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Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 9
Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 10
The raid resulted in the destruction of
one twin-engine Hudson aircraft, damage
to another, and inflicted significant damage
to buildings, tents, a water tank, and vehicles.
On their return flight, the bomber crews stra-
fed an Allied vessel.
The Japanese fighter escorts kept most of
the American pilots engaged and claimed ei-
ght aircraft shot down. Among the Japanese
pilots was Hiroyoshi Nishizawa, who would la-
ter become the most successful Japanese na-
val fighter pilot of the war. However, only four
American aircraft sustained damage and the
only complete loss was a P-40 whose pilot lost
his bearings and had to bail out. He was later
rescued by two young Aboriginal Australians.
During the battle, the Americans claimed
four Zeros shot down. Among the Japanese ca-
sualties was Lt. (jg) Nobuhiro Iwasaki, whose
aircraft was later recovered, allowing Allied
intelligence to gather valuable information,
particularly from component nameplates. Iwa-
sakis likely victor was Lt. Morrissey, who fired
on the enemy from a distance of 200 yards. One
of Iwasaki’s wingmen during the engagement
was Nishizawa.
The second Japanese pilot shot down was
PO1c Genkichi Oishi. In his case, there is no
doubt about his victor. Lt. A. T. House attacked
a Zero that was attempting to get behind Morri-
ssey. However, when House tried to fire, his
machine guns malfunctioned, and not a single
shot was fired.
Thinking quickly, he decided to ram the Zero
by striking its fuselage with the right wingtip
of his aircraft, killing Oishi in the cockpit. The
P-40 then entered uncontrollable, erratic ma-
neuvers, but House managed to regain control
at 4,000 feet and successfully landed back at
the base at high speed, without deploying flaps.
For this daring action, he was rightfully
awarded the Distinguished Service Cross.
Shortly after this battle, the 7th Pursuit Squad-
ron was withdrawn from Horn Island, and Hou-
se soon found himself in the hospital—but not
due to combat. While on leave in Sydney, a taxi
driver ran over his foot. Well, as the saying
goes, those destined to hang will never drown.
The Threat of Invasion
Concerns about a potential Japanese invasi-
on of Australia grew even more in early March
1942. On March 3, Broome Airfield in Western
Australia was attacked by nine Zeros from the
3rd tai. The Japanese airmen strafed the
base and its surroundings, killing nearly 90
soldiers and civilians and destroying 23 air-
While returning to Koepang, three Zero pi-
lots spotted a Dutch DC-3 transport aircraft.
Because it was camouflaged, they assumed it
was a legitimate target and opened fire, hitting
the fuselage, right wing, and right engine.
The aircraft went into a spin, but to the Japa-
nese pilots' surprise, the pilot managed to re-
cover just above the ground and successfully
executed an emergency landing. That pilot was
Ivan Smirnoff, a Russian fighter ace from World
War I. Later that day, eight more Zeros from the
same unit attacked Wyndham Base, destroying
one aircraft and damaging several buildings.
The very next day, on March 4, 1942, nine
Zeros from the 3rd tai attacked the RAAF
base in Darwin. They successfully destroyed
one Hudson bomber and damaged several buil-
dings. All Japanese aircraft returned safely to
base, although three sustained minor damage
from anti-aircraft fire.
At the time, the main Allied focus was on the
battle for Java, leaving Australian bases tem-
porarily unprotected. With the urgent need to
secure fighter defenses for Port Moresby in
New Guinea, the American military allocated 25
P-40 Warhawks to form No. 75 Squadron RAAF,
which was officially established on March 4.
The squadron relocated to Port Moresby on
March 21, where its commander, "Old John"
Jackson, faced extreme challenges. Despite
the harsh conditions, he successfully led and
motivated his pilots, transforming them from
a group of inexperienced rookies into formida-
ble challengers against the battle-hardened
Japanese Navy pilots.
By April, Allied fighter strength in the Port
Moresby area was bolstered with the arri-
val of American Airacobras. Additionally, No.
76 Squadron RAAF at Archerfield and No. 77
Squadron RAAF at Pearce, Western Australia,
were gradually equipped with P-40E Warhawks.
9th Pursuit Squadron Deploys to
Immediately after the Japanese attacks in
Western Australia, the American 9th Pursuit
41-5509, 1Lt. Joseph J. Kruzel, 17th PS (Provisional), 4th CG, Java, February 1942
Joseph John Kruzel was born on February 17, 1918, in Pennsylvania. He entered the Air Force in May 1940 and was
assigned to the 2nd Observation Squadron in the Philippines in December of that year. He was then transferred to
the 17th PS in September 1941. After the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and the invasion of the Philippines, the
17th PS moved to Australia and Kruzel subsequently took part in the fighting in the Dutch East Indies. He achieved
his first kill on February 17, 1942, when he shot down a Ki-27 over Palembang. This was followed by two A6M
kills on February 19 and 20. In March he joined the 9th FS in Australia, where his wingman was George Preddy.
He served with the unit until his return home in December 1942. In November 1943, he moved with the 361st FG
to England to Bottisham Base, where the group received its P-47Ds. In Europe, Kruzel achieved three more kills
plus one shared. This brought his total to 6.5 kills and one damaged aircraft. He returned to the US in January
1945 and held a number of important positions postwar, achieving the rank of Major General. He retired on August
1, 1970 and died on July 10, 2002 at the age of 84. His P-40 from when he was still with the 17th PS sported the
drawing of a dragon breathing fire on both sides of the nose. A similar drawing then adorned another P-40E that
Kruzel used in Australia. This one, however, was camouflaged in British colors, and Kruzel’s Flight was named
“Dragon Flight” after it.
41-5647, 1Lt. John Landers, 9th FS, 49th FG, Darwin, Australia, 1942
John Dave Landers was one of the fighter pilots who achieved victories in two different theatres of war during WW
II. He scored his first six kills in the Pacific and added the rest to his total of 14.5 kills in Europe. Born in Oklahoma
on August 23, 1920, he moved to Texas at the age of eighteen. He entered the Army Air Cadet program in April 1941,
was commissioned as a First Lieutenant on December 12 and shipped to Australia as early as January 1942. He joi
ned the 9th FS/49th FG after delivering one P-40E to Darwin on April 3. He scored two kills the very next day, then
added two more victories on June 14 and July 30 before taking off on December 26 for his last combat flight in the
Pacific. That day he firstly scored two kills, then was shot down over New Guinea and had to find his way through
the jungle. In February 1943 he returned to the USA and was sent on his second operational tour, this time in Euro
pe (where he later completed a third tour as well). The first of Lander’s P-40s is portrayed here. On the left side of
the fuselage behind the cockpit, it bore a drawing of a hawk in a yellow field, as a mark of affiliation with the Andy
Reynolds Flight, who was the first to use this decoration. The decals provide the Hawk in black and dark brown
version, as it is not sure which color was used. On the nose, Skeeter inscription and the drawing of a mosquito
holding a machine gun were painted. It is not sure the mosquito was painted on the starboard side as well.
INFO Eduard10
March 2025
Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 11
Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 1

Strana 1

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 2

Strana 2

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 3

Strana 3

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Editorial


Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 5

Strana 5

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 6

Strana 6

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 7

Strana 7

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Flying Knights in Australia

Flying Knights in Australia

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 9

Strana 9

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 10

Strana 10

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 11

Strana 11

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 12

Strana 12

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 13

Strana 13

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 14

Strana 14

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 15

Strana 15

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 16

Strana 16

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 17

Strana 17

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 18

Strana 18

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 19

Strana 19

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 20

Strana 20

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 21

Strana 21

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 22

Strana 22

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 23

Strana 23

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Aerial War in Ukraine

Aerial War in Ukraine

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 25

Strana 25

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 26

Strana 26

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 27

Strana 27

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 28

Strana 28

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 29

Strana 29

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 30

Strana 30

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 31

Strana 31

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 32

Strana 32

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 33

Strana 33

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 34

Strana 34

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 35

Strana 35

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 36

Strana 36

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 37

Strana 37

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 38

Strana 38

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 39

Strana 39

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 40

Strana 40

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 41

Strana 41

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 42

Strana 42

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 43

Strana 43

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 44

Strana 44

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 45

Strana 45

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 46

Strana 46

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 47

Strana 47

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 48

Strana 48

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 49

Strana 49

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 50

Strana 50

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 51

Strana 51

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 52

Strana 52

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 53

Strana 53

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 54

Strana 54

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 55

Strana 55

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 56

Strana 56

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 57

Strana 57

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 58

Strana 58

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 59

Strana 59

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 60

Strana 60

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 61

Strana 61

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 62

Strana 62

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 63

Strana 63

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 64

Strana 64

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 65

Strana 65

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 66

Strana 66

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 67

Strana 67

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 68

Strana 68

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 69

Strana 69

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 70

Strana 70

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 71

Strana 71

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 72

Strana 72

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 73

Strana 73

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 74

Strana 74

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 75

Strana 75

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 76

Strana 76

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 77

Strana 77

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 78

Strana 78

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 79

Strana 79

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 80

Strana 80

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 81

Strana 81

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 82

Strana 82

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 83

Strana 83

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 84

Strana 84

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 85

Strana 85

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 86

Strana 86

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 87

Strana 87

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 88

Strana 88

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 89

Strana 89

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 90

Strana 90

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 91

Strana 91

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 92

Strana 92

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 93

Strana 93

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 94

Strana 94

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 95

Strana 95

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 96

Strana 96

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 97

Strana 97

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 98

Strana 98

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 99

Strana 99

Info EDUARD 03/2025, TEC - Don't whimper and print!

TEC - Don't whimper and print!

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 101

Strana 101

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 102

Strana 102

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 103

Strana 103

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 104

Strana 104

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 105

Strana 105

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 106

Strana 106

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 107

Strana 107

Info EDUARD 03/2025, Strana 108

Strana 108


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