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Text: Maurizio Di Terlizzi


Talking about a famous aircraft like the Savoia Marchetti SM.79 isn't  easy, a lot has been written about it and, more or less, everything has already been said. To do it in an article is even more difficult since it’s very complex to summarize the very rich and exciting history of such a legendary aircraft. Nonetheless the development history of the SM.79 looks rather simple, a handful of well defined steps brought about, in a natural way, changes in  aircraft production and evolutions in its service.


The origin of this project came from the necessity of reaching locations at considerable distances while transporting 10 passengers at faster speeds than the other transport planes of the time. Speed was key, when engineer Alessandro Marchetti in February of 1933 completed the first drawings, the aircraft designated SM.79, already had  its trimotor elegant profile. Many structural and aerodynamic characteristics promised great performance, retractable landing gears, three radial engines Isotta-Fraschini “750” Asso of 800 hp and Handley Page slots connected to the flaps were some of them. In the spring of 1934 the aircraft, now ready, was given the civilian code I-MAGO which means “wizard” in Italian, a sign of things to come.

A very early picture of the first prototype of the SM.79 serialled I-MAGO in its passenger configuration with cabin side windows.

However the first couple of flights were rather disappointing, the speed, just over 350km/h, was nowhere near what it was supposed to be. The cause of the problem was quickly identified in the engines,which just weren’t powerful enough and were not ideal for high performance. The solution was to turn to Alfa Romeo, in particular to the Alfa 125 RC.35 which were license built Bristol Pegasus.. The designation of the engine is important,explaining the motivations of the change. "R" stands for Radial, so an engine with 9 cylinders in a star shape, "C" stands for Compressor which means that the engine had a single speed compressor, that would enter in action only at a certain altitude in order to rebalance power. With higher altitude the progressive lack of oxygen causes a substantial loss of power in the engines and the compressor is needed to counter that loss, compressing air and fuel thus injected in the cylinders with higher pressure and energy. Finally "35" (3500 meters) was the altitude at which the compressor started working, allowing the aircraft to keep its performance even above this altitude. With the new engines things changed quickly, the SM.79P broke handily the 400km/h speed, a new record that no other transport plane had ever achieved.

A nice shot of the personal SM.79C airplane of Bruno Mussolini, the son of the Chief of the Government at that time. The plane joined the famous Istres-Damascus-Paris flying race in August 1937.

 The aircraft was subject of numerous tests from pilots of Roma-Guidonia then  started to be used for flights towards West and East Africa as VIP transport. Those flights were major records, completed without any issues and at an impressive rate. Meanwhile, military clashes were brewing in Somalia and Eritrea, so these very promising outlooks persuaded the SIAI to develop a military version which had an increased autonomy and military payloads such as bombs and machine guns. Just as the first military versions came out of the factory there was another change in the engine, adopting the new Alfa 126 RC.34 which would go on to become the main engine of the aircraft until the end of the war. By the end of 1935 the aircraft had already completed all the tests and real bombing runs, while, sadly, the political and military situation in Spain was worsening, turning into a civil war.

A wonderful formation of several SM.79 taken in Spain during the Spanish Civil War. SM.79s were fast and reliable, and performed bombing missions with very few losses.

Germany and Italy, supporting Franco's Fascist dictatorship, gave men and equipment to the war effort, utilizing the conflict as a testbed for new weapons and tactics. The SM.79 couldn’t have missed this chance and in February 1937 roughly 60 of those planes reached Spain having been bought by the Francoist government. Another 92 planes sent by the Italian government joined in and started bombing targets along fellow Italian and German planes. It must be said that the peculiar configuration of the payload in the fuselage raised some doubts, the bombs being attached vertically, would have to unnaturally rotate when dropped, at the expense of precision. The aiming duty fell to the commander of the aircraft that had to go through the entire airframe to get to the bombsight which was in the “gondola” situated almost at the tail section. He also had control of the rudder through a little steering wheel, allowing him to adjust his aim. The quantity and different kinds of payloads was selected by the pilot through a big keyboard that was ironically called “Typewriter”. The deployment of the SM.79 in Spain was a success, enemy fighters weren’t fast enough to intercept them and this contributed even more the reputation of the aircraft, although failing to rationally consider more modern aircraft that would soon enter into service. In any case it became the Regia Aeronautica standard bomber, sharing its service with the Fiat Br. 20. 

Many different camouflages schemes for these 193^ Squadriglia flying along balkans coastline. The Electring man insignia was painted on fuselage sides.

In 1937 came the idea to modify the SM.79 in order to participate in a French sporting cup race which was to start in Istres, go through Damascus and end in Paris. The idea was to extensively modify 6 aircraft. The military components were removed, the fuselage was improved as well as the engines, radio and navigational equipment. A noticeable increase in maximum weight for takeoff brought an increase of utility equipment and autonomy. The aircraft were labled SM.79C for “Corsa” (Race) and they were quickly able to participate in the cup in August 1937. Right from the start it was clear the Italians were superior, their aircraft sported a bright red paintjob that would then be known as “Rosso Corsa”. Even after some unfavorable weather conditions on the Mediterranean between Damascus and Paris, the aircraft code named I-CUPA reached the french capital beating all the opponents and winning the Cup hosted by the French Aero Club in honor of the 10 years anniversary of the Lindbergh flight. It was a triumph and such a big success that it brought up an old Italian ambition, to connect with fast aircraft the nations on both sides of the Atlantic. To achieve this the SM.79C were even more modified to make it from Rome to Rio de Janeiro. When the crew were ready, three aircraft took off, reaching the midpoint of Dakar in less than 11 hours. From there, in formation, they crossed the Atlantic at about 400km/h. A huge crowd was waiting for them at the finish line, with great satisfaction everyone thought the SM.79 was the aircraft of records.

A torpedo-bomber SM.79 belonging to 204^ Squadriglia. Many authors assigned this specific plane to Marchese Emilio Pucci, a pilot that after the war became a very famous fashion firm owner and designer.

Sadly  war was brewing again and the Second World War would see this beautiful plane as a protagonist. With the outbreak of the war, the SM.79 was sent into combat in almost all theaters, carrying out all kinds of missions. Bombing, transport, reconnaissance and even low level incendiary bombing runs. The aircraft was well liked by the crews and even if it was already obsolete, due to the one piece wooden wing and the metallic tubes framed and canva covered fuselage, it remained the backbone of the Italian military operations in Africa, Albania and the Mediterranean, carrying out an impressive number of missions. Already in 1940, almost all military operation were against the British “Home Fleet” which was a serious threat due to the convoy escorts and port raids. High altitude bombing being ineffective, for reasons already said,that prompted an interest to convert the SM.79 into a torpedo bomber. Italy had a long standing tradition when it came to torpedoes which were produced in several factories, the idea was convincing enough that some SM.79s were converted to carry these weapons under the fuselage. Racks for two torpedoes were attached under the belly, an extra fuel tank added in place of the bomb compartment, and different aiming devices were developed so that the moving target would be hit at a specific angle of attack. The propaganda picture showing an SM.79 with two torpedoes sent shockwaves all around the globe, contribuiting to the false myth that the aircraft could carry two of them in combat. This myth lasted for years after the war, even in the modelling world, Airfix is still selling a SM.79 in 1/72 which splendid box-art shows several  Sparviero with two torpedoes under their belly. Along the name Sparviero (Sparrowhawk) the nickname “Gobbo Maledetto” (Damned Hunchback) was given to the aircraft due to the large cabin on top of the fuselage were the radio operator and the engineer sat along with a Breda-Safat 12.7mm machine gun to defend against enemy fighters.

A post-war SM.79 attached to Zona Roma, a big unit based in central Italy. Side windows can be seen on fuselage sides.

With the introduction of the first six SM.79 modified to carry the SIAI torpedo, preparations were made for the first combat actions. On the 25th of July 1940 the Reparto Sperimentale Aerosiluranti was created, speeding up preparations of the equipment and crew it was ready for early August. The first torpedo combat action was carried out against the port of Alexandria by 5 planes on the night of the 15th of August. It wasn’t a total success however, one SM.79 was lost without any tangible victory. The determination of the crews, however, lead the way for a series of very successful missions that took into account all the previous errors. New tactics and techniques were developed and victories didn’t take long. From 1940 to 1943 a great number of Sparviero were modified or built in the torpedo bomber configuration even with shortages, sabotage and the ever increasing enemy fighters threat that made torpedo runs much more dangerous. The amount of sank or damaged ships by the SM.79 speaks for itself, contributing to fuel the myth of the “gobbo maledetto”. Despite being obsolete or if it wasn’t designed for such actions, this aircraft was a perfect adaptation, even when compared to its successor the SM.84, which failed to replace it.With the Armistice in Italy in September 1943 there were still a lot of SM.79, but the fall of the fascist government and the Italian military apparatus brought about a great crisis. With the Civil War on the horizon, Italy divided, in the North the new fascist regime still allied to the Germans, while the South sided with the allies. The SM.79s saw combat actions once more, in the South it was limited to transport and training, but in the North torpedoes were still being attached to the belly of the aircraft. SIAI had already modified the Sparviero project with new “bis” version, the aircraft were greatly improved with new Alfa 128 engines, a more powerful armament, new radios and the removal of the gondola. All these changes finalized the Sparviero into a true torpedo bomber. Taking advantage  that SIAI was  in Northern Italy, the ANR (Aeronautica Nazionale Repubblicana) was able to group together new and old equipment and determined crews ready to attack the enemy that was climbing the Peninsula. The ANR carried out daring torpedo runs in Ancona, Bari, to counter the landings at Anzio and even a night time raid on Gibraltar. The losses decimated the ranks, along with aircraft lost in combat missions a lot were also lost in transport flights intercepted by enemy fighters.

A wonderful pics of the interior of a preserved SM.79 in Italy, with many details and colours well visible.

The famous "typewiter" placed inside the bomber aimer gondola. It was a device that selected the order of launching bombs and their selection.

When the war in Europe was finally over, a great number of SM.79 were still airworthy. They would go on to have a major role in the rebirth of the new Aeronautica Militare Italiana that struggled to get back on its feet due to the losses of men and equipment. More obsolete than ever, the SM.79 still served with many squadrons after the war, waiting for the Allies to grant surplus or more modern aircraft. The SM.79 also had one last merit that deserves a mention. 4 aircraft converted to transport planes were sold to Lebanon in 1949.  In a time of great economic struggle selling those 4 aircraft was needed to not go bankrupt but many years later it would turn out to be an extraordinary blessing. With the phasing out of the lebanese SM.79, that government donated one  back to Italy and today it is on display at the museum of Vigna di Valle. Nobody at the time thought about preserving some of them for future memory so all italian SM.79 were destroyed. Without Lebanon, which lated donated a second one to the Caproni museum in Trento, today there wouldn’t be any Sparviero for our eyes to marvel at or to remember the sacrifice made by so many men in combat.

The second example of SM.79 preserved in the world is on display with Lebanese colours at Caproni Museum at Trento, in Northern Italy.

The SM.79 preserved at Vigna di Valle Museum near Rome, Italy, with topsides just repainted in an unusual and strange "olive drab" colour.

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