{"cz":"Info EDUARD"}
{"cz":"Měsíčník o historii a plastikovém modelářství.","en":"Monthly magazine about history and scale plastic modeling."}
INFO Eduard is a monthly scale model-historical magazine published in Czech and English by Eduard Model Accessories since 2010. The magazine is available for free on the Triobo platform and can be downloaded in PDF format. Eduard is a manufacturer of plastic models and accessories with over 30 years of tradition. Throughout its history in the plastic modeling industry, Eduard has become one of the world's leaders. Further details about the company and its product range can be found at www.eduard.com. You can subscribe to the INFO magazine and receive product information for free at: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
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INFO Eduarde-magazine FREE Vol 24 January 2025# 179Strana 2
INFO Eduarde-magazine FREE Vol 24 January 2025# 179© Eduard - Model Accessories, 2025FREE FOR DOWNLOAD, FREE FOR DISTRIBUTION!This material may only be used for personal use. No part of the textor graphic presentations can be used in another publication in any other mediaform or otherwise distributed without the prior writtenpermission of Eduard - Model Accessories and authors involved.Editorial and Graphics - Marketing department, Eduard - Model Accessories, Ltd.Strana 3
eduardeduardJANUARY 2025CONTENTSPublished by Eduard-Model Accessories, spol. s.r.o.Mírová 170, Obrnice 435 21support@eduard.com www.eduard.comEDITORIALKITSBRASSINPHOTO-ETCHED SETSSPACEBUILTON APPROACH–February 2025TAIL END CHARLIEARTICLESBOXART STORYBf 109K-4 ProfiPACK 1/48P-51D Mustang ProfiPACK 1/72Bf 109F-2 Weekend 1/72F4F-4 Wildcat late Weekend 1/48US Navy Carrier Deck 1/48THE ZIPPER 1/48P-51B/C wheel bay PRINT 1/48Fw 190A-7 1/48Spitfire Mk.IXc late version 1/48The NR-30 Aircraft Mounted WeaponThe Cruiser Georgios AverofAir War in Ukraine-ATACMS and OreshnikMissiles in ActionP-51D engine PRINT 1/72 - CLICK-CLACKAchtung, Jabos!John D. Landers and his Big Beautiful DollThe July CircusWildcats on the Atolls4930345268809096108Editorial
One year has come to an end and another has begun, bringing us to the right time to describe what we want to accomplish in the near future. But don't expect anything groundbreaking today. You already know about most of the new products being prepared for this year, whether from our involvement with E-day or from other sources. Today I will only reference projects that we are more or less certain we will complete this year. As part of the presentation of this year's new products, I will only deal with new kits today, and I’ll skip accessory items, except to say that in all of our main branches of accessory lines, that is to say in photoetched, masks and Brassins, we are working on various types of
Good Day, Dear ModelersOne year has come to an end and another hasbegun, bringing us to the right time to describewhat we want to accomplish in the near future.But don't expect anything groundbreakingtoday. You already know about most of the newproducts being prepared for this year, whetherfrom our involvement with E-day or from othersources. Today I will only reference projects thatwe are more or less certain we will completethis year. As part of the presentation of thisyear's new products, I will only deal with newkits today, and I’ll skip accessory items, except tosay that in all of our main branches of accessorylines, that is to say in photoetched, masks andBrassins, we are working on various types ofinnovations. These are often quite fundamentalsteps that, if successful, will bring interestingadvancement both in the form of improvedquality and increased quantity of production,as well as in the form of new products andperhaps even new product lines. However, noneof these innovations are yet at a stage wherethey can be put to good use, so there is no realpoint in writing about them today. But don't worry,as soon as any of these new manufacturingprocesses are ready to launch, we'll let you knowand introduce you to the new products that theseprocesses will allow.KITSLast year we premiered two kits, the P-51Bin 1:48 scale, and the P-51D in 1:72nd. In addition,we completed the Bf 109 G-6/G-14 and G-10series in 1:72, and we produced molds for the firstall-new release of the year, the P-40E Warhawkin 48th. We will start shipping these to those thatpreordered the Royal Class kit next week, andthese kits will arrive at retailers with other newreleases for February, 2025 a week or so later.P-40E WARHAWK, 1:48Our Warhawk kit brings with it a few subtleinnovations. One of them is the speed ofimplementation. We started working on thisproject in the fall of 2023. From the initiationof the design to the completion of all the molds,it took us a year. It may seem like a long timeto you, but in reality, this is pretty quick. Usually,it takes us about twice as long to take a projectof similar scope to completion. We achieved thatone year window from start to finish thanks to thedesign process that we first tested five years agowhen designing the first version of our Zero, andalso because developing the molds for the P-40Ehad shared top priority in production during thesecond half of the year. It almost means that wewere able to squeeze into production a mold forthe fuselage with fillet for the 48th scale P-51Band a mold for three variants of the 72nd scaleBf 109 G-10. Such small things. I understandthat some of you are not very excited aboutthese ideas, but the kits are really very nice andof course require their share of honest work.It's not just a minor change involving the changingof the name on the box and the instructions.The second subtle innovation is hidden withinthe surface of the kit. We experienced a certainlack of uniformity when it came to larger surfaceareas, namely those of the fuselage and wings.This was especially noticeable in the riveting,which tended to be inconsistent over large areasof real estate of the large parts. Sometimes itwas more noticeable, sometimes less, of courseit did not look good and was subject to justifiedcriticism. Something had to be done about it. Afterall, riveting is one of the most striking highlightsof our kits. We have worked intensively on solvingthis problem in recent months, we have madeseveral adjustments to out machine settingsand the system of continuous measurement ofsparking parameters, and we have introduceda mandatory procedure for checking themachine parameter settings and calibratingthe measuring probe during the set-up of theelectroabrasive process. You can judge theresult for yourself. We like it and we will closelymonitor compliance with our set technologicalspecs in order to maintain this surface style atthe highest possible level.We are releasing the Royal Class in quantitiesthat have been determined by customer pre-orders on our e-shop and dealer orders.The result will be that we will most likely nothave any left at the end of January out of theentire run of 4,000 units. However, these kits willstill be available through retailers for some time.As a new product in March, they will be replacedin our catalog by the Limited Edition releasecalled ‘Pacific Star’. It will, as expected, be a DualCombo boxing, with a production run set at 3,000units, and I assume that it will remain availablefor several months. Or at least weeks. Anyway,next in line will be the Profipack version, whichwill be a June release. In the summer, the P-40Nwill be released along a like line of standards,starting with the Royal Class, followed by theLimited Edition kit and then in the fall by theProfipack. Or rather, Profipacks...plural, becausethere will be two versions, differing in the designof the canopy, the P-40M and the P-40N.KAMIKAZE TOKKÔTAI / A6M5 ZeroModel 52 & A6M2-K Zero Model 11 1/48After a long break, we will continue also withour Zero family of kits. The completion onlyEDITORIALINFO Eduard4January 2025Strana 5
really requires the two-seat versions, and thelate versions Zero Model 52 and Zero Model 63.The subject of the Zero Model 52 is a complexone. If we do not count the two-seat variantof this model, it is actually made up of fourdevelopment versions, differing primarily inarmament. This looks like a great potential forthe release of several versions, but in reality itis quite difficult to distinguish these machinesfrom one another. When you add to this thefamous variety of Japanese WWII naval aircraftconsisting of green camouflage, nationalmarkings and some code marking on the rudder,then the great potential turns into a dilemma ofwhat to do. From the modeler's point of view, thewhole thing seems like a mass of green boredom.From the manufacturer's point of view, it is rathera small modeler's version of hell. The differencesin the versions are essentially small and notvery noticeable, but for most interested peopleunforgettable in the long run. However, as isknown, each type has its experts, for whom therelease of the subject of their lifelong study and,I dare say, passion, is an opportunity to apply theirknowledge and dominate the show. Thanks tothem, hundreds of modelers, about half of whomonly knew that the Zero Model 52 existed andthe other half not even that, will become expertswho have a completely clear understanding ofwhat the manufacturer must do to cover thekit properly, what to represent and definitelywhat not to omit. We manufacturers are trulyhappy about this. With the Zero Model 52,the differences, I emphasize once again that intheir individuality are really small differences,but these have led us to develop seven newmolds for this specific version, three for thewings, two for the fuselage, and two more moldsfor sprues with small detail parts. We will usethree of them in the Kamikaze Tokkôtai kit, sincefour of them are for the A6M5 Zero Model 52c,which will not be in this kit.So what’s it all mean? As many times before,we will now go about it through a storyline inwhich we will connect the technical history,describing the evolution of the technicaldevelopment of these machines, with the historyof their combat deployment, and above all withthe fates of their crews. Through our line of kitswe will retell one of the great stories of humanity,the story of the pilots known as Kamikaze.We will look at the history of the Kamikaze unitsa little differently than has been customary in theWest. We will look at it more from a Japaneseperspective, we will try to explain not only thehistory of the operational deployment, but alsothe motives that led to it, and the Japanesesocial view of its participants, the pilots whogave their lives for their homeland. However,we will not neglect the perspective of the otherside, without which the explanation of thecircumstances of this epic duel of two cultureswould be complete. Technically, from the pointof view of the composition of the kit, this will ofcourse not be a comprehensive coverage of thishistory. It will be just a snippet, just the part ofhistory in which the Zero was involved. We willonly write about other types of aircraft and units,for example military ones, that participated inthe Kamikaze attacks in accompanying texts,mainly in our newsletter. On the other hand, youdon't have to worry that it will be boring fromthe point of view of technical history. From thekit, which will of course be a Dual Combo withtwo complete sets of plastic, it will be possibleto build one of three different versions of theZero Model 52, namely the Model 52, 52a and 52b,and the two-seat A6M2-K Zero Model 11. We areadding this to the Kamikaze Tokkôtai kit becausetraining aircraft were often used in operationaldeployment by Kamikaze units. And the two-seatZero is a famous airplane, which has the chanceto give this kit a stamp of exceptionalism. Thereare so many exceptional things about it thatthere is neither the time nor space here and nowto explain all of these. Honza Bobek will outlinethese in articles on the topic of Kamikaze. Forexample, why the two-seat Zero Model 11, whenit was built on the basis of the Zero Model 21?We made two more new molds for the two-seatversion of the Zero. So in total, there are five newsprues for this kit. The Kamikaze Tokkôtai kit iscurrently scheduled for April, and I think that inthis case we will meet that deadline. Which maynot be the case for many other new products,planned mainly for the second half of the year.MiG-21bis, 1:72Again after a long absence, we return to anaircraft the previous versions of which werefront and centre quite a while back. The lastintroduction of a new release among the 72ndMiG-21s was five years ago, in January 2020, withthe MiG-21PFM, and in April of that year, with theMiG-21PF. But I think that in this case a longerbreak is not a bad thing. At least no one will writeto us in the comments on Facebook that we onlyproduce MiGs and that we might want to consideralso releasing something else. In this case, weare releasing exactly that ‘something else’ right?Right now there are similar complaints that weare still releasing only boring Messerschmittsand Mustangs.The MiG-21bis is based on previous versionsof the MiG-21 kit, primarily the MiG-21MF,specifically the version in the Czech Republicand Slovakia called ‘the Greys’, and as it wasdubbed in our previous kits, the MiG-21MF FighterBomber. The new kit will also use some parts fromthe MiG-21MF Fighter Bomber kit, specificallyit will contain sprues with small detail partsand armament, as well as the original wing.The new kit will have a sprue with newly designedparts, primarily the fuselage, the fuselage spinewith the rudder, and a number of optional smallparts. Some of them are engine parts, or ratherexhaust nozzles to be more precise, some are forthe cockpit, and many of them represent variousantennae and sensors, which were mainly foundon the modernized bis in the nineties and weredifferent for different users. The first higherstandard release will be the Royal Class kit,followed by the Profipack and later the Weekendversion. In this case, we will probably skip theLimited Edition release, at least for this year.Structurally and technologically, we have theSMT and R versions ready. The most complexfrom the point of view of production is theMiG-21R, which has a new fuselage and wingsprue, as well as one additional one with weaponsand equipment, on which the most space is takenup by three versions of reconnaissance pods.However, we do not expect the release of theseversions this year, and are going with a firstrelease next year.MiG-21F-13 1:48Last year, after the January newsletter waspublished, there was great discontent amongCzech modelers over the decision to postpone theproduction of kits of purely Czechoslovak aircraftand give priority to Mustangs and other, from ourpoint of view, more desirable types, especiallythe P-40. We have fulfilled this part of our plan forthis year, and in the second half of last year wewere already working on the production of moldsfor the MiG-21F-13. Including the cockpit, thereare eight sprues that will be in the kit, but theEDITORIALINFO Eduard5January 2025Strana 6
EDITORIALone containing the parts for the armament will bethere twice, for a grand total of nine. The MiG-21Fkit will be technically manufactured to the latestEduard standard. The surface will be completelyand realistically riveted, which means that therewill be several tens of thousands of rivets on it,and overall I dare say that it will be one of thebest and most beautiful kits you will get yourhands on this year. The release schedule has notyet been decided. We are also working on a bookthat should be in the Limited Edition kit dedicatedto the Czechoslovak MiG-21F-13, but it is not yetclear whether this edition will be released first,or whether it will be, perhaps, the Royal Classkit. In any case, we have budgeted the work onthis project so that the MiG-21F-13 will have itspremiere at this year's E-day.PROJECTS FOR THE END OF 2025We have four other projects in the productionprocess that are complete in terms of design,but we do not yet have a release date for them.We will specify this during the first half of thisyear, and it is almost certain that at least one ofthese projects will no longer fit into our programthis year. These are: the Albatros D.III 1:72,the Messerschmitt Bf 109 K-4 1:72, the SpitireMk.I 1:72 and the P-51B Mustang 1:32. Then thereis a fifth project, the Avia S-199 in 1:48th.At least two of them will still fit into this year'sprogram. They will most likely be the AlbatrosD.III in 1:72 and the Bf 109 K-4, also 1:72. Bothare relatively simple, and the Albatros D.III isbeing outsourced, we are not producing the moldourselves. The implementation of the Bf 109 K-4involves completing a single mold, and that willnot be difficult at all. It will be more difficult forthe Spitfire Mk.I, not to mention that this projectalso includes the Spitfire Mk.II and, above all,several versions of the Spitfire Mk.V. The mostcomplex and demanding is, perhaps obviously,the Mustang in 1:32nd scale. Prioritizing will bea difficult decision, which will be influenced bythe progress of work on the projects describedin the previous paragraphs. But I promise thatwe will let you know the result by the summerat the latest.RELEASES OF OTHERMANUFACTURER’S KITSWe are preparing two projects for this yearthat are based on HKM–Hong Kong Modelsmolds. In the first half of the year, it will be theLancaster Mk.I 1:48, and in the second half, theB-25J Mitchell, also in 1:48 scale. We are stillworking on the concept of both kits, and we willpresent them in detail in the coming months.E-day, 2025This year, E-Day will move to the ZahradaČech exhibition center in Litoměřice. E-Dayat the Tankodrom in Milovice, where we havebeen organizing it for the last three years, hadits charm. The area undoubtedly has charisma,suitable for a model exhibition and the potentialto organize accompanying events, such asflight demonstrations. Unfortunately, it alsohas its limitations, especially spatial, due to itbeing impossible to free up the entire area ofthe exhibition hall. Another problem is the dutand limited space on the catwalks where thecompetition models were exhibited. That is whywe were looking for an alternative, and the areaof the exhibition center in Litoměřice meetsour requirements. Of course, we do not expecteverything to be ideal and, at least for the firstyear, I expect some criticism to come underthe spotlight. For example, we will probablyhave to give up the flight demonstrations.The exhibition will be located in several halls,maybe even as many as five, but I think that willnot be a problem. We will have separate roomsfor lectures and workshops, we will have enoughspace for catering, a sufficiently large parkinglot and, last but not least, we will be close tothe center of Litoměřice, which offers enoughaccommodation and catering capacities andevening program options. Which is somethingthat modelers will certainly welcome. The datefor this year's E-Day is the first weekend inOctober and it will again be in a one-and-a-half-day format. This means that the main programwill take place on Saturday, October 4th, butthe acceptance of models will begin on Friday,October 3rd in the afternoon, and we will have anaccompanying program prepared for late Fridayafternoon and early evening, similar to whatwe had at Milovice and before that in Lysá nadLabem. However, I must admit that I have beenthinking about returning to a two-day format fora long time, about extending E-day to Sunday.I understand that many modelers will beresistant to this, but on the other hand, it wouldfree up time for other accompanying events, forwhich we do not have enough time in the currentformat, and the event is marked by a certainhectic pace and time stress. If the restaurantsin Litoměřice prove accommodating, why notspend a Saturday evening there and have a goodchat? We do it that way in Moson too, and we likeit, so why can't we have it that way at home?Litoměřice is no worse than Moson, and Mosonis pretty darned good.EMDIn December, we published the firstcomplimentary issue of the paid supplementof our newsletter, the Eduard Modeler's Den.In the second half of January, we expect thelaunch of the first, paid issue. If you missedthe complimentary issue, you can check itouthere. As noted, it is a free trial, so that youcan see what the EMD, as we call it for short,is all about before you commit. At the same time,in the complimentary issue you will also find theconditions of purchase and other information formaking your decision an easy one. I do not hidethat our wish is that your decision will be ‘Yes,I want it!’, and there are a number of benefits togoing that route.In the paragraph about the Kamikaze Tokkôtaikit, I mentioned the lectures. The first one will bein a week, on Saturday, January 18th in Prostějov.We are organizing it in cooperation withMr. Nevečeřala, the owner of the MN Modelářon-line store. We will tell you as much as possibleabout the Kamikaze Tokkôtai project, as well asabout the upcoming Lancaster and P-40N, andalso about the latest developments in 3D printing.Participation in the event requires registration,which you can create here.This year marks 33 years since Eduard wasfounded as a limited liability company. However,the first photoetched products under the Eduardbrand appeared two years earlier, because forthe first two years we operated in a simpler legalform, as a trade. We are not taking a holiday oranything like that, but it doesn't hurt to recollect…So in closing, I wish you all a happy, healthyand prosperous New Year, my dear Friends!Happy Modeling!Vladimir SulcINFO Eduard6January 2025The NR-30 Aircraft Mounted Weapon
The NR-30 aircraft cannon was designed by Soviet designers A. E. Nudelman and A. A. Richter in the mid-1950s. The name of the weapon was derived from the initials of their surnames (Nudelman, Richter) and the number ‘30’ refers to the weapon’s caliber. This period was characterized by a great boom in the design and production of new types of jet aircraft in the Soviet Union and, by extension, their internal gun armament. This specific cannon was gradually installed in the Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-19S fighter (three in the nose of the aircraft, all equipped with a muzzle brake at the end of the barrel), the supersonic MiG-21F (on the right side of the fuselage, below the cockpit), the Sukhoi Su-7BM, BKL fighter-bombers (one in each wing root, just behind the cockpit, without muzzle brakes) and later the Su-17 M3, M4, UM-3 (the latter two-seat version with only one cannon in the right wing) and its export variants Su-22M3, M4, UM-3K, with a like number of cannons as the Su-7. Due to the political division of the world at that time and the existence of a military grouping of countries in the socialist camp, called the Warsaw Pact, the above-mentioned types gradually entered the inventory of the air force of the former ČSLA (Czechoslovak People's Army). The ammunition was initially produced in and imported from the Soviet Union, but later it began to be produced in Czechoslovakia, initially under license, but later as an evolution under its own development program. The weapon was designed to deal with aerial as well as ground targets effectively.
The NR-30 cannon is an automatic weapon witha continuous, double-sided belt feed, the opera-tion of which is based on the principle of usingrecoil energy with a short barrel recoil. Duringbarrel recoil, the rotary bolt is unlocked and ac-celerated backward by a lever accelerator. A gasgate is used to brake the barrel recoil and bringit back to its forward position - it uses gunpowdergases taken from within the gun barrel. Thesegases are fed into the gas cylinder through chan-nels and fill the working space in front, sealed bythe piston and at the rear by inserts with sealingrings. During barrel recoil, the barrel collar firsthits the piston, causing it to move with the collarand the barrel as the recoil continues. The gaschannels are closed off by engaging the insertsealing rings and the gases in the gas cylinderare compressed. Their pressure exerts a force onthe piston surface that slows the barrel‘s back-ward momentum and, after stopping, returns itto the forward position. Just before reaching thisforward position, the gunpowder gases from thecylinder are blown out of the system.The simple rifled barrel is supplemented witha muzzle brake in some variants of the weap-on, which simultaneously functions as a flamesuppressor and directs the escaping exhaustgases outside the aircraft. The gun is cockedpneumatically (by compressed air), and firedelectronically, by releasing the bolt from therear position. The electric trigger circuit includesa round counter and a signal indicating the needfor pneumatic cocking. A silencer is inserted be-tween the weapon and its mount in the aircraft.The NR-30 aircraft cannon was designed by Soviet designers A. E. Nudelman and A. A. Richter in the mid-1950s. The nameof the weapon was derived from the initials of their surnames (Nudelman, Richter) and the number ‘30’ refers to the weap-on’s caliber. This period was characterized by a great boom in the design and production of new types of jet aircraft in theSoviet Union and, by extension, their internal gun armament. This specific cannon was gradually installed in the Mikoy-an-Gurevich MiG-19S fighter (three in the nose of the aircraft, all equipped with a muzzle brake at the end of the barrel),the supersonic MiG-21F (on the right side of the fuselage, below the cockpit), the Sukhoi Su-7BM, BKL fighter-bombers(one in each wing root, just behind the cockpit, without muzzle brakes) and later the Su-17 M3, M4, UM-3 (the latter two-seat version with only one cannon in the right wing) and its export variants Su-22M3, M4, UM-3K, with a like number ofcannons as the Su-7. Due to the political division of the world at that time and the existence of a military grouping ofcountries in the socialist camp, called the Warsaw Pact, the above-mentioned types gradually entered the inventory ofthe air force of the former ČSLA (Czechoslovak People‘s Army). The ammunition was initially produced in and importedfrom the Soviet Union, but later it began to be produced in Czechoslovakia, initially under license, but later as an evolutionunder its own development program. The weapon was designed to deal with aerial as well as ground targets effectively.The NR-30AircraftMountedWeaponTomáš DederaHISTORYINFO Eduard7January 2025Strana 8
NR-30 Technical SpecificationsCaliber 30 x 155B mmNumber of rifledGrooves in the Barrel 16Initial Muzzle Velocity 780±10 m/sWeight 66,5 kgFiring Rate min. 850 rds/minAmmunition Round Weight 410 gMinimum Air Pressurefor Automatic Cocking 3.8 MPaRecoil Force max. 6000 kgRecoil Length - Barrel 100 mmRecoil Length - Bolt 302 mmMain NR-30 Componentsand their FunctionBarrel – Defines round direction, speed androtation, thanks to a rifled bore with sixteen ro-tations, in the form of a right-handed thread. Inthe middle of the barrel length there are 10 holesfor the discharge of exhaust gases into the gascylinder. In the rear part of the barrel there isa bullet-shaped cartridge chamber.Breech Casing – This item is connected to thebarrel and moves 100 mm back and forth with itin the gun housing when firing.Breech – Consists of the head and body of thebreech assembly. The feeder inserts the car-tridge into the head of the breech, the bolt insertsthe cartridge into the chamber and locks it. Thecartridge is fired mechanically after the chamberis locked.Gun Casing – Serves to guide the barrel and thebreech block during firing, and also serves as lo-cator for the weapon control mechanisms – thefeeder, trigger, cocking cylinder and accelerators.The gun is attached to the aircraft structure viathe gun casing. It is blocked off at the rear bya shutter.Cocking Cylinder – Serves to cock the weap-on by supplying compressed air at a pressure of50atm, which moves a slide from the rear positionand inserts a cartridge from the cartridge beltinto the slide head. It also contains a preload-ed spring, which is compressed during cocking.The slide is held in the rear position by a trigger.Electromagnetic Trigger – Used to remotelycontrol the firing of the cannon. After applyingcurrent, the bolt is released and thrown forwardunder the pressure of the preloaded spring.Ammunition Feeder – Used to advance the car-tridge link belt and insert the cartridges into thebreech.Gas Cylinder – Serves to dampen recoil whenfired. Some of the exhaust gases are directedinto it through holes in the barrel and are furthercompressed there. The floating piston is com-pressed by the barrel nut.Recoil Accelerator – Serves to unlock thechamber after discharging a round. The accel-erator lever transfers the movement of the bar-rel to the accelerator plate, which acceleratesthe movement of the bolt relative to the barrel,thereby rotating the bolt head and thus unlock-ing the chamber.Pre-slide Accelerator – Serves to acceleratethe movement of the breech with the cartridgeinto the chamber, thereby increasing the rate offire.Barrel Lock – Closes the rear part of the barrelhousing, dampens the movement of the bolt at itsrear position and keeps the cocking cylinder inthe correct position. It is connected to the barrelhousing by a thread.BarrelBreech casingBreechGun CasingHISTORYINFO Eduard8January 2025Strana 9
NR-30 Technical SpecificationsCaliber 30 x 155B mmNumber of rifledGrooves in the Barrel 16Initial Muzzle Velocity 780±10 m/sWeight 66,5 kgFiring Rate min. 850 rds/minAmmunition Round Weight 410 gMinimum Air Pressurefor Automatic Cocking 3.8 MPaRecoil Force max. 6000 kgRecoil Length - Barrel 100 mmRecoil Length - Bolt 302 mmMain NR-30 Componentsand their FunctionBarrel – Defines round direction, speed androtation, thanks to a rifled bore with sixteen ro-tations, in the form of a right-handed thread. Inthe middle of the barrel length there are 10 holesfor the discharge of exhaust gases into the gascylinder. In the rear part of the barrel there isa bullet-shaped cartridge chamber.Breech Casing – This item is connected to thebarrel and moves 100 mm back and forth with itin the gun housing when firing.Breech – Consists of the head and body of thebreech assembly. The feeder inserts the car-tridge into the head of the breech, the bolt insertsthe cartridge into the chamber and locks it. Thecartridge is fired mechanically after the chamberis locked.Gun Casing – Serves to guide the barrel and thebreech block during firing, and also serves as lo-cator for the weapon control mechanisms – thefeeder, trigger, cocking cylinder and accelerators.The gun is attached to the aircraft structure viathe gun casing. It is blocked off at the rear bya shutter.Cocking Cylinder – Serves to cock the weap-on by supplying compressed air at a pressure of50atm, which moves a slide from the rear positionand inserts a cartridge from the cartridge beltinto the slide head. It also contains a preload-ed spring, which is compressed during cocking.The slide is held in the rear position by a trigger.Electromagnetic Trigger – Used to remotelycontrol the firing of the cannon. After applyingcurrent, the bolt is released and thrown forwardunder the pressure of the preloaded spring.Ammunition Feeder – Used to advance the car-tridge link belt and insert the cartridges into thebreech.Gas Cylinder – Serves to dampen recoil whenfired. Some of the exhaust gases are directedinto it through holes in the barrel and are furthercompressed there. The floating piston is com-pressed by the barrel nut.Recoil Accelerator – Serves to unlock thechamber after discharging a round. The accel-erator lever transfers the movement of the bar-rel to the accelerator plate, which acceleratesthe movement of the bolt relative to the barrel,thereby rotating the bolt head and thus unlock-ing the chamber.Pre-slide Accelerator – Serves to acceleratethe movement of the breech with the cartridgeinto the chamber, thereby increasing the rate offire.Barrel Lock – Closes the rear part of the barrelhousing, dampens the movement of the bolt at itsrear position and keeps the cocking cylinder inthe correct position. It is connected to the barrelhousing by a thread.BarrelBreech casingBreechGun CasingElectromagnetic TriggerGas CylinderRecoil AcceleratorPre-slide AcceleratorBarrel LockCocking CylinderAmmunition FeederHISTORYINFO Eduard9January 2025Strana 10
Overall view of the NR-30 aircraftcannon equipped with a muzzlebreak as would be found on,for example, the MiG-19S.A cutaway of the NR-30from the right.HISTORYINFO Eduard10January 2025Strana 11
Overall view of the NR-30 aircraftcannon equipped with a muzzlebreak as would be found on,for example, the MiG-19S.A cutaway of the NR-30from the right.Principle behind Cannon Operationduring Pneumatic TensioningBy channeling compressed air from the pres-sure cylinder to the cocking cylinder of theweapon, the barrel with the breech block andthe locked breech is pulled backwards. In theinitial phase of the movement, the recoil accel-erator is activated, which unlocks the chamberand moves the breech block to the rear posi-tion, where it is caught by a trigger. The barrelwith the breech block is pulled further back-wards to the rearmost position (100 mm). Afterreleasing the cocking button, the compressedair returns the barrel with the breech block tothe front position. The movement of the bar-rel backwards and forwards is simultaneouslytransmitted by gears to the ammunition feed-er, which advances the cartridge belt by oneround and inserts the cartridge into the breechblock. This makes the weapon ready for firing.This is indicated in the cockpit by the lighting ofa red indicator light after the electrical installa-tion contacts in the trigger are engaged.Principle behind Cannon Functionduring FiringAfter applying electric current to the trigger ofthe weapon, the bolt is released, which, under thepressure of the tensioned spring inserts the roundinto the cartridge chamber and locks it. After lock-ing, the round is mechanically fired. The resultingexhaust gases exert pressure on the bottom of theround and the bottom of the cartridge case. Theround begins to move forward and the barrel withthe breech block backward. The effect of the re-coil accelerator kicks in, the cartridge chamber isunlocked and the breech with the empty cartridgeis moved backward, where it is captured by theelectromagnetic trigger. At the moment when theround passes the vent holes in the barrel, some ofthe exhaust gases are released into the gas cyl-inder. As a result of the movement of the barrel,the gas cylinder space is closed and the resultinggases are compressed by a floating piston, whichis moved by the barrel nut. Compressing the gas-es dampens the effects of recoil arising duringthe firing sequence. When the barrel reaches itsrear position, it returns to the front position underthe pressure of the gases in the gas cylinder. Inthe front position, the gases from the gas cylin-der escape to the outside. The movement of thebarrel is simultaneously transferred to the feeder,which moves the cartridge belt by one round andinserts another cartridge into the breech head.This pushes out the spent cartridge and ejects itoutside the aircraft, while the ammunition beltlinks are channeled to a box for collecting theminside the aircraft. After returning the barrel to thefront position, if the breech is in the rear positionand electric current is still supplied to the trigger,the automatic operation of the firing sequence isrepeated and the cannon fires another round.NR-30 30x155B Ammunition TypesThe development and the evolution of the NR-30 system was not limited to the weapon itself.The ammunition evolved as well. As noted earlier,the 30 designator refers to the caliber of ammu-nition used in millimeters, while 155 specifiesthe length of the cartridge, also in millimeters.During the development of the weapon, a rangeof ammunition types was also introduced:OFZ (NATO Equivalent HEI) – high-explosive – in-cendiary with a head fuse,BR (APHE) – armor-piercing – high-explosivewith a bottom fuse,PRL – anti-radar chaff,LP (TP) – inert, for verifying the function of theweapon,FZ – high-explosive – incendiary (anti-balloon).Later, the following types of rounds were devel-oped and modified:OFZ – modernized,ME – multi-element.This does not complete the list of availablerounds used in the NR-30. Those listed above arebase types, used by the Czechoslovak and later,the Czech Republic Air Forces.Main types of 30x155B ammunition. From the left,modernized, HEI, APHE and TP (early and latertypes).Fifteen rounds of APHE in the ammunition beltprior to loading into an aircraft.HISTORYINFO Eduard11January 2025Strana 12
Two pieces of steel cartridge links designedfor the NR-30 cannon, the articulated con-nections of the links allows the belt’s shapingwithin the ammunition box and in the supplysleeve to the cannon.Belts inside the ammunition boxes ofa Su-22M4 aircraft, the boxes, like thecannons in the wings, are offset relativeto each other for spatial reasons.Visual inspection confirming correct instal-lation of the ammunition belt, the armamentspecialist holding the lid of the feed to the leftNR-30 cannon of a Su-22M4. Photographedfrom the fuselage of the aircraft, from a mod-eling perspective, the vents in the wing andthe overall operational wear around the blastcover are of note.HISTORYINFO Eduard12January 2025Strana 13
Two pieces of steel cartridge links designedfor the NR-30 cannon, the articulated con-nections of the links allows the belt’s shapingwithin the ammunition box and in the supplysleeve to the cannon.Belts inside the ammunition boxes ofa Su-22M4 aircraft, the boxes, like thecannons in the wings, are offset relativeto each other for spatial reasons.Visual inspection confirming correct instal-lation of the ammunition belt, the armamentspecialist holding the lid of the feed to the leftNR-30 cannon of a Su-22M4. Photographedfrom the fuselage of the aircraft, from a mod-eling perspective, the vents in the wing andthe overall operational wear around the blastcover are of note.Detail of the right side of the fuselage ofa MiG-21F below the cockpit, with elementsof the mounting lugs for the installation of theNR – 30 cannon, which forms the basic gunarmament of this type of aircraft.NR–30 cannon in the right wing root of a PolishAir Force Su–22UM–3K aircraft. It is worth notingthat the fuselage and wing parts were shieldedwith stainless steel metal panels (picture on theleft before firing), in order to protect the surfacefrom the undesirable effects of exhaust gasesgenerated during firing (right).Top view of the NR-30 cannon muzzle brakewith exhaust gas vents.Below: Muzzle brake side view.HISTORYINFO Eduard13January 2025Strana 14
Looking head on, thestrength and size of themuzzle brake stand outin comparison to thelength of the entire NR-30weapon.Below: Breech Casingand ammunition feedercloseupHISTORYINFO Eduard14January 2025Strana 15
Looking head on, thestrength and size of themuzzle brake stand outin comparison to thelength of the entire NR-30weapon.Below: Breech Casingand ammunition feedercloseupThe cannon in the previous photos, used as a instructional aid, wasoriginally installed in the wing of a MiG-19S fighter (which can bederived from the shape of the exhaust vents on the muzzle brake).The following photos are specifically that of the MiG-19S, SerialNumber 1006, which has been out of service for a long time and leftexposed to weather conditions with a lot of interesting details,not only for modelers.Front view of the same aircraft, in which the bar-rels (muzzle brakes) of all three NR-30 cannons(right wing, right fuselage, left wing) are clearlyvisible.Detail of the right nose section – the muzzlebrakes are subject to corrosion, as are somerows of rivets on the airframe.HISTORYINFO Eduard15January 2025Strana 16
MiG-19S gun muzzles 1/48 (Trumpeter)Cat.No. 648591Detail of the NR-30 cannon in the right, lower part of the nose of the aircraft. There is a clear difference in the number and shape of the exhaust ventsand, as with other aircraft armed with the cannon in the wing root, the ever-present stainless steel blast shield embedded in the fuselage side.Detail of the right wing cannon – in the other pictures, there is a cleardifference in the shape and number of exhaust vents of the muzzle brake,and as in the case of the Su-22, the adjacent fuselage of the aircraft isprotected by a heat resistant steel panel, necessary for when the cannonis actually employed.Detail of the muzzle brakeof the left wing cannon.Detail of the muzzle brake of the right wing cannon – the front partof the brake is worth noting, which is welded together from severalparts, but they are not further mechanically modified and, overall,they look quite rough.HISTORYINFO Eduard16January 2025Strana 17
MiG-19S gun muzzles 1/48 (Trumpeter)Cat.No. 648591Detail of the NR-30 cannon in the right, lower part of the nose of the aircraft. There is a clear difference in the number and shape of the exhaust ventsand, as with other aircraft armed with the cannon in the wing root, the ever-present stainless steel blast shield embedded in the fuselage side.Detail of the right wing cannon – in the other pictures, there is a cleardifference in the shape and number of exhaust vents of the muzzle brake,and as in the case of the Su-22, the adjacent fuselage of the aircraft isprotected by a heat resistant steel panel, necessary for when the cannonis actually employed.Detail of the muzzle brakeof the left wing cannon.Detail of the muzzle brake of the right wing cannon – the front partof the brake is worth noting, which is welded together from severalparts, but they are not further mechanically modified and, overall,they look quite rough.The Cruiser Georgios Averof
Greece is a popular southern European destination for tourists from all over the world. If you are interested in military history and visit the capital city of Athens, you will have a surprisingly wide range of options for pursuing your passion. One of the interesting attractions, especially for land-based tourists, is the preserved Greek cruiser Georgios Averof.
REPORTPetr Uzsák(photo author)Location:Museum Ship AverofMarina FlisvosTrokadero, Paleo Faliro175 10 GreeceGetting ThereBus: 101, 217, 550, A1, B1, B2Tram: ‘Trokadero’ tram stopCar: Via National Road E75 which leads to‘Poseidonos’ Avenue Via ‘Syngrou’ AvenueHours of OperationMonday: ClosedTuesday to Friday: 09:00 – 14:00Weekends and Special Holidays: 10:00 – 17:00The stern of the cruiser Averof.Greece is a popular southern European destinationfor tourists from all over the world. If you areinterested in military history and visit the capital cityof Athens, you will have a surprisingly wide rangeof options for pursuing your passion. One of theinteresting attractions, especially for land-basedtourists, is the preserved Greek cruiser GeorgiosAverof.The Cruiser Georgios AverofINFO Eduard18January 2025Strana 19
REPORTFirst, a little history. The ship was built asa modified cruiser of the Italian Pisa-classat the Orlando shipyard in Livorno. The keelwas laid in 1907 and the hull of the vessel waslaunched in 1910. As is sometimes the case,at that time the Italian naval budget was runningprecariously short of funds, so the governmentdecided to sell the ship. The Greek navalattache there found out about this, informedhis superiors and after a positive response,Italy officially offered the ship to Greece.The latter seized the opportunity to strengthenits naval capabilities and purchased the shipwith the help of the financial inheritance ofthe deceased merchant and philanthropistGeorgios Averof. For this being made possible,Averof was posthumously rewarded by havingthe vessel named after him, and it still bearshis name today. In addition, it became theflagship of the Greek naval fleet for a longperiod. The cruiser was officially accepted bythe navy on May 16th, 1911.From a structural point of view, it was aninteresting mix of equipment, because themain gun armament was British, of Armstrongproduction, the boilers were French from theBelleville company, the steam engines weredomestically produced in Italy and the hullwas protected by German steel from the Kruppcompany, as were the electric generators.The armament consisted of four 9.2 inch(234mm) main guns, placed in pairs in turretsat the bow and stern of the vessel. On eachside there were a pair of turrets equippedwith twin 7.5 inch (190mm) for a total of eightguns. All turrets were enclosed in a moderncruiser-type construction with ammunitionsupplied from below deck. The additionalarmament consisted of single 76 and 47mmguns, together with a three-barreled 17 inch(430mm) torpedo tube. However, in later timesthe ship underwent reconstructions and theauxiliary armament changed.As for the dimensions and performance ofthe ship, the numbers are as follows. Lengthwas 460 feet (140m), width was 69 feet (21m)and maximum draft 23.5 feet (7m). The highestdisplacement was 10,200 tons and the enginesdelivered 19,000 horsepower. The vessel, drivenby two propellers, could reach a maximumspeed of 23.5 knots per hour (approximately43km/h), and at a cruising speed of 17.5 knotsper hour, range was 2,480 nautical miles,(4,590km), which was completely sufficientfor Mediterranean operations. The standardcrew consisted of 655 sailors and 32 officers,the maximum transport capacity was a total of1,200 people.After the ship was delivered to Greece, crewtraining began, which paid off the followingyear when the ship took part in the FirstBalkan War. It was a conflict with Turkey overcontrol of the Aegean Sea. Not long after,the ship intervened in World War I andimmediately after that in the Greek-TurkishWar. At that time, Averof mainly ensured thesafe passage of convoys or shelled Turkishpositions along the coast. After the lost war,Greek settlers and soldiers were withdrawnfrom what was then Turkish territory, andthe ship assisted in their evacuation. Afterthat, Averof's service continued in peacetime,The cruiser Averof in its heyday.The Averof on a period postcard.Averof diagram.INFO Eduard19January 2025Strana 20
REPORTthe vessel was sent to France in 1925 forextensive maintenance and modifications,which were completed in 1927.During World War II, Greece was initiallyneutral, but in 1941, when Germany defeatedthe Greek land forces, the ship's crewmanaged to escape from mainland Greece and,with a stopover in Crete, was able to reachAlexandria, Egypt. All this under the imminentthreat of air raids by German aircraft, which atthat time hit many Greek and British vessels.Noteworthy is the fact that the crew disobeyeda direct order to sink the ship and chose tofight against German and Italian forces in exile.As part of the Allied formations, Averof thenparticipated in escorting convoys in the IndianOcean with its home port in Bombay. However,by then it was already struggling with wearand tear on its propulsion units, which limitedits operational capabilities.Another significant moment for thecruiser Averof came in October, 1944, whenit transported the Greek government-in-exilefrom Cairo, Egypt, to liberated Athens. After thewar, the ship continued its honorable servicefor several years, but technical problems andage could no longer be ignored, so in 1952the flagship was decommissioned from thefleet. It was then anchored off the island ofSalamis (famous for the naval battle foughtbetween the ancient Greeks and the Persianinvaders) and in 1956 transported to the islandof Poros, where it awaited its next fate until1983, serving as a training ship. That same year,the command of the Hellenic Navy decided tomake Averof a museum ship. For this purpose,The stern turret with the 9.2 inch (234mm) guns, the open door on the left leads to the ship's chapel.The port side of the ship and the forward gun turret witha pair of 7.5 inch (190mm) guns.View of the bridge. The front door leads to the bridge, behind it is the oval armored wallof the combat bridge, and the door on the right leads to the navigation cabin.Above the combat bridge is an artillery rangefinder.INFO Eduard20January 2025Strana 21
REPORTa year later, it was towed to Palaio Faliro Bayin Athens. Here it was anchored, equippedwith maritime-themed collections and madeavailable for public viewing.A tour of the ship allows you to getacquainted with the two enclosed decksand the superstructure around the bridge.The bridge itself is not accessible, but youcan look inside. The superstructures areaccessible by stairs, but the light armamenthas been removed. The masts, smokestacks,skylights, cranes and motor boats have beenInterior of the bridge.View from the right part of the bridge towards the stern on the starboard sideof the cruiser with a side gun turret.Passage to the lower deck. On the wall is the name of the manufacturerand the year of construction of the ship.The stern auxiliary wheelhouse, with an artillery rangefinder in the upper part.Below deck display. Among the mannequins there are sailor duffle bags witha red background to the number, port side.Crew spaces below deck. The furniture was foldable and was always hungon ceiling brackets after meals, while the hammocks had to be cleanedby the sailors every morning.INFO Eduard21January 2025Strana 22
preserved. The bridge is a roofed and glazedroom above the forward gun turret, quite small,but much of the equipment is clearly visible,such as the steering wheel, compass, soundpipes and telegraph equipment for each of theengine rooms separately. Immediately behind itis the combat bridge, protected by 130mm thickarmor, from where the ship was controlled incombat situations. It houses the rangefinderfor the main armament. Under the bridge arethe firing positions of the auxiliary armament,but without the guns installed. There is alsoa souvenir shop on the ship, which is locatedin the forward superstructure right behind thegun turret and it is possible to buy a numberof theme appropriate souvenirs. You can alsolook into the forward gun turret, which isfully equipped, but due to the thick and dustyplexiglass it is not possible to take qualityphotos. At the rear of the superstructurethere is an auxiliary wheelhouse, located in anarmored turret, which in its upper part carriesan artillery rangefinder for the main guns.You can also look into the wheelhouse and willbe surprised by its miniature dimensions.Below decks, on the other hand, arespacious and well-organized. The ship'sinterior is equipped with period artifacts,such as various types of uniforms, medals,as well as folding furniture or hanging beds forregular sailors. Of course, the officers wereassigned their own cabins and also their owndining room, but the ship also has an admiral'ssuite with its own dining room and salon.Interestingly, there were separate kitchensfor the crew, officers and admiral. These arealso accessible below deck. Separate displaysguide the visitor through the history of theship, including portraits of commanders andartifacts of participation in various importantevents, such as the coronation of the Englishking. The aforementioned uniforms map outthe entire service life of the ship, includingtropical variants when serving in equatorialwaters. An interesting example is the sail fortransferring coal to the below deck storagebunkers, which was undoubtedly strenuouswork, especially in the summer, taking intoaccount dust and sweat.The exhibition also includes fragmentsof Turkish artillery shells from the battle in1912, bags with sailors' equipment (coloredaccording to their assignment to starboard orport), life jackets, flashlights and navigationalinstruments. Other interesting featuresinclude preserved racks for storing the crew'srifles, including the weapons themselves,a ship's bakery and blacksmith shop, anda ship's chapel dedicated to St. Nicholas,the patron saint of sailors. It is located in thesuperstructure at the stern.But not all parts of the ship are accessible,because it has its permanent crew, who alsorequire a certain amount of space. Apparentlyfor security reasons, it is not possible toenter the engine rooms, which are accessibleto passages, but not to ordinary visitors.It is certainly a good thing that most of thedescriptions on the displays are also in English.Although the Greeks sometimes refer tothe Averof as a battleship, in terms of designand tonnage it is an armored cruiser. But thisREPORTThe interior of the chapel of St. Nicholas.Passage to the engine room, unfortunately not accessible to visitors. The crew's personal weapons were used for ceremonial or guard duties,among others.INFO Eduard22January 2025Strana 23
REPORTOfficer's lounge and dining room combined.View of the foredeck. Anchor chains and a breakwater are visible in front of the gun turret, with the bridge above it. The side gun turrets are also partially visible.does not detract from the ship's importance,as evidenced by the rule that every Greekmilitary ship that passes the anchored Averofpays homage to it, the crew standing atattention and the officers saluting.Due to the ongoing construction work onthe pier where the cruiser is moored, it is notpossible to photograph the entire ship, onlya view from the rear hemisphere is possible.The reason for expanding the pier is to enrichthe exhibition with other military vessels,allegedly including a submarine, but theship's crew itself estimates that all work willbe completed within a few years. In any case,Georgios Averof is a unique testament to thelevel of naval architecture from the beginningof the last century, which is worth a visit andwill certainly delight anyone interested inmaritime history.INFO Eduard23January 2025Air War in Ukraine - ATACMS and Oreshnik Missiles in Actionc
The period of air warfare in Ukraine covered in this report (November 1 to November 30) might seem quieter at first glance. Only one confirmed aerial loss occurred between both sides. However, numerous events related to the air war took place, with the most significant ones being the use of ATACMS missiles by Ukraine and Oreshnik missiles by Russia.
Miro BaričATACMS and Oreshnik Missiles in ActionThe period of air warfare in Ukraine covered in this report(November 1 to November 30) might seem quieter at firstglance. Only one confirmed aerial loss occurred betweenboth sides. However, numerous events related to theair war took place, with the most significant ones beingthe use of ATACMS missiles by Ukraine and Oreshnikmissiles by Russia.Air War in UkraineLaunch of an ATACMS missile from an M270 MLRSlauncher. Illustrative photo by the US Army.UKRAINEINFO Eduard24January 2025Strana 25
The sole confirmed aerial loss during thisperiod occurred on Thursday, November7. In the Kursk region, a group of Russianhelicopters took off to support ground forcesbut was intercepted by Ukrainian FPV drones.A Kamov Ka-52 from the 15th Army AviationBrigade was hit and destroyed. Both crewmembers ejected; the navigator was injured,but the pilot, Ilya Noskov, did not survive.Another loss for Russian helicopter aviationoccurred on Sunday, November 10, althoughthis time on the ground. At the Klin airbasein the Moscow region, a saboteur set a Mi-24helicopter on fire, causing severe damage.Video footage shows the burning helicopter,indicating that its engines had been removed—suggesting it was either undergoing repairs orwas already decommissioned.On Tuesday, November 26, an incidentoccurring over 1,300 kilometers from thefront lines in Bashkortostan, Russia, wasclosely tied to the war in Ukraine. That night,a civilian Antonov An-2R operated by Rusavia(registration RA-40935) took off from UfaAirport. With two pilots and a photographeraboard, its mission was to take infraredphotographs of a heating pipeline in the cityof Salavat at the request of a geophysicalcompany.Approaching Salavat at 300 meters altitudewith its navigation lights on, the aircraftwas mistaken for an attacking Ukrainiandrone. Sirens sounded in the city, warningof an air raid, and the defense system ofa local chemical plant opened fire. The pilotsimmediately reported being under "friendly"fire, which soon ceased.The An-2R returned to Ufa Airport, andinitial reports stated it had been hit by onlythree projectiles. However, video footageafter landing revealed numerous bullet holes.High-caliber machine gun rounds (likely14.5 mm) punctured various parts of thefuselage and wings, while at least two anti-aircraft cannon grenades struck the aircraft.One tore through a floor beam, while theother created a hole several decimeters widein a wing. Miraculously, no one was injured,though one crew member's suit was piercedby a bullet. No reports mentioned damage tothe crew's undergarments, particularly for theone with the torn clothing.Evidence of the previous losses alsosurfaced. The Military Watch website publishedMaxar satellite images showing Kirovskoeairbase in occupied Crimea. These images,taken between 2022 and 2023, revealed up toten disassembled helicopter airframes withoutrotors. The aircraft included four Mi-28s, threeMi-8s, two Mi-24s, and one unidentified model.These were likely helicopters damaged duringthe war in Ukraine. They could representclaims by Ukrainian defenders that were neverconfirmed as the official kills.On the Ukrainian side, one confirmed lossoccurred during the entire month: on Friday,November 22, a MiG-29 was destroyed by anIskander missile at Dnipro Airfield.On November 7, pilot Ilya Noskov did not survivethe destruction of the Russian Ka-52 helicopter.A video frame shows damage to the wingof an An-2R, which fell victim to "friendlyfire“ on November 26 over the cityof Salavat in the Bashkir region of Russia.On November 22, an Iskander missile destroyeda Ukrainian MiG-29 at the Dnipro airport.A Maxar satellite image shows helicopter wrecksat the Kirovskoe base in Crimea.A Russian Mi-24 helicopter in flames aftera saboteur's attack on November 10at the Klin base near Moscow.New images from the crash site of the Russian Mi-24VM helicopter,shot down by a Stinger missile on June 16, 2022, in the Volnovakhadistrict of the Donetsk region. The aircraft, marked RF-91410 withtail number "blue 30," belonged to the 487th Separate HelicopterRegiment. Lieutenant Colonel Sergei Gundorov and LieutenantDmitry Yevdokimov did not survive the attack.UKRAINEINFO Eduard25January 2025Strana 26
Authorization to attackThe relatively little losses might suggestthat November was a quiet month. However,the reality is quite the opposite. The mostsignificant event of the month occurredneither in Ukraine, nor on the Europeancontinent—it was the U.S. presidential electionwon by Donald Trump. Both Trump and thosein his circle made several pivotal, oftencontradictory statements regarding the war inUkraine. Trump himself claimed he would endthe conflict quickly. The world now awaits tosee how he intends to achieve this.The U.S. presidential election is somewhatlinked to another crucial development. Ukrainehad long sought permission to use Westernweapons for strikes on Russian territory.It finally received this authorization, albeitwith significant restrictions. The approvalapplied only to certain weapons (e.g., 227 mmGMLRS rockets launched from HIMARS withan 80 km range) and only for specific borderregions of Russia. Kyiv repeatedly requestedpermission to strike with longer-rangemissiles as well. However, President Joe Bidengranted authorization to use tactical ballisticATACMS missiles (610 mm caliber, with a rangeof up to 300 km depending on the version) onlyafter the election—effectively too late.Why? Russia had long anticipated this moveand relocated as much as possible out of range.This included pulling aircraft from basesnear the Ukrainian border. Moreover, Ukrainereportedly received only about 50 ATACMSmissiles, a small supply. Some have alreadybeen used in at least eight known attackson targets in occupied Ukrainian territories.This means that for strikes on Russian soil,Ukraine cannot afford to waste them and mustcarefully choose its targets.Additionally, U.S. authorization is limitedto the Kursk region and its immediatesurroundings, making this more of a symbolicgesture than a strategic breakthrough.Key TargetsDespite their limited supply, Ukraine acteddecisively, launching its first attack onRussian territory during the night of November18–19, the same day news of U.S. authorizationwas announced in the media. The target wasa munitions depot in Karachev, Bryansk region,approximately 110 km from the Ukrainianborder. The depot stored missile and artilleryammunition used by Russian forces in theKursk region.The Russian Ministry of Defense reportedthat it intercepted five of six incoming missiles,claiming that falling debris caused only a minorfire. However, Ukrainian sources stated thateight ATACMS missiles were launched, withonly two intercepted. Videos filmed by localsUKRAINEAn ATACMS missile is being launched from an M142 HIMARS launcher. Illustrative photo by the US Army.A Ukrainian drone captured the Storm Shadow missile attack on the Marjino estate near Kursk.INFO Eduard26January 2025Strana 27
seemed to support Ukraine’s claims, capturingraging fires and secondary explosionsthroughout the depot.Subsequent ATACMS strikes have beensparse, suggesting Ukraine is carefullyselecting only the most critical targetsdue to its limited missile stockpile. Theseattacks, however, have had a significantimpact. For instance, after Russia relocatedits Su-34 fighter-bombers out of ATACMSrange, the intensity of Russian glide-bombattacks dropped by approximately 50%. This isattributed to the longer flight times requiredto reach the front line and return, increasedfuel consumption, and higher maintenancedemands due to wear and tear.Another major consequence of thesestrikes is that following the U.S., Britainalso authorized the use of its Storm Shadowmissiles against the Russian territory.The first such strike occurred in broad daylighton Wednesday, November 20. The targetwas the former Marjino Palace near Kursk,now operating as a spa. An undergroundbunker in the eastern part of the site wasthe focus of the attack, with the missiles’penetrating warheads aimed at this fortifiedfacility.This was undoubtedly a high-priority target,as evidenced by Ukrainian reconnaissancedrones operating deep in Russian territory todocument the aftermath. The drones recordedthree hits on surrounding buildings and nineexplosions directly at the bunker site, latercapturing the complex's destruction. UnofficialRussian reports stated 18 soldiers were killedand 33 wounded, most of whom were officersfrom various Russian command structures.Among the wounded were reportedly threeNorth Korean officers.The use of 12 missiles emphasises thestrategic importance of this target. It alsoindicates that Ukraine still has at least sixoperational Su-24 aircraft, the only Ukrainianplanes capable of deploying Storm Shadowmissiles.Show of PowerRussia had previously declared it would notleave Western missile strikes unanswered.Its response came on Thursday, November 21,in the form of an attack on the city of Dnipro.Seven Kh-101 missiles, one Kinzhal, and anunidentified missile targeted the Pivdenmashrocket manufacturing plant. Ukrainian airdefenses intercepted six Kh-101 missiles,but three projectiles struck Dnipro.Regarding the unidentified missile, Ukrainianofficials initially speculated it might have beenan intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM),marking the first combat use of such a weapon.This claim, however, was not substantiated.Later that evening, Russian President VladimirPutin announced the missile was a newintermediate-range ballistic missile called"Oreshnik." It was launched from the Astrakhanregion, approximately 900 km from Dnipro.The Oreshnik missile reportedly reacheda speed of Mach 10 and carried six warheads,each dispersing six submunitions—totalingUKRAINEUkrainian Su-24 aircraft are capable of carrying the Storm Shadow missiles.INFO Eduard27January 2025Strana 28
36 small warheads. These warheads, however,lacked explosives, suggesting the attack waseither a mere show of strength or intendedto rely on the kinetic impact of high-speedprojectiles.Putin also claimed that serial production ofthe Oreshnik had already begun, though thisappeared to be more propaganda than reality.Truth is, that the Oreshnik is a modified versionof the RS-26 Rubezh experimental ICBMdeveloped in 2011. Despite four successfultests, the RS-26 never entered production dueto high costs and a lack of new technologies.The Oreshnik seems to be an experimentalprototype created by removing one stage fromthe RS-26, reducing its range and reclassifyingit as an intermediate-range missile. The originalRS-26 was highly inaccurate, an acceptableflaw for nuclear warheads but problematicfor conventional payloads. The addition ofmultiple warheads with submunitions aimedto increase the likelihood of hitting targets,but this approach proved ineffective. Satelliteimages of the Pivdenmash plant post-attackrevealed no significant damage.Ultimately, this was an expensivedemonstration of power with no tangiblemilitary effect. However, its indirectimplications are notable. Even without serialproduction, Russia can feign preparationsfor launching another such missile. Thesepreparations are difficult to conceal,prompting Ukrainian air defenses to respond.By observing the redeployment of defenses,Russia can then target less protected orundefended locations with conventional means.The Oreshnik also provided a strategiclesson. U.S. President Joe Biden confirmedthat Russia was informed in advance of thedecision to permit Ukraine to use ATACMSmissiles against the Russian territory.Similarly, Kremlin informed the U.S. aheadof its use of the intermediate-range ballisticmissile. This exchange demonstrates thatcommunication channels between the twonations remain functional, helping to preventmisunderstandings and disproportionateresponses that could escalate tensions.F-16 pilot traningAmidst regular Russian drone and cruisemissile attacks, the Ukrainian Air Forceis beginning to utilize F-16 fighter jetseffectively. Although Ukraine currently hasa limited number of these aircraft, theirimpact is evident – during individual attacks,they typically shoot down about 10 Russianmissiles. The first delivery of six aircraft fromDenmark was a significant step, although oneof them has already been destroyed. Anotherdelivery of six aircraft is expected but has notmaterialized yet.The key factor in deploying the F-16s is pilottraining, which is still ongoing. The Netherlands,another donor of F-16s, has moved its aircraftto Romania, where Ukrainian pilots are beingtrained.However, Ukraine's prospects in this areaare very promising. In the United Kingdom,more than 200 Ukrainian pilots have alreadycompleted basic training on propeller aircraft.Some of them are continuing their trainingin France on Alpha Jet training jets. Theseplanes have been specially modified to maketheir cockpits as similar as possible to thoseof the F-16, making the transition to advancedfighters easier.After completing training on Alpha Jets,the next step is training on the actual F-16s.This takes place not only in Romania butalso in Denmark, with the participation ofthe Norwegian instructors. From 2025, thetraining will shift to Portugal, with Norwayalready having relocated its F-16s to Romaniaand Portugal for this purpose.In addition to training, Norway is providingfinancial support for arming the F-16s. Duringthe observed period, it allocated $119 million toensure that the Ukrainian aircraft are equippedto perform their missions effectively.The training process for the F-16s not onlyenhances Ukraine's defensive capabilities butalso demonstrates that Western nations arecommitted to supporting Ukraine with bothtechnology and the necessary expertise.UKRAINERussians claim that the Oreshnik missile is in large scale production, however it remains it its experimentalstage.This month, Russians claimed numerous"military" targets...INFO Eduard28January 2025Strana 29
UKRAINEGepard self-propelled anti-aircraft gun in Ukrainian service.Ukrainian emergency rescueworkers remove debris froman Kh-55 cruise missile.Training of the Ukrainian soldiers with a Mi-8 helicopter.One of six F-16AM fighter jets Denmark supplied to Ukraine.INFO Eduard29January 2025Strana 30
#82166BOXART STORYAlthough Jagdgeschwader 4 is considereda classic Defense of the Reich unit (Reichsverteidigung),operating against American four-engine bombers, thisdefinition is not entirely correct. With some exceptions,its I. Gruppe deviated from this role description.It was founded on July 31, 1942 and operated insouthern and southeastern Europe, primarily in thedefense of the oil fields around Ploesti, Romania, andrelated industrial and transport facilities.When the Stab, and later II. and III. Gruppe, JG 4,were established in the summer of 1944, I. Gruppehad already been in combat for almost two years.Maj. Gerhard Michalski became its commander aftera short period of Maj. Gerhard Schöpfel fulfilling thatfunction. II. and III./JG 4 were formed mainly fromelements of Zerstörergeschwader 1, whose Gruppehad previously operated in both eastern and westernEurope and their operations ranged from frontlinecombat in the east tasked with ground attack to long-range flights over Biscay and the Atlantic, where theyoperated against RAF Coastal Command bombers.The Bf 110 and Ju 88G heavy fighter pilots from ZG 1were supplemented in the newly formed unit by youngpersonnel fresh out of flight training and veteransfrom other units, especially Sturmstaffel 1. The latterhad been disbanded in the spring of 1944 and wererecruited to join the II. Gruppe by its commander,Major Günther von Kornatzki. This had its significance.II. Gruppe was established as a Sturmgruppe and wasequipped with armored Fw 190A-8/R2. It was to use thetactic of attacking bombers from close range, using20 and 30mm cannons, a tactic that Sturmstaffel 1 wasdeveloping. From this unit, von Kornatzki also adoptedthe identification marking of his aircraft for JG 4,comprising a black-white-black band on the fuselage.This was gradually taken over from II.(Sturm)/JG 4 byIII., then IV., established in October 1944, and finally,the oldest I. Gruppe. The same was true of the emblemwith a knight's helmet, which of course evokes thearmored Fw 190 of the II. Gruppe, but the other threeGruppe and Stab units also adopted it. This is also whyboth the markings on the fuselage and the emblem onthe engine cowl appear on the aircraft, which is thetheme for the current Bf 109K-4 box art.When JG 4 became a full-fledged unit in the summerof 1944, I. Gruppe was moved from northern Italy backto Germany. There, however, it did not join the unit'stactical system. In it, III. (and later IV.) Gruppe, flyingBf 109s, was supposed to provide priority protectionfor the Focke-Wulfs from its II. (Sturm)/JG 4 sisterunit (they thus formed a tactical group, the so-calledGefechtsverband JG 4). Instead, I. Gruppe was movedto the Kassel area to operate in the defense of thewestern and southwestern parts of Germany againstadvancing Allied troops. The unit was supplementedwith new pilots and armed with the Bf 109G-6and G-14. Until the beginning of September 1944,the Gruppe mainly carried out training flights. The firstclashes with the enemy, including battles related to theArnhem operation, came soon after.Over the Western Front, I. Gruppe clashed primarilywith aircraft from the US 9th Air Force, supportingAllied ground forces. The exception to this patternwas the period between October 6thand the end ofNovember, 1944, during which I./JG 4 moved to Gahronear Finsterwalde to operate as part of the entireJG 4. It took part in its first deployment againstAmerican bombers six days later. I./JG 4's main clashwith the US 8th Air Force was the battle on the 2ndof November, 1944. On that day, JG 4 operated at thefull strength of four Gruppe and Stab. During this battle,three pilots from I./JG 4 claimed to have shot downa B-17, but the Gruppe also lost nine Messerschmittfighters, of which only three were combat losses.The remainder fell victim to collisions or varioustechnical issues.I./JG 4 began moving to the Darmstadt area in theWest on November 20th. Their opponents were againprimarily the ‘Jabos’ – the Lightnings and Thunderboltsof the 9th AF. In December, 1944, the remainingelements of JG 4 equipped with Bf 109s joined them.With the ever-increasing Allied superiority in thecontinental skies, the defense based on the hard fist ofthe Sturmgruppe was in the process of losing its clout.II.(Sturm)/JG 4 itself was gradually transformed intoa fighter unit in the classic sense. Germany essentiallygave up its air defense against strategic bombers andin this regard relied only on the gradual deployment ofthe jet Me 262.I./JG 4, flying the Bf 109K-4, resisted the pressureof the Western Allies until the 21st of January, 1944,when it was transferred to the Eastern Front with therest of JG 4. There, in the Oder region, it participatedin holding back Soviet and, exceptionally on the West,American troops until the end of the war. From high-altitude fighters and proud Sturmjäger, they becamefighter-bomber pilots, attacking ground targets andSoviet Il-2s and were tasked with escorting bombersand Mistel composites.I./JG 4 was disbanded on March 29th, 1945. Its pilotswere to be transferred in part to III. and IV. Gruppe,with the remainder slated to convert on to the Me 262.Bitterness was inevitable. Some suspected it, othersrefused to admit it, but there were only a little over5 weeks left until the end of the terrible war...Text: Jan ZdiarskýIllustration: Piotr ForkasiewiczAchtung, Jabos!INFO Eduard30January 2025Strana 31
#70173BOXART STORYThe downing of an Me 262 Schwalbe over HohnAirfield in northern Germany on March 30th,1945, was described by Lieutenant Colonel JohnD. Landers in his report after returning fromescorting bombers over Hamburg as follows:‘We were escorting 1st Force, 3rd Division,bombing Hamburg. I led the group and afterthe target was bombed, we, Shapoo Squadron,turned north towards Kiel.’We were at 7,000 feet heading north nearRendesburg when I spotted an Me 262 flyingsouth at 1,000 feet. The time was 1408h. As wedescended to its flight level (within range),the jet began a slow left turn. I graduallyapproached at 400mph. The jet completeda 180-degree turn and led us over Hohn Airfield,where there was weak and inaccurate flak.I opened fire from 700 yards and got hits.The jet slowed down but again made a wrongturn. I opened fire again, this time from400 yards, and got a few good hits. The Me 262made a sharp left turn and my next burst hit it inthe cockpit area.As I flew over it, the jet leveled off and began toslide slightly. My wingman, Lieutenant Thain, gotbehind it, hit it with a long, accurate burst andfinally overshot it. The enemy plane continued toslide, then crashed and burned. The pilot did notbail out.‘I claim one destroyed Me 262 shared withLieutenant Thain Jr. of the 84th FS.’Signed JOHN D. LANDERS O-431968, Lt Col.Air Corps, Commanding Officer.There is nothing to add to this description ofLanders' last kill. With it, he ended his combatscore at 14.5 aerial victories. However, he left hismark on history not only as one of the few pilotswho became aces in two theaters of operations,the Pacific and the European, but also asa man with good taste. His planes are amongthe most colorful and elegant among the famousmachines of World War II. They are thereforepopular themes for aircraft models of all scales,flying and static, paper, metal or plastic.His two P-40E Warhawks, ‘Skeeter’ and ‘TexasLonghorn’, which he flew in 1942 in Australiaand then in New Guinea with the 49th FG, andin which he achieved four of his six officiallyrecognized victories in the Pacific, are alreadypopular subjects for modelers. In Europe, withthe 8th AF, he continued his active service fromApril, 1944 with the rank of Major, initially withthe 55th FG as CO of 38th FS at Wormington,based in Great Britain.Landers shot down five German aircraft flyinga P-38J Lightning, including three Me 410s onJuly 7th, 1944, shortly before converting on to thenew P-51D-5 Mustang. These featured the new55th FG color scheme, a yellow-greencheckerboard pattern on the nose, and a green-yellow-green spinner. The P-51D-5, SerialNumber 44-13923 CG-O, was probably Landers'first Big Beautiful Doll. It is not certain, but somesources state that one of his P-38J Lightningswas already so named.In November, 1944, John Landers waspromoted to Lieutenant Colonel. He served asCommander of the 357th FG at Leiston fromOctober 11th, to which he transferred togetherwith his Big Beautiful Doll. It had only requireda change of the colours of the checkerboardpattern and spinner to red and yellow, and thecode letters to B6-0. On December 2nd, Landershanded over command of the unit to ColonelIrwin Degne and left for the United States.On Christmas Eve,1944, the first Big BeautifulDoll was lost after a collision with another P-51Dwhile escorting bombers over Babenhausen.Its pilot, Lieutenant Wendell Helwig, was killedin the collision.John Landers returned to Europe in Februaryof 1945 to take command of the 78th FighterGroup on the 22nd of the month. He took with himhis most famous and colorful Big Beautiful Doll,P-51D-20NA 44-72218 WZ-I. He flew it until theend of his European service. During this time, theaircraft underwent at least three modifications.The final change came with Landers'appointment as Commander of the 361st FG,when it was repainted in the colors of thatunit, respectively the colors of the 375th FS.The lettering on both sides of the nose remained,but the nose was painted yellow, the rudder blue,as were the main canopy frame and the wingtips.The code letters changed to E2-I. It served withhim until his return to the States in October, 1945.John D. Landers retired to civilian life in December,1945. After the war, he worked in construction,and in 1979 he moved to Granbury, Texas, wherehe died on September 12th, 1989 at the age of69. He is buried in the Greenwood Mausoleumat Greenwood Memorial Park in Fort Worth.His Big Beautiful Doll remains a testament toAmerican aesthetics applied to USAAF fightersduring the final months of World War II.Illustration: Piotr ForkasiewiczJohn D. Landersand his Big Beautiful DollText: Vladimír ŠulcINFO Eduard31January 2025Strana 32
#7474BOXART STORYDuring the Battle of Britain, Luftwaffe air raidswith tens or even hundreds of bombers andfighter escorts were designed to lure Hurricanesand Spitfires into combat to destroy British fighterunits. These tactics impressed RAF commandso much that, in 1941, they decided to adopt andmodify them. The resulting operations werenamed "Circus." However RAF used smallergroups of bombers, typically six to twelve, mostof which were Blenheims. Over time, the numberof bombers occasionally increased to as manyas 24, supported by a highly complex fighterescort system involving up to 350 Spitfires andHurricanes at various flight levels.Despite these efforts, the Circus operationsposed little threat to the Germans. The smallnumber of bombers and the short range ofBritish aircraft limited their ability to targetstrategic military or industrial sites effectively.Furthermore, the Germans often struggledto differentiate Circus missions from Sweepor Rodeo actions, which were purely fighteroperations conducted over enemy territory.German fighter units, particularly JG 2 and JG 26,maintained their tactical superiority, with fewerlosses, despite being numerically weaker thanRAF Fighter Command units.On July 10, 1941, the RAF conducted two raids byBlenheims, escorted by fighters from No. 10 Group,targeting Cherbourg and Le Havre. Both actionswere codenamed Gudgeon but were essentiallyCircus operations. Fighters from No. 234, 317,and 501 RAF Squadrons claimed 5-1-2 victoriesagainst Bf 109s. Their opponents, two operationaltraining units, claimed six victories over Spitfires,however, two of these claims were later rejected.Ultimately, the RAF lost two aircraft from No. 234Squadron during the engagement. One pilot waskilled, while the other, W/Cdr M. V. Blake DFC,survived after ditching his aircraft. Blake spent12 hours paddling in a dinghy toward the Britishcoast before being rescued.Around midday, a formation of three Stirlingsfrom No. 7 Squadron RAF, escorted by fightersfrom North Weald, Northolt, and Biggin Hill,launched an attack on the Kuhlman chemicalplant at Chocques as part of Circus 42. Fighterpilots from the Hornchurch and Tangmere Wingsprovided Target Support, while the Kenley andNortholt Wings managed Rear Support.Due to thick cloud cover, the bombersfaced navigational difficulties. Near Boulogne,the aircraft piloted by F/O C. V. Fraser DFCsustained five direct hits from flak. The bomberburst into flames, and although it appeared thatthree crew members managed to bail out, none ofthe seven airmen survived.In multiple engagements with the escort,JG 26 airmen claimed three Spitfires, while theircounterparts from JG 2 were credited with eightvictories. Among the victors was Hptm. Hans"Assi" Hahn, commander of III./JG 2, who achievedhis 31st victory. His aircraft is depicted on AntonisKarydis' box art.On the German side, two Bf 109 E-7s fromII./JG 26 were shot down, resulting in one pilot'sdeath. Additionally, a Bf 109 F-2 from II./JG 2was severely damaged in combat, and Oblt.Frank Liesendahl, Kapitän of the 6th Staffel,was seriously wounded by enemy fire.The fighter escort claimed an 11-1-3 victoryagainst the Bf 109s. However, seven British airmendid not return from the operation, and two othersescaped with badly damaged aircraft.This aerial encounter unexpectedly provideda significant benefit to the RAF: the first virtuallyundamaged Messerschmitt Bf 109 F to fall intoBritish hands. The Stirling W7433, commanded byF/O C.I. Rolfe, had been hit in the tail by a Bf 109pilot after dropping its bombs. A lone Germanairman had pursued the four-engine bomberthroughout its flight over the Channel. The topgunner believed he had successfully damaged theenemy fighter. Then, Sgt. Jan A. Śmigielski, flyinga Hurricane from the Polish No. 306 Squadron RAF,rushed to defend the endangered bomber andforced the German pilot to land near Dover.Surprisingly, the German aviator who hadchased the bomber was a highly experiencedveteran: Hptm. Rolf Pingel, the Kommandeur ofI./JG 26. Pingel was a recipient of the Knight'sCross and a veteran of the Spanish CivilWar, with 550 combat sorties in his logbook,six victories in Spain and another 28 during WorldWar II. His Bf 109 F-2 (WNr. 12764) had not beenhit by gunfire but suffered engine trouble nearDover. While Śmigielski claimed the victory, whichis duly mentioned in unit´s diary, the credit wasunfortunately not officially awarded.Pingel's "Friedrich" was quickly repaired by RAFtechnicians and made airworthy for extensivetesting. However, by the fall of 1941, the upgradedBf 109 F-4 had entered the battlefield, and theRAF faced a new challenge with the arrival of theFocke-Wulf Fw 190 A.Text: Jan BobekIllustration: Piotr ForkasiewiczThe July CircusINFO Eduard32January 2025Strana 33
#84204BOXART STORYIn September 1939, the US Marine Corps (USMC)operated just over 150 aircraft, the vast majorityof which were biplanes. However, the outbreak ofwar with Japan prompted a rapid expansion ofits air capabilities. By 1942, twelve Marine FighterSquadrons (VMFs) had been established, followedby sixteen more in 1943, and an additional twenty-eight in 1944.In many cases, new units were formed bydividing existing ones. Such was the case withVMF-441 "Black Jacks" that was established innOctober 1942 on Tutuila Island in the SamoanIslands, originating from a section of VMF-111.VMF-441’s foundation comprised seven F4F-3Wildcats and eight pilots under the commandof Major D.W. Torey, Jr., who had previously ledVMF-111. The original VMF-111, also known as"Triple One," was one of the few pre-war USMCsquadrons that failed to achieve a single aerialvictory, largely due to being stationed in remotelocations.In March 1943, VMF-441 established its firstoperational base on the atoll of Funafuti in theEllice Islands (modern-day Tuvalu). Located in thePacific, Funafuti lies about 1,000 km north of Fijiand approximately 2,000 km east of Guadalcanal.VMF-441 gradually transitioned from the olderF4F-3 Wildcats to the newer F4F-4 version. Fromthis airfield, the Americans planned to launchB-24 bomber raids against Japanese islandbases in the Pacific beginning in April.On March 27 (March 28 Japanese time), Kōkūtai755—formerly the Genzan Kōkūtai bomber unit—based at Tarawa, was tasked with conductingarmed reconnaissance of Funafuti Island.Six G3M Nell bombers took off to cover the 1,300km distance southeast to the target. After aboutthree hours of flight, two bombers were forced toreturn to base due to technical issues.As the formation approached Funafuti,Japanese crews spotted two Wildcats climbingtoward them. Bombers dropped their payloadsand about 10 nautical miles from Funafuti, theWildcats attacked them from below. During thefive-minute skirmish, the first plane in the secondShōtai, commanded by Lt. (jg) Takashi Kumamoto,was shot down, resulting in the deaths of all eightcrew members. The Japanese gunners believedthey downed one Wildcat. However, they laterreported that a third aircraft attacked from thenorth before flying southeast after a single strike.The defenders were just two VMF-441 planes,piloted by Capt. William P. Boland and 2ndLt. Ralph N. Spanjer. According to the unit'sdiary, the two pilots encountered the enemywithin 20 nautical miles of Funafuti. Future Maj.Gen. "Smoke" Spanjer later recalled that theystruggled to position their aging Wildcats for anattack from above. Unfortunately, Spanjer's gunsmalfunctioned. However, under fire from Boland'sguns, the lead Japanese bomber exploded. Bolandmanaged to damage another one before pursuingthe formation until he exhausted his ammunition.On April 22, 1943, the bomber unit retaliatedwith a raid on Funafuti. The attack caused varyingdegrees of damage to all of VMF-441's aircraft,with one Wildcat being completely destroyed.Spanjer later recalled that a lonereconnaissance Nell frequently flew in the areawhere VMF-441 patrolled but proved challengingto intercept. Determined to track its route, Bolandhad himself dropped off on Nanumea Atollalong with a New Zealand observer. For a week,he hoped to monitor the enemy bomber’s flightpath but was ultimately unsuccessful.However, upon returning to Funafuti, Boland’sluck changed. On August 8, 1943, while on patrolnear Nui Atoll with 1st Lt. Samuel C. Middleman,they spotted a solitary twin-engine Nell. Bolandsuccessfully shot it down, marking the finalvictory for a USMC pilot flying a Wildcat.In late September 1943, VMF-441 relocated toNanumea. At that time, the unit was equippedwith F4F-4 and FM-1 Wildcat variants. Aftera relatively uneventful tour of duty—depicted inthe box art of this kit—the squadron re-equippedwith F4U-1 Corsairs at Tutuila in December.The unit then participated in intensive operations,targeting ground positions in the MarshallIslands, particularly on Wotje Island. During thisperiod, VMF-441 lost 15 aircraft.VMF-441’s finest hour came during the Battleof Okinawa in the spring of 1945. Commandedby Maj. R. O. White and equipped with F4U-1C/D,the squadron played a crucial role in defendingAllied vessels against Kamikaze attacks.VMF-441 pilots achieved a total of 47 aerialvictories during the campaign, including two aces.The most notable engagement occurred on April16, 1945, north of Okinawa, during the defence ofthe destroyer USS Laffey. In this intense battle,the "Black Jacks" shot down 16 of 50 attackingaircraft attempting to ram the vessel.This extraordinary engagement merits anin-depth article of its own in the future.Illustration: Gareth HectorWildcats on the AtollsText: Jan BobekINFO Eduard33January 2025Strana 34
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WNr. 331413, 1./JG 4, Berlin-Schönefeld, Germany, February-March 1945WNr. 332884, 9./JG 3, Leck, Germany, May 1945The fighter unit 1./JG 4 was formed in August 1943in Mizil (Romania) from 1./JG 77 to defend the oilfields and platforms near Ploiești. After heavyfighting with the 15th AF USAAF and a retreatfrom Italy, 1./JG 4 was reorganized in Kasselduring the summer of 1944. It then engaged incombat with escorting P-51s and P-47s fromthe 8th AF and 9th AF USAAF. From November1944 to January 1945, 1./JG 4 was stationed atthe Darmstadt-Griesheim airfield, from where itparticipated in Operation Bodenplatte, sufferingheavy pilot losses. From February 1945, it wasbased at Berlin-Schönefeld airfield, whereit was dissolved on March 19, 1945. The lastknown commander of 1./JG 4 was Oblt. AlfredNeumayer, who, after being injured on January1, 1945, underwent recovery but, despite hiscombat experience, was assigned to the infantryafter recuperation. Following infantry training inBohemia, he has been missing since April 1945.White 4 features a camouflage scheme in RLM74/75/76 colors and displays production seriesmarkings of 331xxx. The white spiral has blackborders applied by mechanics of JG 4. On theleft side of the nose was the JG 4 insignia,and on the right side, a depiction of a rooster.Since the Allied landings in Normandy inJune 1944, 9./JG 3, like other units on theWestern Front, was under constant pressurefrom Allied fighters and bombers. DuringOperation Bodenplatte, JG 3 was one of thefew successful units, yet the loss of sixteenpilots was significant. From January 1945,9./JG 3 frequently relocated to various Germanairfields, and at the end of the war, White 8 wasstationed at the Leck airbase. From mid-1944,9./JG 3 was led by Lt. Oskar Zimmermann, whowas awarded the Knight’s Cross and creditedwith 34 victories, including 14 four-enginebombers. In mid-March, he fell ill and, at the endof the war, fell into Czech captivity, from whichhe was released after one year. By the end of thewar, the commander of the unit was Hptm. WillyAlthof. The camouflage on the fuselage of thisaircraft consisted of RLM 81/82 with camouflagepatterns typical of production series 332xxx.Many areas are repaired with RLM 82 andRLM 02 paints. The engine covers are paintedin lighter shades of RLM 74/75/76. On the leftside of the fuselage under the cockpit, thewhite name Gabi was painted. Beneath White 8,the previous marking has been painted over inRLM 75. In front of the tail surfaces, the blacknumber 884 was hand-painted.KITS 01/2025INFO Eduard35January 2025Strana 36
WNr. 334xxx, 11./JG 27, Goslar, Germany, April 1945WNr. 335215, Lt. Willy van de Kamp, Stab II./JG 52, Neubiberg, Germany, May 1945The CO of III./JG 27 from October 1944 until theend of the war was Austrian Hptm. Dr. PeterWerfft (26 victories). In the same month, the unitwas reequipped with the Bf 109K-4. However,from February onward, Werfft was temporarilyreplaced in this role by the CO of 12./JG 27,Oblt. Emil Clade, who in the final month of thewar officially became the CO of I./JG 27. Afterthe war, Clade worked as an airline pilot,pursued sport flying, and published his memoirsin 1996. While serving with II./JG 27 in Africa,he shot down an aircraft in August 1942 carryingthe commander of the British Eighth Army,Lt. Gen. W. H. E. Gott, who was killed. Lt. Gen.Montgomery was appointed to replace him.At the end of the war, III./JG 27 was deployed innorthern Germany. Yellow 1 from 11./JG 27 wasdiscovered by advancing Allied forces in April1945 at the Goslar airbase in Germany, wherethe unit had been stationed from March 29 toApril 8, 1945. It later operated from locations inBohemia, Bavaria, and Austria. From December1944 until the end of the war, 11. Staffel wasled by Oblt. Heinz-Günther Hennig, who hadpreviously commanded 2./JG 53 and 2./JG 102and was credited with two victories. The fuselagecamouflage in RLM 81/82 colors corresponds toproduction series 334xxx.The markings on this aircraft identify it asthe wingman of the commander of II./JG 52,Maj. Wilhelm Batz. In February 1943, Batz wasassigned to the staff of II./JG 52 on the EasternFront. He achieved his first victory on March11 and was appointed commander of 5./JG 52 inMay. By March 1944, he had achieved his 100thvictory and was made commander of III./JG 52in April. In early February 1945, he assumedcommand of II./JG 52, which at the time wasfighting in Hungary. His final 237th victorywas recorded on April 16, 1945. Five days later,he was awarded the Swords to the Knight’sCross with Oak Leaves. On May 8, 1945, Batz andhis unit flew into captivity, transferring fromZeltweg in Austria to Bad Aibling in Bavaria,accompanied by a formation of Thunderboltsduring the final leg of the journey. The aircraftBlack 1 was painted in RLM 74/75/76 camouflage,consistent with production series 335xxx.The yellow band on the nose and yellow rudderwere identification features of German aircraftwithin Luftflotte 4. This particular aircraft wasphotographed at Neubiberg airfield near Munich.Its pilot was Batz’s Adjutant, Lt. Willy van deKamp, who had served with II./JG 52 since May1943 and was credited with one victory.KITS 01/2025INFO Eduard36January 2025Strana 37
WNr. 335xxx, Lt. Ernst-Dieter Bernhard, Stab III./JG 53, Kaufbeuren,Germany, April 1945WNr. 330230, Uffz. Heinrich Munninger, 10./JG 77, Neuruppin, Germany, November 1944JG 53 was established in 1937 and was one ofthe oldest German fighter units of the SecondWorld War. Its III. Gruppe participated in theearly months of fighting in the USSR after thecampaign in the West and was deployed in theMediterranean from late 1941. After relocatingfrom Italy in June 1944, it was stationed at BadLippspringe, operating against Allied air raidson the Reich. In September 1944, it contributedto repelling Operation Market Garden. Fromlate 1944, the unit gradually retreated underpressure from Allied forces to the southernpart of Germany. The pilot of this aircraftwas Lt. Ernst-Dieter Bernhard, who joined12./JG 53 in December 1944. In mid-March,he was appointed Adjutant to the CO of III./JG 53,who at the time was Hptm. Siegfried Luckenbach.After Luckenbach’s collision during landingin April 1945, Hptm. Wolfgang Ernst, who had36 victories to his credit, replaced him.Lt. Bernhard crashed with the depicted aircrafton April 19, 1945, due to a landing gear failurewhile landing in Kaufbeuren after combatwith a formation of Marauders escorted byThunderbolts. Bernhard was earlier creditedwith heavily damaging one Mustang.In October 1944, III./JG 77 became the firstLuftwaffe fighter unit to be fully reequippedwith the Bf 109K-4s, possessing 68 aircraft.Its commander was the experienced veteran ofJG 77, Major Armin Köhler (40 kills, KC). Aftertest flights and familiarization with the new type,it was combat-deployed on December 2, 1944.Aerial combat peaked during the Battle of theBulge. Uffz. Heinrich Munninger, born on June 30,1923, flew on January 1, 1945, during OperationBodenplatte with White 17 as the wingmanof Uffz. Johann Twietmeyer. During an attackon the RAF airfield in Antwerp-Deurne (B.70),he was hit by flak and attempted an emergencylanding near Tilburg in the Netherlands.He crashed and was killed. His body was buriedin Lommel. In this operation, III./JG 77 lost11 aircraft and pilots. From mid-January 1945,it was deployed on the Eastern Front. At the endof the war, it fought in Upper Silesia, based inDolní Benešov (Beneschau) in the Hlučín region(Hultschiner Ländchen) in Silesia. White 17 wasfrom production batch 330xxx, with a highdemarcation of camouflage colors RLM 74/75on the sides of the fuselage. On both sides ofthe nose, there was the emblem of III./JG 77,a red heart.KITS 01/2025INFO Eduard37January 2025Strana 38
FE1495 Bf 109K-4 seatbelts STEEL (PE-Set)644227 Bf 109K-4 LööK (Brassin)644233 Bf 109K-4 LööKplus (Brassin)648902 Bf 109K-4 engine (Brassin)648903 Bf 109K-4 propeller PRINT (Brassin)648904 Bf 109K-4 cockpit PRINT (Brassin)648905 Bf 109K-4 undercarriage legs BRONZE (Brassin)648906 Bf 109K external fuel tanks (Brassin)648913 Bf 109K-4 exhaust stacks PRINT (Brassin)648914 Bf 109K-4 wheels (Brassin)648939 Bf 109K-4 gun barrels PRINT (Brassin)648954 Bf 109K-4 wheel bays PRINT (Brassin)648961 Bf 109K-4 radio compartment PRINT (Brassin)SIN648118 Bf 109K-4 ESSENTIAL (Brassin)SIN648119 Bf 109K-4 ADVANCED (Brassin)3DL48135 Bf 109K SPACE (3D Decal Set)EX976 Bf 109K TFace (Mask)EX985 Bf 109K national insignia (Mask)Recommended forBf 109K-4 1/48#644233#648904OVERTREES#82166XBf 109K-41/48OVERLEPT#82166-LEPT1Bf 109K-41/48Product page Product page#648902#648961KITS 01/2025INFO Eduard38January 2025Strana 39
#70173P-51D MustangProfiPACK edition kit of US WWII fighter aircraft P-51D version D-10and higher in 1/48 scale. The kit is focused on machines of the topaces of the 8th, 9th, 15th and 20th USAAF.plastic parts: Eduardmarking options: 6decals: EduardPE parts: yes, pre-paintedpainting mask: yesresin parts: noProduct page1/72KITS 01/2025INFO Eduard39January 2025Strana 40
P-51D-20, 44-72218, Lt Col. John D. Landers, CO of 78th FG,8th AF, Duxford, United Kingdom, March 1945P-51D-15, 44-15041, Lt Col. John C. Meyer, CO of 352nd FG,8th AF, Y-29 Asch, Belgium, December 1944John Dave Landers was born on August 23, 1920,in Joshua, Texas. He joined the Army Air Forcein April 1941. After completing the pilot trainingin January 1942 he was assigned to the 9th FS inAustralia, a unit that flew P-40s. In the Pacifictheatre he scored six kills and was called backto the States in January 1943. There, he servedas a flight instructor, but in April 1944, on hisown request, he was reassigned to a combat unit.It was 38th FS based at Wormingford, operatingP-38s, which they changed for P-51s as ofJuly 1944. After being promoted to LieutenantColonel, he assumed command of the 357thFG, which he led from October to December1944. After some downtime in the United States,he returned to Great Britain and was named COof 78th FG, holding this post until the end of theSecond World War. In December 1945, he left themilitary and worked in construction. He died onSeptember 12, 1989.John Charles Meyer finished flight trainingon July 26, 1940, at the age of 21, after whichhe was assigned to the 33rd PS on Iceland,a unit that was flying the P-40s. After his returnto the States, he was named the CO of thenewly formed 487th FS, which had undergoneconversion training onto the P-47 and in June1943 was transferred to United Kingdom, fromwhere they performed escort missions forbombers over continental Europe. In April of1944, the unit was rearmed with the Mustangs,and the number of kills attributed to MajorMeyer began to rise. In November 1944, he wasnamed Deputy Commander of the 352nd FG,to which his own 487th FS was subordinate.Under his command, the 352nd FG wasrelocated to the forward base at Asch in Belgium.On January 1, the Luftwaffe conducted a raidon this base, and Meyer was able to get hisunit in the air to counter the raid, claiminga pair of Fw 190s in the process. These would bethe last two kills that he would achieve duringthe war, because on January 4, he suffereda major fracture of his left leg, the treatment ofwhich required his return to the United States.After the war, he saw combat in Korea, and inVietnam he led the Linebacker II campaign.Over the course of the WWII, he shot down24 enemies, and he added another two duringthe Korean War. He retired a General as the headof the Strategic Air Command. He passed awayas the result of a heart attack on December 2,1975.KITS 01/2025INFO Eduard40January 2025Strana 41
P-51D-10, 44-14896, Maj. Leonard K. Carson, 362nd FS, 357th FG,8th AF, Leiston, United Kingdom, September 1944P-51D-20, 44-63607, Lt Col. Glenn T. Eagleston, CO of 353rd FS,354th FG, 9th AF, Y-64 Ober Olm, Germany, April 1945Major Leonard “Kit” Carson was one ofthe most successful pilots of the 357th FG.He finished the war as a commander of the363rd FS with 18.5 kills to which he addedthree airplanes destroyed on the ground.He flew four P-51 Mustangs, all of them carriedhis personal inscription “Nooky Booky” on theengine cowling. The aircraft s/n 44-14896 washis third. It sported seven kill markings on theside of the fuselage which Carson scored tillthe beginning of November 1944. The plane wasmarked with standard identification stripesincluding the invasion bands on the fuselage.Carson’s Mustang was camouflaged in the darkgreen paint on the upper surfaces including thelanding flaps’ interiors. The paint was probablyBritish RAF Dark Green. The lower surfaceswere painted in Medium Sea Grey.Glenn Todd Eagleston was born on March 12,1921, in Farmington, Utah, and he joined theUSAAF in 1940. In 1942, he underwent flighttraining, after which he was first assigned tothe P-39 equipped 79th FS, and then to the 353rdFS, which was transferred to Boxted in the UKwith their Mustangs in October 1943. Althoughbeing a constituent of the 9th Air Force, the unitflew escort missions for 8th AF bombers. In thespring 1944 landing preparations, the 354th FGreturned to tactical support of ground forces,and eventually relocated to fields in liberatedEurope to remain close to combat areas, andthis included the 353rd FS. Squadron commandwas handed over to Capt. Eagleston in October1944, and the unit used their Thunderbolts insupport of ground forces. In mid-February1945, the unit went back to using the Mustangs.After the Second World War, during whichGlenn Eagleston amassed 18.5 kills over enemyaircraft, he remained in the service, and tookpart in combat over Korea, where he shot downa pair of Soviet MiG-15s. He retired at the end ofFebruary 1967 and died on May 7, 1991.KITS 01/2025INFO Eduard41January 2025Strana 42
P-51D-5, 44-13298, Capt. Fredie F. Ohr, 2nd FS, 52nd FG,15th AF, Madna, Italy, Autumn 1944P-51D-20, 44-72570, Lt. Ralph S. Gardner/2nd Lt. Chester Jatczak,457th FS, 506th FG, 20th AF, Iwojima, June/July 1945The 52nd Pursuit Squadron, known after May1942 as the 52nd Fighter Group, was establishedin January 1941 at Selfridge Field in Michigan.Initial training was undertaken on the P-39 andwas followed by a move to Northern Ireland inthe summer of 1942, where the unit continuedtraining on Spitfires, and this was in turnfollowed by a brief combat tour over westernEurope under the command of the 8th AF.By November 1942, the entire unit wastransferred to northern Africa. After arrivalthere, combat operations were undertakenthrough north Africa, Sicily and Italy whilestill flying Spitfires, but this time underthe leadership of the 12th AF. In April 1944,the long awaited change to the Mustang arrived,along with a change in mission assignmentand location under the 15th AF, tasking the52nd FG with escort duties of this Army AirForce’s strategic bombers. The aircraft flown byFreddie Ohr, an American ace of Korean origin,was as it was delivered from the manufacturingfacility. The red nose and yellow rear fuselagedistinguished aircraft of the 52nd FG and theyellow wing bands were reserved for aircraft ofthe 15th AF.This aircraft was shared by Ralph Gardnerand Chet Jatczak, named Fighting Lady onport side and later renamed to Broadway Galwith inscription on the nose. For Chet Jatczakthis was Broadway Gal plane No.2, as he flewNo.538 also named Broadway Gal previouslyin June and early July. The aircraft No.538 shotdown near Suzuka on July 16, 1945, while beingflown by Capt. John Benbow during the strafingof airfields in Nagoya area. He became mostprobably a victim of Maj. Yohei Hinoki flyinga Ki-100. The Broadway Gal inscription style isnot known. The original squadron color weregreen stripes on the tail, replaced by solid greenpaint after the squadron entered the operationfor better visibility.KITS 01/2025INFO Eduard42January 2025Strana 43
OVERTREES#70172XP-51D Mustang1/72OVERLEPT#70173-LEPT1P-51D Mustang1/72Product page Product pageSS826 P-51D seatbelts STEEL (PE-Set)674013 P-51D-10 LööK (Brassin)674014 P-51D-15+ LööK (Brassin)674016 P-51D-10 LööKplus (Brassin)674017 P-51D-15+ LööKplus (Brassin)672358 P-51D exhaust stacks PRINT (Brassin)672359 P-51D exhaust stacks w/ fairing PRINT (Brassin)672360 P-51D wheel bay PRINT (Brassin)672361 P-51D Hamilton Standard propeller PRINT (Brassin)672362 P-51D Hamilton Standard propeller uncuffed PRINT (Brassin)672364 P-51D-10 cockpit PRINT (Brassin)672365 P-51D-15+ cockpit PRINT (Brassin)672366 P-51D wheels diamond tread (Brassin)672367 P-51D wheels oval tread (Brassin)672368 P-51D wheels cross tread (Brassin)672369 P-51D wheels block tread (Brassin)672370 P-51D wheels diamond tread 2 (Brassin)672371 P-51D wheels block tread 2 (Brassin)672372 P-51D seat PRINT (Brassin)672373 P-51D 75gal drop tanks PRINT (Brassin)672374 P-51D 108gal paper drop tanks PRINT (Brassin)672375 P-51D 110gal fuel tanks PRINT (Brassin)672376 P-51D 165gal fuel tanks PRINT (Brassin)672377 P-51D gun sights PRINT (Brassin)672378 P-51D bazooka rocket launcher (Brassin)672379 P-51D gun bays PRINT (Brassin)672384 P-51D undercarriage legs PRINT (Brassin)672389 P-51D engine PRINT (Brassin)SIN67227 P-51D-10 ESSENTIAL (Brassin)3DL72036 P-51D-10 SPACE (3D Decal Set)3DL72037 P-51D-15+ SPACE (3D Decal Set)D72050 P-51D stencils (Decal Set)D72051 P-51D US national insignia (Decal Set)CX664 P-51D US national insignia (Mask)CX665 P-51D surface panels (Mask)Recommended forP-51D Mustang 1/72#672389#672364#672360KITS 01/2025INFO Eduard43January 2025Strana 44
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Hptm. Hans Hahn, CO of III./JG 2, Saint-Pol-sur-Ternoise, France, July 1941WNr. 8239, Lt. Hans Strelow, 5./JG 51, Bryansk, the Soviet Union, March 1942Hans “Assi” Hahn, a fighter ace and recipientof the Knight’s Cross with Oak Leaves, led the4./JG 2 from December 1939 and the III./JG 2 fromOctober 29, 1940. A total of 31 victory symbolson the tail of his aircraft were tied to Hahn’soperations on the Western Front. His 31st victorywas achieved on July 10, 1941, near Saint-Omer,when he shot down two Spitfires. Beginningon November 1, 1942, he took command ofII./JG 54 and led this Gruppe until February 21,1943, when he was shot down and capturedby Soviet forces. Hahn was not released fromcaptivity until 1950, during which he wrotea book about his experiences in prison titledIch spreche die Wahrheit! (I speak the truth!).Before his capture, he achieved 108 victories,66 of which were on the Western Front.The rooster’s head painted on his aircraftsymbolized the III. Gruppe JG 2’s staff planesand was derived from Hahn’s surname, as “Hahn”means rooster in German. Hans Hahn passedaway in 1982, and his wife later remarried thenight fighter pilot Wolfgang Falck.Hans Strelow was born on March 26, 1922,in Berlin. In 1939, he voluntarily joined theLuftwaffe. After completing training in February1941, he was assigned to 5./JG 51. From the startof Operation Barbarossa, he flew on the EasternFront. He achieved his first aerial victory onJune 25, 1941. In January 1942, he was appointedStaffelkapitän of 5./JG 51. On March 24, 1942,he became the youngest recipient of theKnight’s Cross with Oak Leaves. His “Black 10”was painted with white on the upper surfacesduring the winter period. The JG 51 insigniawas displayed on both sides of the nose.The yellow band behind the cross and the yellowwingtips were identification markings used onthe Eastern Front. The victories he achievedwere marked on the left side of the tail. On May22, 1942, Hans Strelow was shot down by a Pe-2crew and forced to make an emergency landingbehind Soviet lines. Fearing capture by the RedArmy, he conducted suicide by shooting himselfin his head.KITS 01/2025INFO Eduard45January 2025Strana 46
WNr. 8165, Hptm. Karl-Heinz Leesmann, CO of I./JG 52,Amsterdam, the Netherlands, June 1941Lt. Max-Hellmuth Ostermann, 7./JG 54, Dugino, the Soviet Union, September 1941Karl-Heinz Leesmann was born on May 3, 1915,in Osnabrück. After completing pilot trainingwith the Luftwaffe, he participated in theFrench campaign and the Battle of Britain asa member of JG 52. On August 27, 1940, he wasappointed Staffelkapitän of 3./JG 52. On May24, 1941, he became Gruppenkommandeur ofI./JG 52. His WNr. 8165 aircraft displayedvictories achieved on the Western Front on theport side of the fin below the swastika. BeforeOperation Barbarossa, I./JG 52 was transferredto the Eastern Front. On November 6, 1941, duringcombat with Soviet aircraft, Leesmann made anemergency landing near Ruza with a shatteredright forearm. After a long hospitalization andrecovery, he returned to I./JG 52 in May 1942.In March 1943, he transferred to III./JG 11. On July25, 1943, while flying a Bf 109G-6, he was shotdown during an attack on a B-17 over the NorthSea near Heligoland. His body was washedashore on August 16, 1943, and he was buriedin Recklinghausen.Max-Hellmuth Ostermann was born onDecember 11, 1917, in Hamburg. In 1937,he joined the Luftwaffe and became a pilot.His first unit was I./ZG 1, flying the Bf 110s, andhe participated in the invasion of Poland. Beforethe start of the French campaign, on April 7,1940, he was transferred to I./JG 21. On May20, 1940, he recorded his first aerial victory.After moving to the English Channel coast,I./JG 21 was renamed III./JG 54, and in April 1941,the unit saw combat in Yugoslavia. Ostermannachieved his ninth victory on April 6, 1941, overBelgrade, shooting down a Bf 109E-3 flown byKarl Štrbenek, who was killed in action. Duringthe early stages of Operation Barbarossa,on June 23, 1941, he shot down two SB-2 bombers.By early September 1941, his aircraft, White 1,bore 25 victory markings on its tail. The sides ofthe fuselage were darkened with spots of RLM02, 74, and 70 paints. The nose displayed theinsignia of 7./JG 54, and below the windshieldwas the emblem of III./JG 54. In November 1941,Ostermann was transferred to I./JG 54, and inMarch 1942, he assumed command of 8./JG 54.On May 12, 1942, Ostermann became the secondpilot in JG 54 to achieve 100 victories. Duringthis engagement, he was severely wounded butmanaged to return to his home airfield. His luckran out on August 9, 1942, during a confrontationwith P-40s. After scoring one victory, a groupof LaGG-3 fighters emerged from the clouds.Ostermann’s Bf 109G-2 was hit in the cockpitand crashed behind Soviet lines near Lake Ilmen.He became the first recipient of the Knight’sCross with Oak Leaves to be killed in action.674007 Bf 109F LööK (Brassin)674011 Bf 109F LööKplus (Brassin)672313 Bf 109F propeller early PRINT (Brassin)672314 Bf 109F propeller late PRINT (Brassin)672315 Bf 109F gun barrels PRINT (Brassin)672316 Bf 109F wheels PRINT (Brassin)672317 Bf 109F undercarriage legs BRONZE (Brassin)672318 Bf 109F radio compartment PRINT (Brassin)672321 Bf 109F/G external fuel tanks (Brassin)672322 Bf 109F wheel bays rounded PRINT (Brassin)672323 Bf 109F/G wheel bays angular PRINT (Brassin)672325 Bf 109F/G exhaust stacks PRINT (Brassin)672326 Bf 109F/G/K gun pods PRINT (Brassin)672327 Bf 109F cockpit PRINT (Brassin)672328 Bf 109F cockpit w/ early seat PRINT (Brassin)672350 Bf 109F engine PRINT (Brassin)SIN67221 Bf 109F (Brassin)3DL72018 Bf 109F SPACE (3D Decal Set)Recommended for Bf 109F-2 1/72KITS 01/2025INFO Eduard46January 2025Strana 47
#84204F4F-4 Wildcat lateThe Weekend edition kit of the US carrier based WWII fighter plane F4F-4 Wildcat latein 1/48 scale. From the kit it is possible to build Wildcats of the US Navy operatingin the Atlantic and also a fighter from the US Marine Corps.plastic parts: Eduardmarking options: 4decals: EduardPE parts: nopainting mask: noresin parts: noProduct page1/48KITS 01/2025INFO Eduard47January 2025Strana 48
VMF-441, Nanumea, November 1943VC-13, USS Core (CVE-13), August 1943Marine Fighting Squadron 441 (VMF-441) wasformed on October 1, 1942, at Tutuila, AmericanSamoa, from part of VMF-111 and flew F4FWildcats. By the end of May 1943, the entiresquadron moved to Funafuti in the Ellice Islands,followed by another move to Nanumea Base onSeptember 28, 1943. The squadron moved backto Tutuila in December 1943, where it rearmedto the F4U-1 Corsair. VMF-441 was also knownas “The Blackjacks”. The unit was credited witha total of 49 aircraft shot down during World WarII and was inactivated after the surrender ofJapan on July 11, 1946. The Wildcat shown herewore non-standard camouflage with a thirdshade of Semi-Gloss Sea Blue added to theoriginal older Blue Gray/Light Gray scheme onthe upper fuselage and wing surfaces. The noseof the aircraft was decorated with a white “LittleJoe” inscription on the left side of the enginecowling with a dice motif.The Tacoma-built Bogue-class escort carrierUSS Core (CVE-13) was commissioned onDecember 10, 1942, and named after Core Sound.USS Core operated on the west coast off SanDiego, but soon joined the Atlantic Fleet to takepart in the bloody war against submarines withTBF-1C Avengers and F4F-4 Wildcats on board.Core’s first combat cruise in the Atlantic lastedfrom June 27 to July 31, 1943, during whichVC-13 hit a pair of submarines. USS Core andVC-13 scored a total of four submarine kills bythe end of 1943, helping to end the good timesof the German U-boat fleet. The Wildcats onUSS Core carried combination of colors fromthe factory blue-grey NS through light greyNS as well as both the then-new ASWN I andII schemes designed for the Atlantic. The aircraftshown, with the black identification number3 on the rudder, had a three-tone camouflage,i.e. ASWN I scheme, and was sporting redoutlined insignias. These were repainted withInsignia Blue in September 1943.KITS 01/2025INFO Eduard48January 2025Strana 49
VGF-29, Lt Cdr John T. Blackburn, USS Santee (CVE-29), November 1943VMF-111 (121), 2Lt. Thomas Mann, Samoa Spring 1943John Thomas Blackburn (born January 24, 1912)became first commanding officer of famousVF-17 Jolly Rogers Squadron flying F4U Corsairs.Prior to that, he had managed to achieve fameand ace status with Wildcats. He graduatedfrom the US Naval Academy in 1933 and servedas flight instructor when the USA entered thewar in 1941. Although anxious to get to combat,he was relegated to fly Buffalos in Miami andhad to apply several times for assignmentwith combat unit. He was tasked to set upVGF-29 as its CO on the new escort carrier USSSantee. After the pilots acquainted themselveswith Wildcats at Pungo, Virginia, the Squadronembarked aboard USS Santee in October 1942 toparticipate in Operation Torch. The first combatwas a disaster, as pilots could not find thetarget due to poor weather. More to it, damagedhoming equipment aboard Santee forced themto ditch or force-land their Wildcats. Blackburnhimself floated adrift in a life raft for three daysbefore he was rescued by a destroyer. Shortlythereafter, Blackburn was ordered to set upa new unit, the VF-17, the second squadron tofly F4U Corsairs in combat. Blackburn achieved11 victories in WWII and became Commander AirGroup of CAG 74 aboard the new USS Midway(CVB-41) in 1945 and he commanded the shipfrom 1958 to 1959. After the war he worked atthe Pentagon and was one of the first jet pilotsin the Navy. He retired in 1962 and began growingwine grapes and raising the Golden Retrieversin California. He died on March 21, 1994.Marine Fighting Squadron 121 (VMF-121) wasactivated on June 24, 1941 and adopted thenickname The Green Knights. They begancombat operations with F4F Wildcats, which theychanged for F4U Corsairs later. They took partin the battle for Guadalcanal starting October1942 and also fought from the forward air baseson Bougainville and Emirau. On September15, 1944, the Green Knights landed on Peleliuand were fighting from this base until July 25,1945. The unit was deactivated on September 9,1945. During the war, fourteen pilots of VMF-121became fighter aces, and the whole unit downed208 Japanese aircraft, 165 of them while flyingWildcats. Marine Second Lieutenant ThomasH. Mann, Jr., moved to VMF-121 fromVMF-224 and became an ace in the fighting overGuadalcanal with five victories on his account.On November 11, 1942, he took off with othersto intercept a formation of Japanese AichiType 99 bombers. He managed to shoot downthree of them prior to being shot down and lostseven teeth in landing on water, which addedthe pain to his wound he suffered from enemyfire. Mann managed to reach the beach ofa small island in the Tulagi archipelago andgot back with the help of natives in a canoe.At the end of the WWII, he amassed ten aerialvictories.KITS 01/2025INFO Eduard49January 2025Strana 50
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www.eduard.com/bfcBUNNY BUNNY FIGHTERFIGHTERCLUBEduard's special membership club for all modeling enthusiasts!15% Permanent Club discount at Eduard Store – you will receive permanent 15% discount on all Eduardproducts and also discount on various other non-Eduard products. Fixed, permanent, forever!Unique valuable Club kits and accessories – you will gain access to unique and nowhere else to be soldproducts, specially made for BFC members.Even better prices at Eduard events stand – do you know that Eduard usually has huge discounts ontheir products at fairs and events all over the world? BFC members will have even higher discount atthese events.Club T-shirt – you will receive fancy BFC T-shirt with unique design and special barcode(used for event discounts). This exclusive T-shirt will be only availableto the members of BFC.Free entry fee on E-day – you will not have to pay a penny to visit Eduard's E-day.That means lot of fun at E-day for two days and entry kit, absolutely free!* E-day - INTERNATIONAL SCALE KIT EXHIBITION - IPMS Czech Republic ChampionshipBOX CONTENT:Plastic parts, Marking options 6, Decal Set, PE parts, Maska, Brassinparts (two different types of wheels, landing flaps, dust filter witheyelid, intake ring and RP-3 60lb rockets), 3D decals for main and si-dewalk instrument and control panels with photo-etched details andseat belts.BOX CONTENT:Plastic parts, Marking options 4, Decal Set, PE parts, Maska, Brassinparts (undercarriage wheels, cockpit, exhaust nozzle, FOD).How to become a member of BFC?How to become a member of BFC?Simply by purchasing the Activation product. You will be given 15% discount on (almost) every Eduardproduct in your shopping cart. To apply this discount, the Activation product has to be in your shoppingcart. Activation product is excluded from this calculation.Activation products:Activation products:Tempest Mk. V + T-shirt 1/48MiG-21MF + T-shirt 1/72Strana 52
BRASSINLööK set - Brassin pre-painted dashboardand STEEL seat belts for Spitfire Mk.VIII in 1/24 scale.Easy to assemble, replaces plastic parts.Recommended kit: AirfixSet contains:- resin: 1 part- decals: no- photo-etched details: yes, pre-painted- painting mask: noLööK set - Brassin pre-painted dashboardand STEEL seat belts for MC.205 Veltro in 1/32 scale.Easy to assemble, replaces plastic parts.Recommended kit: ItaleriSet contains:- resin: 3 parts- decals: no- photo-etched details: yes, pre-painted- painting mask: no634048Spitfire Mk.VIII LööK1/24 Airfix634049MC.205 Veltro LööK1/32 ItaleriProduct pageProduct pageINFO Eduard52January 2025Strana 53
644294F-86A LööK1/48 Clear PropLööK set - Brassin pre-painted dashboardand STEEL seatbelts for F-86A in 1/48 scale.Easy to assemble, replaces plastic parts.Recommended kit: Clear PropSet contains:- resin: 1 part- decals: no- photo-etched details: yes, pre-painted- painting mask: noBRASSINCollection of 4 sets for P-39N in 1/48 scale.Recommended kit: Arma Hobby- LööK set (pre-painted Brassin dashboard & Steelbelts)- gun barrels- pilot seat- painting mask644293P-39N LööKplus1/48 Arma HobbyProduct pageProduct pageINFO Eduard53January 2025Strana 54
BRASSIN632202Bf 109E wheels1/32 EduardBrassin set - the undercarriage wheels for Bf 109Ein 1/32 scale. The set consists of the main wheels anda tail wheel. Easy to assemble, replaces plastic parts.Recommended kit: EduardSet contains:- resin: 5 parts- decals: no- photo-etched details: no- painting mask: yesProduct pageCollection of 4 sets for Bf 109G-14/AS in 1/72 scale.Recommended kit: Eduard- LööK set (pre-painted Brassindashboard & Steelbelts)- gun barrels- undercarriage wheels- exhaust stacksProduct page674023Bf 109G-14/AS LööKplus1/72 EduardINFO Eduard54January 2025Strana 55
BRASSIN632203MG 15 magazines & case catchers PRINT1/32Brassin set - MG 15 machine gun magazines and casecatchers in 1/32 scale. Set consists of 10 magazinesand 10 case catchers (2 types, 5+5 pcs). Made by direct3D printing. Easy to assemble, replaces plastic parts,Set contains:- 3D print: 20 parts- decals: no- photo-etched details: no- painting mask: noProduct pageBrassin set - the undercarriage wheels for MC.205 Veltroin 1/32 scale. The set consists of the main wheels anda tail wheel. Easy to assemble, replaces plastic parts.Recommended kit: ItaleriSet contains:- resin: 4 parts- decals: no- photo-etched details: no- painting mask: yes632204MC.205 Veltro wheels1/35 ItaleriProduct pageINFO Eduard55January 2025Strana 56
6481051P-39 wheels early1/48 Arma HobbyBRASSINBrassin set - the undercarriage wheels for P-39in 1/48 scale. The set consists of the main wheels anda nose wheel. Easy to assemble, replaces plastic parts.Recommended kit: Arma HobbySet contains:- resin: 3 parts- 3D print: 2 parts- decals: no- photo-etched details: yes- painting mask: yesProduct pageBrassin set - the nose gun muzzles for MiG-19Sin 1/48 scale. Easy to assemble, replaces plastic parts.Recommended kit: TrumpeterSet contains:- resin: 5 parts- decals: no- photo-etched details: no- painting mask: noProduct page648591MiG-19S gun muzzles1/48 TrumpeterINFO Eduard56January 2025Strana 57
6481052P-39 wheels late1/48 Arma HobbyBrassin set - the undercarriage wheels for P-39in 1/48 scale. The set consists of the main wheels anda nose wheel. Easy to assemble, replaces plastic parts.Recommended kit: Arma HobbySet contains:- resin: 3 parts- 3D print: 2 parts- decals: no- photo-etched details: yes- painting mask: yesProduct pageBRASSINBrassin set - ejection seat for F-86Fin 1/48 scale. Easy to assemble, replacesplastic parts. Recommended kit: HasegawaSet contains:- resin: 9 parts- decals: no- photo-etched details:yes, pre-painted- painting mask: no6481056F-86F ejection seat1/48 HasegawaProduct pageINFO Eduard57January 2025Strana 58
BRASSINBrassin set - the undercarriage wheels for F-5E/F/Nin 1/48 scale. The set consists of the main wheelsand a nose wheel. Easy to assemble, replacesplastic parts. Recommended kit: AFV ClubSet contains:- resin: 3 parts- decals: no- photo-etched details: no- painting mask: yes6481063F-5E/F/N wheels1/48 AFV ClubProduct pageBrassin set - deployed landing flaps for TempestMk.V in 1/48 scale. Made by direct 3D printing.Recommended kit: EduardSet contains:- 3D print: 2 parts- decals: no- photo-etched details: yes- painting mask: no6481062Tempest Mk.V landing flaps PRINT1/48 EduardProduct pageINFO Eduard58January 2025Strana 59
Brassin set - air ventilators for Imperial JapaneseNavy vessels in 1/350 scale. Set consists of 70 ventilatorsof 14 types. Made by 3D printing.Set contains:- 3D print: 70 parts- decals: no- photo-etched details: no- painting mask: no653018IJN ventilators PRINT1/350Product pageBRASSINBrassin set - triple mounted 25mm AA gun for IJN vesselsin 1/350 scale. Set consists of 18 guns. Made by direct3D printing. Easy to assemble, replaces plastic parts.Set contains:- 3D print: 18 parts- decals: no- photo-etched details: yes- painting mask: no653021IJN Type 96 25mm AA gun (triple) PRINT1/350Product pageINFO Eduard59January 2025Strana 60
BRASSINBrassin set - engine for Bf 109 G-10 producedby Messerschmitt factory in Regensburg in 1/72 scale.Cowlings are included. Made by direct 3D printing.Recommended kit: EduardSet contains:- 3D print: 26 parts- decals: no- photo-etched details: yes- painting mask: no672400Bf 109G-10 Mtt Regensburg engine PRINT1/72 EduardProduct pageBrassin set - engine for Bf 109 G-10 producedby Wiener Neustädter Flugzeugwerke in 1/72 scale.Cowlings are included. Made by direct 3D printing.Recommended kit: EduardSet contains:- 3D print: 26 parts- decals: no- photo-etched details: yes- painting mask: no672399Bf 109G-10 WNF engine PRINT1/72 EduardProduct pageINFO Eduard60January 2025P-51D engine PRINT 1/72 - CLICK-CLACK
Gone are the days when assembling a resin engine was a nightmare for less experienced modelers. It used to be a discipline for the skilled modelers; something, that only the real experts, the masters in the field, are able to use - all those advanced techniques of cutting and thinning plastic, or the difficult cutting of resin from castings and their grinding, which also creates a lot of dust. Now it's the age of 3D printing! Long live simple, easy to assemble kits. It rang the bell for many unpopular, especially very small etched parts. Let's take a look at building one such kit accessory.
BRASSINP-51D engine PRINT1/72 - CLICK-CLACKJakub NademlejnskýCat. No. 672389Gone are the days when assembling a resinengine was a nightmare for less experiencedmodelers. It used to be a discipline for theskilled modelers; something, that only the realexperts, the masters in the field, are able touse - all those advanced techniques of cuttingand thinning plastic, or the difficult cutting ofresin from castings and their grinding, whichalso creates a lot of dust. Now it's the age of 3Dprinting! Long live simple, easy to assemble kits.It rang the bell for many unpopular, especiallyvery small etched parts. Let's take a look atbuilding one such kit accessory.The plastic parts have been designed to make the Brassinengine installation as simple as possible. The designers havepre-prepared grooves in the plastic parts to make it easierto cut off the main kit plastic engine covers.INFO Eduard61January 2025Strana 62
BRASSINJust run a razor saw along the paneling a few times.I use pliers to gradually chip off the cut parts and use the saw to cutoff all the plastic engine covers.After five minutes of work, the fuselage half is ready for engine installation.Since the plastic is thinner on the other side, the razor bladewill go through in a moment.I use a sharp scalpel to clean up minor imperfections and to finishcorners.INFO Eduard62January 2025Strana 63
BRASSINThe most tedious part of the whole job is removing the printed supportsfrom the 3D printed part. I can use a very sharp scalpel, an ultrasonicknife, a razor saw or photoetch scissors for this process. Most oftenI use a combination of all these tools.The residue from the supports can then be cleaned up nicely witha few strokes of the file.In the first step it is better to clean the supports "roughly",further away from the actual part, to avoid damage to the part.The balls are formed at the joints between the end of the supportand the kit part, which helps to separate the supports more easilyand prevent the parts from damage.The engine bearer, can be produced as a single part thanks to 3D printingtogether with the air intake and the firewall. Then it is much easierfor the modeler to assembly these parts cleanly and maintain propergeometry.The residue from these balls is then very easy to deburr.INFO Eduard63January 2025Strana 64
BRASSINTo assemble the engine, just glue in a few small parts.Similarly, the rear part of the engine can be simply clicked on,the joint is only secured with glue.Thanks to the reliable locking of the parts, the engine front part onlyneeds to be clicked in.The final assembly “dry clamped“.INFO Eduard64January 2025Strana 65
BRASSINThe oil tank is also just clamped in place.Glueon thebattery.Then we can proceed to assemble the whole 3D printed kit accessory,by clicking the engine into the bearer.The engine assembly gluedtogether with the enginecovers that are part of theBrassin kit.Finally, glue the last partsof the framing around theengine assembly and thekit section is complete.INFO Eduard65January 2025Strana 66
Collection of 4 sets for P-51B in 1/48 scale.Recommended kit: Eduard- cockpit- propeller- undercarriage legs (BRONZE)- 75gal fuel drop tanksAll sets included in this BIG SIN are available separately,but with every BIG SIN set you save up to 30 %.SIN648135P-51B Malcolm Hood canopy ESSENTIAL1/48 EduardProduct pageBRASSININFO Eduard66January 2025Strana 67
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Product pageDECAL SETSD72053P-51D-5 "8th AF"1/72 Eduard44-13660, Lt. Kenneth A. Skinner, 79th FS, 20th FG,8th AF, King´s Cliffe, Northamptonshire,Great Britain, Autumn 194444-13619, Lt. Robert W. Graham, 487th FS, 352nd FG,8th AF, Bodney, Norfolk, Great Britain, July 194444-13760, Capt. Glenn M. Webb, 79th FS, 20th FG,8th AF, Northamptonshire, King´s Cliffe, Great Britain,October 194444-13471, Capt. Evan M. Johnson, 505th FS, 339th FG,8th AF, Fowlmere, Cambridgeshire, Great Britain,May 194444-13410, Col. Thomas J. J. Christian, 375th FS,361st FG, 8th AF, Bottisham, Cambridgeshire,Great Britain, July 1944INFO Eduard83January 2025Strana 84
BIG EDBIG49433 P-39Q 1/48 Arma HobbyBIG49434A-4M mod. 1970 1/48 Magic FactoryBIG49435A-4M mod. 1975 1/48 Magic Factory481150 P-39Q landing flaps 1/48491477 P-39Q 1/48FE1478 P-39Q seatbelts STEEL 1/48EX1067 P-39Q 1/4849103 Remove Before Flight STEEL491479 A-4M mod. 1970 1/48FE1481 A-4M seatbelts STEEL 1/48EX1070 A-4M TFace 1/4849103 Remove Before Flight STEEL491480 A-4M mod. 1975 1/48FE1481 A-4M seatbelts STEEL 1/48EX1070 A-4M TFace 1/48Product pageProduct pageProduct pageAll sets included in this BIG ED are available separately,but with every BIG ED set you save up to 30 %.INFO Eduard84January 2025Strana 85
BIG EDBIG72184 F-35B 1/72 TamiyaBIG72185Chinook HC.1 1/72 Airfix72741 F-35B exhaust nozzle 1/7273044 Remove Before Flight STEEL73832 F-35B 1/72CX671 F-35B 1/72CX672 F-35B RAM coating 1/7273831 Chinook HC.1 1/7273833 Chinook HC.1 cargo seatbelts STEEL 1/7273834 Chinook HC.1 cargo seats 1/72CX670 Chinook HC.1 1/72Product pageProduct pageAll sets included in this BIG ED are available separately,but with every BIG ED set you save up to 30 %.INFO Eduard85January 2025Strana 86
MASKSEX1083 Junkers F.131/48 MiniArtEX1084 Junkers F.13 TFace1/48 MiniArtEX1085 Chipmunk T.201/48 AirfixEX1086 Chipmunk T.20 TFace1/48 AirfixEX1087 Bf 109G wings leadingedge wavy lines1/48CX680 Re.2002 Ariete1/72 ItaleriCX681 IAR-801/72 IBGCX682 IAR-80C1/72 IBGEX1084 Junkers F.13 TFaceEX1084 Junkers F.13 TFaceEX1086 Chipmunk T.20 TFaceEX1086 Chipmunk T.20 TFaceEX1086 Chipmunk T.20 TFaceEX1086 Chipmunk T.20 TFaceEX1084 Junkers F.13 TFaceEX1084 Junkers F.13 TFaceEX1083 Junkers F.13EX1083 Junkers F.13EX1085 Chipmunk T.20EX1085 Chipmunk T.20IT FITS!INFO Eduard86January 2025Strana 87
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RELEASESJANUARY 2025KITSPE-SETSZOOMSMASKS82166 Bf 109K-4 1/48 ProfiPACK70173 P-51D Mustang 1/72 ProfiPACK7474 Bf 109F-2 1/72 Weekend84204 F4F-4 Wildcat late 1/72 Weekend8802 US Navy Carrier Deck 1/4853318 USS Wasp LHD-1 part 1 1/350 Trumpeter53319 USS Wasp LHD-1 part 2 1/350 Trumpeter36528 IDF Eitan 1/35 Hobby Boss36529 LVT-4 1/35 Italeri36530 M3 1/35 I Love Kit32492 MC.205 Veltro landing flaps 1/32 Italeri321021 MC.205 Veltro 1/32 Italeri491494 Junkers F.13 1/48 MiniArt491496 Chipmunk T.20 1/48 Airfix73839 Re.2002 Ariete 1/72 Italeri73840 IAR-80 1/72 IBG73841 IAR-81C 1/72 IBG33373 MC.205 Veltro 1/32 Italeri33374 MC.205 Veltro seatbelts STEEL 1/32 ItaleriFE1494 Junkers F.13 seatbelts STEEL 1/48 MiniArtFE1495 Bf 109K-4 seatbelts STEEL 1/48 EduardFE1496 Chipmunk T.20 1/48 AirfixFE1497 Chipmunk T.20 seatbelts STEEL 1/48 AirfixSS839 Re.2002 Ariete 1/72 ItaleriEX1083 Junkers F.13 1/48 MiniArtEX1084 Junkers F.13 TFace 1/48 MiniArtEX1085 Chipmunk T.20 1/48 AirfixEX1086 Chipmunk T.20 TFace 1/48 AirfixEX1087 Bf 109G wings leading edge wavy lines 1/48CX680 Re.2002 Ariete 1/72 ItaleriCX681 IAR-80 1/72 IBGCX682 IAR-81C 1/72 IBGBIG-EDBIG-EDBIG EDBIG49433 P-39Q 1/48 Arma HobbyBIG49434 A-4M mod. 1970 1/48 Magic FactoryBIG49435 A-4M mod. 1975 1/48 Magic FactoryBIG72184 F-35B 1/72 TamiyaBIG72185 Chinook HC.1 1/72 AirfixINFO Eduard88January 2025Strana 89
RELEASESBRASSINLöökPLUSBIG SINSPACEDECALS SET634048 Spitfire Mk.VIII LööK 1/24 Airfix634049 MC.205 Veltro LööK 1/32 Italeri644294 F-86A LööK 1/48 Clear Prop632202 Bf 109E wheels 1/32 Eduard632203 MG 15 magazines & case catchers PRINT 1/32632204 MC.205 Veltro wheels 1/32 Italeri648591 MiG-19S gun muzzles 1/48 Trumpeter6481051 P-39 wheels early 1/48 Arma Hobby6481052 P-39 wheels late 1/48 Arma Hobby6481056 F-86F ejection seat 1/48 Hasegawa6481062 Tempest Mk.V landing flaps PRINT 1/48 Eduard6481063 F-5E/F/N wheels 1/48 AFV Club653018 IJN ventilators PRINT 1/350653021 IJN Type 96 25mm AA gun (triple) PRINT 1/350672399 Bf 109G-10 WNF engine PRINT 1/72 Eduard672400 Bf 109G-10 Mtt Regensburg engine PRINT 1/72 Eduard644293 P-39N LööKplus 1/48 Arma Hobby674023 Bf 109G-14/AS LööKplus 1/72 EduardSIN648135 P-51B Malcolm Hood canopy ESSENTIAL 1/48 EduardSIN67227 P-51D-10 ESSENTIAL 1/72 Eduard3DL48207 Chipmunk T.20 SPACE 1/48 Airfix3DL72052 Bf 110G-4 SPACE 1/72 Eduard3DL72053 Re.2002 Ariete SPACE 1/72 Italeri3DL72054 IAR-80 SPACE 1/72 IBG3DL72055 IAR-81C SPACE 1/72 IBGD72053 P-51D-5 "8th AF" 1/72 EduardJANUARY 2025INFO Eduard89January 2025Strana 90
BUILT1/48Built by Kieth Zimmermann#11169MARKING CINFO Eduard90January 2025Strana 91
BUILTF-104C-5-LO, 56-0886, 476th TFS, 479th TFW, Da Nang AB, South Vietnam, April 1965In 1965 Starfighter serial number 56-0886 flewout of Da Nang airbase in the South Vietnam.Its nose was decorated with the red inscriptionFannie and it was one of few 479th TFW planesthat had their nicknames painted on thefuselage. In April 1965, the 479th TFW dispatched28 F-104C to Da Nang airbase. They flew thecombat patrols over the bay of Tonkin to protectEC-121 Warning Star nicknamed College Eye orDisco. The effect of the F-104 deployment on theNorth Vietnamese and Chinese MiG operationswas immediate. The Vietnam Peoples Republic‘spilots learned very soon to avoid any contactwith EC-121 airplanes which were escorted byF-104. During the whole 479th TFW deploymentin 1965 only two brief encounters betweenF-104C and MiGs took place.INFO Eduard91January 2025Strana 92
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BUILTSpitfire LF Mk.lXc, P/O Jerry Billing, No. 401 Sqn., France, July 1944Jerry Billing was shot down at the controls ofML135 on July 1, 1944 and belly-landed sevenmiles south of Carentan, France. The D-Daystripes were left on the undersides only andthe female name “Dorothy” appeared under thewindscreen.INFO Eduard95January 2025Strana 96
ON APPROACHFEBRUARY 2025644295P-40E LööK1/48 Eduard674024Bf 109G-6 LööK1/72 TamiyaBIG49436 P-39N 1/48 Arma HobbyBIG49437 F-4C 1/48 Hobby 2000 / AcademyBIG49438 Mi-24P 1/48 Trumpeter644295 P-40E LööK 1/48 Eduard674024 Bf 109G-6 LööK 1/72 Tamiya6481058 P-40E wheels cross tread 1/48 Eduard6481060 P-40 exhaust stacks rounded PRINT 1/48 Eduard6481061 P-40 exhaust stacks fishtail PRINT 1/48 Eduard6481068 P-40 wheel bays with canvas PRINT 1/48 Eduard6481069 P-40E engine PRINT 1/48 Eduard672401 MG 15 magazines & case catchers PRINT 1/72672402 Bf 109G-10 Erla engine PRINT 1/72 Eduard644296 Bf 109E-4 LööKplus 1/48 Eduard644297 Bf 109F LööKplus 1/48 EduardSIN67228 P-51D-15+ ESSENTIAL 1/72 EduardSIN67229 P-51D ADVANCED 1/72 EduardBIG ED (February)BRASSIN (February)LöökPlus (February)BIGSIN (February)LööK set - Brassin pre-painted dashboard and STEELseatbelts for Bf 109G-6 in 1/72 scale. Easy to assemble,replaces plastic parts. Recommended kit: TamiyaSet contains:- resin: 1 part- decals: no- photo-etched details:yes, pre-painted- painting mask: noLööK set - Brassin pre-painted dashboard and STEELseatbelts for P-40E in 1/48 scale. Easy to assemble,replaces plastic parts. Recommended kit: EduardSet contains:- resin: 2 parts- decals: no- photo-etched details:yes, pre-painted- painting mask: no6481058P-40E wheels cross tread1/48 EduardBrassin set - the undercarriage wheels for P-40Ein 1/48 scale. The set consists of the main wheels anda tail wheel. Easy to assemble, replaces plastic parts.Recommended kit: EduardSet contains:- resin: 4 parts- 3D print: 2 parts- decals: no- photo-etched details: yes- painting mask: yesPRELIMINARY IMAGESPRELIMINARY IMAGESINFO Eduard96January 2025Strana 97
6481060P-40 exhaust stacks rounded PRINT1/48 Eduard6481061P-40 exhaust stacks fishtail PRINT1/48 Eduard6481068P-40 wheel bays with canvas PRINT1/48 EduardBrassin set - exhaust stacks for P-40E in 1/48 scale.Made by direct 3D printing. Easy to assemble, replacesplastic parts. Recommended kit: EduardSet contains:- 3D print: 14 parts- decals: no- photo-etched details: no- painting mask: noBrassin set - exhaust stacks for P-40E in 1/48 scale.Made by direct 3D printing. Easy to assemble, replaces plasticparts. Recommended kit: EduardSet contains:- 3D print: 14 parts- decals: no- photo-etched details: no- painting mask: noBrassin set - main wheel bays for P-40Ein 1/48 scale. Made by direct 3D printing.Recommended kit: EduardSet contains:- 3D print: 2 parts- decals: no- photo-etched details: no- painting mask: noON APPROACHINFO Eduard97January 2025Strana 98
ON APPROACHFEBRUARY 20256481069P-40E engine PRINT1/48 Eduard672401MG 15 magazines & case catchers PRINT1/72672402Bf 109G-10 Erla engine PRINT1/72 EduardBrassin set - engine for P-40E in 1/48 scale.Cowlings are included. Made by direct 3D printing.Recommended kit: EduardSet contains:- 3D print: 45 parts- decals: no- photo-etched details: no- painting mask: noBrassin set - MG 15 machine gun magazines and casechatchers in 1/72 scale. Set consists of 10 magazinesand 10 case catchers (2 types, 5+5 pcs). Made by direct3D printing. Easy to assemble, replaces plastic parts.Set contains:- 3D print: 20 parts- decals: no- photo-etched details: no- painting mask: noBrassin set - engine for Bf 109 G-10 produced by Erlafactory in Leipzig in 1/72 scale. Cowlings are included.Made by direct 3D printing. Recommended kit: EduardSet contains:- 3D print: 26 parts- decals: no- photo-etched details: yes- painting mask: noINFO Eduard98January 2025Strana 99
ON APPROACHFEBRUARY 2025644296Bf 109E-4 LööKplus1/48 Eduard644297Bf 109F LööKplus1/48 EduardCollection of 3 sets for Bf 109E-4 in 1/48 scale.Recommended kit: Eduard- LööK set (pre-painted Brassin dashboard & Steelbelts)- undercarriage wheels- painting maskCollection of 3 sets for Bf 109F in 1/48 scale.Recommended kit: Eduard- LööK set (pre-painted Brassin dashboard & Steelbelts)- undercarriage wheels- painting maskINFO Eduard99January 2025Strana 100
ON APPROACHSIN67228P-51D-15+ ESSENTIAL1/72 EduardCollection of 3 sets for P-51D-15+ in 1/72 scale.Recommended kit: Eduard- cockpit- propeller- wing gun baysAll sets included in this BIG SIN are available separately,but with every BIG SIN set you save up to 30 %.FEBRUARY 2025INFO Eduard100January 2025Strana 101
SIN67229P-51D ADVANCED1/72 EduardCollection of 4 sets for P-51D in 1/72 scale.Recommended kit: Eduard- engine- wheel bay- undercarriage wheels- undercarriage legs.All sets included in this BIG SIN are available separately,but with every BIG SIN set you save up to 30 %.BRASSIN 02/2022BRASSIN 02/2022ON APPROACHFEBRUARY 2025INFO Eduard101January 2025Strana 102
PE-SETS53320 USS Wasp LHD-1 part 3 1/350 Trumpeter32493 Bf 109F-2/4 exterior 1/32Hobby 2000 / Hasegawa321022 Bf 109F-2 1/32 Hobby 2000 / Hasegawa321023 Bf 109F-4 1/32 Hobby 2000 / Hasegawa36531 2 cm Flak 38 1/35 ICM36532 Panzerkampfwagen I Ausf.B 1/35 Tamiya481155 P-40E landing flaps 1/48 Eduard491499 F-86F-25/30 1/48 Airfix491501 Bf 109E-3 1/48 Hobby BossZOOMS33375 Bf 109F-2 1/32 Hobby 2000 / Hasegawa33376 Bf 109F-4 1/32 Hobby 2000 / Hasegawa33377 Bf 109F-2/4 seatbelts STEEL 1/32 Hobby 2000 / HasegawaFE1498 P-40E seatbelts STEEL 1/48 EduardFE1499 F-86F-25/30 1/48 AirfixFE1500 F-86F-25/30 seatbelts STEEL 1/48 AirfixFE1501 Bf 109E-3 1/48 Hobby BossFE1502 Bf 109E-3 seatbelts STEEL 1/48 Hobby BossMASKSJX329 Bf 109E TFace 1/32 EduardJX330 Bf 109F-2 1/32Hobby 2000 / HasegawaJX331 Bf 109F-2 TFace 1/32 Hobby 2000 / HasegawaJX332 Bf 109F-4 1/32 Hobby 2000 / HasegawaJX333 Bf 109F-4 TFace 1/32 Hobby 2000 / HasegawaEX1088 P-40E 1/48 EduardEX1089 P-40E TFace 1/48 EduardEX1090 F-86F-25/30 1/48 AirfixEX1091 F-86F-25/30 TFace 1/48 AirfixEX1092 Bf 109E-3 1/48 Hobby BossEX1093 Bf 109E-3 TFace 1/48 Hobby BossSPACE3DL32029 Bf 109F-2 SPACE 1/32 Hobby 2000 / Hasegawa3DL32030 Bf 109F-4 SPACE 1/32 Hobby 2000 / Hasegawa3DL48208 P-40E SPACE 1/48 Eduard3DL48209 F-86F-25/30 SPACE 1/48 Airfix3DL48210 Bf 109E-3 1/48 Hobby BossDECAL SETSD48118 P-51B stencils 1/48 EduardON APPROACHFEBRUARY 2025INFO Eduard102January 2025Strana 103
PE-SETS53320 USS Wasp LHD-1 part 3 1/350 Trumpeter32493 Bf 109F-2/4 exterior 1/32Hobby 2000 / Hasegawa321022 Bf 109F-2 1/32 Hobby 2000 / Hasegawa321023 Bf 109F-4 1/32 Hobby 2000 / Hasegawa36531 2 cm Flak 38 1/35 ICM36532 Panzerkampfwagen I Ausf.B 1/35 Tamiya481155 P-40E landing flaps 1/48 Eduard491499 F-86F-25/30 1/48 Airfix491501 Bf 109E-3 1/48 Hobby BossZOOMS33375 Bf 109F-2 1/32 Hobby 2000 / Hasegawa33376 Bf 109F-4 1/32 Hobby 2000 / Hasegawa33377 Bf 109F-2/4 seatbelts STEEL 1/32 Hobby 2000 / HasegawaFE1498 P-40E seatbelts STEEL 1/48 EduardFE1499 F-86F-25/30 1/48 AirfixFE1500 F-86F-25/30 seatbelts STEEL 1/48 AirfixFE1501 Bf 109E-3 1/48 Hobby BossFE1502 Bf 109E-3 seatbelts STEEL 1/48 Hobby BossMASKSJX329 Bf 109E TFace 1/32 EduardJX330 Bf 109F-2 1/32Hobby 2000 / HasegawaJX331 Bf 109F-2 TFace 1/32 Hobby 2000 / HasegawaJX332 Bf 109F-4 1/32 Hobby 2000 / HasegawaJX333 Bf 109F-4 TFace 1/32 Hobby 2000 / HasegawaEX1088 P-40E 1/48 EduardEX1089 P-40E TFace 1/48 EduardEX1090 F-86F-25/30 1/48 AirfixEX1091 F-86F-25/30 TFace 1/48 AirfixEX1092 Bf 109E-3 1/48 Hobby BossEX1093 Bf 109E-3 TFace 1/48 Hobby BossSPACE3DL32029 Bf 109F-2 SPACE 1/32 Hobby 2000 / Hasegawa3DL32030 Bf 109F-4 SPACE 1/32 Hobby 2000 / Hasegawa3DL48208 P-40E SPACE 1/48 Eduard3DL48209 F-86F-25/30 SPACE 1/48 Airfix3DL48210 Bf 109E-3 1/48 Hobby BossDECAL SETSD48118 P-51B stencils 1/48 EduardON APPROACHP-40E Warhawk 1/48#R002341-5726, Capt. Philip G. Cochran, 65th PS, 57th PG, Mitchel Field, USA, spring 194241-36402, 2Lt. Dallas Adellon Clinger, 16th FS, 23rd FG, Kunming, China, 1942FEBRUARY 2025INFO Eduard103January 2025Strana 104
ON APPROACHCol. Robert L. Scott, CO of 23rd FG, 14th AF, Kunming, China, October 194241-5647, 2Lt. John Landers, 9th FS, 49th FG, Darwin, Australia, 194241-5509, 1Lt. Joseph J. Kruzel, 17th PS (Provisional), 4th CG, Java, February 194241-36171, 2Lt. Clyde H. Barnett Jr, 8th FS, 49th FG, Kila Kila, New Guinea, late 194211th FS, 343rd FG, Atoll Kiska, Aleutian Islands, summer 1943FEBRUARY 2025INFO Eduard104January 2025Strana 105
ON APPROACHA29-113, S/Ldr Richard Cresswell, No. 77 Squadron (RAAF), Australia, late 1942AL194 (1087), WO2 S. R. J. McLeod, No. 111(F) Squadron (RCAF), Kodiak Island, Alaska, April 1943ET790, S/Ldr Billy Drake, No. 112 Squadron (RAF), LG91, Egypt, July 1942ET953, S/Ldr Robert H. M. Gibbes, No. 3 Squadron (RAAF), LG91, Egypt, August-September 1942Maj. Pyotr A. Pokryshev, 154 IAP, Plekhanovo, USSR, September 1942FEBRUARY 2025INFO Eduard105January 2025Strana 106
ON APPROACHBf 109G-10 WNF/Diana1/72#70164WNr. 610487, Lt. Heinz Ewald,II./JG 52, Veszprém, Hungary,February 1945WNr. 611975, Stab II./JG 52,Neubiberg, Germany, May 1945II./JG 52, Ainring, Germany,May 1945WNr. 612769, 101. vadászezred,Neubiberg, Germany, May 1945WNr. 611xx2, Jasta 5 der ROA, Deutsch Brod,Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren, May 1945Avia S-99.21, Police Air Patrol Unit, Czechoslovak PoliceA i r F o r ce, Pr a gu e - R u z y n ě , 1 94 7-1 9 50FEBRUARY 2025Avia S-99.21, Police Air Patrol Unit,Czechoslovak Police Air Force, Prague-- R u z y n ě , 1 9 4 7 - 1 9 5 0INFO Eduard106January 2025Strana 107
WNr. 223, Hptm. Hans Hahn,CO of III./JG 2, Beaumont le Roger,France, June 1942Oblt. Wolfgang Kosse, 1./JG 5,Herdla, Norway, October 1942WNr. 216, Oblt. Karl Borris,CO of 8./JG 26, Wevelghem,Belgium, July 1942WNr. 2259, Oblt. Günther Josten, 1./JG 51, Lyuban, the Soviet Union, autumn 1942ON APPROACHFw 190A-3 1/48#84205FEBRUARY 2025INFO Eduard107January 2025Tail End Charlie - About Swastikas and more…
In the October 2024 issue of INFO Eduard magazine, I published an article about an international aviation gathering commemorating the 80th anniversary of the air battle over the Ore Mountains. This historic event, which took place on September 11, 1944, saw the 100th Bomb Group—nicknamed the "Bloody Hundredth"—suffer some of the heaviest casualties in its history. If you have a moment, I’d be delighted if you could read the article.
In the October 2024 issue of INFO Eduard magazine,I published an article about an international aviationgathering commemorating the 80th anniversary ofthe air battle over the Ore Mountains. This historicevent, which took place on September 11, 1944, sawthe 100th Bomb Group—nicknamed the "BloodyHundredth"—suffer some of the heaviest casualtiesin its history. If you have a moment, I’d be delighted ifyou could read the article.The gathering in the Czech township of Kovářskáwas well attended, attracting a large number ofparticipants, many of whom were members of thepublic from neighboring Germany.During a visit to the local museum, which isdedicated to the air battle, an interesting situationunfolded. A group of German visitors stoppedto examine the nose art of a B-17 bomber, whichdisplayed symbols of aerial victories in the formof swastikas. Mistakenly assuming the aircraft tobe German, they asked the museum staff about itsorigins. To their surprise, they were informed thatit was an American bomber and that the swastikasrepresented victories against the German Luftwaffe.The visitors were visibly taken aback, as theyhad naturally assumed that any aircraft bearingswastikas must, of course, be German.I believe that the vast majority, if not all, of thereaders who engage with my text are so well-versedin aviation and military history that such a questionwould never cross their minds. Many might evenshake their heads at the museum visitors' lack ofunderstanding.That said, I assume our German readers canunderstand the context of this situation. In Germany,the display of the swastika has been strictlyregulated under the Criminal Code for many years.In simple terms, its use is permitted for religiouspurposes (as it is, for instance, a Hindu symbol) or inconnection with the history of the Third Reich, suchas in historical photographs, period film footage,feature films, and educational materials (this isa simplified list).However, the swastika cannot be displayed inGermany on newly created items that could, in anyway, be used to promote the Nazi regime. WhileI understand the reasoning behind this restriction,it does pose challenges for historians and illustrators,particularly when creating new depictions of militaryequipment.After several generations in Germany since theSecond World War, the swastika has become a kindof taboo, strongly associated with the Nazi period—a subject the public often prefers not to delve into toodeeply. The historical guilt of the German people forthe atrocities committed under Hitler's regime in the1930s and 1940s is heavily emphasized in the schoolcurriculum, even extending to geography classes.As a result, German society has reached a pointwhere the sight of a swastika automatically triggersthe assumption that it represents and promotes theNazi regime and likely constitutes a violation of thelaw.This perception extends to situations wherea layperson encounters symbols unrelated to Nazism,such as a Finnish aircraft bearing a blue swastika,a Latvian plane with a red swastika, or an Americaninfantryman’s helmet from the First World Warfeaturing a swastika painted as a good luck charm.Similarly, a Spad biplane fighter adorned witha red swastika can lead the uninformed observer tomistakenly conclude that these symbols are tied tothe Nazi era.Adolf Hitler adopted the swastika as a symbolof his political party in 1920. Werner Voss and hisAlbatros D.III from Jasta 2, which featured a swastikaon its side in 1917, could not possibly have had anyconnection to Hitler’s use of the symbol. At that time,that "damned Austrian non-commissioned officer" ofthe Bavarian army was still running around in thetrenches as a liaison.However, this historical nuance is irrelevant to theaverage layperson in Germany. Imagine someone ina German shop coming across a model of a First WorldWar Spad fighter plane from the American volunteerEscadrille Lafayette, featuring a swastika on its side.It is quite likely they would report it to the police.The police, uninterested in the historical context orthe fact that the plane bears French cockades, wouldhave to follow procedure by gathering evidence foran investigation. This involves confiscating the goodsand commissioning expert reports.After a year of investigation, the goods would bereturned, often in a slightly worse condition, alongwith a statement concluding that no law was violated,as the product has no connection to the Nazi regime.By this time, however, the shop might have alreadygone out of business. While hypothetical, similarcases have indeed occurred in Germany.None of what I’ve described may resonate wellwith history enthusiasts, but it reflects the realityof the German marketplace for manufacturersand retailers. For this reason, we avoid displayingswastikas on products intended for the Germanmarket, even when depicting subjects like GermanABOUT SWASTIKAS AND MORE…Jan BobekDetail of the symbols representing the victoriesachieved by the pilots of the Czechoslovak 310thFighter Squadron of the RAF on Hurricane Mk.I “NN-D” (P3143). The four victories indicate the aircraftis depicted as it appeared on September 7th or 8th,1940. Up to , that point, two victories had been recordedby F/Lt. G. L. Sinclair, and two more by Sgt. BohumilFürst. Later in September, additional victories wereachieved by P/O Stanislav Fejfar, Sgt. Eduard Prchal,and again by Bohumil Fürst.Hurricane Mk.I, P3143, No. 310 (Czechoslovak) Squadron, RAF Duxford, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom, September 1940.INFO Eduard108January 2025Strana 109
TAIL END CHARLIEImages from the IWMcollections show famousaces Robert S. Tuck (photono. 1), Eric S. Lock (no. 2),and the Hurricane Mk.Icoded NN-D (P3143) aircraft(no. 3) being serviced byCzechoslovak mechanics.All aircraft feature victoriesmarked in the form ofswastikas. Currently, aircraftmodel kits on the Germanmarket cannot includeswastikas, even as symbolsof aerial victories in the fightagainst the Nazi regime.This leads to sometimesabsurd connections, forinstance, Robert S. Tuck wasof Jewish origin. Strangely,this biographical detail waserased from English versionof Tuck´s Wikipedia page.INFO Eduard109January 2025Strana 110
TAIL END CHARLIEaircraft from before the NSDAP era or items with noconnection to Germany at all.As a result, you won’t find swastikas representingvictory symbols against Nazi airmen on decals in kitsfor Mustangs, Spitfires, or other aircraft destined forour German distributors. It’s an absurd situation, butthe risk of denunciation by an uninformed public issimply too great to ignore.This measure significantly complicates ourproduction process. While we hope to consult with theGerman Chamber of Commerce regarding swastikasthat are unrelated to the Nazi regime, I am unsure ifsuch efforts will lead to any meaningful resolution.The caution exercised by our German distributors willlikely outweigh the benefits of any legal clarification,and even the Spad from Escadrille Lafayette will loseits battle with the German general public.Unfortunately, this approach results in complaintsfrom customers in other countries who receive kitsfrom German dealers with decals that have beenself-censored in this way.In this context, I must also express my dismayat the opposite extreme. For instance, in the UnitedStates, it is possible for someone to march ina demonstration wearing a T-shirt or carrying a flagbearing a Nazi swastika without facing consequences.In my country, and rightly so, such behavior wouldswiftly lead to arrest, prosecution, and punishment.I am confident that no American soldier who servedin World War II would disagree with me. Promotinga regime responsible for atrocities like the slaughterof American prisoners at Malmedy, not even speakingof the rest, has nothing to do with freedom of speech.Unfortunately, the German perspective on thedisplay of the swastika is increasingly influencingother EU countries. For example, the Czech CriminalCode has been mirroring German legislation on thismatter for several years. We do not yet know whetherthe interpretation of the law will be identical, nordo we know how law enforcement authorities willhandle it. Nevertheless, we foresee significant risksin the future, which is why we are taking precautionsand removing swastikas as distinctive markingsin our kits.If Germany succeeds in thoroughly eradicating theswastika from public spaces, it will paradoxicallyrepresent a form of "final victory" 80 years afterthe war. Not only will historic German machineslose their obvious Nazi-association, but the Allies'victories over the Nazis will also fade from publicrecognition. In effect, we risk erasing the record ofthe Allied triumph over the Nazi regime from history.I believe that European countries, particularlyGermany, should focus on more pressing issues thanthe strict regulation of the swastika, which has ledto the kinds of misunderstandings and complicationsdescribed earlier. To explain what I mean, I will quoteseveral prominent figures on the topics of Russianaggression and Islamic extremism.To clarify my point, I’d like to reference the insightsof individuals more qualified than I am, particularlywhen comparing their expertise to my own 20 yearsof experience in management positions acrossseveral countries. My career includes working inan international consulting and engineering firmheadquartered in the Netherlands, with a parentcompany in Germany, half of my colleagues based inthe Gulf region and my own team including membersin Russia.One critical issue that demands attention is Russiaand the multifaceted war it is waging against the West,Ukraine, and other countries through various meansand with varying levels of intensity. Notably, Russialikely holds the record for the largest number of neo-Nazis within its borders, and in the early months ofits invasion of Ukraine, it sought to mask its colonialaggression with rhetoric about fighting UkrainianNazis and fascists. This observation is not meant todownplay the existence of neo-Nazis in Ukraine orother European countries.British General Sir Alexander Richard Shirreff,who served as Deputy Supreme Allied CommanderEurope from 2011 to 2014, published a book in 2016entitled "2017: War with Russia: An Urgent Warningfrom Senior Military Command." In this historicalfiction, he described a scenario in which Russia in2017 militarily occupied eastern Ukraine, establisheda land link with occupied Crimea, and then invadedthe Baltic states, threatening to use nuclearweapons. At the same time, Shirreff warned of theunpreparedness of British and European militaryforces for such a scenario.At the time of the book's publication, Shirreff wasconsidered by some critics to be greatly exaggeratingand risking his reputation. However, some reviewerswere of a different opinion. General WesleyK. Clark, former Supreme Allied Commander Europe(1997-2000) wrote about the book: "A must read foranyone engaged in national security policy. Shirreff'swarnings-veiled as fiction-ring with authenticity,rich in technical details and insight." Adm. JamesG. Stavridis, U.S. Navy, who twelve years later heldthe same position as Clark, summed up his opinion ofShirreff's warnings succinctly,"You fail to read thisbook at your peril."Unfortunately, history has shown that Shirreff wasmore or less mistaken only in the timing of Russia’slong-prepared invasion operation. The fact that theBaltics were not invaded is likely due to the resilienceof Ukraine’s defenders.When Shirreff’s book was published, he stated,among other things,“I think it is the duty of seniorsoldiers engaged with politicians not to think likepoliticians, not to make life easy for politicians, butto lay out the military consequences of politicaldecisions. And I sense that is something that has gotblurred in recent years.”Regarding this "blurred picture," specifically theRussian threat to Europe, Politico quoted Poland'sformer foreign minister, Radoslaw Sikorski, inMarch 2022. Sikorski, who is married to PulitzerPrize-winning author Anne Applebaum, remarked,“The Western Europeans pooh-poohed and patronizedus for these last 30 years. For years [they] werepatronizing us about our attitude: ‘Oh, you know,you over-nervous, over-sensitive Central Europeansare prejudiced against Russia.’”I believe that Western European security andmilitary forces, including those in Germany, haveexperienced an uncomfortable awakening aboutRussia in recent years. However, I cannot shake thefeeling that they need to significantly increase theirefforts, particularly in arms production, which shouldnot be impeded by banks or politicians. Russianpower structures are highly experienced in influenceoperations and maintain numerous supportersamong European extremists and neo-Nazis. Russia isalready waging a form of war against us, yet it seemsthat Europe remains hesitant to fully acknowledgethe reality of the situation.In the spring of 2022, during a conversation witha senior executive at one of Germany’s largestautomotive manufacturers, the director laughedwhen the topic of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine cameup. He claimed that Russia was not the enemy andthat Germany’s real rival was the United States.Fortunately, over the past two years, I have seenconsiderable evidence that the perspective withinGerman industry has shifted, with the compassturning back toward the West and away from Moscow.Undoubtedly, this shift has been influenced bythe courageous resistance of the Ukrainians, whichstarkly contrasts with the collapse of the Afghanarmed forces during the rushed withdrawal of theU.S. and its allies from Afghanistan.The second issue that Germany and other WesternEuropean states should address with a renewedapproach is the risk highlighted in 2017 by the thenForeign Minister of the United Arab Emirates, HisHighness Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan at the Tweepsconference:"And let me say this in English so you can understandwhat I am saying.“Compere:„I have translation.“„No, I know you have translation, I just want to makesure you get it right…There will come a day when we will see far moreradical extremists and terrorists coming out ofEurope because of lack of decision making, trying tobe politically correct or assuming that they know theMiddle East and they know Islam and they know theothers far better than we do.And I'm sorry, but that's pure ignorance."One final thought: what is more dangerous—a swastika painted on a model of a historic aircraft,serving as a reminder of the horrors of a war fromwhich we all unequivocally dissociate ourselves, orpeople waving flags and shouting slogans calling forgenocide, without even pretending to dissociate fromthe atrocities of recent years?I sincerely hope that, in the years ahead, Europeanpoliticians, authorities, and citizens can move beyondignorance, "blurring," and political correctness whenaddressing the issues that genuinely threaten Europe.INFO Eduard110January 2025Strana 111
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Orders can be placed by mail, telephone, fax or through the website.(www.guidelinepublications.co.uk) Plus postage and packing on all orders.Overseas readers pay postage at air mail printed paper rate.For more information and secure ordering please visit:www.guidelinepublications.co.ukWWAARRPPAAIINNTT BBOOOOKKSSDassaultMMIIRRAAGGEE FF11By Andy EvansA French Air Force Mirage F1 returns to its missionafter receiving fuel from a US Air Force KC-10Extender while flying over Afghanistan in support ofOperation ‘Enduri ng Freedom’, on 25 November2010. (US Air Force Photo/Staff Sgt. Eric Harris)WARPAINT SERIES No.142Master 19/03/2024 20:24 Page 58BoeingBB--2299andBB--5500SuperfortressBy Kev DarlingB-29 Superfortress 44-70072 X-55 named Limber Richard of the 5thBombardment Squadron, 9th Bombardment Group, flying toward Japanwith other squadron bombers in 1945. The bombing missions againstJapan a 3,500 mile round trip, could last as long as sixteen hours. Alsoshown is at least one B-29 of the 1st BS of the same group, completewith black and yellow rear fuselage and fin bands. (USAF via DRJ)WARPAINT SERIES No.143aster 21/06/2024 14:48 Page 118MilMMii--44 HHoouunnddBy Jakub FojtíkPh.D.Aeroflot departments all over the large territory of theUSSR were provided with standard Mi-4 and Mi-4As,without the underbelly gondola with machine gun andIFF device . Thes e heli copters were occa sionallyreferred to as Mi-4SP (SP stands for Serial andPasseng er) and retain ed milita ry-style circularwindows but were equipped with a passenger interior.WARPAINT SERIES No.144paint Master 20/08/2024 15:00 Page 86PPeemmbbrrookkeePPrriinnccee&&SSeeaa PPrriinncceeBy Adrian M. BalchWV701 was one of the last Pembroke C.1s inRAF service with No.60 Squadron at RAFWildenrath, Germany in July 1977. 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Good Day, Dear Modelers
One year has come to an end and another has begun, bringing us to the right time to describe what we want to accomplish in the near future. But don't expect anything groundbreaking today. You already know about most of the new products being prepared for this year, whether from our involvement with E-day or from other sources. Today I will only reference projects that we are more or less certain we will complete this year. As part of the presentation of this year's new products, I will only deal with new kits today, and I’ll skip accessory items, except to say that in all of our main branches of accessory lines, that is to say in photoetched, masks and Brassins, we are working on various types of innovations. These are often quite fundamental steps that, if successful, will bring interesting advancement both in the form of improved quality and increased quantity of production, as well as in the form of new products and perhaps even new product lines. However, none of these innovations are yet at a stage where they can be put to good use, so there is no real point in writing about them today. But don't worry, as soon as any of these new manufacturing processes are ready to launch, we'll let you know and introduce you to the new products that these processes will allow.
Last year we premiered two kits, the P-51B in 1:48 scale, and the P-51D in 1:72nd. In addition, we completed the Bf 109 G-6/G-14 and G-10 series in 1:72, and we produced molds for the first all-new release of the year, the P-40E Warhawk in 48th. We will start shipping these to those that preordered the Royal Class kit next week, and these kits will arrive at retailers with other new releases for February, 2025 a week or so later.
P-40E WARHAWK, 1:48
Our Warhawk kit brings with it a few subtle innovations. One of them is the speed of implementation. We started working on this project in the fall of 2023. From the initiation of the design to the completion of all the molds, it took us a year. It may seem like a long time to you, but in reality, this is pretty quick. Usually, it takes us about twice as long to take a project of similar scope to completion. We achieved that one year window from start to finish thanks to the design process that we first tested five years ago when designing the first version of our Zero, and also because developing the molds for the P-40E had shared top priority in production during the second half of the year. It almost means that we were able to squeeze into production a mold for the fuselage with fillet for the 48th scale P-51B and a mold for three variants of the 72nd scale Bf 109 G-10. Such small things. I understand that some of you are not very excited about these ideas, but the kits are really very nice and of course require their share of honest work. It's not just a minor change involving the changing of the name on the box and the instructions.
The second subtle innovation is hidden within the surface of the kit. We experienced a certain lack of uniformity when it came to larger surface areas, namely those of the fuselage and wings. This was especially noticeable in the riveting, which tended to be inconsistent over large areas of real estate of the large parts. Sometimes it was more noticeable, sometimes less, of course it did not look good and was subject to justified criticism. Something had to be done about it. After all, riveting is one of the most striking highlights of our kits. We have worked intensively on solving this problem in recent months, we have made several adjustments to out machine settings and the system of continuous measurement of sparking parameters, and we have introduced a mandatory procedure for checking the machine parameter settings and calibrating the measuring probe during the set-up of the electroabrasive process. You can judge the result for yourself. We like it and we will closely monitor compliance with our set technological specs in order to maintain this surface style at the highest possible level.
We are releasing the Royal Class in quantities that have been determined by customer pre-orders on our e-shop and dealer orders. The result will be that we will most likely not have any left at the end of January out of the entire run of 4,000 units. However, these kits will still be available through retailers for some time. As a new product in March, they will be replaced in our catalog by the Limited Edition release called ‘Pacific Star’. It will, as expected, be a Dual Combo boxing, with a production run set at 3,000 units, and I assume that it will remain available for several months. Or at least weeks. Anyway, next in line will be the Profipack version, which will be a June release. In the summer, the P-40N will be released along a like line of standards, starting with the Royal Class, followed by the Limited Edition kit and then in the fall by the Profipack. Or rather, Profipacks...plural, because there will be two versions, differing in the design of the canopy, the P-40M and the P-40N.
KAMIKAZE TOKKÔTAI / A6M5 Zero Model 52 & A6M2-K Zero Model 11 1/48
After a long break, we will continue also with our Zero family of kits. The completion only really requires the two-seat versions, and the late versions Zero Model 52 and Zero Model 63. The subject of the Zero Model 52 is a complex one. If we do not count the two-seat variant of this model, it is actually made up of four development versions, differing primarily in armament. This looks like a great potential for the release of several versions, but in reality it is quite difficult to distinguish these machines from one another. When you add to this the famous variety of Japanese WWII naval aircraft consisting of green camouflage, national markings and some code marking on the rudder, then the great potential turns into a dilemma of what to do. From the modeler's point of view, the whole thing seems like a mass of green boredom. From the manufacturer's point of view, it is rather a small modeler's version of hell. The differences in the versions are essentially small and not very noticeable, but for most interested people unforgettable in the long run. However, as is known, each type has its experts, for whom the release of the subject of their lifelong study and, I dare say, passion, is an opportunity to apply their knowledge and dominate the show. Thanks to them, hundreds of modelers, about half of whom only knew that the Zero Model 52 existed and the other half not even that, will become experts who have a completely clear understanding of what the manufacturer must do to cover the kit properly, what to represent and definitely what not to omit. We manufacturers are truly happy about this. With the Zero Model 52, the differences, I emphasize once again that in their individuality are really small differences, but these have led us to develop seven new molds for this specific version, three for the wings, two for the fuselage, and two more molds for sprues with small detail parts. We will use three of them in the Kamikaze Tokkôtai kit, since four of them are for the A6M5 Zero Model 52c, which will not be in this kit.
So what’s it all mean? As many times before, we will now go about it through a storyline in which we will connect the technical history, describing the evolution of the technical development of these machines, with the history of their combat deployment, and above all with the fates of their crews. Through our line of kits we will retell one of the great stories of humanity, the story of the pilots known as Kamikaze. We will look at the history of the Kamikaze units a little differently than has been customary in the West. We will look at it more from a Japanese perspective, we will try to explain not only the history of the operational deployment, but also the motives that led to it, and the Japanese social view of its participants, the pilots who gave their lives for their homeland. However, we will not neglect the perspective of the other side, without which the explanation of the circumstances of this epic duel of two cultures would be complete. Technically, from the point of view of the composition of the kit, this will of course not be a comprehensive coverage of this history. It will be just a snippet, just the part of history in which the Zero was involved. We will only write about other types of aircraft and units, for example military ones, that participated in the Kamikaze attacks in accompanying texts, mainly in our newsletter. On the other hand, you don't have to worry that it will be boring from the point of view of technical history. From the kit, which will of course be a Dual Combo with two complete sets of plastic, it will be possible to build one of three different versions of the Zero Model 52, namely the Model 52, 52a and 52b, and the two-seat A6M2-K Zero Model 11. We are adding this to the Kamikaze Tokkôtai kit because training aircraft were often used in operational deployment by Kamikaze units. And the two-seat Zero is a famous airplane, which has the chance to give this kit a stamp of exceptionalism. There are so many exceptional things about it that there is neither the time nor space here and now to explain all of these. Honza Bobek will outline these in articles on the topic of Kamikaze. For example, why the two-seat Zero Model 11, when it was built on the basis of the Zero Model 21? We made two more new molds for the two-seat version of the Zero. So in total, there are five new sprues for this kit. The Kamikaze Tokkôtai kit is currently scheduled for April, and I think that in this case we will meet that deadline. Which may not be the case for many other new products, planned mainly for the second half of the year.
MiG-21bis, 1:72
Again after a long absence, we return to an aircraft the previous versions of which were front and centre quite a while back. The last introduction of a new release among the 72nd MiG-21s was five years ago, in January 2020, with the MiG-21PFM, and in April of that year, with the MiG-21PF. But I think that in this case a longer break is not a bad thing. At least no one will write to us in the comments on Facebook that we only produce MiGs and that we might want to consider also releasing something else. In this case, we are releasing exactly that ‘something else’ right? Right now there are similar complaints that we are still releasing only boring Messerschmitts and Mustangs.
The MiG-21bis is based on previous versions of the MiG-21 kit, primarily the MiG-21MF, specifically the version in the Czech Republic and Slovakia called ‘the Greys’, and as it was dubbed in our previous kits, the MiG-21MF Fighter Bomber. The new kit will also use some parts from the MiG-21MF Fighter Bomber kit, specifically it will contain sprues with small detail parts and armament, as well as the original wing. The new kit will have a sprue with newly designed parts, primarily the fuselage, the fuselage spine with the rudder, and a number of optional small parts. Some of them are engine parts, or rather exhaust nozzles to be more precise, some are for the cockpit, and many of them represent various antennae and sensors, which were mainly found on the modernized bis in the nineties and were different for different users. The first higher standard release will be the Royal Class kit, followed by the Profipack and later the Weekend version. In this case, we will probably skip the Limited Edition release, at least for this year.
Structurally and technologically, we have the SMT and R versions ready. The most complex from the point of view of production is the MiG-21R, which has a new fuselage and wing sprue, as well as one additional one with weapons and equipment, on which the most space is taken up by three versions of reconnaissance pods. However, we do not expect the release of these versions this year, and are going with a first release next year.
MiG-21F-13 1:48
Last year, after the January newsletter was published, there was great discontent among Czech modelers over the decision to postpone the production of kits of purely Czechoslovak aircraft and give priority to Mustangs and other, from our point of view, more desirable types, especially the P-40. We have fulfilled this part of our plan for this year, and in the second half of last year we were already working on the production of molds for the MiG-21F-13. Including the cockpit, there are eight sprues that will be in the kit, but the one containing the parts for the armament will be there twice, for a grand total of nine. The MiG-21F kit will be technically manufactured to the latest Eduard standard. The surface will be completely and realistically riveted, which means that there will be several tens of thousands of rivets on it, and overall I dare say that it will be one of the best and most beautiful kits you will get your hands on this year. The release schedule has not yet been decided. We are also working on a book that should be in the Limited Edition kit dedicated to the Czechoslovak MiG-21F-13, but it is not yet clear whether this edition will be released first, or whether it will be, perhaps, the Royal Class kit. In any case, we have budgeted the work on this project so that the MiG-21F-13 will have its premiere at this year's E-day.
We have four other projects in the production process that are complete in terms of design, but we do not yet have a release date for them. We will specify this during the first half of this year, and it is almost certain that at least one of these projects will no longer fit into our program this year. These are: the Albatros D.III 1:72, the Messerschmitt Bf 109 K-4 1:72, the Spitire Mk.I 1:72 and the P-51B Mustang 1:32. Then there is a fifth project, the Avia S-199 in 1:48th.
At least two of them will still fit into this year's program. They will most likely be the Albatros D.III in 1:72 and the Bf 109 K-4, also 1:72. Both are relatively simple, and the Albatros D.III is being outsourced, we are not producing the mold ourselves. The implementation of the Bf 109 K-4 involves completing a single mold, and that will not be difficult at all. It will be more difficult for the Spitfire Mk.I, not to mention that this project also includes the Spitfire Mk.II and, above all, several versions of the Spitfire Mk.V. The most complex and demanding is, perhaps obviously, the Mustang in 1:32nd scale. Prioritizing will be a difficult decision, which will be influenced by the progress of work on the projects described in the previous paragraphs. But I promise that we will let you know the result by the summer at the latest.
We are preparing two projects for this year that are based on HKM – Hong Kong Models molds. In the first half of the year, it will be the Lancaster Mk.I 1:48, and in the second half, the B-25J Mitchell, also in 1:48 scale. We are still working on the concept of both kits, and we will present them in detail in the coming months.
E-day, 2025
This year, E-Day will move to the Zahrada Čech exhibition center in Litoměřice. E-Day at the Tankodrom in Milovice, where we have been organizing it for the last three years, had its charm. The area undoubtedly has charisma, suitable for a model exhibition and the potential to organize accompanying events, such as flight demonstrations. Unfortunately, it also has its limitations, especially spatial, due to it being impossible to free up the entire area of the exhibition hall. Another problem is the dut and limited space on the catwalks where the competition models were exhibited. That is why we were looking for an alternative, and the area of the exhibition center in Litoměřice meets our requirements. Of course, we do not expect everything to be ideal and, at least for the first year, I expect some criticism to come under the spotlight. For example, we will probably have to give up the flight demonstrations. The exhibition will be located in several halls, maybe even as many as five, but I think that will not be a problem. We will have separate rooms for lectures and workshops, we will have enough space for catering, a sufficiently large parking lot and, last but not least, we will be close to the center of Litoměřice, which offers enough accommodation and catering capacities and evening program options. Which is something that modelers will certainly welcome. The date for this year's E-Day is the first weekend in October and it will again be in a one-and-a-half-day format. This means that the main program will take place on Saturday, October 4th, but the acceptance of models will begin on Friday, October 3rd in the afternoon, and we will have an accompanying program prepared for late Friday afternoon and early evening, similar to what we had at Milovice and before that in Lysá nad Labem. However, I must admit that I have been thinking about returning to a two-day format for a long time, about extending E-day to Sunday. I understand that many modelers will be resistant to this, but on the other hand, it would free up time for other accompanying events, for which we do not have enough time in the current format, and the event is marked by a certain hectic pace and time stress. If the restaurants in Litoměřice prove accommodating, why not spend a Saturday evening there and have a good chat? We do it that way in Moson too, and we like it, so why can't we have it that way at home? Litoměřice is no worse than Moson, and Moson is pretty darned good.
In December, we published the first complimentary issue of the paid supplement of our newsletter, the Eduard Modeler's Den. In the second half of January, we expect the launch of the first, paid issue. If you missed the complimentary issue, you can check it out here. As noted, it is a free trial, so that you can see what the EMD, as we call it for short, is all about before you commit. At the same time, in the complimentary issue you will also find the conditions of purchase and other information for making your decision an easy one. I do not hide that our wish is that your decision will be ‘Yes, I want it!’, and there are a number of benefits to going that route.
In the paragraph about the Kamikaze Tokkôtai kit, I mentioned the lectures. The first one will be in a week, on Saturday, January 18th in Prostějov. We are organizing it in cooperation with Mr. Nevečeřala, the owner of the MN Modelář on-line store. We will tell you as much as possible about the Kamikaze Tokkôtai project, as well as about the upcoming Lancaster and P-40N, and also about the latest developments in 3D printing. Participation in the event requires registration, which you can create here.
This year marks 33 years since Eduard was founded as a limited liability company. However, the first photoetched products under the Eduard brand appeared two years earlier, because for the first two years we operated in a simpler legal form, as a trade. We are not taking a holiday or anything like that, but it doesn't hurt to recollect…
So in closing, I wish you all a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year, my dear Friends!
Happy Modeling!
Vladimir Sulc
The NR-30 Aircraft Mounted Weapon
The NR-30 aircraft cannon was designed by Soviet designers A. E. Nudelman and A. A. Richter in the mid-1950s. The name of the weapon was derived from the initials of their surnames (Nudelman, Richter) and the number ‘30’ refers to the weapon’s caliber. This period was characterized by a great boom in the design and production of new types of jet aircraft in the Soviet Union and, by extension, their internal gun armament. This specific cannon was gradually installed in the Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-19S fighter (three in the nose of the aircraft, all equipped with a muzzle brake at the end of the barrel), the supersonic MiG-21F (on the right side of the fuselage, below the cockpit), the Sukhoi Su-7BM, BKL fighter-bombers (one in each wing root, just behind the cockpit, without muzzle brakes) and later the Su-17 M3, M4, UM-3 (the latter two-seat version with only one cannon in the right wing) and its export variants Su-22M3, M4, UM-3K, with a like number of cannons as the Su-7. Due to the political division of the world at that time and the existence of a military grouping of countries in the socialist camp, called the Warsaw Pact, the above-mentioned types gradually entered the inventory of the air force of the former ČSLA (Czechoslovak People's Army). The ammunition was initially produced in and imported from the Soviet Union, but later it began to be produced in Czechoslovakia, initially under license, but later as an evolution under its own development program. The weapon was designed to deal with aerial as well as ground targets effectively.
TEXT: Tomáš Dedera
The NR-30 cannon is an automatic weapon with a continuous, double-sided belt feed, the operation of which is based on the principle of using recoil energy with a short barrel recoil. During barrel recoil, the rotary bolt is unlocked and accelerated backward by a lever accelerator. A gas gate is used to brake the barrel recoil and bring it back to its forward position - it uses gunpowder gases taken from within the gun barrel. These gases are fed into the gas cylinder through channels and fill the working space in front, sealed by the piston and at the rear by inserts with sealing rings. During barrel recoil, the barrel collar first hits the piston, causing it to move with the collar and the barrel as the recoil continues. The gas channels are closed off by engaging the insert sealing rings and the gases in the gas cylinder are compressed. Their pressure exerts a force on the piston surface that slows the barrel's backward momentum and, after stopping, returns it to the forward position. Just before reaching this forward position, the gunpowder gases from the cylinder are blown out of the system.
The simple rifled barrel is supplemented with a muzzle brake in some variants of the weapon, which simultaneously functions as a flame suppressor and directs the escaping exhaust gases outside the aircraft. The gun is cocked pneumatically (by compressed air), and fired electronically, by releasing the bolt from the rear position. The electric trigger circuit includes a round counter and a signal indicating the need for pneumatic cocking. A silencer is inserted between the weapon and its mount in the aircraft.
NR-30 Technical Specifications
Caliber 30 x 155B mm Number of rifled Grooves in the Barrel 16 Initial Muzzle Velocity 780±10 m/s Weight 66,5 kg Firing Rate minimum 850 rounds per minute Ammunition Round Weight 410 g Minimum Air Pressure for Automatic Cocking 3.8 MPa Recoil Force max. 6000 kg Recoil Length - Barrel 100 mm Recoil Length - Bolt 302 mm
Main NR-30 Components and their Function
Barrel – Defines round direction, speed and rotation, thanks to a rifled bore with sixteen rotations, in the form of a right-handed thread. In the middle of the barrel length there are 10 holes for the discharge of exhaust gases into the gas cylinder. In the rear part of the barrel there is a bullet-shaped cartridge chamber.
Breech Casing – This item is connected to the barrel and moves 100 mm back and forth with it in the gun housing when firing.
Breech – Consists of the head and body of the breech assembly. The feeder inserts the cartridge into the head of the breech, the bolt inserts the cartridge into the chamber and locks it. The cartridge is fired mechanically after the chamber is locked.
Gun Casing – Serves to guide the barrel and the breech block during firing, and also serves as locator for the weapon control mechanisms – the feeder, trigger, cocking cylinder and accelerators. The gun is attached to the aircraft structure via the gun casing. It is blocked off at the rear by a shutter.
Cocking Cylinder – Serves to cock the weapon by supplying compressed air at a pressure of 50atm, which moves a slide from the rear position and inserts a cartridge from the cartridge belt into the slide head. It also contains a preloaded spring, which is compressed during cocking. The slide is held in the rear position by a trigger.
Electromagnetic Trigger – Used to remotely control the firing of the cannon. After applying current, the bolt is released and thrown forward under the pressure of the preloaded spring.
Ammunition Feeder – Used to advance the cartridge link belt and insert the cartridges into the breech.
Gas Cylinder – Serves to dampen recoil when fired. Some of the exhaust gases are directed into it through holes in the barrel and are further compressed there. The floating piston is compressed by the barrel nut.
Recoil Accelerator – Serves to unlock the chamber after discharging a round. The accelerator lever transfers the movement of the barrel to the accelerator plate, which accelerates the movement of the bolt relative to the barrel, thereby rotating the bolt head and thus unlocking the chamber.
Pre-slide Accelerator – Serves to accelerate the movement of the breech with the cartridge into the chamber, thereby increasing the rate of fire.
Barrel Lock – Closes the rear part of the barrel housing, dampens the movement of the bolt at its rear position and keeps the cocking cylinder in the correct position. It is connected to the barrel housing by a thread.
breech casting
Overall view of the NR-30 aircraft cannon equipped with a muzzle break as would be found on, for example, the MiG-19S.
Principle behind Cannon Operation during Pneumatic Tensioning
By channeling compressed air from the pressure cylinder to the cocking cylinder of the weapon, the barrel with the breech block and the locked breech is pulled backwards. In the initial phase of the movement, the recoil accelerator is activated, which unlocks the chamber and moves the breech block to the rear position, where it is caught by a trigger. The barrel with the breech block is pulled further backwards to the rearmost position (100 mm). After releasing the cocking button, the compressed air returns the barrel with the breech block to the front position. The movement of the barrel backwards and forwards is simultaneously transmitted by gears to the ammunition feeder, which advances the cartridge belt by one round and inserts the cartridge into the breech block. This makes the weapon ready for firing. This is indicated in the cockpit by the lighting of a red indicator light after the electrical installation contacts in the trigger are engaged.
Principle behind Cannon Function during Firing
After applying electric current to the trigger of the weapon, the bolt is released, which, under the pressure of the tensioned spring inserts the round into the cartridge chamber and locks it. After locking, the round is mechanically fired. The resulting exhaust gases exert pressure on the bottom of the round and the bottom of the cartridge case. The round begins to move forward and the barrel with the breech block backward. The effect of the recoil accelerator kicks in, the cartridge chamber is unlocked and the breech with the empty cartridge is moved backward, where it is captured by the electromagnetic trigger. At the moment when the round passes the vent holes in the barrel, some of the exhaust gases are released into the gas cylinder. As a result of the movement of the barrel, the gas cylinder space is closed and the resulting gases are compressed by a floating piston, which is moved by the barrel nut. Compressing the gases dampens the effects of recoil arising during the firing sequence. When the barrel reaches its rear position, it returns to the front position under the pressure of the gases in the gas cylinder. In the front position, the gases from the gas cylinder escape to the outside. The movement of the barrel is simultaneously transferred to the feeder, which moves the cartridge belt by one round and inserts another cartridge into the breech head. This pushes out the spent cartridge and ejects it outside the aircraft, while the ammunition belt links are channeled to a box for collecting them inside the aircraft. After returning the barrel to the front position, if the breech is in the rear position and electric current is still supplied to the trigger, the automatic operation of the firing sequence is repeated and the cannon fires another round.
NR-30 30x155B Ammunition Types
The development and the evolution of the NR-30 system was not limited to the weapon itself. The ammunition evolved as well. As noted earlier, the 30 designator refers to the caliber of ammunition used in millimeters, while 155 specifies the length of the cartridge, also in millimeters. During the development of the weapon, a range of ammunition types was also introduced:
OFZ (NATO Equivalent HEI) – high-explosive – incendiary with a head fuse,
BR (APHE) – armor-piercing – high-explosive with a bottom fuse, PRL – anti-radar chaff,
LP (TP) – inert, for verifying the function of the weapon,
FZ – high-explosive – incendiary (anti-balloon).
Later, the following types of rounds were developed and modified:
OFZ – modernized, ME – multi-element.
This does not complete the list of available rounds used in the NR-30. Those listed above are base types, used by the Czechoslovak and later, the Czech Republic Air Forces.
Two pieces of steel cartridge links designed for the NR-30 cannon, the articulated connections of the links allows the belt’s shaping within the ammunition box and in the supply sleeve to the cannon.
Belts inside the ammunition boxes of a Su-22M4 aircraft, the boxes, like the cannons in the wings, are offset relative to each other for spatial reasons.
Visual inspection confirming correct installation of the ammunition belt, the armament specialist holding the lid of the feed to the left NR-30 cannon of a Su-22M4. Photographed from the fuselage of the aircraft, from a modeling perspective, the vents in the wing and the overall operational wear around the blast cover are of note.
Detail of the right side of the fuselage of a MiG-21F below the cockpit, with elements of the mounting lugs for the installation of the NR – 30 cannon, which forms the basic gun armament of this type of aircraft.
NR–30 cannon in the right wing root of a Polish Air Force Su–22UM–3K aircraft. It is worth noting that the fuselage and wing parts were shielded with stainless steel metal panels (picture on the left before firing), in order to protect the surface from the undesirable effects of exhaust gases generated during firing (right).
Top view of the NR-30 cannon muzzle brake with exhaust gas vents.
The cannon in the previous photos, used as a instructional aid, was originally installed in the wing of a MiG-19S fighter (which can be derived from the shape of the exhaust vents on the muzzle brake).
Detail of the NR-30 cannon in the right, lower part of the nose of the aircraft. There is a clear difference in the number and shape of the exhaust vents and, as with other aircraft armed with the cannon in the wing root, the ever-present stainless steel blast shield embedded in the fuselage side.
Detail of the right wing cannon – in the other pictures, there is a clear difference in the shape and number of exhaust vents of the muzzle brake, and as in the case of the Su-22, the adjacent fuselage of the aircraft is protected by a heat resistant steel panel, necessary for when the cannon is actually employed.
Detail of the muzzle brake of the right wing cannon – the front part of the brake is worth noting, which is welded together from several parts, but they are not further mechanically modified and, overall, they look quite rough.
The Cruiser Georgios Averof
The stern of the cruiser Averof.
Text and photo: Petr Uzsák
Greece is a popular southern European destination for tourists from all over the world. If you are interested in military history and visit the capital city of Athens, you will have a surprisingly wide range of options for pursuing your passion. One of the interesting attractions, especially for land-based tourists, is the preserved Greek cruiser Georgios Averof.
First, a little history. The ship was built as a modified cruiser of the Italian Pisa-class at the Orlando shipyard in Livorno. The keel was laid in 1907 and the hull of the vessel was launched in 1910. As is sometimes the case, at that time the Italian naval budget was running precariously short of funds, so the government decided to sell the ship. The Greek naval attache there found out about this, informed his superiors and after a positive response, Italy officially offered the ship to Greece. The latter seized the opportunity to strengthen its naval capabilities and purchased the ship with the help of the financial inheritance of the deceased merchant and philanthropist Georgios Averof. For this being made possible, Averof was posthumously rewarded by having the vessel named after him, and it still bears his name today. In addition, it became the flagship of the Greek naval fleet for a long period. The cruiser was officially accepted by the navy on May 16th, 1911.
From a structural point of view, it was an interesting mix of equipment, because the main gun armament was British, of Armstrong production, the boilers were French from the Belleville company, the steam engines were domestically produced in Italy and the hull was protected by German steel from the Krupp company, as were the electric generators. The armament consisted of four 9.2 inch (234mm) main guns, placed in pairs in turrets at the bow and stern of the vessel. On each side there were a pair of turrets equipped with twin 7.5 inch (190mm) for a total of eight guns. All turrets were enclosed in a modern cruiser-type construction with ammunition supplied from below deck. The additional armament consisted of single 76 and 47mm guns, together with a three-barreled 17 inch (430mm) torpedo tube. However, in later times the ship underwent reconstructions and the auxiliary armament changed.
As for the dimensions and performance of the ship, the numbers are as follows. Length was 460 feet (140m), width was 69 feet (21m) and maximum draft 23.5 feet (7m). The highest displacement was 10,200 tons and the engines delivered 19,000 horsepower. The vessel, driven by two propellers, could reach a maximum speed of 23.5 knots per hour (approximately 43km/h), and at a cruising speed of 17.5 knots per hour, range was 2,480 nautical miles, (4,590km), which was completely sufficient for Mediterranean operations. The standard crew consisted of 655 sailors and 32 officers, the maximum transport capacity was a total of 1,200 people.
The cruiser Averof in its heyday.
The Averof on a period postcard.
Averof diagram.
After the ship was delivered to Greece, crew training began, which paid off the following year when the ship took part in the First Balkan War. It was a conflict with Turkey over control of the Aegean Sea. Not long after, the ship intervened in World War I and immediately after that in the Greek-Turkish War. At that time, Averof mainly ensured the safe passage of convoys or shelled Turkish positions along the coast. After the lost war, Greek settlers and soldiers were withdrawn from what was then Turkish territory, and the ship assisted in their evacuation. After that, Averof's service continued in peacetime, the vessel was sent to France in 1925 for extensive maintenance and modifications, which were completed in 1927.
During World War II, Greece was initially neutral, but in 1941, when Germany defeated the Greek land forces, the ship's crew managed to escape from mainland Greece and, with a stopover in Crete, was able to reach Alexandria, Egypt. All this under the imminent threat of air raids by German aircraft, which at that time hit many Greek and British vessels. Noteworthy is the fact that the crew disobeyed a direct order to sink the ship and chose to fight against German and Italian forces in exile. As part of the Allied formations, Averof then participated in escorting convoys in the Indian Ocean with its home port in Bombay. However, by then it was already struggling with wear and tear on its propulsion units, which limited its operational capabilities.
Another significant moment for the cruiser Averof came in October, 1944, when it transported the Greek government-in-exile from Cairo, Egypt, to liberated Athens. After the war, the ship continued its honorable service for several years, but technical problems and age could no longer be ignored, so in 1952 the flagship was decommissioned from the fleet. It was then anchored off the island of Salamis (famous for the naval battle fought between the ancient Greeks and the Persian invaders) and in 1956 transported to the island of Poros, where it awaited its next fate until 1983, serving as a training ship. That same year, the command of the Hellenic Navy decided to make Averof a museum ship. For this purpose, a year later, it was towed to Palaio Faliro Bay in Athens. Here it was anchored, equipped with maritime-themed collections and made available for public viewing.
A tour of the ship allows you to get acquainted with the two enclosed decks and the superstructure around the bridge. The bridge itself is not accessible, but you can look inside. The superstructures are accessible by stairs, but the light armament has been removed. The masts, smokestacks, skylights, cranes and motor boats have been preserved. The bridge is a roofed and glazed room above the forward gun turret, quite small, but much of the equipment is clearly visible, such as the steering wheel, compass, sound pipes and telegraph equipment for each of the engine rooms separately. Immediately behind it is the combat bridge, protected by 130mm thick armor, from where the ship was controlled in combat situations. It houses the rangefinder for the main armament. Under the bridge are the firing positions of the auxiliary armament, but without the guns installed. There is also a souvenir shop on the ship, which is located in the forward superstructure right behind the gun turret and it is possible to buy a number of theme appropriate souvenirs. You can also look into the forward gun turret, which is fully equipped, but due to the thick and dusty plexiglass it is not possible to take quality photos. At the rear of the superstructure there is an auxiliary wheelhouse, located in an armored turret, which in its upper part carries an artillery rangefinder for the main guns. You can also look into the wheelhouse and will be surprised by its miniature dimensions.
Below decks, on the other hand, are spacious and well-organized. The ship's interior is equipped with period artifacts, such as various types of uniforms, medals, as well as folding furniture or hanging beds for regular sailors. Of course, the officers were assigned their own cabins and also their own dining room, but the ship also has an admiral's suite with its own dining room and salon. Interestingly, there were separate kitchens for the crew, officers and admiral. These are also accessible below deck. Separate displays guide the visitor through the history of the ship, including portraits of commanders and artifacts of participation in various important events, such as the coronation of the English king. The aforementioned uniforms map out the entire service life of the ship, including tropical variants when serving in equatorial waters. An interesting example is the sail for transferring coal to the below deck storage bunkers, which was undoubtedly strenuous work, especially in the summer, taking into account dust and sweat.
The exhibition also includes fragments of Turkish artillery shells from the battle in 1912, bags with sailors' equipment (colored according to their assignment to starboard or port), life jackets, flashlights and navigational instruments. Other interesting features include preserved racks for storing the crew's rifles, including the weapons themselves, a ship's bakery and blacksmith shop, and a ship's chapel dedicated to St. Nicholas, the patron saint of sailors. It is located in the superstructure at the stern.
But not all parts of the ship are accessible, because it has its permanent crew, who also require a certain amount of space. Apparently for security reasons, it is not possible to enter the engine rooms, which are accessible to passages, but not to ordinary visitors. It is certainly a good thing that most of the descriptions on the displays are also in English.
Although the Greeks sometimes refer to the Averof as a battleship, in terms of design and tonnage it is an armored cruiser. But this does not detract from the ship's importance, as evidenced by the rule that every Greek military ship that passes the anchored Averof pays homage to it, the crew standing at attention and the officers saluting.
Due to the ongoing construction work on the pier where the cruiser is moored, it is not possible to photograph the entire ship, only a view from the rear hemisphere is possible. The reason for expanding the pier is to enrich the exhibition with other military vessels, allegedly including a submarine, but the ship's crew itself estimates that all work will be completed within a few years. In any case, Georgios Averof is a unique testament to the level of naval architecture from the beginning of the last century, which is worth a visit and will certainly delight anyone interested in maritime history.
The stern turret with the 9.2 inch (234mm) guns, the open door on the left leads to the ship's chapel.
The interior of the chapel of St. Nicholas.
The stern auxiliary wheelhouse, with an artillery rangefinder in the upper part.
The port side of the ship and the forward gun turret with a pair of 7.5 inch (190mm) guns.
View of the bridge. The front door leads to the bridge, behind it is the oval armored wall of the combat bridge, and the door on the right leads to the navigation cabin. Above the combat bridge is an artillery rangefinder.
Interior of the bridge.
View from the right part of the bridge towards the stern on the starboard side of the cruiser with a side gun turret.
Below deck display. Among the mannequins there are sailor duffle bags with a red background to the number, port side.
Passage to the lower deck. On the wall is the name of the manufacturer and the year of construction of the ship.
Crew spaces below deck. The furniture was foldable and was always hung on ceiling brackets after meals, while the hammocks had to be cleaned by the sailors every morning.
Passage to the engine room, unfortunately not accessible to visitors.
The crew's personal weapons were used for ceremonial or guard duties, among others.
Officer's lounge and dining room combined.
View of the foredeck. Anchor chains and a breakwater are visible in front of the gun turret, with the bridge above it. The side gun turrets are also partially visible.
Museum Ship Averof
Marina Flisvos
Trokadero, Paleo Faliro
175 10 Greece
Getting There
Bus: 101, 217, 550, A1, B1, B2 Tram: ‘Trokadero’ tram stop
Car: Via National Road E75 which leads to ‘Poseidonos’ Avenue Via ‘Syngrou’ Avenue
Hours of Operation
Monday: Closed
Tuesday to Friday: 09:00 – 14:00
Weekends and Special Holidays: 10:00 – 17:00
Air War in Ukraine
Launch of an ATACMS missile from an M270 MLRS launcher. Illustrative photo by the US Army.
ATACMS and Oreshnik Missiles in Action
Text: Miro Barič
The period of air warfare in Ukraine covered in this report (November 1 to November 30) might seem quieter at first glance. Only one confirmed aerial loss occurred between both sides. However, numerous events related to the air war took place, with the most significant ones being the use of ATACMS missiles by Ukraine and Oreshnik missiles by Russia.
The sole confirmed aerial loss during this period occurred on Thursday, November 7. In the Kursk region, a group of Russian helicopters took off to support ground forces but was intercepted by Ukrainian FPV drones. A Kamov Ka-52 from the 15th Army Aviation Brigade was hit and destroyed. Both crew members ejected; the navigator was injured, but the pilot, Ilya Noskov, did not survive.
Another loss for Russian helicopter aviation occurred on Sunday, November 10, although this time on the ground. At the Klin airbase in the Moscow region, a saboteur set a Mi-24 helicopter on fire, causing severe damage. Video footage shows the burning helicopter, indicating that its engines had been removed—suggesting it was either undergoing repairs or was already decommissioned.
On Tuesday, November 26, an incident occurring over 1,300 kilometers from the front lines in Bashkortostan, Russia, was closely tied to the war in Ukraine. That night, a civilian Antonov An-2R operated by Rusavia (registration RA-40935) took off from Ufa Airport. With two pilots and a photographer aboard, its mission was to take infrared photographs of a heating pipeline in the city of Salavat at the request of a geophysical company.
Approaching Salavat at 300 meters altitude with its navigation lights on, the aircraft was mistaken for an attacking Ukrainian drone. Sirens sounded in the city, warning of an air raid, and the defense system of a local chemical plant opened fire. The pilots immediately reported being under "friendly" fire, which soon ceased.
The An-2R returned to Ufa Airport, and initial reports stated it had been hit by only three projectiles. However, video footage after landing revealed numerous bullet holes. High-caliber machine gun rounds (likely 14.5 mm) punctured various parts of the fuselage and wings, while at least two anti-aircraft cannon grenades struck the aircraft. One tore through a floor beam, while the other created a hole several decimeters wide in a wing. Miraculously, no one was injured, though one crew member's suit was pierced by a bullet. No reports mentioned damage to the crew's undergarments, particularly for the one with the torn clothing.
Evidence of the previous losses also surfaced. The Military Watch website published Maxar satellite images showing Kirovskoe airbase in occupied Crimea. These images, taken between 2022 and 2023, revealed up to ten disassembled helicopter airframes without rotors. The aircraft included four Mi-28s, three Mi-8s, two Mi-24s, and one unidentified model. These were likely helicopters damaged during the war in Ukraine. They could represent claims by Ukrainian defenders that were never confirmed as the official kills.
On the Ukrainian side, one confirmed loss occurred during the entire month: on Friday, November 22, a MiG-29 was destroyed by an Iskander missile at Dnipro Airfield.
On November 7, pilot Ilya Noskov did not survive the destruction of the Russian Ka-52 helicopter.
A Russian Mi-24 helicopter in flames after a saboteur's attack on November 10 at the Klin base near Moscow.
New images from the crash site of the Russian Mi-24VM helicopter, shot down by a Stinger missile on June 16, 2022, in the Volnovakha district of the Donetsk region. The aircraft, marked RF-91410 with tail number "blue 30," belonged to the 487th Separate Helicopter Regiment. Lieutenant Colonel Sergei Gundorov and Lieutenant Dmitry Yevdokimov did not survive the attack.
A Maxar satellite image shows helicopter wrecks at the Kirovskoe base in Crimea.
A video frame shows damage to the wing of an An-2R, which fell victim to "friendly fire“ on November 26 over the city of Salavat in the Bashkir region of Russia.
On November 22, an Iskander missile destroyed a Ukrainian MiG-29 at the Dnipro airport.
Authorization to attack
The relatively little losses might suggest that November was a quiet month. However, the reality is quite the opposite. The most significant event of the month occurred neither in Ukraine, nor on the European continent—it was the U.S. presidential election won by Donald Trump. Both Trump and those in his circle made several pivotal, often contradictory statements regarding the war in Ukraine. Trump himself claimed he would end the conflict quickly. The world now awaits to see how he intends to achieve this.
The U.S. presidential election is somewhat linked to another crucial development. Ukraine had long sought permission to use Western weapons for strikes on Russian territory. It finally received this authorization, albeit with significant restrictions. The approval applied only to certain weapons (e.g., 227 mm GMLRS rockets launched from HIMARS with an 80 km range) and only for specific border regions of Russia. Kyiv repeatedly requested permission to strike with longer-range missiles as well. However, President Joe Biden granted authorization to use tactical ballistic ATACMS missiles (610 mm caliber, with a range of up to 300 km depending on the version) only after the election—effectively too late.
Why? Russia had long anticipated this move and relocated as much as possible out of range. This included pulling aircraft from bases near the Ukrainian border. Moreover, Ukraine reportedly received only about 50 ATACMS missiles, a small supply. Some have already been used in at least eight known attacks on targets in occupied Ukrainian territories. This means that for strikes on Russian soil, Ukraine cannot afford to waste them and must carefully choose its targets.
Additionally, U.S. authorization is limited to the Kursk region and its immediate surroundings, making this more of a symbolic gesture than a strategic breakthrough.
An ATACMS missile is being launched from an M142 HIMARS launcher. Illustrative photo by the US Army.
Key Targets
Despite their limited supply, Ukraine acted decisively, launching its first attack on Russian territory during the night of November 18–19, the same day news of U.S. authorization was announced in the media. The target was a munitions depot in Karachev, Bryansk region, approximately 110 km from the Ukrainian border. The depot stored missile and artillery ammunition used by Russian forces in the Kursk region.
The Russian Ministry of Defense reported that it intercepted five of six incoming missiles, claiming that falling debris caused only a minor fire. However, Ukrainian sources stated that eight ATACMS missiles were launched, with only two intercepted. Videos filmed by locals seemed to support Ukraine’s claims, capturing raging fires and secondary explosions throughout the depot.
Subsequent ATACMS strikes have been sparse, suggesting Ukraine is carefully selecting only the most critical targets due to its limited missile stockpile. These attacks, however, have had a significant impact. For instance, after Russia relocated its Su-34 fighter-bombers out of ATACMS range, the intensity of Russian glide-bomb attacks dropped by approximately 50%. This is attributed to the longer flight times required to reach the front line and return, increased fuel consumption, and higher maintenance demands due to wear and tear.
Another major consequence of these strikes is that following the U.S., Britain also authorized the use of its Storm Shadow missiles against the Russian territory. The first such strike occurred in broad daylight on Wednesday, November 20. The target was the former Marjino Palace near Kursk, now operating as a spa. An underground bunker in the eastern part of the site was the focus of the attack, with the missiles’ penetrating warheads aimed at this fortified facility.
This was undoubtedly a high-priority target, as evidenced by Ukrainian reconnaissance drones operating deep in Russian territory to document the aftermath. The drones recorded three hits on surrounding buildings and nine explosions directly at the bunker site, later capturing the complex's destruction. Unofficial Russian reports stated 18 soldiers were killed and 33 wounded, most of whom were officers from various Russian command structures. Among the wounded were reportedly three North Korean officers.
The use of 12 missiles emphasises the strategic importance of this target. It also indicates that Ukraine still has at least six operational Su-24 aircraft, the only Ukrainian planes capable of deploying Storm Shadow missiles.
A Ukrainian drone captured the Storm Shadow missile attack on the Marjino estate near Kursk.
Ukrainian Su-24 aircraft are capable of carrying the Storm Shadow missiles.
Show of Power
Russia had previously declared it would not leave Western missile strikes unanswered. Its response came on Thursday, November 21, in the form of an attack on the city of Dnipro. Seven Kh-101 missiles, one Kinzhal, and an unidentified missile targeted the Pivdenmash rocket manufacturing plant. Ukrainian air defenses intercepted six Kh-101 missiles, but three projectiles struck Dnipro.
Regarding the unidentified missile, Ukrainian officials initially speculated it might have been an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), marking the first combat use of such a weapon. This claim, however, was not substantiated. Later that evening, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the missile was a new intermediate-range ballistic missile called "Oreshnik." It was launched from the Astrakhan region, approximately 900 km from Dnipro.
The Oreshnik missile reportedly reached a speed of Mach 10 and carried six warheads, each dispersing six submunitions—totaling 36 small warheads. These warheads, however, lacked explosives, suggesting the attack was either a mere show of strength or intended to rely on the kinetic impact of high-speed projectiles.
Putin also claimed that serial production of the Oreshnik had already begun, though this appeared to be more propaganda than reality. Truth is, that the Oreshnik is a modified version of the RS-26 Rubezh experimental ICBM developed in 2011. Despite four successful tests, the RS-26 never entered production due to high costs and a lack of new technologies.
The Oreshnik seems to be an experimental prototype created by removing one stage from the RS-26, reducing its range and reclassifying it as an intermediate-range missile. The original RS-26 was highly inaccurate, an acceptable flaw for nuclear warheads but problematic for conventional payloads. The addition of multiple warheads with submunitions aimed to increase the likelihood of hitting targets, but this approach proved ineffective. Satellite images of the Pivdenmash plant post-attack revealed no significant damage.
Ultimately, this was an expensive demonstration of power with no tangible military effect. However, its indirect implications are notable. Even without serial production, Russia can feign preparations for launching another such missile. These preparations are difficult to conceal, prompting Ukrainian air defenses to respond. By observing the redeployment of defenses, Russia can then target less protected or undefended locations with conventional means.
The Oreshnik also provided a strategic lesson. U.S. President Joe Biden confirmed that Russia was informed in advance of the decision to permit Ukraine to use ATACMS missiles against the Russian territory. Similarly, Kremlin informed the U.S. ahead of its use of the intermediate-range ballistic missile. This exchange demonstrates that communication channels between the two nations remain functional, helping to prevent misunderstandings and disproportionate responses that could escalate tensions.
Russians claim that the Oreshnik missile is in large scale production, however it remains it its experimental stage.
This month, Russians claimed numerous "military" targets...
F-16 pilot traning
Amidst regular Russian drone and cruise missile attacks, the Ukrainian Air Force is beginning to utilize F-16 fighter jets effectively. Although Ukraine currently has a limited number of these aircraft, their impact is evident – during individual attacks, they typically shoot down about 10 Russian missiles. The first delivery of six aircraft from Denmark was a significant step, although one of them has already been destroyed. Another delivery of six aircraft is expected but has not materialized yet.
The key factor in deploying the F-16s is pilot training, which is still ongoing. The Netherlands, another donor of F-16s, has moved its aircraft to Romania, where Ukrainian pilots are being trained.
However, Ukraine's prospects in this area are very promising. In the United Kingdom, more than 200 Ukrainian pilots have already completed basic training on propeller aircraft. Some of them are continuing their training in France on Alpha Jet training jets. These planes have been specially modified to make their cockpits as similar as possible to those of the F-16, making the transition to advanced fighters easier.
After completing training on Alpha Jets, the next step is training on the actual F-16s. This takes place not only in Romania but also in Denmark, with the participation of the Norwegian instructors. From 2025, the training will shift to Portugal, with Norway already having relocated its F-16s to Romania and Portugal for this purpose.
In addition to training, Norway is providing financial support for arming the F-16s. During the observed period, it allocated $119 million to ensure that the Ukrainian aircraft are equipped to perform their missions effectively.
The training process for the F-16s not only enhances Ukraine's defensive capabilities but also demonstrates that Western nations are committed to supporting Ukraine with both technology and the necessary expertise.
One of six F-16AM fighter jets Denmark supplied to Ukraine.
Gepard self-propelled anti-aircraft gun in Ukrainian service.
Ukrainian emergency rescue workers remove debris from an Kh-55 cruise missile.
Training of the Ukrainian soldiers with a Mi-8 helicopter.
Achtung Jabos!
Text: Jan Zdiarský
Illustration: Piotr Forkasiewicz
Cat. No. 82166
Although Jagdgeschwader 4 is considered a classic Defense of the Reich unit (Reichsverteidigung), operating against American four-engine bombers, this definition is not entirely correct. With some exceptions, its I. Gruppe deviated from this role description.
It was founded on July 31, 1942 and operated in southern and southeastern Europe, primarily in the defense of the oil fields around Ploesti, Romania, and related industrial and transport facilities.
When the Stab, and later II. and III. Gruppe, JG 4, were established in the summer of 1944, I. Gruppe had already been in combat for almost two years. Maj. Gerhard Michalski became its commander after a short period of Maj. Gerhard Schöpfel fulfilling that function. II. and III./JG 4 were formed mainly from elements of Zerstörergeschwader 1, whose Gruppe had previously operated in both eastern and western Europe and their operations ranged from frontline combat in the east tasked with ground attack to long-range flights over Biscay and the Atlantic, where they operated against RAF Coastal Command bombers. The Bf 110 and Ju 88G heavy fighter pilots from ZG 1 were supplemented in the newly formed unit by young personnel fresh out of flight training and veterans from other units, especially Sturmstaffel 1. The latter had been disbanded in the spring of 1944 and were recruited to join the II. Gruppe by its commander, Major Günther von Kornatzki. This had its significance. II. Gruppe was established as a Sturmgruppe and was equipped with armored Fw 190A-8/R2. It was to use the tactic of attacking bombers from close range, using 20 and 30mm cannons, a tactic that Sturmstaffel 1 was developing. From this unit, von Kornatzki also adopted the identification marking of his aircraft for JG 4, comprising a black-white-black band on the fuselage. This was gradually taken over from II.(Sturm)/JG 4 by III., then IV., established in October 1944, and finally, the oldest I. Gruppe. The same was true of the emblem with a knight's helmet, which of course evokes the armored Fw 190 of the II. Gruppe, but the other three Gruppe and Stab units also adopted it. This is also why both the markings on the fuselage and the emblem on the engine cowl appear on the aircraft, which is the theme for the current Bf 109K-4 box art.
When JG 4 became a full-fledged unit in the summer of 1944, I. Gruppe was moved from northern Italy back to Germany. There, however, it did not join the unit's tactical system. In it, III. (and later IV.) Gruppe, flying Bf 109s, was supposed to provide priority protection for the Focke-Wulfs from its II. (Sturm)/JG 4 sister unit (they thus formed a tactical group, the so-called Gefechtsverband JG 4). Instead, I. Gruppe was moved to the Kassel area to operate in the defense of the western and southwestern parts of Germany against advancing Allied troops. The unit was supplemented with new pilots and armed with the Bf 109G-6 and G-14. Until the beginning of September 1944, the Gruppe mainly carried out training flights. The first clashes with the enemy, including battles related to the Arnhem operation, came soon after.
Over the Western Front, I. Gruppe clashed primarily with aircraft from the US 9th Air Force, supporting Allied ground forces. The exception to this pattern was the period between October 6thand the end of November, 1944, during which I./JG 4 moved to Gahro near Finsterwalde to operate as part of the entire JG 4. It took part in its first deployment against American bombers six days later. I./JG 4's main clash with the US 8th Air Force was the battle on the 2nd of November, 1944. On that day, JG 4 operated at the full strength of four Gruppe and Stab. During this battle, three pilots from I./JG 4 claimed to have shot down a B-17, but the Gruppe also lost nine Messerschmitt fighters, of which only three were combat losses. The remainder fell victim to collisions or various technical issues.
I./JG 4 began moving to the Darmstadt area in the West on November 20th. Their opponents were again primarily the ‘Jabos’ – the Lightnings and Thunderbolts of the 9th AF. In December, 1944, the remaining elements of JG 4 equipped with Bf 109s joined them. With the ever-increasing Allied superiority in the continental skies, the defense based on the hard fist of the Sturmgruppe was in the process of losing its clout. II.(Sturm)/JG 4 itself was gradually transformed into a fighter unit in the classic sense. Germany essentially gave up its air defense against strategic bombers and in this regard relied only on the gradual deployment of the jet Me 262.
I./JG 4, flying the Bf 109K-4, resisted the pressure of the Western Allies until the 21st of January, 1944, when it was transferred to the Eastern Front with the rest of JG 4. There, in the Oder region, it participated in holding back Soviet and, exceptionally on the West, American troops until the end of the war. From high-altitude fighters and proud Sturmjäger, they became fighter-bomber pilots, attacking ground targets and Soviet Il-2s and were tasked with escorting bombers and Mistel composites.
I./JG 4 was disbanded on March 29th, 1945. Its pilots were to be transferred in part to III. and IV. Gruppe, with the remainder slated to convert on to the Me 262. Bitterness was inevitable. Some suspected it, others refused to admit it, but there were only a little over 5 weeks left until the end of the terrible war...
John D. Landers and his Big Beautiful Doll
Text: Vladimír Šulc
Illustration: Piotr Forkasiewicz
Cat. No. 70173
The downing of an Me 262 Schwalbe over Hohn Airfield in northern Germany on March 30th, 1945, was described by Lieutenant Colonel John D. Landers in his report after returning from escorting bombers over Hamburg as follows:
‘We were escorting 1st Force, 3rd Division, bombing Hamburg. I led the group and after the target was bombed, we, Shapoo Squadron, turned north towards Kiel.’
We were at 7,000 feet heading north near Rendesburg when I spotted an Me 262 flying south at 1,000 feet. The time was 1408h. As we descended to its flight level (within range), the jet began a slow left turn. I gradually approached at 400mph. The jet completed a 180-degree turn and led us over Hohn Airfield, where there was weak and inaccurate flak.
I opened fire from 700 yards and got hits. The jet slowed down but again made a wrong turn. I opened fire again, this time from 400 yards, and got a few good hits. The Me 262 made a sharp left turn and my next burst hit it in the cockpit area.
As I flew over it, the jet leveled off and began to slide slightly. My wingman, Lieutenant Thain, got behind it, hit it with a long, accurate burst and finally overshot it. The enemy plane continued to slide, then crashed and burned. The pilot did not bail out.
‘I claim one destroyed Me 262 shared with Lieutenant Thain Jr. of the 84th FS.’
Signed JOHN D. LANDERS O-431968, Lt Col. Air Corps, Commanding Officer.
There is nothing to add to this description of Landers' last kill. With it, he ended his combat score at 14.5 aerial victories. However, he left his mark on history not only as one of the few pilots who became aces in two theaters of operations, the Pacific and the European, but also as a man with good taste. His planes are among the most colorful and elegant among the famous machines of World War II. They are therefore popular themes for aircraft models of all scales, flying and static, paper, metal or plastic.
His two P-40E Warhawks, ‘Skeeter’ and ‘Texas Longhorn’, which he flew in 1942 in Australia and then in New Guinea with the 49th FG, and in which he achieved four of his six officially recognized victories in the Pacific, are already popular subjects for modelers. In Europe, with the 8th AF, he continued his active service from April, 1944 with the rank of Major, initially with the 55th FG as CO of 38th FS at Wormington, based in Great Britain.
Landers shot down five German aircraft flying a P-38J Lightning, including three Me 410s on July 7th, 1944, shortly before converting on to the new P-51D-5 Mustang. These featured the new 55th FG color scheme, a yellow-green checkerboard pattern on the nose, and a green-yellow-green spinner. The P-51D-5, Serial Number 44-13923 CG-O, was probably Landers' first Big Beautiful Doll. It is not certain, but some sources state that one of his P-38J Lightnings was already so named.
In November, 1944, John Landers was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel. He served as Commander of the 357th FG at Leiston from October 11th, to which he transferred together with his Big Beautiful Doll. It had only required a change of the colours of the checkerboard pattern and spinner to red and yellow, and the code letters to B6-0. On December 2nd, Landers handed over command of the unit to Colonel Irwin Degne and left for the United States. On Christmas Eve,1944, the first Big Beautiful Doll was lost after a collision with another P-51D while escorting bombers over Babenhausen. Its pilot, Lieutenant Wendell Helwig, was killed in the collision.
John Landers returned to Europe in February of 1945 to take command of the 78th Fighter Group on the 22nd of the month. He took with him his most famous and colorful Big Beautiful Doll, P-51D-20NA 44-72218 WZ-I. He flew it until the end of his European service. During this time, the aircraft underwent at least three modifications.
The final change came with Landers' appointment as Commander of the 361st FG, when it was repainted in the colors of that unit, respectively the colors of the 375th FS. The lettering on both sides of the nose remained, but the nose was painted yellow, the rudder blue, as were the main canopy frame and the wingtips. The code letters changed to E2-I. It served with him until his return to the States in October, 1945. John D. Landers retired to civilian life in December, 1945. After the war, he worked in construction, and in 1979 he moved to Granbury, Texas, where he died on September 12th, 1989 at the age of 69. He is buried in the Greenwood Mausoleum at Greenwood Memorial Park in Fort Worth. His Big Beautiful Doll remains a testament to American aesthetics applied to USAAF fighters during the final months of World War II.
The July Circus
Text: Jan Bobek
Illustration: Antonis Karydis
Cat. No. 7474
During the Battle of Britain, Luftwaffe air raids with tens or even hundreds of bombers and fighter escorts were designed to lure Hurricanes and Spitfires into combat to destroy British fighter units. These tactics impressed RAF command so much that, in 1941, they decided to adopt and modify them. The resulting operations were named "Circus." However RAF used smaller groups of bombers, typically six to twelve, most of which were Blenheims. Over time, the number of bombers occasionally increased to as many as 24, supported by a highly complex fighter escort system involving up to 350 Spitfires and Hurricanes at various flight levels.
Despite these efforts, the Circus operations posed little threat to the Germans. The small number of bombers and the short range of British aircraft limited their ability to target strategic military or industrial sites effectively. Furthermore, the Germans often struggled to differentiate Circus missions from Sweep or Rodeo actions, which were purely fighter operations conducted over enemy territory. German fighter units, particularly JG 2 and JG 26, maintained their tactical superiority, with fewer losses, despite being numerically weaker than RAF Fighter Command units.
On July 10, 1941, the RAF conducted two raids by Blenheims, escorted by fighters from No. 10 Group, targeting Cherbourg and Le Havre. Both actions were codenamed Gudgeon but were essentially Circus operations. Fighters from No. 234, 317, and 501 RAF Squadrons claimed 5-1-2 victories against Bf 109s. Their opponents, two operational training units, claimed six victories over Spitfires, however, two of these claims were later rejected. Ultimately, the RAF lost two aircraft from No. 234 Squadron during the engagement. One pilot was killed, while the other, W/Cdr M. V. Blake DFC, survived after ditching his aircraft. Blake spent 12 hours paddling in a dinghy toward the British coast before being rescued.
Around midday, a formation of three Stirlings from No. 7 Squadron RAF, escorted by fighters from North Weald, Northolt, and Biggin Hill, launched an attack on the Kuhlman chemical plant at Chocques as part of Circus 42. Fighter pilots from the Hornchurch and Tangmere Wings provided Target Support, while the Kenley and Northolt Wings managed Rear Support.
Due to thick cloud cover, the bombers faced navigational difficulties. Near Boulogne, the aircraft piloted by F/O C. V. Fraser DFC sustained five direct hits from flak. The bomber burst into flames, and although it appeared that three crew members managed to bail out, none of the seven airmen survived.
In multiple engagements with the escort, JG 26 airmen claimed three Spitfires, while their counterparts from JG 2 were credited with eight victories. Among the victors was Hptm. Hans "Assi" Hahn, commander of III./JG 2, who achieved his 31st victory. His aircraft is depicted on Antonis Karydis' box art.
On the German side, two Bf 109 E-7s from II./JG 26 were shot down, resulting in one pilot's death. Additionally, a Bf 109 F-2 from II./JG 2 was severely damaged in combat, and Oblt. Frank Liesendahl, Kapitän of the 6th Staffel, was seriously wounded by enemy fire.
The fighter escort claimed an 11-1-3 victory against the Bf 109s. However, seven British airmen did not return from the operation, and two others escaped with badly damaged aircraft.
This aerial encounter unexpectedly provided a significant benefit to the RAF: the first virtually undamaged Messerschmitt Bf 109 F to fall into British hands. The Stirling W7433, commanded by F/O C.I. Rolfe, had been hit in the tail by a Bf 109 pilot after dropping its bombs. A lone German airman had pursued the four-engine bomber throughout its flight over the Channel. The top gunner believed he had successfully damaged the enemy fighter. Then, Sgt. Jan A. Śmigielski, flying a Hurricane from the Polish No. 306 Squadron RAF, rushed to defend the endangered bomber and forced the German pilot to land near Dover.
Surprisingly, the German aviator who had chased the bomber was a highly experienced veteran: Hptm. Rolf Pingel, the Kommandeur of I./JG 26. Pingel was a recipient of the Knight's Cross and a veteran of the Spanish Civil War, with 550 combat sorties in his logbook, six victories in Spain and another 28 during World War II. His Bf 109 F-2 (WNr. 12764) had not been hit by gunfire but suffered engine trouble near Dover. While Śmigielski claimed the victory, which is duly mentioned in unit´s diary, the credit was unfortunately not officially awarded.
Pingel's "Friedrich" was quickly repaired by RAF technicians and made airworthy for extensive testing. However, by the fall of 1941, the upgraded Bf 109 F-4 had entered the battlefield, and the RAF faced a new challenge with the arrival of the Focke-Wulf Fw 190 A.
Wildcats on the Atolls
Text: Jan Bobek
Illustration: Gareth Hector
Cat. No 84204
In September 1939, the US Marine Corps (USMC) operated just over 150 aircraft, the vast majority of which were biplanes. However, the outbreak of war with Japan prompted a rapid expansion of its air capabilities. By 1942, twelve Marine Fighter Squadrons (VMFs) had been established, followed by sixteen more in 1943, and an additional twenty-eight in 1944.
In many cases, new units were formed by dividing existing ones. Such was the case with VMF-441 "Black Jacks" that was established inn October 1942 on Tutuila Island in the Samoan Islands, originating from a section of VMF-111. VMF-441’s foundation comprised seven F4F-3 Wildcats and eight pilots under the command of Major D.W. Torey, Jr., who had previously led VMF-111. The original VMF-111, also known as "Triple One," was one of the few pre-war USMC squadrons that failed to achieve a single aerial victory, largely due to being stationed in remote locations.
In March 1943, VMF-441 established its first operational base on the atoll of Funafuti in the Ellice Islands (modern-day Tuvalu). Located in the Pacific, Funafuti lies about 1,000 km north of Fiji and approximately 2,000 km east of Guadalcanal. VMF-441 gradually transitioned from the older F4F-3 Wildcats to the newer F4F-4 version. From this airfield, the Americans planned to launch B-24 bomber raids against Japanese island bases in the Pacific beginning in April.
On March 27 (March 28 Japanese time), Kōkūtai 755—formerly the Genzan Kōkūtai bomber unit—based at Tarawa, was tasked with conducting armed reconnaissance of Funafuti Island. Six G3M Nell bombers took off to cover the 1,300 km distance southeast to the target. After about three hours of flight, two bombers were forced to return to base due to technical issues.
As the formation approached Funafuti, Japanese crews spotted two Wildcats climbing toward them. Bombers dropped their payloads and about 10 nautical miles from Funafuti, the Wildcats attacked them from below. During the five-minute skirmish, the first plane in the second Shōtai, commanded by Lt. (jg) Takashi Kumamoto, was shot down, resulting in the deaths of all eight crew members. The Japanese gunners believed they downed one Wildcat. However, they later reported that a third aircraft attacked from the north before flying southeast after a single strike.
The defenders were just two VMF-441 planes, piloted by Capt. William P. Boland and 2nd Lt. Ralph N. Spanjer. According to the unit's diary, the two pilots encountered the enemy within 20 nautical miles of Funafuti. Future Maj. Gen. "Smoke" Spanjer later recalled that they struggled to position their aging Wildcats for an attack from above. Unfortunately, Spanjer's guns malfunctioned. However, under fire from Boland's guns, the lead Japanese bomber exploded. Boland managed to damage another one before pursuing the formation until he exhausted his ammunition.
On April 22, 1943, the bomber unit retaliated with a raid on Funafuti. The attack caused varying degrees of damage to all of VMF-441's aircraft, with one Wildcat being completely destroyed.
Spanjer later recalled that a lone reconnaissance Nell frequently flew in the area where VMF-441 patrolled but proved challenging to intercept. Determined to track its route, Boland had himself dropped off on Nanumea Atoll along with a New Zealand observer. For a week, he hoped to monitor the enemy bomber’s flight path but was ultimately unsuccessful.
However, upon returning to Funafuti, Boland’s luck changed. On August 8, 1943, while on patrol near Nui Atoll with 1st Lt. Samuel C. Middleman, they spotted a solitary twin-engine Nell. Boland successfully shot it down, marking the final victory for a USMC pilot flying a Wildcat.
In late September 1943, VMF-441 relocated to Nanumea. At that time, the unit was equipped with F4F-4 and FM-1 Wildcat variants. After a relatively uneventful tour of duty—depicted in the box art of this kit—the squadron re-equipped with F4U-1 Corsairs at Tutuila in December. The unit then participated in intensive operations, targeting ground positions in the Marshall Islands, particularly on Wotje Island. During this period, VMF-441 lost 15 aircraft.
VMF-441’s finest hour came during the Battle of Okinawa in the spring of 1945. Commanded by Maj. R. O. White and equipped with F4U-1C/D, the squadron played a crucial role in defending Allied vessels against Kamikaze attacks. VMF-441 pilots achieved a total of 47 aerial victories during the campaign, including two aces. The most notable engagement occurred on April 16, 1945, north of Okinawa, during the defence of the destroyer USS Laffey. In this intense battle, the "Black Jacks" shot down 16 of 50 attacking aircraft attempting to ram the vessel. This extraordinary engagement merits an in-depth article of its own in the future.
Markings for Bf 109K-4 1/48
WNr. 331413, 1./JG 4, Berlin-Schönefeld, Germany, February-March 1945
The fighter unit 1./JG 4 was formed in August 1943 in Mizil (Romania) from 1./JG 77 to defend the oil fields and platforms near Ploiești. After heavy fighting with the 15th AF USAAF and a retreat from Italy, 1./JG 4 was reorganized in Kassel during the summer of 1944. It then engaged in combat with escorting P-51s and P-47s from the 8th AF and 9th AF USAAF. From November 1944 to January 1945, 1./JG 4 was stationed at the Darmstadt-Griesheim airfield, from where it participated in Operation Bodenplatte, suffering heavy pilot losses. From February 1945, it was based at Berlin-Schönefeld airfield, where it was dissolved on March 19, 1945. The last known commander of 1./JG 4 was Oblt. Alfred Neumayer, who, after being injured on January 1, 1945, underwent recovery but, despite his combat experience, was assigned to the infantry after recuperation. Following infantry training in Bohemia, he has been missing since April 1945. White 4 features a camouflage scheme in RLM 74/75/76 colors and displays production series markings of 331xxx. The white spiral has black borders applied by mechanics of JG 4. On the left side of the nose was the JG 4 insignia, and on the right side, a depiction of a rooster.
WNr. 332884, 9./JG 3, Leck, Germany, May 1945
Since the Allied landings in Normandy in June 1944, 9./JG 3, like other units on the Western Front, was under constant pressure from Allied fighters and bombers. During Operation Bodenplatte, JG 3 was one of the few successful units, yet the loss of sixteen pilots was significant. From January 1945, 9./JG 3 frequently relocated to various German airfields, and at the end of the war, White 8 was stationed at the Leck airbase. From mid-1944, 9./JG 3 was led by Lt. Oskar Zimmermann, who was awarded the Knight’s Cross and credited with 34 victories, including 14 four-engine bombers. In mid-March, he fell ill and, at the end of the war, fell into Czech captivity, from which he was released after one year. By the end of the war, the commander of the unit was Hptm. Willy Althof. The camouflage on the fuselage of this aircraft consisted of RLM 81/82 with camouflage patterns typical of production series 332xxx. Many areas are repaired with RLM 82 and RLM 02 paints. The engine covers are painted in lighter shades of RLM 74/75/76. On the left side of the fuselage under the cockpit, the white name Gabi was painted. Beneath White 8, the previous marking has been painted over in RLM 75. In front of the tail surfaces, the black number 884 was hand-painted.
WNr. 334xxx, 11./JG 27, Goslar, Germany, April 1945
The CO of III./JG 27 from October 1944 until the end of the war was Austrian Hptm. Dr. Peter Werfft (26 victories). In the same month, the unit was reequipped with the Bf 109K-4. However, from February onward, Werfft was temporarily replaced in this role by the CO of 12./JG 27, Oblt. Emil Clade, who in the final month of the war officially became the CO of I./JG 27. After the war, Clade worked as an airline pilot, pursued sport flying, and published his memoirs in 1996. While serving with II./JG 27 in Africa, he shot down an aircraft in August 1942 carrying the commander of the British Eighth Army, Lt. Gen. W. H. E. Gott, who was killed. Lt. Gen. Montgomery was appointed to replace him. At the end of the war, III./JG 27 was deployed in northern Germany. Yellow 1 from 11./JG 27 was discovered by advancing Allied forces in April 1945 at the Goslar airbase in Germany, where the unit had been stationed from March 29 to April 8, 1945. It later operated from locations in Bohemia, Bavaria, and Austria. From December 1944 until the end of the war, 11. Staffel was led by Oblt. Heinz-Günther Hennig, who had previously commanded 2./JG 53 and 2./JG 102 and was credited with two victories. The fuselage camouflage in RLM 81/82 colors corresponds to production series 334xxx.
WNr. 335215, Lt. Willy van de Kamp, Stab II./JG 52, Neubiberg, Germany, May 1945
The markings on this aircraft identify it as the wingman of the commander of II./JG 52, Maj. Wilhelm Batz. In February 1943, Batz was assigned to the staff of II./JG 52 on the Eastern Front. He achieved his first victory on March 11 and was appointed commander of 5./JG 52 in May. By March 1944, he had achieved his 100th victory and was made commander of III./JG 52 in April. In early February 1945, he assumed command of II./JG 52, which at the time was fighting in Hungary. His final 237th victory was recorded on April 16, 1945. Five days later, he was awarded the Swords to the Knight’s Cross with Oak Leaves. On May 8, 1945, Batz and his unit flew into captivity, transferring from Zeltweg in Austria to Bad Aibling in Bavaria, accompanied by a formation of Thunderbolts during the final leg of the journey. The aircraft Black 1 was painted in RLM 74/75/76 camouflage, consistent with production series 335xxx. The yellow band on the nose and yellow rudder were identification features of German aircraft within Luftflotte 4. This particular aircraft was photographed at Neubiberg airfield near Munich. Its pilot was Batz’s Adjutant, Lt. Willy van de Kamp, who had served with II./JG 52 since May 1943 and was credited with one victory.
WNr. 335xxx, Lt. Ernst-Dieter Bernhard, Stab III./JG 53, Kaufbeuren, Germany, April 1945
JG 53 was established in 1937 and was one of the oldest German fighter units of the Second World War. Its III. Gruppe participated in the early months of fighting in the USSR after the campaign in the West and was deployed in the Mediterranean from late 1941. After relocating from Italy in June 1944, it was stationed at Bad Lippspringe, operating against Allied air raids on the Reich. In September 1944, it contributed to repelling Operation Market Garden. From late 1944, the unit gradually retreated under pressure from Allied forces to the southern part of Germany. The pilot of this aircraft was Lt. Ernst-Dieter Bernhard, who joined 12./JG 53 in December 1944. In mid-March, he was appointed Adjutant to the CO of III./JG 53, who at the time was Hptm. Siegfried Luckenbach. After Luckenbach’s collision during landing in April 1945, Hptm. Wolfgang Ernst, who had 36 victories to his credit, replaced him. Lt. Bernhard crashed with the depicted aircraft on April 19, 1945, due to a landing gear failure while landing in Kaufbeuren after combat with a formation of Marauders escorted by Thunderbolts. Bernhard was earlier credited with heavily damaging one Mustang.
WNr. 330230, Uffz. Heinrich Munninger, 10./JG 77, Neuruppin, Germany, November 1944
In October 1944, III./JG 77 became the first Luftwaffe fighter unit to be fully reequipped with the Bf 109K-4s, possessing 68 aircraft. Its commander was the experienced veteran of JG 77, Major Armin Köhler (40 kills, KC). After test flights and familiarization with the new type, it was combat-deployed on December 2, 1944. Aerial combat peaked during the Battle of the Bulge. Uffz. Heinrich Munninger, born on June 30, 1923, flew on January 1, 1945, during Operation Bodenplatte with White 17 as the wingman of Uffz. Johann Twietmeyer. During an attack on the RAF airfield in Antwerp-Deurne (B.70), he was hit by flak and attempted an emergency landing near Tilburg in the Netherlands. He crashed and was killed. His body was buried in Lommel. In this operation, III./JG 77 lost 11 aircraft and pilots. From mid-January 1945, it was deployed on the Eastern Front. At the end of the war, it fought in Upper Silesia, based in Dolní Benešov (Beneschau) in the Hlučín region (Hultschiner Ländchen) in Silesia. White 17 was from production batch 330xxx, with a high demarcation of camouflage colors RLM 74/75 on the sides of the fuselage. On both sides of the nose, there was the emblem of III./JG 77, a red heart.
Markings for P-51D Mustang 1/72
P-51D-20, 44-72218, Lt Col. John D. Landers, CO of 78th FG, 8th AF, Duxford, United Kingdom, March 1945
John Dave Landers was born on August 23, 1920, in Joshua, Texas. He joined the Army Air Force in April 1941. After completing the pilot training in January 1942 he was assigned to the 9th FS in Australia, a unit that flew P-40s. In the Pacific theatre he scored six kills and was called back to the States in January 1943. There, he served as a flight instructor, but in April 1944, on his own request, he was reassigned to a combat unit. It was 38th FS based at Wormingford, operating P-38s, which they changed for P-51s as of July 1944. After being promoted to Lieutenant Colonel, he assumed command of the 357th FG, which he led from October to December 1944. After some downtime in the United States, he returned to Great Britain and was named CO of 78th FG, holding this post until the end of the Second World War. In December 1945, he left the military and worked in construction. He died on September 12, 1989.
P-51D-15, 44-15041, Lt Col. John C. Meyer, CO of 352nd FG, 8th AF, Y-29 Asch, Belgium, December 1944
John Charles Meyer finished flight training on July 26, 1940, at the age of 21, after which he was assigned to the 33rd PS on Iceland, a unit that was flying the P-40s. After his return to the States, he was named the CO of the newly formed 487th FS, which had undergone conversion training onto the P-47 and in June 1943 was transferred to United Kingdom, from where they performed escort missions for bombers over continental Europe. In April of 1944, the unit was rearmed with the Mustangs, and the number of kills attributed to Major Meyer began to rise. In November 1944, he was named Deputy Commander of the 352nd FG, to which his own 487th FS was subordinate. Under his command, the 352nd FG was relocated to the forward base at Asch in Belgium. On January 1, the Luftwaffe conducted a raid on this base, and Meyer was able to get his unit in the air to counter the raid, claiming a pair of Fw 190s in the process. These would be the last two kills that he would achieve during the war, because on January 4, he suffered a major fracture of his left leg, the treatment of which required his return to the United States. After the war, he saw combat in Korea, and in Vietnam he led the Linebacker II campaign. Over the course of the WWII, he shot down 24 enemies, and he added another two during the Korean War. He retired a General as the head of the Strategic Air Command. He passed away as the result of a heart attack on December 2, 1975.
P-51D-10, 44-14896, Maj. Leonard K. Carson, 362nd FS, 357th FG, 8th AF, Leiston, United Kingdom, September 1944
Major Leonard “Kit” Carson was one of the most successful pilots of the 357th FG. He finished the war as a commander of the 363rd FS with 18.5 kills to which he added three airplanes destroyed on the ground. He flew four P-51 Mustangs, all of them carried his personal inscription “Nooky Booky” on the engine cowling. The aircraft s/n 44-14896 was his third. It sported seven kill markings on the side of the fuselage which Carson scored till the beginning of November 1944. The plane was marked with standard identification stripes including the invasion bands on the fuselage. Carson’s Mustang was camouflaged in the dark green paint on the upper surfaces including the landing flaps’ interiors. The paint was probably British RAF Dark Green. The lower surfaces were painted in Medium Sea Grey.
P-51D-20, 44-63607, Lt Col. Glenn T. Eagleston, CO of 353rd FS, 354th FG, 9th AF, Y-64 Ober Olm, Germany, April 1945
Glenn Todd Eagleston was born on March 12, 1921, in Farmington, Utah, and he joined the USAAF in 1940. In 1942, he underwent flight training, after which he was first assigned to the P-39 equipped 79th FS, and then to the 353rd FS, which was transferred to Boxted in the UK with their Mustangs in October 1943. Although being a constituent of the 9th Air Force, the unit flew escort missions for 8th AF bombers. In the spring 1944 landing preparations, the 354th FG returned to tactical support of ground forces, and eventually relocated to fields in liberated Europe to remain close to combat areas, and this included the 353rd FS. Squadron command was handed over to Capt. Eagleston in October 1944, and the unit used their Thunderbolts in support of ground forces. In mid-February 1945, the unit went back to using the Mustangs. After the Second World War, during which Glenn Eagleston amassed 18.5 kills over enemy aircraft, he remained in the service, and took part in combat over Korea, where he shot down a pair of Soviet MiG-15s. He retired at the end of February 1967 and died on May 7, 1991.
P-51D-5, 44-13298, Capt. Fredie F. Ohr, 2nd FS, 52nd FG, 15th AF, Madna, Italy, Autumn 1944
The 52nd Pursuit Squadron, known after May 1942 as the 52nd Fighter Group, was established in January 1941 at Selfridge Field in Michigan. Initial training was undertaken on the P-39 and was followed by a move to Northern Ireland in the summer of 1942, where the unit continued training on Spitfires, and this was in turn followed by a brief combat tour over western Europe under the command of the 8th AF. By November 1942, the entire unit was transferred to northern Africa. After arrival there, combat operations were undertaken through north Africa, Sicily and Italy while still flying Spitfires, but this time under the leadership of the 12th AF. In April 1944, the long awaited change to the Mustang arrived, along with a change in mission assignment and location under the 15th AF, tasking the 52nd FG with escort duties of this Army Air Force’s strategic bombers. The aircraft flown by Freddie Ohr, an American ace of Korean origin, was as it was delivered from the manufacturing facility. The red nose and yellow rear fuselage distinguished aircraft of the 52nd FG and the yellow wing bands were reserved for aircraft of the 15th AF.
P-51D-20, 44-72570, Lt. Ralph S. Gardner/2nd Lt. Chester Jatczak, 457th FS, 506th FG, 20th AF, Iwojima, June/July 1945
This aircraft was shared by Ralph Gardner and Chet Jatczak, named Fighting Lady on port side and later renamed to Broadway Gal with inscription on the nose. For Chet Jatczak this was Broadway Gal plane No.2, as he flew No.538 also named Broadway Gal previously in June and early July. The aircraft No.538 shot down near Suzuka on July 16, 1945, while being flown by Capt. John Benbow during the strafing of airfields in Nagoya area. He became most probably a victim of Maj. Yohei Hinoki flying a Ki-100. The Broadway Gal inscription style is not known. The original squadron color were green stripes on the tail, replaced by solid green paint after the squadron entered the operation for better visibility.
Markings for Bf 109F-2 1/72
Hptm. Hans Hahn, CO of III./JG 2, Saint-Pol-sur-Ternoise, France, July 1941
Hans “Assi” Hahn, a fighter ace and recipient of the Knight’s Cross with Oak Leaves, led the 4./JG 2 from December 1939 and the III./JG 2 from October 29, 1940. A total of 31 victory symbols on the tail of his aircraft were tied to Hahn’s operations on the Western Front. His 31st victory was achieved on July 10, 1941, near Saint-Omer, when he shot down two Spitfires. Beginning on November 1, 1942, he took command of II./JG 54 and led this Gruppe until February 21, 1943, when he was shot down and captured by Soviet forces. Hahn was not released from captivity until 1950, during which he wrote a book about his experiences in prison titled Ich spreche die Wahrheit! (I speak the truth!). Before his capture, he achieved 108 victories, 66 of which were on the Western Front. The rooster’s head painted on his aircraft symbolized the III. Gruppe JG 2’s staff planes and was derived from Hahn’s surname, as “Hahn” means rooster in German. Hans Hahn passed away in 1982, and his wife later remarried the night fighter pilot Wolfgang Falck.
WNr. 8239, Lt. Hans Strelow, 5./JG 51, Bryansk, the Soviet Union, March 1942
Hans Strelow was born on March 26, 1922, in Berlin. In 1939, he voluntarily joined the Luftwaffe. After completing training in February 1941, he was assigned to 5./JG 51. From the start of Operation Barbarossa, he flew on the Eastern Front. He achieved his first aerial victory on June 25, 1941. In January 1942, he was appointed Staffelkapitän of 5./JG 51. On March 24, 1942, he became the youngest recipient of the Knight’s Cross with Oak Leaves. His “Black 10” was painted with white on the upper surfaces during the winter period. The JG 51 insignia was displayed on both sides of the nose. The yellow band behind the cross and the yellow wingtips were identification markings used on the Eastern Front. The victories he achieved were marked on the left side of the tail. On May 22, 1942, Hans Strelow was shot down by a Pe-2 crew and forced to make an emergency landing behind Soviet lines. Fearing capture by the Red Army, he conducted suicide by shooting himself in his head.
WNr. 8165, Hptm. Karl-Heinz Leesmann, CO of I./JG 52, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, June 1941
Karl-Heinz Leesmann was born on May 3, 1915, in Osnabrück. After completing pilot training with the Luftwaffe, he participated in the French campaign and the Battle of Britain as a member of JG 52. On August 27, 1940, he was appointed Staffelkapitän of 3./JG 52. On May 24, 1941, he became Gruppenkommandeur of I./JG 52. His WNr. 8165 aircraft displayed victories achieved on the Western Front on the port side of the fin below the swastika. Before Operation Barbarossa, I./JG 52 was transferred to the Eastern Front. On November 6, 1941, during combat with Soviet aircraft, Leesmann made an emergency landing near Ruza with a shattered right forearm. After a long hospitalization and recovery, he returned to I./JG 52 in May 1942. In March 1943, he transferred to III./JG 11. On July 25, 1943, while flying a Bf 109G-6, he was shot down during an attack on a B-17 over the North Sea near Heligoland. His body was washed ashore on August 16, 1943, and he was buried in Recklinghausen.
Lt. Max-Hellmuth Ostermann, 7./JG 54, Dugino, the Soviet Union, September 1941
Max-Hellmuth Ostermann was born on December 11, 1917, in Hamburg. In 1937, he joined the Luftwaffe and became a pilot. His first unit was I./ZG 1, flying the Bf 110s, and he participated in the invasion of Poland. Before the start of the French campaign, on April 7, 1940, he was transferred to I./JG 21. On May 20, 1940, he recorded his first aerial victory. After moving to the English Channel coast, I./JG 21 was renamed III./JG 54, and in April 1941, the unit saw combat in Yugoslavia. Ostermann achieved his ninth victory on April 6, 1941, over Belgrade, shooting down a Bf 109E-3 flown by Karl Štrbenek, who was killed in action. During the early stages of Operation Barbarossa, on June 23, 1941, he shot down two SB-2 bombers. By early September 1941, his aircraft, White 1, bore 25 victory markings on its tail. The sides of the fuselage were darkened with spots of RLM 02, 74, and 70 paints. The nose displayed the insignia of 7./JG 54, and below the windshield was the emblem of III./JG 54. In November 1941, Ostermann was transferred to I./JG 54, and in March 1942, he assumed command of 8./JG 54. On May 12, 1942, Ostermann became the second pilot in JG 54 to achieve 100 victories. During this engagement, he was severely wounded but managed to return to his home airfield. His luck ran out on August 9, 1942, during a confrontation with P-40s. After scoring one victory, a group of LaGG-3 fighters emerged from the clouds. Ostermann’s Bf 109G-2 was hit in the cockpit and crashed behind Soviet lines near Lake Ilmen. He became the first recipient of the Knight’s Cross with Oak Leaves to be killed in action.
Markings for F4F-4 Wildcat late 1/48
VMF-441, Nanumea, November 1943
Marine Fighting Squadron 441 (VMF-441) was formed on October 1, 1942, at Tutuila, American Samoa, from part of VMF-111 and flew F4F Wildcats. By the end of May 1943, the entire squadron moved to Funafuti in the Ellice Islands, followed by another move to Nanumea Base on September 28, 1943. The squadron moved back to Tutuila in December 1943, where it rearmed to the F4U-1 Corsair. VMF-441 was also known as “The Blackjacks”. The unit was credited with a total of 49 aircraft shot down during World War II and was inactivated after the surrender of Japan on July 11, 1946. The Wildcat shown here wore non-standard camouflage with a third shade of Semi-Gloss Sea Blue added to the original older Blue Gray/Light Gray scheme on the upper fuselage and wing surfaces. The nose of the aircraft was decorated with a white “Little Joe” inscription on the left side of the engine cowling with a dice motif.
VC-13, USS Core (CVE-13), August 1943
The Tacoma-built Bogue-class escort carrier USS Core (CVE-13) was commissioned on December 10, 1942, and named after Core Sound. USS Core operated on the west coast off San Diego, but soon joined the Atlantic Fleet to take part in the bloody war against submarines with TBF-1C Avengers and F4F-4 Wildcats on board. Core’s first combat cruise in the Atlantic lasted from June 27 to July 31, 1943, during which VC-13 hit a pair of submarines. USS Core and VC-13 scored a total of four submarine kills by the end of 1943, helping to end the good times of the German U-boat fleet. The Wildcats on USS Core carried combination of colors from the factory blue-grey NS through light grey NS as well as both the then-new ASWN I and II schemes designed for the Atlantic. The aircraft shown, with the black identification number 3 on the rudder, had a three-tone camouflage, i.e. ASWN I scheme, and was sporting red outlined insignias. These were repainted with Insignia Blue in September 1943.
VGF-29, Lt Cdr John T. Blackburn, USS Santee (CVE-29), November 1943
John Thomas Blackburn (born January 24, 1912) became first commanding officer of famous VF-17 Jolly Rogers Squadron flying F4U Corsairs. Prior to that, he had managed to achieve fame and ace status with Wildcats. He graduated from the US Naval Academy in 1933 and served as flight instructor when the USA entered the war in 1941. Although anxious to get to combat, he was relegated to fly Buffalos in Miami and had to apply several times for assignment with combat unit. He was tasked to set up VGF-29 as its CO on the new escort carrier USS Santee. After the pilots acquainted themselves with Wildcats at Pungo, Virginia, the Squadron embarked aboard USS Santee in October 1942 to participate in Operation Torch. The first combat was a disaster, as pilots could not find the target due to poor weather. More to it, damaged homing equipment aboard Santee forced them to ditch or force-land their Wildcats. Blackburn himself floated adrift in a life raft for three days before he was rescued by a destroyer. Shortly thereafter, Blackburn was ordered to set up a new unit, the VF-17, the second squadron to fly F4U Corsairs in combat. Blackburn achieved 11 victories in WWII and became Commander Air Group of CAG 74 aboard the new USS Midway (CVB-41) in 1945 and he commanded the ship from 1958 to 1959. After the war he worked at the Pentagon and was one of the first jet pilots in the Navy. He retired in 1962 and began growing wine grapes and raising the Golden Retrievers in California. He died on March 21, 1994.
VMF-111 (121), 2Lt. Thomas Mann, Samoa Spring 1943
Marine Fighting Squadron 121 (VMF-121) was activated on June 24, 1941 and adopted the nickname The Green Knights. They began combat operations with F4F Wildcats, which they changed for F4U Corsairs later. They took part in the battle for Guadalcanal starting October 1942 and also fought from the forward air bases on Bougainville and Emirau. On September 15, 1944, the Green Knights landed on Peleliu and were fighting from this base until July 25, 1945. The unit was deactivated on September 9, 1945. During the war, fourteen pilots of VMF-121 became fighter aces, and the whole unit downed 208 Japanese aircraft, 165 of them while flying Wildcats. Marine Second Lieutenant Thomas H. Mann, Jr., moved to VMF-121 from VMF-224 and became an ace in the fighting over Guadalcanal with five victories on his account. On November 11, 1942, he took off with others to intercept a formation of Japanese Aichi Type 99 bombers. He managed to shoot down three of them prior to being shot down and lost seven teeth in landing on water, which added the pain to his wound he suffered from enemy fire. Mann managed to reach the beach of a small island in the Tulagi archipelago and got back with the help of natives in a canoe. At the end of the WWII, he amassed ten aerial victories.
Tail End Charlie
Detail of the symbols representing the victories achieved by the pilots of the Czechoslovak 310th Fighter Squadron of the RAF on Hurricane Mk.I “NN-D” (P3143). The four victories indicate the aircraft is depicted as it appeared on September 7th or 8th, 1940. Up to , that point, two victories had been recorded by F/Lt. G. L. Sinclair, and two more by Sgt. Bohumil Fürst. Later in September, additional victories were achieved by P/O Stanislav Fejfar, Sgt. Eduard Prchal, and again by Bohumil Fürst.
About Swastikas and more…
Text: Jan Bobek
In the October 2024 issue of INFO Eduard magazine, I published an article about an international aviation gathering commemorating the 80th anniversary of the air battle over the Ore Mountains. This historic event, which took place on September 11, 1944, saw the 100th Bomb Group—nicknamed the "Bloody Hundredth"—suffer some of the heaviest casualties in its history. If you have a moment, I’d be delighted if you could read the article.
The gathering in the Czech township of Kovářská was well attended, attracting a large number of participants, many of whom were members of the public from neighboring Germany.
During a visit to the local museum, which is dedicated to the air battle, an interesting situation unfolded. A group of German visitors stopped to examine the nose art of a B-17 bomber, which displayed symbols of aerial victories in the form of swastikas. Mistakenly assuming the aircraft to be German, they asked the museum staff about its origins. To their surprise, they were informed that it was an American bomber and that the swastikas represented victories against the German Luftwaffe. The visitors were visibly taken aback, as they had naturally assumed that any aircraft bearing swastikas must, of course, be German.
I believe that the vast majority, if not all, of the readers who engage with my text are so well-versed in aviation and military history that such a question would never cross their minds. Many might even shake their heads at the museum visitors' lack of understanding.
That said, I assume our German readers can understand the context of this situation. In Germany, the display of the swastika has been strictly regulated under the Criminal Code for many years. In simple terms, its use is permitted for religious purposes (as it is, for instance, a Hindu symbol) or in connection with the history of the Third Reich, such as in historical photographs, period film footage, feature films, and educational materials (this is a simplified list).
Hurricane Mk.I, P3143, No. 310 (Czechoslovak) Squadron, RAF Duxford, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom, September 1940.
However, the swastika cannot be displayed in Germany on newly created items that could, in any way, be used to promote the Nazi regime. While I understand the reasoning behind this restriction, it does pose challenges for historians and illustrators, particularly when creating new depictions of military equipment.
After several generations in Germany since the Second World War, the swastika has become a kind of taboo, strongly associated with the Nazi period—a subject the public often prefers not to delve into too deeply. The historical guilt of the German people for the atrocities committed under Hitler's regime in the 1930s and 1940s is heavily emphasized in the school curriculum, even extending to geography classes. As a result, German society has reached a point where the sight of a swastika automatically triggers the assumption that it represents and promotes the Nazi regime and likely constitutes a violation of the law.
This perception extends to situations where a layperson encounters symbols unrelated to Nazism, such as a Finnish aircraft bearing a blue swastika, a Latvian plane with a red swastika, or an American infantryman’s helmet from the First World War featuring a swastika painted as a good luck charm. Similarly, a Spad biplane fighter adorned with a red swastika can lead the uninformed observer to mistakenly conclude that these symbols are tied to the Nazi era.
Adolf Hitler adopted the swastika as a symbol of his political party in 1920. Werner Voss and his Albatros D.III from Jasta 2, which featured a swastika on its side in 1917, could not possibly have had any connection to Hitler’s use of the symbol. At that time, that "damned Austrian non-commissioned officer" of the Bavarian army was still running around in the trenches as a liaison.
However, this historical nuance is irrelevant to the average layperson in Germany. Imagine someone in a German shop coming across a model of a First World War Spad fighter plane from the American volunteer Escadrille Lafayette, featuring a swastika on its side. It is quite likely they would report it to the police. The police, uninterested in the historical context or the fact that the plane bears French cockades, would have to follow procedure by gathering evidence for an investigation. This involves confiscating the goods and commissioning expert reports.
After a year of investigation, the goods would be returned, often in a slightly worse condition, along with a statement concluding that no law was violated, as the product has no connection to the Nazi regime. By this time, however, the shop might have already gone out of business. While hypothetical, similar cases have indeed occurred in Germany.
None of what I’ve described may resonate well with history enthusiasts, but it reflects the reality of the German marketplace for manufacturers and retailers. For this reason, we avoid displaying swastikas on products intended for the German market, even when depicting subjects like German aircraft from before the NSDAP era or items with no connection to Germany at all.
As a result, you won’t find swastikas representing victory symbols against Nazi airmen on decals in kits for Mustangs, Spitfires, or other aircraft destined for our German distributors. It’s an absurd situation, but the risk of denunciation by an uninformed public is simply too great to ignore.
This measure significantly complicates our production process. While we hope to consult with the German Chamber of Commerce regarding swastikas that are unrelated to the Nazi regime, I am unsure if such efforts will lead to any meaningful resolution. The caution exercised by our German distributors will likely outweigh the benefits of any legal clarification, and even the Spad from Escadrille Lafayette will lose its battle with the German general public.
Images from the IWM collections show famous aces Robert S. Tuck (photo no. 1), Eric S. Lock (no. 2), and the Hurricane Mk.I coded NN-D (P3143) aircraft (no. 3) being serviced by Czechoslovak mechanics. All aircraft feature victories marked in the form of swastikas. Currently, aircraft model kits on the German market cannot include swastikas, even as symbols of aerial victories in the fight against the Nazi regime. This leads to sometimes absurd connections, for instance, Robert S. Tuck was of Jewish origin. Strangely, this biographical detail was erased from English version of Tuck´s Wikipedia page.
Unfortunately, this approach results in complaints from customers in other countries who receive kits from German dealers with decals that have been self-censored in this way.
In this context, I must also express my dismay at the opposite extreme. For instance, in the United States, it is possible for someone to march in a demonstration wearing a T-shirt or carrying a flag bearing a Nazi swastika without facing consequences. In my country, and rightly so, such behavior would swiftly lead to arrest, prosecution, and punishment. I am confident that no American soldier who served in World War II would disagree with me. Promoting a regime responsible for atrocities like the slaughter of American prisoners at Malmedy, not even speaking of the rest, has nothing to do with freedom of speech.
Unfortunately, the German perspective on the display of the swastika is increasingly influencing other EU countries. For example, the Czech Criminal Code has been mirroring German legislation on this matter for several years. We do not yet know whether the interpretation of the law will be identical, nor do we know how law enforcement authorities will handle it. Nevertheless, we foresee significant risks in the future, which is why we are taking precautions and removing swastikas as distinctive markings in our kits.
If Germany succeeds in thoroughly eradicating the swastika from public spaces, it will paradoxically represent a form of "final victory" 80 years after the war. Not only will historic German machines lose their obvious Nazi-association, but the Allies' victories over the Nazis will also fade from public recognition. In effect, we risk erasing the record of the Allied triumph over the Nazi regime from history.
I believe that European countries, particularly Germany, should focus on more pressing issues than the strict regulation of the swastika, which has led to the kinds of misunderstandings and complications described earlier. To explain what I mean, I will quote several prominent figures on the topics of Russian aggression and Islamic extremism.
To clarify my point, I’d like to reference the insights of individuals more qualified than I am, particularly when comparing their expertise to my own 20 years of experience in management positions across several countries. My career includes working in an international consulting and engineering firm headquartered in the Netherlands, with a parent company in Germany, half of my colleagues based in the Gulf region and my own team including members in Russia.
One critical issue that demands attention is Russia and the multifaceted war it is waging against the West, Ukraine, and other countries through various means and with varying levels of intensity. Notably, Russia likely holds the record for the largest number of neo-Nazis within its borders, and in the early months of its invasion of Ukraine, it sought to mask its colonial aggression with rhetoric about fighting Ukrainian Nazis and fascists. This observation is not meant to downplay the existence of neo-Nazis in Ukraine or other European countries.
British General Sir Alexander Richard Shirreff, who served as Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Europe from 2011 to 2014, published a book in 2016 entitled "2017: War with Russia: An Urgent Warning from Senior Military Command." In this historical fiction, he described a scenario in which Russia in 2017 militarily occupied eastern Ukraine, established a land link with occupied Crimea, and then invaded the Baltic states, threatening to use nuclear weapons. At the same time, Shirreff warned of the unpreparedness of British and European military forces for such a scenario.
At the time of the book's publication, Shirreff was considered by some critics to be greatly exaggerating and risking his reputation. However, some reviewers were of a different opinion. General Wesley K. Clark, former Supreme Allied Commander Europe (1997-2000) wrote about the book: "A must read for anyone engaged in national security policy. Shirreff's warnings-veiled as fiction-ring with authenticity, rich in technical details and insight." Adm. James G. Stavridis, U.S. Navy, who twelve years later held the same position as Clark, summed up his opinion of Shirreff's warnings succinctly, "You fail to read this book at your peril."
Unfortunately, history has shown that Shirreff was more or less mistaken only in the timing of Russia’s long-prepared invasion operation. The fact that the Baltics were not invaded is likely due to the resilience of Ukraine’s defenders.
When Shirreff’s book was published, he stated, among other things, “I think it is the duty of senior soldiers engaged with politicians not to think like politicians, not to make life easy for politicians, but to lay out the military consequences of political decisions. And I sense that is something that has got blurred in recent years.”
Regarding this "blurred picture," specifically the Russian threat to Europe, Politico quoted Poland's former foreign minister, Radoslaw Sikorski, in March 2022. Sikorski, who is married to Pulitzer Prize-winning author Anne Applebaum, remarked, “The Western Europeans pooh-poohed and patronized us for these last 30 years. For years [they] were patronizing us about our attitude: ‘Oh, you know, you over-nervous, over-sensitive Central Europeans are prejudiced against Russia.’”
I believe that Western European security and military forces, including those in Germany, have experienced an uncomfortable awakening about Russia in recent years. However, I cannot shake the feeling that they need to significantly increase their efforts, particularly in arms production, which should not be impeded by banks or politicians. Russian power structures are highly experienced in influence operations and maintain numerous supporters among European extremists and neo-Nazis. Russia is already waging a form of war against us, yet it seems that Europe remains hesitant to fully acknowledge the reality of the situation.
In the spring of 2022, during a conversation with a senior executive at one of Germany’s largest automotive manufacturers, the director laughed when the topic of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine came up. He claimed that Russia was not the enemy and that Germany’s real rival was the United States. Fortunately, over the past two years, I have seen considerable evidence that the perspective within German industry has shifted, with the compass turning back toward the West and away from Moscow.
Undoubtedly, this shift has been influenced by the courageous resistance of the Ukrainians, which starkly contrasts with the collapse of the Afghan armed forces during the rushed withdrawal of the U.S. and its allies from Afghanistan.
The second issue that Germany and other Western European states should address with a renewed approach is the risk highlighted in 2017 by the then Foreign Minister of the United Arab Emirates, His Highness Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan at the Tweeps conference:
"And let me say this in English so you can understand what I am saying.“
Compere: „I have translation.“
„No, I know you have translation, I just want to make sure you get it right… There will come a day when we will see far more radical extremists and terrorists coming out of Europe because of lack of decision making, trying to be politically correct or assuming that they know the Middle East and they know Islam and they know the others far better than we do. And I'm sorry, but that's pure ignorance."
One final thought: what is more dangerous—a swastika painted on a model of a historic aircraft, serving as a reminder of the horrors of a war from which we all unequivocally dissociate ourselves, or people waving flags and shouting slogans calling for genocide, without even pretending to dissociate from the atrocities of recent years?
I sincerely hope that, in the years ahead, European politicians, authorities, and citizens can move beyond ignorance, "blurring," and political correctness when addressing the issues that genuinely threaten Europe.
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.y9d8{bottom:171.266000pt;} .y5fb{bottom:171.313333pt;} .ya4f{bottom:171.332333pt;} .y1de{bottom:171.816667pt;} .y1ea{bottom:171.840667pt;} .y1f5{bottom:171.864667pt;} .y51c{bottom:172.108000pt;} .y409{bottom:172.482533pt;} .y40a{bottom:172.486533pt;} .y810{bottom:172.686400pt;} .yc54{bottom:172.946133pt;} .yc53{bottom:173.258933pt;} .ybcb{bottom:173.638267pt;} .yc62{bottom:174.138533pt;} .yc43{bottom:174.173200pt;} .yb88{bottom:174.438533pt;} .yc75{bottom:175.574667pt;} .yc74{bottom:177.016000pt;} .yb1f{bottom:177.526267pt;} .y9b2{bottom:177.662533pt;} .yc27{bottom:177.725333pt;} .yaf9{bottom:178.518400pt;} .ybd6{bottom:178.519733pt;} .y14a{bottom:178.531733pt;} .y70{bottom:178.543733pt;} .y48f{bottom:178.551733pt;} .y1d6{bottom:178.627733pt;} .yde{bottom:178.679733pt;} .y3c1{bottom:178.735733pt;} .y10e{bottom:178.871733pt;} .y870{bottom:179.478267pt;} .y87a{bottom:179.502267pt;} .y896{bottom:180.736667pt;} .yc52{bottom:181.208533pt;} .y95b{bottom:181.648400pt;} .y65e{bottom:181.789600pt;} .y58d{bottom:181.868400pt;} .y63b{bottom:181.873600pt;} .y568{bottom:181.952400pt;} .y618{bottom:181.957600pt;} .y545{bottom:182.008400pt;} .yc51{bottom:182.055067pt;} .y904{bottom:182.190613pt;} .y9d7{bottom:182.466000pt;} .y569{bottom:183.044400pt;} .yace{bottom:183.114800pt;} .y913{bottom:183.454213pt;} .yc50{bottom:185.603333pt;} .ybca{bottom:185.640933pt;} .y93d{bottom:185.659147pt;} .y5b4{bottom:185.785333pt;} .y5d7{bottom:185.881333pt;} .y5fa{bottom:185.977333pt;} .y80f{bottom:186.019733pt;} .yb87{bottom:186.438533pt;} .yc4f{bottom:186.450000pt;} .y1dd{bottom:186.480667pt;} .y1e9{bottom:186.504667pt;} .y1f4{bottom:186.528667pt;} .y51b{bottom:186.774667pt;} .y2a9{bottom:187.191733pt;} .yc26{bottom:187.228400pt;} .yc73{bottom:187.485658pt;} .yc42{bottom:187.642267pt;} .yc41{bottom:188.163333pt;} .ya4e{bottom:188.291716pt;} .yc40{bottom:188.629867pt;} .y8d9{bottom:188.846080pt;} .yc72{bottom:191.901333pt;} .yc61{bottom:192.089600pt;} .yc60{bottom:192.870933pt;} .yb1e{bottom:193.526267pt;} .y9d6{bottom:193.666000pt;} .y86f{bottom:194.142267pt;} .y879{bottom:194.166267pt;} .y883{bottom:194.190267pt;} .yc4e{bottom:194.278133pt;} .yaf8{bottom:194.518400pt;} .ybd5{bottom:194.519733pt;} .y149{bottom:194.527733pt;} .y6f{bottom:194.539733pt;} .y48e{bottom:194.547733pt;} .y1d5{bottom:194.623733pt;} .ydd{bottom:194.675733pt;} .y3c0{bottom:194.731733pt;} .y10d{bottom:194.867733pt;} .ya21{bottom:194.972133pt;} .yc4d{bottom:195.059467pt;} .y65d{bottom:196.513600pt;} .y58c{bottom:196.592400pt;} .y63a{bottom:196.597600pt;} .y567{bottom:196.676400pt;} .y617{bottom:196.681600pt;} .yc25{bottom:196.731467pt;} .y544{bottom:196.732400pt;} .yc5f{bottom:196.834667pt;} .ybc9{bottom:197.643600pt;} .yb86{bottom:198.438533pt;} .yc3f{bottom:198.511067pt;} .yacd{bottom:199.114800pt;} .y5b3{bottom:200.449333pt;} .y5d6{bottom:200.545333pt;} .y5f9{bottom:200.641333pt;} .y8b7{bottom:200.871840pt;} .y95a{bottom:200.975067pt;} .y1dc{bottom:201.144667pt;} .y1e8{bottom:201.168667pt;} .y1f3{bottom:201.192667pt;} .y51a{bottom:201.441333pt;} .yc4c{bottom:201.691467pt;} .y80e{bottom:201.731733pt;} .y903{bottom:203.565653pt;} .y912{bottom:204.829253pt;} .ya4d{bottom:205.251100pt;} .yc7b{bottom:205.302133pt;} .yc71{bottom:205.371067pt;} .y40{bottom:206.095200pt;} .yb67{bottom:206.159067pt;} .yc24{bottom:206.234400pt;} .y93c{bottom:207.034187pt;} .yb83{bottom:208.669467pt;} .y86e{bottom:208.806267pt;} .y878{bottom:208.830267pt;} .y882{bottom:208.854267pt;} .yb1d{bottom:209.526267pt;} .ybc8{bottom:209.646267pt;} .y1f{bottom:209.963067pt;} .y8d8{bottom:210.221120pt;} .y9b1{bottom:210.300267pt;} .yaf7{bottom:210.518400pt;} .ybd4{bottom:210.519733pt;} .y148{bottom:210.523733pt;} .y6e{bottom:210.535733pt;} .y48d{bottom:210.543733pt;} .y1d4{bottom:210.619733pt;} .ydc{bottom:210.671733pt;} .y3bf{bottom:210.727733pt;} .y10c{bottom:210.863733pt;} .y65c{bottom:211.237600pt;} .y58b{bottom:211.316400pt;} .y639{bottom:211.321600pt;} .y566{bottom:211.400400pt;} .y616{bottom:211.405600pt;} .ya49{bottom:211.429067pt;} .y543{bottom:211.456400pt;} .y20{bottom:211.845311pt;} .yc70{bottom:211.989467pt;} .yc6f{bottom:212.260667pt;} .yc6e{bottom:212.596133pt;} .y5b2{bottom:215.113333pt;} .yacc{bottom:215.114800pt;} .y5d5{bottom:215.209333pt;} .y5f8{bottom:215.305333pt;} .yc23{bottom:215.737333pt;} .y1db{bottom:215.808667pt;} .y1e7{bottom:215.832667pt;} .y1f2{bottom:215.856667pt;} .y519{bottom:216.108000pt;} .yc7a{bottom:217.694800pt;} .yc49{bottom:217.700400pt;} .yc6b{bottom:217.889600pt;} .yc5c{bottom:217.896267pt;} .y8cd{bottom:218.954000pt;} .yb82{bottom:219.869467pt;} .y959{bottom:220.301733pt;} .ybc7{bottom:221.648933pt;} .ya4c{bottom:222.210483pt;} .y8b6{bottom:222.246880pt;} .y363{bottom:222.714267pt;} .y86d{bottom:223.470267pt;} .y877{bottom:223.494267pt;} .y881{bottom:223.518267pt;} .y902{bottom:224.940693pt;} .y818{bottom:225.074133pt;} .yc36{bottom:225.239967pt;} .yc22{bottom:225.240400pt;} .yb1c{bottom:225.526267pt;} .y65b{bottom:225.961600pt;} .y58a{bottom:226.040400pt;} .y638{bottom:226.045600pt;} .yb66{bottom:226.083200pt;} .y565{bottom:226.124400pt;} .y615{bottom:226.129600pt;} .y542{bottom:226.180400pt;} .y911{bottom:226.204293pt;} .yaf6{bottom:226.518400pt;} .y147{bottom:226.519733pt;} .y6d{bottom:226.531733pt;} .y48c{bottom:226.539733pt;} .y1d3{bottom:226.615733pt;} .ydb{bottom:226.667733pt;} .y3be{bottom:226.723733pt;} .y10b{bottom:226.859733pt;} .y93b{bottom:228.409227pt;} .y699{bottom:229.576667pt;} .y6a3{bottom:229.600667pt;} .y5b1{bottom:229.777333pt;} .y5d4{bottom:229.873333pt;} .y5f7{bottom:229.969333pt;} .y1da{bottom:230.472667pt;} .y1e6{bottom:230.496667pt;} .y1f1{bottom:230.520667pt;} .y518{bottom:230.774667pt;} .yacb{bottom:231.114800pt;} .y8d7{bottom:231.596160pt;} .y78e{bottom:231.776267pt;} .y790{bottom:231.832933pt;} .y702{bottom:232.586267pt;} .y704{bottom:232.642933pt;} .ybc6{bottom:233.651600pt;} .yc35{bottom:234.743067pt;} .yc21{bottom:234.743467pt;} .y6b7{bottom:234.796667pt;} .y6c0{bottom:234.820667pt;} .y6c9{bottom:234.844667pt;} .y46d{bottom:235.127333pt;} .y362{bottom:236.046267pt;} .y86c{bottom:238.134267pt;} .y876{bottom:238.158267pt;} .y880{bottom:238.182267pt;} .ya4b{bottom:239.169867pt;} .yb6a{bottom:239.363733pt;} .y958{bottom:239.628400pt;} .y65a{bottom:240.685600pt;} .y589{bottom:240.764400pt;} .y637{bottom:240.769600pt;} .y564{bottom:240.848400pt;} .y614{bottom:240.853600pt;} .y541{bottom:240.904400pt;} .yb1b{bottom:241.526267pt;} .y739{bottom:241.859067pt;} .y744{bottom:241.883067pt;} .y74f{bottom:241.907067pt;} .yaf5{bottom:242.518400pt;} .y146{bottom:242.519733pt;} .y6c{bottom:242.527733pt;} .y48b{bottom:242.535733pt;} .y1d2{bottom:242.611733pt;} .yda{bottom:242.663733pt;} .y3bd{bottom:242.719733pt;} .y10a{bottom:242.855733pt;} .y8b5{bottom:243.621920pt;} .y698{bottom:244.240667pt;} .yc34{bottom:244.246167pt;} .yc20{bottom:244.246533pt;} .y6a2{bottom:244.264667pt;} .y5b0{bottom:244.441333pt;} .y5d3{bottom:244.537333pt;} .y5f6{bottom:244.633333pt;} .y6d4{bottom:245.188667pt;} .y6dd{bottom:245.212667pt;} .y6e6{bottom:245.236667pt;} .y517{bottom:245.441333pt;} .ybc5{bottom:245.654267pt;} .y901{bottom:246.315733pt;} .yaca{bottom:247.114800pt;} .y46c{bottom:247.130000pt;} .y910{bottom:247.579333pt;} .y361{bottom:249.378267pt;} .y6b6{bottom:249.460667pt;} .y6bf{bottom:249.484667pt;} .y6c8{bottom:249.508667pt;} .y93a{bottom:249.784267pt;} .y835{bottom:250.274933pt;} .y83d{bottom:250.298933pt;} .y9b0{bottom:252.628835pt;} .y86b{bottom:252.798267pt;} .y875{bottom:252.822267pt;} .y87f{bottom:252.846267pt;} .y8d6{bottom:252.971200pt;} .yc33{bottom:253.749267pt;} .yc1f{bottom:253.749600pt;} .y2c{bottom:255.144667pt;} .y659{bottom:255.409600pt;} .y588{bottom:255.488400pt;} .y636{bottom:255.493600pt;} .y563{bottom:255.572400pt;} .y613{bottom:255.577600pt;} .y540{bottom:255.628400pt;} .y738{bottom:256.523067pt;} .y743{bottom:256.547067pt;} .y74e{bottom:256.571067pt;} .yc5e{bottom:256.600000pt;} .yb1a{bottom:257.526267pt;} .ybc4{bottom:257.656933pt;} .y78f{bottom:258.494600pt;} .yaf4{bottom:258.518400pt;} .ybd3{bottom:258.519733pt;} .y6b{bottom:258.523733pt;} .y48a{bottom:258.531733pt;} .y1d1{bottom:258.607733pt;} .yd9{bottom:258.659733pt;} .y3bc{bottom:258.715733pt;} .y109{bottom:258.851733pt;} .ya4a{bottom:258.857333pt;} .y697{bottom:258.904667pt;} .y6a1{bottom:258.928667pt;} .y6ab{bottom:258.952667pt;} .y957{bottom:258.955067pt;} .y5af{bottom:259.105333pt;} .y46b{bottom:259.132667pt;} .y5d2{bottom:259.201333pt;} .y5f5{bottom:259.297333pt;} .y703{bottom:259.304600pt;} .yb6f{bottom:259.604933pt;} .y6d3{bottom:259.852667pt;} .y6dc{bottom:259.876667pt;} .y6e5{bottom:259.900667pt;} .yb74{bottom:260.026133pt;} .y516{bottom:260.108000pt;} .yb7d{bottom:261.552133pt;} .y8c8{bottom:262.162293pt;} .y78d{bottom:262.489600pt;} .yac9{bottom:263.114800pt;} .yc32{bottom:263.252367pt;} .yc1e{bottom:263.252667pt;} .y701{bottom:263.299600pt;} .y6b5{bottom:264.124667pt;} .y6be{bottom:264.148667pt;} .y6c7{bottom:264.172667pt;} .y834{bottom:264.938933pt;} .y83c{bottom:264.962933pt;} .y8b4{bottom:264.996960pt;} .yb65{bottom:265.918241pt;} .y208{bottom:266.552000pt;} .y86a{bottom:267.462267pt;} .y874{bottom:267.486267pt;} .y87e{bottom:267.510267pt;} .y900{bottom:267.690773pt;} .y90f{bottom:268.954373pt;} .y9d2{bottom:269.284667pt;} .ybc3{bottom:269.659600pt;} .y658{bottom:270.133600pt;} .y587{bottom:270.212400pt;} .y635{bottom:270.217600pt;} .y562{bottom:270.296400pt;} .y612{bottom:270.301600pt;} .y53f{bottom:270.352400pt;} .ya6e{bottom:270.627301pt;} .y46a{bottom:271.135333pt;} .y939{bottom:271.159307pt;} .y737{bottom:271.187067pt;} .y742{bottom:271.211067pt;} .y74d{bottom:271.235067pt;} .yb7c{bottom:272.752133pt;} .yc1d{bottom:272.755467pt;} .yb19{bottom:273.526267pt;} .y696{bottom:273.568667pt;} .y6a0{bottom:273.592667pt;} .y6aa{bottom:273.616667pt;} .y5ae{bottom:273.769333pt;} .y5d1{bottom:273.865333pt;} .y5f4{bottom:273.961333pt;} .y2b{bottom:274.344667pt;} .y8d5{bottom:274.346240pt;} .y6d2{bottom:274.516667pt;} .yaf3{bottom:274.518400pt;} .y6a{bottom:274.519733pt;} .y489{bottom:274.527733pt;} .y6db{bottom:274.540667pt;} .y6e4{bottom:274.564667pt;} .y1d0{bottom:274.603733pt;} .yd8{bottom:274.655733pt;} .y145{bottom:274.703733pt;} .y3bb{bottom:274.711733pt;} .y515{bottom:274.774667pt;} .y108{bottom:274.847733pt;} .yb90{bottom:277.590533pt;} .y956{bottom:278.281733pt;} .y6b4{bottom:278.788667pt;} .y6bd{bottom:278.812667pt;} .y6c6{bottom:278.836667pt;} .y833{bottom:279.602933pt;} .y83b{bottom:279.626933pt;} .y843{bottom:279.650933pt;} .y9d1{bottom:280.484667pt;} .ybc2{bottom:281.662267pt;} .y869{bottom:282.126267pt;} .y873{bottom:282.150267pt;} .y87d{bottom:282.174267pt;} .yc31{bottom:282.258367pt;} .yc1c{bottom:282.258533pt;} .y469{bottom:283.138000pt;} .y8c7{bottom:283.537333pt;} .y2a6{bottom:283.632667pt;} .y657{bottom:284.857600pt;} .y259{bottom:284.892667pt;} .y586{bottom:284.936400pt;} .y634{bottom:284.941600pt;} .y561{bottom:285.020400pt;} .y611{bottom:285.025600pt;} .y53d{bottom:285.071333pt;} .y53e{bottom:285.073867pt;} .y207{bottom:285.212667pt;} .yc5d{bottom:285.589200pt;} .yb64{bottom:285.849187pt;} .y736{bottom:285.851067pt;} .yc4a{bottom:285.866000pt;} .y741{bottom:285.875067pt;} .yc7c{bottom:285.898000pt;} .y74c{bottom:285.899067pt;} .yc6c{bottom:285.931600pt;} .y8b3{bottom:286.372000pt;} .y695{bottom:288.232667pt;} .y69f{bottom:288.256667pt;} .y6a9{bottom:288.280667pt;} .y5ad{bottom:288.433333pt;} .y5d0{bottom:288.529333pt;} .y5f3{bottom:288.625333pt;} .yb8f{bottom:288.790533pt;} .y9ed{bottom:288.915733pt;} .y8ff{bottom:289.065813pt;} .ya8b{bottom:289.115200pt;} .y6d1{bottom:289.180667pt;} .y6da{bottom:289.204667pt;} .y6e3{bottom:289.228667pt;} .y514{bottom:289.441333pt;} .yb18{bottom:289.526267pt;} .y90e{bottom:290.329413pt;} .y78c{bottom:290.482933pt;} .yaf2{bottom:290.518400pt;} .y69{bottom:290.519733pt;} .y488{bottom:290.523733pt;} .y1cf{bottom:290.599733pt;} .y182{bottom:290.627733pt;} .yd7{bottom:290.651733pt;} .y1b2{bottom:290.659733pt;} .y144{bottom:290.699733pt;} .y3ba{bottom:290.707733pt;} .y107{bottom:290.843733pt;} .y700{bottom:291.292933pt;} .yc1b{bottom:291.761467pt;} .y938{bottom:292.534347pt;} .yac8{bottom:293.328400pt;} .y6b3{bottom:293.452667pt;} .y6bc{bottom:293.476667pt;} .y6c5{bottom:293.500667pt;} .y2a{bottom:293.544667pt;} .ybc1{bottom:293.664933pt;} .ya54{bottom:294.181565pt;} .y832{bottom:294.266933pt;} .y83a{bottom:294.290933pt;} .y842{bottom:294.314933pt;} .y468{bottom:295.140667pt;} .y780{bottom:295.355067pt;} .y786{bottom:295.367067pt;} .y8d4{bottom:295.721280pt;} .y868{bottom:296.790267pt;} .y872{bottom:296.814267pt;} .y87c{bottom:296.838267pt;} .y955{bottom:297.608400pt;} .y656{bottom:299.581600pt;} .y585{bottom:299.660400pt;} .y633{bottom:299.665600pt;} .y560{bottom:299.744400pt;} 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.y1b1{bottom:306.655733pt;} .y95{bottom:306.691733pt;} .y143{bottom:306.695733pt;} .y3b9{bottom:306.703733pt;} .y106{bottom:306.839733pt;} .y8b2{bottom:307.747040pt;} .y6b2{bottom:308.116667pt;} .y6bb{bottom:308.140667pt;} .y6c4{bottom:308.164667pt;} .y831{bottom:308.930933pt;} .y839{bottom:308.954933pt;} .y841{bottom:308.978933pt;} .y77f{bottom:310.019067pt;} .y785{bottom:310.031067pt;} .y8fe{bottom:310.440853pt;} .yc19{bottom:310.767600pt;} .y867{bottom:311.454267pt;} .y871{bottom:311.478267pt;} .y87b{bottom:311.502267pt;} .y90d{bottom:311.704453pt;} .y29{bottom:312.744667pt;} .y937{bottom:313.909387pt;} .y655{bottom:314.305600pt;} .y584{bottom:314.384400pt;} .y632{bottom:314.389600pt;} .y55f{bottom:314.468400pt;} .y60f{bottom:314.473600pt;} .y53a{bottom:314.511733pt;} .y53b{bottom:314.516800pt;} .y734{bottom:315.179067pt;} .y73f{bottom:315.203067pt;} .y74a{bottom:315.227067pt;} .y2b9{bottom:315.410000pt;} .y2b3{bottom:316.670000pt;} .y8d3{bottom:317.096320pt;} .y693{bottom:317.560667pt;} .y69d{bottom:317.584667pt;} .y6a7{bottom:317.608667pt;} .ybbe{bottom:317.670267pt;} .y5ab{bottom:317.761333pt;} .ya48{bottom:317.846004pt;} .y5ce{bottom:317.857333pt;} .y5f1{bottom:317.953333pt;} .y9eb{bottom:318.251733pt;} .y75f{bottom:318.455067pt;} .y767{bottom:318.479067pt;} .y76f{bottom:318.503067pt;} .y6cf{bottom:318.508667pt;} .ybbf{bottom:318.519600pt;} .y6d8{bottom:318.532667pt;} .y6e1{bottom:318.556667pt;} .yadf{bottom:318.623333pt;} .y512{bottom:318.774667pt;} .ya19{bottom:319.370133pt;} .yb04{bottom:319.738267pt;} .ya17{bottom:319.828400pt;} .y497{bottom:319.834000pt;} .yac7{bottom:319.995067pt;} .y7f5{bottom:320.148267pt;} .y801{bottom:320.172267pt;} .y80d{bottom:320.196267pt;} .yc2f{bottom:320.270633pt;} .yc18{bottom:320.270800pt;} .yb1{bottom:322.519733pt;} .y205{bottom:322.534000pt;} .y68{bottom:322.551733pt;} .y1cd{bottom:322.591733pt;} .y4c4{bottom:322.599733pt;} .y4ae{bottom:322.603733pt;} .y180{bottom:322.619733pt;} .yd5{bottom:322.643733pt;} .y1b0{bottom:322.651733pt;} .y94{bottom:322.687733pt;} .y142{bottom:322.691733pt;} .y3b8{bottom:322.699733pt;} .y6b1{bottom:322.780667pt;} .y6ba{bottom:322.804667pt;} .y6c3{bottom:322.828667pt;} .y105{bottom:322.835733pt;} .y830{bottom:323.594933pt;} .y838{bottom:323.618933pt;} .y840{bottom:323.642933pt;} .y77e{bottom:324.683067pt;} .y784{bottom:324.695067pt;} .y78a{bottom:324.707067pt;} .y78b{bottom:324.904000pt;} .yb62{bottom:325.704400pt;} .y6ff{bottom:325.714000pt;} .y8c5{bottom:326.287413pt;} .y297{bottom:326.905067pt;} .y2a3{bottom:326.953067pt;} .y256{bottom:328.033733pt;} .y24a{bottom:328.165067pt;} .y2b8{bottom:328.742000pt;} .y654{bottom:329.029600pt;} .y583{bottom:329.108400pt;} .y631{bottom:329.113600pt;} .y8b1{bottom:329.122080pt;} .y55e{bottom:329.192400pt;} .y60e{bottom:329.197600pt;} .y539{bottom:329.235733pt;} .y28b{bottom:329.365067pt;} .ybbd{bottom:329.672933pt;} .yc17{bottom:329.773733pt;} .y733{bottom:329.843067pt;} .y73e{bottom:329.867067pt;} .y749{bottom:329.891067pt;} .y2b2{bottom:330.002000pt;} .y23e{bottom:330.625067pt;} .y8fd{bottom:331.815893pt;} .y692{bottom:332.224667pt;} .y69c{bottom:332.248667pt;} .y6a6{bottom:332.272667pt;} .y5aa{bottom:332.425333pt;} .y5cd{bottom:332.521333pt;} .y5f0{bottom:332.617333pt;} .y9ea{bottom:332.919733pt;} .y90c{bottom:333.079493pt;} .y75e{bottom:333.119067pt;} .y766{bottom:333.143067pt;} .y76e{bottom:333.167067pt;} .y6ce{bottom:333.172667pt;} .y6d7{bottom:333.196667pt;} .y6e0{bottom:333.220667pt;} .y3f{bottom:333.377507pt;} .y511{bottom:333.441333pt;} .ya47{bottom:333.481316pt;} .y7f4{bottom:334.812267pt;} .y800{bottom:334.836267pt;} .y80c{bottom:334.860267pt;} .y936{bottom:335.284427pt;} .ya1c{bottom:335.475600pt;} .y30f{bottom:336.989467pt;} .y1e{bottom:337.231719pt;} .y6b0{bottom:337.444667pt;} .y6b9{bottom:337.468667pt;} .y6c2{bottom:337.492667pt;} .y82f{bottom:338.258933pt;} .y837{bottom:338.282933pt;} .y83f{bottom:338.306933pt;} .y8d2{bottom:338.471360pt;} .yb0{bottom:338.519733pt;} .y67{bottom:338.547733pt;} .y1cc{bottom:338.587733pt;} .y4c3{bottom:338.595733pt;} .y4ad{bottom:338.599733pt;} .y17f{bottom:338.615733pt;} .yd4{bottom:338.639733pt;} .y1af{bottom:338.647733pt;} .y93{bottom:338.683733pt;} .y141{bottom:338.687733pt;} .y3b7{bottom:338.695733pt;} .y104{bottom:338.831733pt;} .yc2e{bottom:339.029333pt;} .yc16{bottom:339.276800pt;} .y77d{bottom:339.347067pt;} .y783{bottom:339.359067pt;} .y789{bottom:339.371067pt;} .y377{bottom:339.463333pt;} .y296{bottom:340.501067pt;} .y2a2{bottom:340.549067pt;} .y36c{bottom:340.723333pt;} .y204{bottom:341.194667pt;} .y255{bottom:341.629733pt;} .ybbc{bottom:341.675600pt;} .y249{bottom:341.761067pt;} .y28a{bottom:342.961067pt;} .y653{bottom:343.753600pt;} .y582{bottom:343.832400pt;} .y630{bottom:343.837600pt;} .y55d{bottom:343.916400pt;} .y60d{bottom:343.921600pt;} .y538{bottom:343.959733pt;} .y23d{bottom:344.221067pt;} .y45c{bottom:344.492667pt;} .y467{bottom:344.495333pt;} .y732{bottom:344.507067pt;} .y73d{bottom:344.531067pt;} .y748{bottom:344.555067pt;} .yade{bottom:345.290000pt;} .yb61{bottom:345.628533pt;} .yb03{bottom:346.404933pt;} .y312{bottom:346.422667pt;} .y691{bottom:346.888667pt;} .y69b{bottom:346.912667pt;} .y6a5{bottom:346.936667pt;} .y5a9{bottom:347.089333pt;} .y5cc{bottom:347.185333pt;} .y5ef{bottom:347.281333pt;} .y75d{bottom:347.783067pt;} .y765{bottom:347.807067pt;} .y76d{bottom:347.831067pt;} .y6cd{bottom:347.836667pt;} .y6d6{bottom:347.860667pt;} .y6df{bottom:347.884667pt;} .y510{bottom:348.108000pt;} .yc15{bottom:348.779867pt;} .ya46{bottom:349.116628pt;} .y7f3{bottom:349.476267pt;} .y7ff{bottom:349.500267pt;} .y80b{bottom:349.524267pt;} .y30e{bottom:349.661467pt;} .y8b0{bottom:350.497120pt;} .ya6d{bottom:350.592766pt;} .yac6{bottom:351.995067pt;} .y6af{bottom:352.108667pt;} .y6b8{bottom:352.132667pt;} .y6c1{bottom:352.156667pt;} .y376{bottom:352.795333pt;} .y82e{bottom:352.922933pt;} .y836{bottom:352.946933pt;} .y83e{bottom:352.970933pt;} .y8fc{bottom:353.190933pt;} .y9e0{bottom:353.663733pt;} .y9e1{bottom:353.668133pt;} .ybbb{bottom:353.678267pt;} .y77c{bottom:354.011067pt;} .y782{bottom:354.023067pt;} .y788{bottom:354.035067pt;} .y36b{bottom:354.055333pt;} .y295{bottom:354.097067pt;} .y2a1{bottom:354.145067pt;} .y90b{bottom:354.454533pt;} .yaf{bottom:354.519733pt;} .y66{bottom:354.543733pt;} .y1cb{bottom:354.583733pt;} .y4c2{bottom:354.591733pt;} .y4ac{bottom:354.595733pt;} .y17e{bottom:354.611733pt;} .yd3{bottom:354.635733pt;} .y1ae{bottom:354.643733pt;} .y92{bottom:354.679733pt;} .y140{bottom:354.683733pt;} .y486{bottom:354.687733pt;} .y3b6{bottom:354.691733pt;} .y103{bottom:354.827733pt;} .y254{bottom:355.225733pt;} .y248{bottom:355.357067pt;} .y45b{bottom:356.495333pt;} .y289{bottom:356.557067pt;} .y935{bottom:356.659467pt;} .y23c{bottom:357.817067pt;} .yc2d{bottom:358.035333pt;} .y4f9{bottom:358.231200pt;} .yc14{bottom:358.282800pt;} .y652{bottom:358.477600pt;} .y580{bottom:358.556400pt;} .y62f{bottom:358.561600pt;} .y55c{bottom:358.640400pt;} .y60c{bottom:358.645600pt;} .y536{bottom:358.678667pt;} .y537{bottom:358.681200pt;} .y731{bottom:359.171067pt;} .y73c{bottom:359.195067pt;} .y747{bottom:359.219067pt;} .y9f0{bottom:359.466667pt;} .y581{bottom:359.648400pt;} .y4fe{bottom:359.672667pt;} .y311{bottom:359.754667pt;} .y8d1{bottom:359.846400pt;} .y203{bottom:359.855333pt;} .y7db{bottom:360.360267pt;} .y7e3{bottom:360.384267pt;} .y690{bottom:361.552667pt;} .y69a{bottom:361.576667pt;} .y6a4{bottom:361.600667pt;} .y5a8{bottom:361.753333pt;} .y5cb{bottom:361.849333pt;} .y5ee{bottom:361.945333pt;} .y30d{bottom:362.333467pt;} .y75c{bottom:362.447067pt;} .y764{bottom:362.471067pt;} .y76c{bottom:362.495067pt;} .y6cc{bottom:362.500667pt;} .y6d5{bottom:362.524667pt;} .y6de{bottom:362.548667pt;} .y50f{bottom:362.774667pt;} .y7f2{bottom:364.140267pt;} .y7fe{bottom:364.164267pt;} .y80a{bottom:364.188267pt;} .ya45{bottom:364.751940pt;} .yb60{bottom:365.552800pt;} .ybba{bottom:365.680933pt;} .y375{bottom:366.127333pt;} .yad4{bottom:367.030667pt;} .y36a{bottom:367.387333pt;} .ya6c{bottom:367.552149pt;} .y294{bottom:367.693067pt;} .y2a0{bottom:367.741067pt;} .yc13{bottom:367.785600pt;} .y2a8{bottom:368.427733pt;} .y465{bottom:368.494800pt;} .y466{bottom:368.495333pt;} .y77b{bottom:368.675067pt;} .y781{bottom:368.687067pt;} .y787{bottom:368.699067pt;} .y253{bottom:368.821733pt;} .y247{bottom:368.953067pt;} .y8c4{bottom:369.037493pt;} .y288{bottom:370.153067pt;} .y4f8{bottom:370.233867pt;} .yba9{bottom:370.519733pt;} .y65{bottom:370.539733pt;} .y1ca{bottom:370.579733pt;} .y4c1{bottom:370.587733pt;} .y4ab{bottom:370.591733pt;} .y4dc{bottom:370.595733pt;} .y17d{bottom:370.607733pt;} .yd2{bottom:370.631733pt;} .y1ac{bottom:370.639733pt;} .y91{bottom:370.675733pt;} .y13f{bottom:370.679733pt;} .y485{bottom:370.683733pt;} .y3b5{bottom:370.687733pt;} .y102{bottom:370.823733pt;} .y23b{bottom:371.413067pt;} .y4fd{bottom:371.672667pt;} .y1ad{bottom:371.731733pt;} .y8af{bottom:371.872160pt;} .y310{bottom:373.086667pt;} .y651{bottom:373.201600pt;} .y57f{bottom:373.280400pt;} .y62e{bottom:373.285600pt;} .y55b{bottom:373.364400pt;} .y60b{bottom:373.369600pt;} .y535{bottom:373.402667pt;} .y730{bottom:373.835067pt;} .y73b{bottom:373.859067pt;} .y746{bottom:373.883067pt;} .y30c{bottom:375.005467pt;} .y7da{bottom:375.024267pt;} .y7e2{bottom:375.048267pt;} .yb81{bottom:375.540133pt;} .y5a7{bottom:376.417333pt;} .y5ca{bottom:376.513333pt;} .y5ed{bottom:376.609333pt;} .yc2c{bottom:377.041333pt;} .y75b{bottom:377.111067pt;} .y763{bottom:377.135067pt;} .y76b{bottom:377.159067pt;} .yc12{bottom:377.288800pt;} .yadd{bottom:377.295867pt;} .y50e{bottom:377.441333pt;} .ybb9{bottom:377.683600pt;} .yb8b{bottom:378.315867pt;} .yb02{bottom:378.400800pt;} .y202{bottom:378.516000pt;} .y7f1{bottom:378.804267pt;} .y7fd{bottom:378.828267pt;} .y809{bottom:378.852267pt;} .y374{bottom:379.459333pt;} .ya44{bottom:380.387252pt;} .y3e{bottom:380.707213pt;} .y369{bottom:380.719333pt;} .y29f{bottom:381.337067pt;} .y252{bottom:382.417733pt;} .y4fb{bottom:383.672400pt;} .y4fc{bottom:383.672667pt;} .ya6b{bottom:384.511533pt;} .y1d{bottom:384.556711pt;} .y293{bottom:385.069067pt;} .y246{bottom:386.329067pt;} .yba8{bottom:386.519733pt;} .y64{bottom:386.535733pt;} .y1c9{bottom:386.575733pt;} .y4c0{bottom:386.583733pt;} .y4aa{bottom:386.587733pt;} .y4db{bottom:386.591733pt;} .y17c{bottom:386.603733pt;} .yd1{bottom:386.627733pt;} .y1ab{bottom:386.635733pt;} .y90{bottom:386.671733pt;} .y13e{bottom:386.675733pt;} .y484{bottom:386.679733pt;} .y3b4{bottom:386.683733pt;} .yb80{bottom:386.740133pt;} .yae{bottom:386.791733pt;} .yc11{bottom:386.791867pt;} .y101{bottom:386.819733pt;} .y976{bottom:387.470133pt;} .y287{bottom:387.529067pt;} .y650{bottom:387.925600pt;} .y57e{bottom:388.004400pt;} .y62d{bottom:388.009600pt;} .y55a{bottom:388.088400pt;} .y60a{bottom:388.093600pt;} .y533{bottom:388.106400pt;} .y534{bottom:388.124133pt;} .y72f{bottom:388.499067pt;} .y73a{bottom:388.523067pt;} .y745{bottom:388.547067pt;} .y32e{bottom:388.779200pt;} .y23a{bottom:388.789067pt;} .yb8a{bottom:389.515867pt;} .y7d9{bottom:389.688267pt;} .y7e1{bottom:389.712267pt;} .y7e9{bottom:389.736267pt;} .y31d{bottom:390.039200pt;} .y8c3{bottom:390.412533pt;} .y5a6{bottom:391.081333pt;} .y5c9{bottom:391.177333pt;} .y5ec{bottom:391.273333pt;} .y30b{bottom:391.457467pt;} .y908{bottom:391.522400pt;} .y75a{bottom:391.775067pt;} .y762{bottom:391.799067pt;} .y76a{bottom:391.823067pt;} .y50d{bottom:392.108000pt;} .y373{bottom:392.791333pt;} .y8ae{bottom:393.247200pt;} .y7f0{bottom:393.468267pt;} .y7fc{bottom:393.492267pt;} .y808{bottom:393.516267pt;} .y368{bottom:394.051333pt;} .y917{bottom:394.067867pt;} .y9d5{bottom:394.174000pt;} .y988{bottom:394.582667pt;} .yc2b{bottom:395.882400pt;} .ya43{bottom:396.022564pt;} .yc2a{bottom:396.047467pt;} .y941{bottom:396.272933pt;} .yc10{bottom:396.294933pt;} .y201{bottom:397.176667pt;} .y8d0{bottom:398.177867pt;} .y292{bottom:398.665067pt;} .y29e{bottom:398.713067pt;} .y974{bottom:399.470133pt;} .y251{bottom:399.793733pt;} .y245{bottom:399.925067pt;} .yb89{bottom:400.715867pt;} .y286{bottom:401.125067pt;} .ya6a{bottom:401.470916pt;} .y32d{bottom:402.111200pt;} .y239{bottom:402.385067pt;} .yba7{bottom:402.519733pt;} .y63{bottom:402.531733pt;} .y1c8{bottom:402.571733pt;} .y4bf{bottom:402.579733pt;} .y4a9{bottom:402.583733pt;} .y4da{bottom:402.587733pt;} .y17b{bottom:402.599733pt;} .yd0{bottom:402.623733pt;} .y1aa{bottom:402.631733pt;} .y64f{bottom:402.649600pt;} .y8f{bottom:402.667733pt;} .y13d{bottom:402.671733pt;} .y483{bottom:402.675733pt;} .y3b3{bottom:402.679733pt;} .y4f5{bottom:402.695733pt;} .y57d{bottom:402.728400pt;} .y62c{bottom:402.733600pt;} .yad{bottom:402.787733pt;} .y559{bottom:402.812400pt;} .y100{bottom:402.815733pt;} .y609{bottom:402.817600pt;} .y532{bottom:402.830400pt;} .y31c{bottom:403.371200pt;} .y30a{bottom:404.129467pt;} .y7d8{bottom:404.352267pt;} .y7e0{bottom:404.376267pt;} .y7e8{bottom:404.400267pt;} .y9d4{bottom:405.374000pt;} .yb5f{bottom:405.432785pt;} .y5a5{bottom:405.745333pt;} .yc0f{bottom:405.798000pt;} .y5c8{bottom:405.841333pt;} .y5eb{bottom:405.937333pt;} .y759{bottom:406.439067pt;} .y761{bottom:406.463067pt;} .y769{bottom:406.487067pt;} .y981{bottom:406.582667pt;} .y50c{bottom:406.774667pt;} .y7bb{bottom:407.086800pt;} .y7ef{bottom:408.132267pt;} .y7fb{bottom:408.156267pt;} .y807{bottom:408.180267pt;} .yb7b{bottom:410.297467pt;} .y972{bottom:411.466400pt;} .y973{bottom:411.470133pt;} .ya42{bottom:411.657876pt;} .y291{bottom:412.261067pt;} .y29d{bottom:412.309067pt;} .y96d{bottom:412.697467pt;} .y969{bottom:412.698533pt;} .yb69{bottom:413.138133pt;} .y250{bottom:413.389733pt;} .y244{bottom:413.521067pt;} .y285{bottom:414.721067pt;} .yc0e{bottom:415.301067pt;} .y32c{bottom:415.443200pt;} 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.y5a4{bottom:420.409333pt;} .y5c7{bottom:420.505333pt;} .y309{bottom:420.581467pt;} .y5ea{bottom:420.601333pt;} .y50b{bottom:421.441333pt;} .yb7a{bottom:421.497467pt;} .y7ee{bottom:422.796267pt;} .y7fa{bottom:422.820267pt;} .y806{bottom:422.844267pt;} .yb31{bottom:423.178000pt;} .y1b{bottom:424.228623pt;} .y967{bottom:424.697467pt;} .y968{bottom:424.698533pt;} .yc0d{bottom:424.803867pt;} .yb5e{bottom:425.350708pt;} .y290{bottom:425.857067pt;} .y29c{bottom:425.905067pt;} .y1c{bottom:426.110867pt;} .y24f{bottom:426.985733pt;} .y243{bottom:427.117067pt;} .ya41{bottom:427.293188pt;} .y8bd{bottom:427.651600pt;} .y284{bottom:428.317067pt;} .y32b{bottom:428.775200pt;} .y907{bottom:429.022400pt;} .y8cb{bottom:429.214267pt;} .y237{bottom:429.577067pt;} .y31a{bottom:430.035200pt;} .y97e{bottom:430.580933pt;} .y97f{bottom:430.582667pt;} .y916{bottom:431.567867pt;} .y64d{bottom:432.097600pt;} .y57b{bottom:432.176400pt;} .y62a{bottom:432.181600pt;} .y557{bottom:432.260400pt;} .y607{bottom:432.265600pt;} .y530{bottom:432.278400pt;} .yb79{bottom:432.697467pt;} .y308{bottom:433.253467pt;} .y7d6{bottom:433.680267pt;} .y7de{bottom:433.704267pt;} .y7e6{bottom:433.728267pt;} .y940{bottom:433.772933pt;} .yc0c{bottom:434.307067pt;} .y1ff{bottom:434.498000pt;} .yba5{bottom:434.519733pt;} .y61{bottom:434.523733pt;} .y1c6{bottom:434.563733pt;} .y4bd{bottom:434.571733pt;} .y4a7{bottom:434.575733pt;} .y4d8{bottom:434.579733pt;} .y179{bottom:434.591733pt;} .yce{bottom:434.615733pt;} .y1a8{bottom:434.623733pt;} .y8d{bottom:434.659733pt;} .y13b{bottom:434.663733pt;} .y481{bottom:434.667733pt;} .y3b1{bottom:434.671733pt;} .y4f3{bottom:434.687733pt;} .y419{bottom:434.731733pt;} .yab{bottom:434.779733pt;} .y429{bottom:434.791733pt;} .yfe{bottom:434.807733pt;} .y5a3{bottom:435.073333pt;} .y5c6{bottom:435.169333pt;} .y5e9{bottom:435.265333pt;} .y8cf{bottom:435.677867pt;} .y50a{bottom:436.108000pt;} .y7ed{bottom:437.460267pt;} .y7f9{bottom:437.484267pt;} .y805{bottom:437.508267pt;} .yb30{bottom:439.178000pt;} .y28f{bottom:439.453067pt;} .y29b{bottom:439.501067pt;} .yabb{bottom:440.535867pt;} .y24e{bottom:440.581733pt;} .y242{bottom:440.713067pt;} .y283{bottom:441.913067pt;} .ya53{bottom:441.987695pt;} .y236{bottom:443.173067pt;} .yc0b{bottom:443.810000pt;} .yb5d{bottom:445.268631pt;} .y64c{bottom:446.821600pt;} .y57a{bottom:446.900400pt;} .y629{bottom:446.905600pt;} .y556{bottom:446.984400pt;} .y606{bottom:446.989600pt;} .y52f{bottom:447.002400pt;} .y7d5{bottom:448.344267pt;} .y7dd{bottom:448.368267pt;} .y7e5{bottom:448.392267pt;} .ya28{bottom:448.773942pt;} .y5a2{bottom:449.737333pt;} .y5c5{bottom:449.833333pt;} .y5e8{bottom:449.929333pt;} .y60{bottom:450.519733pt;} .y1c5{bottom:450.559733pt;} .y4bc{bottom:450.567733pt;} .y4a6{bottom:450.571733pt;} .y4d7{bottom:450.575733pt;} .y178{bottom:450.587733pt;} .ycd{bottom:450.611733pt;} .y1a7{bottom:450.619733pt;} .y8c{bottom:450.655733pt;} .y13a{bottom:450.659733pt;} .y480{bottom:450.663733pt;} .y3b0{bottom:450.667733pt;} .y4f2{bottom:450.683733pt;} .y418{bottom:450.727733pt;} .y509{bottom:450.774667pt;} .yaa{bottom:450.775733pt;} .y428{bottom:450.787733pt;} .yfd{bottom:450.803733pt;} .y7ec{bottom:452.124267pt;} .y7f8{bottom:452.148267pt;} .y804{bottom:452.172267pt;} .y1fe{bottom:453.158667pt;} .yc0a{bottom:453.313067pt;} .y307{bottom:453.473467pt;} .yb2f{bottom:455.178000pt;} .y282{bottom:455.509067pt;} .yaba{bottom:456.535867pt;} .yb6e{bottom:456.594267pt;} .y235{bottom:456.769067pt;} .y28e{bottom:456.829067pt;} .y29a{bottom:456.877067pt;} .yb73{bottom:457.015467pt;} .y24d{bottom:457.957733pt;} .y241{bottom:458.089067pt;} .y402{bottom:458.295200pt;} .y408{bottom:458.297200pt;} .y64b{bottom:461.545600pt;} .y579{bottom:461.624400pt;} .y628{bottom:461.629600pt;} .y555{bottom:461.708400pt;} .y605{bottom:461.713600pt;} .y52e{bottom:461.726400pt;} .y3d4{bottom:462.683733pt;} .yc09{bottom:462.816133pt;} .y7d4{bottom:463.008267pt;} .y7dc{bottom:463.032267pt;} .y7e4{bottom:463.056267pt;} .y5a1{bottom:464.401333pt;} .y5c4{bottom:464.497333pt;} .y8a1{bottom:464.572000pt;} .y5e7{bottom:464.593333pt;} .y8bc{bottom:465.151600pt;} .yb5c{bottom:465.186554pt;} .y508{bottom:465.441333pt;} .y306{bottom:466.145467pt;} .y3c{bottom:466.213240pt;} .y5f{bottom:466.519733pt;} .y1c4{bottom:466.555733pt;} .y4bb{bottom:466.563733pt;} .y4a5{bottom:466.567733pt;} .y4d6{bottom:466.571733pt;} .y177{bottom:466.583733pt;} .ycc{bottom:466.607733pt;} .y1a6{bottom:466.615733pt;} .y8b{bottom:466.651733pt;} .y139{bottom:466.655733pt;} .y47f{bottom:466.659733pt;} .y3af{bottom:466.663733pt;} .y4f1{bottom:466.679733pt;} .y8ca{bottom:466.714267pt;} .y417{bottom:466.723733pt;} .ya9{bottom:466.771733pt;} .y427{bottom:466.783733pt;} .y7eb{bottom:466.788267pt;} .yfc{bottom:466.799733pt;} .y7f7{bottom:466.812267pt;} .y803{bottom:466.836267pt;} .y281{bottom:469.105067pt;} .y1a{bottom:470.085051pt;} .y401{bottom:470.297867pt;} .y407{bottom:470.299867pt;} .y234{bottom:470.365067pt;} .y28d{bottom:470.425067pt;} .y299{bottom:470.473067pt;} .y24c{bottom:471.553733pt;} .y240{bottom:471.685067pt;} .y1fd{bottom:471.819333pt;} .yc08{bottom:472.319200pt;} .yab9{bottom:472.535867pt;} .y9bd{bottom:473.363467pt;} .y906{bottom:474.022400pt;} .y7b6{bottom:475.584400pt;} .y64a{bottom:476.269600pt;} .y578{bottom:476.348400pt;} .y627{bottom:476.353600pt;} .y554{bottom:476.432400pt;} .y604{bottom:476.437600pt;} .y52d{bottom:476.450400pt;} .y915{bottom:476.567867pt;} .y93f{bottom:478.772933pt;} .y305{bottom:478.817467pt;} .y5a0{bottom:479.065333pt;} .y5c3{bottom:479.161333pt;} .y5e6{bottom:479.257333pt;} .y507{bottom:480.108000pt;} .y8ce{bottom:480.677867pt;} .y9d0{bottom:481.039333pt;} .yc07{bottom:481.822133pt;} .yba4{bottom:482.519733pt;} .y1c3{bottom:482.551733pt;} .y4ba{bottom:482.559733pt;} .y4a4{bottom:482.563733pt;} .y4d5{bottom:482.567733pt;} .y176{bottom:482.579733pt;} .ycb{bottom:482.603733pt;} .y1a5{bottom:482.611733pt;} .y8a{bottom:482.647733pt;} .y138{bottom:482.651733pt;} .y47e{bottom:482.655733pt;} .y3ae{bottom:482.659733pt;} .y4f0{bottom:482.675733pt;} .y416{bottom:482.719733pt;} .ya8{bottom:482.767733pt;} .y426{bottom:482.779733pt;} .yfb{bottom:482.795733pt;} .ya20{bottom:482.842267pt;} .yb17{bottom:482.992933pt;} .y28c{bottom:484.021067pt;} .y298{bottom:484.069067pt;} .yb5b{bottom:485.104477pt;} .y24b{bottom:485.149733pt;} .y23f{bottom:485.281067pt;} .y280{bottom:486.481067pt;} .yb2e{bottom:487.178000pt;} .y233{bottom:487.741067pt;} .yab8{bottom:488.535867pt;} .y7b5{bottom:488.917733pt;} .y1fc{bottom:490.480000pt;} .y9c5{bottom:490.776933pt;} .y649{bottom:490.993600pt;} .y577{bottom:491.072400pt;} .y626{bottom:491.077600pt;} .y553{bottom:491.156400pt;} .y603{bottom:491.161600pt;} .y52c{bottom:491.174400pt;} .yc06{bottom:491.325200pt;} .y304{bottom:491.489467pt;} .y9cf{bottom:492.239333pt;} .y9b5{bottom:493.227200pt;} .y59f{bottom:493.729333pt;} .y5c2{bottom:493.825333pt;} .y5e5{bottom:493.921333pt;} .y506{bottom:494.774667pt;} .yc4b{bottom:495.553333pt;} .yba3{bottom:498.519733pt;} .y1c2{bottom:498.547733pt;} .y4b9{bottom:498.555733pt;} .y4a3{bottom:498.559733pt;} .y4d4{bottom:498.563733pt;} .y175{bottom:498.575733pt;} .yca{bottom:498.599733pt;} .y1a4{bottom:498.607733pt;} .y5e{bottom:498.631733pt;} .y89{bottom:498.643733pt;} .y137{bottom:498.647733pt;} .y47d{bottom:498.651733pt;} .y3ad{bottom:498.655733pt;} .y4ef{bottom:498.671733pt;} .y415{bottom:498.715733pt;} .ya7{bottom:498.763733pt;} .y425{bottom:498.775733pt;} .yfa{bottom:498.791733pt;} .yb16{bottom:498.992933pt;} .y27f{bottom:500.077067pt;} .yc05{bottom:500.828267pt;} .y232{bottom:501.337067pt;} .y7b4{bottom:502.251067pt;} .yaf1{bottom:502.771733pt;} .ya68{bottom:502.804641pt;} .yb2d{bottom:503.178000pt;} .y9ce{bottom:503.439333pt;} .y9bb{bottom:503.564133pt;} .y9ba{bottom:503.564720pt;} .y303{bottom:504.161467pt;} .yab7{bottom:504.535867pt;} .yb5a{bottom:505.022400pt;} .y648{bottom:505.717600pt;} .y576{bottom:505.796400pt;} .y625{bottom:505.801600pt;} .y552{bottom:505.880400pt;} .y52b{bottom:505.885600pt;} .ya40{bottom:506.624789pt;} .y59e{bottom:508.393333pt;} .y5c1{bottom:508.489333pt;} .y5e4{bottom:508.585333pt;} .y505{bottom:509.441333pt;} .y8bb{bottom:510.161866pt;} .yc04{bottom:510.331200pt;} .ya94{bottom:511.685013pt;} .y8c9{bottom:511.714267pt;} .y27e{bottom:513.673067pt;} .yba2{bottom:514.519733pt;} .y1c1{bottom:514.543733pt;} .y4b8{bottom:514.551733pt;} .y4a2{bottom:514.555733pt;} .y4d3{bottom:514.559733pt;} .y174{bottom:514.571733pt;} .yc9{bottom:514.595733pt;} .y1a3{bottom:514.603733pt;} .y5d{bottom:514.627733pt;} .y88{bottom:514.639733pt;} .y136{bottom:514.643733pt;} .y47c{bottom:514.647733pt;} .y3ac{bottom:514.651733pt;} .y4ee{bottom:514.667733pt;} .y414{bottom:514.711733pt;} .ya6{bottom:514.759733pt;} .y424{bottom:514.771733pt;} .yf9{bottom:514.787733pt;} .y231{bottom:514.933067pt;} .yb15{bottom:514.992933pt;} .y7b3{bottom:515.584400pt;} .y345{bottom:516.012933pt;} .y302{bottom:516.833467pt;} .ya8a{bottom:516.902613pt;} .y28{bottom:517.160667pt;} .yaf0{bottom:518.771733pt;} .y707{bottom:519.081333pt;} .y2a5{bottom:519.564667pt;} .yc03{bottom:519.834133pt;} .y647{bottom:520.441600pt;} .y575{bottom:520.520400pt;} .y624{bottom:520.525600pt;} .yab6{bottom:520.535867pt;} .y551{bottom:520.604400pt;} .y52a{bottom:520.609600pt;} .y258{bottom:520.824667pt;} .y9c2{bottom:521.510740pt;} .y9c3{bottom:521.516933pt;} .ya67{bottom:521.806475pt;} .ya3f{bottom:522.260101pt;} .y59d{bottom:523.057333pt;} .y5c0{bottom:523.153333pt;} .y5e3{bottom:523.249333pt;} .y504{bottom:524.108000pt;} .yb59{bottom:524.946533pt;} .y9b4{bottom:525.894267pt;} .ya93{bottom:526.628533pt;} .y27d{bottom:527.269067pt;} .y230{bottom:528.529067pt;} .y7b2{bottom:528.917733pt;} .y9fe{bottom:529.005733pt;} .yc02{bottom:529.337333pt;} .y301{bottom:529.505467pt;} .y8a0{bottom:529.806667pt;} .yba1{bottom:530.519733pt;} .y1c0{bottom:530.539733pt;} .y4b7{bottom:530.547733pt;} .y4a1{bottom:530.551733pt;} .y4d2{bottom:530.555733pt;} .y173{bottom:530.567733pt;} .yc8{bottom:530.591733pt;} .y1a2{bottom:530.599733pt;} .y5c{bottom:530.623733pt;} .y87{bottom:530.635733pt;} .y135{bottom:530.639733pt;} .y47b{bottom:530.643733pt;} .y3ab{bottom:530.647733pt;} .y4ed{bottom:530.663733pt;} .y413{bottom:530.707733pt;} .ya5{bottom:530.755733pt;} .y423{bottom:530.767733pt;} .yf8{bottom:530.783733pt;} .yb14{bottom:530.992933pt;} .yb27{bottom:531.362000pt;} .ya89{bottom:531.846133pt;} .y355{bottom:532.236667pt;} .y344{bottom:533.124933pt;} .y34d{bottom:533.496667pt;} .yaef{bottom:534.771733pt;} .y27{bottom:535.160667pt;} .y646{bottom:535.165600pt;} .y574{bottom:535.244400pt;} .y623{bottom:535.249600pt;} .y550{bottom:535.328400pt;} .y529{bottom:535.333600pt;} .yab5{bottom:536.535867pt;} .y59c{bottom:537.721333pt;} .y5bf{bottom:537.817333pt;} .ya3e{bottom:537.895413pt;} .y5e2{bottom:537.913333pt;} .yb92{bottom:538.594000pt;} .y503{bottom:538.774667pt;} .yc01{bottom:538.840267pt;} .ya52{bottom:540.213945pt;} .y27c{bottom:540.865067pt;} .yb78{bottom:541.161200pt;} .y22f{bottom:542.125067pt;} .y300{bottom:542.177467pt;} .y7b1{bottom:542.251067pt;} .y9fd{bottom:542.339067pt;} .yb58{bottom:544.870800pt;} .y354{bottom:545.568667pt;} .y343{bottom:546.456933pt;} .yba0{bottom:546.519733pt;} .y1bf{bottom:546.535733pt;} .y4b6{bottom:546.543733pt;} .y4a0{bottom:546.547733pt;} .y4d1{bottom:546.551733pt;} .y172{bottom:546.563733pt;} .yc7{bottom:546.587733pt;} .y1a1{bottom:546.595733pt;} .y5b{bottom:546.619733pt;} .y86{bottom:546.631733pt;} .y134{bottom:546.635733pt;} .y47a{bottom:546.639733pt;} .y3aa{bottom:546.643733pt;} .y4ec{bottom:546.659733pt;} .y412{bottom:546.703733pt;} .ya4{bottom:546.751733pt;} .y422{bottom:546.763733pt;} .yf7{bottom:546.779733pt;} .y34c{bottom:546.828667pt;} .yb13{bottom:546.992933pt;} .yc00{bottom:548.343333pt;} .y89f{bottom:549.006667pt;} .y645{bottom:549.889600pt;} .y573{bottom:549.968400pt;} .y622{bottom:549.973600pt;} .y54f{bottom:550.052400pt;} .y528{bottom:550.057600pt;} .yaee{bottom:550.771733pt;} .y20d{bottom:551.552800pt;} .ya92{bottom:551.839600pt;} .y59b{bottom:552.385333pt;} .y5be{bottom:552.481333pt;} .yab4{bottom:552.535867pt;} .y5e1{bottom:552.577333pt;} .y26{bottom:553.160667pt;} .y502{bottom:553.441333pt;} .ya3d{bottom:553.530725pt;} .y27b{bottom:554.461067pt;} .y7b0{bottom:555.584400pt;} .y9fc{bottom:555.672400pt;} .y22e{bottom:555.721067pt;} .ya88{bottom:557.057333pt;} .ybff{bottom:557.846400pt;} .yb26{bottom:558.028667pt;} .y2ff{bottom:558.629467pt;} .y353{bottom:558.900667pt;} .y34b{bottom:560.160667pt;} .yb9f{bottom:562.519733pt;} .y1be{bottom:562.531733pt;} .y4b5{bottom:562.539733pt;} .y49f{bottom:562.543733pt;} .y4d0{bottom:562.547733pt;} .y171{bottom:562.559733pt;} .yc6{bottom:562.583733pt;} .y1a0{bottom:562.591733pt;} .y5a{bottom:562.615733pt;} .y85{bottom:562.627733pt;} .y133{bottom:562.631733pt;} .y479{bottom:562.635733pt;} .y3a9{bottom:562.639733pt;} .y4eb{bottom:562.655733pt;} .y411{bottom:562.699733pt;} .ya3{bottom:562.747733pt;} .y421{bottom:562.759733pt;} .yf6{bottom:562.775733pt;} .yb12{bottom:562.992933pt;} .y644{bottom:564.613600pt;} .y572{bottom:564.692400pt;} .y621{bottom:564.697600pt;} .y54e{bottom:564.776400pt;} .y527{bottom:564.781600pt;} .yb57{bottom:564.795067pt;} .yaed{bottom:566.771733pt;} .y43a{bottom:566.791867pt;} .y59a{bottom:567.049333pt;} .y5bd{bottom:567.145333pt;} .y5e0{bottom:567.241333pt;} .ybfe{bottom:567.349467pt;} .y27a{bottom:568.057067pt;} .y501{bottom:568.108000pt;} .y9b3{bottom:568.160547pt;} .y89e{bottom:568.206667pt;} .yab3{bottom:568.535867pt;} .y7af{bottom:568.917733pt;} .y9fb{bottom:569.005733pt;} .ya3c{bottom:569.166037pt;} .y22d{bottom:569.317067pt;} .y25{bottom:571.160667pt;} .y2fe{bottom:571.301467pt;} .ya00{bottom:571.732400pt;} .y845{bottom:575.889613pt;} .ya16{bottom:576.087333pt;} 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.y24{bottom:589.160667pt;} .yb25{bottom:590.018933pt;} .y9f4{bottom:590.278000pt;} .y9f5{bottom:590.281467pt;} .y35f{bottom:591.210267pt;} .ya1b{bottom:591.734533pt;} .y774{bottom:592.120400pt;} .yaad{bottom:592.208667pt;} .yb9d{bottom:594.519733pt;} .y1bc{bottom:594.523733pt;} .y4b3{bottom:594.531733pt;} .y49d{bottom:594.535733pt;} .y4ce{bottom:594.539733pt;} .y16f{bottom:594.551733pt;} .yc4{bottom:594.575733pt;} .y19e{bottom:594.583733pt;} .y58{bottom:594.607733pt;} .y83{bottom:594.619733pt;} .y131{bottom:594.623733pt;} .y477{bottom:594.627733pt;} .y3a7{bottom:594.631733pt;} .y4e9{bottom:594.647733pt;} .y40f{bottom:594.691733pt;} .ya1{bottom:594.739733pt;} .y41f{bottom:594.751733pt;} .yf4{bottom:594.767733pt;} .yb10{bottom:594.992933pt;} .y7ad{bottom:595.584400pt;} .ybfb{bottom:595.858400pt;} .y2fc{bottom:596.645467pt;} .ya66{bottom:597.278549pt;} .yaeb{bottom:598.771733pt;} .y278{bottom:599.029067pt;} .y22b{bottom:600.289067pt;} .ya3a{bottom:600.436661pt;} .y6ac{bottom:603.223628pt;} .y35e{bottom:604.542267pt;} .yb54{bottom:604.649677pt;} .ybfa{bottom:605.361467pt;} .ya73{bottom:606.108400pt;} .yaac{bottom:606.872667pt;} .y7ac{bottom:608.917733pt;} .y2fb{bottom:609.317467pt;} .y2b7{bottom:609.374000pt;} .y3b{bottom:609.848853pt;} .y1bb{bottom:610.519733pt;} .y4b2{bottom:610.527733pt;} .y49c{bottom:610.531733pt;} .y4cd{bottom:610.535733pt;} .y1ba{bottom:610.543733pt;} .y16e{bottom:610.547733pt;} .yc3{bottom:610.571733pt;} .y19d{bottom:610.579733pt;} .y57{bottom:610.603733pt;} .y82{bottom:610.615733pt;} .y130{bottom:610.619733pt;} .y476{bottom:610.623733pt;} .y3a6{bottom:610.627733pt;} .y2b1{bottom:610.634000pt;} .y4e8{bottom:610.643733pt;} .y40e{bottom:610.687733pt;} .ya0{bottom:610.735733pt;} .y41e{bottom:610.747733pt;} .yf3{bottom:610.763733pt;} .yb0f{bottom:610.992933pt;} .y71a{bottom:611.962933pt;} .y3f3{bottom:611.991467pt;} .y19{bottom:612.453023pt;} .y277{bottom:612.625067pt;} .ya9d{bottom:612.639600pt;} .y675{bottom:612.688950pt;} 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.y329{bottom:698.391200pt;} .ya64{bottom:699.063021pt;} .y224{bottom:699.241067pt;} .y67b{bottom:699.316667pt;} .y684{bottom:699.340667pt;} .y68d{bottom:699.364667pt;} .y8e3{bottom:699.421333pt;} .y318{bottom:699.651200pt;} .ybf0{bottom:700.391733pt;} .y81e{bottom:700.826933pt;} .y825{bottom:700.838933pt;} .y82c{bottom:700.850933pt;} .y84a{bottom:701.286267pt;} .y855{bottom:701.310267pt;} .y860{bottom:701.334267pt;} .y7a5{bottom:702.251067pt;} .y2f6{bottom:702.281467pt;} .y359{bottom:702.745867pt;} .y720{bottom:703.163067pt;} .y758{bottom:703.175067pt;} .y728{bottom:703.187067pt;} .y778{bottom:703.211067pt;} .y94c{bottom:703.703840pt;} .yb50{bottom:704.277087pt;} .y33d{bottom:704.412933pt;} .y990{bottom:705.125040pt;} .y1b4{bottom:706.519733pt;} .y168{bottom:706.523733pt;} .ybd{bottom:706.547733pt;} .y197{bottom:706.555733pt;} .y51{bottom:706.579733pt;} .y7c{bottom:706.591733pt;} .y12a{bottom:706.595733pt;} .y470{bottom:706.599733pt;} .y3a0{bottom:706.603733pt;} .y4e2{bottom:706.619733pt;} .y444{bottom:706.699733pt;} .y9a{bottom:706.711733pt;} .yed{bottom:706.739733pt;} .ybb6{bottom:708.482000pt;} .y8f3{bottom:708.625173pt;} .yab0{bottom:708.768400pt;} .ybef{bottom:709.894800pt;} .y34{bottom:711.371600pt;} .y328{bottom:711.723200pt;} .y6fa{bottom:712.056933pt;} .y8ac{bottom:712.295147pt;} .ya37{bottom:712.954564pt;} .y317{bottom:712.983200pt;} .yaff{bottom:713.506933pt;} .y7c4{bottom:713.784267pt;} .y7cc{bottom:713.808267pt;} .y67a{bottom:713.980667pt;} .y683{bottom:714.004667pt;} .y68c{bottom:714.028667pt;} .y2f5{bottom:714.953467pt;} .y270{bottom:715.357067pt;} .y81d{bottom:715.490933pt;} .y824{bottom:715.502933pt;} .y82b{bottom:715.514933pt;} .y7a4{bottom:715.584400pt;} .y849{bottom:715.950267pt;} .y854{bottom:715.974267pt;} .y85f{bottom:715.998267pt;} .y223{bottom:716.617067pt;} .yada{bottom:717.542000pt;} .y921{bottom:717.687147pt;} .y33c{bottom:717.744933pt;} .y892{bottom:717.765600pt;} .y71f{bottom:717.827067pt;} .y757{bottom:717.839067pt;} .y727{bottom:717.851067pt;} .y777{bottom:717.875067pt;} .ya63{bottom:718.064855pt;} .ybee{bottom:719.397867pt;} .y358{bottom:719.857867pt;} .ybb5{bottom:720.484667pt;} .y971{bottom:722.367733pt;} .y167{bottom:722.519733pt;} .ybc{bottom:722.543733pt;} .y196{bottom:722.551733pt;} .y50{bottom:722.575733pt;} .y7b{bottom:722.587733pt;} .y129{bottom:722.591733pt;} .y46f{bottom:722.595733pt;} .y39f{bottom:722.599733pt;} .y4e1{bottom:722.615733pt;} .y92e{bottom:722.622213pt;} .y443{bottom:722.695733pt;} .y99{bottom:722.707733pt;} .yec{bottom:722.735733pt;} .yb4f{bottom:724.195010pt;} .y8f8{bottom:724.571147pt;} .y327{bottom:725.055200pt;} .y94b{bottom:725.078880pt;} .y6f9{bottom:725.390267pt;} .y99c{bottom:725.512080pt;} .y316{bottom:726.315200pt;} .y98f{bottom:726.500080pt;} .ya82{bottom:727.229067pt;} .y2f4{bottom:727.625467pt;} .y7c3{bottom:728.448267pt;} .y7cb{bottom:728.472267pt;} .y7d3{bottom:728.496267pt;} .ya36{bottom:728.589876pt;} 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.y96c{bottom:745.422800pt;} .y97c{bottom:745.423867pt;} .y8e2{bottom:745.946187pt;} .y96f{bottom:746.367733pt;} .y94a{bottom:746.453920pt;} .y356{bottom:746.521867pt;} .y37b{bottom:746.821333pt;} .y99b{bottom:746.887120pt;} .y71d{bottom:747.155067pt;} .y755{bottom:747.167067pt;} .y725{bottom:747.179067pt;} .y72d{bottom:747.203067pt;} .ybeb{bottom:747.906800pt;} .y714{bottom:748.064267pt;} .ya81{bottom:750.637067pt;} .y8f1{bottom:751.375253pt;} .y6f7{bottom:752.056933pt;} .y890{bottom:752.965600pt;} .y2f2{bottom:752.969467pt;} .ya13{bottom:753.493333pt;} .yb9b{bottom:754.519733pt;} .yba{bottom:754.535733pt;} .y194{bottom:754.543733pt;} .y4e{bottom:754.567733pt;} .y79{bottom:754.579733pt;} .y127{bottom:754.583733pt;} .y1b3{bottom:754.587733pt;} .y39d{bottom:754.591733pt;} .y4df{bottom:754.607733pt;} .y441{bottom:754.687733pt;} .y97{bottom:754.699733pt;} .yea{bottom:754.727733pt;} .y459{bottom:754.783733pt;} .y8aa{bottom:755.045227pt;} .y7a1{bottom:755.584400pt;} .ya61{bottom:756.068524pt;} .y26d{bottom:756.145067pt;} .ybb2{bottom:756.492667pt;} .y673{bottom:756.564667pt;} .y97d{bottom:756.692933pt;} .y982{bottom:756.694667pt;} .yaa9{bottom:757.148667pt;} .y220{bottom:757.405067pt;} .ybea{bottom:757.409867pt;} .y966{bottom:757.422800pt;} .y96b{bottom:757.423867pt;} .y7c1{bottom:757.776267pt;} .y7c9{bottom:757.800267pt;} .y7d1{bottom:757.824267pt;} .y677{bottom:757.972667pt;} .y680{bottom:757.996667pt;} .y689{bottom:758.020667pt;} .y96e{bottom:758.367733pt;} .y975{bottom:758.371467pt;} .y81a{bottom:759.482933pt;} .y821{bottom:759.494933pt;} .y828{bottom:759.506933pt;} .ya34{bottom:759.860500pt;} .y846{bottom:759.942267pt;} .y851{bottom:759.966267pt;} .y85c{bottom:759.990267pt;} .y91f{bottom:760.437227pt;} .y71c{bottom:761.819067pt;} .y754{bottom:761.831067pt;} .y724{bottom:761.843067pt;} .y72c{bottom:761.867067pt;} .yb4d{bottom:764.037200pt;} .y92c{bottom:765.372293pt;} .y6f6{bottom:765.390267pt;} .y2f1{bottom:765.641467pt;} .y437{bottom:766.576933pt;} .ybe9{bottom:766.912933pt;} .y8e1{bottom:767.321227pt;} .y949{bottom:767.828960pt;} .ybb0{bottom:768.495333pt;} .y7a0{bottom:768.917733pt;} .y98e{bottom:769.250160pt;} .ybb1{bottom:769.344667pt;} .y26c{bottom:769.741067pt;} .yb9a{bottom:770.519733pt;} .yb9{bottom:770.531733pt;} .y193{bottom:770.539733pt;} .y4d{bottom:770.563733pt;} .y78{bottom:770.575733pt;} .y126{bottom:770.579733pt;} .y165{bottom:770.583733pt;} .y39c{bottom:770.587733pt;} .y4de{bottom:770.603733pt;} .y440{bottom:770.683733pt;} .y96{bottom:770.695733pt;} .ya1f{bottom:770.712133pt;} .ye9{bottom:770.723733pt;} .y458{bottom:770.779733pt;} .ya12{bottom:770.829333pt;} .y21f{bottom:771.001067pt;} .y400{bottom:771.083200pt;} .y406{bottom:771.085200pt;} .yaa8{bottom:771.728667pt;} .y7c0{bottom:772.440267pt;} .y7c8{bottom:772.464267pt;} .y7d0{bottom:772.488267pt;} .y676{bottom:772.636667pt;} .y67f{bottom:772.660667pt;} .y688{bottom:772.684667pt;} .y8f0{bottom:772.750293pt;} .ya60{bottom:775.070358pt;} .ya33{bottom:775.495812pt;} .y37a{bottom:776.071333pt;} .ybe8{bottom:776.416000pt;} .y8a9{bottom:776.420267pt;} .y71b{bottom:776.483067pt;} .y753{bottom:776.495067pt;} .y723{bottom:776.507067pt;} .y72b{bottom:776.531067pt;} .y2f0{bottom:778.313467pt;} .y6f5{bottom:778.723600pt;} .y32{bottom:779.211600pt;} .ybae{bottom:780.490000pt;} .ybaf{bottom:780.495333pt;} .y33{bottom:780.667600pt;} .y91e{bottom:781.812267pt;} .y79f{bottom:782.251067pt;} .y26b{bottom:783.337067pt;} .y713{bottom:783.693733pt;} .yb4c{bottom:783.961467pt;} .y21e{bottom:784.597067pt;} .ybe7{bottom:785.918800pt;} .yaa7{bottom:786.308667pt;} .yb99{bottom:786.519733pt;} .yb8{bottom:786.527733pt;} .y192{bottom:786.535733pt;} .y380{bottom:786.547733pt;} .y4c{bottom:786.559733pt;} .y125{bottom:786.575733pt;} .y436{bottom:786.579600pt;} .y164{bottom:786.579733pt;} .y39b{bottom:786.583733pt;} .y4dd{bottom:786.599733pt;} .y43f{bottom:786.679733pt;} .y4c7{bottom:786.691733pt;} .ye8{bottom:786.719733pt;} .y92b{bottom:786.747333pt;} .y457{bottom:786.775733pt;} .y7bf{bottom:787.104267pt;} .y7c7{bottom:787.128267pt;} .y7cf{bottom:787.152267pt;} .ya11{bottom:788.165333pt;} .y88f{bottom:788.165600pt;} .y8e0{bottom:788.696267pt;} .y884{bottom:788.964667pt;} .y948{bottom:789.204000pt;} .y99a{bottom:789.637200pt;} .y98d{bottom:790.625200pt;} .y2ef{bottom:790.985467pt;} .ya32{bottom:791.131124pt;} .y3d3{bottom:791.282400pt;} .yac5{bottom:791.933733pt;} .y6f4{bottom:792.056933pt;} .ybad{bottom:792.492667pt;} .ya5f{bottom:794.072192pt;} .y8ef{bottom:794.125333pt;} .ybe6{bottom:795.422000pt;} .y79e{bottom:795.584400pt;} .y26a{bottom:796.933067pt;} .y31{bottom:797.211600pt;} .y8a8{bottom:797.795307pt;} .y21d{bottom:798.193067pt;} .y712{bottom:799.893733pt;} .y706{bottom:800.270133pt;} .yaa6{bottom:800.888667pt;} .y7be{bottom:801.768267pt;} .y7c6{bottom:801.792267pt;} .y7ce{bottom:801.816267pt;} .yb98{bottom:802.519733pt;} .yb7{bottom:802.523733pt;} .y191{bottom:802.531733pt;} .y37f{bottom:802.543733pt;} .y4b{bottom:802.555733pt;} .y124{bottom:802.571733pt;} .y163{bottom:802.575733pt;} .y39a{bottom:802.579733pt;} .y43e{bottom:802.675733pt;} .ye7{bottom:802.715733pt;} .y456{bottom:802.771733pt;} .y91d{bottom:803.187307pt;} .y2ee{bottom:803.657467pt;} .yb4b{bottom:803.885600pt;} .y672{bottom:804.372133pt;} .ybac{bottom:804.495333pt;} .ybe5{bottom:804.925067pt;} .y6f3{bottom:805.390267pt;} .ya10{bottom:805.501333pt;} .y88e{bottom:805.765600pt;} .y435{bottom:806.582267pt;} .ya31{bottom:806.766436pt;} .yac4{bottom:807.933733pt;} .yb3c{bottom:807.939600pt;} .y92a{bottom:808.122373pt;} .y79d{bottom:808.917733pt;} .y8df{bottom:810.071307pt;} .y947{bottom:810.579040pt;} .y999{bottom:811.012240pt;} .y4f7{bottom:811.944933pt;} .y98c{bottom:812.000240pt;} .y7ba{bottom:812.796133pt;} .ya5e{bottom:813.074026pt;} .ybe4{bottom:814.428000pt;} .ya15{bottom:814.972533pt;} .ya80{bottom:815.105200pt;} .y2f{bottom:815.208667pt;} .y30{bottom:815.211600pt;} .yaa5{bottom:815.468667pt;} .y8ee{bottom:815.500373pt;} .y711{bottom:816.093733pt;} .y2ed{bottom:816.329467pt;} .y7bd{bottom:816.432267pt;} .y7c5{bottom:816.456267pt;} .y7cd{bottom:816.480267pt;} .yb3b{bottom:817.136267pt;} .yb6{bottom:818.519733pt;} .y190{bottom:818.527733pt;} .y37e{bottom:818.539733pt;} .y4a{bottom:818.551733pt;} .y123{bottom:818.567733pt;} .y162{bottom:818.571733pt;} .y399{bottom:818.575733pt;} .y43d{bottom:818.671733pt;} .ye6{bottom:818.711733pt;} .y6f2{bottom:818.723600pt;} .y455{bottom:818.767733pt;} .y2a7{bottom:819.027733pt;} .y8a7{bottom:819.170347pt;} .y671{bottom:820.572133pt;} .y269{bottom:821.865867pt;} .y79c{bottom:822.251067pt;} .y389{bottom:822.362400pt;} .ya30{bottom:822.401748pt;} .y2da{bottom:822.629467pt;} .ya0f{bottom:822.837333pt;} .y21c{bottom:823.125867pt;} .y88d{bottom:823.365600pt;} .yb4a{bottom:823.809867pt;} .ybe3{bottom:823.931067pt;} .yac3{bottom:823.933733pt;} .yb0d{bottom:823.939600pt;} .y4f6{bottom:823.947600pt;} .y91c{bottom:824.562347pt;} .yae8{bottom:826.558400pt;} .y434{bottom:826.584933pt;} .y2ca{bottom:827.181067pt;} .y2ec{bottom:829.001467pt;} .y929{bottom:829.497413pt;} .yaa4{bottom:830.048667pt;} .y4fa{bottom:830.561733pt;} .ya1a{bottom:830.619733pt;} .y8de{bottom:831.446347pt;} .y946{bottom:831.954080pt;} .y6f1{bottom:832.056933pt;} .ya5d{bottom:832.075860pt;} .y710{bottom:832.293733pt;} .y998{bottom:832.387280pt;} .yb3a{bottom:833.136267pt;} .y2e{bottom:833.208667pt;} .y98b{bottom:833.375280pt;} .ybe2{bottom:833.434133pt;} .y954{bottom:833.798533pt;} .yb97{bottom:834.519733pt;} .y18e{bottom:834.523733pt;} .y37d{bottom:834.535733pt;} .y49{bottom:834.547733pt;} .y122{bottom:834.563733pt;} .y161{bottom:834.567733pt;} .y398{bottom:834.571733pt;} .y43c{bottom:834.667733pt;} .y454{bottom:834.763733pt;} .y2d9{bottom:835.301467pt;} .y79b{bottom:835.584400pt;} .y18f{bottom:835.615733pt;} .y20c{bottom:836.762400pt;} .y670{bottom:836.772133pt;} .y8ed{bottom:836.875413pt;} .y268{bottom:837.205200pt;} .ya2f{bottom:838.037060pt;} .y21b{bottom:838.465200pt;} .y2c9{bottom:839.853067pt;} .yac2{bottom:839.933733pt;} .yb0c{bottom:839.939600pt;} .ya0e{bottom:840.173333pt;} .y8a6{bottom:840.545387pt;} .y2eb{bottom:841.673467pt;} .y388{bottom:842.365067pt;} .yae7{bottom:842.558400pt;} .ybe1{bottom:842.937067pt;} .yaa3{bottom:844.628667pt;} .y6f0{bottom:845.390267pt;} .y91b{bottom:845.937387pt;} .y433{bottom:846.587600pt;} .y2d8{bottom:847.973467pt;} .y70f{bottom:848.493733pt;} .y79a{bottom:848.917733pt;} .yb6c{bottom:849.844933pt;} .yb71{bottom:850.266133pt;} .y18c{bottom:850.519733pt;} .y37c{bottom:850.531733pt;} .y48{bottom:850.543733pt;} .y121{bottom:850.559733pt;} .y160{bottom:850.563733pt;} .y397{bottom:850.567733pt;} .y43b{bottom:850.663733pt;} .y453{bottom:850.759733pt;} .y928{bottom:850.872453pt;} .ya5c{bottom:851.077694pt;} .y2d{bottom:851.208667pt;} .y18d{bottom:851.611733pt;} .ybe0{bottom:852.440133pt;} .y2c8{bottom:852.525067pt;} .y8f7{bottom:852.821387pt;} .y66f{bottom:852.972133pt;} .y945{bottom:853.329120pt;} .ya2e{bottom:853.672372pt;} .y2ea{bottom:854.345467pt;} .yac1{bottom:855.933733pt;} .yb0b{bottom:855.939600pt;} .ya0d{bottom:857.509333pt;} .y8ec{bottom:858.250453pt;} .yae6{bottom:858.558400pt;} .y88c{bottom:858.565600pt;} .y6ef{bottom:858.723600pt;} .yaa2{bottom:859.208667pt;} .y2d7{bottom:860.645467pt;} .y8a5{bottom:861.920427pt;} .ybdf{bottom:861.943200pt;} .y799{bottom:862.251067pt;} .y387{bottom:862.367733pt;} .yb49{bottom:863.683508pt;} .y70e{bottom:864.693733pt;} .yb39{bottom:865.136267pt;} .y2c7{bottom:865.197067pt;} .y18b{bottom:866.519733pt;} .y47{bottom:866.539733pt;} .y120{bottom:866.555733pt;} .y15f{bottom:866.559733pt;} .y396{bottom:866.563733pt;} .y432{bottom:866.590267pt;} .y3e1{bottom:866.611733pt;} .y3ed{bottom:866.659733pt;} .y452{bottom:866.755733pt;} .y2e9{bottom:867.017467pt;} .y91a{bottom:867.312427pt;} .y267{bottom:867.696667pt;} .y21a{bottom:868.956667pt;} .y66e{bottom:869.172133pt;} .ya5b{bottom:870.079529pt;} .ya7e{bottom:870.944604pt;} .y39{bottom:871.278507pt;} .ybde{bottom:871.446267pt;} .yb2c{bottom:871.671333pt;} .yac0{bottom:871.933733pt;} .yb0a{bottom:871.939600pt;} .y6ee{bottom:872.056933pt;} .y927{bottom:872.247493pt;} .y2d6{bottom:873.317467pt;} .y370{bottom:873.697067pt;} .yaa1{bottom:873.788667pt;} .y22{bottom:874.043571pt;} .ya25{bottom:874.075277pt;} .y8dd{bottom:874.196427pt;} .yae5{bottom:874.558400pt;} .y944{bottom:874.704160pt;} .ya0c{bottom:874.845333pt;} .y365{bottom:874.957067pt;} .y952{bottom:874.963067pt;} .y997{bottom:875.137360pt;} .y798{bottom:875.584400pt;} .y98a{bottom:876.125360pt;} .y88b{bottom:876.165600pt;} .ya26{bottom:877.221559pt;} .y2c6{bottom:877.869067pt;} .y8eb{bottom:879.625493pt;} .y2e8{bottom:879.689467pt;} .y70d{bottom:880.893733pt;} .ybdd{bottom:880.949200pt;} .yb38{bottom:881.136267pt;} .y266{bottom:881.292667pt;} .y953{bottom:881.768835pt;} .y386{bottom:882.370400pt;} .yb96{bottom:882.519733pt;} .y46{bottom:882.535733pt;} .y11f{bottom:882.551733pt;} .y219{bottom:882.552667pt;} .y15e{bottom:882.555733pt;} .y395{bottom:882.559733pt;} .y3e0{bottom:882.607733pt;} .y3ec{bottom:882.655733pt;} .y451{bottom:882.751733pt;} .y8a4{bottom:883.295467pt;} .yb48{bottom:883.601431pt;} .y66d{bottom:885.372133pt;} .y6ed{bottom:885.390267pt;} .y2d5{bottom:885.989467pt;} .y431{bottom:886.592933pt;} .yb2b{bottom:887.671333pt;} .yabf{bottom:887.933733pt;} .yb09{bottom:887.939600pt;} .y919{bottom:888.687467pt;} .y797{bottom:888.917733pt;} .ya5a{bottom:889.081363pt;} .y36f{bottom:889.697067pt;} .y20b{bottom:890.095733pt;} .ybdc{bottom:890.452133pt;} .y9ac{bottom:890.523867pt;} .y2c5{bottom:890.541067pt;} .yae4{bottom:890.558400pt;} .y364{bottom:890.957067pt;} .ya86{bottom:891.982533pt;} .ya0b{bottom:892.181333pt;} .y2e7{bottom:892.361467pt;} .y926{bottom:893.622533pt;} .yaaf{bottom:894.863600pt;} .y265{bottom:894.888667pt;} .y8dc{bottom:895.571467pt;} .y943{bottom:896.079200pt;} .y218{bottom:896.148667pt;} .y996{bottom:896.512400pt;} .y70c{bottom:897.093733pt;} .yb37{bottom:897.136267pt;} .y989{bottom:897.500400pt;} .yb95{bottom:898.519733pt;} .y45{bottom:898.531733pt;} .y18a{bottom:898.543733pt;} .y11e{bottom:898.547733pt;} .y15d{bottom:898.551733pt;} .y394{bottom:898.555733pt;} .y3df{bottom:898.603733pt;} .y3eb{bottom:898.651733pt;} .y2d4{bottom:898.661467pt;} .y6ec{bottom:898.723600pt;} .y450{bottom:898.747733pt;} .y8ea{bottom:901.000533pt;} .y66c{bottom:901.572133pt;} .y796{bottom:902.251067pt;} .y385{bottom:902.373067pt;} .y2c4{bottom:903.213067pt;} .yb47{bottom:903.519354pt;} .yb2a{bottom:903.671333pt;} .yabe{bottom:903.933733pt;} .yb08{bottom:903.939600pt;} .y2e6{bottom:905.033467pt;} .ya85{bottom:906.183067pt;} .yae3{bottom:906.558400pt;} .ya59{bottom:908.083197pt;} .y264{bottom:908.484667pt;} .ya0a{bottom:909.517333pt;} .y9af{bottom:909.643200pt;} .y217{bottom:909.744667pt;} 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.yc81{bottom:926.567173pt;} .ya2d{bottom:926.679419pt;} .ya09{bottom:926.853333pt;} .ya7d{bottom:926.970235pt;} .ya58{bottom:927.085031pt;} .y8c2{bottom:927.734800pt;} .ya87{bottom:927.794000pt;} .y931{bottom:928.304133pt;} .y2c2{bottom:928.557067pt;} .y793{bottom:928.917733pt;} .y889{bottom:928.965600pt;} .yb36{bottom:929.136267pt;} .y70a{bottom:929.493733pt;} .y9a5{bottom:929.653867pt;} .y794{bottom:929.888400pt;} .y9aa{bottom:930.283867pt;} .y2e4{bottom:930.377467pt;} .yb93{bottom:930.519733pt;} .y43{bottom:930.523733pt;} .y188{bottom:930.535733pt;} .y11c{bottom:930.539733pt;} .y15b{bottom:930.543733pt;} .y392{bottom:930.547733pt;} .y3dd{bottom:930.595733pt;} .y3e9{bottom:930.643733pt;} .y44e{bottom:930.739733pt;} .y94f{bottom:933.613467pt;} .y66a{bottom:933.972133pt;} .y2d2{bottom:935.332800pt;} .yb29{bottom:935.671333pt;} .y262{bottom:935.676667pt;} .y9fa{bottom:935.765733pt;} .y993{bottom:935.832000pt;} .yabc{bottom:935.933733pt;} .yb06{bottom:935.939600pt;} 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.yb28{bottom:951.671333pt;} .yb05{bottom:951.939600pt;} .y2c0{bottom:953.901067pt;} .yae0{bottom:954.558400pt;} .y1{bottom:954.801067pt;} .y2e2{bottom:955.721467pt;} .y8b9{bottom:955.925333pt;} .ybaa{bottom:955.953867pt;} .ybab{bottom:955.954000pt;} .y708{bottom:957.292533pt;} .y9e4{bottom:957.576400pt;} .y951{bottom:957.629733pt;} .y667{bottom:957.748800pt;} .ya2b{bottom:957.950043pt;} .y6e7{bottom:958.211600pt;} .ya9f{bottom:958.232667pt;} .yc7f{bottom:958.771920pt;} .y9cd{bottom:958.864533pt;} .ya79{bottom:959.086667pt;} .ya9a{bottom:960.992667pt;} .y15{bottom:961.456000pt;} .ya07{bottom:961.525333pt;} .y9a4{bottom:962.310267pt;} .y382{bottom:962.381067pt;} .y9f8{bottom:962.432400pt;} .ybd2{bottom:962.519733pt;} .y186{bottom:962.527733pt;} .y11a{bottom:962.531733pt;} .y159{bottom:962.535733pt;} .y390{bottom:962.539733pt;} .y3db{bottom:962.587733pt;} .y3e7{bottom:962.635733pt;} .ya8c{bottom:962.725867pt;} .y44c{bottom:962.731733pt;} .y260{bottom:962.868667pt;} .y9a9{bottom:962.940267pt;} .yb44{bottom:963.279333pt;} .y923{bottom:963.721733pt;} .y213{bottom:964.128667pt;} .ya56{bottom:965.088699pt;} .y8c1{bottom:965.234800pt;} .ya83{bottom:965.488000pt;} .y930{bottom:965.804133pt;} .y2bf{bottom:966.573067pt;} .y430{bottom:967.223600pt;} .y2e1{bottom:968.393467pt;} .ya78{bottom:971.086667pt;} .y94e{bottom:971.113467pt;} .y9e3{bottom:972.244400pt;} .ya9e{bottom:972.896667pt;} .y992{bottom:973.332000pt;} .y7b8{bottom:973.340000pt;} .ya2a{bottom:973.585355pt;} .y888{bottom:974.078400pt;} .y9b9{bottom:974.361200pt;} .yc7e{bottom:974.874293pt;} .y8e5{bottom:975.190133pt;} .y9f7{bottom:975.765733pt;} .y6{bottom:975.943333pt;} .y8e8{bottom:976.034667pt;} .y25f{bottom:976.464667pt;} .y212{bottom:977.724667pt;} .y352{bottom:977.796667pt;} .yb34{bottom:977.863867pt;} .y9ee{bottom:978.420000pt;} .ybd1{bottom:978.519733pt;} .y184{bottom:978.523733pt;} .y119{bottom:978.527733pt;} .y158{bottom:978.531733pt;} .y38f{bottom:978.535733pt;} .y3da{bottom:978.583733pt;} .y3e6{bottom:978.631733pt;} .y44b{bottom:978.727733pt;} .ya06{bottom:978.861333pt;} .y34a{bottom:979.056667pt;} .y2be{bottom:979.245067pt;} .y185{bottom:979.615733pt;} .y887{bottom:979.873333pt;} .y2d0{bottom:981.021067pt;} .y2e0{bottom:981.065467pt;} .y6fc{bottom:982.260533pt;} .yad9{bottom:982.662000pt;} .ya7c{bottom:982.995867pt;} .ya77{bottom:983.086667pt;} .yb43{bottom:983.203600pt;} .ya95{bottom:984.057333pt;} .ya55{bottom:984.090533pt;} .yb24{bottom:984.398933pt;} .yafe{bottom:984.666933pt;} .y9a0{bottom:985.395200pt;} .y9e2{bottom:986.912400pt;} .ya99{bottom:987.659333pt;} .y0{bottom:988.966267pt;} .y9f6{bottom:989.099067pt;} .ya29{bottom:989.220667pt;} .y25e{bottom:990.060667pt;} .yc7d{bottom:990.976667pt;} .y9be{bottom:990.980267pt;} .y351{bottom:991.128667pt;} .y33b{bottom:991.128933pt;} .y9cc{bottom:991.131067pt;} .y211{bottom:991.320667pt;} .y2bd{bottom:991.917067pt;} .y9c8{bottom:991.970667pt;} .y349{bottom:992.388667pt;} 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.y99e{bottom:1064.997733pt;} .ya02{bottom:1065.952533pt;} .y9f2{bottom:1066.134133pt;} .y99f{bottom:1066.917600pt;} .ya23{bottom:1067.594533pt;} .ya97{bottom:1068.856800pt;} .yb3d{bottom:1075.896933pt;} .y90a{bottom:1078.084933pt;} .y933{bottom:1079.029733pt;} .y9ad{bottom:1080.781600pt;} .y9a6{bottom:1081.077867pt;} .y9b6{bottom:1081.078800pt;} .ya7b{bottom:1081.538133pt;} .y9b8{bottom:1081.726533pt;} .y9ae{bottom:1082.480267pt;} .y9a7{bottom:1082.776533pt;} .y9b7{bottom:1082.777467pt;} .ya01{bottom:1082.824533pt;} .y9f1{bottom:1083.006133pt;} .y155{bottom:1086.911333pt;} .y9c6{bottom:1087.379200pt;} .y152{bottom:1087.856400pt;} .yb21{bottom:1087.856800pt;} .yafb{bottom:1087.863333pt;} .y9c0{bottom:1088.986933pt;} .y4{bottom:1104.087467pt;} .y3{bottom:1114.754133pt;} .y10{bottom:1115.729067pt;} .yc86{bottom:1142.408000pt;} .h8e{height:4.897107pt;} .h90{height:5.512019pt;} .h99{height:8.302822pt;} .h8d{height:12.384844pt;} .h8f{height:12.408135pt;} .h98{height:12.454033pt;} 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.h91{height:285.546667pt;} .h96{height:285.549333pt;} .h88{height:285.550667pt;} .h1{height:296.888552pt;} .h21{height:1121.260000pt;} .h0{height:1122.520000pt;} .w3{width:0.000000pt;} .w2{width:159.182667pt;} .w9{width:223.029333pt;} .w7{width:223.093333pt;} .w8{width:223.094667pt;} .w5{width:313.348000pt;} .w4{width:319.232000pt;} .w1{width:463.416000pt;} .w6{width:782.192000pt;} .w0{width:793.701333pt;} .x7{left:-793.700800pt;} .x38{left:-755.124933pt;} .xd4{left:-753.070933pt;} .x39{left:-747.565867pt;} .x3f{left:-744.576180pt;} .x46{left:-740.787733pt;} .xd5{left:-735.158181pt;} .xd6{left:-727.214264pt;} .x53{left:-536.696295pt;} .x3e{left:-511.762751pt;} .x3b{left:-509.893867pt;} .x3a{left:-502.993867pt;} .x54{left:-388.758531pt;} .x3c{left:-265.765867pt;} .x3d{left:-258.157867pt;} .x48{left:-253.081467pt;} .xd7{left:-187.084267pt;} .x50{left:-161.140800pt;} .x3{left:-0.000133pt;} .x101{left:2.212400pt;} .xe4{left:5.754667pt;} .x9{left:6.848533pt;} .xc{left:10.240400pt;} .x81{left:30.236267pt;} .xa1{left:33.544533pt;} .xda{left:34.582667pt;} .x22{left:35.905467pt;} .x0{left:37.795200pt;} .x6{left:39.685067pt;} .x74{left:42.390133pt;} .x1{left:43.464533pt;} .x31{left:45.501467pt;} .xfa{left:46.810533pt;} .xfb{left:48.288400pt;} .x1d{left:49.820267pt;} .x4{left:51.121467pt;} .x40{left:52.913333pt;} .x71{left:54.005467pt;} .x5{left:55.373467pt;} .x4b{left:57.088396pt;} .x33{left:59.212667pt;} .x96{left:60.690533pt;} .x97{left:61.744267pt;} .x84{left:63.185333pt;} .x23{left:65.763733pt;} .x83{left:67.580000pt;} .xb8{left:68.665467pt;} .x4a{left:70.002798pt;} .xf7{left:72.569200pt;} .xdc{left:74.078800pt;} .x91{left:77.469867pt;} .xa7{left:78.806000pt;} .x95{left:80.115600pt;} .x49{left:84.381200pt;} .xa8{left:85.843333pt;} .xf1{left:89.948933pt;} .xf6{left:91.287333pt;} .xd8{left:92.995467pt;} .xed{left:95.876000pt;} .xfc{left:97.348400pt;} .xee{left:98.417733pt;} .x93{left:102.036800pt;} .xb5{left:104.221067pt;} .xb3{left:107.638933pt;} .x100{left:109.738933pt;} .xaf{left:116.905467pt;} .x4c{left:118.487593pt;} .xf4{left:120.624747pt;} .xae{left:122.005467pt;} .xc2{left:126.540667pt;} .xf3{left:128.624933pt;} .xea{left:130.112634pt;} .x4d{left:131.335119pt;} .xf9{left:134.400187pt;} .xf8{left:135.810427pt;} .xc0{left:137.250400pt;} .xef{left:139.690880pt;} .xc3{left:141.060267pt;} .x41{left:143.206704pt;} .xff{left:144.878013pt;} .xfd{left:145.983200pt;} .xbf{left:150.563299pt;} .xf5{left:155.193333pt;} .xf0{left:156.430933pt;} .xeb{left:160.691305pt;} .xa2{left:163.255333pt;} .xec{left:165.684800pt;} .xdb{left:174.236133pt;} .x61{left:182.344533pt;} .xa3{left:184.615333pt;} .xfe{left:187.034555pt;} .xf2{left:199.012667pt;} .x60{left:212.933067pt;} .x62{left:230.550414pt;} .xca{left:244.353600pt;} .x8c{left:247.078667pt;} .x85{left:248.686133pt;} .x8d{left:252.188000pt;} .x51{left:257.004505pt;} .x73{left:269.291333pt;} .x72{left:270.709733pt;} .x58{left:274.655867pt;} .x64{left:277.409698pt;} .xbb{left:278.808667pt;} .x7f{left:280.026667pt;} .x89{left:281.344800pt;} .x1e{left:282.740267pt;} .x37{left:283.806800pt;} .xbc{left:285.758000pt;} .x77{left:287.356667pt;} .x75{left:288.724667pt;} .x36{left:290.706800pt;} .x1f{left:293.696267pt;} .x5e{left:294.906000pt;} .xe5{left:296.103467pt;} .x76{left:300.328667pt;} .xbe{left:315.072667pt;} .x90{left:318.619600pt;} .xbd{left:323.347200pt;} .x98{left:328.963119pt;} .x8{left:330.285333pt;} .x9d{left:335.258800pt;} .x5b{left:338.854533pt;} .xe6{left:342.207067pt;} .xdd{left:347.713467pt;} .xaa{left:348.960267pt;} .x9b{left:351.738000pt;} .x2a{left:353.138533pt;} .x99{left:355.662673pt;} .x2b{left:358.190533pt;} .xb2{left:360.272000pt;} .x42{left:363.505292pt;} .x2e{left:365.378533pt;} .x2f{left:370.430533pt;} .x59{left:371.868562pt;} .xe{left:375.046800pt;} .x1c{left:380.725747pt;} .xd{left:385.133467pt;} .x19{left:387.814040pt;} .x1a{left:389.041933pt;} .x1b{left:390.827960pt;} .xba{left:393.045467pt;} .x78{left:394.972667pt;} .x17{left:399.227867pt;} .x18{left:400.511573pt;} .x52{left:404.942269pt;} .x28{left:407.041733pt;} .xcc{left:410.393733pt;} .x29{left:412.945733pt;} .xe2{left:420.895067pt;} .x86{left:430.866133pt;} .x63{left:432.124800pt;} .xe8{left:435.756267pt;} .x9a{left:438.425200pt;} .x8a{left:440.844133pt;} .x6c{left:444.023439pt;} .xe9{left:447.494133pt;} .x65{left:456.330267pt;} .xf{left:457.498000pt;} .x8b{left:462.238000pt;} .xcd{left:464.241333pt;} .x43{left:466.333381pt;} .xb1{left:476.976000pt;} .xce{left:480.353333pt;} .xc5{left:483.395333pt;} .xe7{left:486.618000pt;} .x2c{left:488.786533pt;} .x2d{left:493.838533pt;} .xb0{left:496.700933pt;} .x10{left:500.313880pt;} .x56{left:502.786848pt;} .x55{left:505.169467pt;} .x11{left:507.698068pt;} .xb4{left:512.550667pt;} .x87{left:515.264533pt;} .x67{left:523.707067pt;} .x8f{left:525.764000pt;} .x20{left:527.264267pt;} .x5f{left:528.966000pt;} .x6e{left:530.086933pt;} .x7c{left:533.032667pt;} .x32{left:534.909467pt;} .x21{left:538.724267pt;} .x34{left:540.887733pt;} .x79{left:544.372667pt;} .x30{left:545.906000pt;} .x12{left:553.616548pt;} .xa4{left:555.104533pt;} .x13{left:562.324512pt;} .x7d{left:564.042800pt;} .x14{left:565.193333pt;} .xab{left:574.429867pt;} .xe3{left:582.524133pt;} .x92{left:586.076267pt;} .x68{left:587.203600pt;} .x80{left:593.479467pt;} .x6a{left:596.224662pt;} .xcb{left:599.996400pt;} .xb{left:604.281333pt;} .xd3{left:606.616400pt;} .xb7{left:609.350000pt;} .xb9{left:611.280400pt;} .xa{left:614.521733pt;} .xc8{left:616.071067pt;} .xb6{left:617.649867pt;} .xa9{left:621.896667pt;} .x15{left:625.818000pt;} .xc6{left:627.950933pt;} .x16{left:631.530000pt;} .x4f{left:632.586393pt;} .xa6{left:635.099867pt;} .x9f{left:636.882643pt;} .xad{left:639.900533pt;} .x7e{left:641.190133pt;} .xe0{left:643.352400pt;} .x6f{left:645.226267pt;} .xa5{left:647.204000pt;} .x45{left:649.112620pt;} .xd1{left:652.798133pt;} .x7a{left:655.372667pt;} .xd0{left:657.360667pt;} .x7b{left:660.388667pt;} .x44{left:662.268991pt;} .x70{left:664.317067pt;} .xcf{left:668.655333pt;} .x26{left:672.000000pt;} .x82{left:673.076133pt;} .xe1{left:675.341429pt;} .x2{left:676.535467pt;} .x69{left:678.468905pt;} .x88{left:679.824133pt;} .x9c{left:686.140800pt;} .xc9{left:688.871067pt;} .x25{left:691.982133pt;} .xc1{left:693.382133pt;} .x24{left:696.526400pt;} .xc7{left:697.898400pt;} .x66{left:701.017067pt;} .x35{left:702.739867pt;} .xa0{left:704.355243pt;} .x57{left:705.619600pt;} .xde{left:708.079200pt;} .x94{left:709.301467pt;} .x6d{left:710.410533pt;} .xac{left:712.046267pt;} .x8e{left:713.934667pt;} .x5c{left:715.877333pt;} .x6b{left:718.401467pt;} .xc4{left:723.085333pt;} .x9e{left:725.613333pt;} .xdf{left:727.062000pt;} .x5a{left:737.294533pt;} .xd9{left:741.725067pt;} .xd2{left:743.346400pt;} .x5d{left:745.398800pt;} .x4e{left:747.129600pt;} .x47{left:748.815333pt;} .x27{left:750.533200pt;} }-
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Rok 2021
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Pracovní manuály
Work manual
Flying Knights in Australia
Aerial War in Ukraine
TEC - Don't whimper and print!
Flying Knights v Austrálii
Válka na Ukrajině
TEC - Nefňukat a tisknout!
Dear Friends, I just returned from Nuremberg. I left there in a rather gloomy mood, knowing that it was most likely my last time. I have always defended the Nuremberg Fair as a useful and beneficial event. But alas, its significance to our industry has steadily declined over the years, while the costs associated with participation in it have continuously done the opposite. Still, it has always brought us some benefit, despite of the expense involved.
P-40E Warhawk
The Curtiss P-40 line of fighter aircraft stood out among American fighter types for having remained in front-line operations from the summer of 1941, before the U.S. entered World War II, through the end of the conflict four years later. Only Grumman’s versatile F4F Wildcat naval fighter could match that record.
The MW 50 System as an Alternative to the GM-1
This technical discussion supplements the article describing the GM-1 system in the Messerschmitt Bf 109 in the November, 2024 newsletter. Even before World War II, Dr. Otto Lutz (1906-1974) came up with the idea of injecting nitrous oxide into an engine to increase performance. He later published (as late as 1942) a scientific paper on the subject "Über Leistungssteigerung von Flugmotoren durch Zugabe von Sauerstoffträgern", or roughly translated, ‘On increasing the performance of aircraft engines through the addition of oxygen compounds’.
Aerial War in Ukraine - A Russian missile shot down a civilian aircraft. Again...
The battles over Ukraine often involve friendly fire incidents. Russian air defense has already destroyed numerous Russian aircraft and helicopters. Similar incidents have occurred on the Ukrainian side. Several civilian aircraft have also been hit in Russia, though without fatal consequences—until now.
Here we go! The new P-40 is ON and in the past weeks it has already filled the kit shelves of many modelers. If you didn't manage to buy it in our pre-order promotion and therefore don't own it yet, I recommend you to browse the following pages, where I show different features the kit offers. And if you later decide to own the kit, it will be available for purchase from our worldwide distributors. And for those of you who already own this new kit, please read this article as well. You will discover things in your kit that you may not have noticed before.
Esem během jediného souboje
S legendárními stíhacími letouny Spitfire v průběhu 2. světové války bojovali a vítězili letci mnoha národností. Řada z nich se během válečných let stala leteckými esy, někteří z nich tohoto statusu docílilo během jednoho dne. Avšak na letounech Spitfire jen jeden pilot dokázal sestřelit pět letadel během jednoho souboje. Byl jím kanadský pilot F/Lt Richard Joseph „Dick“ Audet.
Ace in a Single Dogfight
During World War II, legendary Spitfire fighter planes were flown by pilots of many nationalities. Many of them fought and achieved victories, some became flying aces during the war, a few even earned this status in a single day. However, only one pilot flying a Spitfire managed to shoot down five aircraft in a single dogfight. That pilot was Canadian F/Lt Richard Joseph "Dick" Audet.
INFO Eduard is a monthly scale model-historical magazine published in Czech and English by Eduard Model Accessories since 2010. The magazine is available for free on the Triobo platform and can be downloaded in PDF format. Eduard is a manufacturer of plastic models and accessories with over 30 years of tradition. Throughout its history in the plastic modeling industry, Eduard has become one of the world's leaders. Further details about the company and its product range can be found at www.eduard.com. You can subscribe to the INFO magazine and receive product information for free at: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard je modelářsko-historický měsíčník, který od roku 2010 v českém a anglickém jazyce publikuje společnost Eduard Model Accessories. Magazín je dostupný zdarma na platformě Triobo a je možné jej stáhnout také v PDF verzi. Společnost Eduard je výrobcem plastikových modelů a doplňků s více než 30letou tradicí. Během svého působení v oboru plastikového modelářství se společnost Eduard zařadila mezi jeho světové lídry. Další podrobnosti o společnosti a jejím sortimentu najdete na www.eduard.com. Zde se můžete mimo jiné zdarma přihlásit k odebírání magazínu INFO a produktových informací: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard je modelářsko-historický měsíčník, který od roku 2010 v českém a anglickém jazyce publikuje společnost Eduard Model Accessories. Magazín je dostupný zdarma na platformě Triobo a je možné jej stáhnout také v PDF verzi. Společnost Eduard je výrobcem plastikových modelů a doplňků s více než 30letou tradicí. Během svého působení v oboru plastikového modelářství se společnost Eduard zařadila mezi jeho světové lídry. Další podrobnosti o společnosti a jejím sortimentu najdete na www.eduard.com. Zde se můžete mimo jiné zdarma přihlásit k odebírání magazínu INFO a produktových informací: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard is a monthly scale model-historical magazine published in Czech and English by Eduard Model Accessories since 2010. The magazine is available for free on the Triobo platform and can be downloaded in PDF format. Eduard is a manufacturer of plastic models and accessories with over 30 years of tradition. Throughout its history in the plastic modeling industry, Eduard has become one of the world's leaders. Further details about the company and its product range can be found at www.eduard.com. You can subscribe to the INFO magazine and receive product information for free at: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard je modelářsko-historický měsíčník, který od roku 2010 v českém a anglickém jazyce publikuje společnost Eduard Model Accessories. Magazín je dostupný zdarma na platformě Triobo a je možné jej stáhnout také v PDF verzi. Společnost Eduard je výrobcem plastikových modelů a doplňků s více než 30letou tradicí. Během svého působení v oboru plastikového modelářství se společnost Eduard zařadila mezi jeho světové lídry. Další podrobnosti o společnosti a jejím sortimentu najdete na www.eduard.com. Zde se můžete mimo jiné zdarma přihlásit k odebírání magazínu INFO a produktových informací: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard is a monthly scale model-historical magazine published in Czech and English by Eduard Model Accessories since 2010. The magazine is available for free on the Triobo platform and can be downloaded in PDF format. Eduard is a manufacturer of plastic models and accessories with over 30 years of tradition. Throughout its history in the plastic modeling industry, Eduard has become one of the world's leaders. Further details about the company and its product range can be found at www.eduard.com. You can subscribe to the INFO magazine and receive product information for free at: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard je modelářsko-historický měsíčník, který od roku 2010 v českém a anglickém jazyce publikuje společnost Eduard Model Accessories. Magazín je dostupný zdarma na platformě Triobo a je možné jej stáhnout také v PDF verzi. Společnost Eduard je výrobcem plastikových modelů a doplňků s více než 30letou tradicí. Během svého působení v oboru plastikového modelářství se společnost Eduard zařadila mezi jeho světové lídry. Další podrobnosti o společnosti a jejím sortimentu najdete na www.eduard.com. Zde se můžete mimo jiné zdarma přihlásit k odebírání magazínu INFO a produktových informací: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard is a monthly scale model-historical magazine published in Czech and English by Eduard Model Accessories since 2010. The magazine is available for free on the Triobo platform and can be downloaded in PDF format. Eduard is a manufacturer of plastic models and accessories with over 30 years of tradition. Throughout its history in the plastic modeling industry, Eduard has become one of the world's leaders. Further details about the company and its product range can be found at www.eduard.com. You can subscribe to the INFO magazine and receive product information for free at: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard je modelářsko-historický měsíčník, který od roku 2010 v českém a anglickém jazyce publikuje společnost Eduard Model Accessories. Magazín je dostupný zdarma na platformě Triobo a je možné jej stáhnout také v PDF verzi. Společnost Eduard je výrobcem plastikových modelů a doplňků s více než 30letou tradicí. Během svého působení v oboru plastikového modelářství se společnost Eduard zařadila mezi jeho světové lídry. Další podrobnosti o společnosti a jejím sortimentu najdete na www.eduard.com. Zde se můžete mimo jiné zdarma přihlásit k odebírání magazínu INFO a produktových informací: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard is a monthly scale model-historical magazine published in Czech and English by Eduard Model Accessories since 2010. The magazine is available for free on the Triobo platform and can be downloaded in PDF format. Eduard is a manufacturer of plastic models and accessories with over 30 years of tradition. Throughout its history in the plastic modeling industry, Eduard has become one of the world's leaders. Further details about the company and its product range can be found at www.eduard.com. You can subscribe to the INFO magazine and receive product information for free at: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard je modelářsko-historický měsíčník, který od roku 2010 v českém a anglickém jazyce publikuje společnost Eduard Model Accessories. Magazín je dostupný zdarma na platformě Triobo a je možné jej stáhnout také v PDF verzi. Společnost Eduard je výrobcem plastikových modelů a doplňků s více než 30letou tradicí. Během svého působení v oboru plastikového modelářství se společnost Eduard zařadila mezi jeho světové lídry. Další podrobnosti o společnosti a jejím sortimentu najdete na www.eduard.com. Zde se můžete mimo jiné zdarma přihlásit k odebírání magazínu INFO a produktových informací: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard is a monthly scale model-historical magazine published in Czech and English by Eduard Model Accessories since 2010. The magazine is available for free on the Triobo platform and can be downloaded in PDF format. Eduard is a manufacturer of plastic models and accessories with over 30 years of tradition. Throughout its history in the plastic modeling industry, Eduard has become one of the world's leaders. Further details about the company and its product range can be found at www.eduard.com. You can subscribe to the INFO magazine and receive product information for free at: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
09_Special E-Day/2024
Vážení přátelé, modeláři, hosté a návštěvníci E-daye, V dnešním krátkém mimořádném vydání Infa vás seznámíme s plánovaným programem letošního E-daye, který se koná v sobotu 28. září 2024 v hale muzea na Tankodromu Milovice. Výstava je jednodenní, ale jako obvykle bude výstavní hala otevřena, nejen pro vystavující modeláře, již v pátek od 17:00. Na pátek máme připravený malý program pro všechny časné příchozí. Tento podvečerní program má dva body. Prvním bude představení novinek Eduardu na rok 2025, které se bude opakovat i v sobotu. Druhým bodem bude beseda s Jiřím Šilhánkem, zakladatelem a majitelem firmy Special Hobby. Jiří je velká osobnost našeho oboru, který své podnikání rozjížděl dávno před všemi ostatními českými firmami, hluboko v osmdesátých letech. Jeho historky z dějin plastikového modelářství jsou neuvěřitelné a všem doporučuji si je poslechnout. Věřte mi, že to stojí za páteční cestu do Milovic!
INFO Eduard je modelářsko-historický měsíčník, který od roku 2010 v českém a anglickém jazyce publikuje společnost Eduard Model Accessories. Magazín je dostupný zdarma na platformě Triobo a je možné jej stáhnout také v PDF verzi. Společnost Eduard je výrobcem plastikových modelů a doplňků s více než 30letou tradicí. Během svého působení v oboru plastikového modelářství se společnost Eduard zařadila mezi jeho světové lídry. Další podrobnosti o společnosti a jejím sortimentu najdete na www.eduard.com. Zde se můžete mimo jiné zdarma přihlásit k odebírání magazínu INFO a produktových informací: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard is a monthly scale model-historical magazine published in Czech and English by Eduard Model Accessories since 2010. The magazine is available for free on the Triobo platform and can be downloaded in PDF format. Eduard is a manufacturer of plastic models and accessories with over 30 years of tradition. Throughout its history in the plastic modeling industry, Eduard has become one of the world's leaders. Further details about the company and its product range can be found at www.eduard.com. You can subscribe to the INFO magazine and receive product information for free at: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard je modelářsko-historický měsíčník, který od roku 2010 v českém a anglickém jazyce publikuje společnost Eduard Model Accessories. Magazín je dostupný zdarma na platformě Triobo a je možné jej stáhnout také v PDF verzi. Společnost Eduard je výrobcem plastikových modelů a doplňků s více než 30letou tradicí. Během svého působení v oboru plastikového modelářství se společnost Eduard zařadila mezi jeho světové lídry. Další podrobnosti o společnosti a jejím sortimentu najdete na www.eduard.com. Zde se můžete mimo jiné zdarma přihlásit k odebírání magazínu INFO a produktových informací: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard is a monthly scale model-historical magazine published in Czech and English by Eduard Model Accessories since 2010. The magazine is available for free on the Triobo platform and can be downloaded in PDF format. Eduard is a manufacturer of plastic models and accessories with over 30 years of tradition. Throughout its history in the plastic modeling industry, Eduard has become one of the world's leaders. Further details about the company and its product range can be found at www.eduard.com. You can subscribe to the INFO magazine and receive product information for free at: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard je modelářsko-historický měsíčník, který od roku 2010 v českém a anglickém jazyce publikuje společnost Eduard Model Accessories. Magazín je dostupný zdarma na platformě Triobo a je možné jej stáhnout také v PDF verzi. Společnost Eduard je výrobcem plastikových modelů a doplňků s více než 30letou tradicí. Během svého působení v oboru plastikového modelářství se společnost Eduard zařadila mezi jeho světové lídry. Další podrobnosti o společnosti a jejím sortimentu najdete na www.eduard.com. Zde se můžete mimo jiné zdarma přihlásit k odebírání magazínu INFO a produktových informací: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard is a monthly scale model-historical magazine published in Czech and English by Eduard Model Accessories since 2010. The magazine is available for free on the Triobo platform and can be downloaded in PDF format. Eduard is a manufacturer of plastic models and accessories with over 30 years of tradition. Throughout its history in the plastic modeling industry, Eduard has become one of the world's leaders. Further details about the company and its product range can be found at www.eduard.com. You can subscribe to the INFO magazine and receive product information for free at: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
06/2024 - Special
Vážení přátelé, dnešní mimořádné číslo Infa je věnováno mimořádné stavebnici, The Bloody Hundredth 1943/ B-17F 1:48. Tato stavebnice vydávaná v řadě LIMITED patří mezi položky, jejichž základem jsou výlisky nakoupené u spolupracujících firem. V tomto případě jde o výlisky firmy Hong Kong Models, HKM. Tentokrát jde ovšem spolupráce mezi našimi firmami dál, než je v podobných případech dodávek výlisků zvykem. Speciálně k této stavebnici jsme zkonstruovali konverzní rámeček s čirými díly, obsahující další verze přídí B-17F, než které obsahuje původní sestava dílů stavebnice HKM. Tento rámeček jsme zkonstruovali v Eduardu, pochopitelně s využitím konstrukce HKM, na kterou nové díly navazují. Forma na něj byla vyrobena firmou HKM v jejich čínské nástrojárně, výlisky byly vyrobeny tamtéž.
06/2024 Special EN
Dear Friends, Today's special issue of the newsletter is dedicated to an extraordinary kit, ‘The Bloody Hundredth 1943 / B-17F’ in 1:48th scale. This kit, released in the LIMITED edition line, falls under the group of items based on moldings purchased from partner companies. In this case, the plastic is supplied by Hong Kong Models, HKM. This time, however, the cooperation between our companies goes further than is customary in similar endeavors. Specifically for this kit, we have designed an additional set of clear parts that cover variations used on the B-17F nose that were not a part of the original HKM release. We designed the new parts to fit the HKM kit specifically. The mold for it was cut at HKM in their Chinese tool shop, and the parts are produced by them.
INFO Eduard je modelářsko-historický měsíčník, který od roku 2010 v českém a anglickém jazyce publikuje společnost Eduard Model Accessories. Magazín je dostupný zdarma na platformě Triobo a je možné jej stáhnout také v PDF verzi. Společnost Eduard je výrobcem plastikových modelů a doplňků s více než 30letou tradicí. Během svého působení v oboru plastikového modelářství se společnost Eduard zařadila mezi jeho světové lídry. Další podrobnosti o společnosti a jejím sortimentu najdete na www.eduard.com. Zde se můžete mimo jiné zdarma přihlásit k odebírání magazínu INFO a produktových informací: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard is a monthly scale model-historical magazine published in Czech and English by Eduard Model Accessories since 2010. The magazine is available for free on the Triobo platform and can be downloaded in PDF format. Eduard is a manufacturer of plastic models and accessories with over 30 years of tradition. Throughout its history in the plastic modeling industry, Eduard has become one of the world's leaders. Further details about the company and its product range can be found at www.eduard.com. You can subscribe to the INFO magazine and receive product information for free at: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard je modelářsko-historický měsíčník, který od roku 2010 v českém a anglickém jazyce publikuje společnost Eduard Model Accessories. Magazín je dostupný zdarma na platformě Triobo a je možné jej stáhnout také v PDF verzi. Společnost Eduard je výrobcem plastikových modelů a doplňků s více než 30letou tradicí. Během svého působení v oboru plastikového modelářství se společnost Eduard zařadila mezi jeho světové lídry. Další podrobnosti o společnosti a jejím sortimentu najdete na www.eduard.com. Zde se můžete mimo jiné zdarma přihlásit k odebírání magazínu INFO a produktových informací: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
INFO Eduard is a monthly scale model-historical magazine published in Czech and English by Eduard Model Accessories since 2010. The magazine is available for free on the Triobo platform and can be downloaded in PDF format. Eduard is a manufacturer of plastic models and accessories with over 30 years of tradition. Throughout its history in the plastic modeling industry, Eduard has become one of the world's leaders. Further details about the company and its product range can be found at www.eduard.com. You can subscribe to the INFO magazine and receive product information for free at: https://www.eduard.com/cs/info-eduard/
Dobrý večer, vážení přátelé! Máme za sebou hektický březen. Chápu, že vám to asi tak nepřijde, ale ona každá hospoda vypadá jinak z jídelny a jinak z kuchyně. Aby byl pohled z jídelny, tedy od vás zákazníků, pozitivní, nezbývá personálu v kuchyni, tedy nám, aby se pořádně oháněl.
Good evening, dear Friends, We've had a hectic March. I understand that it might not seem that way to you, but every bar looks different from the dining room than it does from the kitchen. In order for the view from the dining room, in other words, from you, the customers, to be positive, the staff in the kitchen (us), has little choice but to be very busy. So, hectic is good.
Určitě nejsem sám, komu se pravidelně stává, že se jeho předpoklady a představy o průběhu nějaké události nenaplní a výsledek je zcela opačný, než jaká byla očekávání s onou událostí spojená. Mě se to naposledy stalo před měsícem v Norimberku. Co jsem od veletrhu čekal, si jistě pamatujete z minulého úvodníku. Z mé skeptické předpovědi nevyšlo prakticky nic. Ne že by se už veletrh vrátil tam, kde byl za starých časů před covidovými lockdowny, ale byl výrazně živější, zajímavější a ve svém výsledku zábavnější a užitečnější, než bych si troufl očekávat. Troufnu si dokonce tipnout, že podobný názor má víc vystavovatelů. Mimo jiné se opakovala situace z loňska, že rozhovory a setkání byla daleko vřelejší, přátelštější a otevřenější, než kdykoli v minulosti. Možná je to jen můj pocit, ale přijde mi, že jsme se navzájem zase rádi viděli, v mnoha případech i po několika letech. V takových případech si uvědomíte, jak vám ti lidé, které jste vídal tak nějak samozřejmě a nepřišlo vám na tom nic zvláštního, přirostli k srdci a jak vám chyběli. Pak se tak hovory víc otevřou, a to je fajn.
I know I’m not alone, when a concept and its associated assumptions turn out exactly opposite to what the expected outcome was. The last time it happened to me was a month ago in Nuremberg.
Jak na plasty II
Mnoho méně zkušených modelářů má velkou fobii z řezání do plastů nebo z většího ztenčování plastových dílů pro zástavbu doplňkových sad. V tomto díle bych chtěl čtenářům představit, že tyto pokročilejší modelářské činnosti nejsou nic těžkého a s využitím vhodných nástrojů a pomůcek se dá snadno dobrat k potřebným úpravám. Prakticky všechny větší brassinové sady po modeláři vyžadují, aby podobné úpravy při jejich zástavbách provedl. Pokud se někteří modeláři obávají doplňkové sady kupovat právě kvůli zmíněným úpravám, chtěl bych jim ukázat, že to s trochou praxe zvládnou i oni. V článku demonstruji přípravu křídla P-51B/C 1/48 pro zástavbu brassinové sady zbraňových šachet. Představím dvě metody – za pomocí pouze základních modelářských nástrojů a poté s pomocí jemné vrtačky a frézky od firmy Proxxon.
How work with Plastic II
Many less experienced modelers often feel apprehensive about cutting into plastic or thinning parts to accommodate additional detailing or conversion sets. In this section, I want to reassure readers that these more advanced modeling techniques are not difficult and that, with the right tools, achieving the necessary modifications is quite manageable. Most larger Brassin sets require modelers to make similar adjustments to their builds. For those hesitant to purchase aftermarket sets due to this process, I aim to show that, with a bit of practice, anyone can master it. In this article, I will demonstrate how to prepare a 1/48 P-51B/C wing for the Brassin gun bay set. I will present two methods: one using only basic modeling tools, and the other employing a motorized Proxxon tool.
Jak na plasty
V tomto článku o pracovních postupech bych se chtěl věnovat těm nejzákladnějším modelářským postupům a technikám a demonstrovat nářadí, které mi pomáhá při rutinních činnostech, které by měl každý modelář zvládat. K této demonstraci jsem si vybral nový model P-51B/C 1/48, který má spoustu vychytávek pro jednoduché lepení modelu, například spodní vtoky u dílů, což především začátečníkům velmi usnadní práci. Pro zkušené modeláře se bude na první pohled nejspíš jednat o zbytečnou spotřebu digitálního papíru, ovšem přečtení doporučuji i jim. Opakování je totiž matka moudrosti!
How to Work with Plastic?
In this workflow article, I will cover the most basic modeling procedures and techniques, presenting the tools that help with usual activities every modeler should master. For this demonstration, I've chosen the new P-51B/C 1/48 scale kit, which includes several features for easy assembly, such as the parts being connected to the sprues from the bottom, making it especially beginner-friendly.
Step by Step P-51B 1/48
Stavební postup k P-51B 1/48.
Step by Step P-51B 1/48
Step by Step for P-51B 1/48.
Jak na 3D tisky
Poslední roky se v modelářství stále více rozmáhá využití 3D tisku, a to převážně pro výrobu doplňků. I v Eduardu jsme se před několika lety rozhodli pustit do této technologie, která z velké části vytlačila klasickou výrobu Brassinů, tedy metodu odlévání. Dnes přímým tiskem vyrábíme již okolo 80 % produkce Brassinů.
How to Work with 3D Prints in Modeling
In recent years, 3D printing has gained widespread popularity in the modeling industry, particularly for accessory production. A few years ago Eduard, too, embraced this technology, gradually replacing traditional casting methods with direct printing, constituting approximately 80% of our Brassin production.
Jak na obtisky Eduard
How to apply Eduard decals
Jak na Space ?
Exploring Space
Nové masky od Eduard
New masks by Eduard
Práce s Eddie the Riveter
Work with Eddie the Riveter
Práce s fotolepty část I
How to Work with PE-Set part I
Práce s fotolepty část II
How to Work with PE-Set part II
Jak sestavit tištěné klapy
How to build printed landing flaps
Step by Step Kurfürst
Step by Step Kurfürst
Step by Step motor F4F-4
Step by Step engine F4F-4
Dobrý den, vážení přátelé! Dnešní úvodník píši zase po roce v Norimberku. Letošní Spielenwarenmesse začal v úterý, dnes jsme přesně v polovině, veletrh končí v sobotu. Pořadatelé se s německou houževnatostí drží pěti dnů trvání akce, čímž jdou většině účastníků pěkně na nervy. Je to sice lepší než šest dnů, které na nás zkoušeli dříve, ale stále je to nejméně o den víc, než tu chceme a potřebujeme být. Z hlediska účasti firem je veletrh letos určitě lepší než loni, ale pokud jde o návštěvníky, obchodníky a žurnalisty, tak je situace víceméně stále bídná. Panuje tu klid. Klid je někdy fajn, ale na veletrhu je klid asi tak to poslední, co na něm chce vystavovatel zažít. Možná se to zítra a pozítří změní a veletrh ožije, ale žádné indicie k tomu nemáme. Tak začínáme uvažovat o odboji. Jak to dopadlo vám napíšu v příštím úvodníku.
Good day, Dear Friends After a year, I am writing today's editorial once again from Nuremberg. This year's Spielenwarenmesse started on Tuesday, and today, we are exactly at the halfway point, as the fair ends on Saturday. With German tenacity, the organizers are sticking with the five-day duration of the event, which gets on the nerves of most participants.
Vítejte v novém roce, vážení přátelé, vítejte u tříkrálového Infa! Lednové novinky jsou již bezmála tři týdny v prodeji, předpokládám tedy, že jste s nimi již zevrubně seznámeni a mnozí je již máte doma. Přesto musím zmínit, že z mého pohledu začínáme letošní rok pěkně zostra. Při prvním pohledu na čtvrtkového Albatrosa D.III to tak možná nevypadá, ale i on byl svého času vrcholovým predátorem válečného nebe a stavebnice přináší vrcholný mix příběhů a osudů jeho pilotů i jejich soupeřů tak, jak je u nás dobrým zvykem. Měli jsme také více než dobrý důvod si toto téma oživit, jak se za chvíli dočtete.
Welcome to the New Year! January’s new releases have been on sale for almost three weeks now, so I assume that you are already thoroughly familiar with them and many of you already have them in your posession. Nevertheless, I have to mention that, from my point of view, we are starting this year off with a bit of a bang. A first glance at the 48th scale Albatros D.III may not indicate this, but it too was once the top predator in a sky dominated by war clouds, and this kit offers a superb mix of stories and fates of its pilots and their opponents, as is our custom to uncover over the course of a kit’s development. We also had more than good reason to revive this topic, as you are about to find out.
Dobrý den, vážení přátelé! Po tříleté přestávce jsme se letos opět vypravili do Telfordu, a je dobře, že jsme se odhodlali tam jet. Přeci jen je Británie kolébkou našeho byznysu, výstava v Telfordu je největší výstavou v našem oboru a chybět na ní by byla chyba. V příštím roce budeme na výstavy vyrážet dál. Na přelomu ledna a února začneme tradičně v Norimberku. Pevně doufám, že tam letos potkáme víc kolegů z jiných firem i víc obchodníků a novinářů než loni. Přiznám se, že jsem trochu napjatý. Podle účasti firem v Norimberku můžeme posuzovat nakolik se svět vrací do normálu a všichni bychom byli určitě rádi za zjištění, že tomu tak je a svět se do normálu opravdu vrací.
Good day, Dear Friends, After a three-year break, we made a return to Telford, and it was a triumphant return at that! After all, Britain is the cradle of our business, and the Telford event is the biggest exhibition in our field and it would be a mistake to miss it. Our plan is to continue attending such events, beginning with Nuremberg in January/February.
Dobrý den, vážení přátelé! S listopadovými novinkami jsme na tom stejně jako s říjnovými, také už jsou druhý týden v prodeji, a tak už je přinejmenším velká část čtenářů Infa zná, pokud už je rovnou nemá doma. Někteří už je dokonce lepí, a ano, jsou i tací, kteří už je mají dokonce postavené. To ovšem není v případě Bf 109 G-2 nebo G-4, obsahu té nej nej nej dvaasedmdesátinové novinky, nic složitého.
Good Day, Dear Friends We find ourselves in the same situation with November’s new releases as we did with the October ones, in that they also have been available for purchase a couple of weeks ahead of the newsletter announcement, meaning that they will already be known to a large percentage of readers and perhaps even in their possession.
Dobrý den, vážení přátelé, vítám vás u zvláštního vydání Infa, věnovaného 21. ročníku E-Daye, konanému 23. září letošního roku na Tankodromu Milovice. Po necelém měsíci ji vy, kdo jste v Milovicích byli, máte ještě v živé paměti, ale věříme, že si ji díky dnešnímu Speciálu Infa znovu rádi připomenete. A ti, kdo tam s námi nebyli, se mohou inspirovat k návštěvě E-Daye příští rok. Bude se konat opět v Milovicích 28. září 2024.
Good day, Dear Friends Welcome to our special edition of the newsletter dedicated to the 21st installment of E-Day, held on September 23rd of this year at the Milovice Tankodrom museum. After less than a month, those of you who were in Milovice still remember it vividly, but I believe that thanks to today's newsletter special, you won’t mind being reminded. And those who were not there with us can be inspired to visit E-day next year. It will be held again in Milovice on September 28, 2024.
Jak se vám líbilo na E-dayi? Nebojte se, nehodlám dnes důkladně popisovat tamní dění, tomu se bude věnovat Speciál Infa, připravovaný na druhý týden v říjnu. V dnešním čísle ovšem najdete alespoň základní fotogalerii. Letošní druhý ročník E-Daye v Milovicích potvrdil potenciál areálu Tankodromu pro akci tohoto typu. Můžeme tedy ladit a vymýšlet další body programu, hodící se do našeho konceptu modelářské výstavy.
How did you like E-Day? Don’t worry, I’m not going to take up precious real estate thoroughly describing the event today, since that will be covered in a Special Edition of our newsletter, slated to come out the second week of October. However, in today’s issue you will find a basic photo gallery of what was there. This year, the second to be held in Milovice, confirmed the potential of the Tankodrom for an event of this type. With that, we can continue to evolve and develop the program to satisfy the concept that goes hand in hand with the venue.
Informace o výstavě E-Day 2023 a soutěži Czech Model Masters – program, instrukce pro dopravu, seznam prodejců a mnoho dalšího
Vážení přátelé, Jsme zpět z Texasu, v pilné práci na dalších projektech. Jak jsem zmiňoval v minulém úvodníku, jedním z účelů naší cesty, kromě obvyklé reprezentace na dnes již opět pravidelné IPMS USA National Convention, byl i průzkum a dokumentace zachovalých exemplářů P-40 Warhawk.
Dear Friends, We’re back from Texas, hard at work on upcoming projects. As I mentioned in the last editorial, one of the purposes of our trip, in addition to our usual participation at the IPMS USA National convention, was to have a good, close up look at several P-40 examples.
Vážení přátelé, vítám vás u srpnového Infa a zdravím z texaského Corpus Christi, kudy s kolegy projíždíme na cestě do San Marcos na tradiční letní IPMS USA Nats. Budeme v Texasu dva týdny, po Nats se přesuneme na sever do Dallasu, kde je naším hlavním plánem studium tří exemplářů P-40 Warhawk. Chceme si ověřit nějaké detaily a průběhy křivek a případně si nějaké pasáže naskenovat.
Dear Friends Welcome to the August edition of our newsletter and greetings from Corpus Christi, Texas, where my colleagues and I are passing through on our way to San Marcos for the traditional summer IPMS USA Nats. We will be in Texas for two weeks, after the Nats we will move north to Dallas where our main goal is to study three P-40 Warhawks.
Dobrý den, vážení přátelé! Ještě před koncem první poloviny letošního roku jsme stihli přestěhovat do nového areálu v Sedleci balení modelů. To nám významně zjednodušilo logistiku, protože dosud jsme výlisky vozili z Obrnic do Mostu, kde jsme stavebnice zabalili a odvezli je do skladu obchodního oddělení v Sedleci. Ta místa od sebe nejsou daleko, je to v řádu jednotek kilometrů, ale i tak jsme se dost najezdili. Teď dělí balení modelů a sklad obchodního oddělení jedna stěna a dvoje dveře, sklad výlisků je přes dvůr.
Hello, dear friends! Even before the end of the first half of this year, we managed to move our model packaging operation to our new facility in Sedlec. This significantly simplifies our logistics, because until now, we would typically move the plastic pressings from Obrnice to Most, where they would be packed into kits, and then transported them to our warehouse and sales department in Sedlec.
Dobrý den, vážení přátelé, mezi 84 novinkami připravenými pro červen vyčnívá dvaasedmdesátinová limitka s názvem Wunderschöne neue Maschinen. Těmi báječnými novými stroji jsou Messerschmitty Bf 109 F, které při svém zavedení do výzbroje německé Luftwaffe na začátku roku 1941 přinesly nárůst výkonů a kvality německého stíhacího letectva.
Good day, Dear Friends Among the 84 new items being released for June, the 72nd Limited Edition kit dubbed “Wunderschöne neue Maschinen” stands out. This “Wonderful New Machines” kit centres around the Messerschmitt Bf 109F, which, when introduced into the arsenal of the Luftwaffe at the beginning of 1941, brought an increase in the performance and quality of German fighters committed to aerial combat.
Dobrý den, vážení přátelé! Na začátku května se soutěžní sezóna pěkně rozjíždí. Máme za sebou tradiční Mošoň, v sobotu se koná Kit show v Kopřivnici, a tak je čas říci si také něco o letošním E-dayi. E-day 2023 se koná v sobotu 23. září na Tankodromu v Milovicích. Pojedeme podle stejného schématu jako vloni, tedy se začátkem pro vystavující modeláře v pátek odpoledne, a to včetně podvečerního programu.
Good Day, Dear Friends We are at the beginning of May, and so the competition season is revving up nicely. We have just had the traditional Moson event and the Kit Show takes place in Kopřivnice on Saturday, so it´s a good time to talk about this year´s E-day. E-day 2023 takes place on Saturday, September 23 at the Tankodrom in Milovice and we will be following the same scheme as last year, meaning that exhibiting modelers begin on Friday afternoon and will include the early evening program.
Dobrý večer, vážení přátelé! Máme přestěhované obchodní oddělení. K včerejšímu dni jsme tak definitivně ukončili naši činnost v areálu Rico, kde obchodní oddělení a také oddělení kompletace stavebnic sídlilo od června roku 2019. A kde také v prosinci 2020 vyhořel sklad výlisků pro stavebnice. Přiznám se, že jsem po požáru doufal v rychlejší přestěhování do nějakých nových prostor. Hned na jaře a v létě 2020 jsme začali připravovat stavbu nové haly, ale turbulentní situace na stavebním trhu v roce 2021 nám tento záměr zhatila. Na podzim 2021 jsme začali jednat o koupi staršího areálu v Sedleci, sousední vesnici vzdálené asi pět kilometrů od Obrnic.
Good evening, Dear Friends We have completed our retail department move. As of yesterday, we have vacated the facility in Most that since June, 2019, has served as our main retail headquarters as well as the facility that served as final kit packaging. It’s also the facility in which we lost a lot of the plastic for our kits when a fire broke out in December 2020. I admit to having hoped for an earlier move to a new facility after that fire. Immediately in the spring and summer of 2020, we prepared for a new-build facility, but that was ultimately quelled by the turbulent supply issues in the construction industry.
Dobrý den, dámy a pánové! Máme zavřeno. Dnes představované březnové novinky si sice můžete prohlédnout a prostudovat jak na následujících stránkách, tak na našem e-shopu, ale nekoupíte je tam. Chápu, zní to šíleně. Nejde ale o žádný rafinovaný marketingový tah, prostě se stěhujeme. Přesně řečeno, stěhujeme obchodní oddělení. To je také důvod, proč v následujících sedmi dnech nebude možné objednávat na e-shopu. Jak jste ale jistě zaznamenali, bylo na druhou stranu možné tyto novinky nakoupit již od minulého pátku, rovněž tak jsou již k dispozici u našich obchodních partnerů.
Good day, Ladies and Gentlemen, We’re closed. Although you are certainly able to view and study our March release listing within these pages or at our e-shop, any purchases will have to be postponed. I understand that this sounds a little nuts, but it is not the result of some underhanded marketing ploy. It is a function of the fact that we are moving our entire retail department. It is also the reason why no sales will be going through our e-shop for the next seven days. As you will have probably already noted, the new items were available for early purchase from last Friday, and they will be available from our retail partners as well.
Vážení přátelé, vítejte u únorového Infa! Dnes začíná Norimberský veletrh hraček (Nuremberg Toy Fair). Po dvouleté přestávce se vracíme do Norimberku a, nebudete tomu věřit, vůbec netušíme, co nás tam čeká.
Dear Friends, Welcome to the February Newsletter! The Nuremberg Toy Fair started yesterday. After a two year hiatus, we are coming back to Nuremberg, and as hard as it may be to believe, we have no idea of what to expect
Vážení přátelé, milí modeláři, vítejte u prvního Infa roku 2023. V lednovém čísle vás tradičně seznamuji s projekty připravenými na aktuální rok. Ani letos tomu nebude jinak, takže se do toho seznamování pustíme rovnou bez zbytečných řečí kolem. Začneme lednem, jehož novinky jsou v prodeji na našem e-shopu již od minulého týdne.
Dear Friends and Fellow Modellers, Welcome to the first newsletter of 2023. The January issue traditionally introduces our planned projects for the year. This year will be no different, so we’ll waste no time and get right down to the nitty gritty. We’ll start off with January, new releases for which are already available from our e-shop and have been since last week.
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