e9{bottom:833.136267pt;} .y2e{bottom:833.201333pt;} .y745{bottom:833.375280pt;} .y224{bottom:834.527733pt;} .y950{bottom:834.543733pt;} .y46{bottom:834.547733pt;} .y1d9{bottom:834.567733pt;} .ya3{bottom:834.571733pt;} .y198{bottom:834.631733pt;} .y20e{bottom:834.635733pt;} .y841{bottom:834.644667pt;} .y98b{bottom:834.655733pt;} .y66f{bottom:834.737333pt;} .ycf{bottom:834.739733pt;} .y4bc{bottom:836.772133pt;} .y72b{bottom:836.875413pt;} .y7d0{bottom:838.936667pt;} .y86b{bottom:839.933733pt;} .y8be{bottom:839.939600pt;} .y7a7{bottom:840.173333pt;} .y6e1{bottom:840.545387pt;} .y891{bottom:842.558400pt;} .y347{bottom:842.810400pt;} .y59c{bottom:843.502267pt;} .y8f7{bottom:845.686771pt;} .y2ac{bottom:846.587600pt;} .y66e{bottom:848.070667pt;} .y67d{bottom:848.493733pt;} .y840{bottom:849.224667pt;} .y223{bottom:850.523733pt;} .y94f{bottom:850.539733pt;} .y45{bottom:850.543733pt;} .y1d8{bottom:850.563733pt;} .ya2{bottom:850.567733pt;} .y197{bottom:850.627733pt;} .y20d{bottom:850.631733pt;} .y98a{bottom:850.651733pt;} .yce{bottom:850.735733pt;} .y7fe{bottom:851.077694pt;} .y2d{bottom:851.201333pt;} .y718{bottom:852.821387pt;} .y4bb{bottom:852.972133pt;} .y3cf{bottom:853.093733pt;} .y7cf{bottom:854.566533pt;} .y346{bottom:854.813067pt;} .y8e0{bottom:855.671333pt;} .y86a{bottom:855.933733pt;} .y8bd{bottom:855.939600pt;} .y59b{bottom:856.835600pt;} 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.y717{bottom:874.196427pt;} .y88f{bottom:874.558400pt;} .y66c{bottom:874.737333pt;} .y7a5{bottom:874.845333pt;} .y922{bottom:874.884000pt;} .y822{bottom:875.086667pt;} .y751{bottom:875.137360pt;} .y744{bottom:876.125360pt;} .y99b{bottom:876.657867pt;} .y344{bottom:878.818400pt;} .y729{bottom:879.625493pt;} .y67b{bottom:880.893733pt;} .y8e7{bottom:881.136267pt;} .y221{bottom:882.519733pt;} .y94d{bottom:882.531733pt;} .y43{bottom:882.535733pt;} .y1d6{bottom:882.555733pt;} .ya0{bottom:882.559733pt;} .y195{bottom:882.619733pt;} .y20b{bottom:882.623733pt;} .y988{bottom:882.643733pt;} .ycc{bottom:882.727733pt;} .y6df{bottom:883.295467pt;} .y599{bottom:883.502267pt;} .y261{bottom:884.228533pt;} .y4b9{bottom:885.372133pt;} .y8f5{bottom:885.522617pt;} .y7cc{bottom:885.816319pt;} .y921{bottom:886.084000pt;} .y2aa{bottom:886.592933pt;} .y81d{bottom:887.086667pt;} .y8de{bottom:887.671333pt;} .y868{bottom:887.933733pt;} .y8bb{bottom:887.939600pt;} .y66b{bottom:888.070667pt;} 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.y769{bottom:909.643200pt;} .y76b{bottom:909.918533pt;} .y597{bottom:910.168933pt;} .y75c{bottom:910.441333pt;} .y4c3{bottom:910.815467pt;} .y81b{bottom:911.086667pt;} .y35{bottom:911.296667pt;} .y99a{bottom:911.857867pt;} .y1a{bottom:913.219067pt;} .y679{bottom:913.293733pt;} .y83f{bottom:914.240667pt;} .y94b{bottom:914.523733pt;} .y41{bottom:914.527733pt;} .y1d4{bottom:914.547733pt;} .y9e{bottom:914.551733pt;} .y193{bottom:914.611733pt;} .y209{bottom:914.615733pt;} .y986{bottom:914.635733pt;} .yca{bottom:914.719733pt;} .y669{bottom:914.737333pt;} .y341{bottom:914.826400pt;} .y4b7{bottom:917.772133pt;} .y6f5{bottom:918.425333pt;} .y866{bottom:919.933733pt;} .y8b9{bottom:919.939600pt;} .y9{bottom:920.216667pt;} .y88c{bottom:922.558400pt;} .y81a{bottom:923.086667pt;} .y595{bottom:923.502267pt;} .y2a8{bottom:923.976667pt;} .y596{bottom:924.472933pt;} .y8f3{bottom:925.358462pt;} .y260{bottom:925.994271pt;} .y340{bottom:926.829067pt;} .y7a2{bottom:926.853333pt;} .y7fa{bottom:927.085031pt;} 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.h2e{height:130.485084pt;} .h2b{height:133.281193pt;} .h58{height:134.919893pt;} .h73{height:135.967799pt;} .h48{height:138.818645pt;} .h31{height:140.648670pt;} .h45{height:147.692684pt;} .h1f{height:149.923655pt;} .h3d{height:151.235129pt;} .h14{height:157.956690pt;} .h72{height:158.217075pt;} .h4f{height:158.905775pt;} .h30{height:163.333939pt;} .h49{height:164.102983pt;} .h65{height:165.468000pt;} .h7{height:228.007121pt;} .h4{height:231.633232pt;} .he{height:240.145925pt;} .h67{height:300.776667pt;} .h69{height:300.777333pt;} .h1{height:304.009495pt;} .h0{height:1122.520000pt;} .w2{width:159.182667pt;} .w3{width:313.348000pt;} .w1{width:463.416000pt;} .w4{width:476.444000pt;} .w0{width:793.701333pt;} .x9{left:-793.700800pt;} .xac{left:-753.070933pt;} .xad{left:-735.158181pt;} .xae{left:-727.214264pt;} .x5{left:-0.000133pt;} .xb{left:6.848533pt;} .xe{left:10.240400pt;} .x68{left:30.236267pt;} .x82{left:32.755867pt;} .x4f{left:34.353600pt;} .x21{left:35.905467pt;} 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.x19{left:399.227867pt;} .x1a{left:400.511573pt;} .x55{left:403.462029pt;} .x76{left:405.356438pt;} .x29{left:409.559998pt;} .x95{left:411.302267pt;} .x2e{left:414.607733pt;} .x30{left:416.441067pt;} .x2a{left:424.812507pt;} .xbd{left:432.755867pt;} .x4{left:440.587867pt;} .x70{left:444.094533pt;} .xb1{left:451.096000pt;} .x80{left:455.810933pt;} .x11{left:457.498000pt;} .x9f{left:458.730933pt;} .x2d{left:461.336000pt;} .xa3{left:462.540667pt;} .x2c{left:480.196000pt;} .x3{left:489.207867pt;} .x65{left:498.261600pt;} .x12{left:500.313880pt;} .x13{left:507.698068pt;} .x79{left:519.033482pt;} .x42{left:522.918667pt;} .x77{left:524.848334pt;} .xa5{left:526.002667pt;} .x20{left:527.154667pt;} .x4c{left:529.037333pt;} .x7d{left:531.371467pt;} .x41{left:534.270667pt;} .x64{left:536.342933pt;} .x34{left:537.653200pt;} .x24{left:538.732533pt;} .x5c{left:540.614800pt;} .x61{left:546.040533pt;} .xb6{left:547.722933pt;} .x8c{left:549.622800pt;} .x14{left:553.616548pt;} .x62{left:560.832400pt;} 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.x51{left:696.717150pt;} .x50{left:698.631733pt;} .x4e{left:701.017067pt;} .x33{left:702.739867pt;} .x88{left:704.991600pt;} .x5a{left:709.655867pt;} .x8a{left:711.345067pt;} .x97{left:713.378400pt;} .x8d{left:715.154400pt;} .x45{left:722.761200pt;} .x52{left:725.516000pt;} .xb9{left:731.631600pt;} .x43{left:737.594533pt;} .x53{left:739.584267pt;} .xba{left:743.346400pt;} .x63{left:745.257333pt;} .x46{left:746.988000pt;} .x38{left:748.815333pt;} .x27{left:750.533200pt;} }-
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Flying Knights in Australia
Flying Knights v Austrálii
GALERIE DB 605 D / Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-10
Bf 109 G-10/U4 WNr. 611943 s motorem DB 605 D, který se v současné době nachází ve sbírce Planes of Fame Air Museum v Arizoně. Stroj nese charakteristické prvky výrobní série závodu WNF. Letoun byl ukořistěn v květnu 1945 po skupinovém přeletu a kapitulaci II./JG 52 z Rakouska do Neubibergu v Bavorsku. Tento Bf 109 patrně původně nesl označení „žlutá 13“ a díky jeho výrobnímu číslu je doloženo, že patřil maďarské jednotce 101. vadászezred.
Válka na Ukrajině
A je tu ďalší rok. V tomto pokračovaní seriálu sa pozrieme na udalosti, ktoré sa odohrali od 1. 1. 2025 do 31. 1. 2025. Vo vzduchu sa žiadne zásadné veci neodohrali, no na politickej scéne sa schyľovalo k zemetraseniu.
Aerial War in Ukraine
Souboj nad Rennes
Když se v ranních hodinách 6. června Spojenci vylodili v Normandii, Luftwaffe byla na tuto situaci připravena. Měla plán, jak posílit šest stíhacích Gruppe, jež ve Francii operovaly v rámci Luftflotte 3. Přípravy k obraně proběhly pod krycím názvem Dr. Gustav West (Drohende Gefahr West – Hrozba přicházející ze západu) a tak měly být do večera 6. června přesunuty z Německa do Francie dvě Nahaufklärergruppe, pět Kampfgruppe, dvě Schlachtgruppe a jeden Geschwaderstab, osm Nachtjagdgruppe a dva Geschwaderstaby a konečně dvě Jagdstaffel a devatenáct Jagdgruppe s pěti Geschwaderstaby. Z výše uvedených devatenácti bylo osm Jagdgruppe převedeno do podřízenosti II. Fliegerkorpsu jako Jabo Gruppe (Jagdbomber – stíhací bombardovací) a zbylé stíhací útvary podléhaly II. Jagdkorpsu. V Luftflotte Reich nadále operovaly mimo druhořadých jednotek jen čtyři Jagdgruppe a útvary "Wilde Sau".
Ze Středomoří do Německa
Když v dubnu 1943 došlo ke změně na pozici Kommodora Jagdgeschwader 27, žádná část této letecké jednotky se již nenacházela v Africe. Její I. Gruppe, u níž se proslavil stíhací letec Hans-Joachim Marseille, byla v listopadu 1942 stažena do Německa a od ledna 1943 byla bojově nasazena ve Francii. Štáb JG 27 a její II./JG 27 v dubnu 1943 operovala ze Sicílie, zatímco III. a IV. Gruppe měla základny v okupovaném Řecku nebo na jeho ostrovech. Břímě vrcholících leteckých bojů v Tunisku nesly JG 53 a JG 77 a II./JG 51. Všechny výše uvedené jednotky byly vyzbrojeny Messerschmitty Bf 109, převážně verze G-6.
TEC - Nefňukat a tisknout!
TEC - Don't whimper and print!
Dear Friends, I just returned from Nuremberg. I left there in a rather gloomy mood, knowing that it was most likely my last time. I have always defended the Nuremberg Fair as a useful and beneficial event. But alas, its significance to our industry has steadily declined over the years, while the costs associated with participation in it have continuously done the opposite. Still, it has always brought us some benefit, despite of the expense involved.
P-40E Warhawk
The Curtiss P-40 line of fighter aircraft stood out among American fighter types for having remained in front-line operations from the summer of 1941, before the U.S. entered World War II, through the end of the conflict four years later. Only Grumman’s versatile F4F Wildcat naval fighter could match that record.
The MW 50 System as an Alternative to the GM-1
This technical discussion supplements the article describing the GM-1 system in the Messerschmitt Bf 109 in the November, 2024 newsletter. Even before World War II, Dr. Otto Lutz (1906-1974) came up with the idea of injecting nitrous oxide into an engine to increase performance. He later published (as late as 1942) a scientific paper on the subject "Über Leistungssteigerung von Flugmotoren durch Zugabe von Sauerstoffträgern", or roughly translated, ‘On increasing the performance of aircraft engines through the addition of oxygen compounds’.
Aerial War in Ukraine - A Russian missile shot down a civilian aircraft. Again...
The battles over Ukraine often involve friendly fire incidents. Russian air defense has already destroyed numerous Russian aircraft and helicopters. Similar incidents have occurred on the Ukrainian side. Several civilian aircraft have also been hit in Russia, though without fatal consequences—until now.
Here we go! The new P-40 is ON and in the past weeks it has already filled the kit shelves of many modelers. If you didn't manage to buy it in our pre-order promotion and therefore don't own it yet, I recommend you to browse the following pages, where I show different features the kit offers. And if you later decide to own the kit, it will be available for purchase from our worldwide distributors. And for those of you who already own this new kit, please read this article as well. You will discover things in your kit that you may not have noticed before.
Ace in a Single Dogfight
During World War II, legendary Spitfire fighter planes were flown by pilots of many nationalities. Many of them fought and achieved victories, some became flying aces during the war, a few even earned this status in a single day. However, only one pilot flying a Spitfire managed to shoot down five aircraft in a single dogfight. That pilot was Canadian F/Lt Richard Joseph "Dick" Audet.
Esem během jediného souboje
S legendárními stíhacími letouny Spitfire v průběhu 2. světové války bojovali a vítězili letci mnoha národností. Řada z nich se během válečných let stala leteckými esy, někteří z nich tohoto statusu docílilo během jednoho dne. Avšak na letounech Spitfire jen jeden pilot dokázal sestřelit pět letadel během jednoho souboje. Byl jím kanadský pilot F/Lt Richard Joseph „Dick“ Audet.
INFO Eduard je modelářsko-historický měsíčník, který od roku 2010 v českém a anglickém jazyce publikuje společnost Eduard Model Accessories. Magazín je dostupný zdarma na platformě Triobo a je možné jej stáhnout také v PDF verzi. Společnost Eduard je výrobcem plastikových modelů a doplňků s více než 30letou tradicí. Během svého působení v oboru plastikového modelářství se společnost Eduard zařadila mezi jeho světové lídry. Další podrobnosti o společnosti a jejím sortimentu najdete na www.eduard.com. Zde se můžete mimo jiné zdarma přihlásit k odebírání magazínu INFO a produktových informací: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard is a monthly scale model-historical magazine published in Czech and English by Eduard Model Accessories since 2010. The magazine is available for free on the Triobo platform and can be downloaded in PDF format. Eduard is a manufacturer of plastic models and accessories with over 30 years of tradition. Throughout its history in the plastic modeling industry, Eduard has become one of the world's leaders. Further details about the company and its product range can be found at www.eduard.com. You can subscribe to the INFO magazine and receive product information for free at: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard je modelářsko-historický měsíčník, který od roku 2010 v českém a anglickém jazyce publikuje společnost Eduard Model Accessories. Magazín je dostupný zdarma na platformě Triobo a je možné jej stáhnout také v PDF verzi. Společnost Eduard je výrobcem plastikových modelů a doplňků s více než 30letou tradicí. Během svého působení v oboru plastikového modelářství se společnost Eduard zařadila mezi jeho světové lídry. Další podrobnosti o společnosti a jejím sortimentu najdete na www.eduard.com. Zde se můžete mimo jiné zdarma přihlásit k odebírání magazínu INFO a produktových informací: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard is a monthly scale model-historical magazine published in Czech and English by Eduard Model Accessories since 2010. The magazine is available for free on the Triobo platform and can be downloaded in PDF format. Eduard is a manufacturer of plastic models and accessories with over 30 years of tradition. Throughout its history in the plastic modeling industry, Eduard has become one of the world's leaders. Further details about the company and its product range can be found at www.eduard.com. You can subscribe to the INFO magazine and receive product information for free at: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard je modelářsko-historický měsíčník, který od roku 2010 v českém a anglickém jazyce publikuje společnost Eduard Model Accessories. Magazín je dostupný zdarma na platformě Triobo a je možné jej stáhnout také v PDF verzi. Společnost Eduard je výrobcem plastikových modelů a doplňků s více než 30letou tradicí. Během svého působení v oboru plastikového modelářství se společnost Eduard zařadila mezi jeho světové lídry. Další podrobnosti o společnosti a jejím sortimentu najdete na www.eduard.com. Zde se můžete mimo jiné zdarma přihlásit k odebírání magazínu INFO a produktových informací: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard is a monthly scale model-historical magazine published in Czech and English by Eduard Model Accessories since 2010. The magazine is available for free on the Triobo platform and can be downloaded in PDF format. Eduard is a manufacturer of plastic models and accessories with over 30 years of tradition. Throughout its history in the plastic modeling industry, Eduard has become one of the world's leaders. Further details about the company and its product range can be found at www.eduard.com. You can subscribe to the INFO magazine and receive product information for free at: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard je modelářsko-historický měsíčník, který od roku 2010 v českém a anglickém jazyce publikuje společnost Eduard Model Accessories. Magazín je dostupný zdarma na platformě Triobo a je možné jej stáhnout také v PDF verzi. Společnost Eduard je výrobcem plastikových modelů a doplňků s více než 30letou tradicí. Během svého působení v oboru plastikového modelářství se společnost Eduard zařadila mezi jeho světové lídry. Další podrobnosti o společnosti a jejím sortimentu najdete na www.eduard.com. Zde se můžete mimo jiné zdarma přihlásit k odebírání magazínu INFO a produktových informací: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard is a monthly scale model-historical magazine published in Czech and English by Eduard Model Accessories since 2010. The magazine is available for free on the Triobo platform and can be downloaded in PDF format. Eduard is a manufacturer of plastic models and accessories with over 30 years of tradition. Throughout its history in the plastic modeling industry, Eduard has become one of the world's leaders. Further details about the company and its product range can be found at www.eduard.com. You can subscribe to the INFO magazine and receive product information for free at: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard je modelářsko-historický měsíčník, který od roku 2010 v českém a anglickém jazyce publikuje společnost Eduard Model Accessories. Magazín je dostupný zdarma na platformě Triobo a je možné jej stáhnout také v PDF verzi. Společnost Eduard je výrobcem plastikových modelů a doplňků s více než 30letou tradicí. Během svého působení v oboru plastikového modelářství se společnost Eduard zařadila mezi jeho světové lídry. Další podrobnosti o společnosti a jejím sortimentu najdete na www.eduard.com. Zde se můžete mimo jiné zdarma přihlásit k odebírání magazínu INFO a produktových informací: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard is a monthly scale model-historical magazine published in Czech and English by Eduard Model Accessories since 2010. The magazine is available for free on the Triobo platform and can be downloaded in PDF format. Eduard is a manufacturer of plastic models and accessories with over 30 years of tradition. Throughout its history in the plastic modeling industry, Eduard has become one of the world's leaders. Further details about the company and its product range can be found at www.eduard.com. You can subscribe to the INFO magazine and receive product information for free at: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard je modelářsko-historický měsíčník, který od roku 2010 v českém a anglickém jazyce publikuje společnost Eduard Model Accessories. Magazín je dostupný zdarma na platformě Triobo a je možné jej stáhnout také v PDF verzi. Společnost Eduard je výrobcem plastikových modelů a doplňků s více než 30letou tradicí. Během svého působení v oboru plastikového modelářství se společnost Eduard zařadila mezi jeho světové lídry. Další podrobnosti o společnosti a jejím sortimentu najdete na www.eduard.com. Zde se můžete mimo jiné zdarma přihlásit k odebírání magazínu INFO a produktových informací: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard is a monthly scale model-historical magazine published in Czech and English by Eduard Model Accessories since 2010. The magazine is available for free on the Triobo platform and can be downloaded in PDF format. Eduard is a manufacturer of plastic models and accessories with over 30 years of tradition. Throughout its history in the plastic modeling industry, Eduard has become one of the world's leaders. Further details about the company and its product range can be found at www.eduard.com. You can subscribe to the INFO magazine and receive product information for free at: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
09_Special E-Day/2024
Vážení přátelé, modeláři, hosté a návštěvníci E-daye, V dnešním krátkém mimořádném vydání Infa vás seznámíme s plánovaným programem letošního E-daye, který se koná v sobotu 28. září 2024 v hale muzea na Tankodromu Milovice. Výstava je jednodenní, ale jako obvykle bude výstavní hala otevřena, nejen pro vystavující modeláře, již v pátek od 17:00. Na pátek máme připravený malý program pro všechny časné příchozí. Tento podvečerní program má dva body. Prvním bude představení novinek Eduardu na rok 2025, které se bude opakovat i v sobotu. Druhým bodem bude beseda s Jiřím Šilhánkem, zakladatelem a majitelem firmy Special Hobby. Jiří je velká osobnost našeho oboru, který své podnikání rozjížděl dávno před všemi ostatními českými firmami, hluboko v osmdesátých letech. Jeho historky z dějin plastikového modelářství jsou neuvěřitelné a všem doporučuji si je poslechnout. Věřte mi, že to stojí za páteční cestu do Milovic!
INFO Eduard je modelářsko-historický měsíčník, který od roku 2010 v českém a anglickém jazyce publikuje společnost Eduard Model Accessories. Magazín je dostupný zdarma na platformě Triobo a je možné jej stáhnout také v PDF verzi. Společnost Eduard je výrobcem plastikových modelů a doplňků s více než 30letou tradicí. Během svého působení v oboru plastikového modelářství se společnost Eduard zařadila mezi jeho světové lídry. Další podrobnosti o společnosti a jejím sortimentu najdete na www.eduard.com. Zde se můžete mimo jiné zdarma přihlásit k odebírání magazínu INFO a produktových informací: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard is a monthly scale model-historical magazine published in Czech and English by Eduard Model Accessories since 2010. The magazine is available for free on the Triobo platform and can be downloaded in PDF format. Eduard is a manufacturer of plastic models and accessories with over 30 years of tradition. Throughout its history in the plastic modeling industry, Eduard has become one of the world's leaders. Further details about the company and its product range can be found at www.eduard.com. You can subscribe to the INFO magazine and receive product information for free at: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard je modelářsko-historický měsíčník, který od roku 2010 v českém a anglickém jazyce publikuje společnost Eduard Model Accessories. Magazín je dostupný zdarma na platformě Triobo a je možné jej stáhnout také v PDF verzi. Společnost Eduard je výrobcem plastikových modelů a doplňků s více než 30letou tradicí. Během svého působení v oboru plastikového modelářství se společnost Eduard zařadila mezi jeho světové lídry. Další podrobnosti o společnosti a jejím sortimentu najdete na www.eduard.com. Zde se můžete mimo jiné zdarma přihlásit k odebírání magazínu INFO a produktových informací: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard is a monthly scale model-historical magazine published in Czech and English by Eduard Model Accessories since 2010. The magazine is available for free on the Triobo platform and can be downloaded in PDF format. Eduard is a manufacturer of plastic models and accessories with over 30 years of tradition. Throughout its history in the plastic modeling industry, Eduard has become one of the world's leaders. Further details about the company and its product range can be found at www.eduard.com. You can subscribe to the INFO magazine and receive product information for free at: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard je modelářsko-historický měsíčník, který od roku 2010 v českém a anglickém jazyce publikuje společnost Eduard Model Accessories. Magazín je dostupný zdarma na platformě Triobo a je možné jej stáhnout také v PDF verzi. Společnost Eduard je výrobcem plastikových modelů a doplňků s více než 30letou tradicí. Během svého působení v oboru plastikového modelářství se společnost Eduard zařadila mezi jeho světové lídry. Další podrobnosti o společnosti a jejím sortimentu najdete na www.eduard.com. Zde se můžete mimo jiné zdarma přihlásit k odebírání magazínu INFO a produktových informací: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard is a monthly scale model-historical magazine published in Czech and English by Eduard Model Accessories since 2010. The magazine is available for free on the Triobo platform and can be downloaded in PDF format. Eduard is a manufacturer of plastic models and accessories with over 30 years of tradition. Throughout its history in the plastic modeling industry, Eduard has become one of the world's leaders. Further details about the company and its product range can be found at www.eduard.com. You can subscribe to the INFO magazine and receive product information for free at: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
06/2024 - Special
Vážení přátelé, dnešní mimořádné číslo Infa je věnováno mimořádné stavebnici, The Bloody Hundredth 1943/ B-17F 1:48. Tato stavebnice vydávaná v řadě LIMITED patří mezi položky, jejichž základem jsou výlisky nakoupené u spolupracujících firem. V tomto případě jde o výlisky firmy Hong Kong Models, HKM. Tentokrát jde ovšem spolupráce mezi našimi firmami dál, než je v podobných případech dodávek výlisků zvykem. Speciálně k této stavebnici jsme zkonstruovali konverzní rámeček s čirými díly, obsahující další verze přídí B-17F, než které obsahuje původní sestava dílů stavebnice HKM. Tento rámeček jsme zkonstruovali v Eduardu, pochopitelně s využitím konstrukce HKM, na kterou nové díly navazují. Forma na něj byla vyrobena firmou HKM v jejich čínské nástrojárně, výlisky byly vyrobeny tamtéž.
06/2024 Special EN
Dear Friends, Today's special issue of the newsletter is dedicated to an extraordinary kit, ‘The Bloody Hundredth 1943 / B-17F’ in 1:48th scale. This kit, released in the LIMITED edition line, falls under the group of items based on moldings purchased from partner companies. In this case, the plastic is supplied by Hong Kong Models, HKM. This time, however, the cooperation between our companies goes further than is customary in similar endeavors. Specifically for this kit, we have designed an additional set of clear parts that cover variations used on the B-17F nose that were not a part of the original HKM release. We designed the new parts to fit the HKM kit specifically. The mold for it was cut at HKM in their Chinese tool shop, and the parts are produced by them.
INFO Eduard je modelářsko-historický měsíčník, který od roku 2010 v českém a anglickém jazyce publikuje společnost Eduard Model Accessories. Magazín je dostupný zdarma na platformě Triobo a je možné jej stáhnout také v PDF verzi. Společnost Eduard je výrobcem plastikových modelů a doplňků s více než 30letou tradicí. Během svého působení v oboru plastikového modelářství se společnost Eduard zařadila mezi jeho světové lídry. Další podrobnosti o společnosti a jejím sortimentu najdete na www.eduard.com. Zde se můžete mimo jiné zdarma přihlásit k odebírání magazínu INFO a produktových informací: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard is a monthly scale model-historical magazine published in Czech and English by Eduard Model Accessories since 2010. The magazine is available for free on the Triobo platform and can be downloaded in PDF format. Eduard is a manufacturer of plastic models and accessories with over 30 years of tradition. Throughout its history in the plastic modeling industry, Eduard has become one of the world's leaders. Further details about the company and its product range can be found at www.eduard.com. You can subscribe to the INFO magazine and receive product information for free at: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard je modelářsko-historický měsíčník, který od roku 2010 v českém a anglickém jazyce publikuje společnost Eduard Model Accessories. Magazín je dostupný zdarma na platformě Triobo a je možné jej stáhnout také v PDF verzi. Společnost Eduard je výrobcem plastikových modelů a doplňků s více než 30letou tradicí. Během svého působení v oboru plastikového modelářství se společnost Eduard zařadila mezi jeho světové lídry. Další podrobnosti o společnosti a jejím sortimentu najdete na www.eduard.com. Zde se můžete mimo jiné zdarma přihlásit k odebírání magazínu INFO a produktových informací: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard is a monthly scale model-historical magazine published in Czech and English by Eduard Model Accessories since 2010. The magazine is available for free on the Triobo platform and can be downloaded in PDF format. Eduard is a manufacturer of plastic models and accessories with over 30 years of tradition. Throughout its history in the plastic modeling industry, Eduard has become one of the world's leaders. Further details about the company and its product range can be found at www.eduard.com. You can subscribe to the INFO magazine and receive product information for free at: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
Dobrý večer, vážení přátelé! Máme za sebou hektický březen. Chápu, že vám to asi tak nepřijde, ale ona každá hospoda vypadá jinak z jídelny a jinak z kuchyně. Aby byl pohled z jídelny, tedy od vás zákazníků, pozitivní, nezbývá personálu v kuchyni, tedy nám, aby se pořádně oháněl.
Good evening, dear Friends, We've had a hectic March. I understand that it might not seem that way to you, but every bar looks different from the dining room than it does from the kitchen. In order for the view from the dining room, in other words, from you, the customers, to be positive, the staff in the kitchen (us), has little choice but to be very busy. So, hectic is good.
Určitě nejsem sám, komu se pravidelně stává, že se jeho předpoklady a představy o průběhu nějaké události nenaplní a výsledek je zcela opačný, než jaká byla očekávání s onou událostí spojená. Mě se to naposledy stalo před měsícem v Norimberku. Co jsem od veletrhu čekal, si jistě pamatujete z minulého úvodníku. Z mé skeptické předpovědi nevyšlo prakticky nic. Ne že by se už veletrh vrátil tam, kde byl za starých časů před covidovými lockdowny, ale byl výrazně živější, zajímavější a ve svém výsledku zábavnější a užitečnější, než bych si troufl očekávat. Troufnu si dokonce tipnout, že podobný názor má víc vystavovatelů. Mimo jiné se opakovala situace z loňska, že rozhovory a setkání byla daleko vřelejší, přátelštější a otevřenější, než kdykoli v minulosti. Možná je to jen můj pocit, ale přijde mi, že jsme se navzájem zase rádi viděli, v mnoha případech i po několika letech. V takových případech si uvědomíte, jak vám ti lidé, které jste vídal tak nějak samozřejmě a nepřišlo vám na tom nic zvláštního, přirostli k srdci a jak vám chyběli. Pak se tak hovory víc otevřou, a to je fajn.
I know I’m not alone, when a concept and its associated assumptions turn out exactly opposite to what the expected outcome was. The last time it happened to me was a month ago in Nuremberg.
Jak na plasty II
Mnoho méně zkušených modelářů má velkou fobii z řezání do plastů nebo z většího ztenčování plastových dílů pro zástavbu doplňkových sad. V tomto díle bych chtěl čtenářům představit, že tyto pokročilejší modelářské činnosti nejsou nic těžkého a s využitím vhodných nástrojů a pomůcek se dá snadno dobrat k potřebným úpravám. Prakticky všechny větší brassinové sady po modeláři vyžadují, aby podobné úpravy při jejich zástavbách provedl. Pokud se někteří modeláři obávají doplňkové sady kupovat právě kvůli zmíněným úpravám, chtěl bych jim ukázat, že to s trochou praxe zvládnou i oni. V článku demonstruji přípravu křídla P-51B/C 1/48 pro zástavbu brassinové sady zbraňových šachet. Představím dvě metody – za pomocí pouze základních modelářských nástrojů a poté s pomocí jemné vrtačky a frézky od firmy Proxxon.
How work with Plastic II
Many less experienced modelers often feel apprehensive about cutting into plastic or thinning parts to accommodate additional detailing or conversion sets. In this section, I want to reassure readers that these more advanced modeling techniques are not difficult and that, with the right tools, achieving the necessary modifications is quite manageable. Most larger Brassin sets require modelers to make similar adjustments to their builds. For those hesitant to purchase aftermarket sets due to this process, I aim to show that, with a bit of practice, anyone can master it. In this article, I will demonstrate how to prepare a 1/48 P-51B/C wing for the Brassin gun bay set. I will present two methods: one using only basic modeling tools, and the other employing a motorized Proxxon tool.
Jak na plasty
V tomto článku o pracovních postupech bych se chtěl věnovat těm nejzákladnějším modelářským postupům a technikám a demonstrovat nářadí, které mi pomáhá při rutinních činnostech, které by měl každý modelář zvládat. K této demonstraci jsem si vybral nový model P-51B/C 1/48, který má spoustu vychytávek pro jednoduché lepení modelu, například spodní vtoky u dílů, což především začátečníkům velmi usnadní práci. Pro zkušené modeláře se bude na první pohled nejspíš jednat o zbytečnou spotřebu digitálního papíru, ovšem přečtení doporučuji i jim. Opakování je totiž matka moudrosti!
How to Work with Plastic?
In this workflow article, I will cover the most basic modeling procedures and techniques, presenting the tools that help with usual activities every modeler should master. For this demonstration, I've chosen the new P-51B/C 1/48 scale kit, which includes several features for easy assembly, such as the parts being connected to the sprues from the bottom, making it especially beginner-friendly.
Step by Step P-51B 1/48
Stavební postup k P-51B 1/48.
Step by Step P-51B 1/48
Step by Step for P-51B 1/48.
Jak na 3D tisky
Poslední roky se v modelářství stále více rozmáhá využití 3D tisku, a to převážně pro výrobu doplňků. I v Eduardu jsme se před několika lety rozhodli pustit do této technologie, která z velké části vytlačila klasickou výrobu Brassinů, tedy metodu odlévání. Dnes přímým tiskem vyrábíme již okolo 80 % produkce Brassinů.
How to Work with 3D Prints in Modeling
In recent years, 3D printing has gained widespread popularity in the modeling industry, particularly for accessory production. A few years ago Eduard, too, embraced this technology, gradually replacing traditional casting methods with direct printing, constituting approximately 80% of our Brassin production.
Jak na obtisky Eduard
How to apply Eduard decals
Jak na Space ?
Exploring Space
Nové masky od Eduard
New masks by Eduard
Práce s Eddie the Riveter
Work with Eddie the Riveter
Práce s fotolepty část I
How to Work with PE-Set part I
Práce s fotolepty část II
How to Work with PE-Set part II
Jak sestavit tištěné klapy
How to build printed landing flaps
Step by Step Kurfürst
Step by Step Kurfürst
Step by Step motor F4F-4
Step by Step engine F4F-4
Dobrý den, vážení přátelé! Dnešní úvodník píši zase po roce v Norimberku. Letošní Spielenwarenmesse začal v úterý, dnes jsme přesně v polovině, veletrh končí v sobotu. Pořadatelé se s německou houževnatostí drží pěti dnů trvání akce, čímž jdou většině účastníků pěkně na nervy. Je to sice lepší než šest dnů, které na nás zkoušeli dříve, ale stále je to nejméně o den víc, než tu chceme a potřebujeme být. Z hlediska účasti firem je veletrh letos určitě lepší než loni, ale pokud jde o návštěvníky, obchodníky a žurnalisty, tak je situace víceméně stále bídná. Panuje tu klid. Klid je někdy fajn, ale na veletrhu je klid asi tak to poslední, co na něm chce vystavovatel zažít. Možná se to zítra a pozítří změní a veletrh ožije, ale žádné indicie k tomu nemáme. Tak začínáme uvažovat o odboji. Jak to dopadlo vám napíšu v příštím úvodníku.
Good day, Dear Friends After a year, I am writing today's editorial once again from Nuremberg. This year's Spielenwarenmesse started on Tuesday, and today, we are exactly at the halfway point, as the fair ends on Saturday. With German tenacity, the organizers are sticking with the five-day duration of the event, which gets on the nerves of most participants.
Vítejte v novém roce, vážení přátelé, vítejte u tříkrálového Infa! Lednové novinky jsou již bezmála tři týdny v prodeji, předpokládám tedy, že jste s nimi již zevrubně seznámeni a mnozí je již máte doma. Přesto musím zmínit, že z mého pohledu začínáme letošní rok pěkně zostra. Při prvním pohledu na čtvrtkového Albatrosa D.III to tak možná nevypadá, ale i on byl svého času vrcholovým predátorem válečného nebe a stavebnice přináší vrcholný mix příběhů a osudů jeho pilotů i jejich soupeřů tak, jak je u nás dobrým zvykem. Měli jsme také více než dobrý důvod si toto téma oživit, jak se za chvíli dočtete.
Welcome to the New Year! January’s new releases have been on sale for almost three weeks now, so I assume that you are already thoroughly familiar with them and many of you already have them in your posession. Nevertheless, I have to mention that, from my point of view, we are starting this year off with a bit of a bang. A first glance at the 48th scale Albatros D.III may not indicate this, but it too was once the top predator in a sky dominated by war clouds, and this kit offers a superb mix of stories and fates of its pilots and their opponents, as is our custom to uncover over the course of a kit’s development. We also had more than good reason to revive this topic, as you are about to find out.
Dobrý den, vážení přátelé! Po tříleté přestávce jsme se letos opět vypravili do Telfordu, a je dobře, že jsme se odhodlali tam jet. Přeci jen je Británie kolébkou našeho byznysu, výstava v Telfordu je největší výstavou v našem oboru a chybět na ní by byla chyba. V příštím roce budeme na výstavy vyrážet dál. Na přelomu ledna a února začneme tradičně v Norimberku. Pevně doufám, že tam letos potkáme víc kolegů z jiných firem i víc obchodníků a novinářů než loni. Přiznám se, že jsem trochu napjatý. Podle účasti firem v Norimberku můžeme posuzovat nakolik se svět vrací do normálu a všichni bychom byli určitě rádi za zjištění, že tomu tak je a svět se do normálu opravdu vrací.
Good day, Dear Friends, After a three-year break, we made a return to Telford, and it was a triumphant return at that! After all, Britain is the cradle of our business, and the Telford event is the biggest exhibition in our field and it would be a mistake to miss it. Our plan is to continue attending such events, beginning with Nuremberg in January/February.
Dobrý den, vážení přátelé! S listopadovými novinkami jsme na tom stejně jako s říjnovými, také už jsou druhý týden v prodeji, a tak už je přinejmenším velká část čtenářů Infa zná, pokud už je rovnou nemá doma. Někteří už je dokonce lepí, a ano, jsou i tací, kteří už je mají dokonce postavené. To ovšem není v případě Bf 109 G-2 nebo G-4, obsahu té nej nej nej dvaasedmdesátinové novinky, nic složitého.
Good Day, Dear Friends We find ourselves in the same situation with November’s new releases as we did with the October ones, in that they also have been available for purchase a couple of weeks ahead of the newsletter announcement, meaning that they will already be known to a large percentage of readers and perhaps even in their possession.
Dobrý den, vážení přátelé, vítám vás u zvláštního vydání Infa, věnovaného 21. ročníku E-Daye, konanému 23. září letošního roku na Tankodromu Milovice. Po necelém měsíci ji vy, kdo jste v Milovicích byli, máte ještě v živé paměti, ale věříme, že si ji díky dnešnímu Speciálu Infa znovu rádi připomenete. A ti, kdo tam s námi nebyli, se mohou inspirovat k návštěvě E-Daye příští rok. Bude se konat opět v Milovicích 28. září 2024.
Good day, Dear Friends Welcome to our special edition of the newsletter dedicated to the 21st installment of E-Day, held on September 23rd of this year at the Milovice Tankodrom museum. After less than a month, those of you who were in Milovice still remember it vividly, but I believe that thanks to today's newsletter special, you won’t mind being reminded. And those who were not there with us can be inspired to visit E-day next year. It will be held again in Milovice on September 28, 2024.
Jak se vám líbilo na E-dayi? Nebojte se, nehodlám dnes důkladně popisovat tamní dění, tomu se bude věnovat Speciál Infa, připravovaný na druhý týden v říjnu. V dnešním čísle ovšem najdete alespoň základní fotogalerii. Letošní druhý ročník E-Daye v Milovicích potvrdil potenciál areálu Tankodromu pro akci tohoto typu. Můžeme tedy ladit a vymýšlet další body programu, hodící se do našeho konceptu modelářské výstavy.
How did you like E-Day? Don’t worry, I’m not going to take up precious real estate thoroughly describing the event today, since that will be covered in a Special Edition of our newsletter, slated to come out the second week of October. However, in today’s issue you will find a basic photo gallery of what was there. This year, the second to be held in Milovice, confirmed the potential of the Tankodrom for an event of this type. With that, we can continue to evolve and develop the program to satisfy the concept that goes hand in hand with the venue.
Informace o výstavě E-Day 2023 a soutěži Czech Model Masters – program, instrukce pro dopravu, seznam prodejců a mnoho dalšího
Vážení přátelé, Jsme zpět z Texasu, v pilné práci na dalších projektech. Jak jsem zmiňoval v minulém úvodníku, jedním z účelů naší cesty, kromě obvyklé reprezentace na dnes již opět pravidelné IPMS USA National Convention, byl i průzkum a dokumentace zachovalých exemplářů P-40 Warhawk.
Dear Friends, We’re back from Texas, hard at work on upcoming projects. As I mentioned in the last editorial, one of the purposes of our trip, in addition to our usual participation at the IPMS USA National convention, was to have a good, close up look at several P-40 examples.
Vážení přátelé, vítám vás u srpnového Infa a zdravím z texaského Corpus Christi, kudy s kolegy projíždíme na cestě do San Marcos na tradiční letní IPMS USA Nats. Budeme v Texasu dva týdny, po Nats se přesuneme na sever do Dallasu, kde je naším hlavním plánem studium tří exemplářů P-40 Warhawk. Chceme si ověřit nějaké detaily a průběhy křivek a případně si nějaké pasáže naskenovat.
Dear Friends Welcome to the August edition of our newsletter and greetings from Corpus Christi, Texas, where my colleagues and I are passing through on our way to San Marcos for the traditional summer IPMS USA Nats. We will be in Texas for two weeks, after the Nats we will move north to Dallas where our main goal is to study three P-40 Warhawks.
Dobrý den, vážení přátelé! Ještě před koncem první poloviny letošního roku jsme stihli přestěhovat do nového areálu v Sedleci balení modelů. To nám významně zjednodušilo logistiku, protože dosud jsme výlisky vozili z Obrnic do Mostu, kde jsme stavebnice zabalili a odvezli je do skladu obchodního oddělení v Sedleci. Ta místa od sebe nejsou daleko, je to v řádu jednotek kilometrů, ale i tak jsme se dost najezdili. Teď dělí balení modelů a sklad obchodního oddělení jedna stěna a dvoje dveře, sklad výlisků je přes dvůr.
Hello, dear friends! Even before the end of the first half of this year, we managed to move our model packaging operation to our new facility in Sedlec. This significantly simplifies our logistics, because until now, we would typically move the plastic pressings from Obrnice to Most, where they would be packed into kits, and then transported them to our warehouse and sales department in Sedlec.
Dobrý den, vážení přátelé, mezi 84 novinkami připravenými pro červen vyčnívá dvaasedmdesátinová limitka s názvem Wunderschöne neue Maschinen. Těmi báječnými novými stroji jsou Messerschmitty Bf 109 F, které při svém zavedení do výzbroje německé Luftwaffe na začátku roku 1941 přinesly nárůst výkonů a kvality německého stíhacího letectva.
Good day, Dear Friends Among the 84 new items being released for June, the 72nd Limited Edition kit dubbed “Wunderschöne neue Maschinen” stands out. This “Wonderful New Machines” kit centres around the Messerschmitt Bf 109F, which, when introduced into the arsenal of the Luftwaffe at the beginning of 1941, brought an increase in the performance and quality of German fighters committed to aerial combat.
Dobrý den, vážení přátelé! Na začátku května se soutěžní sezóna pěkně rozjíždí. Máme za sebou tradiční Mošoň, v sobotu se koná Kit show v Kopřivnici, a tak je čas říci si také něco o letošním E-dayi. E-day 2023 se koná v sobotu 23. září na Tankodromu v Milovicích. Pojedeme podle stejného schématu jako vloni, tedy se začátkem pro vystavující modeláře v pátek odpoledne, a to včetně podvečerního programu.
Good Day, Dear Friends We are at the beginning of May, and so the competition season is revving up nicely. We have just had the traditional Moson event and the Kit Show takes place in Kopřivnice on Saturday, so it´s a good time to talk about this year´s E-day. E-day 2023 takes place on Saturday, September 23 at the Tankodrom in Milovice and we will be following the same scheme as last year, meaning that exhibiting modelers begin on Friday afternoon and will include the early evening program.
Dobrý večer, vážení přátelé! Máme přestěhované obchodní oddělení. K včerejšímu dni jsme tak definitivně ukončili naši činnost v areálu Rico, kde obchodní oddělení a také oddělení kompletace stavebnic sídlilo od června roku 2019. A kde také v prosinci 2020 vyhořel sklad výlisků pro stavebnice. Přiznám se, že jsem po požáru doufal v rychlejší přestěhování do nějakých nových prostor. Hned na jaře a v létě 2020 jsme začali připravovat stavbu nové haly, ale turbulentní situace na stavebním trhu v roce 2021 nám tento záměr zhatila. Na podzim 2021 jsme začali jednat o koupi staršího areálu v Sedleci, sousední vesnici vzdálené asi pět kilometrů od Obrnic.
Good evening, Dear Friends We have completed our retail department move. As of yesterday, we have vacated the facility in Most that since June, 2019, has served as our main retail headquarters as well as the facility that served as final kit packaging. It’s also the facility in which we lost a lot of the plastic for our kits when a fire broke out in December 2020. I admit to having hoped for an earlier move to a new facility after that fire. Immediately in the spring and summer of 2020, we prepared for a new-build facility, but that was ultimately quelled by the turbulent supply issues in the construction industry.
Dobrý den, dámy a pánové! Máme zavřeno. Dnes představované březnové novinky si sice můžete prohlédnout a prostudovat jak na následujících stránkách, tak na našem e-shopu, ale nekoupíte je tam. Chápu, zní to šíleně. Nejde ale o žádný rafinovaný marketingový tah, prostě se stěhujeme. Přesně řečeno, stěhujeme obchodní oddělení. To je také důvod, proč v následujících sedmi dnech nebude možné objednávat na e-shopu. Jak jste ale jistě zaznamenali, bylo na druhou stranu možné tyto novinky nakoupit již od minulého pátku, rovněž tak jsou již k dispozici u našich obchodních partnerů.
Good day, Ladies and Gentlemen, We’re closed. Although you are certainly able to view and study our March release listing within these pages or at our e-shop, any purchases will have to be postponed. I understand that this sounds a little nuts, but it is not the result of some underhanded marketing ploy. It is a function of the fact that we are moving our entire retail department. It is also the reason why no sales will be going through our e-shop for the next seven days. As you will have probably already noted, the new items were available for early purchase from last Friday, and they will be available from our retail partners as well.
Vážení přátelé, vítejte u únorového Infa! Dnes začíná Norimberský veletrh hraček (Nuremberg Toy Fair). Po dvouleté přestávce se vracíme do Norimberku a, nebudete tomu věřit, vůbec netušíme, co nás tam čeká.
Dear Friends, Welcome to the February Newsletter! The Nuremberg Toy Fair started yesterday. After a two year hiatus, we are coming back to Nuremberg, and as hard as it may be to believe, we have no idea of what to expect
Vážení přátelé, milí modeláři, vítejte u prvního Infa roku 2023. V lednovém čísle vás tradičně seznamuji s projekty připravenými na aktuální rok. Ani letos tomu nebude jinak, takže se do toho seznamování pustíme rovnou bez zbytečných řečí kolem. Začneme lednem, jehož novinky jsou v prodeji na našem e-shopu již od minulého týdne.
Dear Friends and Fellow Modellers, Welcome to the first newsletter of 2023. The January issue traditionally introduces our planned projects for the year. This year will be no different, so we’ll waste no time and get right down to the nitty gritty. We’ll start off with January, new releases for which are already available from our e-shop and have been since last week.
Easy reading
Easy reading
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P-40E Warhawk
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The MW 50 System as an Alternative to the GM-1
Strana 15
Aerial War in Ukraine - A Russian missile shot down a civilian aircraft. Again...
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Tail End Charlie
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