{"cz":"Info EDUARD"}
{"cz":"Měsíčník o historii a plastikovém modelářství.","en":"Monthly magazine about history and scale plastic modeling."}
INFO Eduard is a monthly scale model-historical magazine published in Czech and English by Eduard Model Accessories since 2010. The magazine is available for free on the Triobo platform and can be downloaded in PDF format. Eduard is a manufacturer of plastic models and accessories with over 30 years of tradition. Throughout its history in the plastic modeling industry, Eduard has become one of the world's leaders. Further details about the company and its product range can be found at www.eduard.com. You can subscribe to the INFO magazine and receive product information for free at: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
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e-magazine FREE Vol 24 March 2025INFO Eduard# 181Strana 2
e-magazine FREE Vol 24 February 2025INFO Eduard# 181© Eduard - Model Accessories, 2025FREE FOR DOWNLOAD, FREE FOR DISTRIBUTION!This material may only be used for personal use. No part of the textor graphic presentations can be used in another publication in any other mediaform or otherwise distributed without the prior writtenpermission of Eduard - Model Accessories and authors involved.Editorial and Graphics - Marketing department, Eduard - Model Accessories, Ltd.Strana 3
eduardeduardMARCH 2025Published by Eduard-Model Accessories, spol. s.r.o.Mírová 170, Obrnice 435 21support@eduard.com www.eduard.comCONTENTSEDITORIALKITSBRASSINPHOTO-ETCHED SETSSPACEBUILTON APPROACH–April 2025TAIL END CHARLIEARTICLESBOXART STORYPACIFIC STAR Limited 1/48P-51B Mustang Malcolm Hood canopy ProfiPACK 1/48Bf 109G-6 Weekend 1/72Kübelwagen type 82 1/48Flying Knights in AustraliaGALLERY DB 605 D / Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-10Aerial War in Ukraine-When Losses Are Confir-med Retroactively by Courts...Dogfight over RennesFrom the Mediterranean to Germany482830465864748098Editorial
Dear Friends,spring is slowly approaching and with it the startof the new show season. This year, it promises tobe very eventful, with three shows lined up forMarch alone. Next week we will be in Verona,a week later in Bytom and the week after thatin Prosek, hosts of the Panthers Cup. In additionto Verona, where we will be in possession of ouralready announced new items for this month,we will have along something brand new in Polandand in Prosek. In mid-March we will take theKamikaze Tokkotai Limited Edition kit to the shows,which is already attracting more and more peoplethanks to an intensive promotional campaign.It didn't look like that even two weeks ago. In themeantime, we released the marking options forthe kit and images of the plastic, and lo and behold,the situation changed almost overnight, so at themoment it looks like this Limited Edition item willbe an instant hit and will be one of those productsthat sell out very quickly. After all, what else wouldwe expect from an item with such a name, right?In Bytom and Prosek we will also have our 1:72ndscale MiG-21bis plastic, which will then have theirpremiere a month later. For Czechs and Slovaks,the new MiG will have its premiere at Easter inProstejov, and for foreign customers, includingour friend Gabor, a week later in Moson in Hungary.I am sure that Gabor is already sharpening histeeth to chew this kit apart and spit it out, but therewill be no Gabaresque issues with the intake thistime around. We have remodeled the entire frontpart of the fuselage, the nose is based on scansof the real thing that flew in East Germany, andwe addressed everything we could, even addingmissiles and pylons in the process, as well as other,fine details. There are more antennas on this thingthan you can shake a stick at. They are terribly tinylittle things, but they should cover the entire rangeof avionics that were used on that aircraft fromair force to air force. I would say that this showsthe power of freedom and democracy, becauseit seems that after the dissolution of the WarsawPact, every user installed whatever they wanted orcould in their aircraft, when the Russians could nolonger dictate what client states could and couldnot do. In our case, it shows how far tooling hasadvanced and how fine a detail we can achieve inplastic nowadays. And we don't even need to goback to square one with the molds. We probablywon't please Gabor, but he will have to accept it. Oh,and someone has already complained that the biswill not be riveted. That has to simply be accepted,too, just as we have done. We would like to giveit our current touch in terms of surface treatment,but given that the bis is a continuation of the MiG-21PF, PFM and MF series, which are not riveted tothe extent we’d like, it seems stupid to suddenlychange the appearance style in the middle of therelease scheme and rivet the three remainingversions. I'm talking about three versions, becausewe have two more ready, the R and the SMT.And while we're on the subject of MiG-21s,I think we could begin showing something of the48th MiG-21F in Prostejov and Moson. We alreadyhave all eight molds at advanced states, fiveof them are already milled, and I assume thatin the next two months we will have at least halfof the molds completely finished and we willslowly show the resulting plastic. I must admitthat I am looking forward to this MiG. Althoughit was the first mass-produced MiG-21 version,this counterpart in kit form somewhat illogicallycloses out the MiG-21 development line in ourcatalog, which we started almost fifteen yearsago. The difference in the technology between ourfirst MiG-21MF and now is pretty massive, I wouldeven go so far as to say insane. I almost feel likegoing back to the MF and retooling it, but I'm afraidthat it might just remain a temptation. Although,they do say ‘never say never’. Might be a good pointof discussion at the E-day Q & A.And having mentioned E-day, I’ll drop a fewbits of information on that theme as well. Lastweek we signed a contract with the Zahrada CechExhibition Center in Litomerice. So there's noturning back and this year's E-day will definitelybe at that venue. It’s a great venue and the eventpromises to be awesome. To tell the truth, we havethe ambition and desire to make it the best E-dayof all time, and to surpass the legendary firstE-days in Pilsen and those that were held in theButovice garages, which more and more peopleremember with a strong nostalgia. Certain detailsare still being ironed out. We have resolved thecatering, which looks very promising for both themain Saturday program and the Friday eveningpre-party. Things look promising with the displaysof historical technology. This year, it will probablyreplace the flight program, which looks like it willnot happen this time around. Nevertheless, we areexploring this possibility as well, albeit chancesare pretty low at this point. Flight demonstrationscould return to the program provided that weextend E-day again to Sunday, making it two days.We will decide whether to do this in the fall, afterthis year’s event and the main argument for thedecision whether to extend or not will be dictatedby your feedback.Jindra Sterbacek will return to moderate the PotQ & A. We are working together on a plan to changethe Pot format, intending to make it more dynamic,and involve you, the participants, more with yourquestions, and I think that the whole thing will beup to date and correspondingly interesting. Wewill try to get representatives of other companiesinvolved, too. We’ve run it up the flagpole, and weseem to be getting some salutes. There shouldbe plenty to choose from, and we are alreadyregistering increased interest from companiesfrom the Czech Republic and abroad, and it lookslike the participation of model companies willalso be record-breaking this year. According tothe first responses from modelers, it could be thesame with the exhibiting participants. By the way,the main prize in the competition will again be anultrasonic knife, courtesy of the Annetra company.E-day has always been largely about newproducts, especially premieres. This year, the48th scale MiG-21F-13 will premiere at E-day. Youalready know that, but we are working on otherprojects, and if everything goes well, two morekits may premiere at the event. I won't reveal themto you just yet, but I won't keep you waiting untilOctober either. As soon as we are sure that we canfinish these projects on time, we will present thembefore E-day while meeting modelers in Pragueand Prostejov.For now, check the map to see how to get toLitomerice, check out the city's website for whatthere is to see in and around it, of which there isplenty, and if possible, arrange a day off for Fridayso you don't miss anything. This year's E-day willbe worth it!I won't keep you waiting any longer. I'll justremind you that next week we will publish anotherepisode of our sit-together podcast with KatkaBorecka, myself and Kuba Nademlejnský. Wehave loosened up a bit and the podcast will bea little longer than the last one, but I still believethat you will not be bored. Next week, we arerecording another podcast, dedicated to theLimited Edition kit Kamikaze Tokkotai, conceivedout of a conversation on the topic of the Kamikazebetween an expert and an informed enthusiast.I am the latter, while Honza Bobek is the former.It is of course a serious topic, but I believe that youwill enjoy it.And with that, I wish you all, my friends,a pleasant few hours with this issue of ournewsletter.Happy Modelling,Vladimir SulcEDITORIALINFO Eduard4March 2025Strana 5
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NEW ONLINEMAGAZINE!PAID ATTACHMENTOF INFO EDUARDWith every issue you purchase 10% off in the Eduard webstore!ZERO ISSUE FREECover for secret missionsHISTORY / by Peter Kaššák“Little friends“, as bomber crews used to call their fighter cover, were essentialpart of most bombing raids flown by USAAF in Europe. Since North American P-51Mustang fighters entered service, operational range was not a problem anymore.Fighter pilots might operate all the way to and back from target, protecting bomberformations from enemy fighter attacks, and also fulfill strafing missions includingliquidation of any aircraft, vehicles, locomotives and carts, ships and small storagebuildings located on the ground. But few of the Fighter Groups had privilege to joinspecial Secret Missions to enemy occupied territory. Two of these took place inSlovakia in 1944.”Lend-LeaseHISTORICAL REFLECTION / by Jan Bobek“Our individual understanding of historical events is often shaped by fragments ofstories passed down from those closest to us. There are various accounts of the RedArmy's arrival in Prague in May 1945. My grandmother, for instance, recalled see-ing Soviet armored vehicles with white stars—American stars. She also mentionedhow, after the fighting had ended, their crews washed their vehicles in the localcreek, using luxurious women's underwear. I’m not sure what kind of unit it was,but the fact that the Red Army didn’t have time to repaint their American vehiclesseems, to me, a reflection of the chaotic nature of the war effort in its final days. Formy ancestors, the sight of the Soviets using American equipment was a surprisingrevelation.“Strana 7
In the March issue of Eduard Modeller's Denyou can read among other thingsCurrent Japanese Naval ForcesCURRENT AFFAIRS / by Petr Uzsák“Japan is often associated with modern technology, gastronomy, martial arts, and itstraditional imperial system, along with the formal etiquette deeply ingrained in itsculture. Military history enthusiasts are likely familiar with the Japanese samuraiand the country's air and naval campaigns in the Pacific and Indian Oceans duringWorld War II. However, the contemporary Japanese navy does not enjoy the samelevel of global recognition.“A Record Day Ranger MissionHISTORY / by Marko Jeras“It was Wednesday, 11. October 1944. The citizens of Zagreb, capital of the Indepen-dent State of Croatia, were having a peaceful morning. That changed at 9.55 hourswhen the first siren for air raid awareness was sounded. The citizens of Zagreb hadluck for once, not a single bomb was dropped on Zagreb. But something else wasstriken. With a Mosquito sting precision.The RAF Station Manston in Kent, England, was base of RAF No. 605 Squadronof Air Defence of Great Britain. Equipped with Mosquito fighter-bomber aeroplanes,with primary task of protecting the aerial space of England. But the unit wantedto give more to war effort and started conducting Night Intruder and Day Rangermissions on targets in German Reich and enemy occupied territory. Their target wasmore than 1000 kilometres away.”Luck’s a FortuneHISTORY / by Douglas Norrie“Fighter pilots rely on a slice of luck to survive the deadly game of aerial combat, and some ofthem enjoy much more luck than others. Australian Kittyhawk pilot E.P. ‘Ted’ Oakley was defi-nitely one of the lucky ones. Ted was amongst the hundreds of Australian pilots to serve withdistinction in the Middle East during the Second World War. Throughout his time in the MiddleEast, battle-hardened German fighter aces and anti-aircraft gunners had Ted in their sights onnumerous occasions…”The Lorient Submarine BaseHISTORY / by Vladimír Šulc“The city of Lorient dates back to the latter half of the 17th century, when in 1664,Jean-Baptiste Colbert, the first minister under King Louis XIV, founded the FrenchEast India Company. The rise of fishing and the development of the fish trade atthe turn of the 19th and 20th centuries led to the construction of a modern fishingport on Cape Kéroman in 1920. After the defeat in the Battle of France in June, 1940,the victorious Germans began construction of a submarine base in its place. The firstGerman submarine, U-30, sailed into Lorient on July 7th, 1940, and the last, U-155,departed on September 9th, 1944. In total, 203 different German submarines and twoJapanese submarines passed through the submarine base at Lorient during WorldWar II. The monumental concrete submarine docks still stand in Lorient today.”Flying Knights in Australia
HISTORYFrom USA to AustraliaThis fighter unit was establishedin June 1940 in the United States asthe 49th Pursuit Group (Interceptor).At that time, only its Headquarters andHeadquarters Squadron existed. In December,the 7th, 8th, and 9th Pursuit Squadrons wereassigned to the group as its fighter squadrons.The unit was officially activated in January1941, with a cadre of pilots, some with prior ex-perience, drawn from the 31st Pursuit Group, aunit that had itself been in existence for only ayear. The 49th PG was initially equipped withoutdated P-35 aircraft, which its airmen usedfor training at the unit level and during militaryexercises.After the Japanese attack on the United Sta-tes in December 1941, Maj. P. B. Wurthsmith, apilot who had earned his air badge in 1928 andhad seen combat against the Japanese in thePhilippines with the 17th PG, was appointedcommander of the 49th PG. On Christmas Day,his newly assigned unit learned that it wouldbe deployed to the Pacific. More than 1,100 ofits members departed in a convoy from SanFrancisco to Melbourne, Australia, on January11, 1942. They arrived safely at their destinati-on on February 1, 1942, making the 49th PG thefirst unit of the U.S. Army Air Corps to reach acombat zone after Japan declared war.From the outset, the 49th Pursuit Group (PG)was stationed at three different bases andwas joined by Capt. Boyd "Buzz" Wagner of the17th Pursuit Squadron (PS), who had becomethe first fighter ace of the U.S. Army Air Corpsduring the battles over the Philippines in De-cember.Each squadron was equipped with 25 P-40EWarhawks, requiring pilots to transition to newaircraft. Only after arriving at Australian ba-ses did they begin to familiarize themselveswith the Warhawk. Due to the engine's charac-terictics, taxiing proved challenging, leadingto numerous incidents, with several dozenaircraft sustaining minor or major damage incrashes.At the time, there was growing concern inAustralia over the Japanese advance on NewThe 49th Fighter Group was one of the most significant fighter units of the U.S. ArmyAir Forces in the Pacific Theater. Its airmen achieved 664 victories while flying P-40s,P-38s, and P-47s over Australia, New Guinea, and the Philippines. Among its top aceswere "Dick" Bong, the most successful American fighter pilot of World War II, with 40victories, and "Jerry" Johnson, with 22 victories. Both flew P-38 Lightnings as part ofthe 9th Fighter Squadron, known as the "Flying Knights," continuing the legacy of theirpredecessors, who first took off against the enemy in March 1942 in Curtiss P-40EWarhawks. Their early missions were anything but easy.Text: Jan BobekOn the box art by Adam Tooby, two aircraft from the 9th Fighter Squadron, 49th FighterGroup are depicted flying over northern Australia. Capt. Ben S. Irvin is piloting"The Rebel", while Lt. Robert Harry Vaught is flying "Bob’s Robin". “Bitchin’ Ben” Irvinwas a veteran of the battles in the Philippines and Java.INFO Eduard8March 2025Strana 9
HISTORYGuinea, particularly toward the strategic PortMoresby base, as well as the potential fora Japanese landing on the Australian mainland.These fears intensified after the Japanesecarrier raid on Darwin on February 19, 1942,launched from the carriers Akagi, Hiryū, Sōryū,and Kaga. This attack, the first and largest airraid on Australian territory during World War II,is often referred to as "Australia’s Pearl Har-bor."The defenders mistakenly identified theincoming Japanese attackers as a formati-on of P-40s from the 33rd Pursuit Squadron,which had been forced to turn back from anattempted transfer to Java due to bad weather.Having learned from the Pearl Harbor raid,the Japanese airmen did not focus solely onattacking vessels but also targeted land infra-structure. The first raid was soon followed bya second, carried out by 54 twin-engine navalbombers from bases in Indonesia, which con-centrated on airfields and other key facilities.Despite losing four aircraft, the Japane-se forces managed to sink 10 Allied ships,including the destroyer USS Peary, destroy23 aircraft, devastate both military and civi-lian infrastructure in Darwin, and ensure anunopposed landing on Timor.Horn Island and the 7th PursuitSquadron InterludeIn early March 1942, Maj. Wurthsmith askedLt. Morrissey, commander of the 7th PursuitSquadron (PS), whether he had enough experi-enced pilots to form a detachment for deploy-ment to Horn Island, located in the Torres Straitbetween northern Queensland, Australia, andPapua New Guinea. Morrissey assembleda group of twelve airmen, who departed for theisland immediately. However, only nine pilotsreached their destination—arriving withoutground personnel or essential equipment.On March 14, 1942, eight G4M Betty bom-bers, accompanied by twelve A6M2 Zero Model21 fighters, launched an air raid on this base.All the aircraft belonged to the 4th Kōkūtai.While the bombers, led by Lt. Shigeo Yamaga-ta, took off from Rabaul, their fighter escort,under the command of Lt. Shirō Kawai, depar-ted from the recently captured Lae airbase inNew Guinea. Lt. Morrissey received an advan-ce warning of the approaching attack and man-aged to get his pilots into the air in time.The Betty bomber crews dropped theirpayload on the base undisturbed and withprecision from an altitude of 7,000 meters(23,000 feet). Ten minutes later, a “Hurricane”fighter attacked the formation, and the bom-bers’ gunners claimed to have shot it down.The American aircraft was likely piloted by 2ndLt. Harold J. Martin, who was later creditedwith shooting down one of the bombers.Archerfield, Queensland, Australia, early 1942. Uncrating a United States Army Air Corps P-40E aircraft(AC-5336) for one of American Pursuit Groups. Photo: Australian War MemorialAssembling a United States Army Air Corps P40E aircraft at Archerfield, Queensland, Australia.Photo: Australian War MemorialPart of the P-40 Kittyhawk aircraft at the crash site on the slopes of Mount Imlay. The Warhawk belonged to 49thPG. Another Kittyhawk from the same Squadron crashed at Wonboyn on the same day. Both pilots, 2nd LieutenantJohn Musial and Neal Takala were both killed. On March 28, 1942, Takala and three other pilots was on a routinetraining exercise from Fairbairn Airbase to the Snowy Mountains, but encountered dense fog over the coast nearEden. Two surviving pilots Lts. Namola and Fielder were later to lose their lives also, in the defence of Darwin, on16 and 23 June 1942. Photo: Australian War MemorialINFO Eduard9March 2025Strana 10
HISTORYThe raid resulted in the destruction ofone twin-engine Hudson aircraft, damageto another, and inflicted significant damageto buildings, tents, a water tank, and vehicles.On their return flight, the bomber crews stra-fed an Allied vessel.The Japanese fighter escorts kept most ofthe American pilots engaged and claimed ei-ght aircraft shot down. Among the Japanesepilots was Hiroyoshi Nishizawa, who would la-ter become the most successful Japanese na-val fighter pilot of the war. However, only fourAmerican aircraft sustained damage and theonly complete loss was a P-40 whose pilot losthis bearings and had to bail out. He was laterrescued by two young Aboriginal Australians.During the battle, the Americans claimedfour Zeros shot down. Among the Japanese ca-sualties was Lt. (jg) Nobuhiro Iwasaki, whoseaircraft was later recovered, allowing Alliedintelligence to gather valuable information,particularly from component nameplates. Iwa-saki’s likely victor was Lt. Morrissey, who firedon the enemy from a distance of 200 yards. Oneof Iwasaki’s wingmen during the engagementwas Nishizawa.The second Japanese pilot shot down wasPO1c Genkichi Oishi. In his case, there is nodoubt about his victor. Lt. A. T. House attackeda Zero that was attempting to get behind Morri-ssey. However, when House tried to fire, hismachine guns malfunctioned, and not a singleshot was fired.Thinking quickly, he decided to ram the Zeroby striking its fuselage with the right wingtipof his aircraft, killing Oishi in the cockpit. TheP-40 then entered uncontrollable, erratic ma-neuvers, but House managed to regain controlat 4,000 feet and successfully landed back atthe base at high speed, without deploying flaps.For this daring action, he was rightfullyawarded the Distinguished Service Cross.Shortly after this battle, the 7th Pursuit Squad-ron was withdrawn from Horn Island, and Hou-se soon found himself in the hospital—but notdue to combat. While on leave in Sydney, a taxidriver ran over his foot. Well, as the sayinggoes, those destined to hang will never drown.The Threat of InvasionConcerns about a potential Japanese invasi-on of Australia grew even more in early March1942. On March 3, Broome Airfield in WesternAustralia was attacked by nine Zeros from the3rd Kōkūtai. The Japanese airmen strafed thebase and its surroundings, killing nearly 90soldiers and civilians and destroying 23 air-craft.While returning to Koepang, three Zero pi-lots spotted a Dutch DC-3 transport aircraft.Because it was camouflaged, they assumed itwas a legitimate target and opened fire, hittingthe fuselage, right wing, and right engine.The aircraft went into a spin, but to the Japa-nese pilots' surprise, the pilot managed to re-cover just above the ground and successfullyexecuted an emergency landing. That pilot wasIvan Smirnoff, a Russian fighter ace from WorldWar I. Later that day, eight more Zeros from thesame unit attacked Wyndham Base, destroyingone aircraft and damaging several buildings.The very next day, on March 4, 1942, nineZeros from the 3rd Kōkūtai attacked the RAAFbase in Darwin. They successfully destroyedone Hudson bomber and damaged several buil-dings. All Japanese aircraft returned safely tobase, although three sustained minor damagefrom anti-aircraft fire.At the time, the main Allied focus was on thebattle for Java, leaving Australian bases tem-porarily unprotected. With the urgent need tosecure fighter defenses for Port Moresby inNew Guinea, the American military allocated 25P-40 Warhawks to form No. 75 Squadron RAAF,which was officially established on March 4.The squadron relocated to Port Moresby onMarch 21, where its commander, "Old John"Jackson, faced extreme challenges. Despitethe harsh conditions, he successfully led andmotivated his pilots, transforming them froma group of inexperienced rookies into formida-ble challengers against the battle-hardenedJapanese Navy pilots.By April, Allied fighter strength in the PortMoresby area was bolstered with the arri-val of American Airacobras. Additionally, No.76 Squadron RAAF at Archerfield and No. 77Squadron RAAF at Pearce, Western Australia,were gradually equipped with P-40E Warhawks.9th Pursuit Squadron Deploys toDarwinImmediately after the Japanese attacks inWestern Australia, the American 9th Pursuit41-5509, 1Lt. Joseph J. Kruzel, 17th PS (Provisional), 4th CG, Java, February 1942Joseph John Kruzel was born on February 17, 1918, in Pennsylvania. He entered the Air Force in May 1940 and wasassigned to the 2nd Observation Squadron in the Philippines in December of that year. He was then transferred tothe 17th PS in September 1941. After the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and the invasion of the Philippines, the17th PS moved to Australia and Kruzel subsequently took part in the fighting in the Dutch East Indies. He achievedhis first kill on February 17, 1942, when he shot down a Ki-27 over Palembang. This was followed by two A6Mkills on February 19 and 20. In March he joined the 9th FS in Australia, where his wingman was George Preddy.He served with the unit until his return home in December 1942. In November 1943, he moved with the 361st FGto England to Bottisham Base, where the group received its P-47Ds. In Europe, Kruzel achieved three more killsplus one shared. This brought his total to 6.5 kills and one damaged aircraft. He returned to the US in January1945 and held a number of important positions postwar, achieving the rank of Major General. He retired on August1, 1970 and died on July 10, 2002 at the age of 84. His P-40 from when he was still with the 17th PS sported thedrawing of a dragon breathing fire on both sides of the nose. A similar drawing then adorned another P-40E thatKruzel used in Australia. This one, however, was camouflaged in British colors, and Kruzel’s Flight was named“Dragon Flight” after it.41-5647, 1Lt. John Landers, 9th FS, 49th FG, Darwin, Australia, 1942John Dave Landers was one of the fighter pilots who achieved victories in two different theatres of war during WWII. He scored his first six kills in the Pacific and added the rest to his total of 14.5 kills in Europe. Born in Oklahomaon August 23, 1920, he moved to Texas at the age of eighteen. He entered the Army Air Cadet program in April 1941,was commissioned as a First Lieutenant on December 12 and shipped to Australia as early as January 1942. He joi-ned the 9th FS/49th FG after delivering one P-40E to Darwin on April 3. He scored two kills the very next day, thenadded two more victories on June 14 and July 30 before taking off on December 26 for his last combat flight in thePacific. That day he firstly scored two kills, then was shot down over New Guinea and had to find his way throughthe jungle. In February 1943 he returned to the USA and was sent on his second operational tour, this time in Euro-pe (where he later completed a third tour as well). The first of Lander’s P-40s is portrayed here. On the left side ofthe fuselage behind the cockpit, it bore a drawing of a hawk in a yellow field, as a mark of affiliation with the AndyReynolds Flight, who was the first to use this decoration. The decals provide the Hawk in black and dark brownversion, as it is not sure which color was used. On the nose, Skeeter inscription and the drawing of a mosquitoholding a machine gun were painted. It is not sure the mosquito was painted on the starboard side as well.INFO Eduard10March 2025Strana 11
HISTORYSquadron (PS), under the command of Capt.James C. Selman, was assigned the task of de-fending Darwin. The ground personnel and tech-nical equipment were transported by land fromMelbourne, while 25 pilots began the 2,000-milejourney in their aircraft over unfamiliar terrain,departing in succession on March 8.Severe storms and technical issues delayedtheir arrival, and it took two weeks for the firstpilots to reach their destination. However, Dar-win Base was too heavily damaged to be a via-ble operational hub, so the Americans relocatedto the more southerly Batchelor Field. By theend of the month, 21 of the original 25 aircraftand their pilots had successfully completed thejourney and assembled at the new airfield.At this time, the 9th PS was reinforcedwith experienced pilots who had alreadyseen combat against the Japanese. Lt. Jo-seph J. Kruzel had three confirmed victo-ries, Lt. Ben S. Irvin had shot down a bomberand a Zero, and Lt. Andrew J. Reynolds hadthree Zero kills and a shared victory overa twin-engine aircraft, which he identified as a"Me 110."The First Air BattlesThe 7th Pursuit Squadron achieved itsfirst aerial victory on March 22, 1942. A Ja-panese formation from the 3rd Kōkūtai con-sisted of a C5M Babs reconnaissance air-craft, escorted by three A6M2 Zero Type21s.After completing its mission, the reconnai-ssance aircraft separated from its escort,a fatal mistake. The Americans, flying at 20,000feet, spotted the lone aircraft 1,000 feet belowand gave it no chance.The attack was carried out by 2nd Lt. ClydeL. Harvey, Jr. and 1st Lt. Stephen Poleschuk.Under their combined fire, the C5M Babscrashed southwest of Bathurst Island, killingboth crew members, PO1c Shigiki Mori andPO1c Shinobu Nagasawa. This victory, creditedto Poleschuk, marked the first confirmed aeri-al kill for the 9th Pursuit Squadron.The 9th Pursuit Squadron achieved its firstvictory against enemy bombers on March 28,1942, during a raid by seven G4M Betty bom-bers from the Takao Kōkūtai. The bomber for-mation flew without escort and successfullyhit the runway at Darwin Airfield from an al-titude of 18,000 feet, damaging one aircraft.The Japanese crews claimed to have shot downthree P-40s, but in reality, none were lost.However, one Japanese bomber, commandedby Ensign Taketoshi Asahiro, was shot down,and the entire crew perished.On the American side, 2nd Lt. Clyde L. Har-vey, Jr., 1st Lt. William D. Sells, and 1st Lt. Ro-bert Harry Vaught each scored confirmed kills,while 1st Lt. Stephen Poleschuk was creditedwith a probable victory.In the next raid, which took place on March30, the Japanese launched their attack withfighter escort. This time, seven G4M Bettybombers from the Takao Kōkūtai were accom-panied by twelve Zeros from the 3rd Kōkūtai.The bombing raid caused minimal damagein Darwin, but the fighter escorts effectivelyprotected the bombers. The Japanese pilotsclaimed to have shot down six P-40s and pro-bably destroyed two more, but in reality, onlytwo P-40s were damaged. Lt. McComsey wasforced to bail out of a third aircraft.April Air RaidsDuring the April 2, 1942, raid on Darwin, the9th Pursuit Squadron (PS) pilots were unableto inflict any damage on the attackers. Ho-wever, two days later, the situation changed.On April 4, six G4M Betty bombers from theTakao Kōkūtai, escorted by six Zeros from the3rd Kōkūtai, launched an air raid targetingboth the RAAF base and the civilian airfield.At the time, two separate American forma-tions were airborne, each consisting of sevenP-40 Warhawks. However, only one of thegroups managed to engage the Japanese for-ces.During the April 4 raid, one G4M Betty bom-ber was shot down by anti-aircraft defenses,while two others fell victim to American figh-ters—resulting in the loss of all crew members.The remaining bombers managed to return tobase, though all sustained various degrees ofdamage. The airmen of the 9th Pursuit Squad-ron reported a total of eight kills. The confir-med victories were as follows: 2nd Lt. GroverA6M2 Zero Type 21, Lt. Zenjirō Miyano, 3. Kōkūtai, Poeleti airfield, Timor, March 1942This aircraft, manufactured by Mitsubishi, was photographed in April 1942 in Rabaul with partially repainted mar-kings that originally belonged to Lieutenant Miyano. The bands and stripes may have been in dark blue or blackcolor. Zenjirō Miyano served from 1939 with the 12th Kōkūtai in China and was appointed as a Buntaichō with the3rd Kōkūtai in October 1941. He participated in the campaigns in the Philippines and the Dutch East Indies. Duringa raid on Broome, Australia, on March 3, 1942, Miyano attacked a Dutch civil DC-3. The pilot was Capt. Ivan Smir-noff, a World War I Russian fighter ace, despite one engine on fire, he managed to make an emergency landing,but the Zero pilots killed four passengers on the ground. In April 1942 Miyano was transferred to the 6th Kōkūtai,which was to be based at Midway. Part of his unit was on the way to Midway aboard the carrier Jun´yō, whichparticipated in the attack against Dutch Harbor in the Aleutians. Miyano also participated in the raid. His unit wasbased at Rabaul from August 1942 and was redesignated Kōkūtai 204 in November. From March 1943 Miyano tookposition of Hikōtaichō. He was a combat tactics innovator and was the first to introduce the finger-four formationin Japanese naval aviation. Miyano achieved a total of 16 victories and was killed on June 16, 1943, over Guadalca-nal during escort of dive bombers.P-40E-1, 41-25164, Capt. Ben S. Irvin, 9th FS, 49th FG, Darwin, Australia, 1942INFO Eduard11March 2025Strana 12
HISTORYJ. Gardner, 2nd Lt. John A. Kelting, and 2nd Lt.John D. Livingstone, Jr. each shot down onebomber, 2nd Lt. John Dave Landers claimedtwo bombers, while 2nd Lt. Andrew JacksonReynolds and 2nd Lt. John S. Sauber each shotdown one bomber and one Zero. In this engage-ment, the Americans successfully executedtheir well-rehearsed attack tactics, divingfrom above and striking the bombers head-on.If conditions allowed, they would then launchfollow-up attacks from the rear.However, the G4M Betty bombers pro-ved to be a new and challenging adversary.The American pilots quickly learned that theiropponents had a dangerous surprise, a 20mmcannon mounted in the rear turret, makingattacks from rear risky.The Japanese fighters suffered no lossesand scored four victories. Two P-40s wereactually lost, but not due to Zeroes. Appro-aching the base with their landing gear exten-ded, pilots Garder and Livingstone came underfire from their own anti-aircraft defenses.Gardner managed to bail out, but Livingstonewas killed while attempting to land at anotherairfield.In mid-April, a decision was made on theJapanese side to withdraw air units from Ko-epang to Kendari and to temporarily limit airraids on Australia because of other priorities.However, two more air raids were planned onDarwin before the troops were moved.The first raid took place on April 25, 1942,and was carried out by 27 Betty bombers fromTakao Kōkūtai, accompanied by nine Zerosfrom the 3rd Kōkūtai. Three bombers abortedthe mission due to technical issues, and onewas lost on its return. As usual, the Japane-se executed a precise high-altitude attack onthe RAAF base, but this time, they encounteredgreater resistance than in previous operations.On this day, the entire 49th Pursuit Grouptook to the air for the first time, with the 7th,8th, and 9th Pursuit Squadrons deployinga total of 50 aircraft. In the ensuing battle,four Betty bombers were shot down, with allcrew members killed. One bomber suffereda structural failure, causing its wing to collap-se and leading to a mid-air collision withanother aircraft. Additionally, 20 bomberssustained damage, three of which lost the useof one engine. One Zero was also shot down,the first lost in combat against the 49th PGover Darwin. Its pilot was PO1c Shirō Murakami.The bomber gunners claimed three downedP-40s, while the escort fighters reported ano-ther seven. However, none of the Americanaircraft were actually shot dow, only two P-40pilots were forced to make emergency lan-dings. Zeros were credited to 2nd Lt. WilliamJ. Hennon of the 9th Pursuit Squadron, whilehis colleagues from the 8th Pursuit Squadronclaimed ten bombers and one Zero.Two days later, on April 27, the same Japa-nese units returned to Darwin. This time, only17 bombers participated, but the fighter escortwas larger, led by Lt. Takeo Kurosawa at thehead of 21 Zeros. Once again, the 49th PursuitGroup deployed all three squadrons againstthe attackers, but this time they did not esca-pe without losses. Four P-40 pilots were shotdown, including the commander of the 8th Pur-suit Squadron, Capt. Allison W. Strauss, whowas killed. One of the local airfields was laternamed in his honor, like in the case of the un-fortunate Livingstone.After a fierce battle, the Americans claimedseveral victories. 2nd Lt. Stephen WallaceAndrew of the 7th Pursuit Squadron reporteddowning one bomber and one Zero, while hiscolleagues from the 8th Pursuit Squadron clai-med three bombers, four Zeros, and one additi-onal Zero as probably shot down.In reality, the Japanese lost only one bomber,though ten others were damaged. Additionally,two Zeros returned to base with damage, butnone were actually shot down. The bombergunners claimed one P-40 destroyed, whilethe Japanese fighter escort optimistically re-ported shooting down thirteen P-40s with sixmore probable kills. The discrepancies in bothsides' reports highlight the confusion and in-tensity of the aerial combat.Australian WinterThe period from June to August is consideredwinter in Australia, and in the Darwin area, it ischaracterized by slightly cooler temperaturesand, most notably, significantly less rainfall.After the battles in April, the 49th PursuitGroup took advantage of the favorable weatherand a temporary pause in Japanese air raidsto recover from losses, enhance combat rea-diness, and implement several administrativechanges. The unit was officially redesignatedas the 49th Fighter Group, and its squadronswere renamed Fighter Squadrons. Additiona-lly, the pilots selected combat names and em-blems for their squadrons.The 9th Fighter Squadron adopted the win-ged helmet as its emblem and began usingthe combat name "Flying Knights." Membersof the 8th Fighter Squadron, initially nickna-med the "Eight Balls," later chose the fightingname "Black Sheep," a reference to their air-craft procurement. Unlike other units, theyrarely received new planes and instead tookover well-used aircraft from other squadrons.The 7th Fighter Squadron selected the Bunyip,a mythical Australian predator, as its emblem.It was painted on the aircraft rudders by BillHennon, a veteran of combat over the Philippi-nes and Java.In mid-June, the Japanese once again fo-cused their attacks on Darwin. On June 13,15, and 16, a total of 27 Betty bombers fromTakao Kōkūtai carried out each raid, with theirescorts varying in size. The first raid wasaccompanied by as many as 45 Zeros from 3rdKōkūtai, while the following two raids wereescorted by 21 and 27 Zeros, respectively.A different type of Japanese attack tookplace on June 14. That day, 27 Zeros from 3rdKōkūtai were tasked with strafing the basein Darwin. Radar operators initially believedthe incoming aircraft were escorting appro-ximately nine bombers, but it appears that nobombers were operating in the area. Instead,the Japanese fighters' mission was not only toattack the RAAF station but also to inflict lo-sses on enemy fighters.P-40E, Lt. Robert Harry Vaught, 9th FS, 49th FG, Darwin, Australia, 1942INFO Eduard12March 2025Strana 13
HISTORYDuring the ensuing battle, pilots from the9th Fighter Squadron claimed one Zero each:2nd Lt. I.B. Jack Donalson, 2nd Lt. John DaveLanders, and 2nd Lt. Andrew Jackson Rey-nolds. Additionally, Capt. Nathaniel H. Blantonfrom the 7th Fighter Squadron claimed oneZero as definitely shot down and another asprobably destroyed.Over four days of intense fighting, the 49thFighter Group claimed 13 Zeros certainly shotdown and one probably destroyed, as well asone bomber confirmed, one probably downed,and three damaged. The Americans lost nineP-40s, with one pilot not surviving.The Japanese officially lost only two Zeropilots, who went missing on June 13, thoughit is possible they lost their bearings whilereturning to base. During the three bombingraids, approximately 20 G4M Betty bomberswere damaged, and two crew members werekilled. Meanwhile, Zero pilots claimed 19 con-firmed victories and 12 probable victories inthese engagements.After a six-week pause, the Japanese launch-ed another raid on July 30, 1942. Takao Kōkūtaisent 26 bombers to attack the RAAF base atDarwin, approaching the target at 26,000 feet.They were escorted by 27 Zeros from the 3rdKōkūtai. After receiving a warning from Aus-tralian radar operators, 36 aircraft from the49th Fighter Group took to the air to intercept.Once again, the Japanese crews struck theirtarget with precision. One Australian aircraftwas damaged, and hits were recorded on therunway, fuel supplies, and water pipes.Pilots from the 9th Fighter Squadron clai-med several victories. 1st Lt. I. B. Jack Donal-son, 2nd Lt. John Dave Landers, 1st Lt. AndrewJackson Reynolds, and 1st Lt. Clay Tice Jr. eachshot down one Zero. 2nd Lt. Clyde L. HarveyJr. claimed a bomber as destroyed and wasalso credited with the probable destruction ofa Zero. Their colleagues from the 7th FighterSquadron claimed two Zeros and two bombersconfirmed shot down, as well as one Zero asa probable kill.The battle was apparently chaotic onceagain, as only two Zeros were lost. One wasshot down during the engagement, and its pilot,PO1c Shigeru Mukumoto, was killed. The otherwas lost near its base in Koepang due to anengine failure, forcing its pilot, PO2c MasashiTomita, to ditch the aircraft. Japanese fightersclaimed 16 victories, including three probablekills, but in reality, only one P-40 from the 7thFighter Squadron was shot down.Within the 49th Fighter Group at this time,it wasn't just pilots who were achieving vic-tories. Among such airmen was a certain 2/Lt. George Earl Preddy, Jr. who served withthe 9th FS "Flying Knights". During air combattraining on July 12, 1942, Preddy was flyingin a formation of four aircraft led by 2nd Lt.John Sauber. He piloted his personal aircraft,P-40E "Tarheel" (41-5509), number 85. Duringa practice attack on Preddy, Sauber misjudgedthe distance, resulting in a mid-air collision.Sauber likely lost consciousness upon impactand perished in his aircraft. However, despitehis injuries, Preddy managed to bail out of hisWarhawk, and his colleagues guided an ambu-lance to the crash site.Fortunately, he was found before nightfall.He suffered multiple fractures, and the doc-tor later stated that he would have bled toLt. Robert Harry Vaught and his plane "Bob´s Robin“.INFO Eduard13March 2025Strana 14
HISTORYdeath by morning. However, what concernedPreddy most at the time was the huge anthillnear where he landed. After recovering, hewas transferred to Europe, where he beca-me the second-highest-scoring fighter ace ofthe 352nd Fighter Group, the "Blue-nosed Ba-stards of Bodney."Australia itself exposed both its inhabi-tants and visiting aviators to various dangers,primarily due to the local wildlife. On July 16,1942, Robert H. Vaught, a colleague of Preddy,narrowly escaped death during a flight. Fordetails on the origin of his nickname, "SnakeBite Bob," see the historical text on his aircraftin the Pacific Star kit featured in this issue ofINFO magazine.In July, the Japanese launched night raidson Australian targets, for which neither theAustralians nor the Americans had yet deve-loped an effective countermeasure. In Sep-tember, one 49th Fighter Group pilot attemptedan unauthorized night fighter mission butwas punished after landing—not only for theunauthorized action but also for forcing one ofthe airfields to turn on its runway lights.Final Battle and Move to New GuineaThe last encounter between the 49th Figh-ter Group and enemy forces over Australiatook place on August 23, 1942. As usual, 27Betty bombers from Takao Kōkūtai, escortedby 27 Zeros from the 3rd Kōkūtai, launched anattack—this time targeting Hughes Field, southof Darwin. One bomber was forced to returnearly due to a malfunction.The raid was intercepted by 24 P-40s fromthe 7th and 8th Fighter Squadrons. Beforethe bombers could reach their target, severalwere forced out of formation. Two bomberssustained moderate damage, one was severelydamaged, and another took several harmlesshits. The only American loss was a P-40, who-se pilot, while chasing the bombers, stopped tocheck his fuel level and inadvertently ended upin the sea.This time, the Japanese fighter escort suf-fered a heavy defeat. Among those killed wasBuntaichō Lieutenant Tadatsune Tokaji, a ve-teran of the 12th China War Kōkūtai. Also lostwere PO2c Nobutoshi Furukawa, PO2c ItsuzōShimizu, and PO3c Yoshiyuki Hirata.The Americans reported eight Zeros con-firmed as shot down and one damaged. SevenJapanese bombers were claimed as destroy-ed including one bomber credited to CaptainGeorge Edward Kiser. Additionally one Bettywas claimed probably destroyed and two asdamaged.The fighter pilots of the 49th Fighter Groupended their Australian campaign as seasonedveterans, having scored nearly 80 victoriesagainst a battle-hardened enemy in less thansix months.The 7th Fighter Squadron was the first to re-locate to New Guinea in September, while the8th Fighter Squadron had to repair and prepa-re its aging aircraft before moving. Meanwhile,the 9th Fighter Squadron remained in Darwin,training Australian colleagues.The 49th FG’s first engagement on the newbattlefield took place on November 1, 1942,when sixteen P-40Es from the 8th FighterSquadron escorted Mitchells and Bostons du-ring a raid on Lae. Shortly before the battle, alarge number of Zeros from Kōkūtai 251, for-merly the Tainan Kōkūtai, had arrived at theairfield, along with Zeros from Kōkūtai 202,which was in fact the well known 3rd Kōkūtai,just under a new designation.1st Lt. William Charles Day Jr. and 1st Lt. Ri-chard H. Dennis each claimed one Zero shotdown. However, in reality, only PO1c Toshio Ka-neko of Kōkūtai 251 was shot down and killed,though seven other Zeros sustained damage.One American pilot remained missing after theaction.The pilots of the 49th Fighter Group had ho-ped for the opportunity to fly the new P-38 Li-ghtning, but to their disappointment, they wereinstead re-equipped with the P-40K. While thisversion had some improvements over the P--40E, it still struggled in combat against themaneuverable Japanese aircraft, making en-gagements in the Warhawk particularly cha-llenging.The "Flying Knights" joined the fighting inNew Guinea in December 1942. At that time, the9th Fighter Squadron was under the commandof Maj. J. C. Peaslee, who had succeeded Capt.B. S. Irvin in November. Unbeknownst to itsmembers at the time, the 9th FS became thefirst unit to engage the Nakajima Ki-43 Armyaircraft in combat on this battlefield.This event took place on December 26, 1942,when 15 pilots flying Ki-43-I aircraft from the11th Hikō Sentai arrived in the Buna-Doboduraarea. The Japanese pilots from the unit’s 1stChūtai were led by Captain Shigenori Miyaba-yashi, and they reached Pongani Airfield justas Australian Hudson bombers were presenton the runway.However, twelve P-40s from the 9th FighterSquadron were patrolling the area. Groundcontrollers called in White Flight, led by 1stLt. "Big John" Landers. With his four-aircraftformation, he attacked the incoming planes,which were mistakenly identified as "Zekes"(A6M Zeros). However, he immediately cameunder accurate fire from two Japanese pilotsand was forced to bail out of his aircraft. Theplane he lost was the original "The Rebel", for-merly flown by Capt. Ben Irvin during the ba-ttles over Australia. The Japanese pilots alsoshot down one Hudson bomber, and after theengagement, they claimed six P-40s destroyed.The Americans managed to shoot down oneaircraft, whose pilot, Sgt. Maj. Ryō-ichi Ima-mura, was killed. 1st Lt. Charles Steven Gallupand 2nd Lt. Carl G. Planck Jr. each claimed oneZeke (Zero), while 1st Lt. William Frees HaningJr. was credited with one probable kill.During the same action, a Ki-43-I flown bySgt. Maj. Hiro-ichi Fujii was damaged, likely bythe gunner of one of the Hudson bombers. Fujiiattempted to return north along the coast, fly-ing at low altitude and reduced speed. In thisvulnerable state, he was spotted by the crew ofa Wirraway from No. 4 Squadron, RAAF, whichimmediately launched a head-on attack fromhigher altitude. The damaged aircraft crashedinto the sea.Initially, the Control Officer refused to belie-ve that the Australian pilot, Pilot Officer JohnArcher, had shot down a Zero, but after multi-P-40E, Capt. George E. Kiser, 8th FS, 49th FG, Darwin, Austrálie, 1942INFO Eduard14March 2025Strana 15
HISTORYA lineup of 7th Fighter Squadron aircraft in Darwin. Aircraft No. 51, "L'Ace", was piloted by Lt. James Bruce Morehead, who added five more victo-ries over Australia to the two he had achieved with the 17th PS over Java. He later served in the Mediterranean, flying P-38s with the 1st FG. Capt.Hennon is seated in the cockpit of P-40 No. 36.P-40E, Capt. William J. Hennon, 7th FS, 49th FG, Darwin, Austrálie, 1942ple eyewitness confirmations, Archer and hisgunner, Sergeant James Coulston, were re-warded with six bottles of beer.Meanwhile, John Landers found himself ina very different situation. He had bailed out ofhis aircraft at approximately 1,000 feet overthe jungle. He wandered through the unk-nown terrain for three days, eventually comingacross a stream, which led him to a nativevillage. The village elders provided him withshelter and food, and the next day, the villagersescorted him to Pongani Airfield, where hewas evacuated on December 31, 1942, aboardan A-24 dive bomber bound for Port Moresby.Although Landers later achieved furthervictories flying the long-awaited P-38 Light-ning, it was not with the 49th Fighter Group. Inthe summer of 1944, he joined the 55th FighterGroup, where he participated in combat overEurope. Meanwhile, his former colleagues inthe 49th Fighter Group were rearmed withP-38 fighters, contributing to its reputation asa legendary aircraft.Sources:CLARINGBOULD, Michael J., INGMAN, Peter:South Pacific Air War, Volume 2CLARINGBOULD, Michael J.: Pacific ProfilesVolume 1, Japanese Army Fighters, New Guinea& the Solomons 1942 -1943CLARINGBOULD, Michael J.: Pacific Adversa-ries, Volume 1, Japanese Army Air Force vs TheAllies, New Guinea 1942 – 1944CLARINGBOULD, Michael J., INGMAN, Peter:South Pacific Air War, Volume 5, Crisis in papua,September – December 1942HATA, Ikuhiko, IZAWA, Yasuho, SHORES,Christopher: Japanese Naval Aces 1932 – 1945HESS, William N.: 49th Fighter Group, Acesof the PacificICHIMURA, Hiroshi: Ki-43 Oscar Aces ofWorld War 2JACAR: Tactical operational records of 3. Kō-kūtaiJACAR: Tactical operational records of TakaoKōkūtaiLEWIS, Tom: The Empire Strikes South, Ja-pan´s Air War Against Northern Australia 1942– 1945McDOWELL, Ernest R.: 49th Fighter GroupMOLESWORTH, Carl: P-40 Warhawk Aces ofthe PacificOLYNYK, Frank: Stars & Bars, A Tribute to theAmerican Fighter Ace 1920 - 1973INFO Eduard15March 2025Strana 16
HISTORYGALLERY DB 605 DMesserschmitt Bf 109 G-10Bf 109 G-10/U4 WNr. 611943,equipped with a DB 605 Dengine, is currently partof the Planes of Fame AirMuseum collection in Arizona.This aircraft displays thedistinctive features of theWNF production series. Itwas captured in May 1945after the group flight andsurrender of II/JG 52 fromAustria to Neubiberg, Bavaria.This Bf 109 probably bore thedesignation "Gelbe 13" (Yellow13) and its serial numberindicates that it belongedto the Hungarian 101. UnitVadászezred.INFO Eduard16March 2025Strana 17
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REVI č.146/2025 54 REVI č.146/2025va. „Vúter ý 20.č ervence t.r. p o 16. hodi ně bylo nu ceno pro por uchumotoru n ouzově přistáti na polích blíže okresní sil nice ke Krchlebůmdopravní létadlo německé Lufth ansy linky Mnichov– Praha– Vratislav,zn. Siberfuchs (si c.) D- UBIQ apře sto, že vtě chto mís tech je vel mi nepř í-znivý teren, přistálo bez nejmenší neho dy. Vlétadle se nalézali 2 letcia2 pa sažéři, kteří ovšem museli další cestu nastoupit r ychlíkem. Obaletci, jakož ilétadlo bylo ihn ed podrobeno prohlídce zdejšího četnict va.Přistání bylo zřejmě senzací nejen pro Staňkováky, ale lidi ze širokéhookolí, kteří se sbíhali na místo přistání až do večerních hodin ai vestředu ave čtvrtek, kdy kovový pták byl rozebrán avlakem odveze n doMnichova. Letecké přistání nenatropilo na polích tolik škod, jako samizvěda vci, jak už při podo bných ne hodách bývá. Vkr átké dob ě po přist á-ní se dostavili na místo zástu pci vojenského iokresního úřadu .“Zfotografií vyplývá, že stroj byl na m ístě demontován azřejmě poželeznici vrácen do Něme cka. Vkvětnu 1940 přešel kLuf twaffe azpo-čátku sloužil uJagdfliegerschule 3 vGrove, později slouž il ke kurýrnímletům u štábu Jagdgeschwader 27 vRusku. Pro nedostatek ná hradníchdílů byl odstaven na letišti Ljuban uLening radu vzáří1941, kde byl za-nechán při ústupu na jaře 1942.Náhradní stroj odstartoval zMnichova o dva dny později v6.15 ráno22.července1936. Stroj Ju 160 D-0 W.Nr. 4246 měl instalovaný motorBMW Hor net 132E-2 W.Nr. 59570. Společností Lufthansa byl letounpřevzat teprve 24. dubna1936 a nesl pojmenování „Hyäne“. V 7.30přistál na let išti Praha-Kb ely, kde vystoupili 4 cestující. V7.50 pok račo-val vdalším letu do Vratislavi. Na palubě zů stala jen dvoučlenná osádka.Další okolnosti zachycuje v yšetřovací spis č.j. 333/63 založený5. srpna 1936 referentem Ing. Františ kem Chváta lem z oddělen í Bbodboru letecké skupiny Ministerst va veřejných prací.Spis začíná rukou psaným dokumentem: „Dne 22.července t.r. sdě lilodo odd Bb, asi o 11 h., ředitelství st. leti ště „Praha“, že uHořic vPod-krkonoší havarovalo dopravní letadlo něm. spole čnosti Luf thansa přiletu zPrahy d o Vratislavy. Při ha várii zahynuli oba letci… Odd Bb podohodě s přednostou letecké sk upiny k místu nehody vyslalo ihnedkomisi za účelem vyšetření ka tastrofy. Komise sestávala: vrch. techn .komisař Ing. F. Chvátal, pře dseda, v.t. kom. Ing. V. Verner azkuš. pilotJar. Mareš.“ Brzy odpoledne ve 13.15 ob drželi voddělení Bb ještě tele-fonát Dr. Dočkala zMinisterstva vnitra sdalšími detaily: „Dn es 22.čer-vence1936 startovalo německé letadlo zn . „DULUR“ v7.50 hod. zeGbel do Breslau . Pilotoval Neubrand , telegrafista Haupt – bez cestují-cích. V8.14 hod. zachytily Gbely volá ní SOS tohoto letadla… V11 hod.hlásilo četnictvo zHra dce Král., že letadlo se zřítil o na kotě 463 uobceChlomek. Obě dvě osob y byly zabity, letadlo úplně roztří štěno.“Spis byl uzavřen a založen4.září1936. Obsahoval samostatnývyšetřovací spis z 3. sr pna 1936vypracovaný Ministerstvem pošta telegrafů, pod které spadalapražská zaměřovací stanice. Dálehlášení Velitelství četnické leteckéhlídky v Hradci Králové z 23.čer-vence 1936, pri márně adresovanénadřízenému Min isterstvu vnitra ,azápis z výslechu svědků havárie,který provedla četnická stanicev Cerekvicích, a fotografickoupřílohu. Závěrečný třístrán kovýprotokol podepsaný techniky Ing. F. Chvátalem a Ing. V. Verneremshrnuj e: „Komis e ministers tva veřejný ch prací pro vyšetření havárieletadla dostavila se na místo nehody 22 .července v 15. hod . Troskyletadla nebyly již ve stavu, ja k letadlo dopadlo na zem, nýbr ž byly– prýzrozkazu nějakého pána zokresního úřadu– shrnuty na několik hromadamotor svrtulí byl ze země vykop án.“Další text obsahuje popis místa havárie: „Místo nehody je mladš í leszvaný Buk ovina… Letad lo vlétlo do lesa asi 200 m od již ního okraje.Směr vlétnutí je jihovýcho dní. Prvá stopa je na 10 m vysoké borovici jížje uražena kor una. Dále ve směru vlétnutí jsou přeráženy st romy stáleníže a asi 12m od zmíněné borovice je vzemi asi 1,5m hluboká jámaširoká asi 2,5m. Zní byly vykopány trosky motor u avrtule přeražená nadva kusy. Dále ve směr u vlétnutí d o vzdálenosti asi 30m od jámy jsoustromy p řeráženy u země, jiné jen odřeny aohn uty a mezi nimi jsoutrosky leta dla– spleť zohýbaných a pomačkaných plechů propletenázbytky různých ve dení a armatur. Rozbité části předku trupu, kabinyapodvozku nacházejí se úplně vpředu , části nosného systému aocas-ních ploch po celé délce místa dopadu… Roztříš těná těla pilota ateleg-rafisty byla nalezena m ezi troskami vpředku trupu abyl o velmi obtížnourčit kolik a osobá m náleže jí. Pal ubní př ístroj e byly úp lně zni čeny. Na le-zeny byly zmačklé hodink y pilota atelegrafisty. Ručičky prvých hod inekCelkem je známo 47 vyrobených kusů, ale objevují se ta kéneurčité údaje o pokračování výroby upravené vojenskéverze Ju 160 C-0.Osudy dvou strojů zpředposlední, dubnové dodávky sena lince Mnichov – Pra ha – Vratislav fatálně proťalysčeskou historií. Ráno 20.července1936 odstartoval zMnichova dopravn í JunkersJu 160 Silberfuchs společnosti Deutsche Lufthansa kpravidelnému letu přes Prahudo Vratislav i. Pro techn ickou závadu byl al e nucen nouzově př istát vpol i uStaňko-Nouzové přistání 20. července 1936 u Staňkova v západníchČechách zachycuje série fotografií.V květnu 1940 převzala „Silberfuchs“ Luftwaffe a obdržel kmenové označeníRC + KO. Jak snímek kuriózně prokazuje, tradiční pojmenování „Silberfuchs“bylo ponecháno i v období vojenské služby.Na starém drážďanském letišti Heller vzniklasérie reklamních fotografií čerstvě dodanéhostroje D-UVOX „Rotfuchs“.20 REVI č.146/202520 REVI č.146/2025REVI č.146/2025 21REVI č.146/2025 21Ing. Pavel VančataSestřelen u ArrasuJedním z novousedlíků voblasti kanadských prér ijních provincií sevlétě 1906 stal Fran k Pawlitza narozený 31.července1886 ve slezskéobci Šumbark, která je dnes jednou změstských čá stí Havířova. Vroce1910 získal kanadské občanství a17. května1915 se ve městě SwiftCurrent oženil sA nnou Tucek (* 20.srpna1889 ve Zruči nad Sázavou).Vlétě 1916 spolu se synem Albertem (* 4.února1916) žil i na vlastn ífarmě v katastru obc e Pittville vprovincii Saskat chewan. Vnásledují-cích letech do rodiny přibyli ještě tři potomci: Vera Rose (* 1.l istopa-du 1917), Elvyn Joseph (* 30. září 1921) a Francis Ha rold(* 30.ledna1924).Nás budou zajímat osudy syna Elvyna, který v letech 1927 až 1935navštěvoval základní školu v Baxtervi lle a další tři roky studovalzdomova formou distančn í výuky. To již rodina vlastnila farmu v obciAbbey, stále vprovincii Saskatchewan, na k teré po ukončení školní do-cházky zůstal pomáhat .Dne 6. února1942 si tento dvacetiletý mladík modrých očí asvětlehnědých vlasů měřící 180 cm podal př ihlášku do Royal Canad ian AirForce (RCAF). Přísahu složil 1.května1942 vNo. 5 Recruiting Centreve městě Regina vprovinci i Saskatchewan, odkud ještě t éhož dne odjelkNo. 2 Manning Depot sídlícímu v Brandonu vsousední provincii Ma-nitoba. Zde se zněj stal nováček se služebním číslem R163640 vhodnos-ti Aircraftman 2ndClass (AC2) a byl zař azen do skupiny určené dovýcviku na pilota s alternativou na navigátora. Od 29. srpna dostalměsíční neplacené volno, aby mohl pomoci skl idit úrodu na rodinnéfarmě. Následně 23. října odjel do Edmontonu v provincii Alberta, kdetři dny nat o zahájil základ ní výcvik u No. 4 Initia l Traini ng Schoolvrámci kurz u č. 65, který končil 1.ledna1943, kdy byl povýšen do hod-nosti Leadi ng Aircraft man (LAC). S výsledným hodnoc ením 74 % seumístil až na 90. m ístě mezi 105 nováčky: „Než narukoval, pracoval naotcově farmě. Jeho bratr slouží jako rotmistr uarmády. Prů měrný spor-tovec. Český půvo d– 2. generace. Mlad ík zfarmy– amb iciózní– budese hodně snažit. Pom alu se učí– upravený. Doporučen na po ddůstojní-ka. Alternat ivně radiotelegrafista-střelec.“ Jeho sen stát se pilotem serozplynul, neboť nehledě na uvedené doporuče ní byl př eřazen do výcvikuna bombometčíka.Na zařazení do další fáze výcviku vyčkával v Edmontonu, a nežkněmu stačilo dojít, byl 30.ledna hospital izován vnemocnici na základ-ně a26. února nastoupil dvoutýdenní zdravotní dovolenou. Na několikdnů se vrátil kNo. 4 ITS, odkud 21.března odjel na řádnou dovolenou.Zní se 3.dubna hl ásil uNo. 7 Bombing & Gunner y School (B & GS) nazákladně Paulson vprovincii Ma nitoba.Kurz pro bombometčí ky č. 79 zde probíha l mezi 5. dubnem až25. červnem 1943. Během prakt ického bombardování na létal na dvou-motorových letounech Avro Anson 46 h 50 min ve dne a4 h 30 minvnoci a shodil celkem 121 pum ve dne a 16 vnoci. P ři bombardovánízmalé v ýšky dosahoval prů měrné odchylky 61 ya rdů (56 m) az velkévýšky 167 yardů (153 m). Vrámci střeleckého výcviku strávil 16 h mani-pulací se střeleckými věžemi na zemi apoté dalších 15 h 5 min nalétal naletounech Bristol Fairchild Bolingbroke, přičemž vyst řílel 3 700 rana dosáhl průměrné úspěšnost i 10 % zásahů. S hod nocením 77,5 %skončil na 9. místě mezi 38 kadety. Podle i nstruktorů byl průměrnýmbombometčíkem astřelcem apo dokončení výcvik u ho doporučili kejmenování do důstojnické hodnosti.ZPaulsonu odjel vden ukončení kurzu a druhý den se h lásil uNo. 1Air Observer School vMaltonu, Onta rio. Vtamní m navigačním kurz uč. 79 probíhajícím od 28. června do 6.srpna 1943 si vedl velm i dobře(obdržený počet bodů/maximá lní možný počet bodů): základy leteckénavigac e (161/200), rozpoz návání let ounů (211/250), pr aktick á signali za-ce (250 /250), te orie let eckého průzk umu (113/150) , teori e leteck ého foto -graf ování (111/150) , prakt ická nav igace ve dne (219/30 0), prak tická na vi-gace v noc i (140/200), bombardování (215/300), praktické lete ckéfotografování (133/200). Zpozemních předmětů obdržel známku 84,6 %spolu shodnocením: „ Nadprůměrný. Jasně chápe vše, co se od něj vy-žaduje . Navigac e dobrá.“ Jeho práci ve vzduchu po odlétání 26 h 45 minve dne a17 h 20 min vnoci na Ansonech instruktoři ohodnoti li známkou70,7 % s doplňujícím komentář em: „Nadpr ůměrný. Dobrý navigátorvnoci. Pracoval velmi d obře.“ Slavnostní předán í odznaků novopeče-ným bombometčíkům proběhlo 5. srpna az dvaatřiceti absolventů jichdvanáct dostalo doporučení ke jmenování do důstojnické hodnost i. LACPawlitza byl podle svého služebního záz namu dnem 6. srpna 1943zařazen do odbornosti Air Bomber a ke stejnému dni byl povýšen dohodnosti Sergeant (Sgt). Nicméně 30.srpna byl se zpětnou platností o d6.srpna jmenován do důstojnické hodnosti P ilot Officer (P/O) aobdrželnové důstojnické služební číslo J28966.Ve dnech 7. až 20. srpna čerpal dovolenou p řed odjezdem do zámo říapoté zamí řil kNo. 1 „Y“ Depot do př ístavu Halifax. Zde se 26.srpnanalo dil aub ritsk ých břeh ů přist ál oše st dnů poz ději. Od 2.zář í se nac há-zel ve stavu No. 3 (RCAF) Personnel Reception Cent re vjihoanglickémBournemouthu.Mezi 2. listopadem a20. prosi ncem 1943 prodělal P/OPawlitza dopl-ňující výcvik na letounech Anson u No. 1 (Observer) Advanced F lyingUnit na letišti Wigtown ve Skotsku. Následujícího dne se hlásil do kurzuč. 13 uNo. 82 Operational Training Unit (OTU) na základ ně Ossington,kde operační výcvik probíhal na dvoumotorových bombardérech VickersWellington B Mk.III a Mk.X. Z de se stal členem šestičlenné osádkysložené zpříslušníků RCAF, kteří se sice všichn i narodili vKanadě, a levětšina znich měla kořeny vEvropě:pilot P/O William Wallace Proudfoot (J27626) – rodiče pochá zeli zeSkotska;navigátor P/OJoseph Art hur Murph y (J28035)– rodi če byli rodi lí Kana-ďané;bombometčík P/OElvyn Joseph Pawlitza (J28966)– rodiče měli českýpůvod;radiotelegrafista Sgt Enrico Joseph Simonato (R183691) – rodič e emi-grovali zItálie;střelec P/OAlbert Edward Hall (J37151)– otec pocházel zAnglie, matkazNizozemska;střelec P/O Peter Koleda (J37149) – rodiče se naro dili v západní část iUk raji ny.Během cvičných letů osádku P/OProudfoota potkala d robná nehoda.Vsobotu 18.března1944 ve 20.25 Wellington B M k.X LN543 utrp ěllehké poškozen í během pojíždění ke startu knoční mu cvičnému letu,osádka vyvázla nezraněn a: „Letoun zahájil pojíždění stlakem 140 libervbrzdá ch a vyjel ze stojánky (č. 33). Po přejetí vzletové a přistávacídráhy zastavil . Poté pokračoval po pojezdové dráze vedoucí p aralelněse vzletovou apřistávací dráhou 22 , kde opět zastavil, aby dal př ednostjinému letounu. Dále jel směrem kmístu pro kontrolu podvozku, kde semu nepodař ilo zastavit a pokračoval v jízdě zm írného svahu ještě asi70 yardů přímým směrem, dokud jed no kolo podvozku nenarazilo d o4 stopy vysoké zídk y, okterou se zastavil. Po in cidentu bylo zjištěno, žetlak v brzdách klesl na 10 liber.“ Velitel Training Wing No. 82 OTUW/Cdr W. D. Ferris označil za viníka nehody P/OProudfoota, který mělnalétáno sa mostatně 207 h, z toho 66 h na Wellingtonech: „Pilot e vi-dentně běhe m pojíždění příliš používa l brzdy a nekon troloval tlakvbrzdách. Spotřeba vzduchu byla normální , tj. 7 lb/sq. in. Lze se dom ní-vat, že pilot při po užívání brzd a kontrole tlak u nebyl dosta tečně obe-zřetný, zvláště když pojezdová dráha vtomto místě kles á, apojížděl mocrychle.“ Současně doporuči l vepsat do jeho zápisníku letů pokárání za„hrubou nedbalost“.Zbývající část operačního výcviku do 2.dubna proběhla už bez mimo-řádných událostí. P/OPawlitza na Wellingtonech nalétal 56 h 10 min vedne a40 h 5 min vnoci a během té doby provedl: sedm cvičných bom-bardování ve dne (28 pum) adalších osm cvičení za t my (28 pum); čtyřicvičné střelby ve dne (jedna na terč tažený za dru hým letounem atři nacíl vm oři, cel kem 1 200 ra n) atři cvičné střelby za tmy na cí l vmoři (600Department of National Defence/Library and Archives Canada, PL-31182Library and Archives CanadaChris McLean collectionLibrary and Archives Canada▲ Na snímku pořízeném v roce 1944 na letecké základně „kdesi v Anglii“ jezachycen LAC Frank Thompson, motospojka od No. 427 Squadron RCAF, vespolečnosti tří sličných příslušnic umělecké jednotky „RCAF Blackouts“ pořáda-jící představení pro spojenecké vojáky. V pozadí stojí bombardér Handley PageHalifax jedné z kanadských perutí spadající pod velení No. 6 (RCAF) Group.◀ Vyrovnaná řada letounů Avro Ansonzachycená pravděpodobně na letištiMalton, kde sídlila No. 1 AOS. Vpo-předí parkuje Anson sériového číslaRCAF 6044 sindividuálním písmenem„D“, dříve sloužil vRAF pod sériovýmčíslem R3470. No. 1 AOS jej obdržela21.května 1940, mezi 15. červencema25. zářím 1942 prošel generální opra-vou u firmy de Havilland Canada, poníž se vrátil zpět kjednotce. V násle-dujících letech ho kvýcviku používalyještě No. 4 AOS aNo. 31 B & GS. Nakonci války měl nalétáno 3 359 h 45 min.Druhý Anson vřadě za ním nese na pří-di individuální písmeno „A“ spolu seznakem No. 1 AOS.Elvyn Joseph Pawlitza na oficiálních portrétech RCAF, vlevo jako nováček, vpravov důstojnické hodnosti P/O po dokončení výcviku bombometčíka v Kanadě.32 REVI č.146/2025Martin PospíšilREVI č.146/2025 33Mustangy na konci světaMustangy na konci světa- 311. Fighter Group v Barmě a Číně- 311. Fighter Group v Barmě a Číně1. cást1. cástJedinou stíhací sk upinou USAAF, která během 2. světové války ope-račně používala většinu verzí letounu North American Mustang, byla311. Fighter Bomber Group později přejmenovaná na 311. Fighter Group.Vjejí výzbroji se postupně vyst řídaly verze A-36A aP-51A s motoryAllison, P-51B/C/D/Kiprůzkumné F-6C/D/Ksmotory Merlin. Vnašichkončinách nepříliš známá skupina působila bě hem války vjihovýchodníAsii vprostoru nazývaném CBI (China Bur ma India).Skupina byla založena k28. lednu 1942 na zá kladně Will Rogers FieldvOklahomě jako 311. Bomb Group (Light) anásledně včervenci přezna-čena na 311. Bomb Group (Dive). Orok později 30.září1943 přišla dalšízměna označen í tentokrát na 311. Fighter Bomber Group. Nový názevodpovídal novému určení skupiny ijejí výzbroji, kterou od prosince1942tvořily letouny A-36A doplněné v červnu 1943 o P-51A. Podobnouzměnou názvu prošly itř i ze čtyř podřízených perut í, unichž se navícměnilo také číselné označení, t akže z382. BS se od září stala 528. FBS,z383. BS se stala 529. FBS az384. BS se stala 530. FBS. Poslední –čtvrtá 385. BS byla 30.září1943 zr ušena ajejí personál byl kompletněpřeveden kčerstvě vzniklé 459. FS spadající pod 80. FG.Výcvik skupiny vUSA probíhal zpočátku na dvoumíst ných střemhla-vých bombardérech Vultee Vengeance, proto bylo vnáz vu skupiny slovoDive. Jednalo se o dosti neoblíbené letouny, na nichž došlo běhemvýcviku k několika smr telným nehodám aani velení sjejich bojovýmnasazením nepočítalo. Proto se stěmito letouny na bojiště skupina nikdynevydala apřešla na daleko bojeschopnější Mustangy.Jako první vprosinci 1942 obdržela střemhlavé bombardéry A-36A1).Jednalo se oprvní sériovou verzi stavěnou pro USAAF, protože předtímse vyráběly pouze Mustangy IaIA2)určené pro br itskou RAF. Celkembylo vyrobeno adodáno 500 letounů A-36A, tovární označení NA-97.Mimo motoru Allison V1710-87 je cha rakterizovaly výklopné aerodyna-mické brzdy vkřídle určené ke snížení r ychlosti ve střemh lavém letu.Výzbroj byla tvořena dvojicí kulometů vpřídi adalšími čt yřmi vkřídle.Jednalo se první verzi Mustangu vyráběnou se závěsníky pro pumy nebopřídavné nádrže. Do výzbroje ji zařad ily 86. FBG (listopa d 1942)a27. F BG (první polovina roku 1943), obě působící vseverní Africe,aprávě 311. FBG. Posledně jmenovaná jednotka použila vbojích celkem40 kusů této verze.Druhou verzí Mustangu použ ívanou u 311. FBG byla ve stejnémobdobí verze P-51A (továr ní označení NA-99). To byla posled ní, nyní jižčistě stíhací, verze Mustangu s motorem Allison (varia nta V1710-81)původně objed naná v počtu 1 200 kusů. Nakonec jich bylo vyrobenopouze 310, protože se mezitím začaly vy rábět Mustangy verze P-51Bsmotory Merlin. P-51A měl výzbroj čtyř kulometů vkřídle azávěsníkyjiž byly standardní výbavou. V rá mci USAAF je obdržela nejprve311. FBG anásledně 23. FG a1. Air Com mando Group. Tedy všechnyuUSAAF operačně používané Mustangy verze P-51A sloužily voblastiCBI.Přechod na A-36A na konci roku 1942 zn amenal, že od 311. BG odešlivšichni palubní střelci apiloti zahájili intenz ivní výcvik na nových jed-nomístných strojích. Na konci ledna1943 se skupina zúčast nila prvníhovelkého cvičení na území USA akoncem února byla prohlášena za boje-schopnou. Nicméně vzápětí přišel rozkaz převést co nejvíce personálu keskupinám na africkém bojišti. Proto například u382. BS zbyli na začátk udubna pouze dva piloti. Skupina byla doplněna nováčky, výcvik začalvpodstatě od nuly atrva l až do léta. Přesun skupiny na bojiště tak bylzahájen až na konci července1943, kdy přes Austr álii dorazila koncemzáří do Indie na zákla dnu Nawadihj.Zde byla 30.září přejmenov ána na 311. FBG apo té násled ovalo rozd ě-lení skupiny mezi několi k základen vúdolí Assam (oblast podél ř ekyBrahmaputry známá především pěstováním čaje) na východě Indie. Ve-litelství a 530. FBS se počátkem října přesunuly na zákla dnu Dinjan,528. FBS na základnu Sookerating a529. FBS na základnu Mohannbarj.Letouny byly mezi perutěmi rozděleny tak, že 528. FBS měla všechnyA-36A a529. spolu s530. FBS pak P-51A. Nicméně piloti často létali nastrojích jiných perutí. 530. FBS sloužila především jako stíhací, ato jakkochraně vlastních A-36A/P-51A, tak ijako doprovodná pro bombardé-ry. Proto také její piloti dosáh li největšího počtu sestřelů vrámc i skupiny.Navíc Musta ngům s Allisony hrálo do karet i to, že stíhací operacev oblasti CBI probíhaly ve výrazně menších výškách než vz ápadníEvropě nebo Středomoří, aproto se z nich na tomto bojišti postupemčasu stala smrtící zbraň.Vté době byla fronta vBar mě stabilizovaná, především proto, že z deod července do října panovalo obdobímonzunů, které výr azně omezilovětšinu bojových operací. Nicméněobě strany se intenzivně připravovalyna další kolo bojů. V rámci USAA Fodpovídala za letecké op eracevoblasti Indie aBarmy 10. Air Force.Byla založena vúnoru 1942 aa ž dobřezna 1943 odpovídala za celouoblast CBI. Založen ím 14. Air ForcevČíně vbř eznu 1943 došlo kr ozděle-ní odpovědnosti. Většina skupinpůvodní 10. AF zůstala v Číně abylapřevedena ke 14. AF. Ztoho důvoduse 10. AF musela začít budovat vpod-statě od nuly.Stíhací složka 10. A F se odpodzimu 1943 sklá dala z311. F BGs Mustang y a 80. FG vyzbrojenéP-40N (88., 89. a90. FS) aP-38 (459.FS, ta byla 80. FG sice administrativ-ně podřízená, ale operovala sa mo-statně). Bombardovací sk upinyzastupovaly 7. a308. BG(H) s B-24(ta dr uhá byla dočasně zapůjčena od 14. AF) a 341. BG(M) s B-25.Pozadu sdoplňováním nezůstali ani Britové, jejichž squadrony spadajícípod South East Asia Com mand byly přezbrojovány na Spitfiry Mk.Vc,Mosquita aBeaufightery.Hlavním ajed iným protivníkem spojeneckého let ectva voblasti bylojaponské a rmádní letectvo, jehož standa rdní st íhačkou v Barmě bylyletouny Nakajima Ki-43-II Hayabusa patřící 50. a64. Sentai. Koncemroku je doplnily ještě 33. a204. Sentai. Lehké avelmi obratné Ki-43 bylyvté době již z a zenitem své největší slávy asvým i výkony aslabou vý-zbrojí se nemohly měřit s novými spojeneckými letouny. Nicméně dí kyzkušeným pilotů m byly ještě stále nebezpečnými protivníky. Japonskébombardovací útvary byly vyzbrojeny typy Mitsubishi Ki-21 aKawasakiKi-48. Také japonské armádní lete ctvo využilo přestávky vbojích kdo-plnění stavů, takže se voblasti objevily další typy letadel, jako stí hacíNakajima Ki-44 Shóki, Kawasaki Ki-45 Toryú (21. Sentai) nebo krátcev období cca dvou měsíců bombardér y Nakajima Ki-49 Donryú od62. Sentai.Hlavním cílem Spojenců voblasti bylo ochránit dopravní trasy meziIndií aČí nou tak, aby bylo možné zásobovat čínské armády, které, byťnebyly b ojově příl iš efektivn í, na sebe váza ly 25 japonských divizí.Velká část zásob byla dopravována letecky přes Himaláje (letecký mostznámý jako The Hump, tedy Hrb), což nebylo dlouhodobě ud ržitelné,aproto mělo na podzim 1943 dojít k několika ofenzivním a kcím, kteréIlustrace/colour proles: Václav HochmuthRekonstrukce barevných schémat atext: Martin Pospíšil▲ Údržba P-51A (v. č. 43-6109) od 311. Fighter Bomber Group na indickézákladně Kurmitola. Stroj má podvěšené dvě 75galonové přídavné nádrže nejstar-šího typu s vystouplými plnícími hrdly.USAAF▲ Osobní letoun Jamese J. Englanda P-51A č. 75 (43-6077) pojmenovaný „Jackie“ je znám v několika podobách a některé detaily změn markingu se objeví i na fotogra-fiích v tomto článku. Jedná se o stroj 530. FBS (později 530. FS), pro kterou byly typické žluté vrtulové kužely a evidenční čísla od 61 do 90. Mustang zpočátku nemělna SOP číslo 75, následně se měnila poloha a tvar sestřelů před kabinou a stejně tak měnilo polohu i jméno pilota. Bokorys představuje letoun v podobě z období někdypo 14. květnu 1944, kdy England dosáhl svého osmého a posledního sestřelu v kabině P-51A (zbylé dva pak na P-51C). Tento a další Mustangy, kterým jsou věnovanébokorysy v tomto díle, si můžete postavit díky obtiskům od firmy DKdecals (aršík č. 72093 nazvaný 10thAF Mustangs).USAAFEnglandův P-51A č. 75 (43-6077) „Jackie“ v péči pozemního personálu. Zapovšimnutí stojí číslo 75 na SOP, které na rozdíl od většiny ostatních strojů530. FBS není perforované.(Pokračování z REVI č. 145)Vdalších dnech naopak vzlétly Brandenburgy Fliegerkompagnie 19kpronásledování nepřátelských letadel. Napří klad 20. dubna 1917 letělLt.i.d.Res. Pürer za pozorovatelským kulometem letounu Hansa Bran-denburg C.I (Ph) 129.03 a o den později seděl vkokpitu prot otypu 20.09.Oba tyto lety však ambiciózní Pürer označil jako neúspěšné a ani je mezibojové lety nepočítal, stejně tak jako start kpr ůzkumu na tr ase Görz –Merna 24. dubna 1917 sBrandenburgem 129.10, jelikož průzkumná misenemohla být pro nízkou oblačnost uskutečněna, ačkoli letoun byl vevzduchu 40 minut a uletěl 90 kilomet rů. Týž den se stejným letadlem sejiž podařilo průzkum provést, takže tento posled ní bojový let vdubno -vém výkazu bojových letů nesl teprve číslo 16.Do boje spř esilou italských stíhaček se BO Pürer do stal 3. června1917. Osádky tří Brandenburg ů C.I Flik 19 protivníka identifikovaly jakošest Nieuportů a jeden Spad. Společně se podař ilo jeden Nieuport poslatk zemi za nepřátelskými liniem i poblíž Sober-Savogna. Josef Pü rer(4. vítězství) letěl ve stroji neznámého čísla s pilotem FP Zugsf. KarlemReithoferem (2. sestřel), Brandenburg C.I (öAlb) 29.64 pilotovalFP Hptm. Adolf Heyrowsky (10. vítězství; pozorovatel BO Oblt. LászlóHauser, jeho 2. sestřel) a ve třetím blíže neident ifikovaném Brandenbur-gu seděli FF Korp. Eduard Szajkovits (1. vítězst ví) a d alší budoucíletecké eso BO Lt. Sándor Tahy (4. potvrzený sestřel).Průzkumný úkol pro 14. Infanteried ivision plnila letecká setnina č. 19také 19. června dopoledne. Formace tří Bra ndenburgů C.I sice neučinilanad f rontou žádná zásadní pozorování, nicméně byla napadena pěticístíhaček Nieuport. Lt.i.d.Res. Püre r tehdy sdílel kokpit letounu 29.63společně sFP Zugs. Istvánem Fejésem, osádku Hansa Brandenburgu C.I(Ph) 129.42 tvořili FF Korp. Josef Schantl a BO Lt.i.d.Res. MichaelSawczuk, se strojem vojenského čísla 129.60 letěli FF Korp. E duardSzajkovits a BO Lt.i.d.Res. Friedrich Dechant. Po střetu se jeden zpro-tivníků zřítil za ita lskými pozicemi u Sober (Vertojba), podíl na sestřeluPodoba stroje Hansa Brandenburg C.I (öAlb) 29.64, s nímž získal BO Lt.i.d.Res. Josef Pürer 17. dubna 1917u Flik 19 své třetí vítězství. Během tohoto letu jej pilotoval FP Hptm. Adolf Heyrowsky, který v jeho kokpituzaznamenal od dubna do června 1917 celkem pět potvrzených sestřelů, čímž z něj učinil nejen nejúspěšnější strojsvé jednotky, ale podle dosavadních zjištění zřejmě vůbec nejúspěšnější Hansa Brandenburg C.I. Letoun dodanýk Flik 19 počátkem roku 1917 zaznamenal u setniny v průběhu služby několik úprav. Ještě v zimě létal strojs držákem dynama pod vrtulí, bez stojanu pro hlaveň kulometu pozorovatele, který měl perforovaný plášť původně vodního chladiče hlavně, zatímco na pozdějších sním-cích je kulomet již zcela bez vodního chladiče, letoun má doplněný stojan kulometu a stejně jako 29.63 na horním křídle upravenou schránku pro dva kulomety, nikolivšak identickou. V čelním krytu motoru také přibyly dva podélné výřezy pro lepší chlazení motoru, který tentokráte poháněla vrtule značky Germania. Stroj po většinusvé bojové kariéry u Flik 19 létal také v původní barvě materiálu se zřetelným logem Albatros na kýlovce. Brandenburg 29.64 se ve stavu Flik 19/D nacházel ještě v říjnu1917. V březnu 1918 byl letoun zničen při havárii během školního letu u Flik 69/D, to však již nesl kamufláž na části povrchu.38 REVI č.146/2025 REVI č.146/2025 39Ilustrace/colour proles: Václav HochmuthRekonstrukce barevných schémat atext: Petr Aharon TesařJosef Pürer, zapomenutý hrdina z Bad SchönauJosef Pürer, zapomenutý hrdina z Bad SchönauEsa k.u.k. LFT známá neznámáPetr Aharon TesarˇItalský Nieuport 17, zachycený počátkem roku 1917 nad horským terénem. Právěnad stíhačkami typu Nieuport zaznamenal Josef Pürer od dubna do června 1917 třipotvrzená a jedno nepotvrzené vítězství.A stíhačkami Nieuport byl 19. června 1917 spolu s FP Zugsf. Fejésem donucenv Brandenburgu 29.63 k nouzovému přistání u Schönpass… Jedním z vítězů tohotosouboje bylo italské eso od 81ª Squadriglia sottotenente Flavio Torello Baracchini(na fotografii). Šlo o jeho 7. vítězství z celkem 21+11 a je velmi pravděpodobné, žetoho dne letěl právě v kokpitu tohoto stroje Nieuport 17 s černým štítem na trupu.Dobový tisk přinášel zprávy zfron-ty, letectvo nevyjímaje, jednako hrdinských činech a udělenýchvyznamenáních, jednak o ztrátáchv boji. Celou půlstranu (s výjim-kou reklamy na cigaretový papír)věnoval vídeňský týdeník Das In-teressante Blatt z28. června1917letcům Fliegerkompagnie 19, sa-mozřejmě bez uvedení čísla setni-ny. Vlevé části můžeme pod por-tréty šesti příslušníků jednotky číst:„1. Leutn. Alexander Tahy, sestřeliltři letouny, vyznamenán Stříbrnoumedailí za udatnost 1. třídy aSig-num laudis; 2. Hauptmann AdolfHeyrowsky, porazil čtyři nepřá-telské letouny, Řád železné koruny3. třídy, Vojenský záslužný kříž atři-krát Signum laudis; 3. Oberleutn.Artur Klose-Kuschel, sestřelil jedenNieuport, Signum laudis; 4. Ober-leutn. Oskar Zeisberger, sestřeliljedno letadlo, Řád železné koruny3. třídy, Vojenský záslužný kříž 3. tř.advakrát Signum laudis; 5. Ober-leutn. Ladislaus Hauser, porazildva nepřátelské aparáty, Vojenskýzáslužný kříž s válečnou dekoracía Signum laudis; 6. Leutn. JosefPürer, sestřelil dva italské stroje,Signum laudis.Letecká setnina Hauptmanna AdolfaHeyrowskyho, která obzvláště vy-nikla během desáté Bitvy oSoču; letci útočili na nastupující Italy tím, že sestoupili na nejnižší možnou výšku aostřelovali nepřátelské řady kulometnou palbou.“Vpravé části se pak pod větším portrétem dozvídáme, že syn generála pěchoty von Langa, Oberleutnant Karl von Lang zletecké setniny Hauptm. Heyrowskyho sestřelilběhem Bitvy na Soči jedno nepřátelské letadlo aneporažen padl hrdinskou smrtí. Zdostupných zdrojů pak můžeme doplnit podrobnější informace, že pozorovatel Oblt.Karl Eugen von Lang získal svůj jediný potvrzený sestřel vkokpitu Brandenburgu 29.63, když 20.května1917 snejvětší pravděpodobností zasáhl stíhačku Spad 7 č. 4703italského esa tenente Fulco Ruffo di Calabria. Pilot letounu 29.63 FP Zugsf. István Fejés získal při téže příležitosti již svůj 3. sestřel. Oblt. von Lang zahynul ošest dnípozději. Během bombardovacího letu došlo ksamovznícení jedné zleteckých pum na palubě a osádka Brandenburgu 129.10 se zřítila na nepřátelské území poblíž Ver-tojba. Spolu svon Langem zahynul 26.května1917 ipilot FP Zugsf. Gyula Schmidt (3 potvrzená vítězství).„Type 29.64, Kontrollflug, Oblt. Laný, Oblt. v. Loeser, Flugfeld Aspern, 1917,“ uvádí popiska na zadní straně jedné z kopií této fotografie. Kontrolní let při převzetíBrandenburgu 29.64 uskutečnili důstojníci Fliegerarsenalu (Flars) pilot Oblt. Antal Lányi-Lanczendorfer a pozorovatel Oblt. Ewald von Loeser. Nový letoun byl stan-dardně vybaven dynamem pod vrtulí.sbírka Petr Aharon Tesařsbírka Petr Aharon Tesařsbírka Petr Aharon TesařÖsterreichische Nationalbibliothek16 REVI č.146/2025 REVI č.146/2025 17Chukar II amožná i BQM-74C Chukar III. Osvědčily se nejen jakonávnady, ale ijako průzkumné. Vjejich prospěch hovořila předevšímcena, Chukar totiž stál výr azně méně než Firebee. Také vyžadoval méněobslužného personálu. Malé rozměr y ztěžovaly jejich případný sestřel,proto byly používány nad zvláště nebezpečnými oblastmi. Na stranědruhé právě malé r ozměry omezovaly možnosti zástavby dodatečnéhovybavení anavíc měly Chuka ry poměrně malý dolet – cca 265 km. P rolepší ří zení Chuka rů vyv inula firm a Elta naváděcí po čítač, který mělvětší přesnost a spolehlivost než st arší systém, a navíc byl navržen pronové činnosti, jako byl právě průzkum.Po zbytek se dmdesátých let Chu kary i nadále prováděly pr ůzkumnélety, ale byly používány ive své původní roli cvičných cílů. Ve cvičnýchscénářích byly jejich hlavní mi protivníky iz raelské baterie protiletadlo -vých systémů Hawk. Dále fungovaly jako rušičky elektron ickýchsystémů protivníka, ale ani otét o činnosti nejsou známy podrobnosti.Podruhé byly Chukary masivněji pou žity vroce 1982 během První li-banonské vál ky. Známá je př edevším jejich účast na potlačení syrsképrotivzdušné obrany nad libanonským údolím Bikáa. Tentokrát bylypřed hlavn ími útočným i vlnami stí hacích bombar dérů nejprve zPh anto-mů aSkyhawků vypuštěny klam né cíle IMI Samson5), po nich následo-valy Firebee a Chuka ry. Na rozdíl od Války Jom-Kippur izr aelskéletouny nyní přilétly hned po vlně kla mných cílů apodařilo se jim zcelarozvrátit syrskou PVO vLibanonu.Význam Chukarů pro Cheyl Ha’Avir začal klesat spříchodem nové ge-nerace malých bezpilotn ích prostředků, kt eré vroce 1990 zc ela převzalyjejich průzkumnou roli. Vroli cvičných cílů pak dosloužily vroce 1995.Jako zajímavost na závěr je třeba uvést, že na zá kladě Chuka ru bylavyvinuta izraelská střela s plochou drá hou letu IMI Delilah. Střela jeschopna vyčkávat vcílovém prostoru před potvrzením cíle. Její naváděníje možné přes GPS ainerciální navigační systém. Do služ by byla zavedenavroce 1995 apoprvé byla bojově použita včervnu 2006 nad Libanonem.Bojové použití vUSADruhým letectvem, které použilo Chukaryv b oji bylo tr ochu překvapivě USAF. Topoužilo jako návnady verzi BQM-74C běhemVálky vPerském zálivu vroce 1991 při úvod-ních leteckých útocích na Irák. Celý z načněimprovizovaný projekt inspirovaný používá-ním Chukarů vIzra eli dostal kódové označení„Project Scathe Mean“.Chukary provozovalo pouze US Navy avtédobě k jejich vypouštění používalo několi kmálo letounů DC-130 a dále lodní odpa lovacízařízení. Proč nebyly poskyt nuty Herculesynebo proč US Navy nepoužilo lodě ke start udronů, není z e zdrojů příliš jasné, ale pravdě-podobně nebylo možné do oblasti ty to pr o-středky dostat včas. Pro to US Navy poskytloletectvu 44 BQM-74C, dvanáct provozuschop-ných pozemních odpalovacích zař ízení arake -tové startovací motory byly získány zBelgie.Čtyřicetičlenný tým specialistů USAF proobsluhu dronů pocházel zpřed nedávnem rozpuštěných jednotek odpalo-vaných řízených střel (pře devším z 868. Tactical M issile TrainingGroup). Během několika dní pak vznik la jednotka označená 4468. TRG(Tactical Reconnaissance Group). Vybavení útvaru se t aké řešilo tak ří-kajíc „ na koleně“, protože byla vybavena 26 upravenými n ákladnímivozy získanými od ka lifornské komerční přepravní fi rmy, sady nář adíbyly zakoupeny vhobbymarkete ch apoln í vybavení pocházelo zobchodusválečnými p řebytky. Týmy prošly rychlým výcvikem a jednot ka bylavybavena upravenými BQM-74C, které lépe simulovaly pilotovanýletoun.Skupina byla naložena do tří C-5 advou C-141, které ji včetně komplet-ního vybavení přepravily na saúdskoarabskou zá kladnu K ing Kha lid.Odtud se přemístila ki ráckým hranicím , kde 7.listopadu 1990 zaujalapozice. Byla rozdělena na dva tý my, ten severní byl u místěn tak , aby◀ ▲ ▶ Čtveřice fotografií BQM-74E nesených letounem DC-130A(BuNo 570497) na této a protější straně byla pořízena v roce 1992 během zkou-šek u Missile Targets Division of the Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division(základna NAS Point Mugu). (NARA a Northrop Grumman)▲ ▶ Během operace Pouštní bouře v roce 1991 operovalo s BQM-74C jako klam-nými cíli poněkud netradičně USAF. Dvojice fotografií z operace ukazuje postave-ní 4468. TFG v poušti a odpal BQM-74C.Northrop Grumman Northrop GrummanDvouměsíčník o letadlech a letcíchREVI – BI-MONTHLY MAGAZINE ABOUT AIRCRAFT AND PILOTS has been published since 1994.The latest issue, number 146, has just been published.You will find articles about the Junkers Ju 160 “Hyäne” crash in 1936, as well as Northrop Chukar, the311th Fighter Group in Burma and China, Josef Pürer – the unknown ace of the Austro-Hungarian AirForce, British Austers in the Czech sky – an article about warbirds that still fly today, a model section thatregularly brings information about new products on the model aircraft market … and much more.You can order not only the latest issue, but also older issues of the magazine here:More information about REVI magazine can be found at www.revi.cz, on Facebook or ask directly at theeditorial office: redakce@revi.czREVI Publishing also offers several publications, which you can also order from the above-mentionede-shops or directly from the publisher.www.modelimex.czwww.eshop.aml.czwww.mn-modelar.czwww.arturmodel.czwww.mpmshop.czwww.intermodel.czCena: 199 Kč146Northrop Chukar • Mustangy na konci světaBritské Austery na české obloze • Sestřelen u Arrasu • Konec HyäneDvouměsíčník o letadlech a letcích Cena: 199 Kč1/144 ScaleFocke-Wulf Fw 189 A-1 UhuCat. No. l-3001Includedcolour profilesK.u.k. LuftfahrtruppeK.u.k. LuftfahrtruppePhoto Album 1914 -18Photo Album 1914 -18Volume 1Volume 1Petr Aharon TesaøPetr Aharon TesaøISBN: 80-85957-13-2Petr Aharon TesaøPetr Aharon TesaøK.u.k. Luftfahrtruppe Photo Album 1914 -18 Volume 1K.u.k. Luftfahrtruppe Photo Album 1914 -18 Volume 1Nakajima Ki-44Nakajima Ki-44ShókiShókiMartin FerklMartin FerklCat. No. II-4005Cat. No. lI-4004Colour profilesincludedMesserschmitt Bf 110Messerschmitt Bf 110Volume 1 – C, D, E variantsCat No lI 4004– 1/72 and 1/48 scale drawings– colour profiles– colour photographs– Wolfgang Falck in focusBf 110 obalka.indd 1 1.4.09 13:26Strana 23
REVI č.146/2025 54 REVI č.146/2025va. „Vúter ý 20.č ervence t.r. p o 16. hodi ně bylo nu ceno pro por uchumotoru n ouzově přistáti na polích blíže okresní sil nice ke Krchlebůmdopravní létadlo německé Lufth ansy linky Mnichov– Praha– Vratislav,zn. Siberfuchs (si c.) D- UBIQ apře sto, že vtě chto mís tech je vel mi nepř í-znivý teren, přistálo bez nejmenší neho dy. Vlétadle se nalézali 2 letcia2 pa sažéři, kteří ovšem museli další cestu nastoupit r ychlíkem. Obaletci, jakož ilétadlo bylo ihn ed podrobeno prohlídce zdejšího četnict va.Přistání bylo zřejmě senzací nejen pro Staňkováky, ale lidi ze širokéhookolí, kteří se sbíhali na místo přistání až do večerních hodin ai vestředu ave čtvrtek, kdy kovový pták byl rozebrán avlakem odveze n doMnichova. Letecké přistání nenatropilo na polích tolik škod, jako samizvěda vci, jak už při podo bných ne hodách bývá. Vkr átké dob ě po přist á-ní se dostavili na místo zástu pci vojenského iokresního úřadu .“Zfotografií vyplývá, že stroj byl na m ístě demontován azřejmě poželeznici vrácen do Něme cka. Vkvětnu 1940 přešel kLuf twaffe azpo-čátku sloužil uJagdfliegerschule 3 vGrove, později slouž il ke kurýrnímletům u štábu Jagdgeschwader 27 vRusku. Pro nedostatek ná hradníchdílů byl odstaven na letišti Ljuban uLening radu vzáří1941, kde byl za-nechán při ústupu na jaře 1942.Náhradní stroj odstartoval zMnichova o dva dny později v6.15 ráno22.července1936. Stroj Ju 160 D-0 W.Nr. 4246 měl instalovaný motorBMW Hor net 132E-2 W.Nr. 59570. Společností Lufthansa byl letounpřevzat teprve 24. dubna1936 a nesl pojmenování „Hyäne“. V 7.30přistál na let išti Praha-Kb ely, kde vystoupili 4 cestující. V7.50 pok račo-val vdalším letu do Vratislavi. Na palubě zů stala jen dvoučlenná osádka.Další okolnosti zachycuje v yšetřovací spis č.j. 333/63 založený5. srpna 1936 referentem Ing. Františ kem Chváta lem z oddělen í Bbodboru letecké skupiny Ministerst va veřejných prací.Spis začíná rukou psaným dokumentem: „Dne 22.července t.r. sdě lilodo odd Bb, asi o 11 h., ředitelství st. leti ště „Praha“, že uHořic vPod-krkonoší havarovalo dopravní letadlo něm. spole čnosti Luf thansa přiletu zPrahy d o Vratislavy. Při ha várii zahynuli oba letci… Odd Bb podohodě s přednostou letecké sk upiny k místu nehody vyslalo ihnedkomisi za účelem vyšetření ka tastrofy. Komise sestávala: vrch. techn .komisař Ing. F. Chvátal, pře dseda, v.t. kom. Ing. V. Verner azkuš. pilotJar. Mareš.“ Brzy odpoledne ve 13.15 ob drželi voddělení Bb ještě tele-fonát Dr. Dočkala zMinisterstva vnitra sdalšími detaily: „Dn es 22.čer-vence1936 startovalo německé letadlo zn . „DULUR“ v7.50 hod. zeGbel do Breslau . Pilotoval Neubrand , telegrafista Haupt – bez cestují-cích. V8.14 hod. zachytily Gbely volá ní SOS tohoto letadla… V11 hod.hlásilo četnictvo zHra dce Král., že letadlo se zřítil o na kotě 463 uobceChlomek. Obě dvě osob y byly zabity, letadlo úplně roztří štěno.“Spis byl uzavřen a založen4.září1936. Obsahoval samostatnývyšetřovací spis z 3. sr pna 1936vypracovaný Ministerstvem pošta telegrafů, pod které spadalapražská zaměřovací stanice. Dálehlášení Velitelství četnické leteckéhlídky v Hradci Králové z 23.čer-vence 1936, pri márně adresovanénadřízenému Min isterstvu vnitra ,azápis z výslechu svědků havárie,který provedla četnická stanicev Cerekvicích, a fotografickoupřílohu. Závěrečný třístrán kovýprotokol podepsaný techniky Ing. F. Chvátalem a Ing. V. Verneremshrnuj e: „Komis e ministers tva veřejný ch prací pro vyšetření havárieletadla dostavila se na místo nehody 22 .července v 15. hod . Troskyletadla nebyly již ve stavu, ja k letadlo dopadlo na zem, nýbr ž byly– prýzrozkazu nějakého pána zokresního úřadu– shrnuty na několik hromadamotor svrtulí byl ze země vykop án.“Další text obsahuje popis místa havárie: „Místo nehody je mladš í leszvaný Buk ovina… Letad lo vlétlo do lesa asi 200 m od již ního okraje.Směr vlétnutí je jihovýcho dní. Prvá stopa je na 10 m vysoké borovici jížje uražena kor una. Dále ve směru vlétnutí jsou přeráženy st romy stáleníže a asi 12m od zmíněné borovice je vzemi asi 1,5m hluboká jámaširoká asi 2,5m. Zní byly vykopány trosky motor u avrtule přeražená nadva kusy. Dále ve směr u vlétnutí d o vzdálenosti asi 30m od jámy jsoustromy p řeráženy u země, jiné jen odřeny aohn uty a mezi nimi jsoutrosky leta dla– spleť zohýbaných a pomačkaných plechů propletenázbytky různých ve dení a armatur. Rozbité části předku trupu, kabinyapodvozku nacházejí se úplně vpředu , části nosného systému aocas-ních ploch po celé délce místa dopadu… Roztříš těná těla pilota ateleg-rafisty byla nalezena m ezi troskami vpředku trupu abyl o velmi obtížnourčit kolik a osobá m náleže jí. Pal ubní př ístroj e byly úp lně zni čeny. Na le-zeny byly zmačklé hodink y pilota atelegrafisty. Ručičky prvých hod inekCelkem je známo 47 vyrobených kusů, ale objevují se ta kéneurčité údaje o pokračování výroby upravené vojenskéverze Ju 160 C-0.Osudy dvou strojů zpředposlední, dubnové dodávky sena lince Mnichov – Pra ha – Vratislav fatálně proťalysčeskou historií. Ráno 20.července1936 odstartoval zMnichova dopravn í JunkersJu 160 Silberfuchs společnosti Deutsche Lufthansa kpravidelnému letu přes Prahudo Vratislav i. Pro techn ickou závadu byl al e nucen nouzově př istát vpol i uStaňko-Nouzové přistání 20. července 1936 u Staňkova v západníchČechách zachycuje série fotografií.V květnu 1940 převzala „Silberfuchs“ Luftwaffe a obdržel kmenové označeníRC + KO. Jak snímek kuriózně prokazuje, tradiční pojmenování „Silberfuchs“bylo ponecháno i v období vojenské služby.Na starém drážďanském letišti Heller vzniklasérie reklamních fotografií čerstvě dodanéhostroje D-UVOX „Rotfuchs“.20 REVI č.146/202520 REVI č.146/2025REVI č.146/2025 21REVI č.146/2025 21Ing. Pavel VančataSestřelen u ArrasuJedním z novousedlíků voblasti kanadských prér ijních provincií sevlétě 1906 stal Fran k Pawlitza narozený 31.července1886 ve slezskéobci Šumbark, která je dnes jednou změstských čá stí Havířova. Vroce1910 získal kanadské občanství a17. května1915 se ve městě SwiftCurrent oženil sA nnou Tucek (* 20.srpna1889 ve Zruči nad Sázavou).Vlétě 1916 spolu se synem Albertem (* 4.února1916) žil i na vlastn ífarmě v katastru obc e Pittville vprovincii Saskat chewan. Vnásledují-cích letech do rodiny přibyli ještě tři potomci: Vera Rose (* 1.l istopa-du 1917), Elvyn Joseph (* 30. září 1921) a Francis Ha rold(* 30.ledna1924).Nás budou zajímat osudy syna Elvyna, který v letech 1927 až 1935navštěvoval základní školu v Baxtervi lle a další tři roky studovalzdomova formou distančn í výuky. To již rodina vlastnila farmu v obciAbbey, stále vprovincii Saskatchewan, na k teré po ukončení školní do-cházky zůstal pomáhat .Dne 6. února1942 si tento dvacetiletý mladík modrých očí asvětlehnědých vlasů měřící 180 cm podal př ihlášku do Royal Canad ian AirForce (RCAF). Přísahu složil 1.května1942 vNo. 5 Recruiting Centreve městě Regina vprovinci i Saskatchewan, odkud ještě t éhož dne odjelkNo. 2 Manning Depot sídlícímu v Brandonu vsousední provincii Ma-nitoba. Zde se zněj stal nováček se služebním číslem R163640 vhodnos-ti Aircraftman 2ndClass (AC2) a byl zař azen do skupiny určené dovýcviku na pilota s alternativou na navigátora. Od 29. srpna dostalměsíční neplacené volno, aby mohl pomoci skl idit úrodu na rodinnéfarmě. Následně 23. října odjel do Edmontonu v provincii Alberta, kdetři dny nat o zahájil základ ní výcvik u No. 4 Initia l Traini ng Schoolvrámci kurz u č. 65, který končil 1.ledna1943, kdy byl povýšen do hod-nosti Leadi ng Aircraft man (LAC). S výsledným hodnoc ením 74 % seumístil až na 90. m ístě mezi 105 nováčky: „Než narukoval, pracoval naotcově farmě. Jeho bratr slouží jako rotmistr uarmády. Prů měrný spor-tovec. Český půvo d– 2. generace. Mlad ík zfarmy– amb iciózní– budese hodně snažit. Pom alu se učí– upravený. Doporučen na po ddůstojní-ka. Alternat ivně radiotelegrafista-střelec.“ Jeho sen stát se pilotem serozplynul, neboť nehledě na uvedené doporuče ní byl př eřazen do výcvikuna bombometčíka.Na zařazení do další fáze výcviku vyčkával v Edmontonu, a nežkněmu stačilo dojít, byl 30.ledna hospital izován vnemocnici na základ-ně a26. února nastoupil dvoutýdenní zdravotní dovolenou. Na několikdnů se vrátil kNo. 4 ITS, odkud 21.března odjel na řádnou dovolenou.Zní se 3.dubna hl ásil uNo. 7 Bombing & Gunner y School (B & GS) nazákladně Paulson vprovincii Ma nitoba.Kurz pro bombometčí ky č. 79 zde probíha l mezi 5. dubnem až25. červnem 1943. Během prakt ického bombardování na létal na dvou-motorových letounech Avro Anson 46 h 50 min ve dne a4 h 30 minvnoci a shodil celkem 121 pum ve dne a 16 vnoci. P ři bombardovánízmalé v ýšky dosahoval prů měrné odchylky 61 ya rdů (56 m) az velkévýšky 167 yardů (153 m). Vrámci střeleckého výcviku strávil 16 h mani-pulací se střeleckými věžemi na zemi apoté dalších 15 h 5 min nalétal naletounech Bristol Fairchild Bolingbroke, přičemž vyst řílel 3 700 rana dosáhl průměrné úspěšnost i 10 % zásahů. S hod nocením 77,5 %skončil na 9. místě mezi 38 kadety. Podle i nstruktorů byl průměrnýmbombometčíkem astřelcem apo dokončení výcvik u ho doporučili kejmenování do důstojnické hodnosti.ZPaulsonu odjel vden ukončení kurzu a druhý den se h lásil uNo. 1Air Observer School vMaltonu, Onta rio. Vtamní m navigačním kurz uč. 79 probíhajícím od 28. června do 6.srpna 1943 si vedl velm i dobře(obdržený počet bodů/maximá lní možný počet bodů): základy leteckénavigac e (161/200), rozpoz návání let ounů (211/250), pr aktick á signali za-ce (250 /250), te orie let eckého průzk umu (113/150) , teori e leteck ého foto -graf ování (111/150) , prakt ická nav igace ve dne (219/30 0), prak tická na vi-gace v noc i (140/200), bombardování (215/300), praktické lete ckéfotografování (133/200). Zpozemních předmětů obdržel známku 84,6 %spolu shodnocením: „ Nadprůměrný. Jasně chápe vše, co se od něj vy-žaduje . Navigac e dobrá.“ Jeho práci ve vzduchu po odlétání 26 h 45 minve dne a17 h 20 min vnoci na Ansonech instruktoři ohodnoti li známkou70,7 % s doplňujícím komentář em: „Nadpr ůměrný. Dobrý navigátorvnoci. Pracoval velmi d obře.“ Slavnostní předán í odznaků novopeče-ným bombometčíkům proběhlo 5. srpna az dvaatřiceti absolventů jichdvanáct dostalo doporučení ke jmenování do důstojnické hodnost i. LACPawlitza byl podle svého služebního záz namu dnem 6. srpna 1943zařazen do odbornosti Air Bomber a ke stejnému dni byl povýšen dohodnosti Sergeant (Sgt). Nicméně 30.srpna byl se zpětnou platností o d6.srpna jmenován do důstojnické hodnosti P ilot Officer (P/O) aobdrželnové důstojnické služební číslo J28966.Ve dnech 7. až 20. srpna čerpal dovolenou p řed odjezdem do zámo říapoté zamí řil kNo. 1 „Y“ Depot do př ístavu Halifax. Zde se 26.srpnanalo dil aub ritsk ých břeh ů přist ál oše st dnů poz ději. Od 2.zář í se nac há-zel ve stavu No. 3 (RCAF) Personnel Reception Cent re vjihoanglickémBournemouthu.Mezi 2. listopadem a20. prosi ncem 1943 prodělal P/OPawlitza dopl-ňující výcvik na letounech Anson u No. 1 (Observer) Advanced F lyingUnit na letišti Wigtown ve Skotsku. Následujícího dne se hlásil do kurzuč. 13 uNo. 82 Operational Training Unit (OTU) na základ ně Ossington,kde operační výcvik probíhal na dvoumotorových bombardérech VickersWellington B Mk.III a Mk.X. Z de se stal členem šestičlenné osádkysložené zpříslušníků RCAF, kteří se sice všichn i narodili vKanadě, a levětšina znich měla kořeny vEvropě:pilot P/O William Wallace Proudfoot (J27626) – rodiče pochá zeli zeSkotska;navigátor P/OJoseph Art hur Murph y (J28035)– rodi če byli rodi lí Kana-ďané;bombometčík P/OElvyn Joseph Pawlitza (J28966)– rodiče měli českýpůvod;radiotelegrafista Sgt Enrico Joseph Simonato (R183691) – rodič e emi-grovali zItálie;střelec P/OAlbert Edward Hall (J37151)– otec pocházel zAnglie, matkazNizozemska;střelec P/O Peter Koleda (J37149) – rodiče se naro dili v západní část iUk raji ny.Během cvičných letů osádku P/OProudfoota potkala d robná nehoda.Vsobotu 18.března1944 ve 20.25 Wellington B M k.X LN543 utrp ěllehké poškozen í během pojíždění ke startu knoční mu cvičnému letu,osádka vyvázla nezraněn a: „Letoun zahájil pojíždění stlakem 140 libervbrzdá ch a vyjel ze stojánky (č. 33). Po přejetí vzletové a přistávacídráhy zastavil . Poté pokračoval po pojezdové dráze vedoucí p aralelněse vzletovou apřistávací dráhou 22 , kde opět zastavil, aby dal př ednostjinému letounu. Dále jel směrem kmístu pro kontrolu podvozku, kde semu nepodař ilo zastavit a pokračoval v jízdě zm írného svahu ještě asi70 yardů přímým směrem, dokud jed no kolo podvozku nenarazilo d o4 stopy vysoké zídk y, okterou se zastavil. Po in cidentu bylo zjištěno, žetlak v brzdách klesl na 10 liber.“ Velitel Training Wing No. 82 OTUW/Cdr W. D. Ferris označil za viníka nehody P/OProudfoota, který mělnalétáno sa mostatně 207 h, z toho 66 h na Wellingtonech: „Pilot e vi-dentně běhe m pojíždění příliš používa l brzdy a nekon troloval tlakvbrzdách. Spotřeba vzduchu byla normální , tj. 7 lb/sq. in. Lze se dom ní-vat, že pilot při po užívání brzd a kontrole tlak u nebyl dosta tečně obe-zřetný, zvláště když pojezdová dráha vtomto místě kles á, apojížděl mocrychle.“ Současně doporuči l vepsat do jeho zápisníku letů pokárání za„hrubou nedbalost“.Zbývající část operačního výcviku do 2.dubna proběhla už bez mimo-řádných událostí. P/OPawlitza na Wellingtonech nalétal 56 h 10 min vedne a40 h 5 min vnoci a během té doby provedl: sedm cvičných bom-bardování ve dne (28 pum) adalších osm cvičení za t my (28 pum); čtyřicvičné střelby ve dne (jedna na terč tažený za dru hým letounem atři nacíl vm oři, cel kem 1 200 ra n) atři cvičné střelby za tmy na cí l vmoři (600Department of National Defence/Library and Archives Canada, PL-31182Library and Archives CanadaChris McLean collectionLibrary and Archives Canada▲ Na snímku pořízeném v roce 1944 na letecké základně „kdesi v Anglii“ jezachycen LAC Frank Thompson, motospojka od No. 427 Squadron RCAF, vespolečnosti tří sličných příslušnic umělecké jednotky „RCAF Blackouts“ pořáda-jící představení pro spojenecké vojáky. V pozadí stojí bombardér Handley PageHalifax jedné z kanadských perutí spadající pod velení No. 6 (RCAF) Group.◀ Vyrovnaná řada letounů Avro Ansonzachycená pravděpodobně na letištiMalton, kde sídlila No. 1 AOS. Vpo-předí parkuje Anson sériového číslaRCAF 6044 sindividuálním písmenem„D“, dříve sloužil vRAF pod sériovýmčíslem R3470. No. 1 AOS jej obdržela21.května 1940, mezi 15. červencema25. zářím 1942 prošel generální opra-vou u firmy de Havilland Canada, poníž se vrátil zpět kjednotce. V násle-dujících letech ho kvýcviku používalyještě No. 4 AOS aNo. 31 B & GS. Nakonci války měl nalétáno 3 359 h 45 min.Druhý Anson vřadě za ním nese na pří-di individuální písmeno „A“ spolu seznakem No. 1 AOS.Elvyn Joseph Pawlitza na oficiálních portrétech RCAF, vlevo jako nováček, vpravov důstojnické hodnosti P/O po dokončení výcviku bombometčíka v Kanadě.32 REVI č.146/2025Martin PospíšilREVI č.146/2025 33Mustangy na konci světaMustangy na konci světa- 311. Fighter Group v Barmě a Číně- 311. Fighter Group v Barmě a Číně1. cást1. cástJedinou stíhací sk upinou USAAF, která během 2. světové války ope-račně používala většinu verzí letounu North American Mustang, byla311. Fighter Bomber Group později přejmenovaná na 311. Fighter Group.Vjejí výzbroji se postupně vyst řídaly verze A-36A aP-51A s motoryAllison, P-51B/C/D/Kiprůzkumné F-6C/D/Ksmotory Merlin. Vnašichkončinách nepříliš známá skupina působila bě hem války vjihovýchodníAsii vprostoru nazývaném CBI (China Bur ma India).Skupina byla založena k28. lednu 1942 na zá kladně Will Rogers FieldvOklahomě jako 311. Bomb Group (Light) anásledně včervenci přezna-čena na 311. Bomb Group (Dive). Orok později 30.září1943 přišla dalšízměna označen í tentokrát na 311. Fighter Bomber Group. Nový názevodpovídal novému určení skupiny ijejí výzbroji, kterou od prosince1942tvořily letouny A-36A doplněné v červnu 1943 o P-51A. Podobnouzměnou názvu prošly itř i ze čtyř podřízených perut í, unichž se navícměnilo také číselné označení, t akže z382. BS se od září stala 528. FBS,z383. BS se stala 529. FBS az384. BS se stala 530. FBS. Poslední –čtvrtá 385. BS byla 30.září1943 zr ušena ajejí personál byl kompletněpřeveden kčerstvě vzniklé 459. FS spadající pod 80. FG.Výcvik skupiny vUSA probíhal zpočátku na dvoumíst ných střemhla-vých bombardérech Vultee Vengeance, proto bylo vnáz vu skupiny slovoDive. Jednalo se o dosti neoblíbené letouny, na nichž došlo běhemvýcviku k několika smr telným nehodám aani velení sjejich bojovýmnasazením nepočítalo. Proto se stěmito letouny na bojiště skupina nikdynevydala apřešla na daleko bojeschopnější Mustangy.Jako první vprosinci 1942 obdržela střemhlavé bombardéry A-36A1).Jednalo se oprvní sériovou verzi stavěnou pro USAAF, protože předtímse vyráběly pouze Mustangy IaIA2)určené pro br itskou RAF. Celkembylo vyrobeno adodáno 500 letounů A-36A, tovární označení NA-97.Mimo motoru Allison V1710-87 je cha rakterizovaly výklopné aerodyna-mické brzdy vkřídle určené ke snížení r ychlosti ve střemh lavém letu.Výzbroj byla tvořena dvojicí kulometů vpřídi adalšími čt yřmi vkřídle.Jednalo se první verzi Mustangu vyráběnou se závěsníky pro pumy nebopřídavné nádrže. Do výzbroje ji zařad ily 86. FBG (listopa d 1942)a27. F BG (první polovina roku 1943), obě působící vseverní Africe,aprávě 311. FBG. Posledně jmenovaná jednotka použila vbojích celkem40 kusů této verze.Druhou verzí Mustangu použ ívanou u 311. FBG byla ve stejnémobdobí verze P-51A (továr ní označení NA-99). To byla posled ní, nyní jižčistě stíhací, verze Mustangu s motorem Allison (varia nta V1710-81)původně objed naná v počtu 1 200 kusů. Nakonec jich bylo vyrobenopouze 310, protože se mezitím začaly vy rábět Mustangy verze P-51Bsmotory Merlin. P-51A měl výzbroj čtyř kulometů vkřídle azávěsníkyjiž byly standardní výbavou. V rá mci USAAF je obdržela nejprve311. FBG anásledně 23. FG a1. Air Com mando Group. Tedy všechnyuUSAAF operačně používané Mustangy verze P-51A sloužily voblastiCBI.Přechod na A-36A na konci roku 1942 zn amenal, že od 311. BG odešlivšichni palubní střelci apiloti zahájili intenz ivní výcvik na nových jed-nomístných strojích. Na konci ledna1943 se skupina zúčast nila prvníhovelkého cvičení na území USA akoncem února byla prohlášena za boje-schopnou. Nicméně vzápětí přišel rozkaz převést co nejvíce personálu keskupinám na africkém bojišti. Proto například u382. BS zbyli na začátk udubna pouze dva piloti. Skupina byla doplněna nováčky, výcvik začalvpodstatě od nuly atrva l až do léta. Přesun skupiny na bojiště tak bylzahájen až na konci července1943, kdy přes Austr álii dorazila koncemzáří do Indie na zákla dnu Nawadihj.Zde byla 30.září přejmenov ána na 311. FBG apo té násled ovalo rozd ě-lení skupiny mezi několi k základen vúdolí Assam (oblast podél ř ekyBrahmaputry známá především pěstováním čaje) na východě Indie. Ve-litelství a 530. FBS se počátkem října přesunuly na zákla dnu Dinjan,528. FBS na základnu Sookerating a529. FBS na základnu Mohannbarj.Letouny byly mezi perutěmi rozděleny tak, že 528. FBS měla všechnyA-36A a529. spolu s530. FBS pak P-51A. Nicméně piloti často létali nastrojích jiných perutí. 530. FBS sloužila především jako stíhací, ato jakkochraně vlastních A-36A/P-51A, tak ijako doprovodná pro bombardé-ry. Proto také její piloti dosáh li největšího počtu sestřelů vrámc i skupiny.Navíc Musta ngům s Allisony hrálo do karet i to, že stíhací operacev oblasti CBI probíhaly ve výrazně menších výškách než vz ápadníEvropě nebo Středomoří, aproto se z nich na tomto bojišti postupemčasu stala smrtící zbraň.Vté době byla fronta vBar mě stabilizovaná, především proto, že z deod července do října panovalo obdobímonzunů, které výr azně omezilovětšinu bojových operací. Nicméněobě strany se intenzivně připravovalyna další kolo bojů. V rámci USAA Fodpovídala za letecké op eracevoblasti Indie aBarmy 10. Air Force.Byla založena vúnoru 1942 aa ž dobřezna 1943 odpovídala za celouoblast CBI. Založen ím 14. Air ForcevČíně vbř eznu 1943 došlo kr ozděle-ní odpovědnosti. Většina skupinpůvodní 10. AF zůstala v Číně abylapřevedena ke 14. AF. Ztoho důvoduse 10. AF musela začít budovat vpod-statě od nuly.Stíhací složka 10. A F se odpodzimu 1943 sklá dala z311. F BGs Mustang y a 80. FG vyzbrojenéP-40N (88., 89. a90. FS) aP-38 (459.FS, ta byla 80. FG sice administrativ-ně podřízená, ale operovala sa mo-statně). Bombardovací sk upinyzastupovaly 7. a308. BG(H) s B-24(ta dr uhá byla dočasně zapůjčena od 14. AF) a 341. BG(M) s B-25.Pozadu sdoplňováním nezůstali ani Britové, jejichž squadrony spadajícípod South East Asia Com mand byly přezbrojovány na Spitfiry Mk.Vc,Mosquita aBeaufightery.Hlavním ajed iným protivníkem spojeneckého let ectva voblasti bylojaponské a rmádní letectvo, jehož standa rdní st íhačkou v Barmě bylyletouny Nakajima Ki-43-II Hayabusa patřící 50. a64. Sentai. Koncemroku je doplnily ještě 33. a204. Sentai. Lehké avelmi obratné Ki-43 bylyvté době již z a zenitem své největší slávy asvým i výkony aslabou vý-zbrojí se nemohly měřit s novými spojeneckými letouny. Nicméně dí kyzkušeným pilotů m byly ještě stále nebezpečnými protivníky. Japonskébombardovací útvary byly vyzbrojeny typy Mitsubishi Ki-21 aKawasakiKi-48. Také japonské armádní lete ctvo využilo přestávky vbojích kdo-plnění stavů, takže se voblasti objevily další typy letadel, jako stí hacíNakajima Ki-44 Shóki, Kawasaki Ki-45 Toryú (21. Sentai) nebo krátcev období cca dvou měsíců bombardér y Nakajima Ki-49 Donryú od62. Sentai.Hlavním cílem Spojenců voblasti bylo ochránit dopravní trasy meziIndií aČí nou tak, aby bylo možné zásobovat čínské armády, které, byťnebyly b ojově příl iš efektivn í, na sebe váza ly 25 japonských divizí.Velká část zásob byla dopravována letecky přes Himaláje (letecký mostznámý jako The Hump, tedy Hrb), což nebylo dlouhodobě ud ržitelné,aproto mělo na podzim 1943 dojít k několika ofenzivním a kcím, kteréIlustrace/colour proles: Václav HochmuthRekonstrukce barevných schémat atext: Martin Pospíšil▲ Údržba P-51A (v. č. 43-6109) od 311. Fighter Bomber Group na indickézákladně Kurmitola. Stroj má podvěšené dvě 75galonové přídavné nádrže nejstar-šího typu s vystouplými plnícími hrdly.USAAF▲ Osobní letoun Jamese J. Englanda P-51A č. 75 (43-6077) pojmenovaný „Jackie“ je znám v několika podobách a některé detaily změn markingu se objeví i na fotogra-fiích v tomto článku. Jedná se o stroj 530. FBS (později 530. FS), pro kterou byly typické žluté vrtulové kužely a evidenční čísla od 61 do 90. Mustang zpočátku nemělna SOP číslo 75, následně se měnila poloha a tvar sestřelů před kabinou a stejně tak měnilo polohu i jméno pilota. Bokorys představuje letoun v podobě z období někdypo 14. květnu 1944, kdy England dosáhl svého osmého a posledního sestřelu v kabině P-51A (zbylé dva pak na P-51C). Tento a další Mustangy, kterým jsou věnovanébokorysy v tomto díle, si můžete postavit díky obtiskům od firmy DKdecals (aršík č. 72093 nazvaný 10thAF Mustangs).USAAFEnglandův P-51A č. 75 (43-6077) „Jackie“ v péči pozemního personálu. Zapovšimnutí stojí číslo 75 na SOP, které na rozdíl od většiny ostatních strojů530. FBS není perforované.(Pokračování z REVI č. 145)Vdalších dnech naopak vzlétly Brandenburgy Fliegerkompagnie 19kpronásledování nepřátelských letadel. Napří klad 20. dubna 1917 letělLt.i.d.Res. Pürer za pozorovatelským kulometem letounu Hansa Bran-denburg C.I (Ph) 129.03 a o den později seděl vkokpitu prot otypu 20.09.Oba tyto lety však ambiciózní Pürer označil jako neúspěšné a ani je mezibojové lety nepočítal, stejně tak jako start kpr ůzkumu na tr ase Görz –Merna 24. dubna 1917 sBrandenburgem 129.10, jelikož průzkumná misenemohla být pro nízkou oblačnost uskutečněna, ačkoli letoun byl vevzduchu 40 minut a uletěl 90 kilomet rů. Týž den se stejným letadlem sejiž podařilo průzkum provést, takže tento posled ní bojový let vdubno -vém výkazu bojových letů nesl teprve číslo 16.Do boje spř esilou italských stíhaček se BO Pürer do stal 3. června1917. Osádky tří Brandenburg ů C.I Flik 19 protivníka identifikovaly jakošest Nieuportů a jeden Spad. Společně se podař ilo jeden Nieuport poslatk zemi za nepřátelskými liniem i poblíž Sober-Savogna. Josef Pü rer(4. vítězství) letěl ve stroji neznámého čísla s pilotem FP Zugsf. KarlemReithoferem (2. sestřel), Brandenburg C.I (öAlb) 29.64 pilotovalFP Hptm. Adolf Heyrowsky (10. vítězství; pozorovatel BO Oblt. LászlóHauser, jeho 2. sestřel) a ve třetím blíže neident ifikovaném Brandenbur-gu seděli FF Korp. Eduard Szajkovits (1. vítězst ví) a d alší budoucíletecké eso BO Lt. Sándor Tahy (4. potvrzený sestřel).Průzkumný úkol pro 14. Infanteried ivision plnila letecká setnina č. 19také 19. června dopoledne. Formace tří Bra ndenburgů C.I sice neučinilanad f rontou žádná zásadní pozorování, nicméně byla napadena pěticístíhaček Nieuport. Lt.i.d.Res. Püre r tehdy sdílel kokpit letounu 29.63společně sFP Zugs. Istvánem Fejésem, osádku Hansa Brandenburgu C.I(Ph) 129.42 tvořili FF Korp. Josef Schantl a BO Lt.i.d.Res. MichaelSawczuk, se strojem vojenského čísla 129.60 letěli FF Korp. E duardSzajkovits a BO Lt.i.d.Res. Friedrich Dechant. Po střetu se jeden zpro-tivníků zřítil za ita lskými pozicemi u Sober (Vertojba), podíl na sestřeluPodoba stroje Hansa Brandenburg C.I (öAlb) 29.64, s nímž získal BO Lt.i.d.Res. Josef Pürer 17. dubna 1917u Flik 19 své třetí vítězství. Během tohoto letu jej pilotoval FP Hptm. Adolf Heyrowsky, který v jeho kokpituzaznamenal od dubna do června 1917 celkem pět potvrzených sestřelů, čímž z něj učinil nejen nejúspěšnější strojsvé jednotky, ale podle dosavadních zjištění zřejmě vůbec nejúspěšnější Hansa Brandenburg C.I. Letoun dodanýk Flik 19 počátkem roku 1917 zaznamenal u setniny v průběhu služby několik úprav. Ještě v zimě létal strojs držákem dynama pod vrtulí, bez stojanu pro hlaveň kulometu pozorovatele, který měl perforovaný plášť původně vodního chladiče hlavně, zatímco na pozdějších sním-cích je kulomet již zcela bez vodního chladiče, letoun má doplněný stojan kulometu a stejně jako 29.63 na horním křídle upravenou schránku pro dva kulomety, nikolivšak identickou. V čelním krytu motoru také přibyly dva podélné výřezy pro lepší chlazení motoru, který tentokráte poháněla vrtule značky Germania. Stroj po většinusvé bojové kariéry u Flik 19 létal také v původní barvě materiálu se zřetelným logem Albatros na kýlovce. Brandenburg 29.64 se ve stavu Flik 19/D nacházel ještě v říjnu1917. V březnu 1918 byl letoun zničen při havárii během školního letu u Flik 69/D, to však již nesl kamufláž na části povrchu.38 REVI č.146/2025 REVI č.146/2025 39Ilustrace/colour proles: Václav HochmuthRekonstrukce barevných schémat atext: Petr Aharon TesařJosef Pürer, zapomenutý hrdina z Bad SchönauJosef Pürer, zapomenutý hrdina z Bad SchönauEsa k.u.k. LFT známá neznámáPetr Aharon TesarˇItalský Nieuport 17, zachycený počátkem roku 1917 nad horským terénem. Právěnad stíhačkami typu Nieuport zaznamenal Josef Pürer od dubna do června 1917 třipotvrzená a jedno nepotvrzené vítězství.A stíhačkami Nieuport byl 19. června 1917 spolu s FP Zugsf. Fejésem donucenv Brandenburgu 29.63 k nouzovému přistání u Schönpass… Jedním z vítězů tohotosouboje bylo italské eso od 81ª Squadriglia sottotenente Flavio Torello Baracchini(na fotografii). Šlo o jeho 7. vítězství z celkem 21+11 a je velmi pravděpodobné, žetoho dne letěl právě v kokpitu tohoto stroje Nieuport 17 s černým štítem na trupu.Dobový tisk přinášel zprávy zfron-ty, letectvo nevyjímaje, jednako hrdinských činech a udělenýchvyznamenáních, jednak o ztrátáchv boji. Celou půlstranu (s výjim-kou reklamy na cigaretový papír)věnoval vídeňský týdeník Das In-teressante Blatt z28. června1917letcům Fliegerkompagnie 19, sa-mozřejmě bez uvedení čísla setni-ny. Vlevé části můžeme pod por-tréty šesti příslušníků jednotky číst:„1. Leutn. Alexander Tahy, sestřeliltři letouny, vyznamenán Stříbrnoumedailí za udatnost 1. třídy aSig-num laudis; 2. Hauptmann AdolfHeyrowsky, porazil čtyři nepřá-telské letouny, Řád železné koruny3. třídy, Vojenský záslužný kříž atři-krát Signum laudis; 3. Oberleutn.Artur Klose-Kuschel, sestřelil jedenNieuport, Signum laudis; 4. Ober-leutn. Oskar Zeisberger, sestřeliljedno letadlo, Řád železné koruny3. třídy, Vojenský záslužný kříž 3. tř.advakrát Signum laudis; 5. Ober-leutn. Ladislaus Hauser, porazildva nepřátelské aparáty, Vojenskýzáslužný kříž s válečnou dekoracía Signum laudis; 6. Leutn. JosefPürer, sestřelil dva italské stroje,Signum laudis.Letecká setnina Hauptmanna AdolfaHeyrowskyho, která obzvláště vy-nikla během desáté Bitvy oSoču; letci útočili na nastupující Italy tím, že sestoupili na nejnižší možnou výšku aostřelovali nepřátelské řady kulometnou palbou.“Vpravé části se pak pod větším portrétem dozvídáme, že syn generála pěchoty von Langa, Oberleutnant Karl von Lang zletecké setniny Hauptm. Heyrowskyho sestřelilběhem Bitvy na Soči jedno nepřátelské letadlo aneporažen padl hrdinskou smrtí. Zdostupných zdrojů pak můžeme doplnit podrobnější informace, že pozorovatel Oblt.Karl Eugen von Lang získal svůj jediný potvrzený sestřel vkokpitu Brandenburgu 29.63, když 20.května1917 snejvětší pravděpodobností zasáhl stíhačku Spad 7 č. 4703italského esa tenente Fulco Ruffo di Calabria. Pilot letounu 29.63 FP Zugsf. István Fejés získal při téže příležitosti již svůj 3. sestřel. Oblt. von Lang zahynul ošest dnípozději. Během bombardovacího letu došlo ksamovznícení jedné zleteckých pum na palubě a osádka Brandenburgu 129.10 se zřítila na nepřátelské území poblíž Ver-tojba. Spolu svon Langem zahynul 26.května1917 ipilot FP Zugsf. Gyula Schmidt (3 potvrzená vítězství).„Type 29.64, Kontrollflug, Oblt. Laný, Oblt. v. Loeser, Flugfeld Aspern, 1917,“ uvádí popiska na zadní straně jedné z kopií této fotografie. Kontrolní let při převzetíBrandenburgu 29.64 uskutečnili důstojníci Fliegerarsenalu (Flars) pilot Oblt. Antal Lányi-Lanczendorfer a pozorovatel Oblt. Ewald von Loeser. Nový letoun byl stan-dardně vybaven dynamem pod vrtulí.sbírka Petr Aharon Tesařsbírka Petr Aharon Tesařsbírka Petr Aharon TesařÖsterreichische Nationalbibliothek16 REVI č.146/2025 REVI č.146/2025 17Chukar II amožná i BQM-74C Chukar III. Osvědčily se nejen jakonávnady, ale ijako průzkumné. Vjejich prospěch hovořila předevšímcena, Chukar totiž stál výr azně méně než Firebee. Také vyžadoval méněobslužného personálu. Malé rozměr y ztěžovaly jejich případný sestřel,proto byly používány nad zvláště nebezpečnými oblastmi. Na stranědruhé právě malé r ozměry omezovaly možnosti zástavby dodatečnéhovybavení anavíc měly Chuka ry poměrně malý dolet – cca 265 km. P rolepší ří zení Chuka rů vyv inula firm a Elta naváděcí po čítač, který mělvětší přesnost a spolehlivost než st arší systém, a navíc byl navržen pronové činnosti, jako byl právě průzkum.Po zbytek se dmdesátých let Chu kary i nadále prováděly pr ůzkumnélety, ale byly používány ive své původní roli cvičných cílů. Ve cvičnýchscénářích byly jejich hlavní mi protivníky iz raelské baterie protiletadlo -vých systémů Hawk. Dále fungovaly jako rušičky elektron ickýchsystémů protivníka, ale ani otét o činnosti nejsou známy podrobnosti.Podruhé byly Chukary masivněji pou žity vroce 1982 během První li-banonské vál ky. Známá je př edevším jejich účast na potlačení syrsképrotivzdušné obrany nad libanonským údolím Bikáa. Tentokrát bylypřed hlavn ími útočným i vlnami stí hacích bombar dérů nejprve zPh anto-mů aSkyhawků vypuštěny klam né cíle IMI Samson5), po nich následo-valy Firebee a Chuka ry. Na rozdíl od Války Jom-Kippur izr aelskéletouny nyní přilétly hned po vlně kla mných cílů apodařilo se jim zcelarozvrátit syrskou PVO vLibanonu.Význam Chukarů pro Cheyl Ha’Avir začal klesat spříchodem nové ge-nerace malých bezpilotn ích prostředků, kt eré vroce 1990 zc ela převzalyjejich průzkumnou roli. Vroli cvičných cílů pak dosloužily vroce 1995.Jako zajímavost na závěr je třeba uvést, že na zá kladě Chuka ru bylavyvinuta izraelská střela s plochou drá hou letu IMI Delilah. Střela jeschopna vyčkávat vcílovém prostoru před potvrzením cíle. Její naváděníje možné přes GPS ainerciální navigační systém. Do služ by byla zavedenavroce 1995 apoprvé byla bojově použita včervnu 2006 nad Libanonem.Bojové použití vUSADruhým letectvem, které použilo Chukaryv b oji bylo tr ochu překvapivě USAF. Topoužilo jako návnady verzi BQM-74C běhemVálky vPerském zálivu vroce 1991 při úvod-ních leteckých útocích na Irák. Celý z načněimprovizovaný projekt inspirovaný používá-ním Chukarů vIzra eli dostal kódové označení„Project Scathe Mean“.Chukary provozovalo pouze US Navy avtédobě k jejich vypouštění používalo několi kmálo letounů DC-130 a dále lodní odpa lovacízařízení. Proč nebyly poskyt nuty Herculesynebo proč US Navy nepoužilo lodě ke start udronů, není z e zdrojů příliš jasné, ale pravdě-podobně nebylo možné do oblasti ty to pr o-středky dostat včas. Pro to US Navy poskytloletectvu 44 BQM-74C, dvanáct provozuschop-ných pozemních odpalovacích zař ízení arake -tové startovací motory byly získány zBelgie.Čtyřicetičlenný tým specialistů USAF proobsluhu dronů pocházel zpřed nedávnem rozpuštěných jednotek odpalo-vaných řízených střel (pře devším z 868. Tactical M issile TrainingGroup). Během několika dní pak vznik la jednotka označená 4468. TRG(Tactical Reconnaissance Group). Vybavení útvaru se t aké řešilo tak ří-kajíc „ na koleně“, protože byla vybavena 26 upravenými n ákladnímivozy získanými od ka lifornské komerční přepravní fi rmy, sady nář adíbyly zakoupeny vhobbymarkete ch apoln í vybavení pocházelo zobchodusválečnými p řebytky. Týmy prošly rychlým výcvikem a jednot ka bylavybavena upravenými BQM-74C, které lépe simulovaly pilotovanýletoun.Skupina byla naložena do tří C-5 advou C-141, které ji včetně komplet-ního vybavení přepravily na saúdskoarabskou zá kladnu K ing Kha lid.Odtud se přemístila ki ráckým hranicím , kde 7.listopadu 1990 zaujalapozice. Byla rozdělena na dva tý my, ten severní byl u místěn tak , aby◀ ▲ ▶ Čtveřice fotografií BQM-74E nesených letounem DC-130A(BuNo 570497) na této a protější straně byla pořízena v roce 1992 během zkou-šek u Missile Targets Division of the Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division(základna NAS Point Mugu). (NARA a Northrop Grumman)▲ ▶ Během operace Pouštní bouře v roce 1991 operovalo s BQM-74C jako klam-nými cíli poněkud netradičně USAF. Dvojice fotografií z operace ukazuje postave-ní 4468. TFG v poušti a odpal BQM-74C.Northrop Grumman Northrop GrummanDvouměsíčník o letadlech a letcíchREVI – BI-MONTHLY MAGAZINE ABOUT AIRCRAFT AND PILOTS has been published since 1994.The latest issue, number 146, has just been published.You will find articles about the Junkers Ju 160 “Hyäne” crash in 1936, as well as Northrop Chukar, the311th Fighter Group in Burma and China, Josef Pürer – the unknown ace of the Austro-Hungarian AirForce, British Austers in the Czech sky – an article about warbirds that still fly today, a model section thatregularly brings information about new products on the model aircraft market … and much more.You can order not only the latest issue, but also older issues of the magazine here:More information about REVI magazine can be found at www.revi.cz, on Facebook or ask directly at theeditorial office: redakce@revi.czREVI Publishing also offers several publications, which you can also order from the above-mentionede-shops or directly from the publisher.www.modelimex.czwww.eshop.aml.czwww.mn-modelar.czwww.arturmodel.czwww.mpmshop.czwww.intermodel.czCena: 199 Kč146Northrop Chukar • Mustangy na konci světaBritské Austery na české obloze • Sestřelen u Arrasu • Konec HyäneDvouměsíčník o letadlech a letcích Cena: 199 Kč1/144 ScaleFocke-Wulf Fw 189 A-1 UhuCat. No. l-3001Includedcolour profilesK.u.k. LuftfahrtruppeK.u.k. LuftfahrtruppePhoto Album 1914 -18Photo Album 1914 -18Volume 1Volume 1Petr Aharon TesaøPetr Aharon TesaøISBN: 80-85957-13-2Petr Aharon TesaøPetr Aharon TesaøK.u.k. Luftfahrtruppe Photo Album 1914 -18 Volume 1K.u.k. Luftfahrtruppe Photo Album 1914 -18 Volume 1Nakajima Ki-44Nakajima Ki-44ShókiShókiMartin FerklMartin FerklCat. No. II-4005Cat. No. lI-4004Colour profilesincludedMesserschmitt Bf 110Messerschmitt Bf 110Volume 1 – C, D, E variantsCat No lI 4004– 1/72 and 1/48 scale drawings– colour profiles– colour photographs– Wolfgang Falck in focusBf 110 obalka.indd 1 1.4.09 13:26INFO Eduard23March 2025Aerial War in Ukraine
Miro BaričWhen Losses Are Confirmed Retroactively by Courts...Another year has begun. In this continuation of the series, we will look at events that tookplace from January 1, 2025, to January 31, 2025. While nothing significant happened in theair, the political scene was on the verge of an earthquake.Aerial War in UkraineRussia continued its offensive in the Donbas,making progress at the cost of heavy losses.According to Estonian military intelligence, inJanuary 2025, the Russian army paid for everysquare kilometer of captured Ukrainian terri-tory with the lives of 100 soldiers. On the mostcritical front near Pokrovsk, Russian forcesbecame exhausted, and their advance stalled.Ukrainians even began launching localizedcounterattacks.A similar situation unfolded in Russia’sKursk region, where, despite Putin’s promises,Russian forces struggled to expel Ukrainianswho had unexpectedly occupied part of Russi-an territory last year. Ukraine is likely holdingthis land as a bargaining chip for upcoming ne-gotiations, which have gained momentum sinceU.S. President Trump took office again in Janu-ary. However, at the time of writing, it appearsthat Trump leans more towards Putin, posinga risk that Ukraine may be abandoned. Thisserves as a wake-up call for Europe, whichstill stands behind Kyiv.The biggest challenge for the Ukrainian Ar-med Forces appears to be a shortage of sol-diers on the front lines. Poor command de-cisions contributed to this, as new brigadeswere formed with insufficient training andlow morale instead of reinforcing experiencedunits. Another controversial decision was theattempt to rotate frontline units by deployingspecialists—such as MiG-29 aircraft techni-cians and mobile anti-aircraft teams, whichhad been highly effective in defending againstRussian Shahed drones.The aerial campaign saw little change. AfterRussian attacks on Ukrainian cities continuedthrough Christmas, nightly air raids persisted,mainly using Shahed drones, with occasionalmissile strikes. Most attacks targeted civilianenergy infrastructure. Meanwhile, the Kremlincynically continued to claim it was not terro-rizing civilians and was only striking militarytargets.Ukraine also intensified its drone campaignagainst Russian strategic targets. Initially al-ternating between airfields, ammunition de-pots, and other facilities, Ukraine refocusedon Russian oil infrastructure—refineries andfuel depots—during this period. As expected,Moscow officially denied any damage, insistingthat the massive fires observed were merelycaused by "falling debris from downed drones."Only One LossDuring the observed period, there was onlyone confirmed aerial equipment loss on the Ru-ssian side. On Wednesday, January 1, a Mi-28NMhelicopter was destroyed under unknown circu-mstances in the Kamensky district of the Voro-nezh region, which borders Ukraine’s Luhanskregion. The crew—Captain Danila Kuznetsov andLieutenant Alexander Korolev—perished. SomeA damaged Russian Mi-24VM helicopter with the registration RF-13029 and bort number "red 53" is being loaded onto a trailer. The photograph surfaced during the monito-red period, but there are no known details about the incident.UKRAINEINFO Eduard24March 2025Strana 25
sources suggest they were shot down by theirown air defense, but this remains unconfirmed.On the Ukrainian side, one loss is knownthrough court documents. These reveal thata Mi-8 helicopter crashed in the Dnipropet-rovsk region due to possible violations of flightregulations and improper operation. The crewsuffered various injuries, and the helicoptersustained severe damage. Investigators se-cured the wreckage—bearing fuselage number153—along with its flight recorder on Thursday,January 16, likely the date of the crash. The courtdocuments indicate the wreckage was seizedfor expert analysis as part of further investiga-tion, but additional details remain unknown.A few days later, photographs surfaced of anunidentified Mi-8 helicopter crash. One imageshows the aircraft overturned on its side, whileanother captures it being lifted by a crane. Nofurther details were provided. This incident maybe related to the January 16 crash, or it could bean entirely separate, previously undocumentedevent.VerdictsCourt documents, this time from Russia, alsoprovide details on several past incidents.Friendly Fire: A Mi-8 Helicopter Shot Down byRussian Air DefenseDuring the observed period, a military courtin Sevastopol issued a verdict regarding theloss of a Mi-8 helicopter and its crew, whichwas mistakenly shot down by Russian air defen-se. The incident occurred on October 18, 2023,at 6:30 AM. Captain Igor Pashkov, from the airdefense command in Crimea, misread the iden-tification data of a slow and low-flying aircraft,reporting it as hostile. He ignored additional in-formation indicating it was a friendly helicopterwith its navigation lights on. Two minutes later,the aircraft was struck by missiles from a Tor--M2DT air defense system.The downed aircraft was a Mi-8MTV-5-1 fromthe 98th Independent Mixed Aviation Regimentof the Russian Naval Aviation. It was on a pat-rol mission over the sea, monitoring Ukrainiannaval drones. All three crew members—MajorGrigory Azanov, Captain Maxim Pasechnik, andCaptain Alexei Kontievsky—were killed.The military court sentenced Pashkov tothree years in a penal colony. Additionally,he was ordered to pay 5 million rubles ($56,000)to the Ministry of Defense and 3 million rubles($34,000) to the families of the deceased crewmembers. The ministry initially sought 200 mil-lion rubles ($2.3 million) in compensation forthe destroyed helicopter, but the court dismi-ssed this claim.A Truck Crash Destroysa Su-25SM3 JetRussian media also reported on anothercourt ruling concerning a past incident at theGvardeiskoye airbase in Crimea. The date ofthe event was not disclosed.The incident involved Alexander Erlich,a conscript from the Chelyabinsk region, whowas driving a KAMAZ military truck across theairfield without a driver’s license and excee-ding the speed limit. As a result, he crashedinto a Su-25SM3 aircraft, which was in theprocess of towing a Ural-4320 APA-5D utilitytruck.The impact caused irreparable damage tothe Su-25SM3, and the Russian Ministry of De-fense estimated the loss at 387 million rubles($4.4 million). In its court submission, the mini-stry also claimed that the incident impaired theThe crew of a Russian Mi-8 helicopter that was shot down by a friendly fire on October 18, 2023. Captain IgorPashkov has been sentenced for it.Photos of the wreckage removal of a Ukrainian Mi-8 helicopter. It is possible that this relates to an incident that occurred on January 16.UKRAINEINFO Eduard25March 2025Strana 26
unit’s ability to carry out planned air operati-ons due to the lack of a reserve aircraft.Erlich was sentenced to one year in prison,suspended for one and a half years. He wasalso ordered to pay the ministry 10 millionrubles (about $113,000). Erlich appealed theruling, requesting that the financial penaltybe reduced to 300,000 rubles ($3,400), but theappellate court upheld the original verdict.Life Sentence for "Terrorism"In another case, a Russian court ruled thatevidence collected by the Main Military Investi-gative Directorate of the Russian InvestigativeCommittee was sufficient to charge ColonelMykola Dziaman, commander of the 138th An-ti-Aircraft Missile Brigade of the Ukrainian Ar-med Forces, with terrorism. An arrest warrantwas issued against him in the summer of 2024.His brigade had shot down a Russian BerievA-50U airborne early warning and control air-craft on February 23, 2024. The plane crashedin Russia’s Krasnodar region near the village ofTrudovaya Armeniya, killing all 10 crew mem-bers.According to the Russian indictment, Dzia-man committed an act of terrorism by knowin-gly targeting an unarmed A-50 aircraft flyingover Russian territory that was not directly en-gaged in combat operations in Ukraine. Despi-te this, he allegedly ordered his troops to firePatriot missiles at the aircraft. As a result, hewas sentenced to life in prison in absentia.The court verdict confirmed several things.First, it provided official acknowledgment thatUkraine had indeed shot down the A-50, con-tradicting earlier Russian propaganda claimsthat Ukraine lacked the capability to do so.Previously, Moscow had suggested the aircraftwas mistakenly hit by Russian air defense. Se-cond, labeling the attack as "terrorism" highli-ghts the hypocrisy of Russian rhetoric—A-50aircraft were being used to coordinate Russianairstrikes on Ukrainian targets, including civi-lian infrastructure. Yet, according to the Russi-an court, Ukraine's defensive actions amoun-ted to terrorism.Notably, this was the second A-50 aircraftRussia lost in the same region. The first wasshot down over the Sea of Azov on January 14,2024, also killing its entire crew. These highlyspecialized personnel are irreplaceable. Fur-thermore, these two aircraft are the only ai-rborne early warning and control planes everdestroyed in combat operations in global mili-tary aviation history. Both belonged to Russia,and both were downed by Ukraine.UKRAINEWreckage of the Russian Beriev A-50U airplane, which was shot down on February 23, 2024. A Russian courthas now sentenced for „terrorism“ (in absentia) the commander of the Ukrainian unit that had hit it with a Patriotmissile.According to Russian authorities, this is not terrorism. During a Russian attack during the night of January 27-28,even such a "military target" as the automobile museum in Kyiv was hit. Nine vintage cars were destroyed,and another 27 were damaged.INFO Eduard26March 2025Strana 27
UKRAINEA Ukrainian modification of the old Soviet 9K33 Osa anti-aircraft system for the use of R-73 air-to-air missiles.The Ukrainians produce the fake targets in large numbers. This, for example, is a mock-up of a Leopard 2A6 tank.Ukrainians are producing decoys against the Russian missiles and drones in the form of mock-up F-16 fighter jets.INFO Eduard27March 2025Strana 28
UKRAINEMi-24V helicopters suppliedto Ukraine by North Mace-donia.In the foreground, there is a former Czech Mi-24V helicopter, while in the background thereis a Ukrainian Mi-24P.Ex-Czech Mi-24 helicoptersin the Ukrainian service.The Ukrainian 114th Tactical Aviation Brigade hasreleased photos of a MiG-29 fighter jet with anattractive insignia.INFO Eduard28March 2025Strana 29
UKRAINEHundreds of Flights of the UkrainianMi-8 Helicopter PilotBy the time you read this article, three yearswill have passed since the full-scale Russianinvasion began. We will cover this sad anniver-sary in the next part, but today, we bring youa memory from February 24, 2022. This is thestory of Mi-8 helicopter pilot Mykhailo, nickna-med "Carnage," derived from the English wordmeaning massacre.Mykhailo had served in the Ukrainian Air For-ce even before the Russian invasion. He flew ona UN mission in Congo and operated in the Do-netsk and Luhansk regions, where his helicopterwas fired upon multiple times. He carried outdozens of medical evacuations, deployed pa-ratroopers and special forces, and transportedweapons and ammunition.All of this was supposed to end on February24, 2022. That day, Mykhailo's contract was setto expire. He was expecting his final militaryflight, followed by a job in a private companyand peaceful moments with his family. However,that "final flight" turned out to be completelydifferent from what was planned—followed by200 more missions, 132 of which involved livecombat engagements. (This data is from the endof August 2024, when the Ukrainian Armed For-ces published his story.)On that morning, Mykhailo "Carnage" wasassigned a helicopter that had been in sto-rage for six months. According to regulations,it was supposed to undergo a thorough pre-fli-ght inspection. But there was no time for that.The helicopter took off at dawn, followed bya fleet of Mi-8 and Mi-2 helicopters. The missionwas to evacuate and rescue equipment.The very next day of the war, during a flight,he rescued a pilot who ejected right before hiseyes. "We were flying to a designated point, andtwo MiG-29 fighter jets were flying toward us.But only one returned. We looked carefully andsaw that the second one was going down, andthe pilot ejected. Without hesitation, we decidedto pick him up. We landed and waved at him:'Come to us, we are from Ukraine!' It turned outthat he was a classmate of my navigator. He wasin shock because he didn't even have time to re-port his situation before help arrived," Mykhailorecalled with a smile, adding that the fighter pi-lot quickly returned to duty.On the third day of the war, they rescuedthe crew of a Su-24. This time, the operationfollowed proper protocols. The pilots repor-ted their coordinates after landing, and Mi-8crews set out on a search-and-rescue mission."We found them in the middle of a field—exhaus-ted, disoriented, and injured. But they immedia-tely reassured us: 'We will fly again soon!' Alt-hough the chances of returning to active serviceMykhailo "Karnazh"in front of a Mi-8helicopter carryingthe "Orca Hunter"markings.Mykhailo wears animpressive maskon his helmet.INFO Eduard29March 2025Strana 30
after such an incident are slim, they kept theirword. We later saw them at an operational air-field," Mykhailo recounted.In the early weeks of the war, he primarilyfocused on these types of missions—rescuingpilots, evacuating the wounded, and trans-port flights. Later in the spring, Air Force he-licopter pilots joined ground attack operations,and Mykhailo fired his weapons for the first time.The attacks involved launching unguided roc-kets in a ballistic arc, similar to a flying rocketlauncher. "During my first combat flight, I wastrained by Vitaliy Pliak from the Army Aviati-on. He was a funny guy, covered in tattoos, andconstantly joked with me. Unfortunately, he isno longer with us. We did an excellent job anddestroyed a mortar battery near Dovhenke.I couldn't keep up with him. He had an Mi-8MTwith some 'hypersonic speed,' while I had a slo-wer Mi-8MSB," Mykhailo recalled his first livecombat mission.That first day, he flew again, and the nextday, he flew three more sorties. Firing unguidedrockets required great accuracy—finding theright angle and pressing the trigger at the per-fect moment. "Carnage" openly admitted thathis accuracy was lacking at first. Sometimes,however, he missed the intended target but hitanother, even more valuable one. He and otherpilots trained in this tactics while flying thecombat missions. In the first two weeks alone,he completed 21 flights.A major motivation to improve accuracy wasthe risk of being shot down. If they flew a com-bat mission but missed the target, they had toreturn and attempt the attack again—puttingthemselves at risk once more.Mykhailo also recalled how he "gifted" his100th rocket launch to his navigator. He set eve-rything up, aimed, and let his navigator pressthe trigger in a symbolic moment. He also re-membered the Kharkiv campaign, during whichhe fought for the liberation of his hometown,Izium. At that time, they would strike a target,return to base, and receive a new target—onlyto realize it was much deeper into enemy te-rritory. His crew asked whether the coordina-tes were correct, and they were—such was thespeed of the Ukrainian forces’ advance."I admit that after years of war, I feel tiredand exhausted... But when you see from thesky the destroyed cities that you remember asbeautiful and flourishing…" he paused, addingthat he no longer thinks about leaving the ar-med forces—not until victory. "What will I dofirst? I've never been abroad with my family,and my wife reminds me of it regularly. But tobe honest, I'm afraid of flying... as a passenger,"joked the helicopter pilot, who has been awar-ded the Order for Courage (III and II degrees),the Bohdan Khmelnytsky Order, and the SilverCross for his actions.UKRAINEBy the end of August last year, Mykhailo "Karnazh" had carried out 132 such attackswith unguided rockets.A shot from the training of Ukrainian paratroopers on Mi-8 helicopters. Mykhailoalso conducted flights with special forces.These two photos of a Mi-8MSB helicopter with the "Orca Hunter"markings had already surfaced in May 2022. However, based on thecamouflage pattern and other details, it is a different aircraft than theone Mykhailo "Karnazh" was photographed in front of.®The Premier Source for Eduard in the USAAIRCRAFT | ARMOR | SHIPS | FIGURES | SCI-FI | BOOKS | PAINTNow Located Near Chattanooga, TNwww.squadron.comIntroducing the LatestIn Quality Airbrush PaintSince 1968 Squadron has been offering model kitsand accessories from top manufacturers fromaround the world. Today, now located in Ringgold, GASquadron continues the tradition of quality selectionand service for today’s model Kit building community.Head over to Squadron.com to see why modelerschoose Squadron time and time again!INFO Eduard30March 2025Strana 31
®The Premier Source for Eduard in the USAAIRCRAFT | ARMOR | SHIPS | FIGURES | SCI-FI | BOOKS | PAINTNow Located Near Chattanooga, TNwww.squadron.comIntroducing the LatestIn Quality Airbrush PaintSince 1968 Squadron has been offering model kitsand accessories from top manufacturers fromaround the world. Today, now located in Ringgold, GASquadron continues the tradition of quality selectionand service for today’s model Kit building community.Head over to Squadron.com to see why modelerschoose Squadron time and time again!Strana 32
#82176BOXART STORYOn the morning of June 6, 1944, when the Allieslanded in Normandy, the Luftwaffe was preparedfor the situation. A plan was in place to reinforcethe six Jagdgruppen (day fighter groups) opera-ting in France under Luftflotte 3. Defensive pre-parations were conducted under the codenameDr. Gustav West (Drohende Gefahr West – ThreatApproaching from the West). By the evening ofJune 6, two reconnaissance Gruppen, five bom-ber Gruppen, two ground Schlachtgruppen, andone Geschwaderstab were to be relocated fromGermany to France, along with eight night fighterGruppen, two Geschwaderstabs, two day fighterJagdstaffeln, and nineteen Jagdgruppen with fiveGeschwaderstabs. Of these nineteen, eight wereassigned to II. Fliegerkorps as fighter-bombers,while the remaining units were placed under II.Jagdkorps. Meanwhile, Luftflotte Reich retainedonly four fighter Gruppen and "Wilde Sau" unitsalongside second-line formations.Luftwaffe command first needed to confirm thatthe landings in Normandy were a full-scale in-vasion and not a probing attack similar to the 1942Dieppe Raid. Consequently, orders for redeploy-ment to France were only issued around noon onJune 6. Not all Jagdgruppen were transferred asplanned, and by the evening of June 7, only seven-teen Jagdgruppen had reached the combat area,equating to a nominal strength of about 1,100 air-craft. However, the actual number of operationalfighters was just a quarter of that, 278 aircraft.Many units had only half or even les of their air-craft, and not all of these were airworthy due tothe hasty deployment, lack of proper ground supp-ort, and general chaos at most French airfields.Luftwaffe in France faced superiority from theAllies, their airfields were regularly targeted bylow-level strafing attacks and strategic bombingraids. The Luftwaffe was unable to regain controlof the skies. German pilots, whether fresh recruitsor veterans who had spent months or years figh-ting against Allied heavy bomber formations, stru-ggled to conduct effective ground-attack missionsusing bombs. As a result, the eight units wererelieved of fighter-bomber duties by June 12 andreassigned to 5. Jagddivision under Oberst Hent-schel, which reported to II. Jagdkorps. The II. Flie-gerkorps, which had been responsible for groundattack strikes, was disbanded on June 28, and inthe following weeks, fighter pilots relied solelyon onboard weapons or 210mm BR 21 rockets forground attacks.With around twenty Jagdgruppen under its co-mmand, 5. Jagddivision lacked the capability tomicromanage their operations. As a result, mostcombat orders in June 1944 consisted of freehunting, intercepting low-flying strafers, and en-gaging artillery spotter aircraft. Only rarely wereGerman fighters directed against Allied bomberformations, as 5. Jagddivision lacked the nece-ssary numbers for such operations. The priorityremained defending German ground forces fromstrafing attacks. Fighter missions conducted informations smaller than 20 aircraft were highlyrisky. On average, each operational fighter flewtwo sorties daily, with operations running from 6AM to 11 PM. In each sortie, Luftwaffe units typica-lly lost about 30% of their aircraft. For every Alliedaircraft shot down, the Germans lost two to threeof their own. When German units managed to exe-cute missions successfully with minimal losses,it was usually due to bad weather.This period is depicted in the box art by PiotrForkasiewicz, which portrays Major George E.Preddy’s aircraft from the 487th FS, 352nd FG, du-ring a dogfight on June 12, 1944. Preddy’s unit wasescorting American bombers targeting the railwayjunction in Rennes, Brittany. At the time, a funeralwas taking place in the city for victims of a previ-ous bombing raid carried out by RAF bombers onJune 9.The German adversaries were Bf 109 pilotsfrom II./JG 53. After the engagement, they repor-ted five victories over Liberators, one confirmedkill and four aircraft forced to abandon formation.However, the Germans lost three of their ownaircraft, and two pilots were wounded. One pilot,while engaged with a P-51, was even hit by hisown flak. These losses closely matched the con-firmed victories recorded by the Americans: 1st Lt.Glennon T. Moran was credited with one kill, whi-le 1st Lt. Lawrence E. McCarthy and 1st Lt. JohnFrancis Thornell Jr. shared another. Major Preddyclaimed the third Bf 109.Four American bombers sustained damage,additionally one bomber was lost each by 448thBG and 446th BG. Six American aircrew memberswere killed, one was captured, but the remainingsurvivors were rescued by the French. The twobombing raids caused massive destruction to thecity’s infrastructure and resulted in the deaths of122 civilians. Rennes was eventually liberated inearly August 1944.Text: Jan BobekPiotr ForkasiewiczDogfight over RennesINFO Eduard32March 2025Strana 33
#7475BOXART STORYBy April 1943, no part of Jagdgeschwa-der 27 (JG 27) fighter unit remained in Africa.Its I. Gruppe, which had gained fame due to fi-ghter ace Hans-Joachim Marseille, had been wi-thdrawn to Germany in November 1942 and wasengaged in combat operations in France fromJanuary 1943. The JG 27 headquarters and its II./JG 27 were operating from Sicily, while the III. andIV. Gruppe were based in occupied Greece or onits islands. The burden of intense aerial combatin Tunisia was now borne by JG 53, JG 77, and II./JG 51. All these units were equipped with Messer-schmitt Bf 109 fighters, primarily the G-6 variant.A change in command of JG 27 occurredon April 22, 1943. Until then, it had been led by32-year-old Oberstleutnant Eduard Neumann,a veteran of the Spanish Civil War, where he hadachieved two aerial victories. During World War II,he added another eleven to his record. After thewar, Neumann became a key figure in the unit’sveterans’ organization. At the helm of JG 27, hewas succeeded by Major Gustav Rödel, who hadpreviously commanded II./JG 27 and had over 70confirmed kills. With his promotion, a new com-mander was needed for II. Gruppe. The choice fellon Hauptmann Werner Schroer, at this time thecommander of 8./JG 27, stationed on Crete. Sch-roer had 63 victories to his name and was alreadya recipient of the Knight’s Cross.In April 1943, Schroer’s new unit II./JG 27 wasbased in Trapani, Sicily, primarily escorting con-voys and transport aircraft on routes to Tunisia.Losses of Ju 52 and Me 323 transports were sosevere that even Bf 110 crews were tasked withfuel supply missions for German forces in Tunisia.During March and April, II./JG 27 lost 21 aircraftin combat, while another 39 were written off dueto accidents.Schroer achieved his first victories with hisnew unit on April 29, shooting down two Lightningfighters near Marettimo, west of Sicily. On May5, in the same area, he downed a B-24 bomber,though given the combat conditions, there may bea typo in the victory records and his victim waspossibly B-25 Mitchell.On May 9, II./JG 27 engaged a formation of 26Liberators with a fighter escort of Lightnings be-tween Capo San Vito and Capo Gallo. Schroer’sunit claimed three B-17s, likely a misidentificati-on, and two P-38s. Schroer himself claimed oneB-24, but Allied records do not confirm theselosses.After the Tunisian campaign ended, II./JG 27increasingly engaged four-engine bombers whi-le defending Sicily. The American fighter escorts,provided by three P-38 Fighter Groups, were stillrefining their tactics. On the German side at Sicily,both fighter vectoring and air combat strategieswere in an improvised state against four enginebombers operating in high altitudes. Luftwaffecommand exerted immense pressure on the pi-lots, threatening court-martial for unsatisfactoryperformance.Between April and July 1943, Schroer scored20 victories, half of them four-engine bombers.Under his command, II./JG 27 claimed nearly100 victories, but at a steep cost, 41 pilots werekilled, missing, captured, or wounded, represen-ting nearly 100% losses in its personnel strength.Additionally, between May and July 1943, the unitlost 74 fighters in combat and another 47 due toother causes.In early August 1943, Schroer’s unit transferredits 17 remaining Bf 109s to other units in Italy andwithdrew to Germany, relocating to the Wiesba-den-Erbenheim airbase. By late August, II./JG 27had moved to Eschborn, equipped with new air-craft, and prepared to defend Vaterland againstAmerican bomber raids. Their first engagementin this theatre occurred on September 6, duringan attack targeting the Stuttgart area. This wasthe first deep penetration raid into Germany sin-ce the Schweinfurt-Regensburg mission, withover 300 bombers participating, the largest forcedeployed by the U.S. Army Air Forces at that time.The mission was later officially labeled a “Cost-ly Fiasco” by the American command, as 45 B-17swere lost due to various reasons and 10 morewere written off after landing due to damage.Schroer’s unit claimed nine victories over B-17s.Schroer himself was credited with one confirmedkill and forced two other bombers out of forma-tion, marking his 86th to 88th victories. This airbattle is the subject of Antonis Karydis’ box artillustration.Antonis KarydisFrom the Mediterranean to GermanyText: Jan BobekINFO Eduard33March 2025Strana 34
#11185PACIFIC STAR P-40E Warhawk1/48The Limited edition kit of the US fighter aircraft P-40E Warhawk in 1/48 scale.The kit offers markings for 10 aircraft. The box contains plastic sprues for twocomplete kits, from which it is possible to build aircraft flying in USAAF, RAAFand RNZAF in Pacific Theater of Operations.plastic parts: Eduardmarking options: 10decals: EduardPE parts: yes, pre-paintedpainting mask: yesKITS 03/2025Dual ComboProduct pageINFO Eduard34March 2025Strana 35
P-40E-1, 41-25164, Capt. Ben S. Irvin, 9th FS, 49th FG, Darwin, Australia, 1942P-40E, Lt. Robert Harry Vaught, 9th FS, 49th FG, Darwin, Australia, 1942Lt. Ben S. “Bitchin’ Ben” Irvin served in the Phili-ppines and after the Japanese invasion he conti-nued fighting in Java with the 17th PS (Provisional).He managed to shoot down a Japanese bomber onFebruary 18, 1942, during defense of the Dutch na-val base at Soerabaja and added one Zero a weeklater. He left Java for Australia and joined the 9thFS of 49th FG on March 17. He was promoted tothe rank of Captain as he took command of the 9thFS on August 28 and led the unit until October 31.During that time, the 9th FS moved from Austra-lia to New Guinea. Just a few days after the FlyingKnights, as the 9th FS was nicknamed, settled atthe base near Port Moresby, the order was recei-ved that all the pilots who took part in Philippinesand Java campaigns, should return to USA. Thus,Irvin relinquished the command of 9th FS on No-vember 1, 1942, and returned home, leaving behindhis personal P-40E-1, which was adorned witha large Pegasus on the left side and named “TheRebel”. The pilot who inherited the plane added thename “Bessie” on the vertical tail port side. On De-cember 26, 1942, 1/Lt John D. Landers took off with“The Rebel” as one of twelve P-40s. He led WhiteFlight on a patrol mission over Dobodura and wasshot down in an ensuing combat with Japanese Ki--43-I Oscars from 11 Hikō Sentai. Pilot bailed outand the plane crashed into the jungle, where itrests until today.The way of “The Rebel“ into the ranks of 49th FGwas rather tortuous, as it was built for Lend-Leasecontract for RAF as ET488, but delivered to USAAF,which planned to hand the plane over to NIEAF,but instead, it ended with the RAAF as KittyhawkA29-92. But this serial was cancelled two dayslater and the plane returned to the USAAF, whe-re it was assigned to 9th FS (known as the “FlyingKnights“) of the 49th FG. Irvin decorated his P-40Ewith Pegasus on the port side of the fuselage andnamed it “The Rebel“. He flew it during the timehe led the 9th FS from September 19 to November3, 1942.Lt. Robert Harry Vaught was born on June 15,1918, in Johnson City, Tennessee. He served asa Flying Cadet from February 21 to October 31,1941 and joined 49th PS of 14th PG after he wasrated a pilot on October 31. He changed the unitfor 49th PG on December 16 and moved to Aus-tralia. His first victory came on March 28, 1942(Mitsubishi 97 bomber), two Mitsubishi 96 wentdown under his guns on December 7. Vaught’snickname “Snake Bite Bob” came from an inci-dent which occurred on July 16, 1942. That dayhe took off from Livingston Strip and found outhe had a snake on the floor ready to bite him.He conducted several violent maneuvers, whichimmobilized his passenger, so he was able tograb it behind the head and realizing it wasa venomous one, he threw it from the cabin.Vaught’s ill-fated day came on March 5, 1943,when, now with P-38G-13-LO, he took off fromDobodura Airfield on a mission over Salamaua.He shot down two Zeros but, as one engine ofhis P-38 was damaged in the combat, he deci-ded to divert to Wau. On the final approach, theother engine failed as well and the pilot wasseriously injured in the ensuing crash. Vaughtwas sent back to USA and did not return to flying,although he stayed in service until 1959, retiringas Lieutenant Colonel. He died in June 1978. HisP-40E was decorated with the shark mouth and“Flying Skull“. The name “Bob’s Robin” was pain-ted on both sides of the fuselage. A red circleof the older national insignia slightly showed onfuselage as well as on the wing.KITS 03/2025INFO Eduard35March 2025Strana 36
P-40E, Col. Bruce K. Holloway, CO of 23rd FG, Kweilin, China, 1942P-40E, Lt. Col. John S. Chennault, 11th FS, 343rd FG, Umnak Island,Aleutian Islands, autumn 1942Bruce Keener Holloway was born on September1, 1912, in Knoxwille, Tennessee and graduatedfrom the United States Military Academy (WestPoint) in 1937 and received his pilot wings in1938. Holloway then served with 6th PS, 18th PG,in Hawaii prior to his studies in aeronautical en-gineering. After that, he was sent to Chungking,China, to begin his combat experience as a figh-ter pilot with the Flying Tigers of the AmericanVolunteer Group. When the AVG was disbandedin July 1942, the 23rd FG was formed and Ho-lloway assumed command of the group in Ja-nuary 1943 from Robert L. Scott. During his stayin China, Holloway shot down 13 enemies andreturned to USA in 1944. He stayed in the service,graduated from the National War College in 1951and progressed through ranks and key positionsof USAF. Already a General, he took commandof the U.S. Air Forces in Europe in July 1965 andstayed there until his assignment as Vice Chiefof Staff of the United States Air Force, positi-on he held from August 1, 1966. Still not at theend of his career, he became commander-in--chief of the Strategic Air Command on August 1,1968, and kept that post until retirement on April30, 1972. General Holloway passed away at theage of 87 in Orlando, Florida on September 30,1999. His P-40E portrayed here sported severalrepairs and changes to the original markings,including fresh overpaints by British camouflagecolors and repair by Olive Drab on the starboardside of the nose, including the spinner.As one of ten children of famous Claire Lee Che-nnault, the leader of the Flying Tigers of Ameri-can Volunteer Group, John Stephen “Jack” Che-nnault, born on May 20, 1913, in Eudora, Arkansas,followed the steps of his father and became COof the 343rd Fighter Group. The unit was activa-ted on September 3, 1942, in Alaska and Lt. Col.John Chennault became its first commander ei-ght days later. He kept the position until Novem-ber 16 of the same year. He managed to shootdown one Zero and also heavily damaged a Ja-panese submarine. However, he probably achie-ved both victories flying P-38. The 343rd FGbecame well-known as the Aleutian Tigers withstylized tiger heads adorning the noses of theirP-40s. In a baren and small outpost on the edgeof the Pacific, the 343rd was tasked with theelimination of the Japanese from the Attu andKiska islands in the western Aleutians. UnderChennault’s command, the 343rd FG showcasedremarkable effectiveness in air combat, embo-dying the same spirit of adaptability and tacticalingenuity his father had demonstrated. JohnChennault passed away on December 4, 1977,at the age of 64.KITS 03/2025INFO Eduard36March 2025Strana 37
41-36396, P-40E-1, Lt. Robert E. Smith, 16th FS, 23rd FG, China, autumn 1942P-40E, Capt. George E. Kiser, 8th FS, 49th FG, Darwin, Australia, 1942Robert Eugene Smith, nicknamed “Gene”, en-tered Army Air Force prior to World War II.The move was rather purposive as he intendedto pay back for his previous studies but he quick-ly became one of the most successful pilots inthe early days of the 16th FS, 23rd FG, shootingdown four enemies. During one mission his pla-ne went down near a small village. The villagers,not knowing who or what he was, started tocome after him. Luckily, he had a small flag thathe waived letting them know that he was anAmerican and on their side. In the spring 1944Smith was then with the 394th Fighter Squad-ron, 367th Fighter Group, in England. He claimeda Bf 109 damaged on June 17, 1944, but five dayslater he was killed when his P-38 was shotdown by flak near Cherbourg in France duringa strafing mission. His plane crashed on thebeach in Normandy with Smith in the cockpit.During his stay with 23rd FG, he flew P-40E-1which carried the obligatory shark mouth andalso the name KatyDid on its nose.Born on May 8, 1918, in Pocatello, Idaho, GeorgeEdward Kiser joined the Army Reserves andwas commissioned a 2nd Lt and rated a piloton December 20, 1940. He joined 17th PG of 4thComposite Group on December 31. After esca-ping Philippines, where he managed to shootdown two Zeros, he served in Java with 17thPS (Prov) and subsequently joined the “BlackSheep” Squadron, as the 8th FS of 49th FG wasnicknamed. Kiser’s day of fame came on April 27,1942, when he intercepted an enemy formationof twenty-four bombers near Darwin. Althoughchased by escort fighters, he engaged the bom-bers, disrupted their formation and destroyedtwo of them. In ensuing fighting with the enemyfighters, he shot down one. This bravery ensuredhim the Distinguished Service Cross alongsideother decorations he was awarded in the cour-se of his service. Altogether he amassed nineaerial victories. After the war he transferred tothe USAF and retired as a U.S. Air Force Colonel.George Kiser passed away on April 1, 1991 (aged72). The P-40E from his days with 49th FG wasin standard Olive Drab/Neutral Gray camouflage,sporting on the port side of the fuselage a carto-onish lion with a praying Japanese pilot in rightfront paw, while the left one was stepping ona destroyed Zero.KITS 03/2025INFO Eduard37March 2025Strana 38
P-40E, Capt. William J. Hennon, 7th FS, 49th FG, Darwin, Australia, 1942P-40E, A29-78, No. 76 Squadron RAAF, Gurney Airfield, New Guinea, August 1942William Joseph Hennon was born on Jun 13, 1919,in Hennepin County, Minnesota. He received hispilot wings at Kelly Field, Texas, in 1941 and hadbeen in the Philippines with the 21st FighterSquadron when the war started. Over Java heshot down five Japanese aircraft. Escaping toAustralia from the Java campaign he was allo-cated to the 7th FS, 49th FG, where he added twomore victories. On the rudder of his Warhawk,there was a cartoonish Bunyip applied by groundcrews in recognition of the support that the lo-cal Aboriginal community had given in rescuingpilots from crash sites all around the NorthernTerritory. The Bunyip is a mythological waterdwelling fearsome beast that lives in creeks,rivers and billabongs. Later in 1942 the 7th Figh-ter Squadron adopted the “screaming demon” astheir unit emblem and they applied it to the tailsof their Warhawks and later P-38 Lightnings forthe remainder of the War. It is not known whatcolor vas the front of the propeller cone. Wetend to the Insignia Blue, but a red color is alsoa possible option. “Bill” Hennon returned to theUSA with other veterans of Philippines and Javacampaigns at the end of 1942 and joined 326thFG but transferred to 21st FS of 352nd FG asits CO on December 28, 1942. On March 31, 1943,he was on a routine flight with a BT-14 trai-ner from Farmington to Groton, Connecticut(a distance of a mere 75 miles), to pick up fellowpilot Frank Greene, who had just been releasedfrom the hospital. Hennon disappeared enrouteand was never found. He was 23 at the time.No. 76 Squadron was formed at Archerfield Ai-rport, Queensland, on March 14, 1942, as the se-cond RAAF’s unit operating P-40s. The squadroncompleted its training in June, when it receivedits full complement of 24 fighters for 38 pilots.The squadron deployed to the front lines of theNew Guinea Campaign during July 1942 and pi-lots flew their first combat mission on July 22under the leadership of Squadron Leader PeterTurnbull (who died in a crash on August 27 thatyear). The portrayed aircraft was obtained fromUSAAF in standard Olive Drab/Neutral Gray ca-mouflage. To mimic the British camouflage, theupper surfaces received additional fields ofEarth Brown, and the nose was adorned with thename “Bloody Mary”. The insignias, originally USones, were replaced by British cockades, thesewere changed on the upper surfaces for theAustralian ones at the time the aircraft was sentto New Guinea. The flash on the vertical fin wasat the same time lowered by fresh camouflagepaint on the upper part. The aircraft was destro-yed in a ground collision with Hudson (A16-218)on No. 1 Strip on August 15, 1942.KITS 03/2025INFO Eduard38March 2025Strana 39
P-40E, A29-63, No. 82 Squadron RAAF, Bankstown, Australia, 1943P-40E-1, NZ 3095, No. 15 Sqn RNZAF, New Zealand, 1944No. 82 Squadron was formed on June 18, 1943,and was armed with P-40s, as RAAF had recei-ved 399 of these aircraft so five new Kittyhawk--equipped squadrons could be formed. It opera-ted from bases in Queensland and New Guinea.The squadron conducted training at Bankstownuntil April 1944, then moved to Townsville forfurther training. The move to Port Moresby cameat the end of August 1944 with another move toNoemfoor in mid-September. There, the No. 82Squadron, which just became operational, joi-ned Nos. 76 and 77 Squadrons forming No. 81Wing. Its pilots then usually conducted attackmissions against Japanese ground targets.In March 1945 the unit moved to Morotai, pro-viding escorts to Allied convoys. The relegationof First Tactical Air Force to areas of operati-on bypassed by the main Allied thrust towardsthe Philippines and Japan led to poor morale,culminating in the so-called Morotai Mutiny inApril 1945. The aircraft portrayed here was usedduring training in Bankstown in 1943. It sportedthe painting of an Aboriginal man throwing hisboomerang, downing a Zero with it. The aircraftwas camouflaged with RAAF colors of FoliageGreen and Dark Earth with white tail. Periodphotos show the aircraft nicely polished withminimum weathering.In October 1942, No. 15 Squadron RNZAF wassent to Tonga to take over 23 P-40s from theUSAAF 68th Fighter Squadron, thus releasingthe American squadron for frontline service.These P-40Es (NZ 3091 - NZ 3098, NZ 3100 andNZ 3108) and P-40K-15s (NZ 3090 and NZ 3099)were ex-RAF contract aircraft kept by the USA-AF at the beginning of the Pacific war and werein a sorry state of repair (five never receivedRNZAF serials). Most of the serviceable aircraftwere sent forward to defend Espiritu Santo inthe New Hebrides Islands in February 1943 andten survivors returned to New Zealand laterthat year. These aircraft became known as the“Tonga” P-40s. After their return to New Zealand,they were repainted in Foliage Green and (NZ)Sky Grey as were many locally based aircraft atthis time.KITS 03/2025INFO Eduard39March 2025Strana 40
481155 P-40E landing flaps (PE-sets)FE1498 P-40E seatbelts STEEL (PE-sets)644295 P-40E LööK (Brassin)6481057 P-40E wheels diamond tread (Brassin)6481058 P-40E wheels cross tread (Brassin)6481059 P-40E wheels block tread (Brassin)6481060 P-40 exhaust stacks rounded PRINT (Brassin)6481061 P-40 exhaust stacks fishtail PRINT (Brassin)6481064 P-40 seat w/ integral belts Type 1 PRINT (Brassin)6481065 P-40 seat w/ integral belts Type 2 PRINT (Brassin)6481066 P-40E radio compartment PRINT (Brassin)6481067 P-40 wheel bays PRINT (Brassin)6481068 P-40 wheel bays with canvas PRINT (Brassin)6481069 P-40E engine PRINT (Brassin)6481076 P-40 1000lb US bomb (Brassin)6481084 P-40 75gal drop tank PRINT (Brassin)3DL48208 P-40E SPACE (3D decal)EX1088 P-40E (mask)EX1089 P-40E TFace (mask)For P-40E Warhawk 1/48RECOMMENDED:OVERTREES#82241XP-40E Warhawk1/48OVERLEPT#11185-LEPT1PACIFIC STAR1/48Product page Product page#6481069#6481066#6481067#6481076KITS 03/2025INFO Eduard40March 2025Strana 41
Strana 42
#82176P-51B Mustang Malcolm Hood canopy1/48The ProfiPACK edition kit of US WWII fighter aircraft P-51B Mustangin 1/48 scale. The kit offers 6 markings of Mustangs with Malcolm Hoodcanopy.plastic parts: Eduardmarking options: 6decals: EduardPE parts: yes, pre-paintedpainting mask: yesresin parts: nostránka produktuKITS 03/2025INFO Eduard42March 2025Strana 43
P-51B-10-NA, s/n 42-106451, Maj. George E. Preddy, 487th FS, 352nd FG, 8th AF,Bodney, Great Britain, June 1944P-51B-15-NA, s/n 42-106924, 2nd Lt. Ralph K. Hofer, 334th FS, 4th FG,8th AF, Debden, Great Britain, June 1944Preddy’s first personal Mustang was a naturalmetal finish aircraft with blue nose adornedwith the yellow inscription “Cripes A’Mighty”.The application of invasion stripes overlappedthe HO-P fuselage code which was partiallyshowing through under the white paint. So, anindividual letter P was added to the tail surfacesas it was obscured by the invasion stripes on thefuselage. At the time of the invasion, Preddy’sMustang already had a new type Malcolm Hoodcockpit canopy installed. The nose of Preddy’sMustang was decorated with 12 German crossesas symbols of his victories. Preddy made his lastflight in a P-51B on June 12, 1944, six days afterthe invasion of France, when he claimed anotherdestroyed Bf 109. He then took over the brandnew P-51D-5 “Cripes A’Mighty 3rd“. In August1944, Major Preddy was sent to the United Sta-tes for retirement, and upon his return in Oc-tober he assumed command of one of the sub-ordinate squadrons of the 352nd FG, 328th FS.On December 25, in the early hours of the mor-ning, while chasing an Fw 190 over the front,Preddy’s aircraft was accidentally hit by Ame-rican anti-aircraft fire. He still attempted anemergency landing near an anti-aircraft batte-ry but, as he was fatally wounded, he crashed.In total George Earl Predddy achieved 25 victo-ries and four shared, 22+4 when flying Mustangs(including 5+2 victories in P-51Bs).Light-hearted, perhaps undisciplined, but allthe more courageous and charismatic was “Kid”Hofer, one of the USAAF’s most successful figh-ters. The nickname was based on his youthfulappearance and his flowing and by Army stan-dards long hair as well as his prevailing goodhumor. Until his death, he destroyed 15 enemyaircraft in the air, damaging two and destroyinganother 14 on the ground. On July 2, 1944, “Kid”participated in the escort of bombers to Buda-pest from the Italian base Foggia. Prior to rea-ching the target area, a group of Bf 109 enteredthe scene, and the aerial battle started. Hofer’sleader had to make an emergency landing dueto a malfunction and watched from the groundas a Hungarian Bf 109, sitting on the tail of hisWingman, opened fire. Hofer’s Mustang was ap-parently only damaged, so he tried to return tothe base. Near Mostar, he decided to strafe aGerman airfield, his P-51B “Salem Representa-tive” was hit by flak and “Kid” Hofer was killed.KITS 03/2025INFO Eduard43March 2025Strana 44
P51B-10-NA, s/n 42-106462, Capt. John B. England, 362nd FS, 357th FG, 8th AF,Leiston, Great Britain, June 1944P51B-15-NA, s/n 43-24823, Lt. William B. Overstreet, 363rd FS, 357th FG, 8th AF,Leiston, Great Britain, July 1944The Mustang named U’ve Had It was assignedto the 357th FG at the end of the first weekof March 1944 and became the personal aircraftof Capt. John England. It was one of severalP-51Bs that received a hasty “half” camouf-lage paint job on the upper fuselage and wingsin anticipation of operations from continen-tal forward field airfields which ultimately didnot occur due to the Mustangs’ extraordinaryrange and endurance. England flew the U’ve HadIt until June 1944, scoring three kills out of eightachieved in P-51B cockpits. In July, he receiveda new type, the P-51D. In all, England scored 19kills during his wartime career, three of them incooperation. The Mustang U’ve Had It remainedwith the 357th FG and was taken over by EricWooley. Its fate was fulfilled on October 4, 1944,when the tail section separated during a high--speed dive training flight and 2nd Lt. RichardPotter had to bail out with great difficulty.P-51B Mustang s/n 43-24283 was origina-lly assigned to Bud Anderson as the third andlast P-51B he flew in combat. Like his previousP-51s, this one was also named Old Crow. WhenAnderson completed his tour with the 363rdFS in July 1944, the aircraft was assigned to Lt.William Overstreet. Overstreet had the nameBerlin Express painted on the left side of theengine cowling and a drawing of a winged Mus-tang horse in a circle on the right side of thecowling. The identification letter was changedfrom S to O. Bill Overstreet became particu-larly famous for his story of chasing a GermanBf 109 through the arches of the Eiffel Tower.The duel was supposed to have taken placesometime in the spring of 1944, but it is ques-tionable whether the passage through the Ei-ffel Tower actually happened, nor is the exactdate of the duel known, there is no mentionin German records of such a strange event asa fighter plane crashing into the streets of Paris.Nevertheless, Overstreet was an aggressive andcapable pilot and, for example, on September 3,1944, he took part in a top-secret mission inwhich a remote-controlled four-engine bomberattacked a heavily defended German submarinebase protected by cliffs. He subsequently flewother secret missions in support of the FrenchResistance, often landing behind enemy lines.KITS 03/2025INFO Eduard44March 2025Strana 45
P-51B-7-NA, s/n 43-6964, 1st. Lt. James H. Clark, 382nd FS, 363rd FG, 9th AF,Maupertus, France, July 1944P-51B-1-NA, s/n 43-12434, Capt. Richard Turner, CO 356th FS, 354th FG,9th AF, Lashenden, Great Britain, May 1944The very colorful Mustang that was flown byJames Clark had probably its wings replaced.The new ones came from another P-51 anddid not carry camouflage paint. Where it wasplanned to apply invasion stripes prior to D--Day, a base camouflage paint in the shade OliveDrab / Neutral Grey was applied to the wing andthe invasion stripes were subsequently painted.Lt. James Clark flew 70 missions during the war,including escorting gliders on the D-Day Nor-mandy landings. He achieved a total of five kills.He married a girl named Marjorie, and it was hernickname, Midge, that he painted on the nose ofhis Mustang.The Mustang named Short-Fuse-Sallee was as-signed to Dick Turner in December 1943. Turnerscored eight aerial victories with it betweenJanuary 5 and April 11, 1944, plus 1.5 aircraft de-stroyed on the ground. This made him one of themost successful pilots in the 356th FS. In March1944, Turner’s Mustang was one of the first inthe 356th FS to receive a new cockpit canopycalled the Malcom Hood. In late May 1944, tothe chagrin of Turner himself, Short-Fuse--Sallee was turned over to the 369th FS, whichat the time was changing to P-51 Mustangsfrom the P-47 Thunderbolts. Here the aircraftwas assigned to Charles Stanley and renamedDunquerque. Stanley flew 74 missions (300hours) with it, but unlike Richard Turner, failedto achieve any confirmed kills, although he wascredited with damaging ten enemy aircraft du-ring escort missions. Upon Stanley’s return tothe US in August 1944, the Mustang was handedover to Thomas Burr, who flew it until he rece-ived a P-51D.KITS 03/2025INFO Eduard45March 2025Strana 46
OVERTREES#82105XP-51B/C Mustang w/o dorsal fin& Malcom Hood canopy 1/48OVERLEPT#82176-LEPT1P-51B Mustang MalcolmHood canopy 1/48Product page Product pageFE1449 P-51B/C seatbelts STEEL (PE-sets)644268 P-51B/C LööK (Brassin)644278 P-51B/C framed canopy LööKplus (Brassin)644279 P-51B/C Malcolm Hood canopy LööKplus (Brassin)648986 P-51B/C wheels diamond tread (Brassin)648987 P-51B/C wheels oval tread (Brassin)648988 P-51B/C wheels cross tread (Brassin)648989 P-51B/C wheels block tread (Brassin)648990 P-51B/C wheels diamond tread 2 (Brassin)648991 P-51B/C wheels block tread 2 (Brassin)648992 P-51B/C exhaust stacks (Brassin)648993 P-51B/C exhaust stacks w/fairing (Brassin)648994 P-51B/C undercarriage legs BRONZE (Brassin)648997 P-51B/C gun bays PRINT (Brassin)6481001 P-51B/C 108gal drop tanks PRINT (Brassin)6481002 P-51B/C seat Type 1 PRINT (Brassin)6481003 P-51B/C seat Type 2 PRINT (Brassin)6481004 P-51B/C engine (Brassin)6481005 P-51B/C 75gal drop tank early PRINT (Brassin)6481006 P-51B/C Hamilton Standard propeller (Brassin)6481007 P-51B/C Hamilton Standard propeller uncuffed (Brassin)6481008 P-51B/C bazooka rocket launcher (Brassin)6481009 P-51B/C/D seat Type 3 PRINT (Brassin)6481010 P-51B/C wheel bay PRINT (Brassin)6481031 P-51B/C gun sights PRINT (Brassin)6481032 P-51B Malcolm Hood canopy cockpit PRINT (Brassin)6481033 P-51B Birdcage canopy cockpit PRINT (Brassin)6481039 P-51B/C seat w/ integral belts Type 1 PRINT (Brassin)6481040 P-51B/C seat w/ integral belts Type 2 PRINT (Brassin)6481041 P-51B/C seat w/ integral belts Type 3 PRINT (Brassin)3DL48177 P-51B/C SPACE (3Ddecal)D48118 P-51B stencils (decal)EX1036 P-51B/C framed canopy TFace (mask)EX1037 P-51B/C Malcolm Hood canopy TFace (mask)EX1038 P-51B/C US national insignia (mask)For P-51B Mustang Malcolm Hood canopy 1/48RECOMMENDED:#6481004#6481032#6481010KITS 03/2025INFO Eduard46March 2025Strana 47
#7475Bf 109G-6The Weekend edition kit of the German WWII fighter plane Bf 109G-6in 1/72 scale. From the kit it is possible to build Messerschmitts withstandard canopy and standard rudder.plastic parts: Eduardmarking options: 4decals: EduardPE parts: nopainting mask: noresin parts: noProduct page1/72KITS 03/2025INFO Eduard47March 2025Strana 48
Bf 109G-6/R6, Hptm. Werner Schroer, CO of II./JG 27, Eschborn, Germany, September 1943Bf 109G-6, Hptm. Heinrich Ehrler, CO of 6./JG 5, Alakurtti, Finland, June 1943Werner Schroer was born on February 12, 1918.In 1937, he joined the Luftwaffe as ground per-sonnel. Later, he completed flight training andwas assigned to I./JG 27 in August 1940. This unitwas transferred to North Africa, where Schroerachieved his first aerial victory on April 19, 1941.In June 1942, he was appointed Staffelkapitän of8./JG 27. In April 1943, he was appointed Grupp-enkommandeur of II./JG 27. At the end of 1942,II./JG 27 was relocated to Germany, and in March1943, it received new Bf 109G-6 aircraft. Afterseveral months of deployment in Italy, the unitwas transferred back to Germany. The box artdepicts the unit’s first fight against a formationof B-17 bombers, which occurred on September6, 1943, during an American raid on Stuttgart.Werner Schroer’s command aircraft had a whi-te rudder with 84 victory markings painted onits left side. Following this battle, three moreB-17 kills were added. Both variants are inclu-ded on the decal sheet. In March 1944, Schroerwas appointed commander of III./JG 54, and inFebruary 1945, he assumed command of JG 3.He achieved a total of 114 aerial victories, inclu-ding 26 four-engine bombers. He was awardedthe Knight’s Cross of the Iron Cross with OakLeaves and Swords. He passed away on Febru-ary 10, 1985.Heinrich Ehrler began his military career in1935 within the anti-aircraft artillery and foughtin the Spanish Civil War as a member of 3.F/88.He completed fighter training in early 1940 andwas assigned to 4./JG 77, which was later re-designated 4./JG 5, based in Norway. In lateMay 1942, Ehrler was transferred to 6./JG 5 atPetsamo and became its commander in August.He achieved his 100th victory on June 8, 1943.During this period, he flew a Bf 109G-6 Yellow 12in Erla factory camouflage, with the symbols ofhis aerial victories painted on the left side of therudder. As the Kommodore of JG 5, Ehrler wasresponsible for cover of the Tirpitz battleship,which was anchored in Norway. After its sinking,he was wrongly convicted, but the sentence wascommuted. On February 27, 1945, he joined JG7, flying Me 262 jets. In combat with Liberatorbombers on April 4, 1945, he managed to shootdown two B-24s and rammed a third. Accordingto witnesses who heard Ehrler’s last words,he carried out a suicide attack. His number ofvictories thus stopped at 208, and for theseachievements, he was decorated with the Kni-ght’s Cross with Oak Leaves.KITS 03/2025INFO Eduard48March 2025Strana 49
Bf 109G-6/R6/Trop, W.Nr. 1607xx, Obfw. Herbert Rollwage,5./JG 53, Wien-Seyring, Austria, December 1943Bf 109G-6/U4/R6/Trop, W.Nr. 440180, Fw. Friedrich Ungar,9./JG 54, Lüneburg, Germany, March 1944Herbert Rollwage was born on September 24,1916. In 1936, he joined the Luftwaffe. In 1941,he was assigned to 5./JG 53. On the first dayof Operation Barbarossa, Rollwage achie-ved his first aerial victory. By October 5, 1941,he had recorded 11 victories. After a brief stayin the Netherlands, II./JG 53 moved to Sicily inDecember 1941 to participate in the campaignagainst Malta. During raids on the island, Roll-wage achieved 20 victories by October 1942. OnJuly 10, 1943, during the Allied landings on Sicily,Rollwage was wounded in dogfight but managedto land back at base. In mid-October 1943, II./JG53 was relocated to Austria for Reich defense.The white rudder of Rollwage's new aircraft,which he received after recovering in Novem-ber 1943, featured 47 victory markings on theleft side. In May 1944, he was promoted to therank of Leutnant, and in August, he became theCO of 5./JG 53. In December, he assumed com-mand of the training unit 2./JG 106. During hisservice with JG 53, Rollwage achieved 70 aerialvictories. He was awarded the Knight's Cross ofthe Iron Cross with Oak Leaves. After the war,he served in the Bundeswehr and retired in 1968with the rank of Hauptmann. He passed away onJanuary 4, 1980.Friedrich Ernst Willi Ungar was born on Fe-bruary 21, 1920. After training with JG 107 andJagdgruppe West, he was assigned to 9./JG 54in Germany in October 1943, flying Bf 109G-6aircraft. On March 6, 1944, he was shot downin his Yellow 6 near Homfeld, likely by Lt. Bar-ney Casteel (P-47D, 56th FG) or 2/Lt. Marvin H.Becker (356th FG). Ungar crash-landed withleg injuries, and his Bf 109G-6 sustained 30%damage. On October 9, 1943, he was shot downin Yellow 10 over Nakskov, Denmark, but crash--landed uninjured. In late December 1944, hereceived Fw 190D-9 W.Nr. 210008 White 3 anddowned a Typhoon from No. 439 Sq. RCAF. Ungarwas among the few pilots of III./JG 54 to surviveencounters with Allied fighters on December 29,1944. At that time, III./JG 54 operated under JG26, later becoming IV./JG 26 in spring. In 1958, hefounded an aero club and served as chief flightand navigation instructor for 17 years. He contri-buted to building Oldenburg-Hatten airfield andconducted its first flight in March 1966. In 1980,he received the German Aero Club's FA1 badgefor motor flight in gold and its Gold Honor Pinin 1985. He passed away on December 16, 2012.KITS 03/2025INFO Eduard49March 2025Strana 50
BRASSINLööK set - Brassin pre-painted dashboard and STEEL seatbelts for F-35C in 1/48 scale. Easy to assemble, replacesplastic parts. Recommended kit: TamiyaSet contains:- resin: 1 part,- decals: no,- photo-etched details: yes, pre-painted,- painting mask: no.LööK set - Brassin pre-painted dashboard and STEEL seatbelts for P-47D Bubbletop in 1/72 scale. Easy to assemble,replaces plastic parts. Recommended kit: TamiyaSet contains:- resin: 1 part,- decals: no,- photo-etched details: yes, pre-painted,- painting mask: no.644299F-35C LööK1/48 Tamiya674025P-47D Bubbletop LööK1/72 TamiyaProduct pageProduct pageINFO Eduard50March 2025Strana 51
674026P-51D LööK1/72 TamiyaLööK set - Brassin pre-painted dashboard andSTEEL seat belts for P-51D in 1/72 scale. Easy toassemble, replaces plastic parts. Recommendedkit: TamiyaSet contains:- resin: 2 parts,- decals: no,- photo-etched details: yes, pre-painted,- painting mask: no.BRASSINLööK set - Brassin pre-painted dashboard and STEEL seatbelts for Spitfire Mk.V in 1/72 scale. Easy to assemble,replaces plastic parts. Recommended kit: TamiyaSet contains:- resin: 2 parts,- 3D tisk: 1 part,- decals: no,- photo-etched details: yes, pre-painted,- painting mask: no.674027Spitfire Mk.V LööK1/72 TamiyaProduct pageProduct pageINFO Eduard51March 2025Strana 52
BRASSIN644298P-40E w/ rounded exhaust stacks LööKplus1/48 EduardCollection of 4 sets for P-40E in 1/48 scale.Recommended kit: Eduard- LööK set (pre-painted Brassin dashboard & Steelbelts),- undercarriage wheels,,- exhaust stacks,- painting mask.Product pageCollection of 4 sets for Spitfire Mk.VIII in 1/24 scale.Recommended kit: Airfix- LööK set (pre-painted Brassin dashboard & Steelbelts),- undercarriage wheels,,- exhaust stacks,- painting mask.Product page634050Spitfire Mk.VIII LööKplus1/24 AirfixINFO Eduard52March 2025Strana 53
BRASSIN6481057P-40E wheels diamond tread1/48 EduardBrassin set - the undercarriage wheels for P-40E in 1/48scale. The set consists of the main wheels and a tail wheel.Easy to assemble, replaces plastic parts.Recommended kit: EduardSet contains:- resin: 4 parts,- 3D print: 2 parts,- decals: no,- photo-etched details: yes,- painting mask: yes.Product pageBrassin set - the undercarriage wheels for P-40E in 1/48scale. The set consists of the main wheels and a tail wheel.Easy to assemble, replaces plastic parts.Recommended kit: EduardSet contains:- resin: 4 parts,- 3D print: 2 parts,- decals: no,- photo-etched details: yes,- painting mask: yes.6481059P-40E wheels block tread1/48 EduardProduct pageINFO Eduard53March 2025Strana 54
BRASSIN6481065P-40 seat w/ integral belts Type 2 PRINT1/48 EduardBrassin set - pilot seat with seat belts designed as a integral partof the seat for P-40E in 1/48 scale. Made by direct 3D printing.Recommended kit: EduardSet contains:- 3D print: 1 part,- decals: no,- photo-etched details: no,- painting mask: no.Product pageBrassin set - pilot seat with seat belts designedas a integral part of the seat for P-40E in 1/48 scale.Made by direct 3D printing. Recommended kit: EduardSet contains:- 3D print: 1 part,- decals: no,- photo-etched details: no,- painting mask: no.Product page6481064P-40 seat w/ integral belts Type 1 PRINT1/48 EduardINFO Eduard54March 2025Strana 55
BRASSIN6481066P-40E radio compartment PRINT1/48 EduardBrassin set - radio compartment for P-40Ein 1/48 scale. Made by direct 3D printing.Recommended kit: EduardSet contains:- 3D print: 9 parts,- decals: no,- photo-etched details: yes,- painting mask: no.Product pageBrassin set - main wheel bays for P-40E in 1/48 scale.Made by direct 3D printing. Recommended kit: EduardSet contains:- 3D print: 4 parts,- decals: no,- photo-etched details: no,- painting mask: no.6481067P-40 wheel bays PRINT1/48 EduardProduct pageINFO Eduard55March 2025Strana 56
BRASSINBrassin set - gun bay for rotary cannon for A-10C in 1/48scale. Set consists of the gun with ammo drum, gun bayand bay covers. Made by direct 3D printing.Recommended kit: AcademySet contains:- 3D print: 23 parts,- decals: no,- photo-etched details: yes,- painting mask: no.Product page6481072A-10C rotary cannon bay PRINT1/48 Academy6481076P-40 1000lb US bomb1/48 EduardBrassin set - 1000lb US bomb for P-40E in 1/48 scale.Set consists of 1 bomb. Easy to assemble, replaces plasticparts. Recommended kit: EduardSet contains:- resin: 2 parts,- decals: yes,- photo-etched details: yes,- painting mask: no.Product pageINFO Eduard56March 2025Strana 57
6481084P-40 75gal drop tank PRINT1/48 EduardBrassin set - 75gal fuel drop tank for P-40E in 1/48 scale.Set consists of 1 tank. Easy to assemble, replaces plasticparts. Made by direct 3D printing.Recommended kit: EduardSet contains:- 3D print: 2 parts,- decals: no,- photo-etched details: no,- painting mask: no.Product pageBRASSINBrassin set - ejection seat for F-35C in 1/48 scale.Easy to assemble, replaces plastic parts.Recommended kit: TamiyaSet contains:- resin: 9 parts,- decals: yes,- photo-etched details: yes, pre-painted,- painting mask: no.6481086F-35C seat PRINT1/48 TamiyaProduct pageINFO Eduard57March 2025Strana 58
BRASSINBrassin set - the undercarriage wheels for Mosquitoin 1/72 scale. The set consists of the main wheels anda tail wheel. Easy to assemble, replaces plastic parts.Recommended kit: TamiyaSet contains:- resin: 3 parts,- 3D print: 2 parts,- decals: no,- photo-etched details: no,- painting mask: yes.Product page672403Mosquito wheels1/72 Tamiya672404Mosquito exhaust stacks PRINT1/72 TamiyaBrassin set - exhaust stacks for Mosquito in 1/72 scale.Made by direct 3D printing. Easy to assemble, replacesplastic parts. Recommended kit: TamiyaSet contains:- 3D print: 4 parts,- decals: no,- photo-etched details: no,- painting mask: no.Product pageINFO Eduard58March 2025Strana 59
672405Bf 109G-6 wheels1/72 TamiyaBrassin set - the undercarriage wheels for Bf 109G-6 in1/72 scale. The set consists of the main wheels and a tailwheel. Easy to assemble, replaces plastic parts.Recommended kit: TamiyaSet contains:- resin: 3 parts,- decals: no,- PE-set details: no,- painting mask: yes.Product pageBRASSINBrassin set - exhaust stacks for Bf 109G-6 in 1/72scale. Made by direct 3D printing. Easy to assem-ble, replaces plastic parts.Recommended kit: TamiyaSet contains:- 3D print: 2 parts,- decals: no,- photo-etched details: no,- painting mask: no.672406Bf 109G-6 exhaust stacks PRINT1/72 TamiyaProduct pageINFO Eduard59March 2025Strana 60
Collection of 3 sets for P-38F in 1/48 scale.Recommended kit: Tamiya- starboard engine,- port engine,- turbochargers.All sets included in this BIG SIN are available separately,but with every BIG SIN set you save up to 30 %.SIN648136P-38F ENGINES1/48 TamiyaProduct pageBRASSININFO Eduard60March 2025Strana 61
Product pageCollection of 6 sets for F-35C in 1/48 scale.Recommended kit: Tamiya- AIM-120C AMRAAM (2 sets),- AIM-9X,- AIM-132 ASRAAM,- GBU-12 bomb,- GBU-31(V)1/B JDAM.All sets included in this BIG SIN are available separately, butwith every BIG SIN set you save up to 30%.SIN648137F-35C armamen1/72 EduardBRASSININFO Eduard61March 2025Strana 62
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www.eduard.com/bfcBUNNY BUNNY FIGHTERFIGHTERCLUBEduard's special membership club for all modeling enthusiasts!15% Permanent Club discount at Eduard Store – you will receive permanent 15% discount on all Eduardproducts and also discount on various other non-Eduard products. Fixed, permanent, forever!Unique valuable Club kits and accessories – you will gain access to unique and nowhere else to be soldproducts, specially made for BFC members.Even better prices at Eduard events stand – do you know that Eduard usually has huge discounts ontheir products at fairs and events all over the world? BFC members will have even higher discount atthese events.Club T-shirt – you will receive fancy BFC T-shirt with unique design and special barcode(used for event discounts). This exclusive T-shirt will be only availableto the members of BFC.Free entry fee on E-day – you will not have to pay a penny to visit Eduard's E-day.That means lot of fun at E-day for two days and entry kit, absolutely free!* E-day - INTERNATIONAL SCALE KIT EXHIBITION - IPMS Czech Republic ChampionshipBOX CONTENT:Plastic parts, Marking options 6, Decal Set, PE parts, Maska, Brassinparts (two different types of wheels, landing flaps, dust filter witheyelid, intake ring and RP-3 60lb rockets), 3D decals for main and si-dewalk instrument and control panels with photo-etched details andseat belts.BOX CONTENT:Plastic parts, Marking options 4, Decal Set, PE parts, Maska, Brassinparts (undercarriage wheels, cockpit, exhaust nozzle, FOD).How to become a member of BFC?How to become a member of BFC?Simply by purchasing the Activation product. You will be given 15% discount on (almost) every Eduardproduct in your shopping cart. To apply this discount, the Activation product has to be in your shoppingcart. Activation product is excluded from this calculation.Activation products:Activation products:Tempest Mk. V + T-shirt 1/48MiG-21MF + T-shirt 1/72Strana 72
BIG EDAll sets included in this BIG ED are available separately,but with every BIG ED set you save up to 30%.BIG5375 USS Midway CV-41 1/350 TrumpeterBIG2406Spitfire Mk.VIII 1/24 AirfixBIG49439F-86A 1/48 Clear Prop53314 USS Midway CV-41 part 1 1/35053315 USS Midway CV-41 part 2 1/35053316 USS Midway CV-41 part 3 1/35053317 USS Midway CV-41 part 4 1/35023040 Spitfire Mk.VIII 1/2423041 Spitfire Mk.VIII landing flaps 1/2423042 Spitfire Mk.VIII engine & undercarriage 1/2423043 Spitfire Mk.VIII seatbelts STEEL 1/24LX009 Spitfire Mk.VIII 1/24491488 F-86A 1/48FE1489 F-86A seatbelts STEEL 1/48EX1076 F-86A 1/48Product pageProduct pageProduct pageINFO Eduard72March 2025Strana 73
BIG EDBIG49440 F4U-2 1/48 Hobby BossBIG49441MiG-35 1/48 Hobby Boss491492 F4U-2 1/48FE1493 F4U-2 seatbelts STEEL 1/48EX1080 F4U-2 1/48491490 MiG-35 1/48FE1491 MiG-35 seatbelts STEEL 1/48EX1078 MiG-35 1/48Product pageProduct pageAll sets included in this BIG ED are available separately,but with every BIG ED set you save up to 30%.INFO Eduard73March 2025Strana 74
MASKSEX1094 F4F-41/48 AcademyEX1095 F4F-4 TFace1/48 AcademyEX1096 F-35C1/48 TamiyaEX1097 F-35C TFace1/48 TamiyaEX1098 F-35C RAM panels1/48 TamiyaEX1099 A-10A1/48 Great Wall HobbyEX1100 A-10A TFace1/48 Great Wall HobbyEX1101 B-24D1/48 Hobby BossEX1102 B-24D TFace1/48 Hobby BossCX684 BV 2221/72 RevellCX685 Ki-43-II1/72 Arma HobbyCX686 Vengeance Mk.I1/72 Dora WingsCX687 Bf 109G-6 classic canopy1/72 EduardEX1095 F4F-4 TFaceEX1097 F-35C TFaceEX1099 A-10 TFaceEX1102 B-24D TFaceEX1099 A-10 TFaceEX1102 B-24D TFaceEX1095 F4F-4 TFaceEX1097 F-35C TFaceEX1094 F4F-4EX1096 F-35CEX1098 A-10EX1101 B-24DIT FITS!INFO Eduard74March 2025Strana 75
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MARCH 2025KITSPE-SETSZOOMSMASKS11185 PACIFIC STAR P-40E Warhawk DUAL COMBO 1/48 Royal Class82176 P-51B Mustang Malcolm Hood canopy 1/48 ProfiPACK7475 Bf 109G-6 1/72 Weekend53321 USS Wasp LHD-1 part 4 1/350 Trumpeter36533 M113A1 1/35 Italeri481156 B-24D undercarriage 1/48 Hobby Boss481157 F4F-4 landing flaps 1/48 Academy491503 F-35C 1/48 Tamiya491505 A-10A 1/48 Great Wall Hobby491507 F4F-4 1/48 Academy491509 B-24D cockpit & engines 1/48 Hobby Boss72742 P-51D tail antennas STEEL 1/7273843 BV 222 1/72 Revell73844 Ki-43-II 1/72 Arma HobbyFE1503 F-35C 1/48 TamiyaFE1504 F-35C seatbelts STEEL 1/48 TamiyaFE1505 A-10A 1/48 Great Wall HobbyFE1506 A-10A seatbelts STEEL 1/48 Great Wall HobbyFE1507 F4F-4 1/48 AcademyFE1508 F4F-4 seatbelts STEEL 1/48 AcademyFE1509 B-24D 1/48 Hobby BossFE1510 B-24D seatbelts STEEL 1/48 Hobby BossSS843 BV 222 1/72 RevellEX1094 F4F-4 1/48 AcademyEX1095 F4F-4 TFace 1/48 AcademyEX1096 F-35C 1/48 TamiyaEX1097 F-35C TFace 1/48 TamiyaEX1098 F-35C RAM panels 1/48 TamiyaEX1099 A-10A 1/48 Great Wall HobbyEX1100 A-10A TFace 1/48 Great Wall HobbyEX1101 B-24D 1/48 Hobby BossEX1102 B-24D TFace 1/48 Hobby BossCX684 BV 222 1/72 RevellCX685 Ki-43-II 1/72 Arma HobbyCX686 Vengeance Mk.II 1/72 Dora WingsCX687 Bf 109G-6 classic canopy 1/72 EduardBIG-EDBIG-EDBIG EDBIG5375 USS Midway CV-41 1/350 TrumpeterBIG2406 Spitfire Mk.VIII 1/24 AirfixBIG49439 F-86A 1/48 Clear PropBIG49440 F4U-2 1/48 Hobby BossBIG49441 MiG-35 1/48 Hobby BossRELEASESINFO Eduard76March 2025Strana 77
BRASSINLöökPLUSBIG SINSPACE644299 F-35C LööK 1/48 Tamiya674025 P-47D Bubbletop LööK 1/72 Tamiya674026 P-51D LööK 1/72 Tamiya674027 Spitfire Mk.V LööK 1/72 Tamiya6481057 P-40E wheels diamond tread 1/48 Eduard6481059 P-40E wheels block tread 1/48 Eduard6481064 P-40 seat w/integral belts Type 1 PRINT 1/48 Eduard6481065 P-40 seat w/integral belts Type 2 PRINT 1/48 Eduard6481066 P-40E radio compartment PRINT 1/48 Eduard6481067 P-40 wheel bays PRINT 1/48 Eduard6481072 A-10C rotary cannon bay PRINT 1/48 Academy6481076 P-40 1000lb US bomb 1/48 Eduard6481084 P-40 75gal drop tank PRINT 1/48 Eduard6481086 F-35C seat PRINT 1/48 Tamiya672403 Mosquito wheels 1/72 Tamiya672404 Mosquito exhaust stacks PRINT 1/72 Tamiya672405 Bf 109G-6 wheels 1/72 Tamiya672406 Bf 109G-6 exhaust stacks PRINT 1/72 Tamiya634050 Spitfire Mk.VIII LööKplus 1/24 Airfix644298 P-40E w/rounded exhaust stacks LööKplus 1/48 EduardSIN648136 P-38F ENGINES 1/48 TamiyaSIN648137 F-35C armament 1/48 Tamiya3DL48211 F4F-4 SPACE 1/48 Academy3DL48212 F-35C SPACE 1/48 Tamiya3DL48213 A-10A SPACE 1/48 Great Wall Hobby3DL48214 B-24D SPACE 1/48 Hobby Boss3DL72057 BV 222 SPACE 1/72 Revell3DL72058 Ki-43-II SPACE 1/72 Arma HobbyMARCH 2025RELEASESINFO Eduard77March 2025Strana 78
BUILTTamiya 1/48Kübelwagen type 82built by Tomáš Pavlíkaccessories used:48463 Kübelwagen type 82 (PE-set)INFO Eduard78March 2025Strana 79
BUILTINFO Eduard79March 2025Strana 80
Strana 81
1 Bristol Beaufighter £13.002 Blackburn Buccaneer £13.003 Junkers Ju 87 Stuka £13.004 North American F-100 Super Sabre £13.005 Hawker Typhoon £13.006 Avro Shackleton £14.007 Junkers Ju 88 £13.008 Hawker Hunter £17.009 Grumman F4F Wildcat/Martlet £13.0010 Vickers Wellington £13.0011 de Havilland Sea Vixen £13.0012 Fairey Swordfish £15.0013 Focke-Wulf Fw 200 Condor £14.0014 BAC Lightning £18.0015 Short Stirling £14.0016 Hawker Sea Fury £13.0017 Gloster Javelin £14.0018 Douglas Skyraider £14.0019 de Havilland Hornet and Sea Hornet £14.0020 Supermarine Seafire (Griffon engine) £15.0021 Armstrong Whitworth Whitley £14.0022 Gloster Meteor £20.0023 Fairey Gannet £15.0024 Dornier Do 217 £14.0025 Short Sunderland £14.0026 Bristol Blenheim £15.0027 de Havilland Vampire £20.0028 Fairey Firefly £17.0029 Hawker Sea Hawk £15.0030 Avro Vulcan £16.0031 RAF/RN Phantoms £17.0032 Douglas A-20 Boston/Havoc £17.0033 Heinkel He 177 £14.0034 Avro Lincoln £16.0035 Fairey Barracuda £15.0036 Handley Page Victor £16.0037 Gloster Gladiator £17.0038 Republic F-105 Thunderchief £15.0039 Supermarine Walrus £13.0040 Canadair/Commonwealth Sabre £16.0041 Fairey Fulmar £15.0042 Boulton Paul Defiant £13.0043 Lockheed F-104 Starfighter £18.0044 de Havilland Venom £15.0045 Martin B-57 Canberra £16.0046 Handley Page Halifax £17.0047 McDonnell F-101 Voodoo £15.0048 Westland Lysander £15.0049 Fiat G.91 £15.0050 Bristol Beaufort £15.0051 Lockheed Neptune £16.0052 Fairey Albacore £15.0053 Avro Anson £16.0054 Westland Whirlwind F.Mk I £13.0055 Hawker Tempest £14.0056 Blackburn Firebrand £14.0057 Handley Page Hampden £14.0058 Supermarine Swift £14.0059 Lockheed Hudson £14.0060 English Electric Canberra £20.0061 Savoia Marchetti S.79 Sparviero £14.0062 Handley Page Hastings £14.0063 Vickers Valiant £14.0064 Convair F-102 £15.0065 Westland Wessex £17.0066 Bristol Bulldog £13.0067 Folland Gnat and Ajeet £13.0068 Bristol Brigand £13.0069 Martin B-26 Marauder £14.0070 Vought Corsair £18.0071 Armstrong Whitworth 650/660 Argosy £14.0072 Vickers Supermarine Merlin Seafire £14.0073 North American B-25 Mitchell £15.0074 Hawker Siddeley Harrier £17.0075 BAe Sea Harrier £15.0076 Grumman Tracker/Trader/Tracer £17.0077 Curtiss P-40 £15.0078 Aer Macchi C.202-205 Folgore-Veltro £15.0079 Consolidated PBY Catalina £17.0080 Saab Draken £17.0081 Junkers Ju 52 £14.0082 BAC Jet Provost £17.0083 Fairey Battle £17.0084 Grumman F6F Hellcat £18.0085 Supermarine Scimitar £15.0086 Vickers Wellesley £15.0087 Grumman Avenger £18.0088 Lockheed T-33A £15.0089 Avro Lancaster £18.0090 Boeing B-17 £18.0091 Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21 'Fishbed' £27.0092 Grumman HU-16 Albatross £17.0093 Messerschmitt Me 262 £15.0094 Supermarine Attacker £15.0095 Westland Sea King £18.0096 Consolidated B-24 Liberator £27.0097 North American RA-5C Vigilante £18.0098 Avro York £17.0099 McDonnell Demon £17.00100 Republic F-84F and RF-84F £20.00101 de Havilland D.H.82 Tiger Moth £16.00102 Convair B-36 £16.00103 Avro Manchester £14.00104 General Dynamics F-111 & EF-111A £20.00105 Sopwith Pup £14.00106 Sikorsky S-55/H-19 & Westland Whirlwind £18.00107 Ilyushin Il-2 ‘Sturmovik’ £15.00108 Martin Mariner & Marlin £17.00109 Douglas C-54/R5D Skymaster & DC-4 £21.00110 Westland Scout & Wasp £16.00111 Vought OS2U Kingfisher £16.00112 Douglas A3D Skywarrior £20.00113 Panavia Tornado ADV £17.00114 McDonnell F4 Phantom II £25.00115 Armstrong Whitworth Albemarle £14.00116 Hawker Fury and Nimrod £17.00117 Douglas F4D/F-6 Skyray & F5D Skylancer £15.00118 NAA B-45 Tornado £16.00119 Grumman F9F Panther £15.00120 Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15 £17.00121 Douglas A-4 Skyhawk £26.00122 Albatros D.I - D.III £16.00123 de Havilland Canada DHC-1 Chipmunk £15.00124 Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-17 £17.00125 Bristol Britannia plus Argus & Yukon £17.00126 Grumman F-14 Tomcat £26.00127 Cessna T-37 ‘Tweet’ & A-37 ‘Dragonfly’ £21.00128 Bristol Scout £15.00129 Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-3 £18.00130 Ilyushin Il-28 £18.00131 Austerin British Military & foreign air arm service£18.00132 Boeing B-52A-F Stratofortress £25.00133 Douglas C-47 Skytrain/Dakota£25.00134 Aero L-29 Delfin £21.00135 DH.89 Dragon Rapide & Dominie£17.00136 Airspeed Oxford & Consul £18.00137 Douglas SBD Dauntless£28.00138 Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk £18.00139 de Havilland (Canada) DHC-2 Beaver £18.00140 North American OV-10 Bronco £28.00141 Vickers Viking, Valetta & Varsity £19.00142 Dassault Mirage F1 £19.00143 Boeing B-29 and B-50 Superfortress £25.00144 Mil Mi-4 Hound £20.00145 H-P Pembroke, Prince & Sea Prince £17.00146 Grumman A-6 Intruder & EA-6B Prowler £19.00Warpaint SpecialsNo.1 Republic P-47 Thunderbolt £19.00No.2 Messerschmitt Bf 109 £25.00No.3 de Havilland Mosquito £25.00No.4 Cessna Bird Dog £12.00No.5 NAA P-51 Mustang and Derivatives £22.00No.6 Dambusters and the Lancaster £20.00WHAT’S IN A WARPAINT BOOK?All major credit cards accepted. Orders can be placed by mail, telephone, fax or through the website.(www.guidelinepublications.co.uk) Plus postage and packing on all orders.Overseas readers pay postage at air mail printed paper rate.For more information and secure ordering please visit:www.guidelinepublications.co.ukWWAARRPPAAIINNTT BBOOOOKKSSBoeingBB--2299andBB--5500SuperfortressBy Kev DarlingB-29 Superfortress 44-70072 X-55 named Limber Richard of the 5thBombardment Squadron, 9th Bombardment Group, flying toward Japanwith other squadron bombers in 1945. The bombing missions againstJapan a 3,500 mile round trip, could last as long as sixteen hours. Alsoshown is at least one B-29 of the 1st BS of the same group, completewith black and yellow rear fuselage and fin bands. (USAF via DRJ)WARPAINT SERIES No.143aster 21/06/2024 14:48 Page 118MilMMii--44 HHoouunnddBy Jakub FojtíkPh.D.Aeroflot departments all over the large territory of theUSSR were provided with standard Mi-4 and Mi-4As,without the underbelly gondola with machine gun andIFF device . Thes e heli copters were occa sionallyreferred to as Mi-4SP (SP stands for Serial andPasseng er) and retain ed milita ry-style circularwindows but were equipped with a passenger interior.WARPAINT SERIES No.144paint Master 20/08/2024 15:00 Page 86PPeemmbbrrookkeePPrriinnccee&&SSeeaa PPrriinncceeBy Adrian M. BalchWV701 was one of the last Pembroke C.1s inRAF service with No.60 Squadron at RAFWildenrath, Germany in July 1977. (MoD photo)WARPAINT SERIES No.145Hunting-Percivalqxp_Warpaint Master 16/10/2024 16:52 Page 46GrummanAA--66IInnttrruuddeerr&&EEAA--66BBPPrroowwlleerrBy Andy EvansGrumman A-6E Intruder Buno 155678 of VA-85Black Falcons based at NAS Oceana, seenonboard USS Ameri ca whi le anc hored i nStokes Bay, 25 SeptemberWARPAINT SERIES No.146er.qxp_Warpaint Master 22/12/2024 11:32 Page 58COMPLETE AND DETAILED HISTORYAIRCRAFT IN DETAIL PHOTOSAIRCRAFT COLOUR AND CAMOUFLAGE DRAWINGSAIRCRAFT COMPLETE PRODUCTION LISTSINDIVIDUAL AIRCRAFT, UNITS, SQUADRONS, SERIALS AND CODESAIRCRAFT COMPREHENSIVE SPECIFICATIONSGuideline Publications Limited, Dunstable Business Centre, Office Suite No.2,Blackburn Road, Houghton Regis, Bedfordshire LU5 5BQTelephone: +44 (0)1582 668411, Email: kim@guidelinepublications.co.ukWarpaint Books Advert No 146.qxp_Warpaint Books Full List Advert 06/01/2025 11:45 Page 1Strana 82
ON APPROACHAPRIL 2025644301F4F-4 LööK1/48 Academy644302A6M5 LööK1/48 EduardBIG33165 MC.205 Veltro 1/32 ItaleriBIG49442 Junkers F.13 1/48 MiniArtBIG49443 Chipmunk T.20 1/48 Airfix644301 F4F-4 LööK 1/48 Academy644302 A6M5 LööK 1/48 Eduard674030 F4U-1 LööK 1/72 Tamiya674031 Mosquito NF Mk.II LööK 1/72 Tamiya624007 Spitfire Mk.VIII/Mk.IX seat PRINT 1/24 Airfix6481075 P-40E gun bays PRINT 1/48 Eduard6481079 P-40 500lb M64 US bomb 1/48 Eduard6481083 P-40 100lb M30 US bomb PRINT 1/48 Eduard6481085 P-40 52gal drop tank PRINT 1/48 Eduard6481087 F-35C exhaust nozzle PRINT 1/48 Tamiya6481088 F4F-4 exhausts PRINT 1/48 Academy6481089 F4F-4 wheels early 1/48 Academy6481090 F4F-4 wheels late 1/48 Academy6481092 F4F-4 gun barrels PRINT 1/48 Academy6481093 A6M5/7 500kg bomb PRINT 1/48 Eduard6481094 A6M5 seat PRINT 1/48 Eduard672407 Spitfire Mk.V wheels 1/72 Tamiya672408 Spitfire Mk.V three-stacks exhaust rounded PRINT 1/72 Tamiya672409 Spitfire Mk.V three-stacks exhaust fishtail PRINT 1/72 Tamiya672410 Spitfire Mk.V six-stacks exhaust fishtail PRINT 1/72 Tamiy644300 P-40E w/ fishtail exhaust stacks LööKplus 1/48 Eduard674028 Bf 109G-6 LööKplus 1/72 TamiyaSIN67230 Bf 109G-10 WNF 1/72 EduardSIN67231 Bf 109G-10 Mtt Regensburg 1/72 EduardSIN67232 Bf 109G-10 Erla 1/72 EduardBIG ED (April)BRASSIN (April)LöökPlus (April)BIGSIN (April)LööK set - Brassin pre-painted dashboard and STEEL seatbelts for A6M5 Zero in 1/48 scale. Easy to assemble, replacesplastic parts. Recommended kit: EduardSet contains:- resin: 4 parts,- decals: no,- photo-etched details:yes, pre-painted,- painting mask: no.LööK set - Brassin pre-painted dashboard and STEEL seatbelts for F4F-4 in 1/48 scale. Easy to assemble, replacesplastic parts. Recommended kit: AcademySet contains:- resin: 1 part,- decals: no,- photo-etched details:yes, pre-painted,- painting mask: no.674030F4U-1A LööK1/72 TamiyaLööK set - Brassin pre-painted dashboard and STEEL seatbelts for F4U-1A in 1/72 scale. Easy to assemble, replacesplastic parts. Recommended kit: TamiyaSet contains:- resin: 1 part,- decals: no,- photo-etched details: yes, pre-painted,- painting mask: no.INFO Eduard82March 2025Strana 83
674031Mosquito NF Mk.II LööK1/72 Tamiya6481075P-40E gun bays PRINT1/48 Eduard6481076P-40 500lb M64 US bombs1/48 EduardLööK set - Brassin pre-painted dashboard and STEEL seat beltsfor Mosquito NF Mk.II in 1/72 scale. Easy to assemble, replacesplastic parts. Recommended kit: TamiyaSet contains:- resin: 1 part,- decals: no,- photo-etched details: yes, pre-painted,- painting mask: no.Brassin set - the wing gun bays for P-40E in 1/48 scale.The set consists of both wings bays. Made by 3D direct print.Recommended kit: EduardSet contains:- 3D print: 30 parts,- decals: yes,- photo-etched details: no,- painting mask: no.Brassin set - 500lb US bombs for P-40E in 1/48 scale. Setconsists of 3 bombs. Easy to assemble, replaces plastic parts.Recommended kit: EduardSet contains:- resin: 3 parts,- 3D print: 7 parts,- decals: yes,- photo-etched details: yes,- painting mask: no.ON APPROACHAPRIL 2025INFO Eduard83March 2025Strana 84
ON APPROACHAPRIL 20256481083P-40 100lb M30 US bombs PRINT1/48 Eduard6481085P-40 52gal drop tank PRINT1/48 Eduard6481087F-35C exhaust nozzle PRINT1/48 TamiyaBrassin set - 100lb US bombs for P-40E in 1/48 scale.Set consists of 3 bombs. Made by direct 3D printing.Easy to assemble, replaces plastic parts.Recommended kit: EduardSet contains:- 3D print: 6 parts,- decals: yes,- photo-etched details: yes,- painting mask: no.Brassin set - 52gal fuel drop tank for P-40E in 1/48 scale.Set consists of 1 tank. Easy to assemble, replaces plasticparts. Made by direct 3D printing.Recommended kit: EduardSet contains:- 3D print: 2 parts,- decals: no,- photo-etched details: no,- painting mask: no.Brassin set - exhaust nozzle for F-35C in 1/48 scale.Made by direct 3D printing.Recommended kit: TamiyaSet contains:- 3D print: 4 parts,- decals: no,- photo-etched details: no,- painting mask: no.INFO Eduard84March 2025Strana 85
6481088F4F-4 exhausts PRINT1/48 Academy6481089F4F-4 wheels early1/48 Academy6481090F4F-4 wheels late1/48 AcademyBrassin set - exhaust ducts for F4F-4 in 1/48 scale.Made by direct 3D printing.Recommended kit: AcademySet contains:- 3D print: 1 part,- decals: no,- photo-etched details: no,- painting mask: no.Brassin set - the undercarriage wheels for F4F-4 in 1/48scale. The set consists of the main wheels and 3 types of a tailwheel. Easy to assemble, replaces plastic parts.Recommended kit: AcademySet contains:- resin: 5 parts,- decals: no,- photo-etched details: no,- painting mask: yes.Brassin set - the undercarriage wheels for F4F-4 in 1/48scale. The set consists of the main wheels and 3 types of a tailwheel. Easy to assemble, replaces plastic parts.Recommended kit: AcademySet contains:- resin: 5 parts,- 3D print: 2 parts,- decals: no,- photo-etched details: yes,- painting mask: yes.ON APPROACHAPRIL 2025INFO Eduard85March 2025Strana 86
ON APPROACH6481092F4F-4 gun barrels PRINT1/48 Academy6481093A6M5/7 500kg bomb PRINT1/48 Eduard6481094A6M5 seat PRINT1/48 EduardBrassin set - gun barrels for F4F-4 in 1/48 scale.The set consists of 6 barrels. Made by direct 3D printing.Easy to assemble, replaces plastic parts.Recommended kit: AcademySet contains:- resin: 4 parts,- decals: no,- photo-etched details: no,- painting mask: no.Brassin set - 500kg bomb for A6M5 Zero in 1/48 scale.Set consists of 1 bomb. Made by direct 3D printing. Easy toassemble, replaces plastic parts.Recommended kit: EduardSet contains:- 3D print: 4 parts,- decals: yes,- photo-etched details: yes,- painting mask: no.Brassin set - pilot seat for A6M5 Zero in 1/48 scale.Made by direct 3D printing. Easy to assemble,replaces plastic parts. Recommended kit: EduardSet contains:- 3D print: 1 part,- decals: no,- photo-etched details: yes, pre-painted,- painting mask: no.APRIL 2025INFO Eduard86March 2025Strana 87
672407Spitfire Mk.V wheels1/72 Tamiya672408Spitfire Mk.V three-stacks exhaust rounded PRINT1/72 Tamiya672409Spitfire Mk.V three-stacks exhaust fishtail PRINT1/72 TamiyaBrassin set - the undercarriage wheels for SpitfireMk.V in 1/72 scale. The set consists of the main wheelsand a tail wheel. Easy to assemble, replaces plasticparts. Recommended kit: TamiyaSet contains:- resin: 3 parts,- decals: no,- photo-etched details: yes,- painting mask: yes.Brassin set - exhaust stacks for Spitfire Mk.V in 1/72 scale.Made by direct 3D printing. Easy to assemble, replaces plasticparts. Recommended kit: TamiyaSet contains:- 3D print: 2 parts,- decals: no,- photo-etched details: no,- painting mask: no.Brassin set - exhaust stacks for Spitfire Mk.V in 1/72 scale.Made by direct 3D printing. Easy to assemble, replaces plasticparts. Recommended kit: TamiyaSet contains:- 3D print: 2 parts,- decals: no,- photo-etched details: no,- painting mask: no.ON APPROACHAPRIL 2025INFO Eduard87March 2025Strana 88
ON APPROACH644300P-40E w/ fishtail exhaust stacks LööKplus1/48 EduardCollection of 4 sets for P-40E in 1/48 scale.Recommended kit: Eduard- LööK set (pre-painted Brassin dashboard & Steelbelts),- undercarriage wheels,- exhaust stacks,- painting mask.APRIL 2025672410Spitfire Mk.V six-stacks exhaust fishtail PRINT1/72 TamiyaBrassin set - exhaust stacks for Spitfire Mk.V in 1/72scale. Made by direct 3D printing. Easy to assemble,replaces plastic parts. Recommended kit: TamiyaSet contains:- 3D print: 2 parts,- decals: no,- photo-etched details: no,- painting mask: no.INFO Eduard88March 2025Strana 89
ON APPROACH674028Bf 109G-6 LööKplus1/72 EduardCollection of 4 sets for Bf 109G-6 in 1/72 scale.Recommended kit: Tamiya- LööK set (pre-painted Brassin dashboard & Steelbelts),- undercarriage wheels,- exhaust stacks,- painting mask.APRIL 2025INFO Eduard89March 2025Strana 90
ON APPROACHSIN67230Bf 109G-10 WNF1/72 EduardCollection of 4 sets for Bf 109G-10 manufactured by Wiener NeustädterFlugzeugwerke in 1/72 scale. Recommended kit: Eduard- engine,- cockpit,- undercarriage wheels,- propeller.All sets included in this BIG SIN are available separately,but with every BIG SIN set you save up to 30 %.APRIL 2025INFO Eduard90March 2025Strana 91
SIN67231Bf 109G-10 Mtt Regensburg1/72 EduardCollection of 4 sets for Bf 109G-10 manufactured by Messerschmittfactory in Regensburg in 1/72 scale. Recommended kit: Eduard- engine,- cockpit,- undercarriage wheels,- propeller.All sets included in this BIG SIN are available separately,but with every BIG SIN set you save up to 30 %.BRASSIN 02/2022BRASSIN 02/2022ON APPROACHAPRIL 2025INFO Eduard91March 2025Strana 92
ON APPROACHSIN67232Bf 109G-10 Erla1/72 EduardCollection of 4 sets for Bf 109G-10 manufactured by Erla factory in Leipzig in 1/72 scale.Recommended kit: Eduard- engine,- cockpit,- undercarriage wheels,- propeller.All sets included in this BIG SIN are available separately,but with every BIG SIN set you save up to 30 %.APRIL 2025INFO Eduard92March 2025Strana 93
INFO Eduard93March 2025Strana 94
FOTOLEPTY53322 USS Wasp LHD-1 part 5 1/350 Trumpeter481158 B-24D bomb racks 1/48 Hobby Boss481159 B-24D bomb bay 1/48 Hobby Boss481160 A6M5 Zero landing flaps 1/48 Fine Molds491510 B-24D nose interior 1/48 Hobby Boss491511 F-14D 1/48 Great Wall Hobby491513 A6M5 Zero 1/48 Fine Molds491515 Lysander Mk.I/III 1/48 Airfix491517 MH-60L 1/48 ICM491518 MH-60L cargo seatbelts STEEL 1/48 ICM491519 B-24D radio compartment 1/48 Hobby Boss72743 E-2C/C+ undercarriage 1/72 Heller73845 A-6E TRAM 1/72 Trumpeter73846 MiG-29 9-13 1/72 Great Wall Hobby73847 E-2C 1/72 Heller73848 E-2C+ 1/72 HellerZOOMYFE1511 F-14D 1/48 Great Wall HobbyFE1512 F-14D seatbelts STEEL 1/48 Great Wall HobbyFE1513 A6M5 Zero 1/48 Fine MoldsFE1514 A6M5 Zero seatbelts STEEL 1/48 Fine MoldsFE1515 Lysander Mk.I/III 1/48 AirfixFE1516 Lysander Mk.I/III seatbelts STEEL 1/48 AirfixFE1517 MH-60L 1/48 ICMFE1518 MH-60L seatbelts STEEL 1/48 ICMSS845 A-6E TRAM 1/72 TrumpeterSS847 E-2C 1/72 HellerSS848 E-2C+ 1/72 HellerMASKYEX1103 F-14D 1/48 Great Wall HobbyEX1104 A6M5 Zero 1/48 Fine MoldsEX1105 A6M5 Zero TFace 1/48 Fine MoldsEX1106 MH-60L 1/48 ICMEX1107 MH-60L TFace 1/48 ICMEX1108 Lysander Mk.I/III 1/48 AirfixEX1109 Lysander Mk.I/III TFace 1/48 AirfixEX1110 Spitfire Mk.II 1/48 EduardEX1111 Spitfire Mk.II TFace 1/48 EduardEX1112 A6M2-K TFace 1/48 EduardEX1113 A6M5 Zero TFace 1/48 EduardCX688 E-2C 1/72 HellerCX689 A-6E TRAM 1/72 TrumpeterCX690 MiG-29 9-13 1/72 Great Wall HobbySPACE3DL48215 F-14D SPACE 1/48 Great Wall Hobby3DL48216 A6M5 Zero SPACE 1/48 Fine Molds3DL48217 MH-60L SPACE 1/48 ICM3DL48218 Lysander Mk.I/III SPACE 1/48 Airfix3DL48219 A6M2-K SPACE 1/48 Eduard3DL48220 A6M5 Zero SPACE 1/48 Eduard3DL72059 E-2C SPACE 1/72 Heller3DL72060 E-2C+ SPACE 1/72 Heller3DL72061 A-6E TRAM SPACE 1/72 Trumpeter3DL72062 MiG-29 9-13 SPACE 1/72 Great Wall HobbyOBTISKYD48119 P-40E stencils 1/48 EduardD72054 P-51D-5 "15th AF" 1/72 EduardON APPROACHAPRIL 2025INFO Eduard94March 2025Strana 95
ON APPROACHKAMIKAZE TOKKÔTAI 1/48#11184APRIL 2025IJN Special Attack UnitsDual ComboA6M5 Zero Type 52, probably c/n 4271, Lt.Yukio Seki, 1st Kamikaze Tokubetsu Kōgekitai,Shikishima-tai, Mabalacat airfield, Phillipines,October 1944A6M5 Zero Type 52, Hikōtai 165, Kōkūtai 653,IJN Zuihō, Ōita base, Japan, September 1944A6M5 Zero Type 52, Kōkūtai 210, Meiji Base, Japan, winter 1944-1945INFO Eduard95March 2025Strana 96
ON APPROACHAPRIL 2025A6M5 Zero Type 52, Lt. (jg) Seizō Yasunori,Kamikaze Tokubetsu Kōgekitai, Dai 7 Shōwa--tai, Kanoya Base, Japan, May 1945A6M2-K, Ensign Kōzō Koizumi, KamikazeTokubetsu Kōgekitai, Dai 7 Shōwa-tai, KanoyaBase, Japan, April 1945A6M2-K, Lt. (jg) Tamotsu Kaneko, KamikazeTokubetsu Kōgekitai, Dai 1 Tsukuba-tai, KanoyaBase, Japan, April 1945A6M5 Zero Type 52, Lt. Nao Sugisaki, Kōkūtai352, Ōmura Base, Japan, March 1945A6M2-K, Kasumigaura Kōkūtai, Sentōki Toku-betsu Kōgekitai, Chitose Base, Japan, July 1945A6M2-K, Tsukuba Kōkūtai,Tsukuba Base, Japan, 1944A6M2-K, Tsukuba Kōkūtai, Tsukuba Base, Japan, 1944INFO Eduard96March 2025Strana 97
ON APPROACHSpitfire Mk.IIa 1/48#84206APRIL 2025P7966, W/Cdr Douglas R. S. Bader, CO of Tangmere Wing,RAF Tangmere, United Kingdom, March - July 1941P8084, F/Lt James J. O´Meara, No. 64 Squadron,RAF Drem, United Kingdom, September - October 1941P8088, P/O Alec S. C. Lumsden, No. 118 Squadron,RAF Ibsley, United Kingdom, April - August 1941P7619, S/Ldr Brian J. E. Lane, CO of No. 19 Squadron,RAF Duxford/RAF Fowlmere, United Kingdom,January-June 1941P7542, S/Ldr Adolph G. Malan, CO of No. 74 Squadron,RAF Biggin Hill, United Kingdom, December 1940-March 1941INFO Eduard97March 2025Strana 98
ON APPROACHP-51D-5 Mustang1/72#7476APRIL 202544-13691, Lt. Arval J. Roberson,362nd FS, 357th FG, 8th AF, Leiston,United Kingdom, September 194444-13309, Maj. Evan McCall, 380th FS,363rd FG, 9th AF, Maupertus airfield,Cherbourg, France, July 194444-13737, Lt. Anton Walace, 486th FS,352nd FG, 8th AF, Bodney, UK, June 1944P-51D-5, 44-13494, Lt. Walter J. Goehausen Jr., 308th FS, 31st FG, 15th AF,San Severo, Italy, summer 1944INFO Eduard98March 2025Strana 99
ON APPROACHAllied Airfield with PSP cover 1/48#8804APRIL 2025INFO Eduard99March 2025TEC - Don't whimper and print!
Last week, I came across an interview withthe famous Czech 3D printer manufacturerMr. Prusa on the Seznam news server. The in-terview intrigued me and brought to my mindthoughts that I could not shake over the next se-veral days. Mr. Prusa had interesting thoughts,considerations and claims in the interview, andsince we at Eduard use 3D printers extensive-ly, know something about them and 3D printingas a whole, partially founding our business onthem, my thoughts began to turn into someuncertainties. The truth is that we only havenine printers, but if we disregard for a momentquantity and deal instead with our experiences,setbacks, successes and plans for the future,we can safely conclude that we also have so-mething to say on the topic.The interview devoted a lot of space to Chi-nese 3D printer manufacturers and their unfairpractices. It discussed spying on customers,state subsidies and cheap loans, copying Wes-tern products and technologies, and pointedout things that generally are known about theChinese. Until recently, we had no experiencewith Chinese 3D printers. Bravely and patrio-tically, we equipped ourselves with Americanand Australian printers, first printing mastersfor casting resin sets on them, and then massproduction of 3D printed parts proper. This stepeliminated American printers from our selecti-on, because the business conditions dictated bythe manufacturer were so demanding that weruled out equipping our print shop with them.What bothered us most was that the supplierforced us to use only their printing resin, witheach batch of material being accompanied bya chip slayed to the printer and only then couldprinting be done. No chip, no printing. You mightargue that this was a fair business practice, butto us, it was a piss-poor one that, naturally, alsocarried with it a high price tag of production.It was exceptionally expensive, and we hadsome doubts about it also being correspondin-gly good in terms of quality. Cheaper materialseemed to yield equal and even better results,and the comparisons did not bode well for theAmerican conditions dictated. So, out the win-dow went that company and their printers.Given the scope of our requirements, I am surethat they were not in any way dependent on be-ing our supplier, but I am equally sure that weweren’t the only ones to tell them where theycan stick their printers, resin, practices andcustomer appreciation.We also eliminated Chinese and Taiwaneseprinters because at that time their print qualitywas not at the level of the American and Aus-tralian units. We also eliminated those of theaforementioned Mr. Prusa, who’s printers werenot suitable for our production needs. The Aus-tralians stayed in contention, and at the time ofpurchase, they were at the top of their class.We bought them, successfully introduced 3Dmass production on them and we were com-fortable, happy and satisfied. Unfortunately,the projectors of the printers we bought laterstarted to fail after about two thousand hours.Considering that the first two printers we bou-ght at that time still had their original projec-tors with a mileage more than double that ofthe new broken machines, we were surprised.Replacing the projectors was not cheap, yet themanufacturer refused to admit the mistake andinsisted that we had to buy replacement pro-jectors. Apparently the fault was on our side.OK, we bought them, but the problems keep onrecurring, even though we adjusted the opera-ting conditions according to the printer manu-facturer's recommendations.That’s not the worst of it. The current stateof technological development is interesting. Atthe time of purchase, we expected rapid techno-logical development and the arrival of printerswith higher resolution. This happened, but to oursurprise, not with our Australian investment,but with the Chinese. They approach things di-fferently than the Australians and Americans,their printers do not have a projector, but an LCDdisplay. They also do not have pressure sensors,they print more slowly and have trouble prin-ting high-quality materials with a higher density.On the other hand, they are cheap, and for theprice of one Australian printer you can buy onaverage about eighteen Chinese or Taiwaneseprinters. In the upper range of higher-qualityand more powerful printers, you can even getas many as fifty cheaper Chinese machines. Youwill print slower on those Chinese printers, butyou will make up for it in quantity, given thenumber of printers in the production process.But most importantly, your, prints will not beworse off for it. The Australians still have 4Kprinters, while the Chinese are already at 16K.The Australians promised 8K and later 12K prin-ters, but somehow it didn't work out. They'reDON'T WHIMPER AND PRINT!INFO Eduard100March 2025Strana 101
not talking much about the higher K numbersanymore, to say nothing of 16K. On the contra-ry, in Asia, China and Taiwan, development haspicked up a frantic pace. Printers are evolvingin innovation steps measured by months, whilethe lifespan of printers, especially the key ele-ments like the LCD display, is longer than theinnovation cycle. So new, better quality andcheaper machines are coming to the market soquickly that it's not worth repairing the old ones.And the notion of more Australian machines isnot even worth the discussion. Refurbishing anAustralian projector costs twice as much asa new Chinese printer. Meanwhile, the Austra-lians still have 4K resolution, while a new LCDprinter of the most expensive Chinese classalready achieve 16K. Additionally, Chinese prin-ters have up to twice the build area. An Austra-lian printer today has got to be one tough sell.Under current conditions, even the Great HorstFuchs would probably not sell an Australianprinter.This is the situation that has put us on theedge of a dilemma, so to speak. Okay, the Chine-se are said to copy and steal. But the Taiwanesealso produce very similar and probably equallyhigh-quality printers in the same price range.They are also Chinese, but democratic and ho-nest, respecting the rules. The descendants ofChiang Kai-shek do not copy and steal, only thedescendants of Mao Zedong and Chou En-lai dothat, when you really think about it. Of course,we can buy a Czech printer, because Mr. Pru-sa neither copies nor steals, but unfortunatelyhe does not have printers on the level of theAustralians or the Chinese, regardless of theirgeographical origin. Pragmatically, we have nochoice but to buy Taiwanese. They are in thesame league in every way, no?And if you really delve into this a little deeper,doubt begins to creep in regarding those Chine-se vices. Who are they copying from when theymanage to outperform their competitors at abetter price? Maybe they have a time machine,but the question is who they copied that from.To tell the truth, I also have a problem with thespying. I'm not an IT guy and I don't brag thatI understand everything, but I think that in or-der for someone to spy on me on the net, I haveto have the offending tools that enable it on myown devices. Australian and American printersare connected to the net. But it's different withthe Chinese, their printers are not connected,the data is transferred to them via a flash drive.Honestly, it's a bummer, transferring data overa network is better, and personally I wouldrisk the snooping. There is a proven way to spyaround the internet, most of them are based inIreland and speak ‘American’, and if some Chi-nese James Bond is looking at our 1/48 scalebombs and rockets, I'm completely stumped.So there's still the possibility that the Chineseare snooping even without being connected tothe internet. God knows, their technologicalprogress is really fast, maybe they have gottenthat capability by now.To sum it up, my final impression of Mr. Pru-sa after listening to his interview twice andthinking about his thoughts for a week is thatI would recommend that he stop whining aboutChinese competition, get off his ass and comeup with something, or copy something from theChinese, so that he doesn't have to switch hisnew American factory from producing printersto popping out toasters (pun intended). Becausethose Chinese printers will be better and che-aper than his, even if the world's top customsofficer, President T., imposed a 100% tariff onthem. He would still have a few dozen percentof margin left. Mr. Prusa doesn't produce manyprinters of our type, I think he only has one type.His domain is line printers. But as it turns out,the situation in this market segment is similarto that of projector and LCD printers. The Chine-se also dominate line printers, with BambuLabhaving the largest market share, over 40%, andPrusa having 3%. I'm not familiar with filamentprinters, we don't use them, but if you browsethe internet, look at prices and compare pro-ducts, it looks like Prusa’s flagship unit coststwice as much as the flagship of his Chinesecompetitor. And that’s gotta be a kick in thenads….We are currently testing how Chinese prin-ters handle different materials. We also havematerial from Prusa. We hope that Mr. Prusa’sresin material works well. If it is cheaper andbetter than the Chinese equivalents, we will behappy to buy from him, and the quantities willnot be small.So, what’s our takeaway from all this? My opi-nion is that most of what is said about the Chi-nese and their industry is already ten to fifteenyears outdated. Today, the situation is complete-ly different. The Chinese no longer have anyoneto copy from in most fields, they are a steamshipahead of the competition in many of them. Thisultimately applies to our field as well. Who canthey copy from, when at least three quarters ofall molds for newly released plastic models arecustom-made in China? It's time to stop lying toourselves about our European and Americantechnological superiority, stop whining aboutChinese injustices and instead work our assesoff to catch up with their technological lead. Andit's not just about 3D printers.INFO Eduard101March 2025Strana 102
Strana 103
15. 03. 2025O stítmestajihlavyKPM Jihlavasi Vás dovoluje pozvatna modelářskou soutěžwww.kpmjihlava.estranky.cz29 soutěžních kategorií19 speciálních cenPŘEKVAPENÍHistorické přednáškyprodej modelůa modelářských potřebdko jihlavatolstého 1455, JihlavaJUBILEJNÍ50. ROCNÍKpro registrovanépřítomné modeláře!Strana 104
Strana 105
14. ročník modelářské soutěžePANTHERS CUPHlavní téma: VÍTĚZSTVÍKdy: 22. 3. 2025Kde: Novoborská 2, Praha 9Další informace: www.pantherscup.czať už je to vítìzný závodní vůz,triumfální letadlo nebo jakýkoliv jinýsymbol úspìchu.Téma letošníhopantherscupujevítìzstvíKDY JINDY NEŽ TENTO ROKMŮŽETE NA PROSEKU VYHRÁTDOKONCE DVAKRÁT NAJEDNOU!Strana 106
Strana 107
Karlovarský kit klub p.s. ve spolupráci s Krajskou knihovnou Karlovy Varypořádá soutěžní výstavu plastikových modelů12. 4. 2025Sál hlavní budovy Krajské knihovny Karlovy Vary8:00 Přihlašování a příprava expozice vystavovaných modelů.9:00 až 15:30 Otevření výstavy pro veřejnost.Bližší informace a propozice na facebookové stránce Karlovarského kit klubu.Strana 108
Dear Friends,
spring is slowly approaching and with it the start of the new show season. This year, it promises to be very eventful, with three shows lined up for March alone. Next week we will be in Verona, a week later in Bytom and the week after that in Prosek, hosts of the Panthers Cup. In addition to Verona, where we will be in possession of our already announced new items for this month, we will have along something brand new in Poland and in Prosek. In mid-March we will take the Kamikaze Tokkotai Limited Edition kit to the shows, which is already attracting more and more people thanks to an intensive promotional campaign. It didn't look like that even two weeks ago. In the meantime, we released the marking options for the kit and images of the plastic, and lo and behold, the situation changed almost overnight, so at the moment it looks like this Limited Edition item will be an instant hit and will be one of those products that sell out very quickly. After all, what else would we expect from an item with such a name, right?
In Bytom and Prosek we will also have our 1:72nd scale MiG-21bis plastic, which will then have their premiere a month later. For Czechs and Slovaks, the new MiG will have its premiere at Easter in Prostejov, and for foreign customers, including our friend Gabor, a week later in Moson in Hungary. I am sure that Gabor is already sharpening his teeth to chew this kit apart and spit it out, but there will be no Gabaresque issues with the intake this time around. We have remodeled the entire front part of the fuselage, the nose is based on scans of the real thing that flew in East Germany, and we addressed everything we could, even adding missiles and pylons in the process, as well as other, fine details. There are more antennas on this thing than you can shake a stick at. They are terribly tiny little things, but they should cover the entire range of avionics that were used on that aircraft from air force to air force. I would say that this shows the power of freedom and democracy, because it seems that after the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact, every user installed whatever they wanted or could in their aircraft, when the Russians could no longer dictate what client states could and could not do. In our case, it shows how far tooling has advanced and how fine a detail we can achieve in plastic nowadays. And we don't even need to go back to square one with the molds. We probably won't please Gabor, but he will have to accept it. Oh, and someone has already complained that the bis will not be riveted. That has to simply be accepted, too, just as we have done. We would like to give it our current touch in terms of surface treatment, but given that the bis is a continuation of the MiG-21PF, PFM and MF series, which are not riveted to the extent we’d like, it seems stupid to suddenly change the appearance style in the middle of the release scheme and rivet the three remaining versions. I'm talking about three versions, because we have two more ready, the R and the SMT.
And while we're on the subject of MiG-21s, I think we could begin showing something of the 48th MiG-21F in Prostejov and Moson. We already have all eight molds at advanced states, five of them are already milled, and I assume that in the next two months we will have at least half of the molds completely finished and we will slowly show the resulting plastic. I must admit that I am looking forward to this MiG. Although it was the first mass-produced MiG-21 version, this counterpart in kit form somewhat illogically closes out the MiG-21 development line in our catalog, which we started almost fifteen years ago. The difference in the technology between our first MiG-21MF and now is pretty massive, I would even go so far as to say insane. I almost feel like going back to the MF and retooling it, but I'm afraid that it might just remain a temptation. Although, they do say ‘never say never’. Might be a good point of discussion at the E-day Q & A.
And having mentioned E-day, I’ll drop a few bits of information on that theme as well. Last week we signed a contract with the Zahrada Cech Exhibition Center in Litomerice. So there's no turning back and this year's E-day will definitely be at that venue. It’s a great venue and the event promises to be awesome. To tell the truth, we have the ambition and desire to make it the best E-day of all time, and to surpass the legendary first E-days in Pilsen and those that were held in the Butovice garages, which more and more people remember with a strong nostalgia. Certain details are still being ironed out. We have resolved the catering, which looks very promising for both the main Saturday program and the Friday evening pre-party. Things look promising with the displays of historical technology. This year, it will probably replace the flight program, which looks like it will not happen this time around. Nevertheless, we are exploring this possibility as well, albeit chances are pretty low at this point. Flight demonstrations could return to the program provided that we extend E-day again to Sunday, making it two days. We will decide whether to do this in the fall, after this year’s event and the main argument for the decision whether to extend or not will be dictated by your feedback.
Jindra Sterbacek will return to moderate the Pot Q & A. We are working together on a plan to change the Pot format, intending to make it more dynamic, and involve you, the participants, more with your questions, and I think that the whole thing will be up to date and correspondingly interesting. We will try to get representatives of other companies involved, too. We’ve run it up the flagpole, and we seem to be getting some salutes. There should be plenty to choose from, and we are already registering increased interest from companies from the Czech Republic and abroad, and it looks like the participation of model companies will also be record-breaking this year. According to the first responses from modelers, it could be the same with the exhibiting participants. By the way, the main prize in the competition will again be an ultrasonic knife, courtesy of the Annetra company.
E-day has always been largely about new products, especially premieres. This year, the 48th scale MiG-21F-13 will premiere at E-day. You already know that, but we are working on other projects, and if everything goes well, two more kits may premiere at the event. I won't reveal them to you just yet, but I won't keep you waiting until October either. As soon as we are sure that we can finish these projects on time, we will present them before E-day while meeting modelers in Prague and Prostejov.
For now, check the map to see how to get to Litomerice, check out the city's website for what there is to see in and around it, of which there is plenty, and if possible, arrange a day off for Friday so you don't miss anything. This year's E-day will be worth it!
I won't keep you waiting any longer. I'll just remind you that next week we will publish another episode of our sit-together podcast with Katka Borecka, myself and Kuba Nademlejnský. We have loosened up a bit and the podcast will be a little longer than the last one, but I still believe that you will not be bored. Next week, we are recording another podcast, dedicated to the Limited Edition kit Kamikaze Tokkotai, conceived out of a conversation on the topic of the Kamikaze between an expert and an informed enthusiast. I am the latter, while Honza Bobek is the former. It is of course a serious topic, but I believe that you will enjoy it.
And with that, I wish you all, my friends, a pleasant few hours with this issue of our newsletter.
Happy Modelling,
Vladimir Sulc
Flying Knights in Australia
On the box art by Adam Tooby, two aircraft from the 9th Fighter Squadron, 49th Fighter
Group are depicted flying over northern Australia. Capt. Ben S. Irvin is piloting
"The Rebel", while Lt. Robert Harry Vaught is flying "Bob’s Robin". “Bitchin’ Ben” Irvin
was a veteran of the battles in the Philippines and Java.
Text: Jan Bobek
The 49th Fighter Group was one of the most significant fighter units of the U.S. Army Air Forces in the Pacific Theater. Its airmen achieved 664 victories while flying P-40s, P-38s, and P-47s over Australia, New Guinea, and the Philippines. Among its top aces were "Dick" Bong, the most successful American fighter pilot of World War II, with 40 victories, and "Jerry" Johnson, with 22 victories. Both flew P-38 Lightnings as part of the 9th Fighter Squadron, known as the "Flying Knights," continuing the legacy of their predecessors, who first took off against the enemy in March 1942 in Curtiss P-40E Warhawks. Their early missions were anything but easy.
From USA to Australia
This fighter unit was established in June 1940 in the United States as the 49th Pursuit Group (Interceptor). At that time, only its Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron existed. In December, the 7th, 8th, and 9th Pursuit Squadrons were assigned to the group as its fighter squadrons. The unit was officially activated in January 1941, with a cadre of pilots, some with prior experience, drawn from the 31st Pursuit Group, a unit that had itself been in existence for only a year. The 49th PG was initially equipped with outdated P-35 aircraft, which its airmen used for training at the unit level and during military exercises.
Photo: Australian War Memorial
Archerfield, Queensland, Australia, early 1942. Uncrating a United States Army Air Corps P-40E aircraft (AC-5336) for one of American Pursuit Groups.
Photo: Australian War Memorial
Assembling a United States Army Air Corps P40E aircraft at Archerfield, Queensland, Australia.
Photo: Australian War Memorial
Part of the P-40 Kittyhawk aircraft at the crash site on the slopes of Mount Imlay. The Warhawk belonged to 49th PG. Another Kittyhawk from the same Squadron crashed at Wonboyn on the same day. Both pilots, 2nd Lieutenant John Musial and Neal Takala were both killed. On March 28, 1942, Takala and three other pilots was on a routine training exercise from Fairbairn Airbase to the Snowy Mountains, but encountered dense fog over the coast near Eden. Two surviving pilots Lts. Namola and Fielder were later to lose their lives also, in the defence of Darwin, on 16 and 23 June 1942.
After the Japanese attack on the United States in December 1941, Maj. P. B. Wurthsmith, a pilot who had earned his air badge in 1928 and had seen combat against the Japanese in the Philippines with the 17th PG, was appointed commander of the 49th PG. On Christmas Day, his newly assigned unit learned that it would be deployed to the Pacific. More than 1,100 of its members departed in a convoy from San Francisco to Melbourne, Australia, on January 11, 1942. They arrived safely at their destination on February 1, 1942, making the 49th PG the first unit of the U.S. Army Air Corps to reach a combat zone after Japan declared war.
From the outset, the 49th Pursuit Group (PG) was stationed at three different bases and was joined by Capt. Boyd "Buzz" Wagner of the 17th Pursuit Squadron (PS), who had become the first fighter ace of the U.S. Army Air Corps during the battles over the Philippines in December.
Each squadron was equipped with 25 P-40E Warhawks, requiring pilots to transition to new aircraft. Only after arriving at Australian bases did they begin to familiarize themselves with the Warhawk. Due to the engine's characterictics, taxiing proved challenging, leading to numerous incidents, with several dozen aircraft sustaining minor or major damage in crashes.
41-5509, 1Lt. Joseph J. Kruzel, 17th PS (Provisional), 4th CG, Java, February 1942
Joseph John Kruzel was born on February 17, 1918, in Pennsylvania. He entered the Air Force in May 1940 and was assigned to the 2nd Observation Squadron in the Philippines in December of that year. He was then transferred to the 17th PS in September 1941. After the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and the invasion of the Philippines, the 17th PS moved to Australia and Kruzel subsequently took part in the fighting in the Dutch East Indies. He achieved his first kill on February 17, 1942, when he shot down a Ki-27 over Palembang. This was followed by two A6M kills on February 19 and 20. In March he joined the 9th FS in Australia, where his wingman was George Preddy. He served with the unit until his return home in December 1942. In November 1943, he moved with the 361st FG to England to Bottisham Base, where the group received its P-47Ds. In Europe, Kruzel achieved three more kills plus one shared. This brought his total to 6.5 kills and one damaged aircraft. He returned to the US in January 1945 and held a number of important positions postwar, achieving the rank of Major General. He retired on August 1, 1970 and died on July 10, 2002 at the age of 84. His P-40 from when he was still with the 17th PS sported the drawing of a dragon breathing fire on both sides of the nose. A similar drawing then adorned another P-40E that Kruzel used in Australia. This one, however, was camouflaged in British colors, and Kruzel’s Flight was named “Dragon Flight” after it.
At the time, there was growing concern in Australia over the Japanese advance on New Guinea, particularly toward the strategic Port Moresby base, as well as the potential for a Japanese landing on the Australian mainland. These fears intensified after the Japanese carrier raid on Darwin on February 19, 1942, launched from the carriers Akagi, Hiryū, Sōryū, and Kaga. This attack, the first and largest air raid on Australian territory during World War II, is often referred to as "Australia’s Pearl Harbor."
The defenders mistakenly identified the incoming Japanese attackers as a formation of P-40s from the 33rd Pursuit Squadron, which had been forced to turn back from an attempted transfer to Java due to bad weather.
Having learned from the Pearl Harbor raid, the Japanese airmen did not focus solely on attacking vessels but also targeted land infrastructure. The first raid was soon followed by a second, carried out by 54 twin-engine naval bombers from bases in Indonesia, which concentrated on airfields and other key facilities.
Despite losing four aircraft, the Japanese forces managed to sink 10 Allied ships, including the destroyer USS Peary, destroy 23 aircraft, devastate both military and civilian infrastructure in Darwin, and ensure an unopposed landing on Timor.
Horn Island and the 7th Pursuit Squadron Interlude
In early March 1942, Maj. Wurthsmith asked Lt. Morrissey, commander of the 7th Pursuit Squadron (PS), whether he had enough experienced pilots to form a detachment for deployment to Horn Island, located in the Torres Strait between northern Queensland, Australia, and Papua New Guinea. Morrissey assembled a group of twelve airmen, who departed for the island immediately. However, only nine pilots reached their destination—arriving without ground personnel or essential equipment.
On March 14, 1942, eight G4M Betty bombers, accompanied by twelve A6M2 Zero Model 21 fighters, launched an air raid on this base. All the aircraft belonged to the 4th Kōkūtai. While the bombers, led by Lt. Shigeo Yamagata, took off from Rabaul, their fighter escort, under the command of Lt. Shirō Kawai, departed from the recently captured Lae airbase in New Guinea. Lt. Morrissey received an advance warning of the approaching attack and managed to get his pilots into the air in time.
The Betty bomber crews dropped their payload on the base undisturbed and with precision from an altitude of 7,000 meters (23,000 feet). Ten minutes later, a “Hurricane” fighter attacked the formation, and the bombers’ gunners claimed to have shot it down. The American aircraft was likely piloted by 2nd Lt. Harold J. Martin, who was later credited with shooting down one of the bombers.
41-5647, 1Lt. John Landers, 9th FS, 49th FG, Darwin, Australia, 1942
John Dave Landers was one of the fighter pilots who achieved victories in two different theatres of war during WW II. He scored his first six kills in the Pacific and added the rest to his total of 14.5 kills in Europe. Born in Oklahoma on August 23, 1920, he moved to Texas at the age of eighteen. He entered the Army Air Cadet program in April 1941, was commissioned as a First Lieutenant on December 12 and shipped to Australia as early as January 1942. He joined the 9th FS/49th FG after delivering one P-40E to Darwin on April 3. He scored two kills the very next day, then added two more victories on June 14 and July 30 before taking off on December 26 for his last combat flight in the Pacific. That day he firstly scored two kills, then was shot down over New Guinea and had to find his way through the jungle. In February 1943 he returned to the USA and was sent on his second operational tour, this time in Europe (where he later completed a third tour as well). The first of Lander’s P-40s is portrayed here. On the left side of the fuselage behind the cockpit, it bore a drawing of a hawk in a yellow field, as a mark of affiliation with the Andy Reynolds Flight, who was the first to use this decoration. The decals provide the Hawk in black and dark brown version, as it is not sure which color was used. On the nose, Skeeter inscription and the drawing of a mosquito holding a machine gun were painted. It is not sure the mosquito was painted on the starboard side as well.
The raid resulted in the destruction of one twin-engine Hudson aircraft, damage to another, and inflicted significant damage to buildings, tents, a water tank, and vehicles. On their return flight, the bomber crews strafed an Allied vessel.
The Japanese fighter escorts kept most of the American pilots engaged and claimed eight aircraft shot down. Among the Japanese pilots was Hiroyoshi Nishizawa, who would later become the most successful Japanese naval fighter pilot of the war. However, only four American aircraft sustained damage and the only complete loss was a P-40 whose pilot lost his bearings and had to bail out. He was later rescued by two young Aboriginal Australians.
During the battle, the Americans claimed four Zeros shot down. Among the Japanese casualties was Lt. (jg) Nobuhiro Iwasaki, whose aircraft was later recovered, allowing Allied intelligence to gather valuable information, particularly from component nameplates. Iwasaki’s likely victor was Lt. Morrissey, who fired on the enemy from a distance of 200 yards. One of Iwasaki’s wingmen during the engagement was Nishizawa.
The second Japanese pilot shot down was PO1c Genkichi Oishi. In his case, there is no doubt about his victor. Lt. A. T. House attacked a Zero that was attempting to get behind Morrissey. However, when House tried to fire, his machine guns malfunctioned, and not a single shot was fired.
Thinking quickly, he decided to ram the Zero by striking its fuselage with the right wingtip of his aircraft, killing Oishi in the cockpit. The P-40 then entered uncontrollable, erratic maneuvers, but House managed to regain control at 4,000 feet and successfully landed back at the base at high speed, without deploying flaps.
For this daring action, he was rightfully awarded the Distinguished Service Cross. Shortly after this battle, the 7th Pursuit Squadron was withdrawn from Horn Island, and House soon found himself in the hospital—but not due to combat. While on leave in Sydney, a taxi driver ran over his foot. Well, as the saying goes, those destined to hang will never drown.
The Threat of Invasion
Concerns about a potential Japanese invasion of Australia grew even more in early March 1942. On March 3, Broome Airfield in Western Australia was attacked by nine Zeros from the 3rd Kōkūtai. The Japanese airmen strafed the base and its surroundings, killing nearly 90 soldiers and civilians and destroying 23 aircraft.
While returning to Koepang, three Zero pilots spotted a Dutch DC-3 transport aircraft. Because it was camouflaged, they assumed it was a legitimate target and opened fire, hitting the fuselage, right wing, and right engine. The aircraft went into a spin, but to the Japanese pilots' surprise, the pilot managed to recover just above the ground and successfully executed an emergency landing. That pilot was Ivan Smirnoff, a Russian fighter ace from World War I. Later that day, eight more Zeros from the same unit attacked Wyndham Base, destroying one aircraft and damaging several buildings.
The very next day, on March 4, 1942, nine Zeros from the 3rd Kōkūtai attacked the RAAF base in Darwin. They successfully destroyed one Hudson bomber and damaged several buildings. All Japanese aircraft returned safely to base, although three sustained minor damage from anti-aircraft fire.
A6M2 Zero Type 21, Lt. Zenjirō Miyano, 3. Kōkūtai, Poeleti airfield, Timor, March 1942
This aircraft, manufactured by Mitsubishi, was photographed in April 1942 in Rabaul with partially repainted markings that originally belonged to Lieutenant Miyano. The bands and stripes may have been in dark blue or black color. Zenjirō Miyano served from 1939 with the 12th Kōkūtai in China and was appointed as a Buntaichō with the 3rd Kōkūtai in October 1941. He participated in the campaigns in the Philippines and the Dutch East Indies. During a raid on Broome, Australia, on March 3, 1942, Miyano attacked a Dutch civil DC-3. The pilot was Capt. Ivan Smirnoff, a World War I Russian fighter ace, despite one engine on fire, he managed to make an emergency landing, but the Zero pilots killed four passengers on the ground. In April 1942 Miyano was transferred to the 6th Kōkūtai, which was to be based at Midway. Part of his unit was on the way to Midway aboard the carrier Jun´yō, which participated in the attack against Dutch Harbor in the Aleutians. Miyano also participated in the raid. His unit was based at Rabaul from August 1942 and was redesignated Kōkūtai 204 in November. From March 1943 Miyano took position of Hikōtaichō. He was a combat tactics innovator and was the first to introduce the finger-four formation in Japanese naval aviation. Miyano achieved a total of 16 victories and was killed on June 16, 1943, over Guadalcanal during escort of dive bombers.
At the time, the main Allied focus was on the battle for Java, leaving Australian bases temporarily unprotected. With the urgent need to secure fighter defenses for Port Moresby in New Guinea, the American military allocated 25 P-40 Warhawks to form No. 75 Squadron RAAF, which was officially established on March 4. The squadron relocated to Port Moresby on March 21, where its commander, "Old John" Jackson, faced extreme challenges. Despite the harsh conditions, he successfully led and motivated his pilots, transforming them from a group of inexperienced rookies into formidable challengers against the battle-hardened Japanese Navy pilots.
By April, Allied fighter strength in the Port Moresby area was bolstered with the arrival of American Airacobras. Additionally, No. 76 Squadron RAAF at Archerfield and No. 77 Squadron RAAF at Pearce, Western Australia, were gradually equipped with P-40E Warhawks.
9th Pursuit Squadron Deploys to Darwin
Immediately after the Japanese attacks in Western Australia, the American 9th Pursuit Squadron (PS), under the command of Capt. James C. Selman, was assigned the task of defending Darwin. The ground personnel and technical equipment were transported by land from Melbourne, while 25 pilots began the 2,000-mile journey in their aircraft over unfamiliar terrain, departing in succession on March 8.
Severe storms and technical issues delayed their arrival, and it took two weeks for the first pilots to reach their destination. However, Darwin Base was too heavily damaged to be a viable operational hub, so the Americans relocated to the more southerly Batchelor Field. By the end of the month, 21 of the original 25 aircraft and their pilots had successfully completed the journey and assembled at the new airfield.
At this time, the 9th PS was reinforced with experienced pilots who had already seen combat against the Japanese. Lt. Joseph J. Kruzel had three confirmed victories, Lt. Ben S. Irvin had shot down a bomber and a Zero, and Lt. Andrew J. Reynolds had three Zero kills and a shared victory over a twin-engine aircraft, which he identified as a "Me 110."
The First Air Battles
The 7th Pursuit Squadron achieved its first aerial victory on March 22, 1942. A Japanese formation from the 3rd Kōkūtai consisted of a C5M Babs reconnaissance aircraft, escorted by three A6M2 Zero Type21s. After completing its mission, the reconnaissance aircraft separated from its escort, a fatal mistake. The Americans, flying at 20,000 feet, spotted the lone aircraft 1,000 feet below and gave it no chance.
The attack was carried out by 2nd Lt. Clyde L. Harvey, Jr. and 1st Lt. Stephen Poleschuk. Under their combined fire, the C5M Babs crashed southwest of Bathurst Island, killing both crew members, PO1c Shigiki Mori and PO1c Shinobu Nagasawa. This victory, credited to Poleschuk, marked the first confirmed aerial kill for the 9th Pursuit Squadron.
The 9th Pursuit Squadron achieved its first victory against enemy bombers on March 28, 1942, during a raid by seven G4M Betty bombers from the Takao Kōkūtai. The bomber formation flew without escort and successfully hit the runway at Darwin Airfield from an altitude of 18,000 feet, damaging one aircraft. The Japanese crews claimed to have shot down three P-40s, but in reality, none were lost. However, one Japanese bomber, commanded by Ensign Taketoshi Asahiro, was shot down, and the entire crew perished.
On the American side, 2nd Lt. Clyde L. Harvey, Jr., 1st Lt. William D. Sells, and 1st Lt. Robert Harry Vaught each scored confirmed kills, while 1st Lt. Stephen Poleschuk was credited with a probable victory.
In the next raid, which took place on March 30, the Japanese launched their attack with fighter escort. This time, seven G4M Betty bombers from the Takao Kōkūtai were accompanied by twelve Zeros from the 3rd Kōkūtai.
The bombing raid caused minimal damage in Darwin, but the fighter escorts effectively protected the bombers. The Japanese pilots claimed to have shot down six P-40s and probably destroyed two more, but in reality, only two P-40s were damaged. Lt. McComsey was forced to bail out of a third aircraft.
P-40E-1, 41-25164, Capt. Ben S. Irvin, 9th FS, 49th FG, Darwin, Australia, 1942
April Air Raids
During the April 2, 1942, raid on Darwin, the 9th Pursuit Squadron (PS) pilots were unable to inflict any damage on the attackers. However, two days later, the situation changed. On April 4, six G4M Betty bombers from the Takao Kōkūtai, escorted by six Zeros from the 3rd Kōkūtai, launched an air raid targeting both the RAAF base and the civilian airfield.
At the time, two separate American formations were airborne, each consisting of seven P-40 Warhawks. However, only one of the groups managed to engage the Japanese forces.
During the April 4 raid, one G4M Betty bomber was shot down by anti-aircraft defenses, while two others fell victim to American fighters—resulting in the loss of all crew members. The remaining bombers managed to return to base, though all sustained various degrees of damage. The airmen of the 9th Pursuit Squadron reported a total of eight kills. The confirmed victories were as follows: 2nd Lt. Grover J. Gardner, 2nd Lt. John A. Kelting, and 2nd Lt. John D. Livingstone, Jr. each shot down one bomber, 2nd Lt. John Dave Landers claimed two bombers, while 2nd Lt. Andrew Jackson Reynolds and 2nd Lt. John S. Sauber each shot down one bomber and one Zero. In this engagement, the Americans successfully executed their well-rehearsed attack tactics, diving from above and striking the bombers head-on. If conditions allowed, they would then launch follow-up attacks from the rear.
However, the G4M Betty bombers proved to be a new and challenging adversary. The American pilots quickly learned that their opponents had a dangerous surprise, a 20mm cannon mounted in the rear turret, making attacks from rear risky.
The Japanese fighters suffered no losses and scored four victories. Two P-40s were actually lost, but not due to Zeroes. Approaching the base with their landing gear extended, pilots Garder and Livingstone came under fire from their own anti-aircraft defenses. Gardner managed to bail out, but Livingstone was killed while attempting to land at another airfield.
In mid-April, a decision was made on the Japanese side to withdraw air units from Koepang to Kendari and to temporarily limit air raids on Australia because of other priorities. However, two more air raids were planned on Darwin before the troops were moved.
P-40E, Lt. Robert Harry Vaught, 9th FS, 49th FG, Darwin, Australia, 1942
Lt. Robert Harry Vaught and his plane "Bob´s Robin“.
The first raid took place on April 25, 1942, and was carried out by 27 Betty bombers from Takao Kōkūtai, accompanied by nine Zeros from the 3rd Kōkūtai. Three bombers aborted the mission due to technical issues, and one was lost on its return. As usual, the Japanese executed a precise high-altitude attack on the RAAF base, but this time, they encountered greater resistance than in previous operations.
On this day, the entire 49th Pursuit Group took to the air for the first time, with the 7th, 8th, and 9th Pursuit Squadrons deploying a total of 50 aircraft. In the ensuing battle, four Betty bombers were shot down, with all crew members killed. One bomber suffered a structural failure, causing its wing to collapse and leading to a mid-air collision with another aircraft. Additionally, 20 bombers sustained damage, three of which lost the use of one engine. One Zero was also shot down, the first lost in combat against the 49th PG over Darwin. Its pilot was PO1c Shirō Murakami.
The bomber gunners claimed three downed P-40s, while the escort fighters reported another seven. However, none of the American aircraft were actually shot dow, only two P-40 pilots were forced to make emergency landings. Zeros were credited to 2nd Lt. William J. Hennon of the 9th Pursuit Squadron, while his colleagues from the 8th Pursuit Squadron claimed ten bombers and one Zero.
Two days later, on April 27, the same Japanese units returned to Darwin. This time, only 17 bombers participated, but the fighter escort was larger, led by Lt. Takeo Kurosawa at the head of 21 Zeros. Once again, the 49th Pursuit Group deployed all three squadrons against the attackers, but this time they did not escape without losses. Four P-40 pilots were shot down, including the commander of the 8th Pursuit Squadron, Capt. Allison W. Strauss, who was killed. One of the local airfields was later named in his honor, like in the case of the unfortunate Livingstone.
After a fierce battle, the Americans claimed several victories. 2nd Lt. Stephen Wallace Andrew of the 7th Pursuit Squadron reported downing one bomber and one Zero, while his colleagues from the 8th Pursuit Squadron claimed three bombers, four Zeros, and one additional Zero as probably shot down.
In reality, the Japanese lost only one bomber, though ten others were damaged. Additionally, two Zeros returned to base with damage, but none were actually shot down. The bomber gunners claimed one P-40 destroyed, while the Japanese fighter escort optimistically reported shooting down thirteen P-40s with six more probable kills. The discrepancies in both sides' reports highlight the confusion and intensity of the aerial combat.
Australian Winter
The period from June to August is considered winter in Australia, and in the Darwin area, it is characterized by slightly cooler temperatures and, most notably, significantly less rainfall.
After the battles in April, the 49th Pursuit Group took advantage of the favorable weather and a temporary pause in Japanese air raids to recover from losses, enhance combat readiness, and implement several administrative changes. The unit was officially redesignated as the 49th Fighter Group, and its squadrons were renamed Fighter Squadrons. Additionally, the pilots selected combat names and emblems for their squadrons.
The 9th Fighter Squadron adopted the winged helmet as its emblem and began using the combat name "Flying Knights." Members of the 8th Fighter Squadron, initially nicknamed the "Eight Balls," later chose the fighting name "Black Sheep," a reference to their aircraft procurement. Unlike other units, they rarely received new planes and instead took over well-used aircraft from other squadrons. The 7th Fighter Squadron selected the Bunyip, a mythical Australian predator, as its emblem. It was painted on the aircraft rudders by Bill Hennon, a veteran of combat over the Philippines and Java.
In mid-June, the Japanese once again focused their attacks on Darwin. On June 13, 15, and 16, a total of 27 Betty bombers from Takao Kōkūtai carried out each raid, with their escorts varying in size. The first raid was accompanied by as many as 45 Zeros from 3rd Kōkūtai, while the following two raids were escorted by 21 and 27 Zeros, respectively.
A different type of Japanese attack took place on June 14. That day, 27 Zeros from 3rd Kōkūtai were tasked with strafing the base in Darwin. Radar operators initially believed the incoming aircraft were escorting approximately nine bombers, but it appears that no bombers were operating in the area. Instead, the Japanese fighters' mission was not only to attack the RAAF station but also to inflict losses on enemy fighters.
During the ensuing battle, pilots from the 9th Fighter Squadron claimed one Zero each: 2nd Lt. I.B. Jack Donalson, 2nd Lt. John Dave Landers, and 2nd Lt. Andrew Jackson Reynolds. Additionally, Capt. Nathaniel H. Blanton from the 7th Fighter Squadron claimed one Zero as definitely shot down and another as probably destroyed.
Over four days of intense fighting, the 49th Fighter Group claimed 13 Zeros certainly shot down and one probably destroyed, as well as one bomber confirmed, one probably downed, and three damaged. The Americans lost nine P-40s, with one pilot not surviving.
The Japanese officially lost only two Zero pilots, who went missing on June 13, though it is possible they lost their bearings while returning to base. During the three bombing raids, approximately 20 G4M Betty bombers were damaged, and two crew members were killed. Meanwhile, Zero pilots claimed 19 confirmed victories and 12 probable victories in these engagements.
P-40E, Capt. George E. Kiser, 8th FS, 49th FG, Darwin, Australia, 1942
After a six-week pause, the Japanese launched another raid on July 30, 1942. Takao Kōkūtai sent 26 bombers to attack the RAAF base at Darwin, approaching the target at 26,000 feet. They were escorted by 27 Zeros from the 3rd Kōkūtai. After receiving a warning from Australian radar operators, 36 aircraft from the 49th Fighter Group took to the air to intercept. Once again, the Japanese crews struck their target with precision. One Australian aircraft was damaged, and hits were recorded on the runway, fuel supplies, and water pipes.
Pilots from the 9th Fighter Squadron claimed several victories. 1st Lt. I. B. Jack Donalson, 2nd Lt. John Dave Landers, 1st Lt. Andrew Jackson Reynolds, and 1st Lt. Clay Tice Jr. each shot down one Zero. 2nd Lt. Clyde L. Harvey Jr. claimed a bomber as destroyed and was also credited with the probable destruction of a Zero. Their colleagues from the 7th Fighter Squadron claimed two Zeros and two bombers confirmed shot down, as well as one Zero as a probable kill.
The battle was apparently chaotic once again, as only two Zeros were lost. One was shot down during the engagement, and its pilot, PO1c Shigeru Mukumoto, was killed. The other was lost near its base in Koepang due to an engine failure, forcing its pilot, PO2c Masashi Tomita, to ditch the aircraft. Japanese fighters claimed 16 victories, including three probable kills, but in reality, only one P-40 from the 7th Fighter Squadron was shot down.
Within the 49th Fighter Group at this time, it wasn't just pilots who were achieving victories. Among such airmen was a certain 2/Lt. George Earl Preddy, Jr. who served with the 9th FS "Flying Knights". During air combat training on July 12, 1942, Preddy was flying in a formation of four aircraft led by 2nd Lt. John Sauber. He piloted his personal aircraft, P-40E "Tarheel" (41-5509), number 85. During a practice attack on Preddy, Sauber misjudged the distance, resulting in a mid-air collision. Sauber likely lost consciousness upon impact and perished in his aircraft. However, despite his injuries, Preddy managed to bail out of his Warhawk, and his colleagues guided an ambulance to the crash site.
Fortunately, he was found before nightfall. He suffered multiple fractures, and the doctor later stated that he would have bled to death by morning. However, what concerned Preddy most at the time was the huge anthill near where he landed. After recovering, he was transferred to Europe, where he became the second-highest-scoring fighter ace of the 352nd Fighter Group, the "Blue-nosed Bastards of Bodney."
Australia itself exposed both its inhabitants and visiting aviators to various dangers, primarily due to the local wildlife. On July 16, 1942, Robert H. Vaught, a colleague of Preddy, narrowly escaped death during a flight. For details on the origin of his nickname, "Snake Bite Bob," see the historical text on his aircraft in the Pacific Star kit featured in this issue of INFO magazine.
In July, the Japanese launched night raids on Australian targets, for which neither the Australians nor the Americans had yet developed an effective countermeasure. In September, one 49th Fighter Group pilot attempted an unauthorized night fighter mission but was punished after landing—not only for the unauthorized action but also for forcing one of the airfields to turn on its runway lights.
Final Battle and Move to New Guinea
The last encounter between the 49th Fighter Group and enemy forces over Australia took place on August 23, 1942. As usual, 27 Betty bombers from Takao Kōkūtai, escorted by 27 Zeros from the 3rd Kōkūtai, launched an attack—this time targeting Hughes Field, south of Darwin. One bomber was forced to return early due to a malfunction.
The raid was intercepted by 24 P-40s from the 7th and 8th Fighter Squadrons. Before the bombers could reach their target, several were forced out of formation. Two bombers sustained moderate damage, one was severely damaged, and another took several harmless hits. The only American loss was a P-40, whose pilot, while chasing the bombers, stopped to check his fuel level and inadvertently ended up in the sea.
This time, the Japanese fighter escort suffered a heavy defeat. Among those killed was Buntaichō Lieutenant Tadatsune Tokaji, a veteran of the 12th China War Kōkūtai. Also lost were PO2c Nobutoshi Furukawa, PO2c Itsuzō Shimizu, and PO3c Yoshiyuki Hirata.
The Americans reported eight Zeros confirmed as shot down and one damaged. Seven Japanese bombers were claimed as destroyed including one bomber credited to Captain George Edward Kiser. Additionally one Betty was claimed probably destroyed and two as damaged.
The fighter pilots of the 49th Fighter Group ended their Australian campaign as seasoned veterans, having scored nearly 80 victories against a battle-hardened enemy in less than six months.
The 7th Fighter Squadron was the first to relocate to New Guinea in September, while the 8th Fighter Squadron had to repair and prepare its aging aircraft before moving. Meanwhile, the 9th Fighter Squadron remained in Darwin, training Australian colleagues.
The 49th FG’s first engagement on the new battlefield took place on November 1, 1942, when sixteen P-40Es from the 8th Fighter Squadron escorted Mitchells and Bostons during a raid on Lae. Shortly before the battle, a large number of Zeros from Kōkūtai 251, formerly the Tainan Kōkūtai, had arrived at the airfield, along with Zeros from Kōkūtai 202, which was in fact the well known 3rd Kōkūtai, just under a new designation.
1st Lt. William Charles Day Jr. and 1st Lt. Richard H. Dennis each claimed one Zero shot down. However, in reality, only PO1c Toshio Kaneko of Kōkūtai 251 was shot down and killed, though seven other Zeros sustained damage. One American pilot remained missing after the action.
The pilots of the 49th Fighter Group had hoped for the opportunity to fly the new P-38 Lightning, but to their disappointment, they were instead re-equipped with the P-40K. While this version had some improvements over the P-40E, it still struggled in combat against the maneuverable Japanese aircraft, making engagements in the Warhawk particularly challenging.
The "Flying Knights" joined the fighting in New Guinea in December 1942. At that time, the 9th Fighter Squadron was under the command of Maj. J. C. Peaslee, who had succeeded Capt. B. S. Irvin in November. Unbeknownst to its members at the time, the 9th FS became the first unit to engage the Nakajima Ki-43 Army aircraft in combat on this battlefield.
This event took place on December 26, 1942, when 15 pilots flying Ki-43-I aircraft from the 11th Hikō Sentai arrived in the Buna-Dobodura area. The Japanese pilots from the unit’s 1st Chūtai were led by Captain Shigenori Miyabayashi, and they reached Pongani Airfield just as Australian Hudson bombers were present on the runway.
However, twelve P-40s from the 9th Fighter Squadron were patrolling the area. Ground controllers called in White Flight, led by 1st Lt. "Big John" Landers. With his four-aircraft formation, he attacked the incoming planes, which were mistakenly identified as "Zekes" (A6M Zeros). However, he immediately came under accurate fire from two Japanese pilots and was forced to bail out of his aircraft. The plane he lost was the original "The Rebel", formerly flown by Capt. Ben Irvin during the battles over Australia. The Japanese pilots also shot down one Hudson bomber, and after the engagement, they claimed six P-40s destroyed.
P-40E, Capt. William J. Hennon, 7th FS, 49th FG, Darwin, Australia, 1942
Photo: Australian War Memorial
A lineup of 7th Fighter Squadron aircraft in Darwin. Aircraft No. 51, "L'Ace", was piloted by Lt. James Bruce Morehead, who added five more victories over Australia to the two he had achieved with the 17th PS over Java. He later served in the Mediterranean, flying P-38s with the 1st FG. Capt. Hennon is seated in the cockpit of P-40 No. 36.
The Americans managed to shoot down one aircraft, whose pilot, Sgt. Maj. Ryō-ichi Imamura, was killed. 1st Lt. Charles Steven Gallup and 2nd Lt. Carl G. Planck Jr. each claimed one Zeke (Zero), while 1st Lt. William Frees Haning Jr. was credited with one probable kill.
During the same action, a Ki-43-I flown by Sgt. Maj. Hiro-ichi Fujii was damaged, likely by the gunner of one of the Hudson bombers. Fujii attempted to return north along the coast, flying at low altitude and reduced speed. In this vulnerable state, he was spotted by the crew of a Wirraway from No. 4 Squadron, RAAF, which immediately launched a head-on attack from higher altitude. The damaged aircraft crashed into the sea.
Initially, the Control Officer refused to believe that the Australian pilot, Pilot Officer John Archer, had shot down a Zero, but after multiple eyewitness confirmations, Archer and his gunner, Sergeant James Coulston, were rewarded with six bottles of beer.
Meanwhile, John Landers found himself in a very different situation. He had bailed out of his aircraft at approximately 1,000 feet over the jungle. He wandered through the unknown terrain for three days, eventually coming across a stream, which led him to a native village. The village elders provided him with shelter and food, and the next day, the villagers escorted him to Pongani Airfield, where he was evacuated on December 31, 1942, aboard an A-24 dive bomber bound for Port Moresby.
Although Landers later achieved further victories flying the long-awaited P-38 Lightning, it was not with the 49th Fighter Group. In the summer of 1944, he joined the 55th Fighter Group, where he participated in combat over Europe. Meanwhile, his former colleagues in the 49th Fighter Group were rearmed with P-38 fighters, contributing to its reputation as a legendary aircraft.
CLARINGBOULD, Michael J., INGMAN, Peter: South Pacific Air War, Volume 2
CLARINGBOULD, Michael J.: Pacific Profiles Volume 1, Japanese Army Fighters, New Guinea & the Solomons 1942 -1943
CLARINGBOULD, Michael J.: Pacific Adversaries, Volume 1, Japanese Army Air Force vs The Allies, New Guinea 1942 – 1944
CLARINGBOULD, Michael J., INGMAN, Peter: South Pacific Air War, Volume 5, Crisis in papua, September – December 1942
HATA, Ikuhiko, IZAWA, Yasuho, SHORES, Christopher: Japanese Naval Aces 1932 – 1945
HESS, William N.: 49th Fighter Group, Aces of the Pacific
ICHIMURA, Hiroshi: Ki-43 Oscar Aces of World War 2
JACAR: Tactical operational records of 3. Kōkūtai
JACAR: Tactical operational records of Takao Kōkūtai
LEWIS, Tom: The Empire Strikes South, Japan´s Air War Against Northern Australia 1942 – 1945
McDOWELL, Ernest R.: 49th Fighter Group
MOLESWORTH, Carl: P-40 Warhawk Aces of the Pacific
OLYNYK, Frank: Stars & Bars, A Tribute to the American Fighter Ace 1920 - 1973
Aerial War in Ukraine
A damaged Russian Mi-24VM helicopter with the registration RF-13029 and bort number "red 53" is being loaded onto a trailer. The photograph surfaced during the monitored period, but there are no known details about the incident.
When Losses Are Confirmed Retroactively by Courts...
TEXT: Miro Barič
Another year has begun. In this continuation of the series, we will look at events that took place from January 1, 2025, to January 31, 2025. While nothing significant happened in the air, the political scene was on the verge of an earthquake.
Russia continued its offensive in the Donbas, making progress at the cost of heavy losses. According to Estonian military intelligence, in January 2025, the Russian army paid for every square kilometer of captured Ukrainian territory with the lives of 100 soldiers. On the most critical front near Pokrovsk, Russian forces became exhausted, and their advance stalled. Ukrainians even began launching localized counterattacks.
A similar situation unfolded in Russia’s Kursk region, where, despite Putin’s promises, Russian forces struggled to expel Ukrainians who had unexpectedly occupied part of Russian territory last year. Ukraine is likely holding this land as a bargaining chip for upcoming negotiations, which have gained momentum since U.S. President Trump took office again in January. However, at the time of writing, it appears that Trump leans more towards Putin, posing a risk that Ukraine may be abandoned. This serves as a wake-up call for Europe, which still stands behind Kyiv.
The biggest challenge for the Ukrainian Armed Forces appears to be a shortage of soldiers on the front lines. Poor command decisions contributed to this, as new brigades were formed with insufficient training and low morale instead of reinforcing experienced units. Another controversial decision was the attempt to rotate frontline units by deploying specialists—such as MiG-29 aircraft technicians and mobile anti-aircraft teams, which had been highly effective in defending against Russian Shahed drones.
The aerial campaign saw little change. After Russian attacks on Ukrainian cities continued through Christmas, nightly air raids persisted, mainly using Shahed drones, with occasional missile strikes. Most attacks targeted civilian energy infrastructure. Meanwhile, the Kremlin cynically continued to claim it was not terrorizing civilians and was only striking military targets.
Ukraine also intensified its drone campaign against Russian strategic targets. Initially alternating between airfields, ammunition depots, and other facilities, Ukraine refocused on Russian oil infrastructure—refineries and fuel depots—during this period. As expected, Moscow officially denied any damage, insisting that the massive fires observed were merely caused by "falling debris from downed drones."
Photos of the wreckage removal of a Ukrainian Mi-8 helicopter. It is possible that this relates to an incident that occurred on January 16.
Only One Loss
During the observed period, there was only one confirmed aerial equipment loss on the Russian side. On Wednesday, January 1, a Mi-28NM helicopter was destroyed under unknown circumstances in the Kamensky district of the Voronezh region, which borders Ukraine’s Luhansk region. The crew—Captain Danila Kuznetsov and Lieutenant Alexander Korolev—perished. Some sources suggest they were shot down by their own air defense, but this remains unconfirmed.
On the Ukrainian side, one loss is known through court documents. These reveal that a Mi-8 helicopter crashed in the Dnipropetrovsk region due to possible violations of flight regulations and improper operation. The crew suffered various injuries, and the helicopter sustained severe damage. Investigators secured the wreckage—bearing fuselage number 153—along with its flight recorder on Thursday, January 16, likely the date of the crash. The court documents indicate the wreckage was seized for expert analysis as part of further investigation, but additional details remain unknown.
A few days later, photographs surfaced of an unidentified Mi-8 helicopter crash. One image shows the aircraft overturned on its side, while another captures it being lifted by a crane. No further details were provided. This incident may be related to the January 16 crash, or it could be an entirely separate, previously undocumented event.
The crew of a Russian Mi-8 helicopter that was shot down by a friendly fire on October 18, 2023. Captain Igor Pashkov has been sentenced for it.
Court documents, this time from Russia, also provide details on several past incidents.
Friendly Fire: A Mi-8 Helicopter Shot Down by Russian Air Defense
During the observed period, a military court in Sevastopol issued a verdict regarding the loss of a Mi-8 helicopter and its crew, which was mistakenly shot down by Russian air defense. The incident occurred on October 18, 2023, at 6:30 AM. Captain Igor Pashkov, from the air defense command in Crimea, misread the identification data of a slow and low-flying aircraft, reporting it as hostile. He ignored additional information indicating it was a friendly helicopter with its navigation lights on. Two minutes later, the aircraft was struck by missiles from a Tor-M2DT air defense system.
The downed aircraft was a Mi-8MTV-5-1 from the 98th Independent Mixed Aviation Regiment of the Russian Naval Aviation. It was on a patrol mission over the sea, monitoring Ukrainian naval drones. All three crew members—Major Grigory Azanov, Captain Maxim Pasechnik, and Captain Alexei Kontievsky—were killed.
The military court sentenced Pashkov to three years in a penal colony. Additionally, he was ordered to pay 5 million rubles ($56,000) to the Ministry of Defense and 3 million rubles ($34,000) to the families of the deceased crew members. The ministry initially sought 200 million rubles ($2.3 million) in compensation for the destroyed helicopter, but the court dismissed this claim.
Wreckage of the Russian Beriev A-50U airplane, which was shot down on February 23, 2024. A Russian court has now sentenced for „terrorism“ (in absentia) the commander of the Ukrainian unit that had hit it with a Patriot missile.
A Truck Crash Destroys a Su-25SM3 Jet
Russian media also reported on another court ruling concerning a past incident at the Gvardeiskoye airbase in Crimea. The date of the event was not disclosed.
The incident involved Alexander Erlich, a conscript from the Chelyabinsk region, who was driving a KAMAZ military truck across the airfield without a driver’s license and exceeding the speed limit. As a result, he crashed into a Su-25SM3 aircraft, which was in the process of towing a Ural-4320 APA-5D utility truck.
The impact caused irreparable damage to the Su-25SM3, and the Russian Ministry of Defense estimated the loss at 387 million rubles ($4.4 million). In its court submission, the ministry also claimed that the incident impaired the unit’s ability to carry out planned air operations due to the lack of a reserve aircraft.
Erlich was sentenced to one year in prison, suspended for one and a half years. He was also ordered to pay the ministry 10 million rubles (about $113,000). Erlich appealed the ruling, requesting that the financial penalty be reduced to 300,000 rubles ($3,400), but the appellate court upheld the original verdict.
Life Sentence for "Terrorism"
In another case, a Russian court ruled that evidence collected by the Main Military Investigative Directorate of the Russian Investigative Committee was sufficient to charge Colonel Mykola Dziaman, commander of the 138th Anti-Aircraft Missile Brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, with terrorism. An arrest warrant was issued against him in the summer of 2024.
His brigade had shot down a Russian Beriev A-50U airborne early warning and control aircraft on February 23, 2024. The plane crashed in Russia’s Krasnodar region near the village of Trudovaya Armeniya, killing all 10 crew members.
According to the Russian indictment, Dziaman committed an act of terrorism by knowingly targeting an unarmed A-50 aircraft flying over Russian territory that was not directly engaged in combat operations in Ukraine. Despite this, he allegedly ordered his troops to fire Patriot missiles at the aircraft. As a result, he was sentenced to life in prison in absentia.
The court verdict confirmed several things. First, it provided official acknowledgment that Ukraine had indeed shot down the A-50, contradicting earlier Russian propaganda claims that Ukraine lacked the capability to do so. Previously, Moscow had suggested the aircraft was mistakenly hit by Russian air defense. Second, labeling the attack as "terrorism" highlights the hypocrisy of Russian rhetoric—A-50 aircraft were being used to coordinate Russian airstrikes on Ukrainian targets, including civilian infrastructure. Yet, according to the Russian court, Ukraine's defensive actions amounted to terrorism.
Notably, this was the second A-50 aircraft Russia lost in the same region. The first was shot down over the Sea of Azov on January 14, 2024, also killing its entire crew. These highly specialized personnel are irreplaceable. Furthermore, these two aircraft are the only airborne early warning and control planes ever destroyed in combat operations in global military aviation history. Both belonged to Russia, and both were downed by Ukraine.
According to Russian authorities, this is not terrorism. During a Russian attack during the night of January 27-28, even such a "military target" as the automobile museum in Kyiv was hit. Nine vintage cars were destroyed, and another 27 were damaged.
A Ukrainian modification of the old Soviet 9K33 Osa anti-aircraft system for the use of R-73 air-to-air missiles.
Ukrainians are producing decoys against the Russian missiles and drones in the form of mock-up F-16 fighter jets.
The Ukrainians produce the fake targets in large numbers. This, for example, is a mock-up of a Leopard 2A6 tank.
Mi-24V helicopters supplied to Ukraine by North Macedonia.
Ex-Czech Mi-24 helicopters in the Ukrainian service.
In the foreground, there is a former Czech Mi-24V helicopter, while in the background there is a Ukrainian Mi-24P.
The Ukrainian 114th Tactical Aviation Brigade has released photos of a MiG-29 fighter jet with an attractive insignia.
Hundreds of Flights of the Ukrainian Mi-8 Helicopter Pilot
By the time you read this article, three years will have passed since the full-scale Russian invasion began. We will cover this sad anniversary in the next part, but today, we bring you a memory from February 24, 2022. This is the story of Mi-8 helicopter pilot Mykhailo, nicknamed "Carnage," derived from the English word meaning massacre.
Mykhailo had served in the Ukrainian Air Force even before the Russian invasion. He flew on a UN mission in Congo and operated in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, where his helicopter was fired upon multiple times. He carried out dozens of medical evacuations, deployed paratroopers and special forces, and transported weapons and ammunition.
All of this was supposed to end on February 24, 2022. That day, Mykhailo's contract was set to expire. He was expecting his final military flight, followed by a job in a private company and peaceful moments with his family. However, that "final flight" turned out to be completely different from what was planned—followed by 200 more missions, 132 of which involved live combat engagements. (This data is from the end of August 2024, when the Ukrainian Armed Forces published his story.)
Mykhailo "Karnazh" in front of a Mi-8 helicopter carrying the "Orca Hunter" markings.
On that morning, Mykhailo "Carnage" was assigned a helicopter that had been in storage for six months. According to regulations, it was supposed to undergo a thorough pre-flight inspection. But there was no time for that. The helicopter took off at dawn, followed by a fleet of Mi-8 and Mi-2 helicopters. The mission was to evacuate and rescue equipment.
The very next day of the war, during a flight, he rescued a pilot who ejected right before his eyes. "We were flying to a designated point, and two MiG-29 fighter jets were flying toward us. But only one returned. We looked carefully and saw that the second one was going down, and the pilot ejected. Without hesitation, we decided to pick him up. We landed and waved at him: 'Come to us, we are from Ukraine!' It turned out that he was a classmate of my navigator. He was in shock because he didn't even have time to report his situation before help arrived," Mykhailo recalled with a smile, adding that the fighter pilot quickly returned to duty.
Mykhailo wears an impressive mask on his helmet.
On the third day of the war, they rescued the crew of a Su-24. This time, the operation followed proper protocols. The pilots reported their coordinates after landing, and Mi-8 crews set out on a search-and-rescue mission. "We found them in the middle of a field—exhausted, disoriented, and injured. But they immediately reassured us: 'We will fly again soon!' Although the chances of returning to active service after such an incident are slim, they kept their word. We later saw them at an operational airfield," Mykhailo recounted.
In the early weeks of the war, he primarily focused on these types of missions—rescuing pilots, evacuating the wounded, and transport flights. Later in the spring, Air Force helicopter pilots joined ground attack operations, and Mykhailo fired his weapons for the first time. The attacks involved launching unguided rockets in a ballistic arc, similar to a flying rocket launcher. "During my first combat flight, I was trained by Vitaliy Pliak from the Army Aviation. He was a funny guy, covered in tattoos, and constantly joked with me. Unfortunately, he is no longer with us. We did an excellent job and destroyed a mortar battery near Dovhenke. I couldn't keep up with him. He had an Mi-8MT with some 'hypersonic speed,' while I had a slower Mi-8MSB," Mykhailo recalled his first live combat mission.
By the end of August last year, Mykhailo "Karnazh" had carried out 132 such attacks with unguided rockets.
That first day, he flew again, and the next day, he flew three more sorties. Firing unguided rockets required great accuracy—finding the right angle and pressing the trigger at the perfect moment. "Carnage" openly admitted that his accuracy was lacking at first. Sometimes, however, he missed the intended target but hit another, even more valuable one. He and other pilots trained in this tactics while flying the combat missions. In the first two weeks alone, he completed 21 flights.
A shot from the training of Ukrainian paratroopers on Mi-8 helicopters. Mykhailo also conducted flights with special forces.
A major motivation to improve accuracy was the risk of being shot down. If they flew a combat mission but missed the target, they had to return and attempt the attack again—putting themselves at risk once more.
Mykhailo also recalled how he "gifted" his 100th rocket launch to his navigator. He set everything up, aimed, and let his navigator press the trigger in a symbolic moment. He also remembered the Kharkiv campaign, during which he fought for the liberation of his hometown, Izium. At that time, they would strike a target, return to base, and receive a new target—only to realize it was much deeper into enemy territory. His crew asked whether the coordinates were correct, and they were—such was the speed of the Ukrainian forces’ advance.
These two photos of a Mi-8MSB helicopter with the "Orca Hunter" markings had already surfaced in May 2022. However, based on the camouflage pattern and other details, it is a different aircraft than the one Mykhailo "Karnazh" was photographed in front of.
"I admit that after years of war, I feel tired and exhausted... But when you see from the sky the destroyed cities that you remember as beautiful and flourishing…" he paused, adding that he no longer thinks about leaving the armed forces—not until victory. "What will I do first? I've never been abroad with my family, and my wife reminds me of it regularly. But to be honest, I'm afraid of flying... as a passenger," joked the helicopter pilot, who has been awarded the Order for Courage (III and II degrees), the Bohdan Khmelnytsky Order, and the Silver Cross for his actions.
Dogfight over Rennes
Text: Jan Bobek
Illustration: Piotr Forkasiewicz
On the morning of June 6, 1944, when the Allies landed in Normandy, the Luftwaffe was prepared for the situation. A plan was in place to reinforce the six Jagdgruppen (day fighter groups) operating in France under Luftflotte 3. Defensive preparations were conducted under the codename Dr. Gustav West (Drohende Gefahr West – Threat Approaching from the West). By the evening of June 6, two reconnaissance Gruppen, five bomber Gruppen, two ground Schlachtgruppen, and one Geschwaderstab were to be relocated from Germany to France, along with eight night fighter Gruppen, two Geschwaderstabs, two day fighter Jagdstaffeln, and nineteen Jagdgruppen with five Geschwaderstabs. Of these nineteen, eight were assigned to II. Fliegerkorps as fighter-bombers, while the remaining units were placed under II. Jagdkorps. Meanwhile, Luftflotte Reich retained only four fighter Gruppen and "Wilde Sau" units alongside second-line formations.
Luftwaffe command first needed to confirm that the landings in Normandy were a full-scale invasion and not a probing attack similar to the 1942 Dieppe Raid. Consequently, orders for redeployment to France were only issued around noon on June 6. Not all Jagdgruppen were transferred as planned, and by the evening of June 7, only seventeen Jagdgruppen had reached the combat area, equating to a nominal strength of about 1,100 aircraft. However, the actual number of operational fighters was just a quarter of that, 278 aircraft. Many units had only half or even les of their aircraft, and not all of these were airworthy due to the hasty deployment, lack of proper ground support, and general chaos at most French airfields.
Luftwaffe in France faced superiority from the Allies, their airfields were regularly targeted by low-level strafing attacks and strategic bombing raids. The Luftwaffe was unable to regain control of the skies. German pilots, whether fresh recruits or veterans who had spent months or years fighting against Allied heavy bomber formations, struggled to conduct effective ground-attack missions using bombs. As a result, the eight units were relieved of fighter-bomber duties by June 12 and reassigned to 5. Jagddivision under Oberst Hentschel, which reported to II. Jagdkorps. The II. Fliegerkorps, which had been responsible for ground attack strikes, was disbanded on June 28, and in the following weeks, fighter pilots relied solely on onboard weapons or 210mm BR 21 rockets for ground attacks.
With around twenty Jagdgruppen under its command, 5. Jagddivision lacked the capability to micromanage their operations. As a result, most combat orders in June 1944 consisted of free hunting, intercepting low-flying strafers, and engaging artillery spotter aircraft. Only rarely were German fighters directed against Allied bomber formations, as 5. Jagddivision lacked the necessary numbers for such operations. The priority remained defending German ground forces from strafing attacks. Fighter missions conducted in formations smaller than 20 aircraft were highly risky. On average, each operational fighter flew two sorties daily, with operations running from 6 AM to 11 PM. In each sortie, Luftwaffe units typically lost about 30% of their aircraft. For every Allied aircraft shot down, the Germans lost two to three of their own. When German units managed to execute missions successfully with minimal losses, it was usually due to bad weather.
This period is depicted in the box art by Piotr Forkasiewicz, which portrays Major George E. Preddy’s aircraft from the 487th FS, 352nd FG, during a dogfight on June 12, 1944. Preddy’s unit was escorting American bombers targeting the railway junction in Rennes, Brittany. At the time, a funeral was taking place in the city for victims of a previous bombing raid carried out by RAF bombers on June 9.
The German adversaries were Bf 109 pilots from II./JG 53. After the engagement, they reported five victories over Liberators, one confirmed kill and four aircraft forced to abandon formation. However, the Germans lost three of their own aircraft, and two pilots were wounded. One pilot, while engaged with a P-51, was even hit by his own flak. These losses closely matched the confirmed victories recorded by the Americans: 1st Lt. Glennon T. Moran was credited with one kill, while 1st Lt. Lawrence E. McCarthy and 1st Lt. John Francis Thornell Jr. shared another. Major Preddy claimed the third Bf 109.
Four American bombers sustained damage, additionally one bomber was lost each by 448th BG and 446th BG. Six American aircrew members were killed, one was captured, but the remaining survivors were rescued by the French. The two bombing raids caused massive destruction to the city’s infrastructure and resulted in the deaths of 122 civilians. Rennes was eventually liberated in early August 1944.
From the Mediterranean to Germany
Text: Jan Bobek
Illustration: Antonis Karydis
By April 1943, no part of Jagdgeschwader 27 (JG 27) fighter unit remained in Africa. Its I. Gruppe, which had gained fame due to fighter ace Hans-Joachim Marseille, had been withdrawn to Germany in November 1942 and was engaged in combat operations in France from January 1943. The JG 27 headquarters and its II./JG 27 were operating from Sicily, while the III. and IV. Gruppe were based in occupied Greece or on its islands. The burden of intense aerial combat in Tunisia was now borne by JG 53, JG 77, and II./JG 51. All these units were equipped with Messerschmitt Bf 109 fighters, primarily the G-6 variant.
A change in command of JG 27 occurred on April 22, 1943. Until then, it had been led by 32-year-old Oberstleutnant Eduard Neumann, a veteran of the Spanish Civil War, where he had achieved two aerial victories. During World War II, he added another eleven to his record. After the war, Neumann became a key figure in the unit’s veterans’ organization. At the helm of JG 27, he was succeeded by Major Gustav Rödel, who had previously commanded II./JG 27 and had over 70 confirmed kills. With his promotion, a new commander was needed for II. Gruppe. The choice fell on Hauptmann Werner Schroer, at this time the commander of 8./JG 27, stationed on Crete. Schroer had 63 victories to his name and was already a recipient of the Knight’s Cross.
In April 1943, Schroer’s new unit II./JG 27 was based in Trapani, Sicily, primarily escorting convoys and transport aircraft on routes to Tunisia. Losses of Ju 52 and Me 323 transports were so severe that even Bf 110 crews were tasked with fuel supply missions for German forces in Tunisia. During March and April, II./JG 27 lost 21 aircraft in combat, while another 39 were written off due to accidents.
Schroer achieved his first victories with his new unit on April 29, shooting down two Lightning fighters near Marettimo, west of Sicily. On May 5, in the same area, he downed a B-24 bomber, though given the combat conditions, there may be a typo in the victory records and his victim was possibly B-25 Mitchell.
On May 9, II./JG 27 engaged a formation of 26 Liberators with a fighter escort of Lightnings between Capo San Vito and Capo Gallo. Schroer’s unit claimed three B-17s, likely a misidentification, and two P-38s. Schroer himself claimed one B-24, but Allied records do not confirm these losses.
After the Tunisian campaign ended, II./JG 27 increasingly engaged four-engine bombers while defending Sicily. The American fighter escorts, provided by three P-38 Fighter Groups, were still refining their tactics. On the German side at Sicily, both fighter vectoring and air combat strategies were in an improvised state against four engine bombers operating in high altitudes. Luftwaffe command exerted immense pressure on the pilots, threatening court-martial for unsatisfactory performance.
Between April and July 1943, Schroer scored 20 victories, half of them four-engine bombers. Under his command, II./JG 27 claimed nearly 100 victories, but at a steep cost, 41 pilots were killed, missing, captured, or wounded, representing nearly 100% losses in its personnel strength. Additionally, between May and July 1943, the unit lost 74 fighters in combat and another 47 due to other causes.
In early August 1943, Schroer’s unit transferred its 17 remaining Bf 109s to other units in Italy and withdrew to Germany, relocating to the Wiesbaden-Erbenheim airbase. By late August, II./JG 27 had moved to Eschborn, equipped with new aircraft, and prepared to defend Vaterland against American bomber raids. Their first engagement in this theatre occurred on September 6, during an attack targeting the Stuttgart area. This was the first deep penetration raid into Germany since the Schweinfurt-Regensburg mission, with over 300 bombers participating, the largest force deployed by the U.S. Army Air Forces at that time.
The mission was later officially labeled a “Costly Fiasco” by the American command, as 45 B-17s were lost due to various reasons and 10 more were written off after landing due to damage. Schroer’s unit claimed nine victories over B-17s. Schroer himself was credited with one confirmed kill and forced two other bombers out of formation, marking his 86th to 88th victories. This air battle is the subject of Antonis Karydis’ box art illustration.
Marking Options P-40E Pacific Star 1/48
P-40E-1, 41-25164, Capt. Ben S. Irvin, 9th FS, 49th FG, Darwin, Australia, 1942
Lt. Ben S. “Bitchin’ Ben” Irvin served in the Philippines and after the Japanese invasion he continued fighting in Java with the 17th PS (Provisional). He managed to shoot down a Japanese bomber on February 18, 1942, during defense of the Dutch naval base at Soerabaja and added one Zero a week later. He left Java for Australia and joined the 9th FS of 49th FG on March 17. He was promoted to the rank of Captain as he took command of the 9th FS on August 28 and led the unit until October 31. During that time, the 9th FS moved from Australia to New Guinea. Just a few days after the Flying Knights, as the 9th FS was nicknamed, settled at the base near Port Moresby, the order was received that all the pilots who took part in Philippines and Java campaigns, should return to USA. Thus, Irvin relinquished the command of 9th FS on November 1, 1942, and returned home, leaving behind his personal P-40E-1, which was adorned with a large Pegasus on the left side and named “The Rebel”. The pilot who inherited the plane added the name “Bessie” on the vertical tail port side. On December 26, 1942, 1/Lt John D. Landers took off with “The Rebel” as one of twelve P-40s. He led White Flight on a patrol mission over Dobodura and was shot down in an ensuing combat with Japanese Ki-43-I Oscars from 11 Hikō Sentai. Pilot bailed out and the plane crashed into the jungle, where it rests until today.
The way of “The Rebel“ into the ranks of 49th FG was rather tortuous, as it was built for Lend-Lease contract for RAF as ET488, but delivered to USAAF, which planned to hand the plane over to NIEAF, but instead, it ended with the RAAF as Kittyhawk A29-92. But this serial was cancelled two days later and the plane returned to the USAAF, where it was assigned to 9th FS (known as the “Flying Knights“) of the 49th FG. Irvin decorated his P-40E with Pegasus on the port side of the fuselage and named it “The Rebel“. He flew it during the time he led the 9th FS from September 19 to November 3, 1942.
P-40E, Lt. Robert Harry Vaught, 9th FS, 49th FG, Darwin, Australia, 1942
Lt. Robert Harry Vaught was born on June 15, 1918, in Johnson City, Tennessee. He served as a Flying Cadet from February 21 to October 31, 1941 and joined 49th PS of 14th PG after he was rated a pilot on October 31. He changed the unit for 49th PG on December 16 and moved to Australia. His first victory came on March 28, 1942 (Mitsubishi 97 bomber), two Mitsubishi 96 went down under his guns on December 7. Vaught’s nickname “Snake Bite Bob” came from an incident which occurred on July 16, 1942. That day he took off from Livingston Strip and found out he had a snake on the floor ready to bite him. He conducted several violent maneuvers, which immobilized his passenger, so he was able to grab it behind the head and realizing it was a venomous one, he threw it from the cabin. Vaught’s ill-fated day came on March 5, 1943, when, now with P-38G-13-LO, he took off from Dobodura Airfield on a mission over Salamaua. He shot down two Zeros but, as one engine of his P-38 was damaged in the combat, he decided to divert to Wau. On the final approach, the other engine failed as well and the pilot was seriously injured in the ensuing crash. Vaught was sent back to USA and did not return to flying, although he stayed in service until 1959, retiring as Lieutenant Colonel. He died in June 1978. His P-40E was decorated with the shark mouth and “Flying Skull“. The name “Bob’s Robin” was painted on both sides of the fuselage. A red circle of the older national insignia slightly showed on fuselage as well as on the wing.
P-40E, Col. Bruce K. Holloway, CO of 23rd FG, Kweilin, China, 1942
Bruce Keener Holloway was born on September 1, 1912, in Knoxwille, Tennessee and graduated from the United States Military Academy (West Point) in 1937 and received his pilot wings in 1938. Holloway then served with 6th PS, 18th PG, in Hawaii prior to his studies in aeronautical engineering. After that, he was sent to Chungking, China, to begin his combat experience as a fighter pilot with the Flying Tigers of the American Volunteer Group. When the AVG was disbanded in July 1942, the 23rd FG was formed and Holloway assumed command of the group in January 1943 from Robert L. Scott. During his stay in China, Holloway shot down 13 enemies and returned to USA in 1944. He stayed in the service, graduated from the National War College in 1951 and progressed through ranks and key positions of USAF. Already a General, he took command of the U.S. Air Forces in Europe in July 1965 and stayed there until his assignment as Vice Chief of Staff of the United States Air Force, position he held from August 1, 1966. Still not at the end of his career, he became commander-in-chief of the Strategic Air Command on August 1, 1968, and kept that post until retirement on April 30, 1972. General Holloway passed away at the age of 87 in Orlando, Florida on September 30, 1999. His P-40E portrayed here sported several repairs and changes to the original markings, including fresh overpaints by British camouflage colors and repair by Olive Drab on the starboard side of the nose, including the spinner.
P-40E, Lt. Col. John S. Chennault, 11th FS, 343rd FG, Umnak Island, Aleutian Islands, autumn 1942
As one of ten children of famous Claire Lee Chennault, the leader of the Flying Tigers of American Volunteer Group, John Stephen “Jack” Chennault, born on May 20, 1913, in Eudora, Arkansas, followed the steps of his father and became CO of the 343rd Fighter Group. The unit was activated on September 3, 1942, in Alaska and Lt. Col. John Chennault became its first commander eight days later. He kept the position until November 16 of the same year. He managed to shoot down one Zero and also heavily damaged a Japanese submarine. However, he probably achieved both victories flying P-38. The 343rd FG became well-known as the Aleutian Tigers with stylized tiger heads adorning the noses of their P-40s. In a baren and small outpost on the edge of the Pacific, the 343rd was tasked with the elimination of the Japanese from the Attu and Kiska islands in the western Aleutians. Under Chennault’s command, the 343rd FG showcased remarkable effectiveness in air combat, embodying the same spirit of adaptability and tactical ingenuity his father had demonstrated. John Chennault passed away on December 4, 1977, at the age of 64.
41-36396, P-40E-1, Lt. Robert E. Smith, 16th FS, 23rd FG, China, autumn 1942
Robert Eugene Smith, nicknamed “Gene”, entered Army Air Force prior to World War II. The move was rather purposive as he intended to pay back for his previous studies but he quickly became one of the most successful pilots in the early days of the 16th FS, 23rd FG, shooting down four enemies. During one mission his plane went down near a small village. The villagers, not knowing who or what he was, started to come after him. Luckily, he had a small flag that he waived letting them know that he was an American and on their side. In the spring 1944 Smith was then with the 394th Fighter Squadron, 367th Fighter Group, in England. He claimed a Bf 109 damaged on June 17, 1944, but five days later he was killed when his P-38 was shot down by flak near Cherbourg in France during a strafing mission. His plane crashed on the beach in Normandy with Smith in the cockpit. During his stay with 23rd FG, he flew P-40E-1 which carried the obligatory shark mouth and also the name KatyDid on its nose. [if !supportLineBreakNewLine] [endif]
P-40E, Capt. George E. Kiser, 8th FS, 49th FG, Darwin, Australia, 1942
Born on May 8, 1918, in Pocatello, Idaho, George Edward Kiser joined the Army Reserves and was commissioned a 2nd Lt and rated a pilot on December 20, 1940. He joined 17th PG of 4th Composite Group on December 31. After escaping Philippines, where he managed to shoot down two Zeros, he served in Java with 17th PS (Prov) and subsequently joined the “Black Sheep” Squadron, as the 8th FS of 49th FG was nicknamed. Kiser’s day of fame came on April 27, 1942, when he intercepted an enemy formation of twenty-four bombers near Darwin. Although chased by escort fighters, he engaged the bombers, disrupted their formation and destroyed two of them. In ensuing fighting with the enemy fighters, he shot down one. This bravery ensured him the Distinguished Service Cross alongside other decorations he was awarded in the course of his service. Altogether he amassed nine aerial victories. After the war he transferred to the USAF and retired as a U.S. Air Force Colonel. George Kiser passed away on April 1, 1991 (aged 72). The P-40E from his days with 49th FG was in standard Olive Drab/Neutral Gray camouflage, sporting on the port side of the fuselage a cartoonish lion with a praying Japanese pilot in right front paw, while the left one was stepping on a destroyed Zero.
P-40E, Capt. William J. Hennon, 7th FS, 49th FG, Darwin, Australia, 1942
William Joseph Hennon was born on Jun 13, 1919, in Hennepin County, Minnesota. He received his pilot wings at Kelly Field, Texas, in 1941 and had been in the Philippines with the 21st Fighter Squadron when the war started. Over Java he shot down five Japanese aircraft. Escaping to Australia from the Java campaign he was allocated to the 7th FS, 49th FG, where he added two more victories. On the rudder of his Warhawk, there was a cartoonish Bunyip applied by ground crews in recognition of the support that the local Aboriginal community had given in rescuing pilots from crash sites all around the Northern Territory. The Bunyip is a mythological water dwelling fearsome beast that lives in creeks, rivers and billabongs. Later in 1942 the 7th Fighter Squadron adopted the “screaming demon” as their unit emblem and they applied it to the tails of their Warhawks and later P-38 Lightnings for the remainder of the War. It is not known what color vas the front of the propeller cone. We tend to the Insignia Blue, but a red color is also a possible option. “Bill” Hennon returned to the USA with other veterans of Philippines and Java campaigns at the end of 1942 and joined 326th FG but transferred to 21st FS of 352nd FG as its CO on December 28, 1942. On March 31, 1943, he was on a routine flight with a BT-14 trainer from Farmington to Groton, Connecticut (a distance of a mere 75 miles), to pick up fellow pilot Frank Greene, who had just been released from the hospital. Hennon disappeared enroute and was never found. He was 23 at the time.
P-40E, A29-78, No. 76 Squadron RAAF, Gurney Airfield, New Guinea, August 1942
No. 76 Squadron was formed at Archerfield Airport, Queensland, on March 14, 1942, as the second RAAF’s unit operating P-40s. The squadron completed its training in June, when it received its full complement of 24 fighters for 38 pilots. The squadron deployed to the front lines of the New Guinea Campaign during July 1942 and pilots flew their first combat mission on July 22 under the leadership of Squadron Leader Peter Turnbull (who died in a crash on August 27 that year). The portrayed aircraft was obtained from USAAF in standard Olive Drab/Neutral Gray camouflage. To mimic the British camouflage, the upper surfaces received additional fields of Earth Brown, and the nose was adorned with the name “Bloody Mary”. The insignias, originally US ones, were replaced by British cockades, these were changed on the upper surfaces for the Australian ones at the time the aircraft was sent to New Guinea. The flash on the vertical fin was at the same time lowered by fresh camouflage paint on the upper part. The aircraft was destroyed in a ground collision with Hudson (A16-218) on No. 1 Strip on August 15, 1942.
P-40E, A29-63, No. 82 Squadron RAAF, Bankstown, Australia, 1943
No. 82 Squadron was formed on June 18, 1943, and was armed with P-40s, as RAAF had received 399 of these aircraft so five new Kittyhawk-equipped squadrons could be formed. It operated from bases in Queensland and New Guinea. The squadron conducted training at Bankstown until April 1944, then moved to Townsville for further training. The move to Port Moresby came at the end of August 1944 with another move to Noemfoor in mid-September. There, the No. 82 Squadron, which just became operational, joined Nos. 76 and 77 Squadrons forming No. 81 Wing. Its pilots then usually conducted attack missions against Japanese ground targets. In March 1945 the unit moved to Morotai, providing escorts to Allied convoys. The relegation of First Tactical Air Force to areas of operation bypassed by the main Allied thrust towards the Philippines and Japan led to poor morale, culminating in the so-called Morotai Mutiny in April 1945. The aircraft portrayed here was used during training in Bankstown in 1943. It sported the painting of an Aboriginal man throwing his boomerang, downing a Zero with it. The aircraft was camouflaged with RAAF colors of Foliage Green and Dark Earth with white tail. Period photos show the aircraft nicely polished with minimum weathering.
P-40E-1, NZ 3095, No. 15 Sqn RNZAF, New Zealand, 1944
In October 1942, No. 15 Squadron RNZAF was sent to Tonga to take over 23 P-40s from the USAAF 68th Fighter Squadron, thus releasing the American squadron for frontline service. These P-40Es (NZ 3091 - NZ 3098, NZ 3100 and NZ 3108) and P-40K-15s (NZ 3090 and NZ 3099) were ex-RAF contract aircraft kept by the USAAF at the beginning of the Pacific war and were in a sorry state of repair (five never received RNZAF serials). Most of the serviceable aircraft were sent forward to defend Espiritu Santo in the New Hebrides Islands in February 1943 and ten survivors returned to New Zealand later that year. These aircraft became known as the “Tonga” P-40s. After their return to New Zealand, they were repainted in Foliage Green and (NZ) Sky Grey as were many locally based aircraft at this time.
Marking Options P-51B Malcolm Hood 1/48
P-51B-10-NA, s/n 42-106451, Maj. George E. Preddy, 487th FS, 352nd FG, 8th AF, Bodney, Great Britain, June 1944
Preddy’s first personal Mustang was a natural metal finish aircraft with blue nose adorned with the yellow inscription “Cripes A’Mighty”. The application of invasion stripes overlapped the HO-P fuselage code which was partially showing through under the white paint. So, an individual letter P was added to the tail surfaces as it was obscured by the invasion stripes on the fuselage. At the time of the invasion, Preddy’s Mustang already had a new type Malcolm Hood cockpit canopy installed. The nose of Preddy’s Mustang was decorated with 12 German crosses as symbols of his victories. Preddy made his last flight in a P-51B on June 12, 1944, six days after the invasion of France, when he claimed another destroyed Bf 109. He then took over the brand new P-51D-5 “Cripes A’Mighty 3rd“. In August 1944, Major Preddy was sent to the United States for retirement, and upon his return in October he assumed command of one of the subordinate squadrons of the 352nd FG, 328th FS. On December 25, in the early hours of the morning, while chasing an Fw 190 over the front, Preddy’s aircraft was accidentally hit by American anti-aircraft fire. He still attempted an emergency landing near an anti-aircraft battery but, as he was fatally wounded, he crashed. In total George Earl Predddy achieved 25 victories and four shared, 22+4 when flying Mustangs (including 5+2 victories in P-51Bs).
P-51B-15-NA, s/n 42-106924, 2nd Lt. Ralph K. Hofer, 334th FS, 4th FG, 8th AF, Debden, Great Britain, June 1944
Light-hearted, perhaps undisciplined, but all the more courageous and charismatic was “Kid” Hofer, one of the USAAF’s most successful fighters. The nickname was based on his youthful appearance and his flowing and by Army standards long hair as well as his prevailing good humor. Until his death, he destroyed 15 enemy aircraft in the air, damaging two and destroying another 14 on the ground. On July 2, 1944, “Kid” participated in the escort of bombers to Budapest from the Italian base Foggia. Prior to reaching the target area, a group of Bf 109 entered the scene, and the aerial battle started. Hofer’s leader had to make an emergency landing due to a malfunction and watched from the ground as a Hungarian Bf 109, sitting on the tail of his Wingman, opened fire. Hofer’s Mustang was apparently only damaged, so he tried to return to the base. Near Mostar, he decided to strafe a German airfield, his P-51B “Salem Representative” was hit by flak and “Kid” Hofer was killed.
P51B-10-NA, s/n 42-106462, Capt. John B. England, 362nd FS, 357th FG, 8th AF, Leiston, Great Britain, June 1944
The Mustang named U’ve Had It was assigned to the 357th FG at the end of the first week of March 1944 and became the personal aircraft of Capt. John England. It was one of several P-51Bs that received a hasty “half” camouflage paint job on the upper fuselage and wings in anticipation of operations from continental forward field airfields which ultimately did not occur due to the Mustangs’ extraordinary range and endurance. England flew the U’ve Had It until June 1944, scoring three kills out of eight achieved in P-51B cockpits. In July, he received a new type, the P-51D. In all, England scored 19 kills during his wartime career, three of them in cooperation. The Mustang U’ve Had It remained with the 357th FG and was taken over by Eric Wooley. Its fate was fulfilled on October 4, 1944, when the tail section separated during a high-speed dive training flight and 2nd Lt. Richard Potter had to bail out with great difficulty.
P51B-15-NA, s/n 43-24823, Lt. William B. Overstreet, 363rd FS, 357th FG, 8th AF, Leiston, Great Britain, July 1944
P-51B Mustang s/n 43-24283 was originally assigned to Bud Anderson as the third and last P-51B he flew in combat. Like his previous P-51s, this one was also named Old Crow. When Anderson completed his tour with the 363rd FS in July 1944, the aircraft was assigned to Lt. William Overstreet. Overstreet had the name Berlin Express painted on the left side of the engine cowling and a drawing of a winged Mustang horse in a circle on the right side of the cowling. The identification letter was changed from S to O. Bill Overstreet became particularly famous for his story of chasing a German Bf 109 through the arches of the Eiffel Tower. The duel was supposed to have taken place sometime in the spring of 1944, but it is questionable whether the passage through the Eiffel Tower actually happened, nor is the exact date of the duel known, there is no mention in German records of such a strange event as a fighter plane crashing into the streets of Paris. Nevertheless, Overstreet was an aggressive and capable pilot and, for example, on September 3, 1944, he took part in a top-secret mission in which a remote-controlled four-engine bomber attacked a heavily defended German submarine base protected by cliffs. He subsequently flew other secret missions in support of the French Resistance, often landing behind enemy lines.
P-51B-7-NA, s/n 43-6964, 1st. Lt. James H. Clark, 382nd FS, 363rd FG, 9th AF, Maupertus, France, July 1944
The very colorful Mustang that was flown by James Clark had probably its wings replaced. The new ones came from another P-51 and did not carry camouflage paint. Where it was planned to apply invasion stripes prior to D-Day, a base camouflage paint in the shade Olive Drab / Neutral Grey was applied to the wing and the invasion stripes were subsequently painted. Lt. James Clark flew 70 missions during the war, including escorting gliders on the D-Day Normandy landings. He achieved a total of five kills. He married a girl named Marjorie, and it was her nickname, Midge, that he painted on the nose of his Mustang.
P-51B-1-NA, s/n 43-12434, Capt. Richard Turner, CO 356th FS, 354th FG, 9th AF, Lashenden, Great Britain, May 1944
The Mustang named Short-Fuse-Sallee was assigned to Dick Turner in December 1943. Turner scored eight aerial victories with it between January 5 and April 11, 1944, plus 1.5 aircraft destroyed on the ground. This made him one of the most successful pilots in the 356th FS. In March 1944, Turner’s Mustang was one of the first in the 356th FS to receive a new cockpit canopy called the Malcom Hood. In late May 1944, to the chagrin of Turner himself, Short-Fuse-Sallee was turned over to the 369th FS, which at the time was changing to P-51 Mustangs from the P-47 Thunderbolts. Here the aircraft was assigned to Charles Stanley and renamed Dunquerque. Stanley flew 74 missions (300 hours) with it, but unlike Richard Turner, failed to achieve any confirmed kills, although he was credited with damaging ten enemy aircraft during escort missions. Upon Stanley’s return to the US in August 1944, the Mustang was handed over to Thomas Burr, who flew it until he received a P-51D.
Marking Options Bf 109G-6 1/72
Bf 109G-6/R6, Hptm. Werner Schroer, CO of II./JG 27, Eschborn, Germany, September 1943
Werner Schroer was born on February 12, 1918. In 1937, he joined the Luftwaffe as ground personnel. Later, he completed flight training and was assigned to I./JG 27 in August 1940. This unit was transferred to North Africa, where Schroer achieved his first aerial victory on April 19, 1941. In June 1942, he was appointed Staffelkapitän of 8./JG 27. In April 1943, he was appointed Gruppenkommandeur of II./JG 27. At the end of 1942, II./JG 27 was relocated to Germany, and in March 1943, it received new Bf 109G-6 aircraft. After several months of deployment in Italy, the unit was transferred back to Germany. The box art depicts the unit’s first fight against a formation of B-17 bombers, which occurred on September 6, 1943, during an American raid on Stuttgart. Werner Schroer’s command aircraft had a white rudder with 84 victory markings painted on its left side. Following this battle, three more B-17 kills were added. Both variants are included on the decal sheet. In March 1944, Schroer was appointed commander of III./JG 54, and in February 1945, he assumed command of JG 3. He achieved a total of 114 aerial victories, including 26 four-engine bombers. He was awarded the Knight’s Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords. He passed away on February 10, 1985.
Bf 109G-6, Hptm. Heinrich Ehrler, CO of 6./JG 5, Alakurtti, Finland, June 1943
Heinrich Ehrler began his military career in 1935 within the anti-aircraft artillery and fought in the Spanish Civil War as a member of 3.F/88. He completed fighter training in early 1940 and was assigned to 4./JG 77, which was later redesignated 4./JG 5, based in Norway. In late May 1942, Ehrler was transferred to 6./JG 5 at Petsamo and became its commander in August. He achieved his 100th victory on June 8, 1943. During this period, he flew a Bf 109G-6 Yellow 12 in Erla factory camouflage, with the symbols of his aerial victories painted on the left side of the rudder. As the Kommodore of JG 5, Ehrler was responsible for cover of the Tirpitz battleship, which was anchored in Norway. After its sinking, he was wrongly convicted, but the sentence was commuted. On February 27, 1945, he joined JG 7, flying Me 262 jets. In combat with Liberator bombers on April 4, 1945, he managed to shoot down two B-24s and rammed a third. According to witnesses who heard Ehrler’s last words, he carried out a suicide attack. His number of victories thus stopped at 208, and for these achievements, he was decorated with the Knight’s Cross with Oak Leaves.
Bf 109G-6/R6/Trop, W.Nr. 1607xx, Obfw. Herbert Rollwage, 5./JG 53, Wien-Seyring, Austria, December 1943
Herbert Rollwage was born on September 24, 1916. In 1936, he joined the Luftwaffe. In 1941, he was assigned to 5./JG 53. On the first day of Operation Barbarossa, Rollwage achieved his first aerial victory. By October 5, 1941, he had recorded 11 victories. After a brief stay in the Netherlands, II./JG 53 moved to Sicily in December 1941 to participate in the campaign against Malta. During raids on the island, Rollwage achieved 20 victories by October 1942. On July 10, 1943, during the Allied landings on Sicily, Rollwage was wounded in dogfight but managed to land back at base. In mid-October 1943, II./JG 53 was relocated to Austria for Reich defense. The white rudder of Rollwage's new aircraft, which he received after recovering in November 1943, featured 47 victory markings on the left side. In May 1944, he was promoted to the rank of Leutnant, and in August, he became the CO of 5./JG 53. In December, he assumed command of the training unit 2./JG 106. During his service with JG 53, Rollwage achieved 70 aerial victories. He was awarded the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves. After the war, he served in the Bundeswehr and retired in 1968 with the rank of Hauptmann. He passed away on January 4, 1980.
Bf 109G-6/U4/R6/Trop, W.Nr. 440180, Fw. Friedrich Ungar, 9./JG 54, Lüneburg, Germany, March 1944
Friedrich Ernst Willi Ungar was born on February 21, 1920. After training with JG 107 and Jagdgruppe West, he was assigned to 9./JG 54 in Germany in October 1943, flying Bf 109G-6 aircraft. On March 6, 1944, he was shot down in his Yellow 6 near Homfeld, likely by Lt. Barney Casteel (P-47D, 56th FG) or 2/Lt. Marvin H. Becker (356th FG). Ungar crash-landed with leg injuries, and his Bf 109G-6 sustained 30% damage. On October 9, 1943, he was shot down in Yellow 10 over Nakskov, Denmark, but crash-landed uninjured. In late December 1944, he received Fw 190D-9 W.Nr. 210008 White 3 and downed a Typhoon from No. 439 Sq. RCAF. Ungar was among the few pilots of III./JG 54 to survive encounters with Allied fighters on December 29, 1944. At that time, III./JG 54 operated under JG 26, later becoming IV./JG 26 in spring. In 1958, he founded an aero club and served as chief flight and navigation instructor for 17 years. He contributed to building Oldenburg-Hatten airfield and conducted its first flight in March 1966. In 1980, he received the German Aero Club's FA1 badge for motor flight in gold and its Gold Honor Pin in 1985. He passed away on December 16, 2012.
TEC - Don't whimper and print!
Last week, I came across an interview with the famous Czech 3D printer manufacturer Mr. Prusa on the Seznam news server. The interview intrigued me and brought to my mind thoughts that I could not shake over the next several days. Mr. Prusa had interesting thoughts, considerations and claims in the interview, and since we at Eduard use 3D printers extensively, know something about them and 3D printing as a whole, partially founding our business on them, my thoughts began to turn into some uncertainties. The truth is that we only have nine printers, but if we disregard for a moment quantity and deal instead with our experiences, setbacks, successes and plans for the future, we can safely conclude that we also have something to say on the topic.
The interview devoted a lot of space to Chinese 3D printer manufacturers and their unfair practices. It discussed spying on customers, state subsidies and cheap loans, copying Western products and technologies, and pointed out things that generally are known about the Chinese. Until recently, we had no experience with Chinese 3D printers. Bravely and patriotically, we equipped ourselves with American and Australian printers, first printing masters for casting resin sets on them, and then mass production of 3D printed parts proper. This step eliminated American printers from our selection, because the business conditions dictated by the manufacturer were so demanding that we ruled out equipping our print shop with them. What bothered us most was that the supplier forced us to use only their printing resin, with each batch of material being accompanied by a chip slayed to the printer and only then could printing be done. No chip, no printing. You might argue that this was a fair business practice, but to us, it was a piss-poor one that, naturally, also carried with it a high price tag of production. It was exceptionally expensive, and we had some doubts about it also being correspondingly good in terms of quality. Cheaper material seemed to yield equal and even better results, and the comparisons did not bode well for the American conditions dictated. So, out the window went that company and their printers. Given the scope of our requirements, I am sure that they were not in any way dependent on being our supplier, but I am equally sure that we weren’t the only ones to tell them where they can stick their printers, resin, practices and customer appreciation.
We also eliminated Chinese and Taiwanese printers because at that time their print quality was not at the level of the American and Australian units. We also eliminated those of the aforementioned Mr. Prusa, who’s printers were not suitable for our production needs. The Australians stayed in contention, and at the time of purchase, they were at the top of their class. We bought them, successfully introduced 3D mass production on them and we were comfortable, happy and satisfied. Unfortunately, the projectors of the printers we bought later started to fail after about two thousand hours. Considering that the first two printers we bought at that time still had their original projectors with a mileage more than double that of the new broken machines, we were surprised. Replacing the projectors was not cheap, yet the manufacturer refused to admit the mistake and insisted that we had to buy replacement projectors. Apparently the fault was on our side. OK, we bought them, but the problems keep on recurring, even though we adjusted the operating conditions according to the printer manufacturer's recommendations.
That’s not the worst of it. The current state of technological development is interesting. At the time of purchase, we expected rapid technological development and the arrival of printers with higher resolution. This happened, but to our surprise, not with our Australian investment, but with the Chinese. They approach things differently than the Australians and Americans, their printers do not have a projector, but an LCD display. They also do not have pressure sensors, they print more slowly and have trouble printing high-quality materials with a higher density. On the other hand, they are cheap, and for the price of one Australian printer you can buy on average about eighteen Chinese or Taiwanese printers. In the upper range of higher-quality and more powerful printers, you can even get as many as fifty cheaper Chinese machines. You will print slower on those Chinese printers, but you will make up for it in quantity, given the number of printers in the production process. But most importantly, your, prints will not be worse off for it. The Australians still have 4K printers, while the Chinese are already at 16K. The Australians promised 8K and later 12K printers, but somehow it didn't work out. They're not talking much about the higher K numbers anymore, to say nothing of 16K. On the contrary, in Asia, China and Taiwan, development has picked up a frantic pace. Printers are evolving in innovation steps measured by months, while the lifespan of printers, especially the key elements like the LCD display, is longer than the innovation cycle. So new, better quality and cheaper machines are coming to the market so quickly that it's not worth repairing the old ones. And the notion of more Australian machines is not even worth the discussion. Refurbishing an Australian projector costs twice as much as a new Chinese printer. Meanwhile, the Australians still have 4K resolution, while a new LCD printer of the most expensive Chinese class already achieve 16K. Additionally, Chinese printers have up to twice the build area. An Australian printer today has got to be one tough sell. Under current conditions, even the Great Horst Fuchs would probably not sell an Australian printer.
This is the situation that has put us on the edge of a dilemma, so to speak. Okay, the Chinese are said to copy and steal. But the Taiwanese also produce very similar and probably equally high-quality printers in the same price range. They are also Chinese, but democratic and honest, respecting the rules. The descendants of Chiang Kai-shek do not copy and steal, only the descendants of Mao Zedong and Chou En-lai do that, when you really think about it. Of course, we can buy a Czech printer, because Mr. Prusa neither copies nor steals, but unfortunately he does not have printers on the level of the Australians or the Chinese, regardless of their geographical origin. Pragmatically, we have no choice but to buy Taiwanese. They are in the same league in every way, no?
And if you really delve into this a little deeper, doubt begins to creep in regarding those Chinese vices. Who are they copying from when they manage to outperform their competitors at a better price? Maybe they have a time machine, but the question is who they copied that from. To tell the truth, I also have a problem with the spying. I'm not an IT guy and I don't brag that I understand everything, but I think that in order for someone to spy on me on the net, I have to have the offending tools that enable it on my own devices. Australian and American printers are connected to the net. But it's different with the Chinese, their printers are not connected, the data is transferred to them via a flash drive. Honestly, it's a bummer, transferring data over a network is better, and personally I would risk the snooping. There is a proven way to spy around the internet, most of them are based in Ireland and speak ‘American’, and if some Chinese James Bond is looking at our 1/48 scale bombs and rockets, I'm completely stumped. So there's still the possibility that the Chinese are snooping even without being connected to the internet. God knows, their technological progress is really fast, maybe they have gotten that capability by now.
To sum it up, my final impression of Mr. Prusa after listening to his interview twice and thinking about his thoughts for a week is that I would recommend that he stop whining about Chinese competition, get off his ass and come up with something, or copy something from the Chinese, so that he doesn't have to switch his new American factory from producing printers to popping out toasters (pun intended). Because those Chinese printers will be better and cheaper than his, even if the world's top customs officer, President T., imposed a 100% tariff on them. He would still have a few dozen percent of margin left. Mr. Prusa doesn't produce many printers of our type, I think he only has one type. His domain is line printers. But as it turns out, the situation in this market segment is similar to that of projector and LCD printers. The Chinese also dominate line printers, with BambuLab having the largest market share, over 40%, and Prusa having 3%. I'm not familiar with filament printers, we don't use them, but if you browse the internet, look at prices and compare products, it looks like Prusa’s flagship unit costs twice as much as the flagship of his Chinese competitor. And that’s gotta be a kick in the nads….
We are currently testing how Chinese printers handle different materials. We also have material from Prusa. We hope that Mr. Prusa’s resin material works well. If it is cheaper and better than the Chinese equivalents, we will be happy to buy from him, and the quantities will not be small.
So, what’s our takeaway from all this? My opinion is that most of what is said about the Chinese and their industry is already ten to fifteen years outdated. Today, the situation is completely different. The Chinese no longer have anyone to copy from in most fields, they are a steamship ahead of the competition in many of them. This ultimately applies to our field as well. Who can they copy from, when at least three quarters of all molds for newly released plastic models are custom-made in China? It's time to stop lying to ourselves about our European and American technological superiority, stop whining about Chinese injustices and instead work our asses off to catch up with their technological lead. And it's not just about 3D printers.
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.yf41{bottom:173.061467pt;} .yf0d{bottom:173.288000pt;} .y228{bottom:173.503867pt;} .y229{bottom:173.511867pt;} .ye74{bottom:173.633733pt;} .y694{bottom:173.797200pt;} .yf1c{bottom:174.146800pt;} .yef0{bottom:174.890667pt;} .yf2f{bottom:175.657733pt;} .yf2e{bottom:177.098933pt;} .y11e{bottom:177.490400pt;} .yfe5{bottom:177.526267pt;} .yfbd{bottom:178.518400pt;} .y91d{bottom:178.519733pt;} .y130{bottom:178.547600pt;} .y8f4{bottom:178.571733pt;} .y28b{bottom:178.575600pt;} .y342{bottom:178.587733pt;} .y140{bottom:178.607600pt;} .y19c{bottom:178.611600pt;} .yaa0{bottom:178.615733pt;} .y1d1{bottom:178.651733pt;} .y909{bottom:178.655733pt;} .y150{bottom:178.667600pt;} .y3a4{bottom:178.675733pt;} .y990{bottom:178.679733pt;} .y35b{bottom:178.683733pt;} .ye7{bottom:178.716133pt;} .y6b{bottom:178.719733pt;} .y9d9{bottom:178.723733pt;} .y1102{bottom:178.731733pt;} .yaaf{bottom:178.735733pt;} .y374{bottom:178.779733pt;} .y3d3{bottom:178.855733pt;} .ya9{bottom:178.959733pt;} .y404{bottom:179.047733pt;} .yd5{bottom:179.127733pt;} .ye77{bottom:179.690883pt;} .yf3d{bottom:180.588267pt;} .yf40{bottom:180.823733pt;} .ydf1{bottom:181.228933pt;} .yf0c{bottom:181.237733pt;} .yf3f{bottom:181.257867pt;} .ya26{bottom:181.538267pt;} .yf0b{bottom:182.084133pt;} .yd92{bottom:182.190613pt;} .y296{bottom:182.737467pt;} .yf97{bottom:183.114800pt;} .yeef{bottom:184.393733pt;} .y1158{bottom:184.929200pt;} .y227{bottom:185.506533pt;} .yf0a{bottom:185.632800pt;} .y103c{bottom:185.857159pt;} .ya44{bottom:186.280000pt;} .ya67{bottom:186.325333pt;} .ya89{bottom:186.370667pt;} .yf09{bottom:186.479067pt;} .y8c6{bottom:186.547697pt;} .y66f{bottom:187.551697pt;} .yf2d{bottom:187.568592pt;} .y440{bottom:188.211467pt;} .yf3e{bottom:188.526000pt;} .yd7b{bottom:188.846080pt;} .y1150{bottom:188.862933pt;} .yf3c{bottom:190.142267pt;} .yf3b{bottom:190.853200pt;} .y114a{bottom:191.822353pt;} .yf2c{bottom:191.984267pt;} .yf1b{bottom:192.098000pt;} .yf1a{bottom:192.879200pt;} .y11d{bottom:193.490400pt;} .yfe4{bottom:193.526267pt;} .yeee{bottom:193.896800pt;} .yf08{bottom:194.307200pt;} .yfbc{bottom:194.518400pt;} .y91c{bottom:194.519733pt;} .y12f{bottom:194.543600pt;} .y8f3{bottom:194.567733pt;} .y28a{bottom:194.571600pt;} .y341{bottom:194.583733pt;} .y13f{bottom:194.603600pt;} .y19b{bottom:194.607600pt;} .ya9f{bottom:194.611733pt;} .y1d0{bottom:194.647733pt;} .y908{bottom:194.651733pt;} .y14f{bottom:194.663600pt;} .y3a3{bottom:194.671733pt;} .y98f{bottom:194.675733pt;} .y35a{bottom:194.679733pt;} .y6a{bottom:194.715733pt;} .y9d8{bottom:194.719733pt;} .y1101{bottom:194.727733pt;} .yaae{bottom:194.731733pt;} .y295{bottom:194.740133pt;} .y373{bottom:194.775733pt;} .y3d2{bottom:194.851733pt;} .ya8{bottom:194.955733pt;} .ye48{bottom:194.972133pt;} .y403{bottom:195.043733pt;} .yd4{bottom:195.123733pt;} .yf3a{bottom:195.581733pt;} .yf39{bottom:196.407333pt;} .ye76{bottom:196.650267pt;} .yf19{bottom:196.842933pt;} .yb00{bottom:197.380800pt;} .yb0b{bottom:197.404800pt;} .yb16{bottom:197.428800pt;} .y226{bottom:197.509200pt;} .yd50{bottom:198.037173pt;} .yf96{bottom:199.114800pt;} .ya25{bottom:199.138267pt;} .y8c5{bottom:199.361297pt;} .y66e{bottom:200.365297pt;} .ya43{bottom:200.945333pt;} .ya66{bottom:200.990667pt;} .y8cc{bottom:200.999733pt;} .ya88{bottom:201.036000pt;} .yf07{bottom:201.720533pt;} .y103b{bottom:201.834477pt;} .y675{bottom:202.003733pt;} .y105c{bottom:202.451333pt;} .yeed{bottom:203.399867pt;} .yd91{bottom:203.565653pt;} .yf35{bottom:205.385067pt;} .yf2b{bottom:205.454133pt;} .yf38{bottom:205.587200pt;} .y294{bottom:206.740133pt;} .ye6{bottom:208.049467pt;} .y43f{bottom:208.214133pt;} .y225{bottom:209.511867pt;} .yfe3{bottom:209.526267pt;} .yd7a{bottom:210.221120pt;} .yfbb{bottom:210.518400pt;} .y12e{bottom:210.539600pt;} .y8f2{bottom:210.563733pt;} .y289{bottom:210.567600pt;} .y340{bottom:210.579733pt;} .y13e{bottom:210.599600pt;} .y19a{bottom:210.603600pt;} .ya9e{bottom:210.607733pt;} .y1cf{bottom:210.643733pt;} .y907{bottom:210.647733pt;} .y14e{bottom:210.659600pt;} .y3a2{bottom:210.667733pt;} .y98e{bottom:210.671733pt;} .y359{bottom:210.675733pt;} .y69{bottom:210.711733pt;} .y9d7{bottom:210.715733pt;} .y1100{bottom:210.723733pt;} .yaad{bottom:210.727733pt;} .y372{bottom:210.771733pt;} .y3d1{bottom:210.847733pt;} .ya7{bottom:210.951733pt;} .y402{bottom:211.039733pt;} .yd3{bottom:211.119733pt;} .yaff{bottom:212.044800pt;} .yb0a{bottom:212.068800pt;} .yf2a{bottom:212.072267pt;} .yb15{bottom:212.092800pt;} .yf29{bottom:212.343600pt;} .yf28{bottom:212.679067pt;} .yeec{bottom:212.902667pt;} .y105b{bottom:213.651333pt;} .yf95{bottom:215.114800pt;} .y116e{bottom:215.308533pt;} .ya42{bottom:215.610667pt;} .ya65{bottom:215.656000pt;} .ya87{bottom:215.701333pt;} .y8c4{bottom:215.954909pt;} .ye75{bottom:216.337600pt;} .ya24{bottom:216.738267pt;} .y66d{bottom:216.958909pt;} .yf34{bottom:217.777733pt;} .yf47{bottom:217.806667pt;} .y103a{bottom:217.811795pt;} .yf25{bottom:217.897600pt;} .yf16{bottom:217.925600pt;} .y293{bottom:218.740133pt;} .yd4f{bottom:219.412213pt;} .y8cb{bottom:220.278027pt;} .y674{bottom:221.282027pt;} .y224{bottom:221.511867pt;} .yd3a{bottom:222.246880pt;} .yefe{bottom:222.405633pt;} .yeeb{bottom:222.405733pt;} .y11c{bottom:222.823733pt;} .y1062{bottom:223.687333pt;} .yd90{bottom:224.940693pt;} .yfe2{bottom:225.526267pt;} .ya22{bottom:226.337547pt;} .yfba{bottom:226.518400pt;} .y12d{bottom:226.535600pt;} .y8f1{bottom:226.559733pt;} .y288{bottom:226.563600pt;} .y33f{bottom:226.575733pt;} .y13d{bottom:226.595600pt;} .y199{bottom:226.599600pt;} .ya9d{bottom:226.603733pt;} .y1ce{bottom:226.639733pt;} .y906{bottom:226.643733pt;} .y14d{bottom:226.655600pt;} .y3a1{bottom:226.663733pt;} .y98d{bottom:226.667733pt;} .y358{bottom:226.671733pt;} .y68{bottom:226.707733pt;} .yafe{bottom:226.708800pt;} .y9d6{bottom:226.711733pt;} .y10ff{bottom:226.719733pt;} .yaac{bottom:226.723733pt;} .y91b{bottom:226.727733pt;} .yb09{bottom:226.732800pt;} .yb14{bottom:226.756800pt;} .y371{bottom:226.767733pt;} .y3d0{bottom:226.843733pt;} .ya6{bottom:226.947733pt;} .y401{bottom:227.035733pt;} .yd2{bottom:227.115733pt;} .ye5{bottom:228.049467pt;} .y43e{bottom:228.216800pt;} .y8c3{bottom:228.768509pt;} .y1148{bottom:229.213467pt;} .y66c{bottom:229.772509pt;} .ya41{bottom:230.276000pt;} .ya64{bottom:230.321333pt;} .ya86{bottom:230.366667pt;} .y1149{bottom:230.816800pt;} .yf94{bottom:231.114800pt;} .yc82{bottom:231.446200pt;} .yd5e{bottom:231.596160pt;} .yefd{bottom:231.908733pt;} .yeea{bottom:231.908800pt;} .yd18{bottom:232.369067pt;} .yd22{bottom:232.393067pt;} .ybec{bottom:232.586267pt;} .ybef{bottom:232.642933pt;} .y1039{bottom:233.789113pt;} .ya23{bottom:234.338267pt;} .y1061{bottom:234.887333pt;} .yc81{bottom:235.441200pt;} .yce0{bottom:235.692667pt;} .yce9{bottom:235.716667pt;} .y8ca{bottom:239.556320pt;} .y1154{bottom:240.415733pt;} .y673{bottom:240.560320pt;} .yd4e{bottom:240.787253pt;} .yafd{bottom:241.372800pt;} .yb08{bottom:241.396800pt;} .yefc{bottom:241.411833pt;} .yee9{bottom:241.411867pt;} .yb13{bottom:241.420800pt;} .yfe1{bottom:241.526267pt;} .y104c{bottom:241.716533pt;} .y1157{bottom:241.951733pt;} .yfb9{bottom:242.518400pt;} .y12c{bottom:242.531600pt;} .y8f0{bottom:242.555733pt;} .y287{bottom:242.559600pt;} .y33e{bottom:242.571733pt;} .y13c{bottom:242.591600pt;} .y198{bottom:242.595600pt;} .ya9c{bottom:242.599733pt;} .y1cd{bottom:242.635733pt;} .y905{bottom:242.639733pt;} .y14c{bottom:242.651600pt;} .y3a0{bottom:242.659733pt;} .y98c{bottom:242.663733pt;} .y357{bottom:242.667733pt;} .y67{bottom:242.703733pt;} .y9d5{bottom:242.707733pt;} .y10fe{bottom:242.715733pt;} .yaab{bottom:242.719733pt;} .y91a{bottom:242.723733pt;} .y370{bottom:242.763733pt;} .y3cf{bottom:242.839733pt;} .ya5{bottom:242.943733pt;} .y400{bottom:243.031733pt;} .yd1{bottom:243.111733pt;} .yd39{bottom:243.621920pt;} .ya40{bottom:244.941333pt;} .ya63{bottom:244.986667pt;} .ya85{bottom:245.032000pt;} .y677{bottom:245.302800pt;} .y8c2{bottom:245.362121pt;} .y11b{bottom:245.490400pt;} .yd8f{bottom:246.315733pt;} .y66b{bottom:246.366121pt;} .yd17{bottom:247.033067pt;} .yd21{bottom:247.057067pt;} .yf93{bottom:247.114800pt;} .y43d{bottom:248.219467pt;} .ya21{bottom:248.231467pt;} .y1038{bottom:249.766431pt;} .ycdf{bottom:250.356667pt;} .yce8{bottom:250.380667pt;} .yee8{bottom:250.914933pt;} .y104b{bottom:252.916533pt;} .yd5d{bottom:252.971200pt;} .yf27{bottom:253.765333pt;} .yafc{bottom:256.036800pt;} .yb07{bottom:256.060800pt;} .yb12{bottom:256.084800pt;} .yfe0{bottom:257.526267pt;} .yfb8{bottom:258.518400pt;} .y12b{bottom:258.527600pt;} .y8ef{bottom:258.551733pt;} .y286{bottom:258.555600pt;} .y33d{bottom:258.567733pt;} .y13b{bottom:258.587600pt;} .y197{bottom:258.591600pt;} .ya9b{bottom:258.595733pt;} .y1cc{bottom:258.631733pt;} .y904{bottom:258.635733pt;} .y14b{bottom:258.647600pt;} .y39f{bottom:258.655733pt;} .y98b{bottom:258.659733pt;} .y356{bottom:258.663733pt;} .y66{bottom:258.699733pt;} .y9d4{bottom:258.703733pt;} .y10fd{bottom:258.711733pt;} .yaaa{bottom:258.715733pt;} .y919{bottom:258.719733pt;} .y36f{bottom:258.759733pt;} .y8c9{bottom:258.834613pt;} .y3ce{bottom:258.835733pt;} .ya4{bottom:258.939733pt;} .y3ff{bottom:259.027733pt;} .yd0{bottom:259.107733pt;} .ybee{bottom:259.304600pt;} .ya3f{bottom:259.606667pt;} .ya62{bottom:259.652000pt;} .ya84{bottom:259.697333pt;} .y672{bottom:259.838613pt;} .yefb{bottom:260.417833pt;} .yee7{bottom:260.418000pt;} .yd16{bottom:261.697067pt;} .yd20{bottom:261.721067pt;} .y8c1{bottom:261.955733pt;} .yd4d{bottom:262.162293pt;} .y116d{bottom:262.539653pt;} .y66a{bottom:262.959733pt;} .yf92{bottom:263.114800pt;} .ybeb{bottom:263.299600pt;} .yc80{bottom:263.434533pt;} .yd38{bottom:264.996960pt;} .ycde{bottom:265.020667pt;} .yce7{bottom:265.044667pt;} .ycf0{bottom:265.068667pt;} .y1037{bottom:265.743749pt;} .yd8e{bottom:267.690773pt;} .y43c{bottom:268.222133pt;} .ye73{bottom:268.968046pt;} .yee6{bottom:269.920933pt;} .yb42{bottom:270.509467pt;} .yb4b{bottom:270.533467pt;} .yafb{bottom:270.700800pt;} .yb06{bottom:270.724800pt;} .yb11{bottom:270.748800pt;} .yfdf{bottom:273.526267pt;} .ya3e{bottom:274.272000pt;} .ya61{bottom:274.317333pt;} .yd5c{bottom:274.346240pt;} .ya83{bottom:274.362667pt;} .yfb7{bottom:274.518400pt;} .y12a{bottom:274.523600pt;} .y8ee{bottom:274.547733pt;} .y285{bottom:274.551600pt;} .y33c{bottom:274.563733pt;} .y13a{bottom:274.583600pt;} .y196{bottom:274.587600pt;} .ya9a{bottom:274.591733pt;} .y1cb{bottom:274.627733pt;} .y903{bottom:274.631733pt;} .y14a{bottom:274.643600pt;} .y39e{bottom:274.651733pt;} .y98a{bottom:274.655733pt;} .y355{bottom:274.659733pt;} .y65{bottom:274.695733pt;} .y9d3{bottom:274.699733pt;} .y10fc{bottom:274.707733pt;} .yaa9{bottom:274.711733pt;} .y918{bottom:274.715733pt;} .y36e{bottom:274.755733pt;} .y8c0{bottom:274.769333pt;} .ybaf{bottom:274.786800pt;} .ybb7{bottom:274.810800pt;} .y3cd{bottom:274.831733pt;} .ybbf{bottom:274.834800pt;} .ya3{bottom:274.935733pt;} .y3fe{bottom:275.023733pt;} .ycf{bottom:275.103733pt;} .y669{bottom:275.773333pt;} .yd15{bottom:276.361067pt;} .yd1f{bottom:276.385067pt;} .y8c8{bottom:278.112907pt;} .y671{bottom:279.116907pt;} .yefa{bottom:279.423700pt;} .yee5{bottom:279.424000pt;} .ycdd{bottom:279.684667pt;} .yce6{bottom:279.708667pt;} .ycef{bottom:279.732667pt;} .y1036{bottom:281.721067pt;} .yd4c{bottom:283.537333pt;} .ye72{bottom:284.603358pt;} .yb41{bottom:285.173467pt;} .yb4a{bottom:285.197467pt;} .yafa{bottom:285.364800pt;} .yb05{bottom:285.388800pt;} .yb10{bottom:285.412800pt;} .yf17{bottom:285.618400pt;} .yf48{bottom:285.624267pt;} .y1155{bottom:285.695733pt;} .yf26{bottom:285.939867pt;} .yf36{bottom:285.980933pt;} .yd37{bottom:286.372000pt;} .yfb{bottom:286.588400pt;} .y8bf{bottom:287.582933pt;} .y43b{bottom:288.224800pt;} .y668{bottom:288.586933pt;} .yc4f{bottom:288.649200pt;} .yc59{bottom:288.673200pt;} .yee4{bottom:288.926800pt;} .ya3d{bottom:288.937333pt;} .ya60{bottom:288.982667pt;} .ya82{bottom:289.028000pt;} .yd8d{bottom:289.065813pt;} .ybae{bottom:289.450800pt;} .ybb6{bottom:289.474800pt;} .ybbe{bottom:289.498800pt;} .yfde{bottom:289.526267pt;} .yc22{bottom:290.413333pt;} .yc2a{bottom:290.437333pt;} .yfb6{bottom:290.518400pt;} .y129{bottom:290.519600pt;} .y8ed{bottom:290.543733pt;} .y284{bottom:290.547600pt;} .y33b{bottom:290.559733pt;} .y139{bottom:290.579600pt;} .y195{bottom:290.583600pt;} .ya99{bottom:290.587733pt;} .y1ca{bottom:290.623733pt;} .y902{bottom:290.627733pt;} .y116c{bottom:290.630133pt;} .y149{bottom:290.639600pt;} .y39d{bottom:290.647733pt;} .y989{bottom:290.651733pt;} .y354{bottom:290.655733pt;} .y64{bottom:290.691733pt;} .y9d2{bottom:290.695733pt;} .y10fb{bottom:290.703733pt;} .yaa8{bottom:290.707733pt;} .y917{bottom:290.711733pt;} .y36d{bottom:290.751733pt;} .y3cc{bottom:290.827733pt;} .ya2{bottom:290.931733pt;} .y3fd{bottom:291.019733pt;} 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.ya5f{bottom:303.648000pt;} .ya81{bottom:303.693333pt;} .ybad{bottom:304.114800pt;} .ybb5{bottom:304.138800pt;} .ybbd{bottom:304.162800pt;} .y1056{bottom:304.716667pt;} .yd4b{bottom:304.912373pt;} .yc21{bottom:305.077333pt;} .yc29{bottom:305.101333pt;} .yd13{bottom:305.689067pt;} .yd1d{bottom:305.713067pt;} .yd27{bottom:305.737067pt;} .y128{bottom:306.519600pt;} .y8ec{bottom:306.539733pt;} .y283{bottom:306.543600pt;} .y33a{bottom:306.555733pt;} .y138{bottom:306.575600pt;} .y194{bottom:306.579600pt;} .ya98{bottom:306.583733pt;} .y1c9{bottom:306.619733pt;} .y901{bottom:306.623733pt;} .y148{bottom:306.635600pt;} .y39c{bottom:306.643733pt;} .y988{bottom:306.647733pt;} .y353{bottom:306.651733pt;} .y63{bottom:306.687733pt;} .y9d1{bottom:306.691733pt;} .y10fa{bottom:306.699733pt;} .y2d2{bottom:306.703733pt;} .y916{bottom:306.707733pt;} .y36c{bottom:306.747733pt;} .y3cb{bottom:306.823733pt;} .ya1{bottom:306.927733pt;} .y21{bottom:306.929659pt;} .y3fc{bottom:307.015733pt;} .y32f{bottom:307.063733pt;} .ycd{bottom:307.095733pt;} .yd36{bottom:307.747040pt;} .yee2{bottom:307.932933pt;} .y43a{bottom:308.227467pt;} .ycdb{bottom:309.012667pt;} .yce4{bottom:309.036667pt;} .yced{bottom:309.060667pt;} .ye9e{bottom:310.088206pt;} .yd8c{bottom:310.440853pt;} .y1074{bottom:311.479600pt;} .y1049{bottom:312.995200pt;} .y9a4{bottom:313.124933pt;} .ybc6{bottom:313.558800pt;} .ybcd{bottom:313.570800pt;} .yb3f{bottom:314.501467pt;} .yb48{bottom:314.525467pt;} .yb51{bottom:314.549467pt;} .yaf8{bottom:314.692800pt;} .yb03{bottom:314.716800pt;} .yb0e{bottom:314.740800pt;} .y67b{bottom:314.795733pt;} .ye10{bottom:315.414400pt;} .ye70{bottom:315.873982pt;} .y1055{bottom:315.916667pt;} .yd79{bottom:317.096320pt;} .yef8{bottom:317.435967pt;} .yee1{bottom:317.436133pt;} .yc4d{bottom:317.977200pt;} .yc57{bottom:318.001200pt;} .yc61{bottom:318.025200pt;} .ya3b{bottom:318.268000pt;} .ya5e{bottom:318.313333pt;} .ya80{bottom:318.358667pt;} .yb73{bottom:318.389867pt;} .yb7d{bottom:318.413867pt;} .yf9{bottom:318.588400pt;} .yfa3{bottom:318.623333pt;} .ybac{bottom:318.778800pt;} .ybb4{bottom:318.802800pt;} .ybbc{bottom:318.826800pt;} .ye40{bottom:319.370133pt;} .yfc9{bottom:319.738267pt;} .yc20{bottom:319.741333pt;} .yc28{bottom:319.765333pt;} .ye3e{bottom:319.828400pt;} .yf90{bottom:319.995067pt;} .yd12{bottom:320.353067pt;} .yd1c{bottom:320.377067pt;} .yd26{bottom:320.401067pt;} .y8bd{bottom:320.794170pt;} .y666{bottom:321.798170pt;} .y8eb{bottom:322.535733pt;} .y282{bottom:322.539600pt;} .y339{bottom:322.551733pt;} .y114d{bottom:322.559467pt;} .y193{bottom:322.575600pt;} .ya97{bottom:322.579733pt;} .y1c8{bottom:322.615733pt;} .y900{bottom:322.619733pt;} .y39b{bottom:322.639733pt;} .y987{bottom:322.643733pt;} .y352{bottom:322.647733pt;} .y1073{bottom:322.679600pt;} .y62{bottom:322.683733pt;} .y9d0{bottom:322.687733pt;} .y10f9{bottom:322.695733pt;} .y2d1{bottom:322.699733pt;} .y915{bottom:322.703733pt;} .y36b{bottom:322.743733pt;} .y3ca{bottom:322.819733pt;} .y300{bottom:322.879733pt;} .ya0{bottom:322.923733pt;} .y3fb{bottom:323.011733pt;} .y32e{bottom:323.059733pt;} .ycc{bottom:323.091733pt;} .ycda{bottom:323.676667pt;} .yce3{bottom:323.700667pt;} .ycec{bottom:323.724667pt;} .y1048{bottom:324.195200pt;} .y9a1{bottom:325.127600pt;} .ybe9{bottom:325.709133pt;} .ybed{bottom:325.714000pt;} .yc7e{bottom:325.848933pt;} .yd4a{bottom:326.287413pt;} .yee0{bottom:326.939067pt;} .ye9d{bottom:327.047590pt;} .y1054{bottom:327.116667pt;} .ybc5{bottom:328.222800pt;} .y439{bottom:328.230133pt;} .ybcc{bottom:328.234800pt;} .yd35{bottom:329.122080pt;} .yb3e{bottom:329.165467pt;} .yb47{bottom:329.189467pt;} .yb50{bottom:329.213467pt;} .yaf7{bottom:329.356800pt;} .yb02{bottom:329.380800pt;} .yb0d{bottom:329.404800pt;} .y1034{bottom:329.706658pt;} .ye0f{bottom:330.082400pt;} .y1067{bottom:330.320667pt;} .y116b{bottom:331.233067pt;} .ye6f{bottom:331.509294pt;} .yd8b{bottom:331.815893pt;} .yc4c{bottom:332.641200pt;} .yc56{bottom:332.665200pt;} .yc60{bottom:332.689200pt;} .ya3a{bottom:332.933333pt;} .ya5d{bottom:332.978667pt;} .ya7f{bottom:333.024000pt;} .yb72{bottom:333.053867pt;} .yb7c{bottom:333.077867pt;} .ybab{bottom:333.442800pt;} .ybb3{bottom:333.466800pt;} .ybbb{bottom:333.490800pt;} .yc1f{bottom:334.405333pt;} .yc27{bottom:334.429333pt;} .yc2f{bottom:334.453333pt;} .yf8{bottom:334.588400pt;} .y1146{bottom:334.738133pt;} .yd11{bottom:335.017067pt;} .yd1b{bottom:335.041067pt;} .yd25{bottom:335.065067pt;} .y1047{bottom:335.395200pt;} .ye43{bottom:335.475600pt;} .yef7{bottom:336.194667pt;} .yedf{bottom:336.442133pt;} .y9a0{bottom:337.130267pt;} .ycd9{bottom:338.340667pt;} .yce2{bottom:338.364667pt;} .yceb{bottom:338.388667pt;} .yd5a{bottom:338.471360pt;} .y8ea{bottom:338.531733pt;} .y281{bottom:338.535600pt;} .y338{bottom:338.547733pt;} .y192{bottom:338.571600pt;} .ya96{bottom:338.575733pt;} .y93d{bottom:338.607733pt;} .y1c7{bottom:338.611733pt;} .y8ff{bottom:338.615733pt;} .y39a{bottom:338.635733pt;} .y986{bottom:338.639733pt;} .y351{bottom:338.643733pt;} .y61{bottom:338.679733pt;} .y9cf{bottom:338.683733pt;} .y10f8{bottom:338.691733pt;} .y2d0{bottom:338.695733pt;} .y914{bottom:338.699733pt;} .y36a{bottom:338.739733pt;} .y3c9{bottom:338.815733pt;} .y1120{bottom:338.859733pt;} .y2ff{bottom:338.875733pt;} .y9f{bottom:338.919733pt;} .y113c{bottom:338.967733pt;} .y3fa{bottom:339.007733pt;} .y32d{bottom:339.055733pt;} .ycb{bottom:339.087733pt;} .y8bc{bottom:339.721067pt;} .y665{bottom:340.725067pt;} .y1066{bottom:341.520667pt;} .ybc4{bottom:342.886800pt;} .ybcb{bottom:342.898800pt;} .ybd2{bottom:342.910800pt;} .y67a{bottom:343.656267pt;} .yb3d{bottom:343.829467pt;} .yb46{bottom:343.853467pt;} .yb4f{bottom:343.877467pt;} .ye9c{bottom:344.006973pt;} .yaf6{bottom:344.020800pt;} .yb01{bottom:344.044800pt;} .yb0c{bottom:344.068800pt;} .y11a{bottom:344.795867pt;} .yc6f{bottom:345.181200pt;} .yc77{bottom:345.205200pt;} .yfa2{bottom:345.290000pt;} .y1033{bottom:345.673516pt;} .y1156{bottom:345.846133pt;} .yede{bottom:345.945200pt;} .yfc8{bottom:346.404933pt;} .y37{bottom:346.884333pt;} .ye6e{bottom:347.144606pt;} .yc4b{bottom:347.305200pt;} .yc55{bottom:347.329200pt;} .yc5f{bottom:347.353200pt;} .ya39{bottom:347.598667pt;} .ya5c{bottom:347.644000pt;} .yd49{bottom:347.662453pt;} .ya7e{bottom:347.689333pt;} .yb71{bottom:347.717867pt;} .yb7b{bottom:347.741867pt;} .yb85{bottom:347.765867pt;} .ybaa{bottom:348.106800pt;} .ybb2{bottom:348.130800pt;} .ybba{bottom:348.154800pt;} .y438{bottom:348.232800pt;} .y15f{bottom:348.490533pt;} .yc1e{bottom:349.069333pt;} .yc26{bottom:349.093333pt;} .yc2e{bottom:349.117333pt;} .yd10{bottom:349.681067pt;} .yd1a{bottom:349.705067pt;} .yd24{bottom:349.729067pt;} .yd34{bottom:350.497120pt;} .yf7{bottom:350.588400pt;} .y1f{bottom:350.759055pt;} .ye04{bottom:350.823733pt;} .ye05{bottom:350.833467pt;} .yf8f{bottom:351.995067pt;} .y20{bottom:352.641299pt;} .y1065{bottom:352.720667pt;} .ycd8{bottom:353.004667pt;} .yce1{bottom:353.028667pt;} .ycea{bottom:353.052667pt;} .yd8a{bottom:353.190933pt;} .y8e9{bottom:354.527733pt;} .y280{bottom:354.531600pt;} .y337{bottom:354.543733pt;} .y191{bottom:354.567600pt;} .ya95{bottom:354.571733pt;} .y93c{bottom:354.603733pt;} .y1c6{bottom:354.607733pt;} .y8fe{bottom:354.611733pt;} .ye14{bottom:354.614933pt;} .y399{bottom:354.631733pt;} .y985{bottom:354.635733pt;} .y350{bottom:354.639733pt;} .y60{bottom:354.675733pt;} .y9ce{bottom:354.679733pt;} .y10f7{bottom:354.687733pt;} .y2cf{bottom:354.691733pt;} .y913{bottom:354.695733pt;} .y369{bottom:354.735733pt;} .y3c8{bottom:354.811733pt;} .y111f{bottom:354.855733pt;} .y2fe{bottom:354.871733pt;} .y9e{bottom:354.915733pt;} .y113b{bottom:354.963733pt;} .y3f9{bottom:355.003733pt;} .y32c{bottom:355.051733pt;} .yca{bottom:355.083733pt;} .yef6{bottom:355.200667pt;} .yedd{bottom:355.448267pt;} .ybc3{bottom:357.550800pt;} .ybca{bottom:357.562800pt;} .ybd1{bottom:357.574800pt;} .yb3c{bottom:358.493467pt;} .yb45{bottom:358.517467pt;} .yb4e{bottom:358.541467pt;} .yc6e{bottom:359.845200pt;} .yd59{bottom:359.846400pt;} .yc76{bottom:359.869200pt;} .y114c{bottom:360.388400pt;} .y119{bottom:360.795867pt;} .ye9b{bottom:360.966357pt;} .y1032{bottom:361.640374pt;} .yc4a{bottom:361.969200pt;} .yc54{bottom:361.993200pt;} .yc5e{bottom:362.017200pt;} .ya38{bottom:362.264000pt;} .ya5b{bottom:362.309333pt;} .ya7d{bottom:362.354667pt;} .y116a{bottom:362.368400pt;} .yb70{bottom:362.381867pt;} .yb7a{bottom:362.405867pt;} .yb84{bottom:362.429867pt;} .yba9{bottom:362.770800pt;} .ye6d{bottom:362.779918pt;} .ybb1{bottom:362.794800pt;} .ybb9{bottom:362.818800pt;} .yc1d{bottom:363.733333pt;} .yc25{bottom:363.757333pt;} .yc2d{bottom:363.781333pt;} .yd0f{bottom:364.345067pt;} .yd19{bottom:364.369067pt;} .yd23{bottom:364.393067pt;} .yedc{bottom:364.950933pt;} .yf6{bottom:366.588400pt;} .y437{bottom:368.235467pt;} .y15e{bottom:368.493200pt;} .yd48{bottom:369.037493pt;} .y8e8{bottom:370.523733pt;} .y27f{bottom:370.527600pt;} .y336{bottom:370.539733pt;} .y190{bottom:370.563600pt;} .ya94{bottom:370.567733pt;} .y93b{bottom:370.599733pt;} .y1c5{bottom:370.603733pt;} .y8fd{bottom:370.607733pt;} .y398{bottom:370.627733pt;} .y984{bottom:370.631733pt;} .y34f{bottom:370.635733pt;} .y5f{bottom:370.671733pt;} .y9cd{bottom:370.675733pt;} .y10f6{bottom:370.683733pt;} .y2ce{bottom:370.687733pt;} .y912{bottom:370.691733pt;} .y368{bottom:370.731733pt;} .y3c7{bottom:370.807733pt;} .y111e{bottom:370.851733pt;} .y2fd{bottom:370.867733pt;} .y9d{bottom:370.911733pt;} .y113a{bottom:370.959733pt;} .y3f8{bottom:370.999733pt;} .y32b{bottom:371.047733pt;} .yc9{bottom:371.079733pt;} .yd33{bottom:371.872160pt;} .ybc2{bottom:372.214800pt;} .ybc9{bottom:372.226800pt;} .ybd0{bottom:372.238800pt;} .yb3b{bottom:373.157467pt;} .yb44{bottom:373.181467pt;} .yb4d{bottom:373.205467pt;} .yef5{bottom:374.206667pt;} .yedb{bottom:374.454133pt;} .yc6d{bottom:374.509200pt;} .yc75{bottom:374.533200pt;} .yc7d{bottom:374.557200pt;} .yc49{bottom:376.633200pt;} .yc53{bottom:376.657200pt;} .yc5d{bottom:376.681200pt;} .y118{bottom:376.795867pt;} .ya37{bottom:376.929333pt;} .ya5a{bottom:376.974667pt;} .ya7c{bottom:377.020000pt;} .yb6f{bottom:377.045867pt;} .yb79{bottom:377.069867pt;} .yb83{bottom:377.093867pt;} .yfa1{bottom:377.295867pt;} .yba8{bottom:377.434800pt;} .ybb0{bottom:377.458800pt;} .ybb8{bottom:377.482800pt;} .y1031{bottom:377.607232pt;} .ye9a{bottom:377.925740pt;} .yc1c{bottom:378.397333pt;} .yfc7{bottom:378.400800pt;} .ye6c{bottom:378.415230pt;} .yc24{bottom:378.421333pt;} .yc2c{bottom:378.445333pt;} .yf5{bottom:382.588400pt;} .yeda{bottom:383.957200pt;} .y8e7{bottom:386.519733pt;} .y27e{bottom:386.523600pt;} .y214{bottom:386.523733pt;} .y335{bottom:386.535733pt;} .y18f{bottom:386.559600pt;} .y1eb{bottom:386.563733pt;} .y93a{bottom:386.595733pt;} .y1c4{bottom:386.599733pt;} .y8fc{bottom:386.603733pt;} .y397{bottom:386.623733pt;} .y983{bottom:386.627733pt;} .y34e{bottom:386.631733pt;} .y109a{bottom:386.655733pt;} .y5e{bottom:386.667733pt;} .y9cc{bottom:386.671733pt;} .y10f5{bottom:386.679733pt;} .y2cd{bottom:386.683733pt;} .y911{bottom:386.687733pt;} .y367{bottom:386.727733pt;} .y10bd{bottom:386.787733pt;} .y3c6{bottom:386.803733pt;} .y111d{bottom:386.847733pt;} .y2fc{bottom:386.863733pt;} .ybc1{bottom:386.878800pt;} .ybc8{bottom:386.890800pt;} .ybcf{bottom:386.902800pt;} .y9c{bottom:386.907733pt;} .y10e0{bottom:386.919733pt;} .y1139{bottom:386.955733pt;} .y3f7{bottom:386.995733pt;} .y32a{bottom:387.043733pt;} .yc8{bottom:387.075733pt;} .yb3a{bottom:387.821467pt;} .yb43{bottom:387.845467pt;} .yb4c{bottom:387.869467pt;} .y436{bottom:388.238133pt;} .y15d{bottom:388.495867pt;} .yc6c{bottom:389.173200pt;} .yc74{bottom:389.197200pt;} .yc7c{bottom:389.221200pt;} .yd47{bottom:390.412533pt;} .yc48{bottom:391.297200pt;} .yc52{bottom:391.321200pt;} .yc5c{bottom:391.345200pt;} .yd95{bottom:391.522400pt;} .ya36{bottom:391.594667pt;} .ya59{bottom:391.640000pt;} .ya7b{bottom:391.685333pt;} .yb6e{bottom:391.709867pt;} .yb78{bottom:391.733867pt;} .yb82{bottom:391.757867pt;} .y117{bottom:392.795867pt;} .yef4{bottom:393.047867pt;} .yc1b{bottom:393.061333pt;} .yc23{bottom:393.085333pt;} .yc2b{bottom:393.109333pt;} .yef3{bottom:393.212800pt;} .yd32{bottom:393.247200pt;} .yed9{bottom:393.460267pt;} .y1030{bottom:393.574089pt;} .ye6b{bottom:394.050542pt;} .y106f{bottom:394.126267pt;} .ye99{bottom:394.885124pt;} .yd58{bottom:398.177867pt;} .yf4{bottom:398.588400pt;} .y27{bottom:400.618800pt;} .y27d{bottom:402.519600pt;} .y213{bottom:402.519733pt;} .y334{bottom:402.531733pt;} .y18e{bottom:402.555600pt;} .y1ea{bottom:402.559733pt;} .y961{bottom:402.583600pt;} .y939{bottom:402.591733pt;} .y1c3{bottom:402.595733pt;} .y396{bottom:402.619733pt;} .y982{bottom:402.623733pt;} .y34d{bottom:402.627733pt;} .y94f{bottom:402.635600pt;} .y1099{bottom:402.651733pt;} .y5d{bottom:402.663733pt;} .y9cb{bottom:402.667733pt;} .y10f4{bottom:402.675733pt;} .y2cc{bottom:402.679733pt;} .y366{bottom:402.723733pt;} .y10bc{bottom:402.783733pt;} .y3c5{bottom:402.799733pt;} .y111c{bottom:402.843733pt;} .y2fb{bottom:402.859733pt;} .y9b{bottom:402.903733pt;} .y10df{bottom:402.915733pt;} .y1138{bottom:402.951733pt;} .yed8{bottom:402.963333pt;} .y3f6{bottom:402.991733pt;} .y329{bottom:403.039733pt;} .yc7{bottom:403.071733pt;} .y9e7{bottom:403.095733pt;} .yc6b{bottom:403.837200pt;} .yc73{bottom:403.861200pt;} .yc7b{bottom:403.885200pt;} .y106e{bottom:405.326267pt;} .yc47{bottom:405.961200pt;} .yc51{bottom:405.985200pt;} .yc5b{bottom:406.009200pt;} .ya35{bottom:406.260000pt;} .ya58{bottom:406.305333pt;} .ya7a{bottom:406.350667pt;} .yb6d{bottom:406.373867pt;} .yb77{bottom:406.397867pt;} .yb81{bottom:406.421867pt;} .y435{bottom:408.240800pt;} .y15c{bottom:408.498533pt;} .y116{bottom:408.795867pt;} .y102f{bottom:409.540947pt;} .ye6a{bottom:409.685854pt;} .yed7{bottom:412.466400pt;} 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.y10de{bottom:418.911733pt;} .y1137{bottom:418.947733pt;} .y3f5{bottom:418.987733pt;} .y328{bottom:419.035733pt;} .yc6{bottom:419.067733pt;} .ydfd{bottom:419.370533pt;} .yc46{bottom:420.625200pt;} .yc50{bottom:420.649200pt;} .yc5a{bottom:420.673200pt;} .ya34{bottom:420.925333pt;} .ya57{bottom:420.970667pt;} .ya79{bottom:421.016000pt;} .yb6c{bottom:421.037867pt;} .yb76{bottom:421.061867pt;} .yb80{bottom:421.085867pt;} .y36{bottom:421.255600pt;} .yed6{bottom:421.969333pt;} .ycac{bottom:423.083333pt;} .y1a7{bottom:423.588000pt;} .y115{bottom:424.795867pt;} .y1e{bottom:425.118035pt;} .ye69{bottom:425.321166pt;} .y102e{bottom:425.507805pt;} .y105f{bottom:425.726000pt;} .y9e5{bottom:427.101067pt;} .yd40{bottom:427.651600pt;} .y434{bottom:428.243467pt;} .y15b{bottom:428.501200pt;} .yd94{bottom:429.022400pt;} .yd53{bottom:429.214267pt;} .y99b{bottom:429.301467pt;} .y925{bottom:429.944133pt;} .yf2{bottom:430.588400pt;} .y1077{bottom:431.308933pt;} .yed5{bottom:431.472400pt;} .yc69{bottom:433.165200pt;} .yc71{bottom:433.189200pt;} .yc79{bottom:433.213200pt;} .y211{bottom:434.519733pt;} .y332{bottom:434.523733pt;} .y18c{bottom:434.547600pt;} .y1e8{bottom:434.551733pt;} .y95f{bottom:434.575600pt;} .y937{bottom:434.583733pt;} .y1c1{bottom:434.587733pt;} .y263{bottom:434.607600pt;} .y24b{bottom:434.611600pt;} .y394{bottom:434.611733pt;} .y980{bottom:434.615733pt;} .y34b{bottom:434.619733pt;} .y94d{bottom:434.627600pt;} .y1097{bottom:434.643733pt;} .y5b{bottom:434.655733pt;} .y9c9{bottom:434.659733pt;} .y10f2{bottom:434.667733pt;} .y2ca{bottom:434.671733pt;} .y364{bottom:434.715733pt;} .y10ba{bottom:434.775733pt;} .y3c3{bottom:434.791733pt;} .y111a{bottom:434.835733pt;} .y2f9{bottom:434.851733pt;} .y99{bottom:434.895733pt;} .y10dd{bottom:434.907733pt;} .y1136{bottom:434.943733pt;} .y3f4{bottom:434.983733pt;} .y327{bottom:435.031733pt;} .yc5{bottom:435.063733pt;} .ya33{bottom:435.590667pt;} .ya56{bottom:435.636000pt;} .yd57{bottom:435.677867pt;} .ya78{bottom:435.681333pt;} .yb6b{bottom:435.701867pt;} .yb75{bottom:435.725867pt;} .yb7f{bottom:435.749867pt;} .y1a6{bottom:436.477333pt;} .yf84{bottom:440.535867pt;} .ye68{bottom:440.956478pt;} .yed4{bottom:440.975333pt;} .y102d{bottom:441.474663pt;} .y113d{bottom:442.163200pt;} .yf76{bottom:442.436667pt;} .yc68{bottom:447.829200pt;} .yc70{bottom:447.853200pt;} .yc78{bottom:447.877200pt;} .y433{bottom:448.246133pt;} .ya16{bottom:448.492667pt;} .ya17{bottom:448.495333pt;} .y15a{bottom:448.503867pt;} .ya32{bottom:450.256000pt;} .ya55{bottom:450.301333pt;} .ya77{bottom:450.346667pt;} .yb6a{bottom:450.365867pt;} .yb74{bottom:450.389867pt;} .yb7e{bottom:450.413867pt;} .yed3{bottom:450.478400pt;} .y331{bottom:450.519733pt;} .y18b{bottom:450.543600pt;} .y1e7{bottom:450.547733pt;} .y95e{bottom:450.571600pt;} .y936{bottom:450.579733pt;} .y1c0{bottom:450.583733pt;} .y262{bottom:450.603600pt;} .y24a{bottom:450.607600pt;} .y393{bottom:450.607733pt;} .y97f{bottom:450.611733pt;} .y34a{bottom:450.615733pt;} .y94c{bottom:450.623600pt;} .y1096{bottom:450.639733pt;} .y5a{bottom:450.651733pt;} .y9c8{bottom:450.655733pt;} .y10f1{bottom:450.663733pt;} .y2c9{bottom:450.667733pt;} .y27b{bottom:450.699600pt;} .y363{bottom:450.711733pt;} .y10b9{bottom:450.771733pt;} .y3c2{bottom:450.787733pt;} .y1119{bottom:450.831733pt;} .y2f8{bottom:450.847733pt;} .y98{bottom:450.891733pt;} .y10dc{bottom:450.903733pt;} .y1135{bottom:450.939733pt;} .y3f3{bottom:450.979733pt;} .y326{bottom:451.027733pt;} .yc4{bottom:451.059733pt;} .y114{bottom:454.129200pt;} .y115d{bottom:454.154933pt;} .yf83{bottom:456.535867pt;} .ye67{bottom:456.591790pt;} .yf75{bottom:457.100667pt;} .y102c{bottom:457.441520pt;} .yf1{bottom:459.921733pt;} .yed2{bottom:459.981467pt;} .ya15{bottom:460.495333pt;} .y114f{bottom:463.840672pt;} .ya31{bottom:464.921333pt;} .ya54{bottom:464.966667pt;} .ya76{bottom:465.012000pt;} .ydfc{bottom:465.064267pt;} .yd3f{bottom:465.151600pt;} .y18a{bottom:466.539600pt;} .y1e6{bottom:466.543733pt;} .y95d{bottom:466.567600pt;} .y935{bottom:466.575733pt;} .y1bf{bottom:466.579733pt;} .y261{bottom:466.599600pt;} .y249{bottom:466.603600pt;} .y392{bottom:466.603733pt;} .y97e{bottom:466.607733pt;} .y94b{bottom:466.619600pt;} .y1095{bottom:466.635733pt;} .y59{bottom:466.647733pt;} .y9c7{bottom:466.651733pt;} .y10f0{bottom:466.659733pt;} .y2c8{bottom:466.663733pt;} .y27a{bottom:466.695600pt;} .y210{bottom:466.711733pt;} .yd52{bottom:466.714267pt;} .y10b8{bottom:466.767733pt;} .y3c1{bottom:466.783733pt;} .y1118{bottom:466.827733pt;} .y2f7{bottom:466.843733pt;} .y97{bottom:466.887733pt;} .y10db{bottom:466.899733pt;} .y1134{bottom:466.935733pt;} .y3f2{bottom:466.975733pt;} .y325{bottom:467.023733pt;} .yc3{bottom:467.055733pt;} .y432{bottom:468.248800pt;} .y159{bottom:468.506533pt;} .y35{bottom:468.585307pt;} .yed1{bottom:469.484533pt;} .yf74{bottom:471.764667pt;} .y1d{bottom:472.443027pt;} .yf82{bottom:472.535867pt;} .ydd3{bottom:473.363467pt;} .y102b{bottom:473.408378pt;} .yd93{bottom:474.022400pt;} .y113{bottom:475.462533pt;} .yca7{bottom:475.868000pt;} .y445{bottom:476.713200pt;} .ye98{bottom:477.371959pt;} .ye4f{bottom:478.058572pt;} .yed0{bottom:478.987467pt;} .ya30{bottom:479.586667pt;} .ya53{bottom:479.632000pt;} .ya75{bottom:479.677333pt;} .yf0{bottom:479.921733pt;} .yd56{bottom:480.677867pt;} .yd88{bottom:480.685925pt;} .y189{bottom:482.535600pt;} .y1e5{bottom:482.539733pt;} .y95c{bottom:482.563600pt;} .y934{bottom:482.571733pt;} .y1be{bottom:482.575733pt;} .y260{bottom:482.595600pt;} .y248{bottom:482.599600pt;} .y391{bottom:482.599733pt;} .y97d{bottom:482.603733pt;} .y94a{bottom:482.615600pt;} .y1094{bottom:482.631733pt;} .y58{bottom:482.643733pt;} .y9c6{bottom:482.647733pt;} .y10ef{bottom:482.655733pt;} .y2c7{bottom:482.659733pt;} .y279{bottom:482.691600pt;} .y20f{bottom:482.707733pt;} .y10b7{bottom:482.763733pt;} .y3c0{bottom:482.779733pt;} .y1117{bottom:482.823733pt;} .y2f6{bottom:482.839733pt;} .y96{bottom:482.883733pt;} .y10da{bottom:482.895733pt;} .y1133{bottom:482.931733pt;} .y3f1{bottom:482.971733pt;} .yfdd{bottom:482.992933pt;} .y324{bottom:483.019733pt;} .yc2{bottom:483.051733pt;} .yfe7{bottom:486.771733pt;} .y431{bottom:488.251467pt;} .yecf{bottom:488.490533pt;} .y158{bottom:488.509200pt;} .yf81{bottom:488.535867pt;} .yca6{bottom:489.201333pt;} .y102a{bottom:489.375236pt;} .ydd9{bottom:490.776933pt;} .y37c{bottom:492.054400pt;} .ye47{bottom:492.291067pt;} .yf18{bottom:492.717333pt;} .yddf{bottom:493.206000pt;} .yf7a{bottom:493.418000pt;} .ya2f{bottom:494.252000pt;} .ya52{bottom:494.297333pt;} .ya74{bottom:494.342667pt;} .yff2{bottom:494.994667pt;} .ye97{bottom:496.373793pt;} .yece{bottom:497.993600pt;} .y444{bottom:498.053200pt;} .y188{bottom:498.531600pt;} .y1e4{bottom:498.535733pt;} .y95b{bottom:498.559600pt;} .y933{bottom:498.567733pt;} .y1bd{bottom:498.571733pt;} .y25f{bottom:498.591600pt;} .y247{bottom:498.595600pt;} .y390{bottom:498.595733pt;} .y97c{bottom:498.599733pt;} .y949{bottom:498.611600pt;} .y1093{bottom:498.627733pt;} .y57{bottom:498.639733pt;} .y9c5{bottom:498.643733pt;} .y10ee{bottom:498.651733pt;} .y2c6{bottom:498.655733pt;} .y278{bottom:498.687600pt;} .y20e{bottom:498.703733pt;} .y10b6{bottom:498.759733pt;} .y3bf{bottom:498.775733pt;} .y1116{bottom:498.819733pt;} .y2f5{bottom:498.835733pt;} .y95{bottom:498.879733pt;} .y10d9{bottom:498.891733pt;} .y1132{bottom:498.927733pt;} .y3f0{bottom:498.967733pt;} .yfdc{bottom:498.992933pt;} .y323{bottom:499.015733pt;} .yc1{bottom:499.047733pt;} .yca5{bottom:502.534667pt;} .yfb5{bottom:502.771733pt;} .ydd1{bottom:503.564133pt;} .ydd0{bottom:503.564720pt;} .yf80{bottom:504.535867pt;} .y1029{bottom:505.342093pt;} .yecd{bottom:507.496667pt;} .y34{bottom:508.240680pt;} .y430{bottom:508.254133pt;} .ya2e{bottom:508.917333pt;} .ya51{bottom:508.962667pt;} .ya73{bottom:509.008000pt;} .yd3e{bottom:510.161866pt;} .y114e{bottom:510.440933pt;} .yff1{bottom:510.994667pt;} .yd51{bottom:511.714267pt;} .y1b{bottom:512.114939pt;} .ydc2{bottom:513.662533pt;} .y1c{bottom:513.997183pt;} .y187{bottom:514.527600pt;} .y1e3{bottom:514.531733pt;} .y95a{bottom:514.555600pt;} .y932{bottom:514.563733pt;} .y1bc{bottom:514.567733pt;} .y25e{bottom:514.587600pt;} .y246{bottom:514.591600pt;} .y38f{bottom:514.591733pt;} .y97b{bottom:514.595733pt;} .y948{bottom:514.607600pt;} .y1092{bottom:514.623733pt;} .y56{bottom:514.635733pt;} .y9c4{bottom:514.639733pt;} .y10ed{bottom:514.647733pt;} .y2c5{bottom:514.651733pt;} .y277{bottom:514.683600pt;} .ye7e{bottom:514.697939pt;} .y20d{bottom:514.699733pt;} .y10b5{bottom:514.755733pt;} .y3be{bottom:514.771733pt;} .y1115{bottom:514.815733pt;} .y2f4{bottom:514.831733pt;} .y94{bottom:514.875733pt;} .y10d8{bottom:514.887733pt;} .y1131{bottom:514.923733pt;} .y3ef{bottom:514.963733pt;} .yfdb{bottom:514.992933pt;} .y322{bottom:515.011733pt;} .yc0{bottom:515.043733pt;} .yca4{bottom:515.868000pt;} .yecc{bottom:516.999467pt;} .y105a{bottom:518.524667pt;} .yfb4{bottom:518.771733pt;} .y443{bottom:519.393200pt;} .yf7f{bottom:520.535867pt;} .y1028{bottom:521.308951pt;} .ydd6{bottom:521.510740pt;} .ydd7{bottom:521.516933pt;} .yddd{bottom:522.461733pt;} .yddc{bottom:522.463140pt;} .y1044{bottom:522.789600pt;} .y1045{bottom:523.429467pt;} .ya2d{bottom:523.582667pt;} .ya50{bottom:523.628000pt;} .ya72{bottom:523.673333pt;} .yecb{bottom:526.502667pt;} .yff0{bottom:526.994667pt;} .yca3{bottom:529.201333pt;} .y1059{bottom:529.724667pt;} .ydfb{bottom:530.299067pt;} .y186{bottom:530.523600pt;} .y1e2{bottom:530.527733pt;} .y959{bottom:530.551600pt;} .y931{bottom:530.559733pt;} .y1bb{bottom:530.563733pt;} .y25d{bottom:530.583600pt;} .y245{bottom:530.587600pt;} .y38e{bottom:530.587733pt;} .y97a{bottom:530.591733pt;} .y947{bottom:530.603600pt;} .y1091{bottom:530.619733pt;} .y55{bottom:530.631733pt;} .y9c3{bottom:530.635733pt;} .y10ec{bottom:530.643733pt;} .y2c4{bottom:530.647733pt;} .y276{bottom:530.679600pt;} .y20c{bottom:530.695733pt;} .y10b4{bottom:530.751733pt;} .y3bd{bottom:530.767733pt;} .y1114{bottom:530.811733pt;} .y2f3{bottom:530.827733pt;} .y93{bottom:530.871733pt;} .y10d7{bottom:530.883733pt;} .y1130{bottom:530.919733pt;} .y3ee{bottom:530.959733pt;} .yfda{bottom:530.992933pt;} .y321{bottom:531.007733pt;} .ybf{bottom:531.039733pt;} .ye66{bottom:531.120111pt;} .yfd{bottom:534.461997pt;} .yfb3{bottom:534.771733pt;} .yf73{bottom:535.172667pt;} .yeca{bottom:536.005600pt;} .yf7e{bottom:536.535867pt;} .y105e{bottom:537.135733pt;} .y1027{bottom:537.275809pt;} .ya2c{bottom:538.248000pt;} .ya4f{bottom:538.293333pt;} .y165{bottom:538.517067pt;} .y410{bottom:539.504933pt;} .y106c{bottom:541.161200pt;} .ye1d{bottom:542.339067pt;} .yca2{bottom:542.534667pt;} .yfef{bottom:542.994667pt;} .yec9{bottom:545.508667pt;} .ydc0{bottom:546.300267pt;} .y185{bottom:546.519600pt;} .y1e1{bottom:546.523733pt;} .y958{bottom:546.547600pt;} .y930{bottom:546.555733pt;} .y1ba{bottom:546.559733pt;} .y25c{bottom:546.579600pt;} .y244{bottom:546.583600pt;} .y38d{bottom:546.583733pt;} .y979{bottom:546.587733pt;} .y946{bottom:546.599600pt;} .y1090{bottom:546.615733pt;} .y54{bottom:546.627733pt;} .y9c2{bottom:546.631733pt;} .y10eb{bottom:546.639733pt;} .y2c3{bottom:546.643733pt;} .y275{bottom:546.675600pt;} .y20b{bottom:546.691733pt;} .y10b3{bottom:546.747733pt;} .ye65{bottom:546.755423pt;} .y3bc{bottom:546.763733pt;} .y1113{bottom:546.807733pt;} .y2f2{bottom:546.823733pt;} .y92{bottom:546.867733pt;} .y10d6{bottom:546.879733pt;} .y112f{bottom:546.915733pt;} .y3ed{bottom:546.955733pt;} .yfd9{bottom:546.992933pt;} .y320{bottom:547.003733pt;} .ybe{bottom:547.035733pt;} .y160{bottom:549.079200pt;} .ydfa{bottom:549.499067pt;} .yf72{bottom:549.752667pt;} .y164{bottom:550.519733pt;} .yfb2{bottom:550.771733pt;} .yf7d{bottom:552.535867pt;} .ya2b{bottom:552.913333pt;} .ya4e{bottom:552.958667pt;} .ya71{bottom:553.004000pt;} .y1026{bottom:553.242667pt;} .y4a4{bottom:554.073333pt;} .y33{bottom:554.091333pt;} .yec8{bottom:555.011733pt;} .yea3{bottom:555.511867pt;} .ye1c{bottom:555.672400pt;} .yca1{bottom:555.868000pt;} .y700{bottom:556.430933pt;} .y616{bottom:556.524000pt;} .y4a6{bottom:557.434933pt;} .y1a{bottom:557.971367pt;} .y115c{bottom:558.023200pt;} .y442{bottom:560.726533pt;} .yd66{bottom:561.293067pt;} .y88f{bottom:561.418755pt;} .y8b9{bottom:561.429919pt;} .y839{bottom:561.430267pt;} .y83e{bottom:561.455274pt;} .y789{bottom:561.456133pt;} .y830{bottom:561.501133pt;} .y8b2{bottom:561.543582pt;} .y79a{bottom:561.546783pt;} .y72c{bottom:561.558150pt;} .ye64{bottom:562.390735pt;} .y638{bottom:562.422755pt;} .y5e0{bottom:562.434267pt;} .y662{bottom:562.437333pt;} .y5e5{bottom:562.459274pt;} .y52f{bottom:562.460133pt;} .y5d6{bottom:562.505133pt;} .y162{bottom:562.517067pt;} .y184{bottom:562.518267pt;} .y163{bottom:562.519733pt;} .y957{bottom:562.543600pt;} .y65b{bottom:562.547582pt;} .y540{bottom:562.550400pt;} .y92f{bottom:562.551733pt;} .y1b9{bottom:562.555733pt;} .y4d2{bottom:562.562150pt;} .y25b{bottom:562.575600pt;} .y243{bottom:562.579600pt;} .y38c{bottom:562.579733pt;} .y978{bottom:562.583733pt;} .y945{bottom:562.595600pt;} .y108f{bottom:562.611733pt;} .y53{bottom:562.623733pt;} .y9c1{bottom:562.627733pt;} .y10ea{bottom:562.635733pt;} .y2c2{bottom:562.639733pt;} .y274{bottom:562.671600pt;} .y20a{bottom:562.687733pt;} .y10b2{bottom:562.743733pt;} .y3bb{bottom:562.759733pt;} .y1112{bottom:562.803733pt;} .y2f1{bottom:562.819733pt;} .y91{bottom:562.863733pt;} .y10d5{bottom:562.875733pt;} .y112e{bottom:562.911733pt;} .y3ec{bottom:562.951733pt;} .yfd8{bottom:562.992933pt;} .y31f{bottom:562.999733pt;} .ybd{bottom:563.031733pt;} .y8b8{bottom:563.383585pt;} .y838{bottom:563.383933pt;} .y83d{bottom:563.408940pt;} .y788{bottom:563.409800pt;} .y82f{bottom:563.454800pt;} .y799{bottom:563.500450pt;} .y88e{bottom:563.533789pt;} .y8b1{bottom:563.658617pt;} .y72b{bottom:563.697798pt;} .y5df{bottom:564.387933pt;} 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.y88c{bottom:567.763858pt;} .y8af{bottom:567.888686pt;} .y729{bottom:567.977094pt;} .y5e2{bottom:568.320274pt;} .y52c{bottom:568.321133pt;} .y5d3{bottom:568.366133pt;} .y53d{bottom:568.411400pt;} .yf7c{bottom:568.535867pt;} .ydf9{bottom:568.699067pt;} .y635{bottom:568.767858pt;} .y658{bottom:568.892686pt;} .yf79{bottom:568.925867pt;} .y4cf{bottom:568.981094pt;} .ye1b{bottom:569.005733pt;} .yca0{bottom:569.201333pt;} .y83a{bottom:569.269940pt;} .y785{bottom:569.270800pt;} .y82c{bottom:569.315800pt;} .y796{bottom:569.361450pt;} .y88b{bottom:569.878893pt;} .ye3d{bottom:569.986933pt;} .y8ae{bottom:570.003720pt;} .y728{bottom:570.116743pt;} .y5e1{bottom:570.273940pt;} .y52b{bottom:570.274800pt;} .y5d2{bottom:570.319800pt;} .y53c{bottom:570.365067pt;} .y634{bottom:570.882893pt;} .y657{bottom:571.007720pt;} .y4ce{bottom:571.120743pt;} .y82b{bottom:571.269467pt;} .y795{bottom:571.315117pt;} .yaca{bottom:571.484752pt;} .ye95{bottom:571.793397pt;} .ye96{bottom:571.845867pt;} 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.y62e{bottom:583.573099pt;} .y651{bottom:583.697926pt;} .y4c8{bottom:583.958632pt;} .y535{bottom:584.040733pt;} .y4b5{bottom:584.315547pt;} .yf7b{bottom:584.535867pt;} .y884{bottom:584.684133pt;} .y882{bottom:584.694295pt;} .y8a7{bottom:584.808961pt;} .y78e{bottom:584.990783pt;} .y721{bottom:585.094281pt;} .y1025{bottom:585.236489pt;} .y883{bottom:585.269467pt;} .y70e{bottom:585.421307pt;} .ye42{bottom:585.634133pt;} .y62d{bottom:585.688133pt;} .y62b{bottom:585.698295pt;} .y650{bottom:585.812961pt;} .y534{bottom:585.994400pt;} .y4c7{bottom:586.098281pt;} .y62c{bottom:586.273467pt;} .y4b4{bottom:586.425307pt;} .y881{bottom:586.809329pt;} .y8a6{bottom:586.923995pt;} .y78d{bottom:586.944450pt;} .y720{bottom:587.233929pt;} .y70d{bottom:587.531067pt;} .y62a{bottom:587.813329pt;} .ydf8{bottom:587.899067pt;} .y64f{bottom:587.927995pt;} .y533{bottom:587.948067pt;} .y4c6{bottom:588.237929pt;} .y4b3{bottom:588.535067pt;} .ydbe{bottom:588.607217pt;} .ye94{bottom:588.752781pt;} 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.y529{bottom:596.433881pt;} .y663{bottom:596.624133pt;} .y4c2{bottom:596.796522pt;} .y4af{bottom:596.974107pt;} .ye3a{bottom:597.469333pt;} .y8a1{bottom:597.499167pt;} .y780{bottom:597.511976pt;} .y760{bottom:597.647353pt;} .y71b{bottom:597.932170pt;} .y708{bottom:598.079867pt;} .y64a{bottom:598.503167pt;} .y526{bottom:598.515976pt;} .y506{bottom:598.651353pt;} .y872{bottom:598.669697pt;} .y87f{bottom:598.727715pt;} .yfaf{bottom:598.771733pt;} .y4c1{bottom:598.936170pt;} .y4ae{bottom:599.083867pt;} .y8a0{bottom:599.614202pt;} .y77f{bottom:599.621736pt;} .y61b{bottom:599.673697pt;} .y628{bottom:599.731715pt;} .y75f{bottom:599.757113pt;} .y71a{bottom:600.071818pt;} .y707{bottom:600.189627pt;} .y649{bottom:600.618202pt;} .y525{bottom:600.625736pt;} .y505{bottom:600.761113pt;} .y871{bottom:600.784731pt;} .y87e{bottom:600.842750pt;} .y4c0{bottom:601.075818pt;} .y4ad{bottom:601.193627pt;} .y1024{bottom:601.203347pt;} .y1052{bottom:601.246000pt;} .y89f{bottom:601.729236pt;} 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.y87c{bottom:605.072818pt;} .y4bc{bottom:605.353370pt;} .y4ab{bottom:605.413147pt;} .ye0e{bottom:605.531733pt;} .y614{bottom:605.714815pt;} .y77c{bottom:605.951016pt;} .y89d{bottom:605.959305pt;} .y5cc{bottom:606.005600pt;} .y618{bottom:606.018800pt;} .y625{bottom:606.076818pt;} .y75c{bottom:606.086393pt;} .y715{bottom:606.489018pt;} .y704{bottom:606.518907pt;} .y522{bottom:606.955016pt;} .y646{bottom:606.963305pt;} .y26{bottom:607.018800pt;} .y502{bottom:607.090393pt;} .y825{bottom:607.111360pt;} .y87b{bottom:607.187853pt;} .y4bb{bottom:607.493018pt;} .y4aa{bottom:607.522907pt;} .y77b{bottom:608.060776pt;} .y89c{bottom:608.074339pt;} .yf71{bottom:608.096667pt;} .y5cb{bottom:608.115360pt;} .y624{bottom:608.191853pt;} .y75b{bottom:608.196153pt;} .y703{bottom:608.628667pt;} .y521{bottom:609.064776pt;} .y645{bottom:609.078339pt;} .y501{bottom:609.200153pt;} .yc9d{bottom:609.201333pt;} .y824{bottom:609.221120pt;} .ye61{bottom:609.296671pt;} .y87a{bottom:609.302887pt;} .ye7d{bottom:609.535884pt;} .y4a9{bottom:609.632667pt;} .y77a{bottom:610.170536pt;} .y89b{bottom:610.189374pt;} .y5ca{bottom:610.225120pt;} .y75a{bottom:610.305913pt;} .y623{bottom:610.306887pt;} .y954{bottom:610.531600pt;} .y92c{bottom:610.539733pt;} .y1b6{bottom:610.543733pt;} .y258{bottom:610.563600pt;} .y240{bottom:610.567600pt;} .y389{bottom:610.567733pt;} .y975{bottom:610.571733pt;} .y942{bottom:610.583600pt;} .y108c{bottom:610.599733pt;} .y50{bottom:610.611733pt;} .y9be{bottom:610.615733pt;} .y10e7{bottom:610.623733pt;} .y182{bottom:610.627600pt;} .y2bf{bottom:610.627733pt;} .y271{bottom:610.659600pt;} .y207{bottom:610.675733pt;} .y1df{bottom:610.699733pt;} .y10af{bottom:610.731733pt;} .y3b8{bottom:610.747733pt;} .y110f{bottom:610.791733pt;} .y2ee{bottom:610.807733pt;} .y8e{bottom:610.851733pt;} .y10d2{bottom:610.863733pt;} .y112b{bottom:610.899733pt;} .y3e9{bottom:610.939733pt;} .y31c{bottom:610.987733pt;} .yfd5{bottom:610.992933pt;} .yba{bottom:611.019733pt;} .y520{bottom:611.174536pt;} .y644{bottom:611.193374pt;} .y500{bottom:611.309913pt;} .y823{bottom:611.330880pt;} .y879{bottom:611.417922pt;} .yec2{bottom:612.029867pt;} .y779{bottom:612.280296pt;} .y89a{bottom:612.304408pt;} .y5c9{bottom:612.334880pt;} .y759{bottom:612.415673pt;} .y622{bottom:612.421922pt;} .y1051{bottom:612.446000pt;} .yf5a{bottom:612.639600pt;} .y51f{bottom:613.284296pt;} .y643{bottom:613.308408pt;} .y4ff{bottom:613.419673pt;} .y822{bottom:613.440640pt;} .y878{bottom:613.532956pt;} .ycf2{bottom:613.679867pt;} .ycf1{bottom:613.687439pt;} .y701{bottom:614.159733pt;} .ybc0{bottom:614.379186pt;} .y778{bottom:614.390056pt;} .y899{bottom:614.419442pt;} .y5c8{bottom:614.444640pt;} .y758{bottom:614.525433pt;} .y621{bottom:614.536956pt;} .yad9{bottom:614.584800pt;} .yae8{bottom:614.620800pt;} .yfae{bottom:614.771733pt;} .ye39{bottom:614.805333pt;} .y4a7{bottom:615.163733pt;} .yb17{bottom:615.318206pt;} .yb18{bottom:615.325600pt;} .y51e{bottom:615.394056pt;} .y642{bottom:615.423442pt;} .y4fe{bottom:615.529433pt;} .y821{bottom:615.550400pt;} .y877{bottom:615.647990pt;} .y832{bottom:615.960855pt;} .y777{bottom:616.499816pt;} .y898{bottom:616.534477pt;} .y5c7{bottom:616.554400pt;} .y757{bottom:616.635193pt;} .y620{bottom:616.651990pt;} .y5d8{bottom:616.964855pt;} .ybfa{bottom:617.059467pt;} .ybf9{bottom:617.067911pt;} .y1023{bottom:617.170205pt;} .y51d{bottom:617.503816pt;} .y641{bottom:617.538477pt;} .y4fd{bottom:617.639193pt;} .y820{bottom:617.660160pt;} .y876{bottom:617.763025pt;} .y831{bottom:618.077067pt;} .y776{bottom:618.609576pt;} .y897{bottom:618.649511pt;} .y5c6{bottom:618.664160pt;} .y756{bottom:618.744953pt;} .y61f{bottom:618.767025pt;} .y5d7{bottom:619.081067pt;} .y702{bottom:619.123733pt;} .ye3{bottom:619.361200pt;} .y51c{bottom:619.613576pt;} .y640{bottom:619.653511pt;} .y4fc{bottom:619.748953pt;} .y81f{bottom:619.769920pt;} .y875{bottom:619.878059pt;} .y4a8{bottom:620.127733pt;} .ye0d{bottom:620.199733pt;} .y775{bottom:620.719336pt;} .y896{bottom:620.764546pt;} .y5c5{bottom:620.773920pt;} .y755{bottom:620.854713pt;} .y61e{bottom:620.882059pt;} .yec1{bottom:621.532933pt;} .y51b{bottom:621.723336pt;} .y63f{bottom:621.768546pt;} .y4fb{bottom:621.858713pt;} .y81e{bottom:621.879680pt;} .y874{bottom:621.993094pt;} .yc31{bottom:622.345203pt;} .yc9c{bottom:622.534667pt;} .yf70{bottom:622.676667pt;} .y774{bottom:622.829096pt;} .y895{bottom:622.879580pt;} .y5c4{bottom:622.883680pt;} .y754{bottom:622.964473pt;} .y61d{bottom:622.997094pt;} .yfec{bottom:623.722133pt;} .y51a{bottom:623.833096pt;} .y63e{bottom:623.883580pt;} .y4fa{bottom:623.968473pt;} .y81d{bottom:623.989440pt;} .y873{bottom:624.108128pt;} .ye60{bottom:624.931983pt;} .y773{bottom:624.938856pt;} .y5c3{bottom:624.993440pt;} .y894{bottom:624.994614pt;} .y25{bottom:625.018800pt;} .y753{bottom:625.074233pt;} .y61c{bottom:625.112128pt;} .y519{bottom:625.942856pt;} .y63d{bottom:625.998614pt;} .y4f9{bottom:626.078233pt;} 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.y518{bottom:628.052616pt;} .y866{bottom:628.097188pt;} .y63c{bottom:628.113649pt;} .y4f8{bottom:628.187993pt;} .y81b{bottom:628.208960pt;} .yda7{bottom:628.506000pt;} .y8b6{bottom:629.034600pt;} .y60d{bottom:629.095910pt;} .y771{bottom:629.158376pt;} .y5c1{bottom:629.212960pt;} .y892{bottom:629.224683pt;} .yad8{bottom:629.248800pt;} .yae7{bottom:629.284800pt;} .y751{bottom:629.293753pt;} .y65f{bottom:630.038600pt;} .y865{bottom:630.050855pt;} .y517{bottom:630.162376pt;} .y63b{bottom:630.228683pt;} .y4f7{bottom:630.297753pt;} .y81a{bottom:630.318720pt;} .yfad{bottom:630.771733pt;} .y8b5{bottom:630.988267pt;} .yec0{bottom:631.035867pt;} .y60c{bottom:631.049577pt;} .ybf4{bottom:631.092800pt;} .y770{bottom:631.268136pt;} .y5c0{bottom:631.322720pt;} .y891{bottom:631.339718pt;} .y750{bottom:631.403513pt;} .y65e{bottom:631.992267pt;} .y864{bottom:632.004521pt;} .ye38{bottom:632.141333pt;} .y516{bottom:632.272136pt;} .y63a{bottom:632.343718pt;} .y4f6{bottom:632.407513pt;} .y819{bottom:632.428480pt;} .y8b4{bottom:632.941933pt;} .y60b{bottom:633.003243pt;} .y1022{bottom:633.137063pt;} .y76f{bottom:633.377896pt;} .y5bf{bottom:633.432480pt;} .y890{bottom:633.454752pt;} .y74f{bottom:633.513273pt;} .y65d{bottom:633.945933pt;} .y863{bottom:633.958188pt;} .y515{bottom:634.381896pt;} .y639{bottom:634.458752pt;} .y4f5{bottom:634.517273pt;} .y818{bottom:634.538240pt;} .ye0c{bottom:634.867733pt;} .y8b3{bottom:634.895600pt;} .y60a{bottom:634.956910pt;} .yd98{bottom:635.296267pt;} .y76e{bottom:635.487656pt;} .y5be{bottom:635.542240pt;} .y74e{bottom:635.623033pt;} .yc9b{bottom:635.868000pt;} .y65c{bottom:635.899600pt;} .y862{bottom:635.911855pt;} .y514{bottom:636.491656pt;} .y4f4{bottom:636.627033pt;} .y817{bottom:636.648000pt;} .y609{bottom:636.910577pt;} .yf6f{bottom:637.256667pt;} .y76d{bottom:637.597416pt;} .y5bd{bottom:637.652000pt;} .y74d{bottom:637.732793pt;} .y861{bottom:638.418800pt;} .y513{bottom:638.601416pt;} .y4f3{bottom:638.736793pt;} .yf59{bottom:639.306267pt;} .y608{bottom:639.417522pt;} .y76c{bottom:639.707176pt;} .ydf0{bottom:639.811600pt;} .y74c{bottom:639.842553pt;} .y860{bottom:640.372466pt;} .yebf{bottom:640.538933pt;} .ye5f{bottom:640.567295pt;} .y512{bottom:640.711176pt;} .y4f2{bottom:640.846553pt;} .y86a{bottom:640.944133pt;} .y607{bottom:641.371188pt;} .y76b{bottom:641.816936pt;} .y611{bottom:641.948133pt;} .y74b{bottom:641.952313pt;} .yd54{bottom:642.074267pt;} .y85f{bottom:642.326133pt;} .y952{bottom:642.523600pt;} .y92a{bottom:642.531733pt;} .y1b4{bottom:642.535733pt;} .y256{bottom:642.555600pt;} .y23e{bottom:642.559600pt;} .y387{bottom:642.559733pt;} .y973{bottom:642.563733pt;} .y940{bottom:642.575600pt;} .y108a{bottom:642.591733pt;} .y4e{bottom:642.603733pt;} .y9bc{bottom:642.607733pt;} .y10e5{bottom:642.615733pt;} .y180{bottom:642.619600pt;} .y2bd{bottom:642.619733pt;} .y26f{bottom:642.651600pt;} .y205{bottom:642.667733pt;} .y1dd{bottom:642.691733pt;} .y10ad{bottom:642.723733pt;} .y3b6{bottom:642.739733pt;} .y110d{bottom:642.783733pt;} .y2ec{bottom:642.799733pt;} .y511{bottom:642.820936pt;} .y8c{bottom:642.843733pt;} .y10d0{bottom:642.855733pt;} .y1129{bottom:642.891733pt;} .y869{bottom:642.897800pt;} .y3e7{bottom:642.931733pt;} .y4f1{bottom:642.956313pt;} .y31a{bottom:642.979733pt;} .yb8{bottom:643.011733pt;} .y24{bottom:643.018800pt;} .y606{bottom:643.324855pt;} .y610{bottom:643.901800pt;} .yad7{bottom:643.912800pt;} .y76a{bottom:643.926696pt;} .yae6{bottom:643.948800pt;} .yaf5{bottom:643.984800pt;} .y74a{bottom:644.062073pt;} .y85e{bottom:644.833078pt;} .y868{bottom:644.851467pt;} .y510{bottom:644.930696pt;} .y4f0{bottom:645.066073pt;} .yd78{bottom:645.309467pt;} .y605{bottom:645.831800pt;} .y60f{bottom:645.855467pt;} .y769{bottom:646.036456pt;} .y749{bottom:646.171833pt;} .yc30{bottom:646.346554pt;} .ycc5{bottom:646.404667pt;} .yccf{bottom:646.428667pt;} .y85d{bottom:646.786745pt;} .y50f{bottom:647.040456pt;} .y4ef{bottom:647.175833pt;} .y604{bottom:647.785467pt;} .yc66{bottom:647.862533pt;} .y768{bottom:648.146216pt;} .y748{bottom:648.281593pt;} .y85c{bottom:648.740411pt;} .y1021{bottom:649.103920pt;} .y50e{bottom:649.150216pt;} .yc9a{bottom:649.201333pt;} .y4ee{bottom:649.285593pt;} .ye37{bottom:649.477333pt;} .ye0b{bottom:649.535733pt;} .yb91{bottom:649.618800pt;} .yb9c{bottom:649.642800pt;} .yba7{bottom:649.666800pt;} .y603{bottom:649.739133pt;} .yebe{bottom:650.042000pt;} .y767{bottom:650.255976pt;} .yfeb{bottom:650.388800pt;} .y747{bottom:650.391353pt;} .y85b{bottom:650.694078pt;} .y833{bottom:650.996667pt;} .y50d{bottom:651.259976pt;} .yd41{bottom:651.383867pt;} .y4ed{bottom:651.395353pt;} .y602{bottom:651.692800pt;} .yf6e{bottom:651.836667pt;} .y5da{bottom:652.000667pt;} .y766{bottom:652.365736pt;} .y746{bottom:652.501113pt;} .y85a{bottom:652.647745pt;} .y105{bottom:652.654400pt;} .y50c{bottom:653.369736pt;} .y4ec{bottom:653.505113pt;} .y601{bottom:653.646467pt;} .y765{bottom:654.475496pt;} .y859{bottom:654.601411pt;} .y745{bottom:654.610873pt;} .yfc6{bottom:654.840800pt;} .y50b{bottom:655.479496pt;} .y600{bottom:655.600133pt;} .y4eb{bottom:655.614873pt;} .ye5e{bottom:656.202607pt;} .y858{bottom:656.555078pt;} .y764{bottom:656.585256pt;} .yd83{bottom:656.671333pt;} .y744{bottom:656.720633pt;} .yb53{bottom:657.085815pt;} .ycfc{bottom:657.289067pt;} .yd05{bottom:657.313067pt;} .yd0e{bottom:657.337067pt;} .y5ff{bottom:657.553800pt;} .y50a{bottom:657.589256pt;} .y4ea{bottom:657.724633pt;} .y857{bottom:658.508745pt;} .y951{bottom:658.519600pt;} .y929{bottom:658.527733pt;} .y1b3{bottom:658.531733pt;} .y255{bottom:658.551600pt;} .y23d{bottom:658.555600pt;} .y386{bottom:658.555733pt;} .y972{bottom:658.559733pt;} .yad6{bottom:658.576800pt;} .y1089{bottom:658.587733pt;} .y4d{bottom:658.599733pt;} .y9bb{bottom:658.603733pt;} .y10e4{bottom:658.611733pt;} .yae5{bottom:658.612800pt;} .y17f{bottom:658.615600pt;} .y2bc{bottom:658.615733pt;} .y26e{bottom:658.647600pt;} 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.yc99{bottom:662.534667pt;} .y761{bottom:662.914536pt;} .y741{bottom:663.049913pt;} .y5fc{bottom:663.414800pt;} .y32{bottom:663.708720pt;} .y507{bottom:663.918536pt;} .y4e7{bottom:664.053913pt;} .ye0a{bottom:664.203733pt;} .yb90{bottom:664.282800pt;} .yb9b{bottom:664.306800pt;} .yba6{bottom:664.330800pt;} .y854{bottom:664.369745pt;} .y1020{bottom:665.070778pt;} .y740{bottom:665.159673pt;} .y5fb{bottom:665.368467pt;} .ydef{bottom:665.457867pt;} .y4e6{bottom:666.163673pt;} .y19{bottom:666.314159pt;} .y853{bottom:666.323411pt;} .yf6d{bottom:666.416667pt;} .yd89{bottom:666.684400pt;} .ye36{bottom:666.813333pt;} .y73f{bottom:667.269433pt;} .y5fa{bottom:667.322133pt;} .y79c{bottom:667.390192pt;} .y4e5{bottom:668.273433pt;} .y852{bottom:668.277078pt;} .y542{bottom:668.391267pt;} .yc06{bottom:668.449333pt;} .yc10{bottom:668.473333pt;} .yc1a{bottom:668.497333pt;} .y104{bottom:668.654400pt;} .yebc{bottom:669.048000pt;} .y5f9{bottom:669.275800pt;} .yb24{bottom:669.281467pt;} 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.y17e{bottom:674.611600pt;} .y2bb{bottom:674.611733pt;} .y26d{bottom:674.643600pt;} .y203{bottom:674.659733pt;} .y1db{bottom:674.683733pt;} .y10ab{bottom:674.715733pt;} .y3b4{bottom:674.731733pt;} .y110b{bottom:674.775733pt;} .y2ea{bottom:674.791733pt;} .y8a{bottom:674.835733pt;} .y10ce{bottom:674.847733pt;} .y1127{bottom:674.883733pt;} .y3e5{bottom:674.923733pt;} .y318{bottom:674.971733pt;} .yb6{bottom:675.003733pt;} .y5f6{bottom:675.136800pt;} .y73b{bottom:675.708473pt;} .ycc3{bottom:675.732667pt;} .yccd{bottom:675.756667pt;} .ycd7{bottom:675.780667pt;} .yc98{bottom:675.868000pt;} .y84e{bottom:676.091745pt;} .y4e1{bottom:676.712473pt;} .y5f5{bottom:677.090467pt;} .y73a{bottom:677.818233pt;} .y84d{bottom:678.045411pt;} .yebb{bottom:678.551067pt;} .ye4e{bottom:678.798312pt;} .y4e0{bottom:678.822233pt;} .yb8f{bottom:678.946800pt;} .yb9a{bottom:678.970800pt;} .yba5{bottom:678.994800pt;} .y5f4{bottom:679.044133pt;} .y739{bottom:679.927993pt;} .y84c{bottom:679.999078pt;} 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.y5f0{bottom:686.858800pt;} .yd77{bottom:687.250133pt;} .y4dc{bottom:687.261273pt;} .y848{bottom:687.813745pt;} .yad4{bottom:687.904800pt;} .yae3{bottom:687.940800pt;} .yaf2{bottom:687.976800pt;} .yeba{bottom:688.054000pt;} .yd84{bottom:688.059467pt;} .y735{bottom:688.367033pt;} .y5ef{bottom:688.812467pt;} .ye13{bottom:689.033600pt;} .yc97{bottom:689.201333pt;} .y4db{bottom:689.371033pt;} .y847{bottom:689.767411pt;} .ycc2{bottom:690.396667pt;} .yccc{bottom:690.420667pt;} .ycd6{bottom:690.444667pt;} .y734{bottom:690.476793pt;} .y927{bottom:690.519733pt;} .y1b1{bottom:690.523733pt;} .y253{bottom:690.543600pt;} .y23b{bottom:690.547600pt;} .y384{bottom:690.547733pt;} .y970{bottom:690.551733pt;} .y93e{bottom:690.575600pt;} .y1087{bottom:690.579733pt;} .y4b{bottom:690.591733pt;} .y9b9{bottom:690.595733pt;} .y10e2{bottom:690.603733pt;} .y17d{bottom:690.607600pt;} .y2ba{bottom:690.607733pt;} .y26c{bottom:690.639600pt;} .y202{bottom:690.655733pt;} .y1da{bottom:690.679733pt;} .y10aa{bottom:690.711733pt;} .y3b3{bottom:690.727733pt;} .y5ee{bottom:690.766133pt;} .y110a{bottom:690.771733pt;} .y2e9{bottom:690.787733pt;} .y89{bottom:690.831733pt;} .y10cd{bottom:690.843733pt;} .y1126{bottom:690.879733pt;} .y3e4{bottom:690.919733pt;} .yd46{bottom:690.920107pt;} .y317{bottom:690.967733pt;} .yb5{bottom:690.999733pt;} .y4da{bottom:691.480793pt;} .y846{bottom:691.721078pt;} .y733{bottom:692.586553pt;} .y5ed{bottom:692.719800pt;} .y1167{bottom:693.373733pt;} .y4d9{bottom:693.590553pt;} .yb8e{bottom:693.610800pt;} .yb99{bottom:693.634800pt;} .yba4{bottom:693.658800pt;} .y845{bottom:693.674745pt;} .y5ec{bottom:694.673467pt;} .y732{bottom:694.696313pt;} .yc38{bottom:695.113200pt;} .yc3f{bottom:695.125200pt;} .yf6b{bottom:695.576667pt;} .y844{bottom:695.628411pt;} .y4d8{bottom:695.700313pt;} .ybe6{bottom:696.067600pt;} .y5eb{bottom:696.627133pt;} .y731{bottom:696.806073pt;} .y101e{bottom:697.004493pt;} .yeb9{bottom:697.557067pt;} .y843{bottom:697.582078pt;} .yc04{bottom:697.777333pt;} .yc0e{bottom:697.801333pt;} .y4d7{bottom:697.810073pt;} .yc18{bottom:697.825333pt;} .y5ea{bottom:698.580800pt;} .yb22{bottom:698.609467pt;} .yb2d{bottom:698.633467pt;} .yb38{bottom:698.657467pt;} .y730{bottom:698.915833pt;} .ye91{bottom:699.101460pt;} .y842{bottom:699.535745pt;} .y4d6{bottom:699.919833pt;} .y5e9{bottom:700.534467pt;} .y102{bottom:700.654400pt;} .y72f{bottom:701.025593pt;} .ycf9{bottom:701.281067pt;} .yd02{bottom:701.305067pt;} .yd0b{bottom:701.329067pt;} .ye34{bottom:701.485333pt;} .y841{bottom:701.489411pt;} .y4d5{bottom:702.029593pt;} .y5e8{bottom:702.488133pt;} .yc96{bottom:702.534667pt;} .yad3{bottom:702.568800pt;} .yae2{bottom:702.604800pt;} .yaf1{bottom:702.640800pt;} .y113f{bottom:702.801864pt;} .y72e{bottom:703.135353pt;} .yd86{bottom:703.196107pt;} .y834{bottom:703.407467pt;} .y840{bottom:703.443078pt;} .ydaf{bottom:704.137040pt;} .y4d4{bottom:704.139353pt;} .y5db{bottom:704.411467pt;} .y5e7{bottom:704.441800pt;} 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.y86e{bottom:707.287225pt;} .y781{bottom:707.481467pt;} .y528{bottom:708.015058pt;} .y52a{bottom:708.024630pt;} .yb8d{bottom:708.274800pt;} .y615{bottom:708.291225pt;} .yb98{bottom:708.298800pt;} .yba3{bottom:708.322800pt;} .y527{bottom:708.485467pt;} .yd76{bottom:708.625173pt;} .ybe5{bottom:709.400933pt;} .yb5b{bottom:709.493867pt;} .yb63{bottom:709.517867pt;} .yc37{bottom:709.777200pt;} .yc3e{bottom:709.789200pt;} .yc45{bottom:709.801200pt;} .yf6a{bottom:710.156667pt;} .ybf1{bottom:711.086933pt;} .y2e{bottom:711.329733pt;} .yd31{bottom:712.295147pt;} .yc03{bottom:712.441333pt;} .yc0d{bottom:712.465333pt;} .yc17{bottom:712.489333pt;} .y86b{bottom:712.601200pt;} .y101d{bottom:712.971351pt;} .yb21{bottom:713.273467pt;} .yb2c{bottom:713.297467pt;} .yb37{bottom:713.321467pt;} .yfc4{bottom:713.506933pt;} .y612{bottom:713.605200pt;} .yc95{bottom:715.868000pt;} .ycf8{bottom:715.945067pt;} .yd01{bottom:715.969067pt;} .yd0a{bottom:715.993067pt;} .yeb7{bottom:716.563200pt;} .y101{bottom:716.654400pt;} .yad2{bottom:717.232800pt;} .yae1{bottom:717.268800pt;} .yaf0{bottom:717.304800pt;} .yf9e{bottom:717.542000pt;} .ye90{bottom:718.103294pt;} .yded{bottom:718.257867pt;} .ye33{bottom:718.821333pt;} .ycc0{bottom:719.724667pt;} .ycca{bottom:719.748667pt;} .ycd4{bottom:719.772667pt;} .y251{bottom:722.535600pt;} .y239{bottom:722.539600pt;} .y382{bottom:722.539733pt;} .y96e{bottom:722.543733pt;} .y1085{bottom:722.571733pt;} .y49{bottom:722.583733pt;} .y9b7{bottom:722.587733pt;} .y9ea{bottom:722.595733pt;} .y17b{bottom:722.599600pt;} .y2b8{bottom:722.599733pt;} .y26a{bottom:722.631600pt;} .y200{bottom:722.647733pt;} .y9ff{bottom:722.679733pt;} .y10a8{bottom:722.703733pt;} .y3b1{bottom:722.719733pt;} .ybe4{bottom:722.734267pt;} .ya14{bottom:722.763733pt;} .y2e7{bottom:722.779733pt;} .y87{bottom:722.823733pt;} .y10cb{bottom:722.835733pt;} .y1124{bottom:722.871733pt;} .y3e2{bottom:722.911733pt;} .yb8c{bottom:722.938800pt;} .y315{bottom:722.959733pt;} .yb97{bottom:722.962800pt;} .yba2{bottom:722.986800pt;} .yb3{bottom:722.991733pt;} .yb5a{bottom:724.157867pt;} .yb62{bottom:724.181867pt;} .yc36{bottom:724.441200pt;} .yc3d{bottom:724.453200pt;} .yc44{bottom:724.465200pt;} .y964{bottom:724.489067pt;} .yd82{bottom:724.571147pt;} .yf69{bottom:724.736667pt;} .yc67{bottom:725.545200pt;} .yeb6{bottom:726.066133pt;} .yda1{bottom:726.500080pt;} .y1166{bottom:726.707067pt;} .yc02{bottom:727.105333pt;} .yc0c{bottom:727.129333pt;} .yc16{bottom:727.153333pt;} .yb20{bottom:727.937467pt;} .yb2b{bottom:727.961467pt;} .yb36{bottom:727.985467pt;} .y101c{bottom:728.938209pt;} .yc94{bottom:729.201333pt;} .y2d{bottom:729.329733pt;} .ye5d{bottom:729.463199pt;} .yd75{bottom:730.000213pt;} .ycf7{bottom:730.609067pt;} .yd00{bottom:730.633067pt;} .yd09{bottom:730.657067pt;} .y6a2{bottom:731.499867pt;} .y79d{bottom:731.593333pt;} .y543{bottom:731.594667pt;} .yf06{bottom:731.650667pt;} .yad1{bottom:731.896800pt;} .yae0{bottom:731.932800pt;} .yaef{bottom:731.968800pt;} .yac8{bottom:732.065067pt;} .y446{bottom:732.503867pt;} .y100{bottom:732.654400pt;} .yd30{bottom:733.670187pt;} .ycbf{bottom:734.388667pt;} .ycc9{bottom:734.412667pt;} .ycd3{bottom:734.436667pt;} .yeb5{bottom:735.569200pt;} .ydec{bottom:735.857867pt;} .ybe3{bottom:736.067600pt;} .ye32{bottom:736.157333pt;} .y80a{bottom:736.439403pt;} .y7d6{bottom:736.491173pt;} .y805{bottom:736.596661pt;} .y6da{bottom:736.863387pt;} .ye8f{bottom:737.105129pt;} .y223{bottom:737.328667pt;} .y5b0{bottom:737.449467pt;} .y57c{bottom:737.495173pt;} .y5ab{bottom:737.600661pt;} .yb8b{bottom:737.602800pt;} .yb96{bottom:737.626800pt;} .yba1{bottom:737.650800pt;} .y47e{bottom:737.867387pt;} .y809{bottom:738.393070pt;} .y250{bottom:738.531600pt;} .y238{bottom:738.535600pt;} .y381{bottom:738.535733pt;} .y1084{bottom:738.567733pt;} .y48{bottom:738.579733pt;} .y9b6{bottom:738.583733pt;} .y9e9{bottom:738.591733pt;} .y17a{bottom:738.595600pt;} .y2b7{bottom:738.595733pt;} .y7d5{bottom:738.600933pt;} .y269{bottom:738.627600pt;} .y1ff{bottom:738.643733pt;} .y9fe{bottom:738.675733pt;} .y10a7{bottom:738.699733pt;} .y804{bottom:738.706421pt;} .y3b0{bottom:738.715733pt;} .ya13{bottom:738.759733pt;} .y2e6{bottom:738.775733pt;} .y86{bottom:738.819733pt;} .yb59{bottom:738.821867pt;} .y10ca{bottom:738.831733pt;} .yb61{bottom:738.845867pt;} .y1123{bottom:738.867733pt;} .yb69{bottom:738.869867pt;} .y3e1{bottom:738.907733pt;} .y314{bottom:738.955733pt;} .y6d9{bottom:738.973147pt;} .yb2{bottom:738.987733pt;} .yc35{bottom:739.105200pt;} .yc3c{bottom:739.117200pt;} .yc43{bottom:739.129200pt;} .yf68{bottom:739.316667pt;} .y5af{bottom:739.403133pt;} .y57b{bottom:739.604933pt;} .y5aa{bottom:739.710421pt;} .y47d{bottom:739.977147pt;} .y808{bottom:740.346737pt;} .y7d4{bottom:740.710693pt;} .y803{bottom:740.816181pt;} .y6d8{bottom:741.082907pt;} .y5ae{bottom:741.356800pt;} .y57a{bottom:741.714693pt;} .yc00{bottom:741.769333pt;} .yc0b{bottom:741.793333pt;} .yc15{bottom:741.817333pt;} .y5a9{bottom:741.820181pt;} .y47c{bottom:742.086907pt;} .yc93{bottom:742.534667pt;} .yb1f{bottom:742.601467pt;} .yb2a{bottom:742.625467pt;} .yb35{bottom:742.649467pt;} .y7d3{bottom:742.820453pt;} .yc01{bottom:742.861333pt;} .y802{bottom:742.925941pt;} .y6d7{bottom:743.192667pt;} .y579{bottom:743.824453pt;} .y5a8{bottom:743.929941pt;} .y47b{bottom:744.196667pt;} .y101b{bottom:744.905067pt;} .y7bb{bottom:744.930107pt;} .y7d2{bottom:744.930213pt;} .y801{bottom:745.035701pt;} .yeb4{bottom:745.072133pt;} .ye5c{bottom:745.098511pt;} .ycf6{bottom:745.273067pt;} .ycff{bottom:745.297067pt;} .y6d6{bottom:745.302427pt;} .yd08{bottom:745.321067pt;} .y561{bottom:745.934107pt;} .y578{bottom:745.934213pt;} .yd81{bottom:745.946187pt;} .y5a7{bottom:746.039701pt;} .y47a{bottom:746.306427pt;} .yad0{bottom:746.560800pt;} .yadf{bottom:746.596800pt;} .yaee{bottom:746.632800pt;} .ydae{bottom:746.887120pt;} .y7ba{bottom:747.039867pt;} .y7d1{bottom:747.039973pt;} .y800{bottom:747.145461pt;} .y6d5{bottom:747.412187pt;} .yda0{bottom:747.875120pt;} .y560{bottom:748.043867pt;} .y577{bottom:748.043973pt;} .ycb9{bottom:748.064267pt;} .y5a6{bottom:748.149461pt;} .y479{bottom:748.416187pt;} .ycbe{bottom:749.052667pt;} .ycc8{bottom:749.076667pt;} .ycd2{bottom:749.100667pt;} .y7b9{bottom:749.149627pt;} .y7d0{bottom:749.149733pt;} .y7ff{bottom:749.255221pt;} .y222{bottom:749.331333pt;} .ybe2{bottom:749.400933pt;} .y6d4{bottom:749.521947pt;} .y55f{bottom:750.153627pt;} .y576{bottom:750.153733pt;} .y5a5{bottom:750.259221pt;} .y31{bottom:750.331013pt;} .y478{bottom:750.525947pt;} .y7b8{bottom:751.259387pt;} .y7cf{bottom:751.259493pt;} .y7fe{bottom:751.364981pt;} .yd74{bottom:751.375253pt;} .y6d3{bottom:751.631707pt;} .y55e{bottom:752.263387pt;} .y575{bottom:752.263493pt;} .yb8a{bottom:752.266800pt;} .yb95{bottom:752.290800pt;} .yba0{bottom:752.314800pt;} .y5a4{bottom:752.368981pt;} .y477{bottom:752.635707pt;} .y23{bottom:753.124907pt;} .y7b7{bottom:753.369147pt;} .y7ce{bottom:753.369253pt;} .ydeb{bottom:753.457867pt;} .y7fd{bottom:753.474741pt;} .yb58{bottom:753.485867pt;} .ye31{bottom:753.493333pt;} .yb60{bottom:753.509867pt;} .yb68{bottom:753.533867pt;} .y6d2{bottom:753.741467pt;} .yc34{bottom:753.769200pt;} .yc3b{bottom:753.781200pt;} .yc42{bottom:753.793200pt;} .yf67{bottom:753.896667pt;} .y55d{bottom:754.373147pt;} .y574{bottom:754.373253pt;} .y5a3{bottom:754.478741pt;} .y24f{bottom:754.527600pt;} .y237{bottom:754.531600pt;} .y380{bottom:754.531733pt;} .y96d{bottom:754.547733pt;} .y1083{bottom:754.563733pt;} .yeb3{bottom:754.575200pt;} .y47{bottom:754.575733pt;} .y9b5{bottom:754.579733pt;} .y9e8{bottom:754.587733pt;} .y179{bottom:754.591600pt;} .y2b6{bottom:754.591733pt;} .y268{bottom:754.623600pt;} .y1fe{bottom:754.639733pt;} .y9fd{bottom:754.671733pt;} .y10a6{bottom:754.695733pt;} .y3af{bottom:754.711733pt;} .y476{bottom:754.745467pt;} .ya12{bottom:754.755733pt;} .y2e5{bottom:754.771733pt;} .y85{bottom:754.815733pt;} .y10c9{bottom:754.827733pt;} .y1122{bottom:754.863733pt;} .y3e0{bottom:754.903733pt;} .y313{bottom:754.951733pt;} .yb1{bottom:754.983733pt;} .yd2f{bottom:755.045227pt;} .y1a5{bottom:755.070667pt;} .y7b6{bottom:755.478907pt;} .y7cd{bottom:755.479013pt;} .y7fc{bottom:755.584501pt;} .y6d1{bottom:755.851227pt;} .yc92{bottom:755.868000pt;} .ye8e{bottom:756.106963pt;} .ybff{bottom:756.433333pt;} .yc0a{bottom:756.457333pt;} .yc14{bottom:756.481333pt;} .y55c{bottom:756.482907pt;} .y573{bottom:756.483013pt;} .ybf6{bottom:756.564667pt;} .y5a2{bottom:756.588501pt;} .y475{bottom:756.855227pt;} .yb1e{bottom:757.265467pt;} .yb29{bottom:757.289467pt;} .yb34{bottom:757.313467pt;} .y7b5{bottom:757.588667pt;} .y7cc{bottom:757.588773pt;} .y7fb{bottom:757.694261pt;} .y6d0{bottom:757.960987pt;} .y55b{bottom:758.592667pt;} .y572{bottom:758.592773pt;} .y5a1{bottom:758.698261pt;} .y474{bottom:758.964987pt;} .y7b4{bottom:759.698427pt;} .y7cb{bottom:759.698533pt;} .y7fa{bottom:759.804021pt;} .ycf5{bottom:759.937067pt;} .ycfe{bottom:759.961067pt;} .yd07{bottom:759.985067pt;} .y1165{bottom:760.040400pt;} .y6cf{bottom:760.070747pt;} .y55a{bottom:760.702427pt;} .y571{bottom:760.702533pt;} .ye5b{bottom:760.733823pt;} .y5a0{bottom:760.808021pt;} .y101a{bottom:760.876933pt;} .y473{bottom:761.074747pt;} .yacf{bottom:761.224800pt;} .yade{bottom:761.260800pt;} .yaed{bottom:761.296800pt;} .y221{bottom:761.334000pt;} .y7b3{bottom:761.808187pt;} .y7ca{bottom:761.808293pt;} .y7f9{bottom:761.913781pt;} .yff{bottom:761.987733pt;} .y6ce{bottom:762.180507pt;} .ybe1{bottom:762.734267pt;} .y559{bottom:762.812187pt;} .y570{bottom:762.812293pt;} .y59f{bottom:762.917781pt;} .y472{bottom:763.184507pt;} .ycbd{bottom:763.716667pt;} .ycc7{bottom:763.740667pt;} .ycd1{bottom:763.764667pt;} .y7b2{bottom:763.917947pt;} .y7c9{bottom:763.918053pt;} .y7f8{bottom:764.023541pt;} .yeb2{bottom:764.078267pt;} .y6cd{bottom:764.290267pt;} .y6ff{bottom:764.554365pt;} .y558{bottom:764.921947pt;} .y56f{bottom:764.922053pt;} .y59e{bottom:765.027541pt;} .y471{bottom:765.294267pt;} .y4a3{bottom:765.561200pt;} .y7b1{bottom:766.027707pt;} .y7c8{bottom:766.027813pt;} .y7f7{bottom:766.133301pt;} .y6fe{bottom:766.508031pt;} .yb89{bottom:766.930800pt;} .yb94{bottom:766.954800pt;} .yb9f{bottom:766.978800pt;} .y557{bottom:767.031707pt;} .y56e{bottom:767.031813pt;} .y59d{bottom:767.137301pt;} .yd65{bottom:767.321227pt;} .y4a2{bottom:767.514867pt;} .y1a4{bottom:767.960000pt;} .y7b0{bottom:768.137467pt;} .y7c7{bottom:768.137573pt;} .yb57{bottom:768.149867pt;} .yb5f{bottom:768.173867pt;} .yb67{bottom:768.197867pt;} .y7f6{bottom:768.243061pt;} .ydad{bottom:768.262160pt;} .yc33{bottom:768.433200pt;} .yc3a{bottom:768.445200pt;} .yc41{bottom:768.457200pt;} .y6fd{bottom:768.461698pt;} .yf66{bottom:768.476667pt;} .y556{bottom:769.141467pt;} .y56d{bottom:769.141573pt;} .yc91{bottom:769.201333pt;} .y59c{bottom:769.247061pt;} .y4a1{bottom:769.468533pt;} .ye49{bottom:769.655733pt;} .y7af{bottom:770.247227pt;} .y7c6{bottom:770.247333pt;} .y7f5{bottom:770.352821pt;} .y24e{bottom:770.523600pt;} .y236{bottom:770.527600pt;} .y37f{bottom:770.527733pt;} .y96c{bottom:770.543733pt;} .y1082{bottom:770.559733pt;} .y46{bottom:770.571733pt;} .y9b4{bottom:770.575733pt;} .y421{bottom:770.583733pt;} .y178{bottom:770.587600pt;} .y2b5{bottom:770.587733pt;} .y267{bottom:770.619600pt;} .y1fd{bottom:770.635733pt;} .y9fc{bottom:770.667733pt;} .y10a5{bottom:770.691733pt;} .y3ae{bottom:770.707733pt;} .ye46{bottom:770.712133pt;} .ya11{bottom:770.751733pt;} .y2e4{bottom:770.767733pt;} .y84{bottom:770.811733pt;} .y10c8{bottom:770.823733pt;} .ye30{bottom:770.829333pt;} .y1121{bottom:770.859733pt;} .y3df{bottom:770.899733pt;} .y312{bottom:770.947733pt;} .ybfe{bottom:771.097333pt;} .yc09{bottom:771.121333pt;} .yc13{bottom:771.145333pt;} .y555{bottom:771.251227pt;} .y56c{bottom:771.251333pt;} .y59b{bottom:771.356821pt;} .yb1d{bottom:771.929467pt;} .yb28{bottom:771.953467pt;} .yb33{bottom:771.977467pt;} .y7ae{bottom:772.356987pt;} .y7c5{bottom:772.357093pt;} .y7f4{bottom:772.462581pt;} .yd73{bottom:772.750293pt;} .y220{bottom:773.336667pt;} .y554{bottom:773.360987pt;} .y56b{bottom:773.361093pt;} .y59a{bottom:773.466581pt;} .yeb1{bottom:773.581333pt;} .y7ad{bottom:774.466747pt;} .y7c4{bottom:774.466853pt;} .y7f3{bottom:774.572341pt;} .ycf4{bottom:774.601067pt;} .ycfd{bottom:774.625067pt;} .yd06{bottom:774.649067pt;} .ye8d{bottom:775.108797pt;} .y553{bottom:775.470747pt;} .y56a{bottom:775.470853pt;} .y599{bottom:775.576341pt;} .yace{bottom:775.888800pt;} .yadd{bottom:775.924800pt;} .yaec{bottom:775.960800pt;} .ybe0{bottom:776.067600pt;} .ye5a{bottom:776.369135pt;} .yd2e{bottom:776.420267pt;} .y7ac{bottom:776.576507pt;} .y7c3{bottom:776.576613pt;} .y7f2{bottom:776.682101pt;} .y816{bottom:777.052000pt;} .y552{bottom:777.580507pt;} .y569{bottom:777.580613pt;} .y598{bottom:777.686101pt;} .y5bc{bottom:778.056000pt;} 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.yc32{bottom:783.097200pt;} .yc39{bottom:783.109200pt;} .yc40{bottom:783.121200pt;} .ycb8{bottom:783.693733pt;} .y564{bottom:783.909707pt;} .y54f{bottom:783.909787pt;} .y595{bottom:784.015381pt;} .yfe{bottom:784.654400pt;} .y813{bottom:784.758000pt;} .y7bd{bottom:785.015467pt;} .y7a8{bottom:785.015547pt;} .y7ee{bottom:785.121141pt;} .y21f{bottom:785.339333pt;} .y7bc{bottom:785.601067pt;} .ybfd{bottom:785.761333pt;} .y5b9{bottom:785.762000pt;} .yc08{bottom:785.785333pt;} .yc12{bottom:785.809333pt;} .y563{bottom:786.019467pt;} .y54e{bottom:786.019547pt;} .y594{bottom:786.125141pt;} .y24d{bottom:786.519600pt;} .y235{bottom:786.523600pt;} .y37e{bottom:786.523733pt;} .y96b{bottom:786.539733pt;} .y1081{bottom:786.555733pt;} .y45{bottom:786.567733pt;} .y9b3{bottom:786.571733pt;} .y420{bottom:786.579733pt;} .y177{bottom:786.583600pt;} .y2b4{bottom:786.583733pt;} .yb1c{bottom:786.593467pt;} .y562{bottom:786.605067pt;} .y266{bottom:786.615600pt;} .yb27{bottom:786.617467pt;} .y1fc{bottom:786.631733pt;} .yb32{bottom:786.641467pt;} .y9fb{bottom:786.663733pt;} .y10a4{bottom:786.687733pt;} .y3ad{bottom:786.703733pt;} .ya10{bottom:786.747733pt;} .y2e3{bottom:786.763733pt;} .y83{bottom:786.807733pt;} .y10c7{bottom:786.819733pt;} .y3de{bottom:786.895733pt;} .y311{bottom:786.943733pt;} .y7a7{bottom:787.125307pt;} .y7ed{bottom:787.230901pt;} .y54d{bottom:788.129307pt;} .ye2f{bottom:788.165333pt;} .yac6{bottom:788.172133pt;} .y593{bottom:788.234901pt;} .ydea{bottom:788.657867pt;} .yd64{bottom:788.696267pt;} .y7a6{bottom:789.235067pt;} .y7ec{bottom:789.340661pt;} .ybdf{bottom:789.400933pt;} .ydac{bottom:789.637200pt;} .y54c{bottom:790.239067pt;} .y592{bottom:790.344661pt;} .yacd{bottom:790.552800pt;} .yadc{bottom:790.588800pt;} .yaeb{bottom:790.624800pt;} .yd9f{bottom:790.625200pt;} .y7eb{bottom:791.450421pt;} .yf8e{bottom:791.933733pt;} .ye59{bottom:792.004447pt;} .y591{bottom:792.454421pt;} .yeaf{bottom:792.587333pt;} .y1019{bottom:792.900810pt;} .y7ea{bottom:793.560181pt;} .y6cc{bottom:793.826907pt;} .ye8c{bottom:794.110631pt;} .yd72{bottom:794.125333pt;} .y7a5{bottom:794.264933pt;} .y79f{bottom:794.318267pt;} .y590{bottom:794.564181pt;} .y470{bottom:794.830907pt;} .y54b{bottom:795.268933pt;} .y545{bottom:795.322267pt;} .y7e9{bottom:795.669941pt;} .yc8f{bottom:795.868000pt;} .y6cb{bottom:795.936667pt;} .yb87{bottom:796.258800pt;} .yb92{bottom:796.282800pt;} .yb9d{bottom:796.306800pt;} .y58f{bottom:796.673941pt;} .y46f{bottom:796.940667pt;} .y2c{bottom:797.211600pt;} .y21e{bottom:797.342000pt;} .yb55{bottom:797.477867pt;} .yb5d{bottom:797.501867pt;} .yb65{bottom:797.525867pt;} .y996{bottom:797.623867pt;} .yf64{bottom:797.636667pt;} .y7e8{bottom:797.779701pt;} .yd2d{bottom:797.795307pt;} .y6ca{bottom:798.046427pt;} .y58e{bottom:798.783701pt;} .y46e{bottom:799.050427pt;} .y7e7{bottom:799.889461pt;} .ycb7{bottom:799.893733pt;} .y6c9{bottom:800.156187pt;} .ybfc{bottom:800.425333pt;} .yc07{bottom:800.449333pt;} .yc11{bottom:800.473333pt;} .y58d{bottom:800.893461pt;} .y1007{bottom:801.136267pt;} .y46d{bottom:801.160187pt;} .yb1b{bottom:801.257467pt;} .yb26{bottom:801.281467pt;} .yb31{bottom:801.305467pt;} .y6f7{bottom:801.680488pt;} .y7e6{bottom:801.999221pt;} .yeae{bottom:802.090400pt;} .y6ef{bottom:802.139361pt;} .y1058{bottom:802.239333pt;} .y6c8{bottom:802.265947pt;} .y234{bottom:802.519600pt;} .y37d{bottom:802.519733pt;} .y96a{bottom:802.535733pt;} .y1080{bottom:802.551733pt;} .y44{bottom:802.563733pt;} .y9b2{bottom:802.567733pt;} .y41f{bottom:802.575733pt;} .y176{bottom:802.579600pt;} .y2b3{bottom:802.579733pt;} .y265{bottom:802.611600pt;} .y1fb{bottom:802.627733pt;} .y9fa{bottom:802.659733pt;} .y10a3{bottom:802.683733pt;} .y49b{bottom:802.684488pt;} .y3ac{bottom:802.699733pt;} .ybde{bottom:802.734267pt;} .ya0f{bottom:802.743733pt;} .y2e2{bottom:802.759733pt;} .y82{bottom:802.803733pt;} .y10c6{bottom:802.815733pt;} .y3dd{bottom:802.891733pt;} .y310{bottom:802.939733pt;} .y58c{bottom:803.003221pt;} .y493{bottom:803.143361pt;} .y46c{bottom:803.269947pt;} .y6f6{bottom:803.790248pt;} .y7e5{bottom:804.108981pt;} .y6ee{bottom:804.249121pt;} .yac5{bottom:804.372133pt;} .y6c7{bottom:804.375707pt;} .y49a{bottom:804.794248pt;} .y58b{bottom:805.112981pt;} .yacc{bottom:805.216800pt;} .yadb{bottom:805.252800pt;} .y492{bottom:805.253121pt;} .yaea{bottom:805.288800pt;} .y46b{bottom:805.379707pt;} .ye2e{bottom:805.501333pt;} .y6f5{bottom:805.900008pt;} .y7e4{bottom:806.218741pt;} .yde9{bottom:806.257867pt;} .y6ed{bottom:806.358881pt;} .y6c6{bottom:806.485467pt;} .y499{bottom:806.904008pt;} .y58a{bottom:807.222741pt;} .y491{bottom:807.362881pt;} .y46a{bottom:807.489467pt;} .ye58{bottom:807.639759pt;} .yf8d{bottom:807.933733pt;} .yfd3{bottom:807.939600pt;} .y6f4{bottom:808.009768pt;} .y7e3{bottom:808.328501pt;} .y6ec{bottom:808.468641pt;} .y6c5{bottom:808.595227pt;} .y1018{bottom:808.867667pt;} .y498{bottom:809.013768pt;} .yc8e{bottom:809.201333pt;} .y589{bottom:809.332501pt;} .y21d{bottom:809.344667pt;} .y490{bottom:809.472641pt;} .y469{bottom:809.599227pt;} .y995{bottom:809.626533pt;} .yd63{bottom:810.071307pt;} .y6f3{bottom:810.119528pt;} .y7e2{bottom:810.438261pt;} .yfe9{bottom:810.558400pt;} .y6eb{bottom:810.578401pt;} .y6c4{bottom:810.704987pt;} .ycab{bottom:810.990533pt;} .ydab{bottom:811.012240pt;} .y497{bottom:811.123528pt;} .y588{bottom:811.442261pt;} .y48f{bottom:811.582401pt;} .yead{bottom:811.593333pt;} .y468{bottom:811.708987pt;} .ye4{bottom:811.907200pt;} .yd9e{bottom:812.000240pt;} .yb54{bottom:812.141867pt;} .yb5c{bottom:812.165867pt;} .yb64{bottom:812.189867pt;} .yf63{bottom:812.216667pt;} .y6f2{bottom:812.229288pt;} .y7e1{bottom:812.548021pt;} .y6ea{bottom:812.688161pt;} .y6c3{bottom:812.814747pt;} .ye8b{bottom:813.112465pt;} .y496{bottom:813.233288pt;} .y1057{bottom:813.439333pt;} .y587{bottom:813.552021pt;} .y48e{bottom:813.692161pt;} .y467{bottom:813.818747pt;} .y6f1{bottom:814.339048pt;} .y7e0{bottom:814.657781pt;} .y6e9{bottom:814.797921pt;} .y6c2{bottom:814.924507pt;} .ye3c{bottom:814.972533pt;} .y2a{bottom:815.210800pt;} .y2b{bottom:815.211600pt;} .y495{bottom:815.343048pt;} .yd71{bottom:815.500373pt;} .y586{bottom:815.661781pt;} .y48d{bottom:815.801921pt;} .yb1a{bottom:815.921467pt;} .y466{bottom:815.928507pt;} .yb25{bottom:815.945467pt;} .yb30{bottom:815.969467pt;} .ybdd{bottom:816.067600pt;} .ycb6{bottom:816.093733pt;} .y6f0{bottom:816.448808pt;} .y7df{bottom:816.767541pt;} .y6e8{bottom:816.907681pt;} .y6c1{bottom:817.034267pt;} .y1006{bottom:817.136267pt;} .y494{bottom:817.452808pt;} .y585{bottom:817.771541pt;} .y48c{bottom:817.911681pt;} .y465{bottom:818.038267pt;} .y969{bottom:818.531733pt;} .y107f{bottom:818.547733pt;} .y43{bottom:818.559733pt;} .y9b1{bottom:818.563733pt;} .y41e{bottom:818.571733pt;} .y175{bottom:818.575600pt;} .y2b2{bottom:818.575733pt;} .y1fa{bottom:818.623733pt;} .y9f9{bottom:818.655733pt;} .y10a2{bottom:818.679733pt;} .ya0e{bottom:818.739733pt;} .y2e1{bottom:818.755733pt;} .y81{bottom:818.799733pt;} .y10c5{bottom:818.811733pt;} .y7de{bottom:818.877301pt;} .y3dc{bottom:818.887733pt;} .y30f{bottom:818.935733pt;} .y6e7{bottom:819.017441pt;} .y6c0{bottom:819.144027pt;} .yd2c{bottom:819.170347pt;} .yacb{bottom:819.880800pt;} .y584{bottom:819.881301pt;} .yada{bottom:819.916800pt;} .yae9{bottom:819.952800pt;} .y48b{bottom:820.021441pt;} .y464{bottom:820.148027pt;} .yac4{bottom:820.572133pt;} .y6f9{bottom:820.916867pt;} .y7dd{bottom:820.987061pt;} .yeac{bottom:821.096400pt;} .y6e6{bottom:821.127201pt;} .y6bf{bottom:821.253787pt;} .y21c{bottom:821.347333pt;} .y994{bottom:821.629200pt;} .y49d{bottom:821.920867pt;} .y583{bottom:821.991061pt;} .y48a{bottom:822.131201pt;} .y463{bottom:822.257787pt;} .yc8d{bottom:822.534667pt;} .ye2d{bottom:822.837333pt;} .y6f8{bottom:822.870533pt;} .y7dc{bottom:823.096821pt;} .y6e5{bottom:823.236961pt;} .ye57{bottom:823.275071pt;} .y6be{bottom:823.363547pt;} .yde8{bottom:823.857867pt;} .y49c{bottom:823.874533pt;} .y999{bottom:823.905467pt;} .yf8c{bottom:823.933733pt;} .yfd2{bottom:823.939600pt;} .y582{bottom:824.100821pt;} .y489{bottom:824.240961pt;} .y462{bottom:824.367547pt;} .y1017{bottom:824.834525pt;} .y7db{bottom:825.206581pt;} .y6e4{bottom:825.346721pt;} .y6bd{bottom:825.473307pt;} .y581{bottom:826.210581pt;} .y488{bottom:826.350721pt;} .y461{bottom:826.477307pt;} .yfac{bottom:826.558400pt;} .yf62{bottom:826.796667pt;} .y7da{bottom:827.316341pt;} .y6e3{bottom:827.456481pt;} .y6bc{bottom:827.583067pt;} .y580{bottom:828.320341pt;} .y487{bottom:828.460481pt;} .y460{bottom:828.587067pt;} .y113e{bottom:828.616000pt;} .ybdc{bottom:829.400933pt;} .y7d9{bottom:829.426101pt;} .y6e2{bottom:829.566241pt;} .y6bb{bottom:829.692827pt;} .y57f{bottom:830.430101pt;} .y486{bottom:830.570241pt;} .yeab{bottom:830.599467pt;} .ye41{bottom:830.619733pt;} .y45f{bottom:830.696827pt;} .yd62{bottom:831.446347pt;} .y7d8{bottom:831.535861pt;} .y6e1{bottom:831.676001pt;} .y6ba{bottom:831.802587pt;} .ye8a{bottom:832.114299pt;} .ycb5{bottom:832.293733pt;} .ydaa{bottom:832.387280pt;} .y57e{bottom:832.539861pt;} .y485{bottom:832.680001pt;} .y45e{bottom:832.806587pt;} .y29{bottom:833.210800pt;} .y21b{bottom:833.350000pt;} .yd9d{bottom:833.375280pt;} .y7d7{bottom:833.645621pt;} .y6e0{bottom:833.785761pt;} .y6b9{bottom:833.912347pt;} .y40c{bottom:834.519733pt;} .y968{bottom:834.527733pt;} .y107e{bottom:834.543733pt;} .y42{bottom:834.555733pt;} .y9b0{bottom:834.559733pt;} .y41d{bottom:834.567733pt;} .y174{bottom:834.571600pt;} .y2b1{bottom:834.571733pt;} .y1f9{bottom:834.619733pt;} .y57d{bottom:834.649621pt;} .y9f8{bottom:834.651733pt;} .y10a1{bottom:834.675733pt;} .y112{bottom:834.686000pt;} .ya0d{bottom:834.735733pt;} .y2e0{bottom:834.751733pt;} .y484{bottom:834.789761pt;} .y80{bottom:834.795733pt;} .y10c4{bottom:834.807733pt;} .y3db{bottom:834.883733pt;} .y45d{bottom:834.916347pt;} .y30e{bottom:834.931733pt;} .yc8c{bottom:835.868000pt;} .y6df{bottom:835.895521pt;} .y6b8{bottom:836.022107pt;} .yac3{bottom:836.772133pt;} .yd70{bottom:836.875413pt;} .y483{bottom:836.899521pt;} .y45c{bottom:837.026107pt;} .y6de{bottom:838.005281pt;} .y6b7{bottom:838.131867pt;} .y2a3{bottom:838.299200pt;} .ye56{bottom:838.910383pt;} .y482{bottom:839.009281pt;} .y810{bottom:839.098267pt;} .y812{bottom:839.098800pt;} .y45b{bottom:839.135867pt;} .y1164{bottom:839.214133pt;} .y811{bottom:839.619333pt;} .yf8b{bottom:839.933733pt;} .yfd1{bottom:839.939600pt;} .y5b6{bottom:840.102267pt;} .yeaa{bottom:840.102400pt;} .y5b8{bottom:840.102800pt;} .y6dd{bottom:840.115041pt;} .ye2c{bottom:840.173333pt;} .y6b6{bottom:840.241627pt;} .yd2b{bottom:840.545387pt;} .y5b7{bottom:840.623333pt;} .y1016{bottom:840.801383pt;} .y80f{bottom:841.051933pt;} .y481{bottom:841.119041pt;} .y45a{bottom:841.245627pt;} .yf61{bottom:841.376667pt;} .y5b5{bottom:842.055933pt;} .y6dc{bottom:842.224801pt;} .y6b5{bottom:842.351387pt;} .yfab{bottom:842.558400pt;} .ybdb{bottom:842.734267pt;} .y80e{bottom:843.005600pt;} .y480{bottom:843.228801pt;} .y459{bottom:843.355387pt;} .y5b4{bottom:844.009600pt;} .y6db{bottom:844.334561pt;} .y6b4{bottom:844.461147pt;} .y80d{bottom:844.959267pt;} .y47f{bottom:845.338561pt;} .y21a{bottom:845.352667pt;} .y458{bottom:845.465147pt;} .y5b3{bottom:845.963267pt;} .y6b3{bottom:846.570907pt;} .y8e5{bottom:846.587600pt;} .y80c{bottom:846.912933pt;} .y457{bottom:847.574907pt;} .y5b2{bottom:847.916933pt;} .ycb4{bottom:848.493733pt;} .y6fc{bottom:848.591727pt;} .y6b2{bottom:848.680667pt;} .y1005{bottom:849.136267pt;} .yc8b{bottom:849.201333pt;} .y4a0{bottom:849.594800pt;} .yea9{bottom:849.605467pt;} .y456{bottom:849.684667pt;} .y967{bottom:850.523733pt;} .y107d{bottom:850.539733pt;} .y6fb{bottom:850.545394pt;} .y41{bottom:850.551733pt;} .y9af{bottom:850.555733pt;} .y41c{bottom:850.563733pt;} .y173{bottom:850.567600pt;} .y2b0{bottom:850.567733pt;} .y1f8{bottom:850.615733pt;} .y9f7{bottom:850.647733pt;} .y10a0{bottom:850.671733pt;} .y111{bottom:850.686000pt;} .ya0c{bottom:850.731733pt;} .y2df{bottom:850.747733pt;} .y6b1{bottom:850.790427pt;} .y7f{bottom:850.791733pt;} .y10c3{bottom:850.803733pt;} .y30d{bottom:850.927733pt;} .ye88{bottom:851.110699pt;} .ye89{bottom:851.116133pt;} .y28{bottom:851.210800pt;} .y49f{bottom:851.548467pt;} .y455{bottom:851.794427pt;} .y6fa{bottom:852.499061pt;} .yd80{bottom:852.821387pt;} .y6b0{bottom:852.900187pt;} .yac2{bottom:852.972133pt;} .y49e{bottom:853.502133pt;} .y454{bottom:853.904187pt;} .ye55{bottom:854.545695pt;} .y6af{bottom:855.009947pt;} .yffc{bottom:855.671333pt;} .yf8a{bottom:855.933733pt;} .yfd0{bottom:855.939600pt;} .yf60{bottom:855.956667pt;} .y453{bottom:856.013947pt;} .ybda{bottom:856.067600pt;} .y1015{bottom:856.768241pt;} .y6ae{bottom:857.119707pt;} .y219{bottom:857.355333pt;} .ye2b{bottom:857.509333pt;} .y452{bottom:858.123707pt;} .yd6f{bottom:858.250453pt;} .yfaa{bottom:858.558400pt;} 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.yac1{bottom:869.172133pt;} .y218{bottom:869.358000pt;} .ybd9{bottom:869.400933pt;} .y6a8{bottom:869.778267pt;} .ye86{bottom:870.079529pt;} .ye87{bottom:870.112533pt;} .y7a3{bottom:870.144800pt;} .ye54{bottom:870.181007pt;} .yf5f{bottom:870.536667pt;} .y44c{bottom:870.782267pt;} .y549{bottom:871.148800pt;} .y30{bottom:871.278507pt;} .yffb{bottom:871.671333pt;} .y6a7{bottom:871.888027pt;} .yf89{bottom:871.933733pt;} .yfcf{bottom:871.939600pt;} .y1050{bottom:872.706000pt;} .y1014{bottom:872.735098pt;} .y44b{bottom:872.892027pt;} .y6a6{bottom:873.997787pt;} .y22{bottom:874.064255pt;} .yd61{bottom:874.196427pt;} .yfa9{bottom:874.558400pt;} .ye2a{bottom:874.845333pt;} .y44a{bottom:875.001787pt;} .yda9{bottom:875.137360pt;} .yc89{bottom:875.868000pt;} .y6a5{bottom:876.107547pt;} .yd9c{bottom:876.125360pt;} .yde6{bottom:876.657867pt;} .y449{bottom:877.111547pt;} .yea6{bottom:878.114533pt;} .y7a1{bottom:878.154133pt;} .y6a4{bottom:878.217307pt;} .y807{bottom:878.295922pt;} .ye2{bottom:878.787408pt;} .y547{bottom:879.158133pt;} .y448{bottom:879.221307pt;} .y5ad{bottom:879.299922pt;} .yd6e{bottom:879.625493pt;} .y1160{bottom:880.300133pt;} .y6a3{bottom:880.327067pt;} .y806{bottom:880.412133pt;} .ycb2{bottom:880.893733pt;} .y1003{bottom:881.136267pt;} .y447{bottom:881.331067pt;} .y217{bottom:881.360667pt;} .y5ac{bottom:881.416133pt;} .y965{bottom:882.519733pt;} .y107b{bottom:882.531733pt;} .y3f{bottom:882.543733pt;} .y9ad{bottom:882.547733pt;} .y41a{bottom:882.555733pt;} .y171{bottom:882.559600pt;} .y2ae{bottom:882.559733pt;} .y1f6{bottom:882.607733pt;} .y42c{bottom:882.627733pt;} .y9f5{bottom:882.639733pt;} .y109e{bottom:882.663733pt;} .y10f{bottom:882.686000pt;} .ya0a{bottom:882.723733pt;} .ybd8{bottom:882.734267pt;} .y1163{bottom:882.735467pt;} .y2dd{bottom:882.739733pt;} .y7d{bottom:882.783733pt;} .y10c1{bottom:882.795733pt;} .y30b{bottom:882.919733pt;} .yd29{bottom:883.295467pt;} .y104f{bottom:883.906000pt;} .yf5e{bottom:885.116667pt;} .yac0{bottom:885.372133pt;} .ye53{bottom:885.816319pt;} .y8e3{bottom:886.592933pt;} .y80b{bottom:887.505200pt;} .yea5{bottom:887.617467pt;} .yffa{bottom:887.671333pt;} .yf88{bottom:887.933733pt;} .yfce{bottom:887.939600pt;} .y5b1{bottom:888.509200pt;} .y1013{bottom:888.701956pt;} .ye85{bottom:889.081363pt;} .yc88{bottom:889.201333pt;} .ydca{bottom:889.553200pt;} .ydc6{bottom:889.632533pt;} .yfa8{bottom:890.558400pt;} .ye29{bottom:892.181333pt;} .y216{bottom:893.363333pt;} .y104e{bottom:895.106000pt;} .yd60{bottom:895.571467pt;} .ybd7{bottom:896.067600pt;} .yda8{bottom:896.512400pt;} .ycb1{bottom:897.093733pt;} .y1002{bottom:897.136267pt;} .yd9b{bottom:897.500400pt;} .y107a{bottom:898.527733pt;} .y3e{bottom:898.539733pt;} .y9ac{bottom:898.543733pt;} .y419{bottom:898.551733pt;} .y170{bottom:898.555600pt;} .y2ad{bottom:898.555733pt;} .y1f5{bottom:898.603733pt;} .y42b{bottom:898.623733pt;} .y9f4{bottom:898.635733pt;} .y109d{bottom:898.659733pt;} .y10e{bottom:898.686000pt;} .ya09{bottom:898.719733pt;} .y2dc{bottom:898.735733pt;} .y7c{bottom:898.779733pt;} .y10c0{bottom:898.791733pt;} .y30a{bottom:898.915733pt;} .yd6d{bottom:901.000533pt;} .ycaa{bottom:901.206533pt;} .yabf{bottom:901.572133pt;} .yc87{bottom:902.534667pt;} .yff9{bottom:903.671333pt;} .yf87{bottom:903.933733pt;} .yfcd{bottom:903.939600pt;} .y1012{bottom:904.668814pt;} .y215{bottom:905.363333pt;} .ye4c{bottom:906.195018pt;} .yf78{bottom:906.202133pt;} .yfa7{bottom:906.558400pt;} .yf4e{bottom:907.630267pt;} .ye84{bottom:908.083197pt;} .ye4d{bottom:909.341301pt;} .ybd6{bottom:909.400933pt;} .ye28{bottom:909.517333pt;} .ydc5{bottom:909.643200pt;} .ydc9{bottom:909.918533pt;} .ydb5{bottom:910.441333pt;} .yac7{bottom:910.815467pt;} .y2f{bottom:911.296667pt;} .yde5{bottom:911.857867pt;} .y18{bottom:913.219067pt;} .ycb0{bottom:913.293733pt;} .y115f{bottom:913.633467pt;} .ye1{bottom:914.128133pt;} .y1079{bottom:914.523733pt;} .y3d{bottom:914.535733pt;} .y9ab{bottom:914.539733pt;} .y418{bottom:914.547733pt;} .y16f{bottom:914.551600pt;} .y2ac{bottom:914.551733pt;} .y1f4{bottom:914.599733pt;} .y42a{bottom:914.619733pt;} .y9f3{bottom:914.631733pt;} .y109c{bottom:914.655733pt;} .y10d{bottom:914.686000pt;} .ya08{bottom:914.715733pt;} .y2db{bottom:914.731733pt;} .y7b{bottom:914.775733pt;} .y10bf{bottom:914.787733pt;} .y309{bottom:914.911733pt;} .yc86{bottom:915.868000pt;} .y1162{bottom:916.068800pt;} .yabe{bottom:917.772133pt;} .yd3d{bottom:918.425333pt;} .yf86{bottom:919.933733pt;} .yfcc{bottom:919.939600pt;} .y7{bottom:920.216667pt;} .y1011{bottom:920.635671pt;} .yfa6{bottom:922.558400pt;} .ybd5{bottom:922.734267pt;} .yf4d{bottom:923.732640pt;} .y8e1{bottom:923.976667pt;} .ye27{bottom:926.853333pt;} .ye83{bottom:927.085031pt;} .yd45{bottom:927.734800pt;} .y1001{bottom:929.136267pt;} .yc85{bottom:929.201333pt;} .yde4{bottom:929.457867pt;} .ycaf{bottom:929.493733pt;} .ydba{bottom:929.653867pt;} .ydc1{bottom:930.283867pt;} .y1078{bottom:930.519733pt;} .y3c{bottom:930.531733pt;} .y9aa{bottom:930.535733pt;} .y417{bottom:930.543733pt;} .y16e{bottom:930.547600pt;} .y2ab{bottom:930.547733pt;} .y1f3{bottom:930.595733pt;} .y429{bottom:930.615733pt;} .y9f2{bottom:930.627733pt;} .y109b{bottom:930.651733pt;} .y10c{bottom:930.686000pt;} .ya07{bottom:930.711733pt;} .y2da{bottom:930.727733pt;} .y7a{bottom:930.771733pt;} .y10be{bottom:930.783733pt;} .y308{bottom:930.907733pt;} .yabd{bottom:933.972133pt;} .yff8{bottom:935.671333pt;} .yda4{bottom:935.832000pt;} .yf85{bottom:935.933733pt;} .yfcb{bottom:935.939600pt;} .ybd4{bottom:936.067600pt;} .y1010{bottom:936.602529pt;} .yd69{bottom:937.690133pt;} .yd6c{bottom:938.534667pt;} .yea0{bottom:938.542133pt;} .yfa5{bottom:938.558400pt;} .yf4c{bottom:939.835013pt;} .ydd2{bottom:942.615467pt;} .ye09{bottom:942.908400pt;} .ydb4{bottom:943.097600pt;} .yf5d{bottom:943.568667pt;} .ye26{bottom:944.189333pt;} .y1000{bottom:945.136267pt;} .ye82{bottom:946.086865pt;} .y3b{bottom:946.527733pt;} .y9a9{bottom:946.531733pt;} .y416{bottom:946.539733pt;} .y16d{bottom:946.543600pt;} .y2aa{bottom:946.543733pt;} .y1f2{bottom:946.591733pt;} .y428{bottom:946.611733pt;} .y9f1{bottom:946.623733pt;} .y10b{bottom:946.686000pt;} .ya06{bottom:946.707733pt;} .y2d9{bottom:946.723733pt;} .y79{bottom:946.767733pt;} .y307{bottom:946.903733pt;} .y115e{bottom:946.966800pt;} .ydce{bottom:947.408667pt;} .y1161{bottom:949.402133pt;} .yc84{bottom:950.236000pt;} .yff7{bottom:951.671333pt;} .yfca{bottom:951.939600pt;} .y100f{bottom:952.569387pt;} .yfa4{bottom:954.558400pt;} .ybf2{bottom:954.648533pt;} .y0{bottom:954.801067pt;} .yd3c{bottom:955.925333pt;} .yf4b{bottom:955.937387pt;} .y10e1{bottom:955.953867pt;} .ycad{bottom:957.292533pt;} .ye08{bottom:957.576400pt;} .yaba{bottom:957.748800pt;} .ye52{bottom:957.950043pt;} .ybd3{bottom:958.211600pt;} .yf5c{bottom:958.232667pt;} .y42f{bottom:959.162800pt;} .yf57{bottom:960.992667pt;} .y17{bottom:961.456000pt;} .ye25{bottom:961.525333pt;} .ydb9{bottom:962.310267pt;} .ye1a{bottom:962.432400pt;} .y3a{bottom:962.523733pt;} .y9a8{bottom:962.527733pt;} .y415{bottom:962.535733pt;} .y16c{bottom:962.539600pt;} .y2a9{bottom:962.539733pt;} .y1f1{bottom:962.587733pt;} .y427{bottom:962.607733pt;} .y9f0{bottom:962.619733pt;} .y10a{bottom:962.686000pt;} .ya05{bottom:962.703733pt;} .y2d8{bottom:962.719733pt;} .y78{bottom:962.763733pt;} .y306{bottom:962.899733pt;} .ydbf{bottom:962.940267pt;} .ye81{bottom:965.088699pt;} .yd44{bottom:965.234800pt;} .y8e2{bottom:968.282267pt;} .y100e{bottom:968.536245pt;} .y1143{bottom:969.992476pt;} .yf4a{bottom:972.039760pt;} .ye07{bottom:972.244400pt;} .yf5b{bottom:972.896667pt;} .yabc{bottom:973.209067pt;} .yda3{bottom:973.332000pt;} .yca9{bottom:973.578400pt;} .ye51{bottom:973.585355pt;} .ydcf{bottom:974.361200pt;} .yde3{bottom:974.570667pt;} .yd68{bottom:975.190133pt;} .ye19{bottom:975.765733pt;} .y3{bottom:975.943333pt;} .yd6b{bottom:976.034667pt;} .yfff{bottom:977.863867pt;} .y39{bottom:978.519733pt;} .y9a7{bottom:978.523733pt;} .y414{bottom:978.531733pt;} .y16b{bottom:978.535600pt;} .y2a8{bottom:978.535733pt;} .y1f0{bottom:978.583733pt;} .y426{bottom:978.603733pt;} .y9ef{bottom:978.615733pt;} .y109{bottom:978.686000pt;} .ya04{bottom:978.699733pt;} .y2d7{bottom:978.715733pt;} .y77{bottom:978.759733pt;} .ye24{bottom:978.861333pt;} .y305{bottom:978.895733pt;} .yde2{bottom:980.365600pt;} .ybe8{bottom:981.554133pt;} .yf9d{bottom:982.662000pt;} .ye0{bottom:982.919733pt;} .y9e4{bottom:983.143733pt;} .ydde{bottom:983.245467pt;} .ye80{bottom:984.090533pt;} .yea1{bottom:984.372267pt;} .yff6{bottom:984.398933pt;} .y100d{bottom:984.503102pt;} .yfc3{bottom:984.666933pt;} .ydb3{bottom:985.395200pt;} .ye06{bottom:986.912400pt;} .yf56{bottom:987.659333pt;} .yf49{bottom:988.142133pt;} .yd87{bottom:988.216933pt;} .y1{bottom:988.966267pt;} .ye18{bottom:989.099067pt;} .ye50{bottom:989.220667pt;} .ydcd{bottom:990.953467pt;} .y9a6{bottom:994.519733pt;} .y413{bottom:994.527733pt;} .y16a{bottom:994.531600pt;} .y2a7{bottom:994.531733pt;} .y1ef{bottom:994.579733pt;} .y425{bottom:994.599733pt;} .y9ee{bottom:994.611733pt;} .y108{bottom:994.686000pt;} .ya03{bottom:994.695733pt;} .y2d6{bottom:994.711733pt;} .y76{bottom:994.755733pt;} .y304{bottom:994.891733pt;} .y9e3{bottom:995.146400pt;} .yf77{bottom:995.241333pt;} .ycae{bottom:995.268133pt;} .ya1d{bottom:995.602400pt;} .ye23{bottom:996.197333pt;} .ydd8{bottom:996.654800pt;} .yabb{bottom:999.746533pt;} .ybf5{bottom:999.746667pt;} .yc63{bottom:999.998915pt;} .ybf8{bottom:1000.000267pt;} .y100c{bottom:1000.469960pt;} .yd3b{bottom:1000.925333pt;} .y6{bottom:1001.567200pt;} .ycba{bottom:1002.413600pt;} .yeff{bottom:1002.682933pt;} .yffe{bottom:1004.530533pt;} .ydb8{bottom:1004.607733pt;} .ye7c{bottom:1004.722800pt;} .ydbd{bottom:1005.237600pt;} .y1142{bottom:1006.686533pt;} .y106a{bottom:1006.764667pt;} .y9e2{bottom:1007.149067pt;} .ye01{bottom:1007.652400pt;} .y106b{bottom:1008.654533pt;} .y1145{bottom:1008.799070pt;} .y1043{bottom:1009.195333pt;} .y1046{bottom:1009.195467pt;} .yf9c{bottom:1009.328667pt;} .ye4b{bottom:1009.400000pt;} .yd43{bottom:1010.234800pt;} .ye15{bottom:1010.298000pt;} .y9a5{bottom:1010.519733pt;} .y412{bottom:1010.523733pt;} .y169{bottom:1010.527600pt;} .y2a6{bottom:1010.527733pt;} .y1ee{bottom:1010.575733pt;} .y424{bottom:1010.595733pt;} .y9ed{bottom:1010.607733pt;} .ya02{bottom:1010.691733pt;} .y2d5{bottom:1010.707733pt;} .y75{bottom:1010.751733pt;} .yde1{bottom:1010.819200pt;} .y303{bottom:1010.887733pt;} .yff5{bottom:1011.065600pt;} .ydc{bottom:1011.273867pt;} .yfc2{bottom:1011.333600pt;} .yddb{bottom:1013.101200pt;} .ye22{bottom:1013.533333pt;} .ye12{bottom:1014.458400pt;} .ya93{bottom:1015.942933pt;} .yca8{bottom:1016.245067pt;} .y8e6{bottom:1016.424933pt;} .y100b{bottom:1016.436818pt;} .ya92{bottom:1016.466000pt;} .yab7{bottom:1016.472267pt;} .y42e{bottom:1017.476267pt;} .yda2{bottom:1018.332000pt;} .y9e1{bottom:1019.151733pt;} .yf55{bottom:1019.659333pt;} .yd67{bottom:1020.190133pt;} .yab8{bottom:1020.745733pt;} .yd6a{bottom:1021.034667pt;} .y107{bottom:1021.352667pt;} .y99f{bottom:1022.859600pt;} .yac9{bottom:1023.829467pt;} .ybf7{bottom:1024.000267pt;} .ybe7{bottom:1024.220800pt;} .y411{bottom:1026.519733pt;} .y168{bottom:1026.523600pt;} .y2a5{bottom:1026.523733pt;} .y1ed{bottom:1026.571733pt;} .y423{bottom:1026.591733pt;} .y9ec{bottom:1026.603733pt;} .ya01{bottom:1026.687733pt;} .y2d4{bottom:1026.703733pt;} .y74{bottom:1026.747733pt;} .y302{bottom:1026.883733pt;} .ydd5{bottom:1027.394800pt;} .ydf{bottom:1030.927733pt;} .yf05{bottom:1031.052800pt;} .y9e0{bottom:1031.154400pt;} .y100a{bottom:1032.403676pt;} .y99d{bottom:1034.856933pt;} .y99e{bottom:1034.859600pt;} .yffd{bottom:1036.530533pt;} .ya1c{bottom:1037.750267pt;} .yab9{bottom:1038.799067pt;} .ya91{bottom:1039.092667pt;} .yf9b{bottom:1041.328667pt;} .y167{bottom:1042.519600pt;} .y2a4{bottom:1042.519733pt;} .y1ec{bottom:1042.567733pt;} .y422{bottom:1042.587733pt;} .y106{bottom:1042.686000pt;} .y2d3{bottom:1042.699733pt;} .y73{bottom:1042.743733pt;} .y301{bottom:1042.879733pt;} .yff4{bottom:1043.065600pt;} .yfc1{bottom:1043.333600pt;} .y14{bottom:1044.316800pt;} .y1141{bottom:1046.218133pt;} .y99c{bottom:1046.859600pt;} .y1009{bottom:1048.370533pt;} .y1144{bottom:1048.542267pt;} .y2{bottom:1049.800667pt;} .ye45{bottom:1051.264267pt;} .y1169{bottom:1052.348933pt;} .yd28{bottom:1055.983200pt;} .ye9f{bottom:1058.819467pt;} .ye21{bottom:1059.349733pt;} .yf53{bottom:1059.364267pt;} .ydb6{bottom:1059.537733pt;} .ydfe{bottom:1060.239333pt;} .ye7b{bottom:1062.939200pt;} .ydb7{bottom:1064.997733pt;} .ydb2{bottom:1066.917600pt;} .ye4a{bottom:1067.594533pt;} .ye00{bottom:1068.251600pt;} .y1168{bottom:1068.348933pt;} .ye20{bottom:1068.471867pt;} .yf54{bottom:1068.856800pt;} .y8bb{bottom:1070.545867pt;} .y664{bottom:1071.549867pt;} .y1008{bottom:1075.896933pt;} .yda6{bottom:1078.084933pt;} .ydb1{bottom:1079.029733pt;} 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.xd0{left:745.398800pt;} .x33{left:747.129600pt;} .x32{left:748.815333pt;} .x2e{left:750.816267pt;} .xd9{left:793.700000pt;} }-
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Rok 2020
Flying Knights in Australia
Flying Knights v Austrálii
GALERIE DB 605 D / Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-10
Bf 109 G-10/U4 WNr. 611943 s motorem DB 605 D, který se v současné době nachází ve sbírce Planes of Fame Air Museum v Arizoně. Stroj nese charakteristické prvky výrobní série závodu WNF. Letoun byl ukořistěn v květnu 1945 po skupinovém přeletu a kapitulaci II./JG 52 z Rakouska do Neubibergu v Bavorsku. Tento Bf 109 patrně původně nesl označení „žlutá 13“ a díky jeho výrobnímu číslu je doloženo, že patřil maďarské jednotce 101. vadászezred.
Válka na Ukrajině
A je tu ďalší rok. V tomto pokračovaní seriálu sa pozrieme na udalosti, ktoré sa odohrali od 1. 1. 2025 do 31. 1. 2025. Vo vzduchu sa žiadne zásadné veci neodohrali, no na politickej scéne sa schyľovalo k zemetraseniu.
Aerial War in Ukraine
Souboj nad Rennes
Když se v ranních hodinách 6. června Spojenci vylodili v Normandii, Luftwaffe byla na tuto situaci připravena. Měla plán, jak posílit šest stíhacích Gruppe, jež ve Francii operovaly v rámci Luftflotte 3. Přípravy k obraně proběhly pod krycím názvem Dr. Gustav West (Drohende Gefahr West – Hrozba přicházející ze západu) a tak měly být do večera 6. června přesunuty z Německa do Francie dvě Nahaufklärergruppe, pět Kampfgruppe, dvě Schlachtgruppe a jeden Geschwaderstab, osm Nachtjagdgruppe a dva Geschwaderstaby a konečně dvě Jagdstaffel a devatenáct Jagdgruppe s pěti Geschwaderstaby. Z výše uvedených devatenácti bylo osm Jagdgruppe převedeno do podřízenosti II. Fliegerkorpsu jako Jabo Gruppe (Jagdbomber – stíhací bombardovací) a zbylé stíhací útvary podléhaly II. Jagdkorpsu. V Luftflotte Reich nadále operovaly mimo druhořadých jednotek jen čtyři Jagdgruppe a útvary "Wilde Sau".
Ze Středomoří do Německa
Když v dubnu 1943 došlo ke změně na pozici Kommodora Jagdgeschwader 27, žádná část této letecké jednotky se již nenacházela v Africe. Její I. Gruppe, u níž se proslavil stíhací letec Hans-Joachim Marseille, byla v listopadu 1942 stažena do Německa a od ledna 1943 byla bojově nasazena ve Francii. Štáb JG 27 a její II./JG 27 v dubnu 1943 operovala ze Sicílie, zatímco III. a IV. Gruppe měla základny v okupovaném Řecku nebo na jeho ostrovech. Břímě vrcholících leteckých bojů v Tunisku nesly JG 53 a JG 77 a II./JG 51. Všechny výše uvedené jednotky byly vyzbrojeny Messerschmitty Bf 109, převážně verze G-6.
TEC - Nefňukat a tisknout!
TEC - Don't whimper and print!
Dear Friends, I just returned from Nuremberg. I left there in a rather gloomy mood, knowing that it was most likely my last time. I have always defended the Nuremberg Fair as a useful and beneficial event. But alas, its significance to our industry has steadily declined over the years, while the costs associated with participation in it have continuously done the opposite. Still, it has always brought us some benefit, despite of the expense involved.
P-40E Warhawk
The Curtiss P-40 line of fighter aircraft stood out among American fighter types for having remained in front-line operations from the summer of 1941, before the U.S. entered World War II, through the end of the conflict four years later. Only Grumman’s versatile F4F Wildcat naval fighter could match that record.
The MW 50 System as an Alternative to the GM-1
This technical discussion supplements the article describing the GM-1 system in the Messerschmitt Bf 109 in the November, 2024 newsletter. Even before World War II, Dr. Otto Lutz (1906-1974) came up with the idea of injecting nitrous oxide into an engine to increase performance. He later published (as late as 1942) a scientific paper on the subject "Über Leistungssteigerung von Flugmotoren durch Zugabe von Sauerstoffträgern", or roughly translated, ‘On increasing the performance of aircraft engines through the addition of oxygen compounds’.
Aerial War in Ukraine - A Russian missile shot down a civilian aircraft. Again...
The battles over Ukraine often involve friendly fire incidents. Russian air defense has already destroyed numerous Russian aircraft and helicopters. Similar incidents have occurred on the Ukrainian side. Several civilian aircraft have also been hit in Russia, though without fatal consequences—until now.
Here we go! The new P-40 is ON and in the past weeks it has already filled the kit shelves of many modelers. If you didn't manage to buy it in our pre-order promotion and therefore don't own it yet, I recommend you to browse the following pages, where I show different features the kit offers. And if you later decide to own the kit, it will be available for purchase from our worldwide distributors. And for those of you who already own this new kit, please read this article as well. You will discover things in your kit that you may not have noticed before.
Ace in a Single Dogfight
During World War II, legendary Spitfire fighter planes were flown by pilots of many nationalities. Many of them fought and achieved victories, some became flying aces during the war, a few even earned this status in a single day. However, only one pilot flying a Spitfire managed to shoot down five aircraft in a single dogfight. That pilot was Canadian F/Lt Richard Joseph "Dick" Audet.
Esem během jediného souboje
S legendárními stíhacími letouny Spitfire v průběhu 2. světové války bojovali a vítězili letci mnoha národností. Řada z nich se během válečných let stala leteckými esy, někteří z nich tohoto statusu docílilo během jednoho dne. Avšak na letounech Spitfire jen jeden pilot dokázal sestřelit pět letadel během jednoho souboje. Byl jím kanadský pilot F/Lt Richard Joseph „Dick“ Audet.
INFO Eduard je modelářsko-historický měsíčník, který od roku 2010 v českém a anglickém jazyce publikuje společnost Eduard Model Accessories. Magazín je dostupný zdarma na platformě Triobo a je možné jej stáhnout také v PDF verzi. Společnost Eduard je výrobcem plastikových modelů a doplňků s více než 30letou tradicí. Během svého působení v oboru plastikového modelářství se společnost Eduard zařadila mezi jeho světové lídry. Další podrobnosti o společnosti a jejím sortimentu najdete na www.eduard.com. Zde se můžete mimo jiné zdarma přihlásit k odebírání magazínu INFO a produktových informací: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard is a monthly scale model-historical magazine published in Czech and English by Eduard Model Accessories since 2010. The magazine is available for free on the Triobo platform and can be downloaded in PDF format. Eduard is a manufacturer of plastic models and accessories with over 30 years of tradition. Throughout its history in the plastic modeling industry, Eduard has become one of the world's leaders. Further details about the company and its product range can be found at www.eduard.com. You can subscribe to the INFO magazine and receive product information for free at: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard je modelářsko-historický měsíčník, který od roku 2010 v českém a anglickém jazyce publikuje společnost Eduard Model Accessories. Magazín je dostupný zdarma na platformě Triobo a je možné jej stáhnout také v PDF verzi. Společnost Eduard je výrobcem plastikových modelů a doplňků s více než 30letou tradicí. Během svého působení v oboru plastikového modelářství se společnost Eduard zařadila mezi jeho světové lídry. Další podrobnosti o společnosti a jejím sortimentu najdete na www.eduard.com. Zde se můžete mimo jiné zdarma přihlásit k odebírání magazínu INFO a produktových informací: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard is a monthly scale model-historical magazine published in Czech and English by Eduard Model Accessories since 2010. The magazine is available for free on the Triobo platform and can be downloaded in PDF format. Eduard is a manufacturer of plastic models and accessories with over 30 years of tradition. Throughout its history in the plastic modeling industry, Eduard has become one of the world's leaders. Further details about the company and its product range can be found at www.eduard.com. You can subscribe to the INFO magazine and receive product information for free at: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard je modelářsko-historický měsíčník, který od roku 2010 v českém a anglickém jazyce publikuje společnost Eduard Model Accessories. Magazín je dostupný zdarma na platformě Triobo a je možné jej stáhnout také v PDF verzi. Společnost Eduard je výrobcem plastikových modelů a doplňků s více než 30letou tradicí. Během svého působení v oboru plastikového modelářství se společnost Eduard zařadila mezi jeho světové lídry. Další podrobnosti o společnosti a jejím sortimentu najdete na www.eduard.com. Zde se můžete mimo jiné zdarma přihlásit k odebírání magazínu INFO a produktových informací: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard is a monthly scale model-historical magazine published in Czech and English by Eduard Model Accessories since 2010. The magazine is available for free on the Triobo platform and can be downloaded in PDF format. Eduard is a manufacturer of plastic models and accessories with over 30 years of tradition. Throughout its history in the plastic modeling industry, Eduard has become one of the world's leaders. Further details about the company and its product range can be found at www.eduard.com. You can subscribe to the INFO magazine and receive product information for free at: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard je modelářsko-historický měsíčník, který od roku 2010 v českém a anglickém jazyce publikuje společnost Eduard Model Accessories. Magazín je dostupný zdarma na platformě Triobo a je možné jej stáhnout také v PDF verzi. Společnost Eduard je výrobcem plastikových modelů a doplňků s více než 30letou tradicí. Během svého působení v oboru plastikového modelářství se společnost Eduard zařadila mezi jeho světové lídry. Další podrobnosti o společnosti a jejím sortimentu najdete na www.eduard.com. Zde se můžete mimo jiné zdarma přihlásit k odebírání magazínu INFO a produktových informací: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard is a monthly scale model-historical magazine published in Czech and English by Eduard Model Accessories since 2010. The magazine is available for free on the Triobo platform and can be downloaded in PDF format. Eduard is a manufacturer of plastic models and accessories with over 30 years of tradition. Throughout its history in the plastic modeling industry, Eduard has become one of the world's leaders. Further details about the company and its product range can be found at www.eduard.com. You can subscribe to the INFO magazine and receive product information for free at: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard je modelářsko-historický měsíčník, který od roku 2010 v českém a anglickém jazyce publikuje společnost Eduard Model Accessories. Magazín je dostupný zdarma na platformě Triobo a je možné jej stáhnout také v PDF verzi. Společnost Eduard je výrobcem plastikových modelů a doplňků s více než 30letou tradicí. Během svého působení v oboru plastikového modelářství se společnost Eduard zařadila mezi jeho světové lídry. Další podrobnosti o společnosti a jejím sortimentu najdete na www.eduard.com. Zde se můžete mimo jiné zdarma přihlásit k odebírání magazínu INFO a produktových informací: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard is a monthly scale model-historical magazine published in Czech and English by Eduard Model Accessories since 2010. The magazine is available for free on the Triobo platform and can be downloaded in PDF format. Eduard is a manufacturer of plastic models and accessories with over 30 years of tradition. Throughout its history in the plastic modeling industry, Eduard has become one of the world's leaders. Further details about the company and its product range can be found at www.eduard.com. You can subscribe to the INFO magazine and receive product information for free at: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard je modelářsko-historický měsíčník, který od roku 2010 v českém a anglickém jazyce publikuje společnost Eduard Model Accessories. Magazín je dostupný zdarma na platformě Triobo a je možné jej stáhnout také v PDF verzi. Společnost Eduard je výrobcem plastikových modelů a doplňků s více než 30letou tradicí. Během svého působení v oboru plastikového modelářství se společnost Eduard zařadila mezi jeho světové lídry. Další podrobnosti o společnosti a jejím sortimentu najdete na www.eduard.com. Zde se můžete mimo jiné zdarma přihlásit k odebírání magazínu INFO a produktových informací: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard is a monthly scale model-historical magazine published in Czech and English by Eduard Model Accessories since 2010. The magazine is available for free on the Triobo platform and can be downloaded in PDF format. Eduard is a manufacturer of plastic models and accessories with over 30 years of tradition. Throughout its history in the plastic modeling industry, Eduard has become one of the world's leaders. Further details about the company and its product range can be found at www.eduard.com. You can subscribe to the INFO magazine and receive product information for free at: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
09_Special E-Day/2024
Vážení přátelé, modeláři, hosté a návštěvníci E-daye, V dnešním krátkém mimořádném vydání Infa vás seznámíme s plánovaným programem letošního E-daye, který se koná v sobotu 28. září 2024 v hale muzea na Tankodromu Milovice. Výstava je jednodenní, ale jako obvykle bude výstavní hala otevřena, nejen pro vystavující modeláře, již v pátek od 17:00. Na pátek máme připravený malý program pro všechny časné příchozí. Tento podvečerní program má dva body. Prvním bude představení novinek Eduardu na rok 2025, které se bude opakovat i v sobotu. Druhým bodem bude beseda s Jiřím Šilhánkem, zakladatelem a majitelem firmy Special Hobby. Jiří je velká osobnost našeho oboru, který své podnikání rozjížděl dávno před všemi ostatními českými firmami, hluboko v osmdesátých letech. Jeho historky z dějin plastikového modelářství jsou neuvěřitelné a všem doporučuji si je poslechnout. Věřte mi, že to stojí za páteční cestu do Milovic!
INFO Eduard je modelářsko-historický měsíčník, který od roku 2010 v českém a anglickém jazyce publikuje společnost Eduard Model Accessories. Magazín je dostupný zdarma na platformě Triobo a je možné jej stáhnout také v PDF verzi. Společnost Eduard je výrobcem plastikových modelů a doplňků s více než 30letou tradicí. Během svého působení v oboru plastikového modelářství se společnost Eduard zařadila mezi jeho světové lídry. Další podrobnosti o společnosti a jejím sortimentu najdete na www.eduard.com. Zde se můžete mimo jiné zdarma přihlásit k odebírání magazínu INFO a produktových informací: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard is a monthly scale model-historical magazine published in Czech and English by Eduard Model Accessories since 2010. The magazine is available for free on the Triobo platform and can be downloaded in PDF format. Eduard is a manufacturer of plastic models and accessories with over 30 years of tradition. Throughout its history in the plastic modeling industry, Eduard has become one of the world's leaders. Further details about the company and its product range can be found at www.eduard.com. You can subscribe to the INFO magazine and receive product information for free at: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard je modelářsko-historický měsíčník, který od roku 2010 v českém a anglickém jazyce publikuje společnost Eduard Model Accessories. Magazín je dostupný zdarma na platformě Triobo a je možné jej stáhnout také v PDF verzi. Společnost Eduard je výrobcem plastikových modelů a doplňků s více než 30letou tradicí. Během svého působení v oboru plastikového modelářství se společnost Eduard zařadila mezi jeho světové lídry. Další podrobnosti o společnosti a jejím sortimentu najdete na www.eduard.com. Zde se můžete mimo jiné zdarma přihlásit k odebírání magazínu INFO a produktových informací: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard is a monthly scale model-historical magazine published in Czech and English by Eduard Model Accessories since 2010. The magazine is available for free on the Triobo platform and can be downloaded in PDF format. Eduard is a manufacturer of plastic models and accessories with over 30 years of tradition. Throughout its history in the plastic modeling industry, Eduard has become one of the world's leaders. Further details about the company and its product range can be found at www.eduard.com. You can subscribe to the INFO magazine and receive product information for free at: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard je modelářsko-historický měsíčník, který od roku 2010 v českém a anglickém jazyce publikuje společnost Eduard Model Accessories. Magazín je dostupný zdarma na platformě Triobo a je možné jej stáhnout také v PDF verzi. Společnost Eduard je výrobcem plastikových modelů a doplňků s více než 30letou tradicí. Během svého působení v oboru plastikového modelářství se společnost Eduard zařadila mezi jeho světové lídry. Další podrobnosti o společnosti a jejím sortimentu najdete na www.eduard.com. Zde se můžete mimo jiné zdarma přihlásit k odebírání magazínu INFO a produktových informací: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard is a monthly scale model-historical magazine published in Czech and English by Eduard Model Accessories since 2010. The magazine is available for free on the Triobo platform and can be downloaded in PDF format. Eduard is a manufacturer of plastic models and accessories with over 30 years of tradition. Throughout its history in the plastic modeling industry, Eduard has become one of the world's leaders. Further details about the company and its product range can be found at www.eduard.com. You can subscribe to the INFO magazine and receive product information for free at: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
06/2024 - Special
Vážení přátelé, dnešní mimořádné číslo Infa je věnováno mimořádné stavebnici, The Bloody Hundredth 1943/ B-17F 1:48. Tato stavebnice vydávaná v řadě LIMITED patří mezi položky, jejichž základem jsou výlisky nakoupené u spolupracujících firem. V tomto případě jde o výlisky firmy Hong Kong Models, HKM. Tentokrát jde ovšem spolupráce mezi našimi firmami dál, než je v podobných případech dodávek výlisků zvykem. Speciálně k této stavebnici jsme zkonstruovali konverzní rámeček s čirými díly, obsahující další verze přídí B-17F, než které obsahuje původní sestava dílů stavebnice HKM. Tento rámeček jsme zkonstruovali v Eduardu, pochopitelně s využitím konstrukce HKM, na kterou nové díly navazují. Forma na něj byla vyrobena firmou HKM v jejich čínské nástrojárně, výlisky byly vyrobeny tamtéž.
06/2024 Special EN
Dear Friends, Today's special issue of the newsletter is dedicated to an extraordinary kit, ‘The Bloody Hundredth 1943 / B-17F’ in 1:48th scale. This kit, released in the LIMITED edition line, falls under the group of items based on moldings purchased from partner companies. In this case, the plastic is supplied by Hong Kong Models, HKM. This time, however, the cooperation between our companies goes further than is customary in similar endeavors. Specifically for this kit, we have designed an additional set of clear parts that cover variations used on the B-17F nose that were not a part of the original HKM release. We designed the new parts to fit the HKM kit specifically. The mold for it was cut at HKM in their Chinese tool shop, and the parts are produced by them.
INFO Eduard je modelářsko-historický měsíčník, který od roku 2010 v českém a anglickém jazyce publikuje společnost Eduard Model Accessories. Magazín je dostupný zdarma na platformě Triobo a je možné jej stáhnout také v PDF verzi. Společnost Eduard je výrobcem plastikových modelů a doplňků s více než 30letou tradicí. Během svého působení v oboru plastikového modelářství se společnost Eduard zařadila mezi jeho světové lídry. Další podrobnosti o společnosti a jejím sortimentu najdete na www.eduard.com. Zde se můžete mimo jiné zdarma přihlásit k odebírání magazínu INFO a produktových informací: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard is a monthly scale model-historical magazine published in Czech and English by Eduard Model Accessories since 2010. The magazine is available for free on the Triobo platform and can be downloaded in PDF format. Eduard is a manufacturer of plastic models and accessories with over 30 years of tradition. Throughout its history in the plastic modeling industry, Eduard has become one of the world's leaders. Further details about the company and its product range can be found at www.eduard.com. You can subscribe to the INFO magazine and receive product information for free at: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard je modelářsko-historický měsíčník, který od roku 2010 v českém a anglickém jazyce publikuje společnost Eduard Model Accessories. Magazín je dostupný zdarma na platformě Triobo a je možné jej stáhnout také v PDF verzi. Společnost Eduard je výrobcem plastikových modelů a doplňků s více než 30letou tradicí. Během svého působení v oboru plastikového modelářství se společnost Eduard zařadila mezi jeho světové lídry. Další podrobnosti o společnosti a jejím sortimentu najdete na www.eduard.com. Zde se můžete mimo jiné zdarma přihlásit k odebírání magazínu INFO a produktových informací: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard is a monthly scale model-historical magazine published in Czech and English by Eduard Model Accessories since 2010. The magazine is available for free on the Triobo platform and can be downloaded in PDF format. Eduard is a manufacturer of plastic models and accessories with over 30 years of tradition. Throughout its history in the plastic modeling industry, Eduard has become one of the world's leaders. Further details about the company and its product range can be found at www.eduard.com. You can subscribe to the INFO magazine and receive product information for free at: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
Dobrý večer, vážení přátelé! Máme za sebou hektický březen. Chápu, že vám to asi tak nepřijde, ale ona každá hospoda vypadá jinak z jídelny a jinak z kuchyně. Aby byl pohled z jídelny, tedy od vás zákazníků, pozitivní, nezbývá personálu v kuchyni, tedy nám, aby se pořádně oháněl.
Good evening, dear Friends, We've had a hectic March. I understand that it might not seem that way to you, but every bar looks different from the dining room than it does from the kitchen. In order for the view from the dining room, in other words, from you, the customers, to be positive, the staff in the kitchen (us), has little choice but to be very busy. So, hectic is good.
Určitě nejsem sám, komu se pravidelně stává, že se jeho předpoklady a představy o průběhu nějaké události nenaplní a výsledek je zcela opačný, než jaká byla očekávání s onou událostí spojená. Mě se to naposledy stalo před měsícem v Norimberku. Co jsem od veletrhu čekal, si jistě pamatujete z minulého úvodníku. Z mé skeptické předpovědi nevyšlo prakticky nic. Ne že by se už veletrh vrátil tam, kde byl za starých časů před covidovými lockdowny, ale byl výrazně živější, zajímavější a ve svém výsledku zábavnější a užitečnější, než bych si troufl očekávat. Troufnu si dokonce tipnout, že podobný názor má víc vystavovatelů. Mimo jiné se opakovala situace z loňska, že rozhovory a setkání byla daleko vřelejší, přátelštější a otevřenější, než kdykoli v minulosti. Možná je to jen můj pocit, ale přijde mi, že jsme se navzájem zase rádi viděli, v mnoha případech i po několika letech. V takových případech si uvědomíte, jak vám ti lidé, které jste vídal tak nějak samozřejmě a nepřišlo vám na tom nic zvláštního, přirostli k srdci a jak vám chyběli. Pak se tak hovory víc otevřou, a to je fajn.
I know I’m not alone, when a concept and its associated assumptions turn out exactly opposite to what the expected outcome was. The last time it happened to me was a month ago in Nuremberg.
Jak na plasty II
Mnoho méně zkušených modelářů má velkou fobii z řezání do plastů nebo z většího ztenčování plastových dílů pro zástavbu doplňkových sad. V tomto díle bych chtěl čtenářům představit, že tyto pokročilejší modelářské činnosti nejsou nic těžkého a s využitím vhodných nástrojů a pomůcek se dá snadno dobrat k potřebným úpravám. Prakticky všechny větší brassinové sady po modeláři vyžadují, aby podobné úpravy při jejich zástavbách provedl. Pokud se někteří modeláři obávají doplňkové sady kupovat právě kvůli zmíněným úpravám, chtěl bych jim ukázat, že to s trochou praxe zvládnou i oni. V článku demonstruji přípravu křídla P-51B/C 1/48 pro zástavbu brassinové sady zbraňových šachet. Představím dvě metody – za pomocí pouze základních modelářských nástrojů a poté s pomocí jemné vrtačky a frézky od firmy Proxxon.
How work with Plastic II
Many less experienced modelers often feel apprehensive about cutting into plastic or thinning parts to accommodate additional detailing or conversion sets. In this section, I want to reassure readers that these more advanced modeling techniques are not difficult and that, with the right tools, achieving the necessary modifications is quite manageable. Most larger Brassin sets require modelers to make similar adjustments to their builds. For those hesitant to purchase aftermarket sets due to this process, I aim to show that, with a bit of practice, anyone can master it. In this article, I will demonstrate how to prepare a 1/48 P-51B/C wing for the Brassin gun bay set. I will present two methods: one using only basic modeling tools, and the other employing a motorized Proxxon tool.
Jak na plasty
V tomto článku o pracovních postupech bych se chtěl věnovat těm nejzákladnějším modelářským postupům a technikám a demonstrovat nářadí, které mi pomáhá při rutinních činnostech, které by měl každý modelář zvládat. K této demonstraci jsem si vybral nový model P-51B/C 1/48, který má spoustu vychytávek pro jednoduché lepení modelu, například spodní vtoky u dílů, což především začátečníkům velmi usnadní práci. Pro zkušené modeláře se bude na první pohled nejspíš jednat o zbytečnou spotřebu digitálního papíru, ovšem přečtení doporučuji i jim. Opakování je totiž matka moudrosti!
How to Work with Plastic?
In this workflow article, I will cover the most basic modeling procedures and techniques, presenting the tools that help with usual activities every modeler should master. For this demonstration, I've chosen the new P-51B/C 1/48 scale kit, which includes several features for easy assembly, such as the parts being connected to the sprues from the bottom, making it especially beginner-friendly.
Step by Step P-51B 1/48
Stavební postup k P-51B 1/48.
Step by Step P-51B 1/48
Step by Step for P-51B 1/48.
Jak na 3D tisky
Poslední roky se v modelářství stále více rozmáhá využití 3D tisku, a to převážně pro výrobu doplňků. I v Eduardu jsme se před několika lety rozhodli pustit do této technologie, která z velké části vytlačila klasickou výrobu Brassinů, tedy metodu odlévání. Dnes přímým tiskem vyrábíme již okolo 80 % produkce Brassinů.
How to Work with 3D Prints in Modeling
In recent years, 3D printing has gained widespread popularity in the modeling industry, particularly for accessory production. A few years ago Eduard, too, embraced this technology, gradually replacing traditional casting methods with direct printing, constituting approximately 80% of our Brassin production.
Jak na obtisky Eduard
How to apply Eduard decals
Jak na Space ?
Exploring Space
Nové masky od Eduard
New masks by Eduard
Práce s Eddie the Riveter
Work with Eddie the Riveter
Práce s fotolepty část I
How to Work with PE-Set part I
Práce s fotolepty část II
How to Work with PE-Set part II
Jak sestavit tištěné klapy
How to build printed landing flaps
Step by Step Kurfürst
Step by Step Kurfürst
Step by Step motor F4F-4
Step by Step engine F4F-4
Dobrý den, vážení přátelé! Dnešní úvodník píši zase po roce v Norimberku. Letošní Spielenwarenmesse začal v úterý, dnes jsme přesně v polovině, veletrh končí v sobotu. Pořadatelé se s německou houževnatostí drží pěti dnů trvání akce, čímž jdou většině účastníků pěkně na nervy. Je to sice lepší než šest dnů, které na nás zkoušeli dříve, ale stále je to nejméně o den víc, než tu chceme a potřebujeme být. Z hlediska účasti firem je veletrh letos určitě lepší než loni, ale pokud jde o návštěvníky, obchodníky a žurnalisty, tak je situace víceméně stále bídná. Panuje tu klid. Klid je někdy fajn, ale na veletrhu je klid asi tak to poslední, co na něm chce vystavovatel zažít. Možná se to zítra a pozítří změní a veletrh ožije, ale žádné indicie k tomu nemáme. Tak začínáme uvažovat o odboji. Jak to dopadlo vám napíšu v příštím úvodníku.
Good day, Dear Friends After a year, I am writing today's editorial once again from Nuremberg. This year's Spielenwarenmesse started on Tuesday, and today, we are exactly at the halfway point, as the fair ends on Saturday. With German tenacity, the organizers are sticking with the five-day duration of the event, which gets on the nerves of most participants.
Vítejte v novém roce, vážení přátelé, vítejte u tříkrálového Infa! Lednové novinky jsou již bezmála tři týdny v prodeji, předpokládám tedy, že jste s nimi již zevrubně seznámeni a mnozí je již máte doma. Přesto musím zmínit, že z mého pohledu začínáme letošní rok pěkně zostra. Při prvním pohledu na čtvrtkového Albatrosa D.III to tak možná nevypadá, ale i on byl svého času vrcholovým predátorem válečného nebe a stavebnice přináší vrcholný mix příběhů a osudů jeho pilotů i jejich soupeřů tak, jak je u nás dobrým zvykem. Měli jsme také více než dobrý důvod si toto téma oživit, jak se za chvíli dočtete.
Welcome to the New Year! January’s new releases have been on sale for almost three weeks now, so I assume that you are already thoroughly familiar with them and many of you already have them in your posession. Nevertheless, I have to mention that, from my point of view, we are starting this year off with a bit of a bang. A first glance at the 48th scale Albatros D.III may not indicate this, but it too was once the top predator in a sky dominated by war clouds, and this kit offers a superb mix of stories and fates of its pilots and their opponents, as is our custom to uncover over the course of a kit’s development. We also had more than good reason to revive this topic, as you are about to find out.
Dobrý den, vážení přátelé! Po tříleté přestávce jsme se letos opět vypravili do Telfordu, a je dobře, že jsme se odhodlali tam jet. Přeci jen je Británie kolébkou našeho byznysu, výstava v Telfordu je největší výstavou v našem oboru a chybět na ní by byla chyba. V příštím roce budeme na výstavy vyrážet dál. Na přelomu ledna a února začneme tradičně v Norimberku. Pevně doufám, že tam letos potkáme víc kolegů z jiných firem i víc obchodníků a novinářů než loni. Přiznám se, že jsem trochu napjatý. Podle účasti firem v Norimberku můžeme posuzovat nakolik se svět vrací do normálu a všichni bychom byli určitě rádi za zjištění, že tomu tak je a svět se do normálu opravdu vrací.
Good day, Dear Friends, After a three-year break, we made a return to Telford, and it was a triumphant return at that! After all, Britain is the cradle of our business, and the Telford event is the biggest exhibition in our field and it would be a mistake to miss it. Our plan is to continue attending such events, beginning with Nuremberg in January/February.
Dobrý den, vážení přátelé! S listopadovými novinkami jsme na tom stejně jako s říjnovými, také už jsou druhý týden v prodeji, a tak už je přinejmenším velká část čtenářů Infa zná, pokud už je rovnou nemá doma. Někteří už je dokonce lepí, a ano, jsou i tací, kteří už je mají dokonce postavené. To ovšem není v případě Bf 109 G-2 nebo G-4, obsahu té nej nej nej dvaasedmdesátinové novinky, nic složitého.
Good Day, Dear Friends We find ourselves in the same situation with November’s new releases as we did with the October ones, in that they also have been available for purchase a couple of weeks ahead of the newsletter announcement, meaning that they will already be known to a large percentage of readers and perhaps even in their possession.
Dobrý den, vážení přátelé, vítám vás u zvláštního vydání Infa, věnovaného 21. ročníku E-Daye, konanému 23. září letošního roku na Tankodromu Milovice. Po necelém měsíci ji vy, kdo jste v Milovicích byli, máte ještě v živé paměti, ale věříme, že si ji díky dnešnímu Speciálu Infa znovu rádi připomenete. A ti, kdo tam s námi nebyli, se mohou inspirovat k návštěvě E-Daye příští rok. Bude se konat opět v Milovicích 28. září 2024.
Good day, Dear Friends Welcome to our special edition of the newsletter dedicated to the 21st installment of E-Day, held on September 23rd of this year at the Milovice Tankodrom museum. After less than a month, those of you who were in Milovice still remember it vividly, but I believe that thanks to today's newsletter special, you won’t mind being reminded. And those who were not there with us can be inspired to visit E-day next year. It will be held again in Milovice on September 28, 2024.
Jak se vám líbilo na E-dayi? Nebojte se, nehodlám dnes důkladně popisovat tamní dění, tomu se bude věnovat Speciál Infa, připravovaný na druhý týden v říjnu. V dnešním čísle ovšem najdete alespoň základní fotogalerii. Letošní druhý ročník E-Daye v Milovicích potvrdil potenciál areálu Tankodromu pro akci tohoto typu. Můžeme tedy ladit a vymýšlet další body programu, hodící se do našeho konceptu modelářské výstavy.
How did you like E-Day? Don’t worry, I’m not going to take up precious real estate thoroughly describing the event today, since that will be covered in a Special Edition of our newsletter, slated to come out the second week of October. However, in today’s issue you will find a basic photo gallery of what was there. This year, the second to be held in Milovice, confirmed the potential of the Tankodrom for an event of this type. With that, we can continue to evolve and develop the program to satisfy the concept that goes hand in hand with the venue.
Informace o výstavě E-Day 2023 a soutěži Czech Model Masters – program, instrukce pro dopravu, seznam prodejců a mnoho dalšího
Vážení přátelé, Jsme zpět z Texasu, v pilné práci na dalších projektech. Jak jsem zmiňoval v minulém úvodníku, jedním z účelů naší cesty, kromě obvyklé reprezentace na dnes již opět pravidelné IPMS USA National Convention, byl i průzkum a dokumentace zachovalých exemplářů P-40 Warhawk.
Dear Friends, We’re back from Texas, hard at work on upcoming projects. As I mentioned in the last editorial, one of the purposes of our trip, in addition to our usual participation at the IPMS USA National convention, was to have a good, close up look at several P-40 examples.
Vážení přátelé, vítám vás u srpnového Infa a zdravím z texaského Corpus Christi, kudy s kolegy projíždíme na cestě do San Marcos na tradiční letní IPMS USA Nats. Budeme v Texasu dva týdny, po Nats se přesuneme na sever do Dallasu, kde je naším hlavním plánem studium tří exemplářů P-40 Warhawk. Chceme si ověřit nějaké detaily a průběhy křivek a případně si nějaké pasáže naskenovat.
Dear Friends Welcome to the August edition of our newsletter and greetings from Corpus Christi, Texas, where my colleagues and I are passing through on our way to San Marcos for the traditional summer IPMS USA Nats. We will be in Texas for two weeks, after the Nats we will move north to Dallas where our main goal is to study three P-40 Warhawks.
Dobrý den, vážení přátelé! Ještě před koncem první poloviny letošního roku jsme stihli přestěhovat do nového areálu v Sedleci balení modelů. To nám významně zjednodušilo logistiku, protože dosud jsme výlisky vozili z Obrnic do Mostu, kde jsme stavebnice zabalili a odvezli je do skladu obchodního oddělení v Sedleci. Ta místa od sebe nejsou daleko, je to v řádu jednotek kilometrů, ale i tak jsme se dost najezdili. Teď dělí balení modelů a sklad obchodního oddělení jedna stěna a dvoje dveře, sklad výlisků je přes dvůr.
Hello, dear friends! Even before the end of the first half of this year, we managed to move our model packaging operation to our new facility in Sedlec. This significantly simplifies our logistics, because until now, we would typically move the plastic pressings from Obrnice to Most, where they would be packed into kits, and then transported them to our warehouse and sales department in Sedlec.
Dobrý den, vážení přátelé, mezi 84 novinkami připravenými pro červen vyčnívá dvaasedmdesátinová limitka s názvem Wunderschöne neue Maschinen. Těmi báječnými novými stroji jsou Messerschmitty Bf 109 F, které při svém zavedení do výzbroje německé Luftwaffe na začátku roku 1941 přinesly nárůst výkonů a kvality německého stíhacího letectva.
Good day, Dear Friends Among the 84 new items being released for June, the 72nd Limited Edition kit dubbed “Wunderschöne neue Maschinen” stands out. This “Wonderful New Machines” kit centres around the Messerschmitt Bf 109F, which, when introduced into the arsenal of the Luftwaffe at the beginning of 1941, brought an increase in the performance and quality of German fighters committed to aerial combat.
Dobrý den, vážení přátelé! Na začátku května se soutěžní sezóna pěkně rozjíždí. Máme za sebou tradiční Mošoň, v sobotu se koná Kit show v Kopřivnici, a tak je čas říci si také něco o letošním E-dayi. E-day 2023 se koná v sobotu 23. září na Tankodromu v Milovicích. Pojedeme podle stejného schématu jako vloni, tedy se začátkem pro vystavující modeláře v pátek odpoledne, a to včetně podvečerního programu.
Good Day, Dear Friends We are at the beginning of May, and so the competition season is revving up nicely. We have just had the traditional Moson event and the Kit Show takes place in Kopřivnice on Saturday, so it´s a good time to talk about this year´s E-day. E-day 2023 takes place on Saturday, September 23 at the Tankodrom in Milovice and we will be following the same scheme as last year, meaning that exhibiting modelers begin on Friday afternoon and will include the early evening program.
Dobrý večer, vážení přátelé! Máme přestěhované obchodní oddělení. K včerejšímu dni jsme tak definitivně ukončili naši činnost v areálu Rico, kde obchodní oddělení a také oddělení kompletace stavebnic sídlilo od června roku 2019. A kde také v prosinci 2020 vyhořel sklad výlisků pro stavebnice. Přiznám se, že jsem po požáru doufal v rychlejší přestěhování do nějakých nových prostor. Hned na jaře a v létě 2020 jsme začali připravovat stavbu nové haly, ale turbulentní situace na stavebním trhu v roce 2021 nám tento záměr zhatila. Na podzim 2021 jsme začali jednat o koupi staršího areálu v Sedleci, sousední vesnici vzdálené asi pět kilometrů od Obrnic.
Good evening, Dear Friends We have completed our retail department move. As of yesterday, we have vacated the facility in Most that since June, 2019, has served as our main retail headquarters as well as the facility that served as final kit packaging. It’s also the facility in which we lost a lot of the plastic for our kits when a fire broke out in December 2020. I admit to having hoped for an earlier move to a new facility after that fire. Immediately in the spring and summer of 2020, we prepared for a new-build facility, but that was ultimately quelled by the turbulent supply issues in the construction industry.
Dobrý den, dámy a pánové! Máme zavřeno. Dnes představované březnové novinky si sice můžete prohlédnout a prostudovat jak na následujících stránkách, tak na našem e-shopu, ale nekoupíte je tam. Chápu, zní to šíleně. Nejde ale o žádný rafinovaný marketingový tah, prostě se stěhujeme. Přesně řečeno, stěhujeme obchodní oddělení. To je také důvod, proč v následujících sedmi dnech nebude možné objednávat na e-shopu. Jak jste ale jistě zaznamenali, bylo na druhou stranu možné tyto novinky nakoupit již od minulého pátku, rovněž tak jsou již k dispozici u našich obchodních partnerů.
Good day, Ladies and Gentlemen, We’re closed. Although you are certainly able to view and study our March release listing within these pages or at our e-shop, any purchases will have to be postponed. I understand that this sounds a little nuts, but it is not the result of some underhanded marketing ploy. It is a function of the fact that we are moving our entire retail department. It is also the reason why no sales will be going through our e-shop for the next seven days. As you will have probably already noted, the new items were available for early purchase from last Friday, and they will be available from our retail partners as well.
Vážení přátelé, vítejte u únorového Infa! Dnes začíná Norimberský veletrh hraček (Nuremberg Toy Fair). Po dvouleté přestávce se vracíme do Norimberku a, nebudete tomu věřit, vůbec netušíme, co nás tam čeká.
Dear Friends, Welcome to the February Newsletter! The Nuremberg Toy Fair started yesterday. After a two year hiatus, we are coming back to Nuremberg, and as hard as it may be to believe, we have no idea of what to expect
Vážení přátelé, milí modeláři, vítejte u prvního Infa roku 2023. V lednovém čísle vás tradičně seznamuji s projekty připravenými na aktuální rok. Ani letos tomu nebude jinak, takže se do toho seznamování pustíme rovnou bez zbytečných řečí kolem. Začneme lednem, jehož novinky jsou v prodeji na našem e-shopu již od minulého týdne.
Dear Friends and Fellow Modellers, Welcome to the first newsletter of 2023. The January issue traditionally introduces our planned projects for the year. This year will be no different, so we’ll waste no time and get right down to the nitty gritty. We’ll start off with January, new releases for which are already available from our e-shop and have been since last week.
Easy reading
Easy reading
From the Mediterranean to Germany
Text: Jan Bobek
Illustration: Antonis Karydis
By April 1943, no part of Jagdgeschwader 27 (JG 27) fighter unit remained in Africa. Its I. Gruppe, which had gained fame due to fighter ace Hans-Joachim Marseille, had been withdrawn to Germany in November 1942 and was engaged in combat operations in France from January 1943. The JG 27 headquarters and its II./JG 27 were operating from Sicily, while the III. and IV. Gruppe were based in occupied Greece or on its islands. The burden of intense aerial combat in Tunisia was now borne by JG 53, JG 77, and II./JG 51. All these units were equipped with Messerschmitt Bf 109 fighters, primarily the G-6 variant.
A change in command of JG 27 occurred on April 22, 1943. Until then, it had been led by 32-year-old Oberstleutnant Eduard Neumann, a veteran of the Spanish Civil War, where he had achieved two aerial victories. During World War II, he added another eleven to his record. After the war, Neumann became a key figure in the unit’s veterans’ organization. At the helm of JG 27, he was succeeded by Major Gustav Rödel, who had previously commanded II./JG 27 and had over 70 confirmed kills. With his promotion, a new commander was needed for II. Gruppe. The choice fell on Hauptmann Werner Schroer, at this time the commander of 8./JG 27, stationed on Crete. Schroer had 63 victories to his name and was already a recipient of the Knight’s Cross.
In April 1943, Schroer’s new unit II./JG 27 was based in Trapani, Sicily, primarily escorting convoys and transport aircraft on routes to Tunisia. Losses of Ju 52 and Me 323 transports were so severe that even Bf 110 crews were tasked with fuel supply missions for German forces in Tunisia. During March and April, II./JG 27 lost 21 aircraft in combat, while another 39 were written off due to accidents.
Schroer achieved his first victories with his new unit on April 29, shooting down two Lightning fighters near Marettimo, west of Sicily. On May 5, in the same area, he downed a B-24 bomber, though given the combat conditions, there may be a typo in the victory records and his victim was possibly B-25 Mitchell.
On May 9, II./JG 27 engaged a formation of 26 Liberators with a fighter escort of Lightnings between Capo San Vito and Capo Gallo. Schroer’s unit claimed three B-17s, likely a misidentification, and two P-38s. Schroer himself claimed one B-24, but Allied records do not confirm these losses.
After the Tunisian campaign ended, II./JG 27 increasingly engaged four-engine bombers while defending Sicily. The American fighter escorts, provided by three P-38 Fighter Groups, were still refining their tactics. On the German side at Sicily, both fighter vectoring and air combat strategies were in an improvised state against four engine bombers operating in high altitudes. Luftwaffe command exerted immense pressure on the pilots, threatening court-martial for unsatisfactory performance.
Between April and July 1943, Schroer scored 20 victories, half of them four-engine bombers. Under his command, II./JG 27 claimed nearly 100 victories, but at a steep cost, 41 pilots were killed, missing, captured, or wounded, representing nearly 100% losses in its personnel strength. Additionally, between May and July 1943, the unit lost 74 fighters in combat and another 47 due to other causes.
In early August 1943, Schroer’s unit transferred its 17 remaining Bf 109s to other units in Italy and withdrew to Germany, relocating to the Wiesbaden-Erbenheim airbase. By late August, II./JG 27 had moved to Eschborn, equipped with new aircraft, and prepared to defend Vaterland against American bomber raids. Their first engagement in this theatre occurred on September 6, during an attack targeting the Stuttgart area. This was the first deep penetration raid into Germany since the Schweinfurt-Regensburg mission, with over 300 bombers participating, the largest force deployed by the U.S. Army Air Forces at that time.
The mission was later officially labeled a “Costly Fiasco” by the American command, as 45 B-17s were lost due to various reasons and 10 more were written off after landing due to damage. Schroer’s unit claimed nine victories over B-17s. Schroer himself was credited with one confirmed kill and forced two other bombers out of formation, marking his 86th to 88th victories. This air battle is the subject of Antonis Karydis’ box art illustration.
INFO Eduard is a monthly scale model-historical magazine published in Czech and English by Eduard Model Accessories since 2010. The magazine is available for free on the Triobo platform and can be downloaded in PDF format. Eduard is a manufacturer of plastic models and accessories with over 30 years of tradition. Throughout its history in the plastic modeling industry, Eduard has become one of the world's leaders. Further details about the company and its product range can be found at www.eduard.com. You can subscribe to the INFO magazine and receive product information for free at: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
Don't miss out


Flying Knights in Australia

Aerial War in Ukraine

TEC - Don't whimper and print!
Dear Friends, I just returned from Nuremberg. I left there in a rather gloomy mood, knowing that it was most likely my last time. I have always defended the Nuremberg Fair as a useful and beneficial event. But alas, its significance to our industry has steadily declined over the years, while the costs associated with participation in it have continuously done the opposite. Still, it has always brought us some benefit, despite of the expense involved.
P-40E Warhawk
The Curtiss P-40 line of fighter aircraft stood out among American fighter types for having remained in front-line operations from the summer of 1941, before the U.S. entered World War II, through the end of the conflict four years later. Only Grumman’s versatile F4F Wildcat naval fighter could match that record.
The MW 50 System as an Alternative to the GM-1
This technical discussion supplements the article describing the GM-1 system in the Messerschmitt Bf 109 in the November, 2024 newsletter. Even before World War II, Dr. Otto Lutz (1906-1974) came up with the idea of injecting nitrous oxide into an engine to increase performance. He later published (as late as 1942) a scientific paper on the subject "Über Leistungssteigerung von Flugmotoren durch Zugabe von Sauerstoffträgern", or roughly translated, ‘On increasing the performance of aircraft engines through the addition of oxygen compounds’.
Aerial War in Ukraine - A Russian missile shot down a civilian aircraft. Again...
The battles over Ukraine often involve friendly fire incidents. Russian air defense has already destroyed numerous Russian aircraft and helicopters. Similar incidents have occurred on the Ukrainian side. Several civilian aircraft have also been hit in Russia, though without fatal consequences—until now.