{"cz":"Info EDUARD"}
{"cz":"Měsíčník o historii a plastikovém modelářství.","en":"Monthly magazine about history and scale plastic modeling."}
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Eduard Info 2010 page 2NEWS IN COLOR PEOEFFAG: SHAKE AND GLUEBRASSIN DB 601 ENGINEHISTORY OF FW 190D-11Instruction sheet, picturesand more informationwww.eduard.comINFO EDUARDVol. 10 Friday June 18, 2010 Issue 6Eduard Info 2010 page 2This May has provided some damninteresting times, on our own soil aswell as the world around us. Floo-ding has progressively affected partsof Moravia, Poland and Germany.The EU has found itself dealingwith unprecedented problems, theCzechs won the World HockeyChampionships in fantastic fashion,and the end of the month saw nati-onal elections that have proven fatalfor several political celebrities of theCzech Republic. All of the domesticevents have been essentially goodfor us Czechs, although I understand how theRussians might see it differently. With the bac-kdrop of world drama, we were busy dealing withour own problems here at Eduard. We were en-tangled in production rate problems to keep upwith demand well into May, and we had dif cul-ty with keeping up with photoetched as well aswith kit demand. It was due to excellent orderscoming in, but nevertheless, gave us little rest.So, we dealt with it, and hopefully, successfully.On Tuesday, May 11th, we received two newmachines for printing colour photoetched parts.These pieces of equipment carry a lot of signi- cance not just for an improvement of produc-tion capacity. As is well known, we have beencriticized for the quality of some of the colourPE we have produced, concerning the colourgrid of the printing process. We weren’t happywith it either, and over the past twelve months,we have been ercely battling the problem, withvarying degrees of success. We implementedseveral technological upgrades and tightenedcontrols, but it was clear that permanent impro-vements would only come with a ground level re-organization. So, enter the radical simultaneouspurchase of two new machines. Within a week,they were in use, and all of our production is nowrunning through them. The quality improvementis very evident and satisfactory, although the gridis a necessary component of the process. Its stillthere, its horrible, it was better before, and Chi-na will show us how. Now, THAT”S sarcasm!Production capacity was a thorn in our side allspring, and, as mentioned, affected kit productionDelivery of new equipment.Results of the new printer. Grid?Page 3
Eduard Info 2010 page 3Editorialas well. Through May, we wentto three shifts, and by the endof the month, things were iro-ned out. That means that weare now back to producing kitsthat had to be temporarily hal-ted. But, as you may have no-ticed on Facebook, a rapid in-crease in capacity is not witho-ut risk. New and inexperiencedpeople need to be brought on,and the gates open to almostanything. Speci cally, it costus the mold for the Fw190D-11wing, which was one of the re-asons for the shortage of thesekits as a whole. We were ableto rectify the problem withinabout two weeks, but it cost usthe time. But, the D-11/D-13Doras are back in the game.And, to calm ourselves downa bit, we decided to move therelease date of the 1/48thscale OEFFAG 253 to July.The busted mold has onlya peripheral effect on this de-cision, the main one being thatwe wanted the proper time re-serve to produce the best possi-ble kit. At this point, though,its looking as though there willnot be really much tweaking ne-cessary. On Sunday, I assem-bled the rst test shot. I wasa happy boy. I had the very rsttest shots in my hands, whichI do often, but this time the ini-tial shots are basically sound.Even so, we put a lot of ca-reful effort into our OEFFAG.This new kit has nothing incommon with our older Alba-tros, which we’ve producedin almost incalculable quanti-ties. All is new. Added to thestitching details, we’ve addednew features for the interwingstrut assembly. As a result,the assembly of the upperJune headliner, Albatros D.III OEFFAG 253 1/48 Pro pack editionThe rst test shots and subsequent build of the OEFFAG met, and even surpassed, expectati-ons. This was the rst instance in our rm’s history that a kit could be completed satisfactorilyfrom the rst test shot.Frantisek Toman, technical master, making some nal adjustments to formsPage 4
Eduard Info 2010 page 4EditorialThe Austro-Daimler is, by some, a model in and of itself. The installation of the engine and the pilot’s of ce in the fuselage.Note the glue type being used :-)The uncovered engine allows much of its details to be visible.The newly engineered interwing struts allow for the precise anchoringof the wing support system in its required position. The maintaining ofthe proper wing geometry of our OEFFAG is surprisingly easy.Fertig, Herr Oberst! Kit designers Vaclav Pospisil and Stanislav Archman.Page 5
Eduard Info 2010 page 5Editorialwing and maintaining the proper special geome-try is surprisingly simpli ed. The same applies tothe undercarriage and control surfaces. To this,we added new details, bene ting the engine themost. Add to this our colour PE, attractive markingschemes of the Austro-Hungarian Empire printedby Cartograf, and you end up with a superb model.With the OFFAG set for July, the main kitrelease for June is the Su-22/Su-17M3.There has been talk of the shortcomings of thekit, but there can be more said for its strengths.There are also the new PE set, decal options, anda Brassin cockpit. Our Brassin seat for the Su-7made a splash, and for the Su-22 it won’t beany different. I would even go so far as to saythe seat for this kit is better than the one in theSu-7, and, on top of that, there is a Brassin coc-kpit with other, smaller parts for the exterior.Then, there’s the Brassin DB 601 in 1/32ndfor our Bf 109E. It’s not on the market as yet,but its just around the corner. It’s the rst itemin the Brassin line for a WWII aircraft, and is in-dicative what can be expected in the future. Inthe future, we’d like to release similar sets forour kits at around the same time as the actual kitSu-22/Su17-M3 SeatOverall view of the resin DB 601 engine for our Bf 109EBottom view of the engine showing off the inverted V details including fuel pump, compressor air intake, and other features.Page 6
Eduard Info 2010 page 6Editorialrelease. The kits will bethemselves less com-plex, but ready for in-clusion of the accesso-ries, if and as desired.So, for example, the anticipa-ted Bf 109F will not have an inje-ction molded engine as the Bf 109E did.The Friedrich will be simpler in this respect,but will have the same high standard of essentialdetails such as surface details. The benet of thiswill be a signicantly lower base price for a verywell executed kit, with the option of raising thelevel of detail via the Brassin sets. Incidentally,we have recently contemplated how to best exe-cute the gun troughs of the fuselage weapons.The demolding of these has led to different soluti-ons from different manufacturers, usually leadingto the cutting off of the upper cowling. We chosea different route, and have chosen to separate justthe troughs. This is how it was on the real thing.Don’t be worried about t problems of this part;the t will be excellent. The designer, Stan Arch-man, who put through his proposal for this feature,has assured me that if the t is less than perfect,he will sweep the property for two months.He hates sweeping. If the t is less than per-fect, his Christmas bonus will consist of a brand-spanking new wire broom. I think his risk is real-ly small….he was responsible for the OEFFAG,and my condence is inversely proportional tohis risk.At the end of June, we will be in Brno, at Modell-Brno. We’re looking forward to it! Although theOEFFAG is now slated for July, there is a chancewe will have some of them at Brno, which is at theend of June. Personally, I am pushing the boysand girls to that end. In any case, we will be takinga lot of new items to Brno, and should the Su-22be selling out by then, some will be held back forthe show. Besides that, we’ll have a load of newPE for the show, as well as new Brassin sets.Keep on Modelin’!Vladimir SulcThe Brassin engine will also be applicableto the Bf 109E-1 Weekend Edition, slated for August, 2010.Page 7
Eduard Info 2010 page 7Model from the Kopro line, with Eduardaccessories and colorful marking options.133 plastic and resin components,photoetched brass parts, Cartografdecals, Eduard Brassin seat, cockpit,and other details.1149 Su-22/Su-17M3 Fitter 1/48 LIMITED EDITIONSu-22, Grupo Aéreo No11, Escuadrón Aereo 111,Talara air base, PeruSu-22, No. 1032 Squadron, OkbaBin NafaaEl´ Woutia´ air base, LibyaSu-17M3, Soviet Naval Air Forces, 1980-1990,Soviet UnionSu-17M3, 1st AE, 168th APIB, 36th ADIB,Bolshye Shiraki air base, Soviet Union, 1982Su-17M3, 101st ORAP (Independent ReconnaissanceRegiment), Soviet Union, late 80´sCold War era Sovietfi ghter-bomberComplete seat,pilot’s cockpitand other details.On the heels of March’s Su-7 (Cat No. 1148),we continue with the release of another Sukhoiproduct from a former Kovozavody Prostejov mold.Just like the Su-7, the Su-22/Su-17M3 (as the originalSoviet version was known) includes items to detail andcorrect the original kit with not just photoetched brass,but resin in the form of a relatively large assortmentof parts from the Brassin line. Czechs and Slovaksmay be disappointed at the lack of their respectivemarkings, but fear not, this speci c version wasnever in use with the CSLA. ‘Our’ version of the Fitterwill be available in the second half of the year. The kitin question now, however, offers interesting Soviet,Peruan and Libyan markings. The second model forthe month is the Weekend Edition of our very suc-cessful and beautiful monoplane from the First WorldWar, the Fokker Eindecker. For those who wantmore than the simpli ed Weekend kit, we also offerthe Eindecker E.I, E.II and E.III in 1/48th scale asa Limited Edition or a Pro pack offering (Cat No.1141 and 8156) (JZ)Page 8
Eduard Info 2010 page 8KitsThis Fokker E.II 68/15 was writtenoff during landing by LeutnantBruckmann. Black and whitestripes identify this aircraft asfl ying with a unit that was at-tached to Aerm Abteilung Geadeon the Alsatian Front. The blackrudder was likely an identifi er foraircraft serving with Kampfeinde-cker Halbabteilung in FFA9b.Out of this segment later cameKEK Ensisheim, the basis forthe future Jasta 16.8418 Fokker Eindecker 1/48 WEEKEND EDITIONIn the spring of 1915, the air force brass of the warringnations turned their attention to the question of armingcombat aircraft. The most effective form of arma-ment was deemed to be a forward ring machine gunsetup, but this was affected by the rotating propeller.Different air forces approached the problem in differentways. The French mounted the gun on the top wing,and above the propeller arc, or ring through the pro-peller arc which was equipped with de ector strips.The British introduced pusher aircraft, the enginebeing placed behind the cockpit and gun assembly.The most effective and modern method of solving thisissue was developed by the Germans, when AnthonyFokker, a Dutchman working in their services, deve-loped a synchronization mechanism. This preven-ted ring at the moment when the prop blade traver-sed the eld of re from the gun. This synchroniza-tion mechanism was mounted on the single seat mo-noplane M5K, which Fokker himself demonstrated onthe front at the end of May and the beginning of June,1915. The success of this type was full and immediate,and was followed by an order for the supply of theseaircraft to the German air force. Production was initia-ted quickly, and supplied 415 aircraft spread betweenE.I to E.IV versions. When these aircraft reachedcombat in the summer and fall of 1915, they broughtwith them a distinct change in the direction of the war.Flown by aggressive pilots such as Boelcke andImmelmann, the Fokkers elevated the ghter toa very dangerous weapon, and became a symbolof the superiority of the German air force in aircombat through the second half of 1915 and intothe beginning of 1916.SPECIFICATIONS:Length: 7.30 mSpan: 10.04 mEmpty Weight: 349 kgTake-off Weight: 604 kgMaximum Speed: 150 km/hPowerplant: Oberursel U.I rated at 100 hpArmament: one LMG 08/15 7.62 mmmachine gun.Fokker E.II 68/15, Lt. Brückmann, late 1915Page 9
Eduard Info 2010 page 9648015 F-4S wheels1/48 (Hasegawa)648014 F-4J/N wheels1/48 (Hasegawa)The Eduard Brassin kitchen serves up two sets ofF-4 wheels this month. This is for the Hasegawa fam-ily of Phantoms for which we have seats and wheelsfor the F-4C/D/E/F/G (Cat No. 648009 and 6480012).The seat to go with the wheels released this month(for the J/N and S) will be available in July under thedesignation ‘F-4B/J/N/S Seat’, Cat No. 6480019.And that will certainly not even be close to the naleof parts for the Hasegawa 1/48th scale Phantomsfrom our Brassin line. (JZ)MEET US ON FACEBOOKwww.facebook.com/EduardCompanyPage 10
Eduard Info 2010 page 1036093 M-1134 ATGM blast panels32237 F-8E exterior48634 B-24 bomb bay73352 Canberra PR.9 S.A.Page 11
Eduard Info 2010 page 1132248 EF 2000 ladder 1/32 (Revell/Trumpeter)73357 J 35Ö Draken S.A 1/72 (Hasegawa)73357 J 35Ö Draken S.A 1/72 (Hasegawa)48642 F6F-3 exterior 1/48 (Hobby Boss)32245 EF 2000 Single Seater exterior 1/32 (Revell)49470 F-100C interior 1/48 (Trumpeter)48639 F-100C exterior 1/48 (Trumpeter)49472 A-4B S.A. 1/48 (Hasegawa)32245 EF 2000 Single Seater exterior 1/32 (Revell)49478 F6F-3 interior S.A. 1/48 (Hobby Boss)36114 T26E4 Super Pershing 1/35 (Hobby Boss)73349 HAS.2 S.A. 1/72 (Hobby Boss)This month brings you the offering of 21 etchedsets, and eight of their Zoom derivatives. Allow mealso to point out the expanding line of sets offeredfor the Revell and Monogram B-24 in 1/48th scale,same scale sets for the B-57B from Air x, and theexterior set for Trumpeter’s Sword sh in 1/32nd.There are two sets for the EF 2000 in 1/32nd meant for theRevell kit, although the ladder can certainly be appliedto the Trumpeter kit as well. Owners of the F6F-3 fromHobby Boss shouldn’t overlook our sets for its inte-rior and exterior, which will allow the kit to be broughtto a much closer representation of the real thing.The list of aircraft for which we will be releasing sets will,as usual, be expanding in the coming months.Here, we show only some of the sets available forthe month, and you can nd the full listing on the nextpage. (JZ)Page 12
Eduard Info 2010 page 12June release 2010KITS1149 Su-22/Su-17M38418 Fokker EinedeckerBRASSIN648014 F-4J/N wheels648015 F-4S wheelsPE-SETS32245 EF 2000 Single Seater exterior32248 EF 2000 ladder32250 Swordfish Mk.II exterior32671 Swordfish Mk.II interior S.A.36114 T26E4 Super Pershing48635 B-24D exterior48636 B-24D rear interior48639 F-100C exterior48642 F6F-3 exterior48649 A-4B landing flaps48653 F-16I SUFA exterior48656 F-100C undercarriage49465 B-57B S.A.49470 F-100C interior S.A.49472 A-4B S.A.49475 B-24D seatbelts49478 F6F-3 interior S.A.49484 F-16I SUFA interior S.A.49495 B-57B seatbelts73349 HAS.2 S.A.73357 J 35Ö Draken S.A.1/48 Limited edition1/48 Weekend editionBRASSIN1/48 Hasegawa1/48 HasegawaPE-SETS1/32 Revell1/32 Revell/Trumpeter1/32 Trumpeter1/32 Trumpeter1/35 Hobby Boss1/48 Revell/Monogram1/48 Revell/Monogram1/48 Trumpeter1/48 Hobby Boss1/48 Hasegawa1/48 Hasegawa1/48 Trumpeter1/48 Airfix1/48 Trumpeter1/48 Hasegawa1/48 Revell/Monogram1/48 Hobby Boss1/48 Hasegawa1/48 Airfix1/72 Hobby Boss1/72 HasegawaZOOMS33067 Swordfish Mk.II interior S.A.FE465 B-57B interior S.A.FE470 F-100C interior S.A.FE472 A-4B S.A.FE478 F6F-3 interior S.A.FE484 F-16I SUFA interior S.A.SS349 HAS.2 S.A.SS357 J 35Ö Draken S.A.MASKSCX260 F-100CCX261 Ju 88ACX262 F/A-18DEX299 Tornado IDSEX301 Ta 152CEX302 Bf 110DJX108 Bf 109E-3XT160 M-26 wheel masksXT161 Challenger Enhanced armor wheelsXT163 Crusader III wheel masksBIG-ED setsBIG3571 M-1134 ATGMBIG3284 F-8E US NAVYBIG4927 B-24JBIG4928 F-15KBIG7256 CANBERRA PR.9ZOOMS1/32 Trumpeter1/48 Airfix1/48 Trumpeter1/48 Hasegawa1/48 Hobby Boss1/48 Hasegawa1/72 Hobby Boss1/72 HasegawaMASKS1/72 Trumpeter1/72 Zvezda1/72 Academy1/48 Hobby Boss1/48 Dragon1/48 Dragon1/32 Trumpeter1/35 Hobby Boss1/35 Trumpeter1/35 ItaleriBIG-ED sets1/35 Trumpeter1/32 Trumpeter1/48 Revell/Monogram1/48 Academy1/72 AirfixPage 13
Eduard Info 2010 page 13Eduard at ShizuokaOpening of the 49th Shizuoka Hobby Show. Second from the right is Mr. Irisawa,the owner of Beaver Corporation, our distributor in Japan.May 15th was the rst general day of the show. The Beaver tableswere so packed at times, that not even the employees of the rmcould move around.Karel Padar demonstrating the application of photoetched brass.Karel’s demonstrations draw as much attention there as they doat home, despite a de nite language barrier. We weren’t sure whatto make of a suspiciously high number of observers at one of hispresentations wearing Lion’s Roar tags.Between May 13th and 16th, 2010,there was the traditional convention atthe Shizuoka Hobby Show, which canbe likened to a Japanese NurembergToy Fair. Not missing this event for any-thing that has to do with toys, hobbiesand modeling on the Japanese islandsis a good idea. Eduard was representedby our Japanese distributor, the Bea-ver Corporation, and also by our ownKarel Padar. For those that may not know,Karel Padar is responsible for the deve-lopment and production of our photoe-tched lines, and is very well respectedand popular in Japan, thanks in part tohis life-long fascination and modelingdedication to Japanese subjects. (JZ)Page 14
Eduard Info 2010 page 14EventsEXPO 2010 IPMS Rio, Brazil1144 Fw 190A „Nachtjäger“ – Dual Combo in 1/488184 Fw 190D-9 in 1/48, one of the news for 2010.We would like to express our gratitude to Mr. DaisukeYasutake, marketing manager of Beaver Corporationfor the photographs and information from the show.For the second time, Eduard took part in the main Bra-zilian model show hosted by IPMS Rio. This year, thetheme of the show was squarely aimed at the Ameri-can air force. For this event, Eduard sponsored severalawards including our traditional Eduard Trophy.1. Best USN Aircraft to 1945, one by an F6F-3,2. Brassin Award for best jet aircraft irrespective of cate-gory, the winner of which won three Brassin sets of hisor her choice,3. Best WWI aircraft, the winner of each wins a dualcombo kit from Eduard of his or her choice,4. Best Eduard kit with the winner getting an EduardPro pack kit of his or her choice, and5. Best use of Eduard PE, the prize there being a Big Edset of his or her choice.The results were well worth it:1. Best USN Aircraft to 1945 – Eduard Trophy: Helldiver from Aca-demy in 1/72nd scale by Alysson Cesar Oliveira De Castro fromFortaleza/CE, some 2500 km from Rio. This was his second visitto this contest, and again he walked away with many awards.2. Best Jet: Hasegawa F-18 by Carlos Magno Leal. Furthermore,the Eagle Statue con rmed that this was one of the ‘top ten’ modelsof American aircraft at the show. The IPMS-RIO Trophy wentto Rodrigues Vaz.Page 15
Eduard Info 2010 page 15Events3. Best WWI Aircraft: Zeppelin Staaken from Roden, 1/72nd scale.The model was built by professional modeler Afonso Giordano Neto(his diorama contains a Fokker D.VII from Revell and a Fokker E.V.from Eduard).4. Best Eduard Kit: Bf 108 in 1/48th by Afonso Giordano Neto.5. Best use of Photoetched: Fw 190D-9 from Eduard in 1/48th byEduardo Brettas.2011 will focus on the Italian air force. We are lookingforward to seeing what will be brought to South Ame-rica. In any case, we wish the organizers of the eventa lot of luck and success for the coming year. (JZ)more www.eduard.comBEST BRASS AROUNDeduard32245 EF 2000 Single Seater exterior 1/32 (Revell) 32245 EF 2000 Single Seater exterior 1/32 (Revell) 32248 EF 2000 ladder 1/32 (Revell/Trumpeter)SELECTED JUNE RELEASESMEET US ON FACEBOOK www.facebook.com/EduardCompany48642 F6F-3 exterior 1/48 (Hobby Boss)49472 A-4B S.A. 1/48 (Hasegawa) 48639 F-100C exterior 1/48 (Trumpeter)Page 16
Eduard Info 2010 page 16The development and production of military aircraftin Germany at the end of the war was impacted onby virtually everything one can think of. There wasa lack of strategic raw materials, delays in the develo-pment of new engines, a shortage of quality C3 fuel,and above all, a shortage of time.When contemplation was being made as to whichin-line engine to install into the Focke-Wulf Fw 190,the decision was quickly made in favor of Junkers’Jumo 213A. Not because it was readily available,but because newer engines in the works were stillbeing developed, or their production was dedicatedto other types (such as the Daimler Benz DB 605 forthe Messerscmitt Bf 109G).With the installation of the Jumo 213A came the‘Dora’, or the Fw 190 D-9, and production was ini-tiated in August, 1944. Initially, the aircraft was metwith skepticism, but this quickly turned to enthusiasmamong pilots of the ‘Longnose Dora’ The engine pro-duced 1750 hp, and with MW 50 injection, the outputwas raised for short bursts by a useful amount.The armament consisted of 13mm MG131 machineguns in the upper fuselage, and two 20mm cannon inthe wing roots.So, the Dora was introduced into combat, and un-derstandably, the designers turned their attentionon ways to increase the aircraft’s performance andarmament. Work was begun in the summer andfall of 1944 on prototypes of the Fw 190 D-12 andFw 190 D-13. These had two main things in common:one, they were powered by the long awaited Jumo213 F (rated at 1870 hp and 2050 hp with MW 50),and two, these engines were designed to use B4fuel, with an octane rating of 87, instead of C3 fuel,which had a higher octane value but was in hope-lessly short supply.The armament was switched from two 13mm machineguns above the engine to a cannon with its barrel inthe engine shaft. In the case of the Fw 190 D-12,this was to have been a 30 mm MK 108, and in theD-13, a 20 mm MG 151. Furthermore, both versionswere to be equipped with instrumentation for adverseweather ying, and some were to also have theEZ 42 gyroscopic gunsight, which was being combattested in the fall of 1944.D-12 Doras were to be manufactured by Arado andArbeitsgemeinschaft Roland. The latter producedthe rst Fw 190 D-13s. However, initiating the pro-duction of both versions was constantly delayed,and it appears as though the production of the D-12was never initiated at all. The rst D-13 producedby Focke-Wulf weren’t delivered until March, 1945.For this reason, it was decided to initiate productionof a D-9 and D-12/D-13 hybrid as an interim (Zwis-chenserie) solution. Testing of the Fw 190 D-11 pro-totype was begun as early as August and September,Focke-Wulf Fw 190 D-11 Jan BobekThe photograph illustrates Focke-WulfFlugzeugbau GmbH’s production facilityin Sorau. The Allies mounted 61 attackson this company’s facilities during thewar, hitting this one twice, both times inthe spring of 1944, and each time caus-ing about 50% destruction to the area.Production was restarted quite quickly,usually with the help of external person-nel that weren’t recovering from shockafter the bombardment. In one instance,production in machine tool plant was ableto restart in 48 hours.Thanks to the Allied attacks, Focke-Wulf lled about 73% of its orders during 1944,and about 50,000 man-hours were need-ed for the cleanup and repairs necessary.The factory at Sorau at the endof the war produced the Fw 190 D-11,and employed about 4,500 people.The company employed a total of about30,000 people, out of which some 50%were from concentration camps andforced labor from occupied countries.Among the biggest problems caused bythe bombings was the disruption of pro-duction at the Focke-Wulf plant in Gassenand production of plexiglass by Rohm& Hass in Darmstadt.(NARA, via Footnote.com)Page 17
Eduard Info 2010 page 17History1944, with production starting at Sorau (today Zarowin Poland). Sorau was captured by the Red Armyin mid February, 1945. It´s possible that productioncontinued at Focke-Wulf at Cottbus, before even thistown fell to the enemy in the latter half of April.It has been widely reported that there were abouttwenty D-11s produced, but this number is evidentlyhigher. This notion is supported by two period do-cuments. In the records of Jumo-Aussendienst(service outsourcing) we can conclude that at Sorau,there were forty powerplants installed in D-11s. Andjust to complicated the matter, these were supposedto be the more modern Jumo 213F-1. This, of course,doesn’t con rm that all forty birds reached combatunits. A number of these could have been in variousstates of completeness, could’ve been destroyedin the ghting for the town, and they could’ve alsobeen captured by the Soviets. The second documentfrom mid-February, 1945, suggests that parts in shortsupply for forty aircraft being assembled at Sorauand Cottbus were to be supplied by Arado in Prague.Current information states that Focke-Wulf had,in preparation, fty Fw 190 D-9s and one-hundredFw 190 D-11s (bringing the total count of D-11s to140).These elegant machines were then equipped witha version of the Jumo 213 F (incorrectly identi ed asthe Jumo 213 E in the Eduard instructions) but carriedno armament in the fuselage. The wings gained two30 mm MK 108 cannon in the outboard wing gunbays to go with the two 20 mm cannon alreadypresent. The MK 108s could also have been substi-tuted by a pair of 20 mm MG 151 weapons. Fromperiod records, we know that fteen Fw 190 D-11swere delivered to units by the end of March, and thatfour of these were equipped with the EZ 42 gyrosco-pic gunsight. There were teething problems with theJumo 213 F, and ying this aircraft was probably notfor greenhorns. So far, there have been three unitsidenti ed that ew this unique aircraft.VERBANDSFÜHRERSCHULE DES GENERALSDER JAGDFLIEGER (VFS des G.d.J.)This training unit was formed in September, 1944,at Königsberg-Neumark (today Chojna in westernPoland). The unit primarily used the MesserschmittBf 109 G-6 and Focke-Wulf Fw 190 A-8, but from thebeginning of 1945, began to also use the Bf 109 G-14and Fw 190 F-8. The unit answered to the ‘General ofFighter Units’ (General der Jagd ieger), who at thistime was Adolf Galland, and its purpose was to trainunit COs in combat tactics against waves of four-en-gined bombers. Talented young ghter pilots passedthrough the training facility, as well as unit comman-ders that were to improve de ciencies in combattactics against four-engined heavy bombers, and totrain their units accordingly to be successful againstthe Americans. A third group of “students” werecommanders of bomber units that were supposedto convert their units to ghter aircraft.The training was completed by such pilots as WernerSchroer (114 victories), better known for his servicein the MTO with JG 27. He was there for about threemonths, and ew around 30 training ights. Mostoften, he ew Fw 190 As with the fuselage markings‘< 75’ and ‘<58’ (not to be confused with Fw 190 D-11‘<58’!). Two digit numerals with the chevron were cha-racteristic markings of this unit. In February, 1945,Schroer became Kommodore of Jagdgeschwader3 ‘Udet’, and successfully took the unit into combaton the Eastern Front. This was, however, the excep-tion, rather than the rule. In the opinion of GüntherRall (275 victories), who commanded the training unitfrom November, 1944, the majority of the comman-ders to come through the school lacked quick reac-tion times, advantageous exibility and initiative.Fw 190 D-11, W.Nr. 220 009 with Verbandsführerschule des Generals der Jagd ieger at Bad Wöorishofen. This aircraft may have been test own by the CO of this unit, Gunther Rall. (JaPo)Page 18
Eduard Info 2010 page 18HistoryUnder the leadership of Günther Rall, the schoolfound it necessary to relocate from Königsberg, whichwas being approached by the Red Army, to the sou-thern Germany, to Bad Wörishofen. Among others,this was also the base for elements of the trainingunit I./JG 101 and also a specialized unit nicknamed‘Zirkus Rosarius’, which demonstrated to Germanairmen captured enemy equipment. Güther Rall wasable to try out machines that he had met in combat,such as the Spit re, Mustang, Lightning and Thun-derbolt.Günther Rall received orders in mid-Februaryto take command of Jagdgeschwader 300,but before leaving the VFS des G.d.J., he hadthe opportunity to test y the Fw 190 D-11. He didhave memories of the event, but more precise informa-tion could not be obtained, as, unfortunately, his late warlog-book was not preserved. Today, there are knownquite a few examples of Fw 190 D-11s carryingthe markings of the VFS des G.d.J. as many of thesefound their way into the view nders of American ca-meramen and local aviation enthusiasts. The rstFw 190 D-11s were ferried from the production linesthrough February. It is practically certain that the machi-nes carrying the double chevron, that we know of today,were allocated to unit commander. It cannot be ruledout that Günther Rall also ew one of these machi-nes. Why would I make this claim, when G. Rall wasto be transferred to JG 300? Transferring commandand function was seldom a straight forward affair.It was similar to the leaving of a head of a rm. So-Günther Rall (1918-2009), who’s units ew the Fw 190 D-11 at the endof the war, was, with his 275 victories, the third most successful ghterace in history. In August, 1939, he was attached to III./JG 52, andremained there until the spring of 1944. His rst kill came in the Battleof France, and then (as CO of 8. Staffel) took part in the Battle ofBritain, and also the battles over Crete. His second victory didn’t comeuntil the con ict began with the Soviets. By the end of November, 1941,he gained another 34 victories, but was himself shot down and sufferedspinal injuries that took him some eight months to recuperate from. Dur-ing this period he met a doctor that eventually became his wife.In July, 1942, he returned to the Eastern Front, and for his one hun-dredth victory was awarded the Oak Leaf to go with the Knight’s Crosshe received not even two months previous. In April, 1943, he was cred-ited with JG 52’s 5000th kill, and at the end of August, he attained thetwo hundred mark. From the beginning of June, 1943, he was namedCO of III./JG 52, which was the most successful component of JG 52.This unit amassed over 10,000 kills, and Rall’s III. Gruppe was creditedat least with 4,000 of them. His personal best month came in October,1943, over the course of which he destroyed forty Soviet ghters.In the spring of 1944, JG 52 needed to pick ve commanders with sig-ni cant enough combat experience against ghters to be recalled backto Germany, to take part in the planning of the ‘Defense of the Reich’.Günther Rall became the commanding of cer of II./JG 11 on April 19th,and less than a month later, on May 12th, he was shot down duringcombat with 56th FG Thunderbolts and suffered a hand injury.In the fall of 1944,he became CO of Verbandsführerschule des Generals der Jagd ieger,and the spring he took over command of JG 300. After the war,he returned to ying, not avoiding the military, and progressively builta second career. He trained in the United States, and became a pioneerin the use of the F-104 in Germany. In the sixties, he was Kommodoreof Jagdbombergeschwader 34, and later commanded the 3rd and 1stLuftwaffendivision, and at the start of the seventies, he became Inspe-kteur der Luftwaffe. Up to 1975, he was Germany’s attaché to NATO.Up to last year, he was intensively involved with veteran reunions inter-nationally, and in work with German Fighter Pilots Association.He is the author of a very good memoir, which has been published inGerman (Mein Flugbuch), and in English (My Logbook). Mr. Rall dis-played, despite his age and past injuries, a unique vitality, friendliness,and, quite literally, emitted energy. However, in Prague he did claim ata book signing that signing such a huge quantity of autographs tookmore out of him than ghting Thunderbolts in May, 1944.(Bundesarchiv Bild 146-1990-021-11A via Wikimedia Comons)Fw 190 D-11, W.Nr. 220 017 (also identi ed as 220 012) with Verbands-führerschule des Generals der Jagd ieger at Bad Wörishofen. Fhr OttoLeisner of I./JG 300 ew training missions in this aircraft on March 14thand 15th, 1945. (JaPo)metimes, it could’ve taken weeks for the transitionto be fully implemented.At the end of April, 1945, the training unit was disban-ded, and most of its Fw 190 D-11s (among others)stayed in bad Wörishofen and its satellite air elds,but some apparently found their way to combat unitsin the surrounding region.Why would the rst produced, and unique, Fw 190 D-11be delivered to a school rather than a combatunit? I can present two possible explanations,and I do not discount other alternatives:- In its day, it was one of the most advanced high per-formance ghters available to the Luftwaffe, and wasPage 19
Eduard Info 2010 page 19Historythen the ideal choice for preparing pilots for the jetpowered Me 262, which was considered the futurecore type for the Defense of the Reich.- Problems with the Jumo 213 F were signi cantenough to cause the leadership to not dare releasethe type to combat units, and instead wait until themore advanced Jumo 213 F-1 could be installed intothe Fw 190 D-12 and D-13.One Fw 190 D-11 that belonged to the VFS desG.d.J. was found after the war with rails for R4Mrockets. This was rather rare, but the same weaponswere found on some Fw 190 D-9s. Besides that, it isknown that the trials unit Jagdgruppe 10 used theseweapons on Fw 190 D-9 against air as well as groundtargets. Commanders that passed through Rall’s tra-ining unit, in many instances gravitated towards ele-ments ying the Me 262 that used the R4M againstenemy bomber formations. It then makes a certainamount of sense, that the ring o the weapons wouldbe tried out from the Fw 190 D.JAGDGESCHWADER 300 (JG 300)Another unit to which the Fw 190 D-11 found itselfattached was ghter Geschwader JG 300. It wasformed in June, 1943, as a unit specializing in night ghting with single engine Bf 109 G and Fw 190 A.Progressively, there were four Gruppe within this Ge-schwader, and later ew daylight combat missionsagainst four-engined heavy bombers. Its II. Gruppe(II./JG 300) gained the status of ‘Sturmgruppe’in the summer of 1944. This means that its pilots ewheavily armored Fw 190 As to penetrate into Ame-rican bomber formations and attack at close range.They became among the most feared units servingwithin the Defense of the Reich. Among their rankswere such pilots as Kommodore Walther Dahl (129victories), Klaus Bretschneider (34) and KonradBauer (57).Among notable personalities that served withJG 300 was Major Alfred Lindenberger, who was atone time CO of II./JG 300 and attained four victories.That wasn’t particularly impressive, if not for the factthat he had twelve in the First World War! He wasa noteworthy ace ying with the legendary Jasta 2‘Boelcke’. This ‘Alte Adler’ with JG 300 ew throughto the end of the war, and despite his age (born in1897) was an excellent pilot.Modelers will generally be well familiar with Fw 190 ARed ‘19’ own by Ernst Schröder of II./JG 300. To thisday, he is an active veteran, and his love of ying haseven led him to plastic modeling. He was also one ofthe members of JG 300 to have come into contactwith the ‘Dora’.JG 300 had predominantly the MesserschmittBf 109. Only the leadership of the unit and II./JG 300used Focke-Wulf Fw 190 A. At the end of the war,remnants of JG 300 operated in southern Germany,and primarily undertook missions of attacking groundtargets and fought against Allied strafers. One of theair elds used by II./JG 300 was Neubiberg, south ofMunich. As an emergency strip for this base, pilots ofJG 300 used a portion of the nearby Munich highway!There were plans to re-equip JG 300 with theMesserschmitt Me 262. Thanks to this fact,some pilots had already come into contact with theFw 190 D-11 before this type was integrated into JG 300.In post war photographs, it is evident that Red ‘4’ from the famous ‘Sachsenberg Schwarm’ earlier ew from Bad Worishofen with Verbandsfuhrerschuledes G.d.J. with the marking ‘< 58’. This unit provided specialized training for squadron COs. Since the aircraft served with a school, there was nospinner spiral., which was reserved for combat units (scheme can be found in the Fw 190D-11/D-13 kit, cat No. 8185).Martin Ferkl, Petr StepanekFw 190D-11 W.Nr. 220 009 in the service of Verbandfuhrerschule des Generals der Jagd ieger at Bad Worishofen. It is not impossible that this is oneof the aircraft that towards the end of the war was tested by Major Gunther Rall, the head of this school.Martin Ferkl, Petr StepanekPage 20
Eduard Info 2010 page 20HistoryFor example, Fhr. Otto Leisner, who had up tothis point own Bf 109 Gs with I./JG 300, ew theFw 190 D-11 with VFS des G.d.J. at Bad Worisho-fen in preparation for ying the Me 262. Among themwas ‘<<-‘ and ‘< 61’. Later, he was to transfer toJG 7 to y the jet.In February, 1945, the Kommodore of JG 300 wasnot in reality yet Günther Rall, but the leadershipof the Geschwader fell on a former member, MajorKurd Peters. Major Rall doesn’t appear at JG 300in Holzkirchen until the second half of April, 1945,at a time when the disbandment of his VFS des G.d.J.in nearby Bad Wörishofen was taking place. Shortlythereafter, the Fw 190 D-11 made its appearanceat Stab and II./JG 300. This is known from reportsof April 23 and over several of the following days.It is evident from them that with Stab JG 300 (Rall’sHQ ight), there were two Fw 190 D-11s. The samesources specify over thirty Fw 190 D-9s and D-11swith II./JG 300. The count with respect to speci cversions remains unknown. Furthermore, to this daythere are no photographs verifying an Fw 190 D-9 orD-11 in the services of JG 300.Ernst Schröder recounts not only the Fw 190 D-9,but also other Dora versions with II./JG 300 at theend of April. He recalls mechanics explaining thatthese versions lacked the MG 131s. In his memoirs,he identi es these as Fw 190 D-12s. He furtherreveals that within the entire inventory of II./JG 300,he saw between three and ve Fw 190 Ds, out of whichone or two were D-12s. These were in all probabilityFw 190 D-11s, which are accounted for in the abovementioned reports.During the last days of the war, the remaining ele-ments of Jagdgeschwader 300 were mergedwith Jagdgruppe 300 as an emergency measure,and Günther Rall was ordered to move his unit toPrague. Some of the pilots actually did end up inPrague, and these ew combat as late as May 8th,1945, out of Žatec (Saaz). Most of the personnel andtechnical equipment of JGr. 300 remained in Bavariaand Austria.JAGDVERBAND 44 (JV 44)The last unit, as far is currently known, that used theFw 190 D-11 was the elite ghter Jagdverband 44formed by Adolf Galland. Behind the formation of thissquadron lay animosity between Galland and thehead of the Luftwaffe, Hermann Göring. At the begin-ning of 1945, Galland was recalled from the Generalder Jagd ieger role, and was replaced by his rival,Gordon M. Gollob. Göring wanted to sweep Gallandunder the rug, and so allowed him to form his ownunit equipped with modern Me 262 jets. This wascompletely unorthodox for several reasons:- It did not answer to any superior element of theLuftwaffe, but fell directly under the upper echelonsof Luftwaffe command (OKL), and, in other words,to a certain point, Galland could do what he wanted.- Galland gathered for his unit almost 20 Knight Crossholders, very high gure as compared to other unitsat that timeFeldwebel Konrad ‘Pitt’ Bauer and his Fw 190 A-8 ‘Kornjark’ with theidenti er Red ‘3’ and W.Nr. 171 641. Bauer initially ew on the EasternFront with JG 51, but from the spring of 1944, he served in the Defenseof the Reich with JG 3, after which he transferred to 5. Staffel within thestructure of Sturmgruppe II./JG 300. Reportedly, he was shot down sev-en times, but destroyed 57 enemy aircraft, 32 of which were reportedas four engined heavy bombers. Today, some forty of his kills have beendocumented. For his success, he was awarded the Knight’s Cross,and nominated for the Oak Leaf. During combat with Mustangs onSeptember, 11, 1944, he was injured, where he lost a couple of ngerson his right hand, but shot down three Mustangs. Shortly thereafter,he returned to combat and ew specially equipped Fw 190s.At the beginning of 1945, he was named CO of 5./JG 300, was ground-ed over February, but after that, ew combat again until the beginningof April, 1944. His favorite wingman was a First World War veteran,Alfred Lindenberger. In the closing stages of WWII, II./JG 300 obtinedFw 190 D-9 and D-11 ghters.(Bundesarchiv Bild 183-J27642 via Wikimedia Commons)The most famous unit which ew the Fw 190D is JV 44. Up to this time, ve Focke-Wulf Fw 190Ds are known to have been used by JV 44, partof the so-called ‘Sachsenberg Schwarm’. Fancy, red lower surfaces with white stripes were used as a recognition feature to prevent friendly AA re.These Doras protected Me 262 Schwalbe jets from JV 44 during their most vulnerable phase of ight – take-off and landing. ‘Red 4’, with the ‘Dernächste Herr - diesselbe Dame’ inscription is documented as being own by Lt. Karl-Heinz Hofmann. The inscription can be translated as ‘differentman, same woman’. This Dora ended her life at München-Riem air eld. Martin Ferkl, Petr StepanekPage 21
Eduard Info 2010 page 21- At the closing of hostilities, Galland initiated negoti-ations with the Allies, offering his unit after capitula-ting to surrender with his complete inventory of air-craft, ground equipment and personnel. This is, in theannals of aerial warfare unprecedented.JV 44 ew combat operations chiey in southernGermany from Munich-Riem. By April, 1945, its pilotsracked up some sixty kills. The contribution of JV 44Adolf Galland (right) in a photo from 1943 taken at the Rechlin testingcenter. At this time, Galland had ceased combat ying and served asGeneral der Jagdieger. Constant animosity with German leadershipprogressively isolated him which paradoxically led to his being allowedto form his own unit, Jagdverband 44, which, besides Me 262s,also ew Fw 190 Ds. On the left with his arms crossed is ArmamentsMinister Albert Speer, and in the middle with the cigar looking at the skyis Erhard Milch, Goring’s Luftwaffe representative and the man respon-sible for aircraft production in Germany.(Bundesarchiv Bild 183-H28056 via Wikimedia Commons)Airelds in Bavaria and Austria that, at the end of April and beginning of May, 1945, were used by units ying the Fw 190 D-11.(Martin Lébl)HistoryPage 22
Eduard Info 2010 page 22to the outcome of the war was therefore pretty muchnegligible, but it does serve to illustrate the incrediblepossibilities in the Third Reich at the end of the war.The Me 262 was most vulnerable on take-offand landing. Aircraft of JV 44 were no different,and during low speeds, the Me 262 was more difcultto control, and care had to be exercised on the throt-tle. Otherwise, there was the danger of an enginestall or re. During the nal months of the war, it wasstandard practice for the jets to be covered by pistonengined ghters during the critical phases of ight.With JV 44, a protection ight was organized usingFw 190 Ds under the leadership of Lt. Heino Sachsenberg(104 victories). His pilots had to contend with otherdistractions – friendly anti-aircraft re. The crewsof ak batteries around Munich, some operated bywomen, made no real distinction between enemy andfriendly aircraft. The Me 262 fared better since theirsilhouette and sound of engine was quite unique andmore recognized. This is likely the reason why JV 44Doras were painted red with white stripes underne-ath.JV 44 declared, on April 23, that they had on handnot only the Fw 190 D-9, but also the D-11. In all,there were ve Doras, four of which were reported asserviceable. In the 1990s, photographs were disco-vered showing Fw 190 D-11, Red ‘4’, which remainedin Munich at the end of the war. Initially, it was thoughtthat the aircraft in question was the Fw 190 D-11 proto-type, V58, but now it looks as though it was an ex-VFSdes G.d.J. machine with fuselage identier ‘< 58’which was characteristic for the school. From furtherphotographic evidence, three further Fw 190 D-9shave been identied as belonging to JV 44 (Red ‘1’,Red ‘3’, and Red ‘13’). One also remained in Munich,and two were found in Ainring. The fth and nalmachine went missing. Many people, myself inclu-ded, suspected it is also an Fw 190 D-9.I dare say that probably the biggest surprise of lastyear was the discovery of a photograph of the fthand missing Dora. It was published in his book byJerry Crandall, and is specically Fw 190 D-11,Red ‘2’. It was found at the end of the war at BadAibling. But, this mystery is far from over. So far,detail photos of the port side are non-existent,so I have no way of knowing if and how any perso-nal markings looked like on this bird. Hopefully, pho-tographs from Bavaria over time will reveal moreDoras. For example, there was reportedly anotherDora at Ainring at the end of the war, and this couldalso have been an aircraft from JG 300, and couldalso have been a D-11For their invaluable co-operation in the preparationof this article, I would like to thank Kurt Braatz, MartinFerkl, Tomáš Poruba and Matti SalonenSources and references:- Crandall J.: The Focke-Wulf Fw 190 Dora, Volume Two,Fw 190 D-11 D-13, Eagle Editions Ltd., Hamilton, 2009- Deboeck M., Larger E., Poruba T.: Focke-Wulf Fw 190 DCamouage & Markings Part I a Part II, JaPo, Hradec Kralove,2005 a 2007- Forsyth R.: Jagdverband 44 Squadron of Experten,Osprey Publishing, Oxford, 2008- Lorant J.-Y., Goyat R.: Jagdgeschwader 300 „Wilde Sau“Volume Two September 1944 – May 1945, Eagle Editions Ltd.,Hamilton, 2007- Obermaier E.: Die Ritterkreuzträger der Luftwaffe, Band I,Jagdieger, Verlag Dieter Hoffmann, Mainz, 1989- Rall G.: Mein Flugbuch, Erinnerungen 1938 – 2004,NeunundzwanzigSechs Verlag, Moosburg, 2004- Rodeike P.: Focke Wulf Jagdfugzeug Fw 190 A, Fw 190 Dora,Ta 152 H, Eutin, 1998- UNITED STATES STRATEGIC BOMBING SURVEY, AIR-CRAFT DIVISION, AIRFRAMES, PLANT REPORT NO 5,FOCKE-WULF FLUGZEUGBAU GmbH, (FOCKE-WULFAIRCRAFT INC), (COMPLEX), BREMEN, GERMANY,26. Sept. 1945HistoryPhotographs of aircraft of Verbandsfuhrerschule des Generals der Jag-dieger CO was kindly supplied by JaPo.Page 23
Eduard Info 2010 page 23The rst of our display Fw 190D-11 in 1/48th (Cat No. 8185), built by JiriPospisil (from the Modelclub of Museum of Air battle over the Ore Mountains on Septem-ber 11th, 1944), in the camou age scheme of Verbandsfuhrerschule desGenerales der Jagd iger at Bad Worlshofen, 1945.Page 24
Eduard Info 2010 page 24Over the past several weeks, we encountered a prob-lem that was also met by several modelers of theFw 190D-11/D-13, and even the earlier D-9, wherebythere may have been a problem with the forward fu-selage, and subsequently, the fuselage to wing joint.This resulted in either a small gap, or in some cases,a situation where the fuselage and wing section wouldn’tmeet up and sit right. After careful analysis, we concludedthat the problem is the result of not following the instruc-tions to the letter, as it were. The ambiguity that resultscomes from the forward fuselage assembly, where theincorrect assembly between the rear engine area and the rewall behind it and subsequently the incorrect insertionof these components into the fuselage halves, cause thehalves to be spread further apart than they should be,and/or causing the fuselage to be narrower in the cock-pit and centre wing area. We have therefore formulateda detailed description as an addendum to the instructionswhich should alleviate the potential problem.V1W1Y17X5X38X46W22X46X5X38O93O93The second instance where fit complicationscan arise, are during the installation of thefirewall with the rear engine accessories into thefuselage. We recommend gluing into the fuselage only the rear part of the entireassembly, parts X5, X38 and X46. Don’t glue the front part of the assembly, attached to bulkhead W1.Just place this part in position, the cutout in part W1 for parts Y17/Y29 into position behind the vertical tabs moldedinto the insides of fuselage halves V1/V2. After the cementing of the fuselage halves together, the bulkheadsandwiched therein will lock precisely into place, and won’t adversely affect the relative positions of the halves.To the contrary, if bulkhead W1 is glued in place, adverse consequences for later fit can occur, because the positionof W1 is very critical. Not gluing it will allow it to sit where it’s supposed to sit!The key problem in the successful assembly of the forwardfuselage is the precise attachment of fuselage/enginefirewall and the maintaining of the relative positions of itsthree key components, X5, X38 and X46. Carelessobservation will lead to the assumption that the commonangle of these components is 90°, but this is not, in fact, thecase. It is in reality, 93° ! Beware of these angles, they areimportant. Refer to the profile of the entire assembly, and tothe location tabs in the fuselage halves (V1/V2).D n t c n ,o o eme tt t er cebu ra h plan s si ii thi po t onRecommendations for the proper installation of forward fuselage subassembliesin the Fw 190D-9 and Fw 190D-11/D-13Page 25
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.y39{bottom:364.866667pt;} .y181{bottom:367.102800pt;} .y93{bottom:368.678267pt;} .ye0{bottom:370.073467pt;} .y204{bottom:370.428800pt;} .y31f{bottom:370.461200pt;} .y2bd{bottom:370.483867pt;} .y282{bottom:372.103867pt;} .y2dd{bottom:374.443867pt;} .y17d{bottom:374.473467pt;} .y26{bottom:375.442667pt;} .y180{bottom:379.102800pt;} .y32e{bottom:379.642533pt;} .y386{bottom:379.842533pt;} .y92{bottom:381.478267pt;} .y62{bottom:382.871200pt;} .y203{bottom:383.228800pt;} .y281{bottom:383.431867pt;} .y38{bottom:384.866667pt;} .y2bc{bottom:386.485200pt;} .ydf{bottom:387.406800pt;} .y17c{bottom:387.806800pt;} .y3c9{bottom:389.008969pt;} .y2dc{bottom:390.445200pt;} .y31e{bottom:390.466533pt;} .y17f{bottom:391.102800pt;} .y280{bottom:394.759867pt;} .y25{bottom:395.442667pt;} .y32d{bottom:395.643867pt;} .y385{bottom:395.842533pt;} .y202{bottom:396.028800pt;} .y2bb{bottom:402.486533pt;} .y61{bottom:402.871200pt;} .yde{bottom:404.740133pt;} .y37{bottom:404.866667pt;} .y27f{bottom:406.087867pt;} .y2db{bottom:406.446533pt;} .y201{bottom:408.828800pt;} .y31d{bottom:410.471867pt;} .y76{bottom:410.563467pt;} .y32c{bottom:411.645200pt;} .y384{bottom:411.842533pt;} .y1a4{bottom:414.250667pt;} .y24{bottom:415.442667pt;} .y27e{bottom:417.415867pt;} .y1ab{bottom:418.240000pt;} .y2ba{bottom:418.487867pt;} .y3ce{bottom:418.958098pt;} .y178{bottom:420.041067pt;} .y200{bottom:421.628800pt;} .ydd{bottom:422.073467pt;} .y2da{bottom:422.447867pt;} .y60{bottom:422.871200pt;} .y36{bottom:424.866667pt;} .y31c{bottom:426.473200pt;} .y32b{bottom:427.646533pt;} .y383{bottom:427.842533pt;} .y27d{bottom:428.743867pt;} .y3c5{bottom:429.154133pt;} .y1be{bottom:429.718933pt;} .y1a3{bottom:430.252000pt;} .y1ff{bottom:434.428800pt;} .y2b9{bottom:434.489200pt;} .y2d9{bottom:438.449200pt;} .y27c{bottom:440.071867pt;} .ydc{bottom:440.740133pt;} .y95{bottom:441.510267pt;} .y31b{bottom:442.078533pt;} .y5f{bottom:442.871200pt;} .y3c8{bottom:442.916933pt;} .y382{bottom:443.842533pt;} .y35{bottom:444.866667pt;} .y1a2{bottom:446.253333pt;} .y1fe{bottom:447.228800pt;} .y32a{bottom:447.651867pt;} .y2b8{bottom:450.490533pt;} .y27b{bottom:451.399867pt;} .y94{bottom:454.310267pt;} .y2d8{bottom:454.450533pt;} .y3d2{bottom:454.584800pt;} .y23{bottom:455.442667pt;} .y264{bottom:456.114533pt;} .y31a{bottom:457.683867pt;} .y1fd{bottom:460.028800pt;} .y1aa{bottom:462.240000pt;} .y27a{bottom:462.727867pt;} .y5e{bottom:462.871200pt;} .y1bf{bottom:463.251600pt;} .y3d1{bottom:463.420667pt;} .y329{bottom:463.653200pt;} .y23f{bottom:463.785200pt;} .y381{bottom:463.842533pt;} .y34{bottom:464.866667pt;} .y1a1{bottom:466.258667pt;} .y3e5{bottom:469.569607pt;} .y2d7{bottom:470.451867pt;} .y2b7{bottom:470.495867pt;} .y263{bottom:472.115867pt;} .y1fc{bottom:472.828800pt;} .y319{bottom:473.289200pt;} .y279{bottom:474.055867pt;} .y22{bottom:475.442667pt;} .yf7{bottom:475.566133pt;} .yfa{bottom:476.210053pt;} .y1a9{bottom:478.241333pt;} .y328{bottom:478.319867pt;} .y23e{bottom:479.786533pt;} .y380{bottom:479.842533pt;} .y5d{bottom:482.871200pt;} .y3e4{bottom:484.260838pt;} .y33{bottom:484.866667pt;} .y278{bottom:485.383867pt;} .y1bd{bottom:485.678800pt;} .y1a0{bottom:486.264000pt;} .y2d6{bottom:486.453200pt;} .y2b6{bottom:486.497200pt;} .y1bc{bottom:487.249733pt;} .y262{bottom:488.117200pt;} .y318{bottom:488.894533pt;} .y327{bottom:492.986533pt;} .y21{bottom:495.442667pt;} .y23d{bottom:495.787867pt;} .y37f{bottom:495.842533pt;} .y277{bottom:496.711867pt;} .ye7{bottom:497.997733pt;} .y1a8{bottom:498.246667pt;} .y3e3{bottom:498.952069pt;} .y3cd{bottom:500.677126pt;} .y19f{bottom:502.265333pt;} .y2d5{bottom:502.454533pt;} .y2b5{bottom:502.498533pt;} .y5c{bottom:502.871200pt;} .ycb{bottom:503.114267pt;} .y261{bottom:504.118533pt;} .y317{bottom:504.499867pt;} .y32{bottom:504.866667pt;} .y326{bottom:507.653200pt;} .y276{bottom:508.039867pt;} .y23c{bottom:511.789200pt;} .y37e{bottom:511.842533pt;} .y3e2{bottom:513.643299pt;} .y1a7{bottom:514.248000pt;} .ydb{bottom:515.135600pt;} .y20{bottom:515.442667pt;} .y19e{bottom:518.266667pt;} .y2b4{bottom:518.499867pt;} .yca{bottom:519.115600pt;} .y275{bottom:519.367867pt;} .y316{bottom:520.105200pt;} .y260{bottom:520.119867pt;} .y325{bottom:522.319867pt;} .y2d4{bottom:522.459867pt;} .y5b{bottom:522.871200pt;} .y31{bottom:524.866667pt;} .y1fa{bottom:525.083867pt;} .y1de{bottom:525.127867pt;} .y23b{bottom:527.790533pt;} .y37d{bottom:527.842533pt;} .y3e1{bottom:528.334530pt;} .y274{bottom:530.695867pt;} .yda{bottom:531.135600pt;} .y1a6{bottom:534.253333pt;} .y19d{bottom:534.268000pt;} .y2b3{bottom:534.501200pt;} .yc9{bottom:535.116933pt;} .y1f{bottom:535.442667pt;} .y315{bottom:535.710533pt;} .y25f{bottom:536.121200pt;} .y324{bottom:536.986533pt;} .y2d3{bottom:538.461200pt;} .y1f9{bottom:541.085200pt;} .y1dd{bottom:541.129200pt;} .y273{bottom:542.023867pt;} .y5a{bottom:542.871200pt;} .y3e0{bottom:543.025761pt;} .y23a{bottom:543.791867pt;} .y37c{bottom:543.842533pt;} .y30{bottom:544.866667pt;} .yd9{bottom:547.135600pt;} .y1a5{bottom:550.254667pt;} .y19c{bottom:550.269333pt;} .yc8{bottom:551.118267pt;} .y323{bottom:551.653200pt;} .y25e{bottom:552.122533pt;} .y2d2{bottom:554.462533pt;} .y2b2{bottom:554.506533pt;} .y314{bottom:555.305200pt;} .y1e{bottom:555.442667pt;} .y80{bottom:555.807600pt;} .y1f8{bottom:557.086533pt;} .y1dc{bottom:557.130533pt;} .y3df{bottom:557.716992pt;} .y239{bottom:559.793200pt;} .y37b{bottom:559.842533pt;} .y3ca{bottom:560.383467pt;} .y59{bottom:562.871200pt;} .yd8{bottom:563.135600pt;} .y2f{bottom:564.866667pt;} .yf1{bottom:565.070400pt;} .y3d0{bottom:565.744000pt;} .y322{bottom:566.319867pt;} .yc7{bottom:567.119600pt;} .y25d{bottom:568.123867pt;} .y2d1{bottom:570.463867pt;} .y2b1{bottom:570.507867pt;} .y313{bottom:570.910533pt;} .y3cc{bottom:571.774800pt;} .y3de{bottom:572.408223pt;} .y1f7{bottom:573.087867pt;} .y1db{bottom:573.131867pt;} .y2af{bottom:574.278667pt;} .y3cf{bottom:574.580267pt;} .y1d{bottom:575.442667pt;} .y238{bottom:575.794533pt;} .y37a{bottom:575.842533pt;} .yd7{bottom:579.135600pt;} .y79{bottom:579.470000pt;} .y272{bottom:579.798533pt;} .y78{bottom:580.803333pt;} .y58{bottom:582.871200pt;} .yc6{bottom:583.120933pt;} .y1b6{bottom:583.198533pt;} .y25c{bottom:584.125200pt;} .y2e{bottom:584.866667pt;} .y196{bottom:585.487600pt;} .y2d0{bottom:586.465200pt;} .y2b0{bottom:586.509200pt;} .y312{bottom:586.515867pt;} .y3dd{bottom:587.099453pt;} .y90{bottom:589.081733pt;} .y2ae{bottom:590.280000pt;} .y237{bottom:591.795867pt;} .y379{bottom:591.842533pt;} .y1f6{bottom:593.093200pt;} .y1da{bottom:593.137200pt;} .yf5{bottom:594.354133pt;} .yfb{bottom:594.558000pt;} .y1ba{bottom:595.042533pt;} .yd6{bottom:595.135600pt;} .y343{bottom:595.288000pt;} .y1c{bottom:595.442667pt;} .y271{bottom:595.799867pt;} .y1b5{bottom:595.998533pt;} .yc5{bottom:599.122267pt;} .y25b{bottom:600.126533pt;} .y311{bottom:602.121200pt;} .y3eb{bottom:602.803248pt;} .y57{bottom:602.871200pt;} .y2d{bottom:604.866667pt;} .y8f{bottom:605.081733pt;} .y236{bottom:607.797200pt;} .y378{bottom:607.842533pt;} .y1f5{bottom:609.094533pt;} .y1d9{bottom:609.138533pt;} .y2ad{bottom:610.285333pt;} .y270{bottom:611.801200pt;} .y342{bottom:612.621333pt;} .y1b9{bottom:612.642533pt;} .yd5{bottom:615.108933pt;} .yc4{bottom:615.123600pt;} .y1b{bottom:615.442667pt;} .y25a{bottom:616.127867pt;} .y310{bottom:617.726533pt;} .y3ea{bottom:618.963557pt;} .y2f4{bottom:619.954133pt;} .y8e{bottom:621.081733pt;} .y56{bottom:622.871200pt;} .y235{bottom:623.798533pt;} .y377{bottom:623.842533pt;} .y350{bottom:624.629733pt;} .y2c{bottom:624.866667pt;} .y1f4{bottom:625.095867pt;} .y1d8{bottom:625.139867pt;} .y341{bottom:625.421333pt;} .y2ac{bottom:626.286667pt;} .y26f{bottom:627.802533pt;} .y1b8{bottom:630.242533pt;} .yd4{bottom:631.110267pt;} .yc3{bottom:631.124933pt;} .y259{bottom:632.129200pt;} .y35a{bottom:632.354667pt;} .y2f3{bottom:632.754133pt;} .y30f{bottom:633.331867pt;} .y3e9{bottom:635.123867pt;} .y1a{bottom:635.442667pt;} .y8d{bottom:637.081733pt;} .y340{bottom:637.421333pt;} .y234{bottom:639.799867pt;} .y376{bottom:639.842533pt;} .y34f{bottom:640.629733pt;} .y1f3{bottom:641.097200pt;} .y1d7{bottom:641.141200pt;} .y2ab{bottom:642.288000pt;} .y55{bottom:642.871200pt;} .y26e{bottom:643.803867pt;} .y2b{bottom:644.866667pt;} .y2f2{bottom:645.554133pt;} .yd3{bottom:647.111600pt;} .yc2{bottom:647.126267pt;} .y1b7{bottom:647.842533pt;} .y258{bottom:648.130533pt;} .y30e{bottom:648.937200pt;} .y33f{bottom:649.421333pt;} .y359{bottom:649.688000pt;} .y88{bottom:652.838267pt;} .y8c{bottom:653.081733pt;} .y19{bottom:655.442667pt;} .y233{bottom:655.801200pt;} .y375{bottom:655.842533pt;} .y34e{bottom:656.629733pt;} .y1f2{bottom:657.098533pt;} .y1d6{bottom:657.142533pt;} .y2aa{bottom:658.289333pt;} .y2f1{bottom:658.354133pt;} .y26d{bottom:659.805200pt;} .y33e{bottom:661.421333pt;} .y358{bottom:662.488000pt;} .y54{bottom:662.871200pt;} .yd2{bottom:663.112933pt;} .yc1{bottom:663.127600pt;} .y257{bottom:664.131867pt;} .y30d{bottom:664.542533pt;} .y8b{bottom:669.081733pt;} .y374{bottom:671.842533pt;} .y1f1{bottom:673.099867pt;} .y1d5{bottom:673.143867pt;} .y33d{bottom:673.421333pt;} .y357{bottom:675.288000pt;} .y18{bottom:675.442667pt;} .y232{bottom:675.806533pt;} .y34d{bottom:676.629733pt;} .y3c{bottom:677.450133pt;} .y3a9{bottom:678.146533pt;} .y2a9{bottom:678.294667pt;} .yd1{bottom:679.114267pt;} .yc0{bottom:679.128933pt;} .y256{bottom:680.133200pt;} .y30c{bottom:680.147867pt;} .y53{bottom:682.871200pt;} .y33c{bottom:685.421333pt;} .y373{bottom:687.842533pt;} .y356{bottom:688.088000pt;} .y143{bottom:689.008000pt;} .y1f0{bottom:689.101200pt;} .y1d4{bottom:689.145200pt;} .y3a8{bottom:691.479867pt;} .y3c2{bottom:691.709333pt;} .y231{bottom:691.807867pt;} .y34c{bottom:692.629733pt;} .y87{bottom:692.838267pt;} .y2a8{bottom:694.296000pt;} .y3c4{bottom:694.739467pt;} .yd0{bottom:695.115600pt;} .ybf{bottom:695.130267pt;} .y17{bottom:695.442667pt;} .y30b{bottom:695.753200pt;} .y255{bottom:696.134533pt;} .y33b{bottom:697.421333pt;} .y9d{bottom:698.871200pt;} .y355{bottom:700.888000pt;} .y52{bottom:702.871200pt;} .y372{bottom:703.842533pt;} .y3a7{bottom:704.813200pt;} .y1d3{bottom:705.146533pt;} .y230{bottom:707.809200pt;} .y126{bottom:707.819600pt;} .y142{bottom:708.208000pt;} .y34b{bottom:708.629733pt;} .y1ef{bottom:709.106533pt;} .y3c1{bottom:709.309333pt;} .y33a{bottom:709.421333pt;} .y2a7{bottom:710.297333pt;} .y17b{bottom:710.906933pt;} .ycf{bottom:711.116933pt;} .ybe{bottom:711.131600pt;} .y3c3{bottom:712.339467pt;} .yf6{bottom:712.610533pt;} .yfc{bottom:713.106267pt;} .y354{bottom:713.688000pt;} .y194{bottom:714.512267pt;} .y9c{bottom:714.871200pt;} .y30a{bottom:715.347867pt;} .y16{bottom:715.442667pt;} .y254{bottom:716.139867pt;} .y3a6{bottom:718.146533pt;} .y125{bottom:720.619600pt;} .y141{bottom:721.008000pt;} .y1d2{bottom:721.147867pt;} .y339{bottom:721.421333pt;} .y51{bottom:722.871200pt;} .y17a{bottom:723.706933pt;} .y22f{bottom:723.810533pt;} .y371{bottom:723.842533pt;} .y34a{bottom:724.629733pt;} .y1ee{bottom:725.107867pt;} .y2a6{bottom:726.298667pt;} .y353{bottom:726.488000pt;} .y3c0{bottom:726.909333pt;} .yce{bottom:727.118267pt;} .ybd{bottom:727.132933pt;} .y177{bottom:729.808000pt;} .y193{bottom:730.513600pt;} .y15d{bottom:730.752800pt;} .y309{bottom:730.953200pt;} .y3a5{bottom:731.479867pt;} .y253{bottom:732.141200pt;} .y86{bottom:732.838267pt;} .y124{bottom:733.419600pt;} .y338{bottom:733.421333pt;} .y140{bottom:733.808000pt;} .y15{bottom:735.442667pt;} .y1d1{bottom:737.149200pt;} .y352{bottom:739.288000pt;} .y22e{bottom:739.811867pt;} .y370{bottom:739.842533pt;} .y349{bottom:740.629733pt;} .y1ed{bottom:741.109200pt;} .y2a5{bottom:742.300000pt;} .y176{bottom:742.608000pt;} .y50{bottom:742.871200pt;} .ycd{bottom:743.119600pt;} .ybc{bottom:743.134267pt;} .y15c{bottom:743.552800pt;} .y91{bottom:744.499867pt;} .y3bf{bottom:744.509333pt;} .y337{bottom:745.421333pt;} .y123{bottom:746.219600pt;} .y192{bottom:746.514933pt;} .y308{bottom:746.558533pt;} .y13f{bottom:746.608000pt;} .y19b{bottom:747.213333pt;} .y252{bottom:748.142533pt;} .y3a4{bottom:748.813200pt;} .y351{bottom:752.088000pt;} .y85{bottom:752.838267pt;} .y175{bottom:755.408000pt;} .y14{bottom:755.442667pt;} .y22d{bottom:755.813200pt;} .y36f{bottom:755.842533pt;} .y15b{bottom:756.352800pt;} .y1ec{bottom:757.110533pt;} .y1d0{bottom:757.154533pt;} .y336{bottom:757.421333pt;} .y122{bottom:759.019600pt;} .ycc{bottom:759.120933pt;} .ybb{bottom:759.135600pt;} .y13e{bottom:759.408000pt;} .y3be{bottom:762.109333pt;} .y3a3{bottom:762.146533pt;} .y307{bottom:762.163867pt;} .y2a4{bottom:762.305333pt;} .y191{bottom:762.516267pt;} .y4f{bottom:762.871200pt;} .y19a{bottom:763.214667pt;} .y72{bottom:763.420667pt;} .y251{bottom:764.143867pt;} .y174{bottom:768.208000pt;} .y15a{bottom:769.152800pt;} .y335{bottom:769.421333pt;} .y22c{bottom:771.814533pt;} .y121{bottom:771.819600pt;} .y36e{bottom:771.842533pt;} .y13d{bottom:772.208000pt;} .y84{bottom:772.838267pt;} .y1eb{bottom:773.111867pt;} .y1cf{bottom:773.155867pt;} .y13{bottom:775.442667pt;} .y306{bottom:777.769200pt;} .y2a3{bottom:778.306667pt;} .y190{bottom:778.517600pt;} .y199{bottom:779.216000pt;} .y3a2{bottom:779.479867pt;} .y3bd{bottom:779.709333pt;} .y250{bottom:780.145200pt;} .y173{bottom:781.008000pt;} .y334{bottom:781.421333pt;} .y159{bottom:781.952800pt;} .y4e{bottom:782.871200pt;} .y120{bottom:784.619600pt;} .y13c{bottom:785.008000pt;} .y22b{bottom:787.815867pt;} .y36d{bottom:787.842533pt;} .y1ea{bottom:789.113200pt;} .y1ce{bottom:789.157200pt;} .y3a1{bottom:792.813200pt;} .y83{bottom:792.838267pt;} .y305{bottom:793.374533pt;} .y333{bottom:793.421333pt;} .y172{bottom:793.808000pt;} .y18f{bottom:794.518933pt;} .y158{bottom:794.752800pt;} .y12{bottom:795.442667pt;} .y24f{bottom:796.146533pt;} .y3bc{bottom:797.309333pt;} .y11f{bottom:797.419600pt;} .y13b{bottom:797.808000pt;} .y4d{bottom:802.871200pt;} .y22a{bottom:803.817200pt;} .y36c{bottom:803.842533pt;} .y1e9{bottom:805.114533pt;} .y1cd{bottom:805.158533pt;} .y332{bottom:805.421333pt;} .y171{bottom:808.208000pt;} .y2a2{bottom:808.952133pt;} .y304{bottom:808.979867pt;} .y157{bottom:809.152800pt;} .y3a0{bottom:810.146533pt;} .y11e{bottom:810.219600pt;} .y18e{bottom:810.520267pt;} .y13a{bottom:810.608000pt;} .y198{bottom:811.786400pt;} .y197{bottom:811.797067pt;} .y24e{bottom:812.147867pt;} .yf0{bottom:812.686400pt;} .y82{bottom:812.838267pt;} .ye5{bottom:814.563467pt;} .y3bb{bottom:814.909333pt;} .y11{bottom:815.442667pt;} .yab{bottom:818.402400pt;} .yb9{bottom:818.865733pt;} .y229{bottom:819.818533pt;} .y36b{bottom:819.842533pt;} .y2a1{bottom:820.952133pt;} .y170{bottom:821.008000pt;} .y1e8{bottom:821.115867pt;} .y1cc{bottom:821.159867pt;} .y156{bottom:821.952800pt;} .y4c{bottom:822.871200pt;} .y11d{bottom:823.019600pt;} .y139{bottom:823.408000pt;} .y39f{bottom:823.479867pt;} .y303{bottom:824.585200pt;} .y18d{bottom:826.521600pt;} .y24d{bottom:828.149200pt;} .y7f{bottom:830.540400pt;} .y1b4{bottom:831.007333pt;} .yf4{bottom:831.266533pt;} .yf8{bottom:831.664133pt;} .y3ba{bottom:832.509333pt;} .y16f{bottom:833.808000pt;} .y2a0{bottom:834.285467pt;} .yac{bottom:834.403733pt;} .y155{bottom:834.752800pt;} .yb8{bottom:834.867067pt;} .y10{bottom:835.442667pt;} .y11c{bottom:835.819600pt;} .y228{bottom:835.819867pt;} .y36a{bottom:835.842533pt;} .yaa{bottom:836.002400pt;} .y138{bottom:836.208000pt;} .y1e7{bottom:837.117200pt;} .y1cb{bottom:837.161200pt;} .y77{bottom:838.744667pt;} .ye8{bottom:839.093733pt;} .y302{bottom:840.190533pt;} .y39e{bottom:840.813200pt;} .y18c{bottom:842.522933pt;} .y4b{bottom:842.871200pt;} .y24c{bottom:844.150533pt;} .y16e{bottom:846.608000pt;} .y29f{bottom:847.085467pt;} .y154{bottom:847.552800pt;} .y11b{bottom:848.619600pt;} .y137{bottom:849.008000pt;} .y3b9{bottom:850.109333pt;} .yb7{bottom:850.868400pt;} .y227{bottom:851.821200pt;} .y369{bottom:851.842533pt;} .y1ca{bottom:853.162533pt;} .ya9{bottom:853.602400pt;} .y39d{bottom:854.146533pt;} .yf{bottom:855.442667pt;} .y301{bottom:855.795867pt;} .y1e6{bottom:857.122533pt;} .y2f7{bottom:857.956000pt;} .y18b{bottom:858.524267pt;} .y16d{bottom:859.408000pt;} .y29e{bottom:859.885467pt;} .y24b{bottom:860.151867pt;} .y153{bottom:860.352800pt;} .y11a{bottom:861.419600pt;} .y136{bottom:861.808000pt;} .y4a{bottom:862.871200pt;} .y8a{bottom:864.093333pt;} .y108{bottom:865.794533pt;} .y1b3{bottom:866.570000pt;} .yb6{bottom:866.869733pt;} .y39c{bottom:867.479867pt;} .y2f6{bottom:867.556000pt;} .y3b8{bottom:867.709333pt;} .y226{bottom:867.822533pt;} .y368{bottom:867.842533pt;} .y1c9{bottom:869.163867pt;} .ya8{bottom:871.202400pt;} .y300{bottom:871.401200pt;} .y16c{bottom:872.208000pt;} .y1e5{bottom:873.123867pt;} .y152{bottom:873.152800pt;} .y119{bottom:874.219600pt;} .y18a{bottom:874.525600pt;} .y135{bottom:874.608000pt;} .ye{bottom:875.442667pt;} .y24a{bottom:876.153200pt;} .y89{bottom:876.893333pt;} .y1b2{bottom:879.370000pt;} .y2f5{bottom:880.356000pt;} .y109{bottom:881.795867pt;} .yb5{bottom:882.871067pt;} .y49{bottom:882.871200pt;} .y107{bottom:883.394533pt;} .y225{bottom:883.823867pt;} .y367{bottom:883.842533pt;} .y39b{bottom:884.813200pt;} .y16b{bottom:885.008000pt;} .y3b7{bottom:885.309333pt;} .y151{bottom:885.952800pt;} .y2ff{bottom:887.006533pt;} .y118{bottom:887.019600pt;} .y134{bottom:887.408000pt;} .ya7{bottom:888.802400pt;} .y1e4{bottom:889.125200pt;} .y1c8{bottom:889.169200pt;} .y189{bottom:890.526933pt;} .y249{bottom:892.154533pt;} .y1b1{bottom:892.170000pt;} .yd{bottom:895.442667pt;} .y16a{bottom:897.808000pt;} .y39a{bottom:898.146533pt;} .y150{bottom:898.752800pt;} .yb4{bottom:898.872400pt;} .y117{bottom:899.819600pt;} .y224{bottom:899.825200pt;} .y366{bottom:899.842533pt;} .y133{bottom:900.208000pt;} .y106{bottom:900.994533pt;} .y2fe{bottom:902.611867pt;} .y48{bottom:902.871200pt;} .y3b6{bottom:902.909333pt;} .y26c{bottom:903.829200pt;} .y1b0{bottom:904.970000pt;} .y1e3{bottom:905.126533pt;} .y1c7{bottom:905.170533pt;} .ya6{bottom:906.402400pt;} .y188{bottom:906.528267pt;} .y248{bottom:908.155867pt;} .y169{bottom:910.608000pt;} .y14f{bottom:911.552800pt;} .y116{bottom:912.619600pt;} .y132{bottom:913.008000pt;} .yb3{bottom:914.873733pt;} .yc{bottom:915.442667pt;} .y399{bottom:915.479867pt;} .y223{bottom:915.826533pt;} .y365{bottom:915.842533pt;} .y2fd{bottom:918.217200pt;} .y105{bottom:918.594533pt;} .y26b{bottom:919.830533pt;} .y3b5{bottom:920.509333pt;} .y1e2{bottom:921.127867pt;} .y1c6{bottom:921.171867pt;} .y187{bottom:922.529600pt;} .y47{bottom:922.871200pt;} .y168{bottom:923.408000pt;} .ya5{bottom:924.002400pt;} .y247{bottom:924.157200pt;} .y14e{bottom:924.352800pt;} .y115{bottom:925.419600pt;} .y131{bottom:925.808000pt;} .y398{bottom:928.813200pt;} .yb2{bottom:930.875067pt;} .y222{bottom:931.827867pt;} .y364{bottom:931.842533pt;} .y2fc{bottom:933.822533pt;} .y26a{bottom:935.831867pt;} .y104{bottom:936.194533pt;} .y167{bottom:936.208000pt;} .y1e1{bottom:937.129200pt;} .y14d{bottom:937.152800pt;} .y1c5{bottom:937.173200pt;} .yed{bottom:937.821733pt;} .y3b4{bottom:938.109333pt;} .y114{bottom:938.219600pt;} .y186{bottom:938.530933pt;} .y130{bottom:938.608000pt;} .y246{bottom:940.158533pt;} .ya4{bottom:941.602400pt;} .y397{bottom:942.146533pt;} .y46{bottom:942.871200pt;} .yb1{bottom:946.876400pt;} .y221{bottom:947.829200pt;} .y363{bottom:947.842533pt;} .y2fb{bottom:949.427867pt;} .y166{bottom:950.608000pt;} .y113{bottom:951.019600pt;} .y12f{bottom:951.408000pt;} .y14c{bottom:951.552800pt;} .y269{bottom:951.833200pt;} .y1e0{bottom:953.130533pt;} .y1c4{bottom:953.174533pt;} .y103{bottom:953.794533pt;} .y185{bottom:954.532267pt;} .yec{bottom:955.421733pt;} .y3b3{bottom:955.709333pt;} .y245{bottom:956.159867pt;} .ya3{bottom:959.202400pt;} .y396{bottom:959.479867pt;} .y45{bottom:962.871200pt;} .yb0{bottom:962.877733pt;} .y165{bottom:963.408000pt;} .y112{bottom:963.819600pt;} .y220{bottom:963.830533pt;} .y362{bottom:963.842533pt;} .y12e{bottom:964.208000pt;} .y14b{bottom:964.352800pt;} .y2fa{bottom:965.033200pt;} .y268{bottom:967.834533pt;} .y1df{bottom:969.131867pt;} .y1c3{bottom:969.175867pt;} .y184{bottom:970.533600pt;} .y102{bottom:971.394533pt;} .y244{bottom:972.161200pt;} .y395{bottom:972.813200pt;} .yeb{bottom:973.021733pt;} .y3b2{bottom:973.309333pt;} .y164{bottom:976.208000pt;} .y111{bottom:976.619600pt;} .ya2{bottom:976.802400pt;} .y12d{bottom:977.008000pt;} .y14a{bottom:977.152800pt;} .yaf{bottom:978.879067pt;} .y21f{bottom:979.831867pt;} .y361{bottom:979.842533pt;} .y44{bottom:982.871200pt;} .y267{bottom:983.835867pt;} .y2f9{bottom:984.627867pt;} .y101{bottom:988.994533pt;} .y163{bottom:989.008000pt;} .y149{bottom:989.952800pt;} .yea{bottom:990.621733pt;} .y3b1{bottom:990.909333pt;} .y110{bottom:991.019600pt;} .y12c{bottom:991.408000pt;} .y243{bottom:992.166533pt;} .y394{bottom:992.813200pt;} .y3af{bottom:993.014933pt;} .ya1{bottom:994.402400pt;} .yae{bottom:994.880400pt;} .y360{bottom:995.842533pt;} .y179{bottom:995.878400pt;} .y1fb{bottom:997.531600pt;} .y21e{bottom:999.837200pt;} .y2f8{bottom:1000.233200pt;} .y162{bottom:1001.808000pt;} .y148{bottom:1002.752800pt;} .y43{bottom:1002.871200pt;} .ya{bottom:1003.280133pt;} .y3ae{bottom:1003.681600pt;} .y3ad{bottom:1003.684267pt;} .y10f{bottom:1003.819600pt;} .y12b{bottom:1004.208000pt;} .y100{bottom:1006.594533pt;} .y242{bottom:1008.167867pt;} .ye9{bottom:1008.221733pt;} .y3b0{bottom:1008.509333pt;} .yad{bottom:1010.881733pt;} .y35f{bottom:1011.842533pt;} .y3ac{bottom:1014.348267pt;} .y161{bottom:1014.608000pt;} .y147{bottom:1015.552800pt;} .y21d{bottom:1015.838533pt;} .y10e{bottom:1016.619600pt;} .y12a{bottom:1017.008000pt;} .y42{bottom:1022.871200pt;} .y3ab{bottom:1025.014933pt;} .y160{bottom:1027.408000pt;} .y146{bottom:1028.352800pt;} .y10d{bottom:1031.019600pt;} .y129{bottom:1031.408000pt;} .y21c{bottom:1031.839867pt;} .y35e{bottom:1031.842533pt;} .y393{bottom:1032.813200pt;} .y15f{bottom:1040.208000pt;} .y145{bottom:1041.152800pt;} .y41{bottom:1042.871200pt;} .y10c{bottom:1043.819600pt;} .y128{bottom:1044.208000pt;} .y9{bottom:1046.287467pt;} .y21b{bottom:1047.841200pt;} .y35d{bottom:1047.842533pt;} .y241{bottom:1048.163867pt;} .y392{bottom:1048.813200pt;} .y5{bottom:1048.831867pt;} .yba{bottom:1050.253467pt;} .y8{bottom:1052.854800pt;} .y15e{bottom:1053.008000pt;} .y144{bottom:1053.952800pt;} .y10b{bottom:1056.619600pt;} .y127{bottom:1057.008000pt;} .y4{bottom:1062.165200pt;} .y40{bottom:1062.871200pt;} .y21a{bottom:1063.842533pt;} .y240{bottom:1064.165200pt;} .y391{bottom:1064.813200pt;} .y7{bottom:1068.854800pt;} .y3{bottom:1075.498533pt;} .y6{bottom:1084.854800pt;} .y7e{bottom:1087.214400pt;} .y10a{bottom:1087.215067pt;} .y3f{bottom:1088.547733pt;} .y195{bottom:1088.548400pt;} .y35c{bottom:1088.786267pt;} .y2{bottom:1088.831867pt;} .h20{height:18.057384pt;} .h27{height:19.943029pt;} .h15{height:20.479568pt;} .h29{height:23.356180pt;} .h1e{height:23.429550pt;} .h6{height:24.076511pt;} .h1b{height:24.151554pt;} .h11{height:26.486908pt;} .h22{height:27.104242pt;} .h13{height:27.306090pt;} .h12{height:27.903563pt;} 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.x5{left:31.350267pt;} .x3{left:34.048000pt;} .x2{left:44.957467pt;} .x25{left:46.859333pt;} .xa{left:48.000000pt;} .x1e{left:50.060400pt;} .x2e{left:57.235333pt;} .x12{left:58.751600pt;} .x10{left:59.924933pt;} .x3a{left:61.333333pt;} .x16{left:63.700800pt;} .x52{left:65.611600pt;} .x21{left:66.796933pt;} .x1f{left:70.313867pt;} .x40{left:71.571333pt;} .x35{left:74.334000pt;} .x32{left:76.172667pt;} .x42{left:81.585333pt;} .x1a{left:85.034933pt;} .x31{left:94.839867pt;} .x43{left:96.164000pt;} .x41{left:101.668000pt;} .x51{left:103.174855pt;} .x34{left:109.991733pt;} .x4{left:132.524267pt;} .x2a{left:153.758000pt;} .x44{left:187.689200pt;} .x22{left:196.560800pt;} .x8{left:212.242000pt;} .x53{left:222.466933pt;} .x54{left:235.633271pt;} .x1c{left:237.666667pt;} .x27{left:245.915867pt;} .x50{left:276.497182pt;} .xf{left:280.510400pt;} .x2f{left:286.599733pt;} .x36{left:290.474667pt;} .x2b{left:330.656267pt;} .xc{left:335.352400pt;} .x45{left:338.933022pt;} .x20{left:342.543867pt;} .x55{left:362.592000pt;} .x30{left:369.096267pt;} .x28{left:384.404800pt;} .x24{left:398.738933pt;} .xb{left:404.848000pt;} .xd{left:414.183733pt;} .x11{left:415.274267pt;} .x14{left:416.380933pt;} .x15{left:419.688400pt;} .x2c{left:420.883467pt;} .x47{left:424.687067pt;} .x18{left:427.678267pt;} .x23{left:447.516400pt;} .x46{left:451.024540pt;} .x33{left:455.983733pt;} .x1b{left:461.002933pt;} .x4f{left:473.151867pt;} .x19{left:494.210800pt;} .x3b{left:524.778933pt;} .x3f{left:539.907733pt;} .x3e{left:541.685200pt;} .x37{left:546.666667pt;} .x26{left:602.188800pt;} .x29{left:618.182667pt;} .x4e{left:622.354933pt;} .x48{left:628.803733pt;} .x49{left:634.580267pt;} .x7{left:639.685067pt;} .x4d{left:642.012533pt;} .x3c{left:644.317733pt;} .x3d{left:648.329733pt;} .x38{left:652.337467pt;} .x4a{left:663.616677pt;} .x4c{left:682.453867pt;} .xe{left:697.083333pt;} .x13{left:698.416667pt;} .x17{left:699.750000pt;} .x4b{left:702.110933pt;} .x39{left:707.546933pt;} .x2d{left:713.877733pt;} .x1d{left:740.870667pt;} }-
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Flying Knights in Australia
Flying Knights v Austrálii
GALERIE DB 605 D / Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-10
Bf 109 G-10/U4 WNr. 611943 s motorem DB 605 D, který se v současné době nachází ve sbírce Planes of Fame Air Museum v Arizoně. Stroj nese charakteristické prvky výrobní série závodu WNF. Letoun byl ukořistěn v květnu 1945 po skupinovém přeletu a kapitulaci II./JG 52 z Rakouska do Neubibergu v Bavorsku. Tento Bf 109 patrně původně nesl označení „žlutá 13“ a díky jeho výrobnímu číslu je doloženo, že patřil maďarské jednotce 101. vadászezred.
Válka na Ukrajině
A je tu ďalší rok. V tomto pokračovaní seriálu sa pozrieme na udalosti, ktoré sa odohrali od 1. 1. 2025 do 31. 1. 2025. Vo vzduchu sa žiadne zásadné veci neodohrali, no na politickej scéne sa schyľovalo k zemetraseniu.
Aerial War in Ukraine
Souboj nad Rennes
Když se v ranních hodinách 6. června Spojenci vylodili v Normandii, Luftwaffe byla na tuto situaci připravena. Měla plán, jak posílit šest stíhacích Gruppe, jež ve Francii operovaly v rámci Luftflotte 3. Přípravy k obraně proběhly pod krycím názvem Dr. Gustav West (Drohende Gefahr West – Hrozba přicházející ze západu) a tak měly být do večera 6. června přesunuty z Německa do Francie dvě Nahaufklärergruppe, pět Kampfgruppe, dvě Schlachtgruppe a jeden Geschwaderstab, osm Nachtjagdgruppe a dva Geschwaderstaby a konečně dvě Jagdstaffel a devatenáct Jagdgruppe s pěti Geschwaderstaby. Z výše uvedených devatenácti bylo osm Jagdgruppe převedeno do podřízenosti II. Fliegerkorpsu jako Jabo Gruppe (Jagdbomber – stíhací bombardovací) a zbylé stíhací útvary podléhaly II. Jagdkorpsu. V Luftflotte Reich nadále operovaly mimo druhořadých jednotek jen čtyři Jagdgruppe a útvary "Wilde Sau".
Ze Středomoří do Německa
Když v dubnu 1943 došlo ke změně na pozici Kommodora Jagdgeschwader 27, žádná část této letecké jednotky se již nenacházela v Africe. Její I. Gruppe, u níž se proslavil stíhací letec Hans-Joachim Marseille, byla v listopadu 1942 stažena do Německa a od ledna 1943 byla bojově nasazena ve Francii. Štáb JG 27 a její II./JG 27 v dubnu 1943 operovala ze Sicílie, zatímco III. a IV. Gruppe měla základny v okupovaném Řecku nebo na jeho ostrovech. Břímě vrcholících leteckých bojů v Tunisku nesly JG 53 a JG 77 a II./JG 51. Všechny výše uvedené jednotky byly vyzbrojeny Messerschmitty Bf 109, převážně verze G-6.
TEC - Nefňukat a tisknout!
TEC - Don't whimper and print!
Dear Friends, I just returned from Nuremberg. I left there in a rather gloomy mood, knowing that it was most likely my last time. I have always defended the Nuremberg Fair as a useful and beneficial event. But alas, its significance to our industry has steadily declined over the years, while the costs associated with participation in it have continuously done the opposite. Still, it has always brought us some benefit, despite of the expense involved.
P-40E Warhawk
The Curtiss P-40 line of fighter aircraft stood out among American fighter types for having remained in front-line operations from the summer of 1941, before the U.S. entered World War II, through the end of the conflict four years later. Only Grumman’s versatile F4F Wildcat naval fighter could match that record.
The MW 50 System as an Alternative to the GM-1
This technical discussion supplements the article describing the GM-1 system in the Messerschmitt Bf 109 in the November, 2024 newsletter. Even before World War II, Dr. Otto Lutz (1906-1974) came up with the idea of injecting nitrous oxide into an engine to increase performance. He later published (as late as 1942) a scientific paper on the subject "Über Leistungssteigerung von Flugmotoren durch Zugabe von Sauerstoffträgern", or roughly translated, ‘On increasing the performance of aircraft engines through the addition of oxygen compounds’.
Aerial War in Ukraine - A Russian missile shot down a civilian aircraft. Again...
The battles over Ukraine often involve friendly fire incidents. Russian air defense has already destroyed numerous Russian aircraft and helicopters. Similar incidents have occurred on the Ukrainian side. Several civilian aircraft have also been hit in Russia, though without fatal consequences—until now.
Here we go! The new P-40 is ON and in the past weeks it has already filled the kit shelves of many modelers. If you didn't manage to buy it in our pre-order promotion and therefore don't own it yet, I recommend you to browse the following pages, where I show different features the kit offers. And if you later decide to own the kit, it will be available for purchase from our worldwide distributors. And for those of you who already own this new kit, please read this article as well. You will discover things in your kit that you may not have noticed before.
Ace in a Single Dogfight
During World War II, legendary Spitfire fighter planes were flown by pilots of many nationalities. Many of them fought and achieved victories, some became flying aces during the war, a few even earned this status in a single day. However, only one pilot flying a Spitfire managed to shoot down five aircraft in a single dogfight. That pilot was Canadian F/Lt Richard Joseph "Dick" Audet.
Esem během jediného souboje
S legendárními stíhacími letouny Spitfire v průběhu 2. světové války bojovali a vítězili letci mnoha národností. Řada z nich se během válečných let stala leteckými esy, někteří z nich tohoto statusu docílilo během jednoho dne. Avšak na letounech Spitfire jen jeden pilot dokázal sestřelit pět letadel během jednoho souboje. Byl jím kanadský pilot F/Lt Richard Joseph „Dick“ Audet.
INFO Eduard je modelářsko-historický měsíčník, který od roku 2010 v českém a anglickém jazyce publikuje společnost Eduard Model Accessories. Magazín je dostupný zdarma na platformě Triobo a je možné jej stáhnout také v PDF verzi. Společnost Eduard je výrobcem plastikových modelů a doplňků s více než 30letou tradicí. Během svého působení v oboru plastikového modelářství se společnost Eduard zařadila mezi jeho světové lídry. Další podrobnosti o společnosti a jejím sortimentu najdete na www.eduard.com. Zde se můžete mimo jiné zdarma přihlásit k odebírání magazínu INFO a produktových informací: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard is a monthly scale model-historical magazine published in Czech and English by Eduard Model Accessories since 2010. The magazine is available for free on the Triobo platform and can be downloaded in PDF format. Eduard is a manufacturer of plastic models and accessories with over 30 years of tradition. Throughout its history in the plastic modeling industry, Eduard has become one of the world's leaders. Further details about the company and its product range can be found at www.eduard.com. You can subscribe to the INFO magazine and receive product information for free at: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard je modelářsko-historický měsíčník, který od roku 2010 v českém a anglickém jazyce publikuje společnost Eduard Model Accessories. Magazín je dostupný zdarma na platformě Triobo a je možné jej stáhnout také v PDF verzi. Společnost Eduard je výrobcem plastikových modelů a doplňků s více než 30letou tradicí. Během svého působení v oboru plastikového modelářství se společnost Eduard zařadila mezi jeho světové lídry. Další podrobnosti o společnosti a jejím sortimentu najdete na www.eduard.com. Zde se můžete mimo jiné zdarma přihlásit k odebírání magazínu INFO a produktových informací: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard is a monthly scale model-historical magazine published in Czech and English by Eduard Model Accessories since 2010. The magazine is available for free on the Triobo platform and can be downloaded in PDF format. Eduard is a manufacturer of plastic models and accessories with over 30 years of tradition. Throughout its history in the plastic modeling industry, Eduard has become one of the world's leaders. Further details about the company and its product range can be found at www.eduard.com. You can subscribe to the INFO magazine and receive product information for free at: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard je modelářsko-historický měsíčník, který od roku 2010 v českém a anglickém jazyce publikuje společnost Eduard Model Accessories. Magazín je dostupný zdarma na platformě Triobo a je možné jej stáhnout také v PDF verzi. Společnost Eduard je výrobcem plastikových modelů a doplňků s více než 30letou tradicí. Během svého působení v oboru plastikového modelářství se společnost Eduard zařadila mezi jeho světové lídry. Další podrobnosti o společnosti a jejím sortimentu najdete na www.eduard.com. Zde se můžete mimo jiné zdarma přihlásit k odebírání magazínu INFO a produktových informací: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard is a monthly scale model-historical magazine published in Czech and English by Eduard Model Accessories since 2010. The magazine is available for free on the Triobo platform and can be downloaded in PDF format. Eduard is a manufacturer of plastic models and accessories with over 30 years of tradition. Throughout its history in the plastic modeling industry, Eduard has become one of the world's leaders. Further details about the company and its product range can be found at www.eduard.com. You can subscribe to the INFO magazine and receive product information for free at: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard je modelářsko-historický měsíčník, který od roku 2010 v českém a anglickém jazyce publikuje společnost Eduard Model Accessories. Magazín je dostupný zdarma na platformě Triobo a je možné jej stáhnout také v PDF verzi. Společnost Eduard je výrobcem plastikových modelů a doplňků s více než 30letou tradicí. Během svého působení v oboru plastikového modelářství se společnost Eduard zařadila mezi jeho světové lídry. Další podrobnosti o společnosti a jejím sortimentu najdete na www.eduard.com. Zde se můžete mimo jiné zdarma přihlásit k odebírání magazínu INFO a produktových informací: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard is a monthly scale model-historical magazine published in Czech and English by Eduard Model Accessories since 2010. The magazine is available for free on the Triobo platform and can be downloaded in PDF format. Eduard is a manufacturer of plastic models and accessories with over 30 years of tradition. Throughout its history in the plastic modeling industry, Eduard has become one of the world's leaders. Further details about the company and its product range can be found at www.eduard.com. You can subscribe to the INFO magazine and receive product information for free at: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard je modelářsko-historický měsíčník, který od roku 2010 v českém a anglickém jazyce publikuje společnost Eduard Model Accessories. Magazín je dostupný zdarma na platformě Triobo a je možné jej stáhnout také v PDF verzi. Společnost Eduard je výrobcem plastikových modelů a doplňků s více než 30letou tradicí. Během svého působení v oboru plastikového modelářství se společnost Eduard zařadila mezi jeho světové lídry. Další podrobnosti o společnosti a jejím sortimentu najdete na www.eduard.com. Zde se můžete mimo jiné zdarma přihlásit k odebírání magazínu INFO a produktových informací: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard is a monthly scale model-historical magazine published in Czech and English by Eduard Model Accessories since 2010. The magazine is available for free on the Triobo platform and can be downloaded in PDF format. Eduard is a manufacturer of plastic models and accessories with over 30 years of tradition. Throughout its history in the plastic modeling industry, Eduard has become one of the world's leaders. Further details about the company and its product range can be found at www.eduard.com. You can subscribe to the INFO magazine and receive product information for free at: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard je modelářsko-historický měsíčník, který od roku 2010 v českém a anglickém jazyce publikuje společnost Eduard Model Accessories. Magazín je dostupný zdarma na platformě Triobo a je možné jej stáhnout také v PDF verzi. Společnost Eduard je výrobcem plastikových modelů a doplňků s více než 30letou tradicí. Během svého působení v oboru plastikového modelářství se společnost Eduard zařadila mezi jeho světové lídry. Další podrobnosti o společnosti a jejím sortimentu najdete na www.eduard.com. Zde se můžete mimo jiné zdarma přihlásit k odebírání magazínu INFO a produktových informací: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard is a monthly scale model-historical magazine published in Czech and English by Eduard Model Accessories since 2010. The magazine is available for free on the Triobo platform and can be downloaded in PDF format. Eduard is a manufacturer of plastic models and accessories with over 30 years of tradition. Throughout its history in the plastic modeling industry, Eduard has become one of the world's leaders. Further details about the company and its product range can be found at www.eduard.com. You can subscribe to the INFO magazine and receive product information for free at: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
09_Special E-Day/2024
Vážení přátelé, modeláři, hosté a návštěvníci E-daye, V dnešním krátkém mimořádném vydání Infa vás seznámíme s plánovaným programem letošního E-daye, který se koná v sobotu 28. září 2024 v hale muzea na Tankodromu Milovice. Výstava je jednodenní, ale jako obvykle bude výstavní hala otevřena, nejen pro vystavující modeláře, již v pátek od 17:00. Na pátek máme připravený malý program pro všechny časné příchozí. Tento podvečerní program má dva body. Prvním bude představení novinek Eduardu na rok 2025, které se bude opakovat i v sobotu. Druhým bodem bude beseda s Jiřím Šilhánkem, zakladatelem a majitelem firmy Special Hobby. Jiří je velká osobnost našeho oboru, který své podnikání rozjížděl dávno před všemi ostatními českými firmami, hluboko v osmdesátých letech. Jeho historky z dějin plastikového modelářství jsou neuvěřitelné a všem doporučuji si je poslechnout. Věřte mi, že to stojí za páteční cestu do Milovic!
INFO Eduard je modelářsko-historický měsíčník, který od roku 2010 v českém a anglickém jazyce publikuje společnost Eduard Model Accessories. Magazín je dostupný zdarma na platformě Triobo a je možné jej stáhnout také v PDF verzi. Společnost Eduard je výrobcem plastikových modelů a doplňků s více než 30letou tradicí. Během svého působení v oboru plastikového modelářství se společnost Eduard zařadila mezi jeho světové lídry. Další podrobnosti o společnosti a jejím sortimentu najdete na www.eduard.com. Zde se můžete mimo jiné zdarma přihlásit k odebírání magazínu INFO a produktových informací: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard is a monthly scale model-historical magazine published in Czech and English by Eduard Model Accessories since 2010. The magazine is available for free on the Triobo platform and can be downloaded in PDF format. Eduard is a manufacturer of plastic models and accessories with over 30 years of tradition. Throughout its history in the plastic modeling industry, Eduard has become one of the world's leaders. Further details about the company and its product range can be found at www.eduard.com. You can subscribe to the INFO magazine and receive product information for free at: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard je modelářsko-historický měsíčník, který od roku 2010 v českém a anglickém jazyce publikuje společnost Eduard Model Accessories. Magazín je dostupný zdarma na platformě Triobo a je možné jej stáhnout také v PDF verzi. Společnost Eduard je výrobcem plastikových modelů a doplňků s více než 30letou tradicí. Během svého působení v oboru plastikového modelářství se společnost Eduard zařadila mezi jeho světové lídry. Další podrobnosti o společnosti a jejím sortimentu najdete na www.eduard.com. Zde se můžete mimo jiné zdarma přihlásit k odebírání magazínu INFO a produktových informací: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard is a monthly scale model-historical magazine published in Czech and English by Eduard Model Accessories since 2010. The magazine is available for free on the Triobo platform and can be downloaded in PDF format. Eduard is a manufacturer of plastic models and accessories with over 30 years of tradition. Throughout its history in the plastic modeling industry, Eduard has become one of the world's leaders. Further details about the company and its product range can be found at www.eduard.com. You can subscribe to the INFO magazine and receive product information for free at: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard je modelářsko-historický měsíčník, který od roku 2010 v českém a anglickém jazyce publikuje společnost Eduard Model Accessories. Magazín je dostupný zdarma na platformě Triobo a je možné jej stáhnout také v PDF verzi. Společnost Eduard je výrobcem plastikových modelů a doplňků s více než 30letou tradicí. Během svého působení v oboru plastikového modelářství se společnost Eduard zařadila mezi jeho světové lídry. Další podrobnosti o společnosti a jejím sortimentu najdete na www.eduard.com. Zde se můžete mimo jiné zdarma přihlásit k odebírání magazínu INFO a produktových informací: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard is a monthly scale model-historical magazine published in Czech and English by Eduard Model Accessories since 2010. The magazine is available for free on the Triobo platform and can be downloaded in PDF format. Eduard is a manufacturer of plastic models and accessories with over 30 years of tradition. Throughout its history in the plastic modeling industry, Eduard has become one of the world's leaders. Further details about the company and its product range can be found at www.eduard.com. You can subscribe to the INFO magazine and receive product information for free at: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
06/2024 - Special
Vážení přátelé, dnešní mimořádné číslo Infa je věnováno mimořádné stavebnici, The Bloody Hundredth 1943/ B-17F 1:48. Tato stavebnice vydávaná v řadě LIMITED patří mezi položky, jejichž základem jsou výlisky nakoupené u spolupracujících firem. V tomto případě jde o výlisky firmy Hong Kong Models, HKM. Tentokrát jde ovšem spolupráce mezi našimi firmami dál, než je v podobných případech dodávek výlisků zvykem. Speciálně k této stavebnici jsme zkonstruovali konverzní rámeček s čirými díly, obsahující další verze přídí B-17F, než které obsahuje původní sestava dílů stavebnice HKM. Tento rámeček jsme zkonstruovali v Eduardu, pochopitelně s využitím konstrukce HKM, na kterou nové díly navazují. Forma na něj byla vyrobena firmou HKM v jejich čínské nástrojárně, výlisky byly vyrobeny tamtéž.
06/2024 Special EN
Dear Friends, Today's special issue of the newsletter is dedicated to an extraordinary kit, ‘The Bloody Hundredth 1943 / B-17F’ in 1:48th scale. This kit, released in the LIMITED edition line, falls under the group of items based on moldings purchased from partner companies. In this case, the plastic is supplied by Hong Kong Models, HKM. This time, however, the cooperation between our companies goes further than is customary in similar endeavors. Specifically for this kit, we have designed an additional set of clear parts that cover variations used on the B-17F nose that were not a part of the original HKM release. We designed the new parts to fit the HKM kit specifically. The mold for it was cut at HKM in their Chinese tool shop, and the parts are produced by them.
INFO Eduard je modelářsko-historický měsíčník, který od roku 2010 v českém a anglickém jazyce publikuje společnost Eduard Model Accessories. Magazín je dostupný zdarma na platformě Triobo a je možné jej stáhnout také v PDF verzi. Společnost Eduard je výrobcem plastikových modelů a doplňků s více než 30letou tradicí. Během svého působení v oboru plastikového modelářství se společnost Eduard zařadila mezi jeho světové lídry. Další podrobnosti o společnosti a jejím sortimentu najdete na www.eduard.com. Zde se můžete mimo jiné zdarma přihlásit k odebírání magazínu INFO a produktových informací: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard is a monthly scale model-historical magazine published in Czech and English by Eduard Model Accessories since 2010. The magazine is available for free on the Triobo platform and can be downloaded in PDF format. Eduard is a manufacturer of plastic models and accessories with over 30 years of tradition. Throughout its history in the plastic modeling industry, Eduard has become one of the world's leaders. Further details about the company and its product range can be found at www.eduard.com. You can subscribe to the INFO magazine and receive product information for free at: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard je modelářsko-historický měsíčník, který od roku 2010 v českém a anglickém jazyce publikuje společnost Eduard Model Accessories. Magazín je dostupný zdarma na platformě Triobo a je možné jej stáhnout také v PDF verzi. Společnost Eduard je výrobcem plastikových modelů a doplňků s více než 30letou tradicí. Během svého působení v oboru plastikového modelářství se společnost Eduard zařadila mezi jeho světové lídry. Další podrobnosti o společnosti a jejím sortimentu najdete na www.eduard.com. Zde se můžete mimo jiné zdarma přihlásit k odebírání magazínu INFO a produktových informací: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard is a monthly scale model-historical magazine published in Czech and English by Eduard Model Accessories since 2010. The magazine is available for free on the Triobo platform and can be downloaded in PDF format. Eduard is a manufacturer of plastic models and accessories with over 30 years of tradition. Throughout its history in the plastic modeling industry, Eduard has become one of the world's leaders. Further details about the company and its product range can be found at www.eduard.com. You can subscribe to the INFO magazine and receive product information for free at: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
Dobrý večer, vážení přátelé! Máme za sebou hektický březen. Chápu, že vám to asi tak nepřijde, ale ona každá hospoda vypadá jinak z jídelny a jinak z kuchyně. Aby byl pohled z jídelny, tedy od vás zákazníků, pozitivní, nezbývá personálu v kuchyni, tedy nám, aby se pořádně oháněl.
Good evening, dear Friends, We've had a hectic March. I understand that it might not seem that way to you, but every bar looks different from the dining room than it does from the kitchen. In order for the view from the dining room, in other words, from you, the customers, to be positive, the staff in the kitchen (us), has little choice but to be very busy. So, hectic is good.
Určitě nejsem sám, komu se pravidelně stává, že se jeho předpoklady a představy o průběhu nějaké události nenaplní a výsledek je zcela opačný, než jaká byla očekávání s onou událostí spojená. Mě se to naposledy stalo před měsícem v Norimberku. Co jsem od veletrhu čekal, si jistě pamatujete z minulého úvodníku. Z mé skeptické předpovědi nevyšlo prakticky nic. Ne že by se už veletrh vrátil tam, kde byl za starých časů před covidovými lockdowny, ale byl výrazně živější, zajímavější a ve svém výsledku zábavnější a užitečnější, než bych si troufl očekávat. Troufnu si dokonce tipnout, že podobný názor má víc vystavovatelů. Mimo jiné se opakovala situace z loňska, že rozhovory a setkání byla daleko vřelejší, přátelštější a otevřenější, než kdykoli v minulosti. Možná je to jen můj pocit, ale přijde mi, že jsme se navzájem zase rádi viděli, v mnoha případech i po několika letech. V takových případech si uvědomíte, jak vám ti lidé, které jste vídal tak nějak samozřejmě a nepřišlo vám na tom nic zvláštního, přirostli k srdci a jak vám chyběli. Pak se tak hovory víc otevřou, a to je fajn.
I know I’m not alone, when a concept and its associated assumptions turn out exactly opposite to what the expected outcome was. The last time it happened to me was a month ago in Nuremberg.
Jak na plasty II
Mnoho méně zkušených modelářů má velkou fobii z řezání do plastů nebo z většího ztenčování plastových dílů pro zástavbu doplňkových sad. V tomto díle bych chtěl čtenářům představit, že tyto pokročilejší modelářské činnosti nejsou nic těžkého a s využitím vhodných nástrojů a pomůcek se dá snadno dobrat k potřebným úpravám. Prakticky všechny větší brassinové sady po modeláři vyžadují, aby podobné úpravy při jejich zástavbách provedl. Pokud se někteří modeláři obávají doplňkové sady kupovat právě kvůli zmíněným úpravám, chtěl bych jim ukázat, že to s trochou praxe zvládnou i oni. V článku demonstruji přípravu křídla P-51B/C 1/48 pro zástavbu brassinové sady zbraňových šachet. Představím dvě metody – za pomocí pouze základních modelářských nástrojů a poté s pomocí jemné vrtačky a frézky od firmy Proxxon.
How work with Plastic II
Many less experienced modelers often feel apprehensive about cutting into plastic or thinning parts to accommodate additional detailing or conversion sets. In this section, I want to reassure readers that these more advanced modeling techniques are not difficult and that, with the right tools, achieving the necessary modifications is quite manageable. Most larger Brassin sets require modelers to make similar adjustments to their builds. For those hesitant to purchase aftermarket sets due to this process, I aim to show that, with a bit of practice, anyone can master it. In this article, I will demonstrate how to prepare a 1/48 P-51B/C wing for the Brassin gun bay set. I will present two methods: one using only basic modeling tools, and the other employing a motorized Proxxon tool.
Jak na plasty
V tomto článku o pracovních postupech bych se chtěl věnovat těm nejzákladnějším modelářským postupům a technikám a demonstrovat nářadí, které mi pomáhá při rutinních činnostech, které by měl každý modelář zvládat. K této demonstraci jsem si vybral nový model P-51B/C 1/48, který má spoustu vychytávek pro jednoduché lepení modelu, například spodní vtoky u dílů, což především začátečníkům velmi usnadní práci. Pro zkušené modeláře se bude na první pohled nejspíš jednat o zbytečnou spotřebu digitálního papíru, ovšem přečtení doporučuji i jim. Opakování je totiž matka moudrosti!
How to Work with Plastic?
In this workflow article, I will cover the most basic modeling procedures and techniques, presenting the tools that help with usual activities every modeler should master. For this demonstration, I've chosen the new P-51B/C 1/48 scale kit, which includes several features for easy assembly, such as the parts being connected to the sprues from the bottom, making it especially beginner-friendly.
Step by Step P-51B 1/48
Stavební postup k P-51B 1/48.
Step by Step P-51B 1/48
Step by Step for P-51B 1/48.
Jak na 3D tisky
Poslední roky se v modelářství stále více rozmáhá využití 3D tisku, a to převážně pro výrobu doplňků. I v Eduardu jsme se před několika lety rozhodli pustit do této technologie, která z velké části vytlačila klasickou výrobu Brassinů, tedy metodu odlévání. Dnes přímým tiskem vyrábíme již okolo 80 % produkce Brassinů.
How to Work with 3D Prints in Modeling
In recent years, 3D printing has gained widespread popularity in the modeling industry, particularly for accessory production. A few years ago Eduard, too, embraced this technology, gradually replacing traditional casting methods with direct printing, constituting approximately 80% of our Brassin production.
Jak na obtisky Eduard
How to apply Eduard decals
Jak na Space ?
Exploring Space
Nové masky od Eduard
New masks by Eduard
Práce s Eddie the Riveter
Work with Eddie the Riveter
Práce s fotolepty část I
How to Work with PE-Set part I
Práce s fotolepty část II
How to Work with PE-Set part II
Jak sestavit tištěné klapy
How to build printed landing flaps
Step by Step Kurfürst
Step by Step Kurfürst
Step by Step motor F4F-4
Step by Step engine F4F-4
Dobrý den, vážení přátelé! Dnešní úvodník píši zase po roce v Norimberku. Letošní Spielenwarenmesse začal v úterý, dnes jsme přesně v polovině, veletrh končí v sobotu. Pořadatelé se s německou houževnatostí drží pěti dnů trvání akce, čímž jdou většině účastníků pěkně na nervy. Je to sice lepší než šest dnů, které na nás zkoušeli dříve, ale stále je to nejméně o den víc, než tu chceme a potřebujeme být. Z hlediska účasti firem je veletrh letos určitě lepší než loni, ale pokud jde o návštěvníky, obchodníky a žurnalisty, tak je situace víceméně stále bídná. Panuje tu klid. Klid je někdy fajn, ale na veletrhu je klid asi tak to poslední, co na něm chce vystavovatel zažít. Možná se to zítra a pozítří změní a veletrh ožije, ale žádné indicie k tomu nemáme. Tak začínáme uvažovat o odboji. Jak to dopadlo vám napíšu v příštím úvodníku.
Good day, Dear Friends After a year, I am writing today's editorial once again from Nuremberg. This year's Spielenwarenmesse started on Tuesday, and today, we are exactly at the halfway point, as the fair ends on Saturday. With German tenacity, the organizers are sticking with the five-day duration of the event, which gets on the nerves of most participants.
Vítejte v novém roce, vážení přátelé, vítejte u tříkrálového Infa! Lednové novinky jsou již bezmála tři týdny v prodeji, předpokládám tedy, že jste s nimi již zevrubně seznámeni a mnozí je již máte doma. Přesto musím zmínit, že z mého pohledu začínáme letošní rok pěkně zostra. Při prvním pohledu na čtvrtkového Albatrosa D.III to tak možná nevypadá, ale i on byl svého času vrcholovým predátorem válečného nebe a stavebnice přináší vrcholný mix příběhů a osudů jeho pilotů i jejich soupeřů tak, jak je u nás dobrým zvykem. Měli jsme také více než dobrý důvod si toto téma oživit, jak se za chvíli dočtete.
Welcome to the New Year! January’s new releases have been on sale for almost three weeks now, so I assume that you are already thoroughly familiar with them and many of you already have them in your posession. Nevertheless, I have to mention that, from my point of view, we are starting this year off with a bit of a bang. A first glance at the 48th scale Albatros D.III may not indicate this, but it too was once the top predator in a sky dominated by war clouds, and this kit offers a superb mix of stories and fates of its pilots and their opponents, as is our custom to uncover over the course of a kit’s development. We also had more than good reason to revive this topic, as you are about to find out.
Dobrý den, vážení přátelé! Po tříleté přestávce jsme se letos opět vypravili do Telfordu, a je dobře, že jsme se odhodlali tam jet. Přeci jen je Británie kolébkou našeho byznysu, výstava v Telfordu je největší výstavou v našem oboru a chybět na ní by byla chyba. V příštím roce budeme na výstavy vyrážet dál. Na přelomu ledna a února začneme tradičně v Norimberku. Pevně doufám, že tam letos potkáme víc kolegů z jiných firem i víc obchodníků a novinářů než loni. Přiznám se, že jsem trochu napjatý. Podle účasti firem v Norimberku můžeme posuzovat nakolik se svět vrací do normálu a všichni bychom byli určitě rádi za zjištění, že tomu tak je a svět se do normálu opravdu vrací.
Good day, Dear Friends, After a three-year break, we made a return to Telford, and it was a triumphant return at that! After all, Britain is the cradle of our business, and the Telford event is the biggest exhibition in our field and it would be a mistake to miss it. Our plan is to continue attending such events, beginning with Nuremberg in January/February.
Dobrý den, vážení přátelé! S listopadovými novinkami jsme na tom stejně jako s říjnovými, také už jsou druhý týden v prodeji, a tak už je přinejmenším velká část čtenářů Infa zná, pokud už je rovnou nemá doma. Někteří už je dokonce lepí, a ano, jsou i tací, kteří už je mají dokonce postavené. To ovšem není v případě Bf 109 G-2 nebo G-4, obsahu té nej nej nej dvaasedmdesátinové novinky, nic složitého.
Good Day, Dear Friends We find ourselves in the same situation with November’s new releases as we did with the October ones, in that they also have been available for purchase a couple of weeks ahead of the newsletter announcement, meaning that they will already be known to a large percentage of readers and perhaps even in their possession.
Dobrý den, vážení přátelé, vítám vás u zvláštního vydání Infa, věnovaného 21. ročníku E-Daye, konanému 23. září letošního roku na Tankodromu Milovice. Po necelém měsíci ji vy, kdo jste v Milovicích byli, máte ještě v živé paměti, ale věříme, že si ji díky dnešnímu Speciálu Infa znovu rádi připomenete. A ti, kdo tam s námi nebyli, se mohou inspirovat k návštěvě E-Daye příští rok. Bude se konat opět v Milovicích 28. září 2024.
Good day, Dear Friends Welcome to our special edition of the newsletter dedicated to the 21st installment of E-Day, held on September 23rd of this year at the Milovice Tankodrom museum. After less than a month, those of you who were in Milovice still remember it vividly, but I believe that thanks to today's newsletter special, you won’t mind being reminded. And those who were not there with us can be inspired to visit E-day next year. It will be held again in Milovice on September 28, 2024.
Jak se vám líbilo na E-dayi? Nebojte se, nehodlám dnes důkladně popisovat tamní dění, tomu se bude věnovat Speciál Infa, připravovaný na druhý týden v říjnu. V dnešním čísle ovšem najdete alespoň základní fotogalerii. Letošní druhý ročník E-Daye v Milovicích potvrdil potenciál areálu Tankodromu pro akci tohoto typu. Můžeme tedy ladit a vymýšlet další body programu, hodící se do našeho konceptu modelářské výstavy.
How did you like E-Day? Don’t worry, I’m not going to take up precious real estate thoroughly describing the event today, since that will be covered in a Special Edition of our newsletter, slated to come out the second week of October. However, in today’s issue you will find a basic photo gallery of what was there. This year, the second to be held in Milovice, confirmed the potential of the Tankodrom for an event of this type. With that, we can continue to evolve and develop the program to satisfy the concept that goes hand in hand with the venue.
Informace o výstavě E-Day 2023 a soutěži Czech Model Masters – program, instrukce pro dopravu, seznam prodejců a mnoho dalšího
Vážení přátelé, Jsme zpět z Texasu, v pilné práci na dalších projektech. Jak jsem zmiňoval v minulém úvodníku, jedním z účelů naší cesty, kromě obvyklé reprezentace na dnes již opět pravidelné IPMS USA National Convention, byl i průzkum a dokumentace zachovalých exemplářů P-40 Warhawk.
Dear Friends, We’re back from Texas, hard at work on upcoming projects. As I mentioned in the last editorial, one of the purposes of our trip, in addition to our usual participation at the IPMS USA National convention, was to have a good, close up look at several P-40 examples.
Vážení přátelé, vítám vás u srpnového Infa a zdravím z texaského Corpus Christi, kudy s kolegy projíždíme na cestě do San Marcos na tradiční letní IPMS USA Nats. Budeme v Texasu dva týdny, po Nats se přesuneme na sever do Dallasu, kde je naším hlavním plánem studium tří exemplářů P-40 Warhawk. Chceme si ověřit nějaké detaily a průběhy křivek a případně si nějaké pasáže naskenovat.
Dear Friends Welcome to the August edition of our newsletter and greetings from Corpus Christi, Texas, where my colleagues and I are passing through on our way to San Marcos for the traditional summer IPMS USA Nats. We will be in Texas for two weeks, after the Nats we will move north to Dallas where our main goal is to study three P-40 Warhawks.
Dobrý den, vážení přátelé! Ještě před koncem první poloviny letošního roku jsme stihli přestěhovat do nového areálu v Sedleci balení modelů. To nám významně zjednodušilo logistiku, protože dosud jsme výlisky vozili z Obrnic do Mostu, kde jsme stavebnice zabalili a odvezli je do skladu obchodního oddělení v Sedleci. Ta místa od sebe nejsou daleko, je to v řádu jednotek kilometrů, ale i tak jsme se dost najezdili. Teď dělí balení modelů a sklad obchodního oddělení jedna stěna a dvoje dveře, sklad výlisků je přes dvůr.
Hello, dear friends! Even before the end of the first half of this year, we managed to move our model packaging operation to our new facility in Sedlec. This significantly simplifies our logistics, because until now, we would typically move the plastic pressings from Obrnice to Most, where they would be packed into kits, and then transported them to our warehouse and sales department in Sedlec.
Dobrý den, vážení přátelé, mezi 84 novinkami připravenými pro červen vyčnívá dvaasedmdesátinová limitka s názvem Wunderschöne neue Maschinen. Těmi báječnými novými stroji jsou Messerschmitty Bf 109 F, které při svém zavedení do výzbroje německé Luftwaffe na začátku roku 1941 přinesly nárůst výkonů a kvality německého stíhacího letectva.
Good day, Dear Friends Among the 84 new items being released for June, the 72nd Limited Edition kit dubbed “Wunderschöne neue Maschinen” stands out. This “Wonderful New Machines” kit centres around the Messerschmitt Bf 109F, which, when introduced into the arsenal of the Luftwaffe at the beginning of 1941, brought an increase in the performance and quality of German fighters committed to aerial combat.
Dobrý den, vážení přátelé! Na začátku května se soutěžní sezóna pěkně rozjíždí. Máme za sebou tradiční Mošoň, v sobotu se koná Kit show v Kopřivnici, a tak je čas říci si také něco o letošním E-dayi. E-day 2023 se koná v sobotu 23. září na Tankodromu v Milovicích. Pojedeme podle stejného schématu jako vloni, tedy se začátkem pro vystavující modeláře v pátek odpoledne, a to včetně podvečerního programu.
Good Day, Dear Friends We are at the beginning of May, and so the competition season is revving up nicely. We have just had the traditional Moson event and the Kit Show takes place in Kopřivnice on Saturday, so it´s a good time to talk about this year´s E-day. E-day 2023 takes place on Saturday, September 23 at the Tankodrom in Milovice and we will be following the same scheme as last year, meaning that exhibiting modelers begin on Friday afternoon and will include the early evening program.
Dobrý večer, vážení přátelé! Máme přestěhované obchodní oddělení. K včerejšímu dni jsme tak definitivně ukončili naši činnost v areálu Rico, kde obchodní oddělení a také oddělení kompletace stavebnic sídlilo od června roku 2019. A kde také v prosinci 2020 vyhořel sklad výlisků pro stavebnice. Přiznám se, že jsem po požáru doufal v rychlejší přestěhování do nějakých nových prostor. Hned na jaře a v létě 2020 jsme začali připravovat stavbu nové haly, ale turbulentní situace na stavebním trhu v roce 2021 nám tento záměr zhatila. Na podzim 2021 jsme začali jednat o koupi staršího areálu v Sedleci, sousední vesnici vzdálené asi pět kilometrů od Obrnic.
Good evening, Dear Friends We have completed our retail department move. As of yesterday, we have vacated the facility in Most that since June, 2019, has served as our main retail headquarters as well as the facility that served as final kit packaging. It’s also the facility in which we lost a lot of the plastic for our kits when a fire broke out in December 2020. I admit to having hoped for an earlier move to a new facility after that fire. Immediately in the spring and summer of 2020, we prepared for a new-build facility, but that was ultimately quelled by the turbulent supply issues in the construction industry.
Dobrý den, dámy a pánové! Máme zavřeno. Dnes představované březnové novinky si sice můžete prohlédnout a prostudovat jak na následujících stránkách, tak na našem e-shopu, ale nekoupíte je tam. Chápu, zní to šíleně. Nejde ale o žádný rafinovaný marketingový tah, prostě se stěhujeme. Přesně řečeno, stěhujeme obchodní oddělení. To je také důvod, proč v následujících sedmi dnech nebude možné objednávat na e-shopu. Jak jste ale jistě zaznamenali, bylo na druhou stranu možné tyto novinky nakoupit již od minulého pátku, rovněž tak jsou již k dispozici u našich obchodních partnerů.
Good day, Ladies and Gentlemen, We’re closed. Although you are certainly able to view and study our March release listing within these pages or at our e-shop, any purchases will have to be postponed. I understand that this sounds a little nuts, but it is not the result of some underhanded marketing ploy. It is a function of the fact that we are moving our entire retail department. It is also the reason why no sales will be going through our e-shop for the next seven days. As you will have probably already noted, the new items were available for early purchase from last Friday, and they will be available from our retail partners as well.
Vážení přátelé, vítejte u únorového Infa! Dnes začíná Norimberský veletrh hraček (Nuremberg Toy Fair). Po dvouleté přestávce se vracíme do Norimberku a, nebudete tomu věřit, vůbec netušíme, co nás tam čeká.
Dear Friends, Welcome to the February Newsletter! The Nuremberg Toy Fair started yesterday. After a two year hiatus, we are coming back to Nuremberg, and as hard as it may be to believe, we have no idea of what to expect
Vážení přátelé, milí modeláři, vítejte u prvního Infa roku 2023. V lednovém čísle vás tradičně seznamuji s projekty připravenými na aktuální rok. Ani letos tomu nebude jinak, takže se do toho seznamování pustíme rovnou bez zbytečných řečí kolem. Začneme lednem, jehož novinky jsou v prodeji na našem e-shopu již od minulého týdne.
Dear Friends and Fellow Modellers, Welcome to the first newsletter of 2023. The January issue traditionally introduces our planned projects for the year. This year will be no different, so we’ll waste no time and get right down to the nitty gritty. We’ll start off with January, new releases for which are already available from our e-shop and have been since last week.
Easy reading
Easy reading
Eduard Info 2010 page 24
Over the past several weeks, we encountered a prob-
lem that was also met by several modelers of the
Fw 190D-11/D-13, and even the earlier D-9, whereby
there may have been a problem with the forward fu-
selage, and subsequently, the fuselage to wing joint.
This resulted in either a small gap, or in some cases,
a situation where the fuselage and wing section wouldn’t
meet up and sit right. After careful analysis, we concluded
that the problem is the result of not following the instruc-
tions to the letter, as it were. The ambiguity that results
comes from the forward fuselage assembly, where the
incorrect assembly between the rear engine area and the
rewall behind it and subsequently the incorrect insertion
of these components into the fuselage halves, cause the
halves to be spread further apart than they should be,
and/or causing the fuselage to be narrower in the cock-
pit and centre wing area. We have therefore formulated
a detailed description as an addendum to the instructions
which should alleviate the potential problem.
The second instance where fit complications
can arise, are during the installation of the
firewall with the rear engine accessories into the
fuselage. We recommend gluing into the fuselage only the rear part of the entire
assembly, parts X5, X38 and X46. Don’t glue the front part of the assembly, attached to bulkhead W1.
Just place this part in position, the cutout in part W1 for parts Y17/Y29 into position behind the vertical tabs molded
into the insides of fuselage halves V1/V2. After the cementing of the fuselage halves together, the bulkhead
sandwiched therein will lock precisely into place, and won’t adversely affect the relative positions of the halves.
To the contrary, if bulkhead W1 is glued in place, adverse consequences for later fit can occur, because the position
of W1 is very critical. Not gluing it will allow it to sit where it’s supposed to sit!
The key problem in the successful assembly of the forward
fuselage is the precise attachment of fuselage/engine
firewall and the maintaining of the relative positions of its
three key components, X5, X38 and X46. Careless
observation will lead to the assumption that the common
angle of these components is 90°, but this is not, in fact, the
case. It is in reality, 93° ! Beware of these angles, they are
important. Refer to the profile of the entire assembly, and to
the location tabs in the fuselage halves (V1/V2).
D n t c n ,o o eme t
t t er cebu ra h pla
n s si ii thi po t on
Recommendations for the proper installation of forward fuselage subassemblies
in the Fw 190D-9 and Fw 190D-11/D-13